The Straits Times, 23 June 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 21,467 SINGAPORE.. iIIURSDAY. JUNE 28. 1904 PRICE 15 CERTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 715 1 NOTICE^ OOVKRNMEWfIIOTIFICATION. Tenders will bo received nt the Colonial Secretirj-'s Office up to noon on the i'4lh June 'KM fir the toll'wine works:— 1. Election of quarters for the Government Vete'inary Surgeon. •J Erection of quarters for the Port Henlth Officer. 3 Erection of an Engine Room for Co"rfen»ini; Hints
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    • 803 1 NOTICES. NOTICE. Ibi- liuxiret* of Ek Leoug Chnn Co. carried ou in copartner-hip by Tio Qiw Leong (the uridemgoed) and lin Q>if>c Ban at "JI South Canal Kond, Singapore' has been <1i»so ved as and from HM i-Ub day i f June 19U3, and from tbat day will ceaee to
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    • 698 1 NOTICES. Caledonian Hotel. 77 Brass Bass ah Road Six .New Billmrd Jahles Excellent Cuisine. Splendid large well furnished t**d l^Hf, wi'h bathroom* attached. (Charges Moderate) .Spirits, alei-. mi I hteis ot the v^ry best qnality I. T. M. CONNOLLV M'IM<ML 1 June t> -M-'l* THE TANJON6 PA6AR DOCK COMPANY. LIMITED
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    • 707 1 AUCTION SALfcS. AUCHON B\LK Of VAI.I/ABIK TKAK FURNITURE, HIND'M.M Hi DINNER SERVI X, GLASSWARE I Ac AL-0 A CHOICK COLLECIION OF PLANIfI T«e PittrEßiv ok (\rr. H. ClausivT«Lht held at N«. M 6 Institution Hill. River V>llev Road. WmJjatunloij, Ind Jvly IK>4, at 2 p.m. A"h»u»o-"i:.< I i-,t\ -I fak
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    • 186 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. JOSEPHiSILLBfrS^^ "GRAND PRIX." PARIS. 1900, I*% f* LaUl #fc Of HighMtqsaHty and h»vin<( OrenUsV Durability, v* therefor, V I OHfAPESJ. M_ ■■■WW John Little Co., LtdJ Gents' Boot I fl Bk Shoe B Bp^k>L ment S« ocks of the! Best Smart -I vl H^J^P es nio6tl SHh up-to-date
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  • Special Telegrams to the "Straits Times."
    • 46 2 SET-BACK FOR THE TIMES. The Halmn Wireless Telegraph boat Excluded from War Zone. Shanghai, 22nd Jtmt, The Japanese Government having refused to permit the Times correspon'iMii's wireless telegraph steamship Haimun to enter within the z >ne of operations, the wireless installation at vVeihaiwei has been dismantled
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    • 67 2 Five of them Reported by Fuller as Ready for Action. Mr. Fuller, tno hMmmftKt I I correspondent who visited Port Arthur reports that thn Russian battleship* I'uUiivn, Sevastopol, f'en^riet, I'vbi/ia and fleti-izan which were damaged h> t «c Japanese at Port Arthur, have ill been repaired,
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    • 34 2 One Floating in the Track of Shanghai- Newchwang Steamships. The captain of the s.s Fawan. repurtiiassing an apparently new mintfloating in the direct track of vessel running between Shanghai ano N'ewcbwang.
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    • 35 2 Chinese Magistrates Dismissed for permitting Enlistment ol Brigands. The Chinese magistrates at Ching c iow and Yichow have bren dismissed for allowing Jipaneso agents then- to enlis'. hr'aands t.o h^rrv the Uii«"iMi)'<
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  • Reuter's Extra Service.
    • 194 2 LM ba, S-rd /MM. 'jeueral !\'ir yatkin telegraphs thai the Japane? c :>rv ev..i- i tti u« Surr.aUu and jtber poiuts to the northward o Fenguuang client, l>ut are moving ii f>rce in'the direetiin of Siuyen, Haichenp, and Tashic! n Renter's correspondent at Tokye state* that the
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    • 34 2 Off to the Piraeus. The orders recently given to tl c American squadron at Lisbon to pri ceed to Tangier have been 'o inter mar.ded. The squadron will proceed to Ua Piraeus.
