The Straits Times, 18 June 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times r\o. j 1,463 SINGAPORE. SA±U§D-U. JUNE lit. 1904 PRICE 15 CERTS
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  • 900 1 The War. Mr l.uwi'iinc( Lecturer on Maritime Law at »ho Oisjauwkll Naval College, speaking on the 14th May on the subject uf sowing mines in neutral waters, declared there MM M pnoadMM' to guide us, but every sound principle of inter national law was seaweed to liell gerents
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  • 171 1 Allegations against a Sanitary Inspector. The enquiry into the case 111 winch. Sanitary Inspector Ilarficct has sum nioned On Boon and Tan Choot for breach of sanitary regulations was resinned by Mr Micliell yesterday Huming. An abridged account of the last hearing appeared in the cohnsai of
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  • 318 1 10th June. Thii:i. SfNI'AV Al 1 hi: Ti:imh >i AM. 1:1 w s CATBXM M-. -T a BY, HatSM ami Litany 745 a.lll.a .111. Holy I'uiniiiiiuioii an.i NsrsMa 1r m Baaaay s< 1 1 and r.ii.i.f']a-«. MO in Bveaesag sad lensasv M ttiikw Ciirni-H. Sepoy Linen H 15
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  • 21 1 Yesterday before the Marine Court a Kling fireman of the Oakley was fined two days' pay for being absent without leave
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  • 1233 1 MILITARY CONTRIBUTION OF THE STRAITS SET TLEMENTS. I Tin- fullowiug coneujKHidcnee ni I*l opoß t lie Councit Table, yesterday. Qororftgr Sir F. A. Swettenhani. i Secretary of State for the Colonies. Government House, Singapore, 30th September, 1903 Sir,— With reference to ray despatcl Xo. 341 of the 17th ultimo, reporting
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  • 173 1 H\ Li. COl m 11.-N 1.1.1. A. MliiKxt. V.I). COMMANKVNT, S.V.C. Waaaaear, th •/"/<•. X, Aumi.iKV: -Orderly Officer tor tbe eusuinjt week. L<ent. Makepeace. Orderly K. '.(>., f,.r t lie saseJag week— Ifi. Kitoiit/. M«aMB. t;. \V. Cranley sai K. Oil! having been duly elect) U
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 265 1 LATEST ADVEKTISEMENIS. FOR SALE A nice pftlanquin with htroug quiet cob one set of harness. ;i- goo<l as new and one Mltaf han.ess, old, togetuT with st&bl^*ccessories. Apply to P. 8. c/o aVMati I met. .lane 18 u.f. BOARD AND LODGING Une comfortable room vtcant at M Sophia Koad. Charges
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    • 298 1 LATRST ADVERTISEMENTS. John Little Co., Ltd. n N< ?T* GALVANIZED BATHS J^T ,-LJ Oalvanized Pail. Us. mi. tssiaßli iss 19 5O cent. HI m Jt m, m RIVETTEOPAIL. it 70 ecu- 51.00 -1.15 >1.55 "2.3Q >5.00 Hf»B<-t«. it SI.3S SPONQE HIP. BATHS BATHS l—M -8.00 -23.00 r f Long Plunge
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 196 1 HAY b> UA> Saturday, isth June. HiRh Water. 1 jl j>. in B.C.C. BaorU. Baceial Dmti.-i. turn- Hotel. K.O.C. Monthly Modal r.O.G.T. Social, i*. \\:.\ar^ k 1-1.,. North Hii.l/e Koad. 9. Sunday, 19th June. High Water. I I] I m. J 41 u. riiiui Siiniiuy aitei Trini;y. ICG C. Monthly
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  • 29 2 Tientsin, V.ilk Jane. The China 'IHnita of Tientsin announces the impending retirement of Sir R«bm H irt
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  • 81 2 Russian Report of the Attack. London, nth June. A despatch from General Stackelberg timed early on the morning of the 16th inst., and describing the engagement at Wafengkau, says that a superior force of Japanese attacked on the I.VJi inst. The enemy turned his right flank
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 239 2 twm Acting Resident, Mr. H. Conway Belfield, baa returned to Taiping from bis tour of inspection in the districts ol Upper Perak and the New Territory. He left Kuala Kangsar for these districts on the Ist instant on bis iirst visit to those parts, and proceeded as far
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  • 143 2 Tin: Hermans and, to a oertain extent, the Belgians seem to have secured tor themselves all the Chinese Government contracts for machinery of every description, the local arsenal, ironworks, and mint being fitted out with tluir manufactures, according to the British Consul at Hankow. The Japanese are
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  • 118 2 "MASK Twain was lunching in NewYork with \V D Howells before setting off tor his present Italian retreat, when two over-dressed f»ps entered the cafe. One, in a very loud voice, commanded Waiter, bring me some bisque of lobster, a bottle of wine and a chop.
