The Straits Times, 22 June 1904

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 31,406 SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY. JUNE 2z. 1904. PRICE 15 CERTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1980 1 NOTICES. I GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION Tenders will be received at the Colonial Hecrettry's Office up to noon on the :'4ih June ikm. f»r the foil" wine works: L Erection of quarters for the Government Vete'irmry Surgeon. Freetion of quarter* for the Port Health Officer. 3 Erection of an Engine Boom for
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    • 671 1 JNOTPCES. Gravel Stones TN THK BLADDER. Patient Cured 31 Months ago Still well to-day. ir.ibom mit, jrnfl rr. Hinningkam, Ucl 1 write to tell you that for over 20 yean 1 suffered from gravel, stones in the bladder, and pains in the back. These troubles weru complicated, and brought on
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    • 344 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Milkmaid Condensed mil} 11/ l t I £Ke- -> lift aVIHK lltm Guaranteed W Full Cream. t.*de« m Largest Sale in the World. Kelly &Walsh, Ltd. NEW NOVELS. Sir Mortimer, by Mary .lohnHon*rk l^ n ?P arable Bellaira. by KK K ertou <Hi.tle The W fttofcerh, by A.
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    • 372 1 I In THB BUFRftMB COUKTOFTHK STRAITS HuTTLKSIkNT* M MiTTieMIST OF SlXlUrOkk -Q bankruptcy No ttl of IUO4 He Tan Boon T»ck Hon. Receiving Onlo/ made I th May, 1904. Date of Onler for Summary AdminU- aal tration. L'hth May. i 904 Dale and plae.; of First Meeting '.»9th I Jnne,
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  • Special Telegrams To the "Straits Times."
    • 184 2 DINNERS AT KIUIA LUMHUR YESTERDAY. K ,i,ib t The following were the results of the racing here today F.rst Race. Won i\ two lengths. Tim?, I ":in 4 i I'i.e amMiini ii i Secund Race. Duihpes Benedick Milo Ijn by Mo leiiKths; three I ten NWNVI hv. third.
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    • 24 2 ilie siuaii.ship Bmmklm, belonging to the Ch na MavahaaU Steam Navigatioi. Co. is rt ported lost, 79 miles north ol Fuochow
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    • 85 2 Ti.e captain wne* that the Russian!at I'ort Anhur are erni|.ellin& the imvi. li ii. s and the Chinese to assist in tht defences of the citadel. Deserters are being shot, while malingerers are being imprisoned. Despite the dangers to be overcome before they can leave the
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    • 33 2 It is reported from Newohwang that large quantities of munitions and storethave been passing in a northward direction, indicating a retreit, «ith th<consequent al andonment ofthe attempt t r«-Ii"VP P"»* Ar'rmr
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  • Reuter's Extra Service.
    • 36 2 London, IJ>-<I ■June. Mr I. W. Benn (L) has r een elecud .ir Devonport by (5,219 vote" agains 5,1 7 8 votes cast for Jackson (C). TIM seat had been held by Mr. Lockie(C).
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    • 34 2 Admiral Skrydh ff, tue Commander of the Vladivostock Squadron, teleftraphsto the Tsar that the Squadron has gately returned to Vladivostok without the loss of a single man and without sustaining any damage
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    • 33 2 A motion by Mr Wason in thf House of Commons, for adjournmen -o dit-cuss the question of a proposed Jwish settlement in E*st Africa w»t neg^'iv^^ wi'hi'ii' divi'i 'n
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 51 2 Japanese Appointments. I uii'luh, 22- d June. The correspondent of ihe La ty leh graph at Ti.kio says that Fiel'i iMarshal ()y«ma has been appointed Vicero) «nd Commander-in-Chief in Manchuria with General Kodama as Chief of the Stßff. Marshal Yamagata remains at Tokio as Chief of the 8
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    • 22 2 Thf H use o{ l.'ommons ha*rfj<>cted by 217 t 165 votes a motion to reduce the tea duty to sixpence.