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    • 29 2 Mr. Br.idrick hi* estimated tbe ex penditure ol the Th b«t expedition u| 'o st March at f3CH,f>oO. The expenditure since has beei i' 50,000 per month.
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    • 21 2 The remaining £5,000 (KH) of in. Transvaal L)iv«lopra u r* L >an has beer i-Bued in lymlnn f 97£
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 18 2 London, 22<irf June Tbe firat ***** of 300 coolies lef Durban for the Rand.
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    • 38 2 The Repuhiici" National Convention meets at Chicago to-day The nomination of President Rooi-eveli i« absolutely certain Senator Fairbanks will be nominated v>re- president. There it consequently none of th> Mill excitement about the no ninations.
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    • 24 2 Thp Tkhf and T^arevi'ch along with gfi' eral of the GntDri Dukes afen<ipd 'he funeral of G ivernor Bobrikoff who was assassinated.
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    • 24 2 General H'ackelburs reports that tbe J<tnnrpM havn not advnnreri rx>< ord Wtfengkau, but are extendii gon the front between Wafengkau and Fuchau.
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  • 1623 2 On to Hurt Arih-r. Tho following dit i i.utlr ni South Hill on iii Perl Arthur WIN itctiviii .n the JapMM* lleadquartirs on M.iy 38th A previous ly planned, the Japawew form attackwl the enemy at South Hill early <m tli« morning of the 26th. The dofensiw
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 401 2 NOTICE!:. LJ M HUH ■^^^B ■p« t' B^am -^bJb Ha^ m^M aC^^l TWa^aV ft U W a^TaV bhbb^bl A MmamJl Olilß^avattul^Bl ■bhb^bl Q QO3NELL-9 LATEST I H B Macdohaid&Muirl Ask p st Ft r~° LE i'm-n TAKE H0 OTHER MM l B I |f| i^^UJj^Jp' Chtng Co.. Teng Ouec Co.,
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  • 255 6 L IST OF PASSENGERS. Fjr Singapore i'.-r I A k. s. VoarWia, ooune-tiny vith the steamer tlallnni I'o nmiii from Mjiv .'7 due 26th June— Mr and Mr. Lanattell. Mr. T«\ln r Mr. D. S. Richard* !Vr i. «V O s. Borneo froti) I.on<lon Vh\ H dv- i-t July
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  • 580 6 Japanese Outlay. The expenditure caused by the war 1* gradually increasing as the theatre of operations extends. The latest inve.sti gaiion shows that the total amrimt defrayed from the outset is yen. 130,000,000, which lias been raised by temporary loans, the issue of bonds, ana Ihc appropriation of
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  • 149 6 It is announced in Bt. Petarabori tliat the Tsar has ordered General Stoessel that in the event of the capture ot I'urt Arthur he munt destroy all the fort* and baiMiaga m well as Ihe w-ir>hip?, and must endeavour to reach Vladivostock. Failing to escape General tftoWMl is
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  • 18 6 N. D. L IVr /.itiii, JTili .Inn.' Mi A. TOB Mn-liikl. Mr. ;.n.l Mm. RumL
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  • 18 6 SUPPnra advertisements, with date.if sailing etc., will be found on page General shjppinp news is printed od pageS.