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  • 130 2 Two H>brld Cib- in Paris Deeply Interest Scientist* A Paris despatch states Scientists in Paris are deeply interested in something entirely new in the animal kingdom Their interest centres in two baby hybrids that have just seen light of day at Bontock's Hippodrome. The sire is a magnificent
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  • 18 2 N. D. L Per Zieten -.'7th Jnne -Mr A. von Uicha) Mr. and Mr*. Rnssel.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 462 2 NOTICES. To H.M. the King .TOH.M.THEKINC. Tollßlhnr.PnKf 1 To H. R. H. The Prince of Wales. TO The House of Lords. TO THE House of Commons. Buchanan's Whisky IS Regularly Supplied. In buying Buchanan's Whiskies the Public are protected against overcharge by retailers as the selling price is arranged by
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    • 634 2 NOTICES. WILD WITH ECZEMA And Other Itching:. Burning, Scaly Eruptions with Loss of Hair. Speedy Cure Treatment. Bathe the affected parts with Hot Water and Cuticura Soap, to cleanse the surface of crusts and scales, and soften the thickened cuticle. Dry, without hard nibbing, and apply Cuticura Ointment freely, to
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    • 495 2 NOTICE^ f BEFORE WING TO BED j CALYERT'S CARBOLIC Tooth Powder Instead of leaving your teetk eipotcd ail aI(M to the struts' ol Utmh It Is sttsssOc, sXresmMe, and r«lre»hl«g, sad has the largest s«le ol tny dentifrice. CALVERTB Prickly-Heat Soap '10% Cryrtal Oartwllo' it a pleauni aniluptie Map, specially
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  • 315 3 By M. cannon. Thb great j ckey, Mr Mnrninaton Cuinon, describes in R. Fry's jfipMi'iHi his experiences in riding racehorses. He surprises the mere outsider by what he tells of the dangerous exuberance of famous horses. Barnuto's Worcester roared at him like a iion. The King's Diamond Jubilee
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  • 309 3 FOUR DAYS A I THE PUMPS. Fouf ht Death on a Water- logged Barque. The terrible sufferings oi a French crew of twenty-seven men, who worked at the pumps for four days and nights in a grim struggle to avert death that seemed almost hourly inevitable, is told by
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  • 274 3 UitENOBLB, May 7 —The First Cliainber of the Civil Tribunal of this district lias at laKt rendered its decision in the suit of the State against the Carthusian Monka regarding the ownership of the secret for making chartreuse and of the trade mark of the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 13 3 ZYMOLE TOOTH POWDER, a per feet antiseptic dentrifice, cleanses an* preserves tne teeu»
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    • 521 3 NOTICES^ WfWii^yr,} ,djir- intioH ountrirs.j "Sanitas Disinf acting Fluid b MsMMsa, and fat I v ihon EhlrafTictiT*, l«el) rluhirnta tha l-u* in ohkli ii i ii «d,aiMl, adnii'iistered inlc.nally prevents Ciller*. I )[J, U l fly«nltry, tic. "Sanitas Disinfecting Powder •MMptk »nd ilrodoranl thm carbcl. BSsHM Ik-liib .1 rrlYvMng. Sanitas
      521 words
    • 699 3 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporatisn. i-.viD-tr caph \i. »:o.foiiooo KESXRVB FL.NH Slirling-Uese^e* <>(■• 'til 0 Silver UVserve li.-» i ,U' if* Reaervc Liability of PreprirMN HmKP.OM) COURT OF DIRECTORS. A. .1. ItayniODil, Kxj., ('bnirni:in. 11. K. Toinkins. F.?q., Deputy Chairiuaii. E. Uoctz, Km|. I N. A. Siebs, E»|. Hon. W.