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  • 3210 2 TUB KILTER O'JL^.IION. Municipal Lnxineer's Report. Thr lotlowiag ii ih.- n|..iii al Mr ii Municipal miter filtration I The raped on Utratioa of the water supply was contained in a Binute by my ptaaWeaMt -.1 BBth No ember, „i])v herewith). In "that rap il >'■ taled
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 345 2 NOTICES. m The High Class v AHwn I SMOKING MIXTURE HAS NO EQUAL IN QUALITY. MILD, MEDIUM, AND FULL. Packed in Patent Vacuum Tin* of J lb. 6 W*>. Prices: 2Rs. BAB. per fib. IR. 6As. per Mb. mm hew sciEimnc p«oce«8 SOU BY ALL •000 CLAW TOWCOO«I«T» Al« 9UHMM.
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  • 84 3 Thk <'int M ttt'uti Qmwett* lc.un« nnvaieiy from fuiilv reliable sources if liui-iiii that the I'k-k.kj attd Kormtn, which were sunk in Chemulpo harbour, were laying mir:es there, nfier Hoini; so at Port Arthur, which exi>laiiis the mystery ol a divideti Klre: Tbe I artjn.j had a chart
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  • 258 3 S. I'er T^hl.ii,. From Marseilles -MM**, 'amlmiwire. M. Titus. K. Owen, M. W beialar, .1. and,. l. K.Owen, S. ,1a Silvh, B Flam, Miss Bennett, Mis» Wilmot, Mr. Koenißbfrj:, U. rt. Ma*. HuiaMnj;, Messrs. Stein' erjter, l.onis Kueff, J. I'rnan, M. et. Mine. Van I.'ujimi Per JaSrii'ue.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 13 3 ZYMOLE TOOTH POWDER, a per tect antiseptic rlentrifice, cleanse:* an preserves toe teetta
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    • 645 3 NOTICES. ~OOVERNMENT~N6firic ATIOX XXI'E 1 \:KXT 11. KUBBIB TAFM*a '*'ii 1. ■''I i J > :r) to :\--i I foi Ilhn'i* M>< n I Salari }0 <■• i i.-. liW tv Illtfl ;i i\ i I ir,-. t,»r i i (Bci, Singapore, I7t i' .lurr, 19i 4 I I GOVERNMENT
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    • 489 3 CHAPOTEAUTS PHOSPHO GLYCBRATE OP LIMB It iucreakc* viul energy and nerve force, cares **urait<un,i Oj tun's. iH—mAlt, «nd <UNMI IO idultS and children CtfHUI. m WM£. AM W IT W Purest and Suj erior quality of Gitroiiella Oil. toon I't'sctiil Lsiatp, Tmupiii, Malacca. Certified to be Genuine UY Government Analyst,
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    • 644 3 h NOTICES. LET— Hone No H. Sophia nnd also No. f.| Ikio Koad. i. I Snooker, 1 Malaga 8t»«t. 1-7 I XT: entry at <no .om pound 1 11 Beneoolen Street Vppljr to Guthrta .<r Co. Ltd., Agents. ux. ru Hft tET: once* on t: H > secngd Hoor No.
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  • 13 4 lUii -On the 3ni June, atHakone. Inh. W. Hall, of Yokohamt, »t(e •">'>
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  • 456 4 Mk. E V. Carey returned on Sunday from his mission to Java, where h« h»f been enquiring into ihe possibilities of th« country r»* a labour recruiting centre for the Straits Mr. Carey, as was explained in the*? columns at the
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  • 234 4 From a non-technical point of view, the most interesting paper in the first issue, in the new series of t ho Journal of the Mil/iya Branch of the BfUkk \fed eal Avfwiation, just to hand, is Dr. Middleton'b Notes on the Local Concumption of Alcohol," which refers exclusively to the
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  • 800 4 a glance that even tbe genial Municipnl Health Officer could notj be expected to arouse puhlic enthusiasm on the ei'.bject to Moh il fiiich Bl to persuade the happy-g-j-lucky <* tsnal stengah-sipper of the Xi to mak'j a note of every various ie had between his Sabbath i.l sling 3nd
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  • 370 4 we must leave it tor future considers iun. At the same time we may juote ilia observations on a kindred issue of delicacy Another point which appeared during the enquiry is that the treasures in which the rtirt'erent liquors are dispensed vnry in different Clubs and that the wbol* rs
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  • 413 4 Apropos of to-day's telegrams aunoune ing the appointment of Field Mar>ha. Oyama to be Japanese Viceroy of Manchuria, in succession to Admiral Alexeieff who held the splendid but doubtful title of Viceroy of the Far East, it ia interesting to rtote that the Japanese Viceroy has a brilliant record. Field
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  • 95 4 Papers have been laid before the Municipal Board rfg ring the filtration tjuestion. The Municipal Engineer sent in a repot urginc heavy outlay to bring ihe 61tration to an up-to-date purity standard the acquisition- of land and the extension of the filter b»d« being the man points of his scheme.