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  • 35 6 Thk V.M l.'.A hi.s juHt opened a home at Alexandra Building (Hongkong). I' is felt that the title will check success :i nci that Vnin^ Men's listi'ute would MIC 1 t«i(f the M'linhpr of iii.-nih-rs
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 10 6 IS 1 lIKADACHE CURE, h' StKirn<' and you get tine
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    • 13 6 ZYMOLE TOOTH POWDER, a per feet antiseptic dentrifice, cleanses aar' preserves tne teeth
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    • 620 6 NOTICES. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION, j EXPERIMENTAL RI'RBER TAPPING w»rte.l Cl rle (Out. loir) to awUi for iiimit six non'ha SHlarv f "0 per n en«em with unfurn -hrd ■juartpri*. Aprly to Director. B itanieal (Jar-den*. Oolnnial Secretary's Office, Singapore, 17ta" June, 191)4. June '7 80-6 1 sINGAPORK AND KKANJI RAILWAY Wanted
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    • 445 6 NOTICES. iRIGAUD'S Kanaaga OF JAPAN TOILET WATER Rigaud's K manga Wat»r has the iwtct perfume of the Kananga I lower of Japan fid a soothing aud coolinf action on the skin, i. relieves mosquito bitet, tcr perspiration. RIGAUD &C PERFUMERS a, m* viTienn*. Parii-Frmmf a>t lailtalAMßßl These CAPSULES cure recent
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    • 636 6 NOTICES. r» HK LSI Horn* No. 11. Road und nl-r. No. '-'-1 W ilkin RmH moh to a. s Shj^ker, 1 Mafcwn N June •-> I i O JrE LET: entry at once, compoum 1 hou'e No. 'I-.' Beouoolen -<trv,.t pply to Gutbrift A Co. Ltd., Agents. F I. I
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    • 672 6 SHIPPINQ IMDO-OHIHA STEAM MAVIUATIOW COMPANY, LIMITED. FOR PENANG AND CALCUTTA. The Company's steamer I.AI SAJfG i.159 ton-, Captain ladd. having J»ft Hongkong on the 16th instant, may be expected to arrive here on or about the >rd id- m and will hare prompt de-patch for the above ports. For freight
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  • 942 4 Sinck the outbreak of tbe war, thtwholH world has never been so deep!) iuterosted in tbe great strupgl**, thi (THving for news ii.-n never berii vo keen, as it it just now, witli the Japanese within Bfty miles f Muk<len, and
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  • 627 4 Ihk announcement that the Times wireless telegraph steamer Haimun bar been ruled uffihe scene of operation* by the J i|> <nese Government, and tha consequently the Tinw's wirele*> installation at Wei-hai-wei has beei liioin m;|.d. is sad news fur tin purveyor of information to tin pubh it seems to presage
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  • 957 4 Apk<)P)B of the troubles of tip limes, we have received no special account of the battle of Nansimn or South Hill, which inns' line heen one of the most spectaculu Gun's of modern lisas*. This de«pite •he fact that the Btr>its lime* is wei! equipped so far a-t concerns the
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  • 88 4 At the meeting of the LegicI tive Council m thn Ist July, the H m Tan Jiak Kirn will five n tice of the following question Whether tb« Government io aware ■hut the action of the Tr«n«vaal (i"v-ernm*-nt in recruiting Chinese labour in South China, whence the whole of •he
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  • 17 4 A Cau'utta St'itetman t special London cablegram states that the Gov[emmen' is appointing a Minister of Commerce.
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  • 7 4 To-day's bank 4/rn rate is 1/11 A
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  • 7 4 The Straits Budget was published this mining.
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  • 11 4 The homew.Kf v. an closes at 6 a m. I to-morrow.
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  • 23 4 Races trill be >>eld at Mfd a n (Deli) on the 12th, 14 h. r.nd lftth .Sept. Entries close on the 2nd Sept.
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  • Reuter's Extra Service.
    • 69 4 Reduction of the Home Army Decided. lAndon, '£ird June. In the House of L-irds, the Karl of D-inoughmore held that this was not tbe proper time to propose any question of army reorganisation which was now under consideration. He was authorised to state however that the Government had
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    • 115 4 Later. At tbe opening of the Republican National Convention at Chicago, the Chairman, Mr. Root, enumerating she work of the present administration referred tn its strengthening of the Monroe Doctrine and of augumenting the Army and Navy. He said that the U. 8. tariff might. b« the
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  • Renter's Telegrams.