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    • 598 3 NOTICES. "government notification. Wnnte! i itht on positor's for the Gcwrnnii nt Puntintj' fflco. isonn!i\ In the AttippSt p:r-in'e-ule'n! Colonial S.. ri>l.nry"B r ffi.- Singapore 1 3i hi .inc. :ij4. Jun« 14 •<»)-« GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. EXPERIMENTAL Rt/B3>R TAPM^C Cl rk (Outiloir) to assin for abou f nix moirhs Snlarr
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    • 437 3 NOTICES. i/t^^Jffjf^ These tiny B^^^^Us^f^^ Capsules HV| IBVH superior •WiTfllTSv to Copaiba, 1 Cubebs, and 1 cure 1 the same diseases as these dnijfs < 1 |in forty-eight hours without < 1 i inconvenience. I < each bears tbt Mm* UUDYI FM BNtttES OF THI OWT 3RIMAULTS SYRUP Of
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    • 673 3 NOTICES. rRE LET— Honse No 11, Hophia Road and also No. f-l U ilkie Koad. Vpply to A. 8. Shooker, 1 Malacca Street. June 2 1.7 I'O BE LET: entry at met- compound 1 house No. 112 Bencoolen Street. Vpply to Guthrie Co. Ltd., Agents. F«b 4 v.c. r BE
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  • 281 4 CIISTMI immigration is the mainstny of the C >lnTy mi the Federated Malay State*. In ihort it may be said emphatically tliHt the more there is of importe i Chinese labour the merrier and t!ie better it is for trade, industry,
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  • 311 4 Mk L M. Bell, the Acting Mani<ipal Water Kogineer, thus deals with the Knllang Extension Scheme in hi* report for April The details of contract wilh Messrs. Howarth Krskim for the lunnel work iiave been arrui-r,. and the doeMfU are being prepaibd by the OoaraiiMlMMn' Solicitors for th< formal signing
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  • 7 4 To-day's bank 4/m rate is 1/11 j
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  • 10 4 Exchamoi and than quotation! will be found on page 8.
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  • 11 4 A >i-i;. lAi. dinner will be giveu at Rattles Hotel to-night.
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  • 15 4 The M. M b.s Auttralien with the mail from Europe is due on Monday morning.
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  • 16 4 The 16th and 18th July are the dates fixed upon for the Sarawak Ricps thin vpar.
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  • 1279 4 The usual fortnightly nie^iim; oi lite Municipal Commissioners «M held at the Municipal Office yesterday altar* noon. Mr. K Q. Broadrick, thn newly appointed President, presided tor the first time and there were also present Lieut-Col. K (i Pennefather, I P., and Messrs. Rjwland Allen, 1) K S.uiif-rville,
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  • Correspondence.
    • 214 4 To the Editor of the tttwlk Time Dear Sik, Yesterday at 5 15 p.ra when tratKc at Stamford Road was at its height, I was driving homo in a single rikisha along the same road, and when trying to cross the road opposite the Rnllles Library
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  • 26 4 HE. the Governor as Hifjh Commissioner, Kedera'cd Malay State*, has appointed Sabhadar Major Gurdit •Singh, Malay States Guides, to be Honorary Aide-^e Camp to His Excellency.
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  • 35 4 The Secretary of State has approved of the appointment of Mr. John Wilson Campbell to be Superintendent, G jverr.ment Plantations, (Perak) with effect from 20th April, 1904, vice Mr. Robert Derry, transferred for service elsewhere.
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  • 46 4 Mr. II V. Deshon, a high official in Sarawak, who administered the Government during the Rijah's absence from July 1903 to May 1904, has retired from the service which he entered in 1378 He will he attached to the Rn.jih's service in England as Political Adviser.