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  • 16 4 question as it stood in his timo These document? will be found m> Mr inside pages
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  • 108 4 Dukino this coming Trooping season, Singapore will have to bid farewell to the popular 73rd Carnatic Infantry, which haa now been here for over three years. The regiment goes to Yi/.ianagram and Cuttack, whither it will carry the heartiest good wishes of the many friends it has m&de during itx
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  • 296 4 liereived, 11 lopm., Tvexlay. The Following official telegram from the Foreign Office at Tokyo has been received by Mr. Tanika, the Japinfme Consul at Singapore. Skirmish Near lakmhan The Commanding General of the army which landed at Takushan reports Our scouts gent out on the night of
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  • 7 4 To-day's bank 4/ui rate is 1/11 A
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  • 10 4 The homeward mail closes at 6 a. in on Friday.
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  • 9 4 The Straits budget will be pnblixlieu 1 ;o-murrow mornii.)?.
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  • 14 4 H M. S. RiiuiMo arrived from l'ulo Way and the Cocjs Islands yesterday ifternoon.
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  • 17 4 The Britith St. Ltorirdt arrived from Cardiff this morning wilh 5,500 tons of coal f..r Hongkong.
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  • 19 4 Thk Town and V. lunteer Bind will pay at Carrington Terrace on Tnursday afternoon from "> to 6 (weather permitting)
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  • 27 4 This afternoon, a football match will he played on the oM j «il si'e between a team representing Mm Little and Co. and the Kt. Joseph's Club.
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  • 26 4 Mr. Fuller, whu recently mi»'ie the adventurous trip to Port Au tiur on a Chinese jui k,> the upeoixl war correspondent of the 1 i-iiaiiopolis News.
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  • 37 4 An Association football match was pl«)ed on the Esplanade yesterday afternoon between the H. O. and an eleven from the Manchester Rngiment. A good game reculted in a win for the Club by two goals to nil.
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  • 39 4 Thk King ha» been pl»ased to urant permission to Mr J D Pereira, florist ■>f Singapore, to accept and w^nr a medal conferred upon him by the King •it Denmark for services rendered to the Zjological GaHen* at Copenhagen.
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  • 39 4 Thk traitor who a »ld J*pinese plans to Russia is taid to hay« n«en LieutCol. Hanzoku of the General S'aff, and he was arreßtert, coun-martialled, and shot within the palace wall* without h»ing allowed the honour of killing tiiirxelf.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 836 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WILSON Co., PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS, ORCHARD ROAD AND BATTERY ROAD. The leading Studio- Up-to-date and Progressive Photographic Supplies. Barges! Slock. Besl Goods. Eowest Prices. Important: All Purchases Guaranteed hresh. #'W# ittiitff: We are the house for it. Wilson Co., Photographic Art Studio. j**it wtt c WASSIAMULL ASSOMULL CO., Indian
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    • 26 4 G. R. LAMBERT A Co., PHOTOGRAPHIC ART STUDIO highest Reputation. Sitting* Dally. A/'/'""' I should be made, if peMtM*, «v« day befoitohnnd. Charges Moderate. .IniM- II
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    • 28 4 NOTE Telegrams and local new* received prior to noon to-day are published on Pace 3. STEARNS' WINK, for thin, nervoun and fretful people, old and young, immediate benefit.