    • 47 4 LIAOYANG CAP I URED. After Vigorous Japanese Assault it was Taken. London, 23rd June. Reuters correspondent at Newchwang has reported that the Jjpane»iK cavalry attacked Liaoyaog late on Saturday. A missionary received information from native Sources that lighting continued on Monday. Liaoyang \va9 taken yesterday afternoon Tuesday)
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    • 66 4 in the House of Commons Ik* amendment hy Mr. K. 3. Soares, M P for Barnstaple, providing that the 8d las on tea should only remain in force until Ist July, lav.'i, instead of Ist August, 1941.5, has been agreed to. A proposal was made that
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    • 55 4 Bent on Attacking Japanese Maritime Commun cations. lv a despatch fr. in Admiral .Skrydlort describing the achievements i-f the Vladivostm.k Hqii.-idron, he says that Uip squadron etarted on the 12' h inst. under Viiimral Besobrasoff to attack the Japanese maritime communications. Admiral >krydloffaUo describes tinsinking of the transports
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    • 52 4 Later. Skrylloif reports that a fl>tillaof torpedoers pent out on the 15th inst. returned to Viadivostock on Wednesday. Kog frustrated their nttempt to enter Kfiasl.i on the south west en »st i«f th»* H -kkaido. But they si.-i/uil several seho mm taking risli and rice to Sasebo
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  • 28 4 Receiv&i, 10 </ m., Thurnlay. The following official telegram from 'he Foreign Offioa at Tokyo has been received by Mr Tanaka, ths Japanese Consul at Singapore.
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  • 30 4 A detachment of the army operating in the Lito'ung Penins'ili occupied Hsiungynochpng, 25 miles to the soith west of Kaiping on the afternoon of the 21st J .me
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  • 80 4 Russian Naval Losses. The h'tiii destroyer tlotili engaged n b'ockidini; operations off I'ort Arthur examined two Chinese junks coming out of Port Arthur on the morning of the 21st instant. The people on the junks stated that two Russian destroyers rm upon mines, three or four days
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 682 4 LATEST- ADVERTISEMENTS. Caldbeck Macgregor Co. i£BTAaUSBK£ IM4) Wine 6? Spirit Merchants, (London, Glasgow. Hongkong, Shanghai) SINGAPORE. iP^IOIt! LIST OIST A.I'TPXjIO.A.TIOISr. Apl 16 1 n. th s. v.c WASSIAMULL ASSOMULL CO., Indian Store, No. 1,2, 3, 4, High Street. Have opened a frenh nUx-k of aflkl "t MfWltoM heaaty mi-l boot
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    • 28 4 G. R. LAMBERT a Co., PHOTOGRAPHIC ART STUDIO. taanniiHKD iv;n highest Reputation. Sittings Dally. Appointment* nhonld be made, if paaaihb, -ne day beforehand. Charges Moderate. Juua II v.c
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    • 44 4 NOTE -Telegrams and local scwi received prior to noon to-day are publinked oh Pace a. No 1 Coy. of ilih SingHpore Vi>ln"teer InUntry are eivine a hall Mr. the Towrt Hall on Monday, Aug'>»t x h, in oommemorxtiun of the anniversary of thn Coronation.
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  • 765 5 Serious Charge against a Oovernment Clerk This morning, F. J. Holmbeig waiii'lon- Mr Seth for preliminary aoqain into an fcUf tJQB if criminal bread of trust ;im public servant, in reaper 1 of $748, the property of the looa' (lovennnent.. Mr. Kirrer conducted the enquiry fot
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  • 115 5 The German steamer Singora arrived from Moluccas this afternoon flying the police flag. E. P. C. Murdoch of the Marine Police went off at once to investigate. It appears that during the voyage to Singapore eight Chinese passengers broke open the box of a Chinese toukay and
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  • 172 5 A vkry pretty wedding wa« snlemniseH at the Cathedral of the "Oonrl Shepl erd" yesterday afternoon wbei Miss Edith Oonßtnnoe Laporte. eldect daughter of Mr M. W. Lsnorteof Bng)pore, was married to Mr Jan Huest of the Netherlands Trading S ciety. The biidefmairis wcr« the Mi^sef Laporte.
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  • 126 5 A football match was played on 1 he <>i<] Jail (Site yesterday »fternoon between a team representing J Little md 00. and thf Bt. Joseph's Ulub LitlKtwnn by ore poal to nil. The St. Joseph's Club are meeting the Manchester Regiment in the firet n«und of Ihe Singapore Football
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  • 343 5 In contradiction to the common idea that Port Arthur will fall very shortly, says the C. Daily Xew Tokio correspondent, .t. is whi«pered in we!] informed circles that the march on the stronghold will not be so easy. The rear defences are stronger at every «tage. The first
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  • 36 5 Croquet Tournament Result of Wednesday's play. Mies Bradoell beat Mr. Broaurick by 10 point*. Mr. Bailey beat Dr. Fowlie hy 4 points. Pla> on Friday 34th June. Mrs. Whitehead v. Mr. Kailey.