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  • 55 4 Thkhb will be a epecial Athletic Sports Dinner at rUfties Hotel to nijiht, whereat a large number of those who attend the Cricket Club this afternoon will put a fitting crown to the day's enjoyment. The band will be in attendance, and and a menu of exceptional character is arranged.
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  • Reuter's EXtra Service.
  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 23 4 Covernor nf Finland Succumbs to Wound. QWMnI Bobrikoff ('hft Cov.-rnor of Finland whose :ittempted MMMtnation was reported by Renter patflHftjr) dead
      Reuter  -  23 words
    • 46 4 A Frenchman Wins. Many Spectators and no body hurt. M. Thery, a Krenchman, has won Ihe tiordon Bennett Cup Raoo for motor cars at Hamburg, M. .Jona'/.v, a < '<■ iin in was second, while tiip Kii£;! -li ant was unplaced. Nobody was hurt
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    • 33 4 (irave Difference over the Army Reform. A lir.a«: UMMbhfa. vitaMMd tha event, iiulinling in:iny Uiyalties. is uivlirUcml th it tli mirked dissensions in tIM Cabinet in regnrd tv the Army Reforms.
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    • 68 4 He I, 6 W p m., Fri'l'K. On the morning of the l.Vh inst. t!ie Yladivostoek Squadron, consisting of thecruiseis Itovjfl and It aril.-, and the bati!;«hip Qnmttti, appeared off the coast near ■•?nk:ii, anil attacked the Japanese tr.jn-porio :h«re. Tho Otrnkmi limit i- tfct mm etoa to
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    • 135 4 HITACHI-MARU" SUNK. The HiffldU-MarN was sunk, ami t'lere are but few survivors. TORPEDOED The 5, n1., -mom was torpedoed, hut was not sunk, and it is expected that the majority of the men are saved. The fate of tho Ixumi-maru is iiot known. The Hit;.h, Mn,n ti, 17_* twts, i-
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    • 57 4 (reneral Kuroki reports that, on the 12th inst., a detachment occupied Kuaijen, 15 miles north-east of Kuantirn The enemy consisted of 300 Russians and .')00 HunglmseH. There were no casualties among the Japanese, and the cismlties of the enemy are unknown One prisoner* epaulettes show him to
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    • 23 4 Lal..r. Admiral KHminura's fleet started in pursuit of the Russian Vladivostock Squadron on the morning of the 15th inst.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 598 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Caldbeck Macgregor Co. (ESTABLISHED 1864) Wine Spirit Merchants, (London, Glasgow, Hongkong Shanghai) SINGAPORE PRICE LIST ON" A-PPLICATIOfT. Aj>l IB tilths. v.c. \Ai P A V/ C DO You can depend upon C^ ftl to cure permanendy SYRUP bom. and Erysipelas Scrofula CERATE Eczema WASSIAMULL ASSOMULL CO., Indian Store,
      598 words
    • 88 4 G. R. LAMBERT a Co., PHOTOGRAPHIC ART STUDIO. Highest Reputation. Sittings Daily. A}. i,ii' nls nhonld be made, if po»»ibl<\ one 'lay beforehand. Charge* Moderate. Juuu 1 1 M_ Qniai. I tii the llth June, at SiHin ll. n YartiornUKli Koad, Liuoolo, the wile >f Mr. O. S. JeoROB, of
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    • 32 4 NOTE -Telegrams and local new* received prior to noon to-day are published on Page a. Thk WayuiiK ICummib, which baa Iml a very successful season in Singapore, leaves for lpoh on Monday.