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  • 842 5 Knundatlon Stone laid by the (iovernor An uiiUHiially IBttmtUf '••••"< inoiiy look place yesterday affcafOOl when Ins Kxcellency the Governcr laid the founda tion stone of the llokien ChilMM Church and Heading Room OB I site m Tanjim» i;oa<l Than I number ol Kuro|n:ans nraeat M tin
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  • 115 5 It h;vs already appeared in there columns that an allegation of criminal hrc ich of trust in respect of ?748 has hern made by Mr. B. Stratton against r\ J Ilolmberg, until recently employed in th" <Jo\ criniHMit S.'ciftiriat. A fresh v is recorded in the police shiM'ts
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  • 123 5 Thk Haethhi, which it is repurtod t.i ti.iy in our special service of telegraim ha.i hr n lost, was an old vessel, built in 1871 U Glasgow. The tonnage waf 7.if> reamer and she belonged to the China Merchants Steam Navigation Co In the course of her long
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  • 188 5 Unpremeditated Killing. l.s the United StHte9 Consular Cour' at Canton, on the 13th instant, William A Freeman was convicted of unpremeditated killing. He was eentenced t< deportation and censured for reckles> tiring The case, aro<e out of a shooting afiray at Fatshan, a ward of Canton An
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  • 60 5 A letter written by Perdicaris, the \merican captured by the Morocco brigand, K-ii«uli, has been received in London. Dating his letter from the hrigand'scamp Perdicaris explains that he anticipates his speedy release. Hi also points out that his kidnapping was Hue to the treacherous c«pture. and imprisonment
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  • 55 5 Croquet Tournament. Result of Tuesday's play. Hon. J. M. and Mr«. Allinnon beat Mr«. E. C. Ellin and Mr. Hilton. Mm. Whitehead beat Mr. Whitehead. Play on Thursday 23rd June. Mrs. Broiu.riek and Mr. Hradaell v. Hon. M. and Mr- Allinson. Mi- BraHdi'l! and Mr. Klrun
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  • 143 5 Yesterday s Play. Double Handicap. A. CLASS. Liv Xi Chiok and Tan Moon Ann nor. beat r *y Boon Guan and Li Kirn Kok «rr.. 9-7, 3 Single Handicap. B. CLASS. Koh Keng Mock «cr. l>eat Kiong Chin Eng rn-r., «-6, 104, tt-'J. CHAM
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  • 60 5 At the next, meeting of the Municipal Commission Mr. Wa kins will move: "That the AcMng Municipal Eagineer he asked to furnish a report on the present system of supplying road metal to the Municipality, to state if iv hit opinion the rate of supply and tbe organization is satisfactory
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  • 72 5 Thk second consignment of Chine«e coolies for the Transvaal was to leave Hongkong on Saturday last by the s.p. Court field. Two thousand coolies bad neen recruited from the Canton province, [t is interesting to learn that the mines on which tho coolies who were 'aken to South Africa by
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  • 96 5 1 mk s s. y.utda which left Singapore on Wednesdny took 5 Student Asst. Surgeons from this port on their way to join the. Medial Gillette at Madras, to undergo a training for 4 years prior to taking up appointments »c Ass. Surgeons in the Si raits. Their names »ro:_W.