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  • 50 5 Seventh List of Contributions. Amount* previously ackaowledged .fi.C'Wfi'. IV. Mr 1' IVnninga -J\ 7t Neih East India Aiission. f-7 7 Ratavia i^huri.b 3.4^ l)e P ok 8 7; 'an oeng < hurch 14 j R»*v G eethu>ser> im i« Mr Ure-i 3/i
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  • 50 5 Thk Fanny M<uney < >pera Company who are retnrniig Irom a successful t»ur which embraced Shanghai and Hongkong, intend giving two performances at the Town Hall on Wednesday and Thursdtiy next. The burlesque "Cinderella" will be performed on the fir*t ninht, and on the second "Charley's Aunt followed by a
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  • 134 5 Yesterday s Play. Double Handicap. A. CLASS. Chia Hood Sang and Seah Cheug Joo+ 15 beat Tan Soo bin and Tan Chew Kirn ncr 6-4, 7-6. 11. CLASB. Koh Keng Bouk and Kiong (jhin En^ acr. beat Tan Hin S. ng and Koh Cboo
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  • 407 5 By Lt. Col thk Hon'rlk A. Mukra\, v.v COMMAMDAKT, S.V.C. Singapore, tilt Sapper K G. Stevens having proceeded iv Malacca is tranMered to the Malacca Coy. S. V. I from I Kin in-t. A bonrd of otticers i-oiuuoh>hl aa under will a<wi«-nil.le at the S V C
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  • 78 5 Wharfs at Which Different Ships are Berthed To-day. feAST Whabf Ganymede. Victoria <;k\\ in<; Dock— Purnea. »i biirt Graving Dock- H. N. M. .s. I ti.M-hi Section No. 1 Zamania and .Samba' M '2 Kiiijjlii < omiii.'inilci 3 Nil. 1. 4 apri. 5 Charon. Nil Borneo
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  • 46 5 Ik a paragraph which appeared in yesterday's issue, referring to Singapore Students at the Madras Medi»al College the nnmfi O. Fries, should have been E de. Vries The student named is a »on <>f Mr. H A. He Vries, Aist Sui erintendent of Municipal houses Singapore.
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  • 350 5 A tale of the Benjamin Se wall. Capt. Hoelstad, an experienced Norwegian seaman, has just reached Christiania. after some terrible experiences in tl»e Pacific. He commanded an American ship, the "Benjamin Sewall" and in October last the vessel was wrecked. The crew of 23 men and the
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  • 23 5 M. Paderbwski* passed through Colombo on his way to Aus'ralia on thr 18th instant. He intends to spend four months in the tour.
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  • 24 5 11. M. 8. \'<-*til left for Hongkong this morning. The Rinaldo coaled at the wharf yesterday and returned to the r.Tids in the afternoon.
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  • 24 5 T«k Town and Volunteer Band will play at the High Service Reservoir, tomorrow evening, the 24th inst. from t :v to 10 (weather permitting).
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  • 34 5 The Nederland Company's mail scea.»ner s. Koniv,) Willem II left .Sabjing on tho -'Ist inst. at 11 p.m. ar-d in expected to arrive here to-day at 8 pm. She will sail for B.Uavia tonight
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  • 34 5 Thk Ciplain of the Si.imese steamer H'da><j, which came to the roads this morning from Pulo Bukoro, reobrti> that his ship collided with and sunk a Chinese tongkang near the Sea Mew thi« innrning.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 19 5 BTEARNS' WINE, whets the appetite. Aids digestion, improves assimilation, strengthens the stomach so that food does good. Sttarnt' Wine
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    • 354 5 STEARNS' WINE, a general tonic and strength restorer Always reliable. 'Must be Steams'." MUNICIPAL NOTICE. The public are warned that, from let July next, a'l dons found out fdoor-tnot havng the registration badge for the year 9"4-l;m.-m* h-d to tbe collar, will to liable to b« d.-troyed. By order, F.