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  • 138 5 Friday, June 17th. mam r. Hi? Backiumci nit Qnvmma, *ir John 4ndrr«<>n, K.r.M y< w 1 I'iiylur, I-, m (Colonial kan 1 Hon K. Q. rMUMJ C'nloniiil Tr«a»urer). Hon. W K Collrw i.5..i..( Vttiirney-UHiieiuli. Hon. K C. 11. Mill (Auditor General). ■ml a. Murray, i.t.., m. 1.0.1 (Colonial
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  • 4928 5 The Burdens. Mh Naiikk, in moving tlie motion which »t '<"! in hi- name, said 1 feel that I have to ask the indulgence of rh'i Council in introducing the motion which stands in my name B3i beo»BM if iv rabjaol matter, be in mj mind it
    4,928 words
  • 43 5 Croquet Tournament. Result of Friday's play. Ml. t. Broadri.-k beat Mr. W I ti\ '1 p.nntPlay on Monday aolh June. Mr-. Klcun ft Dr. Kowii" Mm r.i:id.l.-' and Mr. J I. IU-uin. Mr-, llroa.iri.-k r. Hon. .1 M. AlHl
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 134 5 NOTICES. Positively t\w- I*i^t Xiurht* but One. LeiiwMK for l|i-.l (K-r Sapph:. WAYAN(; KASSIM. The Indra Zanibar Royal Theatrical Company of Singapore Co-nighl! Saturday, June 1 8th eo-nighl The most Attracti*t innoantt Zulmi-Vahashee. i REMEMBER TO-MOKKOW: Sunday, 19th June, HMftMUtQW] Pmwlhlj thr i.u~t MmMN i .rru.u PMMlll hwawcMllt I'm »-idr
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  • 796 6 Lessons from F. M. S. Fxf>er|-nce. The following letter, from the pen of L Davidson, a planter with exjmiwm iii the F.M.S and Ceylon, api.mirs in the a The British public seems to have DOM to the conclusion that the juestion of Chinese labour for the
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  • 125 6 Keviewing tha t>U-aui engineering process of Japan. Professor Bunji Mano finds that the first land engine was placed in a spinning mill at Kagoshima ia 1863, and that the first made in the 'intrv came about ten years later. In 1901, the land engines in use numbered t,268.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 12 6 STEARNS' HEADACHE CURE. Cures "Mutt be Steams' and you get the Tenuine
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    • 571 6 NOTICES. Wts for LEI PERRIIS' f| it WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. B| Special Warrant J£^|9Q£j%£ His Majesty *AY Purwyors tp The Kinp. CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES. LEVY HERMANOS Si! HANKOH p(iRT arthVH 93 Bras Basah Road 93 OIVIFGA" WATCHES. f/,- 6D-, T l "««o««i iiHiaiTion. ochcv* ism O llyOSbt ZrriZSS T th e
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 674 7 BUCHANAN'S WHISKY Sold everywhere. STEAMSHIP "COWPAN I ES. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Ftir China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon. Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading Usued for Obina Coast, Persian Gulf. Continental. and American Ports. Steamers will leave Sincapore on or about Mail Line.
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    • 674 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijke Paketvaart MaatschappiJ. Under con tract with tbe Netherlands India Governn ent. Agent* ft 8 ntinporr Pbip Aa> my, laik J D- kndbls A Co., 2-8 Cou.ybb Quay. 'i b undermentioned date* are only approximate. Hcamrr From -'xp'toct. Will be Despatched fors— liertt i'slfinljiDE June I'iPalembang Samarang, A
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    • 417 7 HAMBUR6AMERIKA LINIE HAJUBURO. The steamers of (his Compauy maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the StraiU, China, and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly f3r Havre andHamUoig and once a monih foe Bremvrhaven direct, calling at Penane and Colombo. The arrival! of the next steamers
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    • 634 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Nil NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial Oci-nan Mail Line. !bo fiat and well nown mail ttca-ners of tbis Compacy tail fortnightly from BrtMiien-Hsmbuig via Rottordaro. Antwerp, .■ftutharnpton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Nafles, l'ort naid, Sue/., Aden, roloinl>o, IVnanir, Singapore. Hongkong, Shanghai, .Va«Maki, and Kob« to Yokohama an] back. They arc due in
      634 words
    • 662 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. W.Y. K. JAPAN NA'L STEAMSHIP Co.. Ltd. A regular KOKTNIUHTLY MCVtM it maintained between Japan and Europe by I the fallowing NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS. I nd r Mtil Contract with the Imperial Japanese Govcnni'snt. specially designed lr the Comp*aj'e European Service, lighted throughout by It leotncity, provided
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    • 656 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES C.P.R. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. rug FAST KOUXK BETWEEN CHINA JAPAN, AND EUROPE. VIA OANA DA AXD THE HNfrKD BTATFB. from Hongkong ia Shangii;. Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan) K«U Vokouama, Victoria and Vancouvei l«in "irrow KmpreH* Steamship*— 6,i<hi Ton* Speed 19 knots. PROPOSED
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    • 1362 8 Under this heading the following tbbreviations are used str. steamer; ik ship; bq. barque: sch. schooner: fet.— Yacht; Cru.— Cruiser Obt—Ountoat; Tor.— Torpedo H. p. Horsepower Brit— British; U. B.— United States; tth.— French; G«r.— German; Dut.— Dutch; O.c. General -cargo d.p. deck ■•avenger; U— Uncertain T.