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  • 594 5 Commissioner V sits Singapore. It is only a couple of years back that Queensland was wtes ling with a severe drought, but so great is the recuperative powers of the State, that with the occurrence of two good seasons, her administrators are in a posi lion to seek
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  • 331 5 New Hotel on Bos Bassah Road. There has lately been erected in Bras Bissah Road a handsome building which will be known as the Caledoniai Hotel. I' will be under the management of Mr. T. M. Connolly, who has had considerable experience of hotel management in Singapore. From
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  • 195 5 Lady Curzon's Rather Dies at Washington. A Washington despatch si June 11th states Levi Z.Leiter is dead, at the age of 7<>. His death was not unexpected as he had been failing gradually. He died stirrounded by his family. Ife leaves an immense estate to
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  • 203 5 The following properties- were disposed of by auction at Powel dr. Co.'s sa'eposcu hy the auction at Powell k <'"'.'• talaraoaa yesterday afternnon Freehold land, together with the brick kilo, shrds *c. thereon situate off Gaylang Road .1 unit 3 miles from town, area 6 acres 2 roods
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  • 190 5 A Malay lutmud Tal.p who looM tit for hospital was yesterday before .the Bench Court on a charge of removing a clock and a box from a mosque. Sergeant Taylor prosecuted. The man admitted having taken the things out of the mosque, but did not seem to realize
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  • 121 5 This morning, Sanitary Inspector Barfleet laid information before Mr. Colman against the following —Chop Guan Soon 312 Serangoon Road, Chop Hwee Ho 317 Serangoon Road, Chop Sin Eng Huat 311 Serangoon Road, Chop Sin Swee Kee 299-5 Serangoon Road, Chop Kirn Hin 299-6 Serangoon Road, Chop Leong
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  • 126 5 FOOTBALL ASSOI CIATION. Tbe Annual Meeting of the Singapore Football A""«ociation was held within ■he S.C.C Pavilion yesterday afternoon when office bearers were elected, and other business transacted. The Ist Round in the Cup Competition resulted as follow Harlequins— a bye T»nj >nc Papar vs. Rnfflofl Institution. ttod Co., RG
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  • 165 5 Shocking Tragedy in Hongkong A shickino tragedy occuned on the night of the 14th instant at the house of a compradore at Hongkong. I At about 9 p.m., a Chinaman called j -it tbe houoe in question, to see *n ayah, one of three or four •emale
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  • 216 5 Yesterday afternoon, Mr. rieth was in taking evidence in the case n which it was alleged that four Bombay men Jaitamul), Pnhomnll, ranomull, and Tantoo, had on the afternoon of the sth inst., held up Serat. Reynolds and two petty o'ficers of H. M. S. Talbot.
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  • 240 5 Regulations of Cricket Tournament. The following programme and regulations of the criiket tournament nave been issued by Mr. Colin C. Mactaegart the Acting Secretary. All Members of b« teams c< ropeting must be Active Members, Honojary Merrtberp." 1 Visit in? Members as defined r>y Rule XVII. of
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  • 57 5 On the Ist prox. light will be xhibited from the "Western point of Mnwan Island. It will consist of two m hite lights, vertically, six feet apart, visible in clear weaiher one mile, -xhibited from a white mast with n, white hut at the toot. Upper
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  • 75 5 Wharfs at Which Different Ship* are Berthed To-day. K.wi \S ii \kk— Ganymede. Victoria (JRAViNci DOCK— Xil. Albert Graving Dock- H. N. M. S. i treein Suction No. 1 Inga, /amania, Saaibas and Tanglin Nil. 3 He.1.111 4 < apri. 5 Charon ami Moyuue. 6 Teenkai.
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  • 37 5 Btmiit Mr Hooper this morning i European resident prosecuted fe'rikWha coolio for disorderly conduct on Tuesday afternoon. When paid the correc; fare the coslie became abusive and demanded more money. This morning Mr. Hooper fined him ¥5.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 338 5 NOTICES. SPECIAL MUSICAL DINNER Raffles Hotel On Saturday tfie 25td instant. Seats to be Reserved previously. SARKIES BROS., Proprietors. Juue 20-»2 Pain in the Back! How can you k>-ep up your work wn«n you have a weak, aching back t Dull, hausting anil .in.-.t,-iiit pain. No comfort by day. No
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 159 5 MAY bY l)A> Wednesday, a»nd June. High Water. .V:t8|, in. Thursday, 33rd June. Hiirh Water. 6-IJ a in li 46 p.m. Kuala 1 umpor Races. Second Da> P O. homeward mail doe. Phil. Orchrntra Practice. MIL T>»n Band. Can melon Terrace. 5 to h Friday. 34th June. High Water. 7-41
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  • 355 6 Mr. Macnamaia acpointed from Ce> ion. Mcmi ]>t< that the .-"traits, which can furnish such excellent Iminiftratione, has iCe>lon whenever it wants to fill a liitli powtion io tiiL- F.M 8. We mentioned the other day about the engiueer'Bbillt t that whs sent, to Ceylon,
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  • 350 6 v this 4Uestion Mr Alircd Gilim.h. wtitiag in Luvdau Opinion (May 21). pi'- witli an emphatic "No." ""I dc ot. as a journalist (he say») object in tin-l-.-ast to cricketers writing general article? »r the- theory or practice of the game. i at 1 do
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  • 186 6 For Singapore. iVr i. <t O. 8. 8. 8. Mmi ulin, connecting with tie ib timer Malta Mt Co oml>o from I rloa Mth June Mr and m Mrs. Lanartcll. Mi. F. Taylor. Mr. 1). S Per P. AO. r. liorneu from LoPilon May 28 due Ist
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 13 6 BTRASNB' HEAI^VCHE CURE!) Ourea "A/urt t* Stearnt' and yo* got i the genuine
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    • 169 6 NOTICES. Allen's Lung Balsam I will positively break up a deep, racking cough past relief by other means. SOFT DELICATE SKIN ROWLAND'S KALYDOR vihn r> alUi- all .ami;, irriuliiliiv <>f tlic tUa, eaMfninatei mi. .h..i hwfelH, k rutartiius limUlun tad renders harsh mi nd roucli skin lifamilully sofi ami smoutli.