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    • 327 5 SPECIAL MUSICAL DINNER Raffles Hotel On Saturday tse 25tfi instant Seats to be Reserved previously. SARKIES BROS., Proprietors. Kelly Walsh, Ltd. NEW NOVELS. V Monunei, l.y Mary ->-i The Incomparable Beilairx, t>y Kgerton ('antic The WnteherK, by A. E. W. Ma»on Nature's Comedian*, by W. E. Norri^ The Way of
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 234 5 DAY MY DAY Thursday, 23rd June. Hiith Water. 6-40 p.m. Kuala I orntoir Race*. Second L)u> Pbil. On h -tr:i Practice. 8-30. Town Baud. Carrington Terrace. •"> to o. h June. High Water. 7-41 a.m. 7-4" p.m. Sewing M-w-hine Sale. Powell. 1^1. Chinese tiirls School Fancy Sale. Town Hall. 4
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  • 1334 6 Comments by a C< rreepondent. Newchwaiig, 28th Ma; I*o4 Newchwaag just bow ie fa tho peculiar notion ol baui ■> oomimfawre hi h muni- pUotB. Yesterday six or „v.m itaUMn left, utilising the services, I all available pilots; the pilot launch .vhich went to bring them back ha<l
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  • 473 6 The Wrong Tooth." A I'i'Kious scene at the Dental Hoepial. Great Portland-street, W wa> lescribed the other day by Mrs. Matildn I Nelson, who summoned Mr. C. H. R I Grant, the house surgeon, for assault. Mrs. Nelson said she resided in Kings-cross-road, and a week
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  • 88 6 A: the conclusion of an inquest at rtonp'."r:g on tiie body of iifO'pe Rolls, chief officer of the C. N. S. Xivgpo, who died from failure of the heart, thrCoroner said to th<- jury Thank you lor your attendance, gentlemen. It is a particularly m 4 ca9e.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 328 6 NOTICES. champagne] "LOUIS ROEDERER Extra Dry and Cart* Blanche The old, well-known brand. BRINKMANN V CO. lwpnr'ert Retail at \\><**t. CHENG 4 Ob.', HIGH STREET Apollinaris The Queen of Tabit Waters' SL'PPLIEI) UNI'EK ROYAL WARRANTS OP APPOINTMINT TO HIS MAJESTY THE KINO AND H.R.H. THE PRINCE (DP WALES. An mm.
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    • 646 6 NOTICES. paws m cii Jfeet?j/- Jiermanos S^ 93 Bias Bo— h Road (RAFFLES HOTEL BUILDINGS. OPPOSITE THE COLLBOK. "OMEGA" WATCHES HIGHEST FRIZB «t the Swl»g National Exhibition, (Jeneva, 1896 HI&HB8T FRIZB he International Exbibltion, Brussels. 1898 jjjQ-g^grp PRIZB »t the International Universal Exhibition. Parl*. ivoii 5 YEARS GUARANTEED An i:x<-e<-nt
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 671 7 BUCHANAN'S WHISKY Sold everywhere. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. K>ir China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon. Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. liiroiiL'ti Bills of l.iidfti:,' issued for shina Coastt, Persian Gulf. Continental, md American "orts. ■*t.-,nv'r- ■■•II l.'ay." RhaVapam on or about Mail Line. ihtltiHtrii (for
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    • 659 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklljke Paketvaart MaatschappiJ. Undfr contract wiih the Netba> lands Jndia Qovernrnent. A tnttn! S ng*por' Ship Ag«»cy, htb J D en dels A 00., M Com.ykr Quay. l h undermentioned rlat^s are only approximate. j x'toamar From Will be IMspatshed for Mxhn Vn.runhi- Penanc Juno -JOPenang. Sabanjr, Olebleh,
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    • 421 7 HAMBURG AMERIKA UNIE. HAMBURQ. The steamers of thin Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bre- men, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China, and Japan. I Homewards, fiey are despatched fortnightly far Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penan? and Colombo The arrivals