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    • 614 8 .Vow, port, prohibit of ariivu. and name oj agenlt. Htcabiibs. Againcaiiion. China. Jane 2t>; Mansfield. \k:incourt. Barry, June; Borneo Coy. Ajax, Liverpool, July l«; Mansfield. \nnam, Colombo, Auk I M. Maritime*. \rm<Miia. Bhans{h>ii Ju^e 1»; B. Meyer Asahnn Asahan, June M Behn Meyer. Au^henatden, Durban, June; P.
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    • 597 8 Singapore, ***** Junk, 1904 PROOUCE U ambler f s.(X> do (Cnbe No. I) unpicked „13 00 Copra Ball 8.15 do Ponilauai- 7. 70 Pepper, Black 84.75 do White, (5%) 38 75 Sago Floor Sarawak ;iih do Brunei No 280 Pearl Sago 440 Coffee Ball, 15% batl. 2S 00 Coffee,
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    • 148 8 fu» fV» tttcm T:me. T.-PaV. Peuitii|<auut\>loiiibo Peru p.m. P..<wel"hnni .tc Knan| I'm St ,i J p.m. Muar and Mil.iccsi y-n-fn p m. P. Swefham via poi t» Mmimttm I p m Calcutta S'nirifii 3 p m. Muntok ralombaug Ruby 3 p.m. Deli Sumatra 3 p.m. Annoy via poris
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    • 131 8 From Europe— By the M M s.s. Tonkin due on 20th lvii". with dat'> r<i the !7th May. From Chi ;n By thi M M >.«. Au..l alien due on the .Utli Juue. TIME TABLE OF MAILS DLt Left Singapore Due in London \rrivei May 4th K.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 98 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co. JEWELLERS AND SILK MERCHANTS, Nos. 51 fc 52, Sigh Street. .luat artived a new shipment ot Indian, Chi. ese and Japanese silks ot various kiudg, Chinese embroidered costumes, Mnlteoe lace jackets and handkerchiefs, Ceylon lace, pretty grass cloth work, silk shawls of various kinds made
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    • 169 8 Whiteaway, Laidlaw&Co. FISH SLICES i 'MJr^s Tlie Ilki-trat ii>>. Shovi's the Slice in closed and uf%m po«ki< i> I i rSj?T^ jJjU PMCE 45c. EACH i lVl|iJL*jT l T "l L fWk%£!&h HEAVY VVEIGHTi'...^ LIFTING \v\^ li/ BOY S\\ 'I ft j^L S'Vl TATCHO. J^V^ 4 uILY AN'l> NON-OILY 1
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 63 8 WEATHiH HEPORT. Kandang Kerbau Hc-pital, H'h June, 1904. Bavin .1 pp> 'p"< Rkmawes. Bar ..jABKaUSI.HLMM Morning Temp WO ■> H( i clcudy, wa'ioriier 76.0 79 0 7^.0 fjay and UirofVViml w. sw ni^ht clear. Max. Temp <*5 5 Mm 74 S Sau 144.^ Terr, rud 7J b RniofaU Nit
      63 words