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    • 560 6 NOTICRS. Witts for LEA &PERRIRS' WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. By Special Warrant jPyfflE]!^ His Majeslg *V? CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES. Jtermanos 98 Bras Basah Road (WAFFLES HOTEL BUII.DIMiS, OPPOSITE THE OMJLMB) "OMEGA" WATCHES HIGHEST r»HIZTE3 at the Swiss National Exhibition, Geneva, 1896 HIOHBBT PRIZE at the International Exhibition, Brussels, ISOK JiXOSEtST PRIZE at
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    • 229 6 M.C.i). Mohamed He Co i Diamond Merchants, Manufacture.; .lewellßr*. aad dtniei-H ia prec:ous «tono3, No. I Ui«h fUroot, Sirvi.por.*r» thowlnq a •plondiu itook of Hloh Olass Olamnndi And gem-cet lewellery with oxteQiive inctioß of soli I Oolrl and bilrer warm, g lßrantead geauir.e works from China, at on .(derate terms.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 651 7 BUCHANAN'S WHISKY Sold everywhere. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon. Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Throucb Bills of Udiaß i«> 1 Obina Coast, Persian <Julf 0««W««BlaM, and \mTicnn "orts. Steamers will Imtc Wiwapow on l Mail Line. Out >c nr,{
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    • 657 7 STEAMSHIP. COMPANIES. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij. Under contract wiih the Netherlands India Govern ment. Ag nUsot S ngnpore Ship Acncy, l*tb J D<bkdblB A Co., i 8 Collyer Quay i h undermentioned dates are only approximate. Mearr-r Krom "Cxo'wd. Will be D^*natih'»l for Muhn \:.nrunhi IV: urn; June M Penang, Sabane,
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    • 440 7 HAMBUR6AMERIKA LIME. HAMBURO. The steamers of thU Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Uotterdam, and tbe Struts, China, and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havro and Hamburg and once a monih for Bremrrhaven direct, -ailing at Peaane and Colombo Tbe arrivals of the next
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    • 633 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDOEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial German Mail Line. The fast and well nown mail steamers of this Company sail fortniehtly from Bremen-Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa. Nar-les, Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore. Hongkong, Shanghai, Nspneaki, and Kobe to Yokohama and back. They are due in
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    • 769 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES C.P.R. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. THK FAST ROUl'to BKTWKEN UtflNi JAPAN, AM) EUROPF ViA OANAJM AND IHE UVITKI) STATES. Uoute from Hongkong via Shanghai, Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan) Kobe. Vokobaiua, Victoria and Vancouver. Twin Screw Kni|>r.-» Steamships— 6,<«Xi rnn« Sped 19 knot*. PBOPOBCD
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    • 697 7 SHIPPING INDO-dVUMA STEAM S COMPANY, LIMITED. FOR PENANG AND CALCUTTA. The Company's steamer LAI SAA'h. j .;,46» tort', I'nptain I'add, having left Hongkong on the I. ">th instant, may be lexpected to arrive here on or about the isMrd idem, and will bavo prompt de<pur)i I for the above ports.