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    • 619 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDOEUTSCHER LLOYD Imperial German Mail Line. The fast and well nown mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen -Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa,! fjarleg, Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penan*, Singapore. Hongkong, Shanghai. •Nagasaki, and Kobe to Yokohama and They are due in
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    • 627 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.Y. t JAPAN MA'L STEAMSHIP Co.. Lid. A .cgular KORTNIUHXLV maintain' d between Japan and Europe bj the fallow ing NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS, LJnd r Mmi'l Contract with the Imperial Japanese Gove'nment. specially designed r the Company's European (j ighted throughout by V Uvtricity, provided vitb excellent
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    • 381 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES C.P.R. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. I sr RODTJC «Ttwe£N cki.\ i N AN I > KUROr E. VI A r\ VA J) VNI) IHE IiVITKDM in, in NmiKku-w rt« -h.ui^lmi. M»»ra»aki (Inland Sea of Ju|..ui) Kolxr«MMM, Victoria mid Vim,-,,.. I Twin S.Tt-w Kmjir.'-a Stivunshipa—
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    • 1194 8 Under thi« heading the following »t>hreviations are used str steamer ship; bq. barque sch. schooner; fet— Yacht Cru.— Cruiser Obt.- -Guntoat I Tor.— Torpedo H. p. Hone-power Brit. -British; U. 8.-Unit«d States; fch -French: Ger. -German; D*£— Dutch; G.c.— General-cargo; d.p.-deck MMeneer; U Unceitain; T. P. W.—
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    • 566 8 >g>' f, port, probable date of amt<i and name oj agenl' BTXAMBS. Agamemnon, China. Jane 2b Mansfield. Agincourt, Barry, June; Borneo '""oy. Ajax Liverpool, July IS; Mansfield. Mn. Magon. Saigon, July 1«; Mone Comtf V. N icily, Colombo. July 6; M me Comte. \nnam, Colombo. Aug I M.
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    • 583 8 SINGAPOBB, '23BD'jJt7N'>, 1904. PRODUCE iaml lei buyer.- f T76 do (Cube No 1) nnpicknd „12 00 Copra Bali -„8 If I do PontUiml 775 Pepper, Black buye^ 23 75 do White, (5%, MSS Sago Ploar Sarawak 2 W do Bmnel Mo I 270 f earl Sago 440 Coffee Ball,
      583 words
    • 122 8 Fnrn Europe— By the PiO. e.g. Chusan ilue oa '-'M.h JuDe. with date? to the 3rd June. From Chini— By the N D. L. 8. Zi'ten rluo on thf 7th Juno TIMK TABLE OF M4ILS DUB Left Sinsapore I)u ■in Lo don Arrived May Hth F»0. June
      122 words
    • 65 8 |r,. Per Warner ftm To- Mob row. Enrooe via port* Corvwandri •> am. Ptnang and Deli .ffei* P- m P. S'harn A T. An?OQ Hye Isona p m. ."•ITHBDAY. P.Swefhani A Penang Wn 9sms p.m. P. Swet'ham via ports Malacca p m. VioSDAY. Penang and Rangoon GlenogO M
      65 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 113 8 k."a."'jTchotirmall Co. JEWELLERS AND SILZ iffERCHANTS, Nos. 51 52, High Street. v- inition riiinese and JaDanese silks of various kinds, Chinese embroidered uoatutnes, wi m"iSJ *™&^a^i*m~s™ r^trr cloth w work hßilkh Bilk liawl1 iawl f of varionF kinds Maltese late jacw CU thk»i and centre pieces of delicate workmanship, err
      113 words
    • 419 8 WHITEAWAY. LAIDLAW CO. .New Stock of Ctyldrens" Go-Carts HIGH-CLASS GOODS English Manufacture. |pr. from $21.00 to $45.00 each We are now Showing a very nice Range of GO-CARTS to seat either one or two Children. THIS VARIETY IS TOO LARGE TO DETAIL Each CART is well upholstered in colours of
      419 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 94 8 WEATHER REPOK I Knndanq Krrbnu Ho-vttal, S.J'<i June, *****pm 9p.m KbmaßKß. Bar i29.PJ9 29.83! sH».flOf. Mornini: -j Temp WO 81" cloudy, WB'lbTher 7<VO 790 78.0 dny ana DirofWind IW. sw. ni«ht clear Wax. Temp 85 6 Mm »4« SunU4e Terr, rad 73 6 Rainfall Nil The standard time ball
      94 words