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    • 1364 8 Under this heading the following tbbnviations are used str. steamer; ,a. ship; bq barque; sch. schooner; ret— Y»cht Cru.— Cruiser Obt.—Guntoat; Tor.— Torpedo H. p. Horsepower ■rit.— Brituh; U. B.— United States; fch.-French; Oer. German Dut.— Dutch: G.c— General-cargo; d.p. deck MMenger; U.— DncetUin T. P. W.--ranjong
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    • 540 8 port, probable date of arrit^mini name oj agentr. HTIAUIBB. Ak'HineiiiMon. China. June 26; Mansfield. Yuii court Barry, Junp; Born-o oy. Ajax, Liverpool, July i, M&ut-ft^la. Am Magin, Saigon, July 1 Monet'omti A. Nielly. Colombo, July fi; M me Corute. \nnnm, Colombo, \ug I M. Au -henaiden, Dur
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    • 608 8 Sinoapou, 22nd Junk. i*k fHODUCt Ouublei bnyei- I 775 do (Cube No. 1) nopirkert „12 00 Copra Bali 816 do Pont lan »k 770 24.121 do White, (6%) 37 75 Sago Floor Sarawak 300 do Brunei No. •_> m> Pearl Sago 4 m Coffee Ball, 15% ba»U 21 00
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    • 131 8 Her ttranv Aw To-Mokko«. "fing >ra and Bangkok Kid-mc 11a.m. K litntan A Tri nggan u H trnvvr 1 1 a.m Prnang via Padang M Vnjirunhi* lpm. Xa'acca and Linggi Kh-ng Sent) lpm. Malacca A P. Dickeon Hrntovg 3 p.m. Penang and Bombay Capri 3 p.m. 'jiniij-rmaPßin 7)'
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    • 132 8 From Europe— By the P ><O. 8.8. ChuMan due on -'"ith June, with dates to tho »rd June. From China— By the P 40. 8.8. Cvromandrl Uae on the 3rd June. TIMK TABLE OF MAILS DDE Left Singapore Due i i London \rrived MayKth PAD. June 4lh
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 119 8 K. A. J* CHOTIRMALL Co. JEWELLERS AND SILK MERCHANTS, Noa. 51 52, High Street. f JuHt arrived a new fhirment ot Indian, ihineso and Japanese silks of various kinds, CbJDm embroidered costumes, Maltese lace jackets and handkerchief, Ceylon lace, pretty grass cloth work, silk shawls of various kinds made in
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    • 365 8 WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW CO. J^ew Stock, of Cl^ildpens' So-Capts HIGH-CLASS GOODS English Manufacture. Pr. from $21. 00 to $45.00 each We are now Showing a very nice Range of GO-CARTS to seat either one or two Children. THIS VARIETY IS TOO LARGE TO DETAIL Each CART is well upholstered in colours
      365 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 98 8 WEATNtH HtPIHT Ka'irim.g Kerbau hu*vnai. Had 7uie, 1904. a.m 3p m Ivtp.m Rkmarks. Bar 'P.9 -JH «3 I >P.9n« Mnrnine Temp K0 0 Hi.O cloudy, WB'lbThei 7i o 790 "".0! dny au.l DirofWinri Bw. g.w. sw. I ni«ht clear. vfax.Terap s-tA Mm 4.» I Vfaxin Sun 144.5 iVrr rad 73.6
      98 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 437 9 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL INSURANCE CO. FIRE A LIFE TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS EXCEEI' £12,000,000. THE LABQEST FIRE OFFICE IN THE WOBLI> BOUSTEAD 4 Co., AgenU THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Capital £2,127,600 Paid up Capital 212,760 Reserve Fund £1,073,660 The undersigned, Agentt for the Com pany, are prepared to
      437 words
    • 573 9 J BANKS. [:derlandsche HandeL maatschappij. ;t her lauds 'Jrading Society. E»t»kll»fc*d ISt* CAPITAL. f. 60,000,000— (abt. £6,000,000) ISSUED CAPITAL. r. 45,000,000— (abt. £3,750,000) RESERVED FUND. f. 5,000,000 -(abt. £41 7,000 1 Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Batavla. muNCHE*:— Ponanjr. Shanghai. Kaneoon, Meiia;, (Deli), Semarang. t^ourabaya, Padang, Oheribon. Tegal.
      573 words
    • 425 9 BANKS, bong Sf Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP OAPIT4L *lO,OOuooo t.KSKKVK FUND: < -tcrlinßßeeei\eflO(iMi'<)O» .■Mlverßewrv.- <;> u.MKt f Reserve Liability of Proprietors $lu(«X),tmo COURT OF DIRECTORS. V. .1. Raymond, Esq., Chairman. H. K. Tomkins, Esq., Deputy Chairman. K. lioetz, Esq. N. A. Kieb», b», Hon W. J. (ires.oi, w Slr(ic „v
      425 words
    • 452 9 NOTICBS. ST. ANDREW s HOUSE A Church of England Boarding House for European and Eurasian boys who desire to attend the schools of the place. Applications to be made to the House Master, St. Andrew's House: or to the Colonial Chaplain w s. v. c J. MOTION »^CO WATCHMAKERS, JEWELLERS.
      452 words
    • 179 9 P NOTICES. Pavilion system iBs Hotel van Horck, OAAOBT (JAVA) endance and Medicines Gratis. HOTEL, Ltd., 9 20, BUND, YOKOHAMA. Situated in the H,\KST POMTION on tbc BIiAD, eomtoands n unbroken* View of the Harhoup ami Tokyo Bay. Kis to. First Glass Travel Only. m i nunch under Miper\ ision
      179 words

  • 548 10 The View* of m. uss an Pr.vate 10l er. The Moscow correspondent of tile i.«mInn Mniiiiiii/ l.tiulu sends to thatl journal picturesque description of al !alk ha had with a Russian The article reads as follows A note from a friend was brought 10l me tn fiay by
    548 words
  • 863 10 drave :nd <iay. Epigrammatic and Otherwise. A very pretty manicure iv Bond Street recently was attending upon Joe Redding and, as she added the finishing touches, she looked up with limpid eyeb, and said —We are always to glad to have testimonials from our customers. Do you mind?" Delighted,"
    863 words
  • 347 10 Appo ntments. His Highness the Rajah Ins been pleabed to make the following appointments Capt. Sir P. F. Cunynghame Bart to be Resident Kirst Clbm in the First Division, aid Meniberot Supreme Council to date from Ist June. Mr C. Hose D. Sc. to be Resident Firet
    347 words
  • 449 10 Rivals in Business. The trade of China i- b tIM Kgyptaiti Nil' 1 In the old il,.v-. ia making its way to the sea, it ovaraowod and en riched with totilisting alluvium the ragiooa ilircu<:li which it frnmi w. have, with Urn bl -t "I motives. I it,
    449 words
  • 425 10 To the /iV-.i/,d .Mr. Soppings \V right contributes a short article, with explanatory sketches, on the effect in>on various parts ol a battleship of the tire of a 12-inch gun The damage done by tba jectile to the imaginary battltohip this article is, in many
    425 words
  • 18 10 N. D. L Per Zieton JTtb June :-Mr. A. vod Micbal, Mr. and Mm. Kumtel.
    18 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
      296 words
    • 129 10 Apr II m.w I- 18-7 STRAITS CYCLE MOTOR SPECIALLY MADE FOR IS. Carbide or Calcium Benzine inim.ESM.f: asd tWTAtI MAKKIK Jl>K THE ■w l*i ni.w.f. v.c April n>.w. f. 16-» BUNKERS. FRESHWATER ISLAND (PULO BUXOM) O|i|">Mli' Western Kntinncc to N«'« H.-u...,nr LIQUID FUEL 3O(Tkirty Sbillings) per ton r.>. b. in
      129 words
    • 20 10 Shipping advertisemenU, with date* it filing etc., will be found on page < General shipping new* it printed on page 8.
      20 words