The Straits Times, 15 June 1904

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 21,450 SINGAPORE. WEDJSEbDAY. JUNE 15. 1904. PRICE 15 CERTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 731 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMHNTS. NOTICE. j^Bs^aW»^ps^mßS Ihe annexed is the Registered Trade iVrark S J f !|^^HBt HORLICK'S FOOD COMPANY, a I jfl »1 H^Hfetk corporation carrying un business at Racine. f^y I "T__" Jlk i I M WjM Wisconsin, United States of America and $4 Ili I 1 H Farrlngdon Road,
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    • 368 1 NOTICE. FEDERATED SAW HILLS, Ltd., Sungkai. '.an now supply ny quantity and i sizes of i-'.i ,i >tt-,iin Mwn Meranti. Obengai and hard wood can also be supplied in any sizes and quantities. Orders carried out with Despatch. AddresH Order* to the Manager, Sawmill*, Sungkai. RATES MODERATE Telegraphic Addre" 1
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    • 506 1 VOLUNTEER G0NYIR81ZI0H!. Ur.rler the Auspices of the I 3.V.A and S.R.E. (V), BUI IliiHKlli UIHI DRILL HALL l>y tin-J perniiB4ioa of the OuGL&V < Un Saturday, June 25th, 1904. at 9 p m. Ladies' Fi'-kotc may be obtaiuet! onappli tat-on to the »;ommitt«e Ouest?' 1 ickeU (tl eaob) can only
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    • 341 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. SPECIAL MUSICAL DINNERS AT Raffles Hotel On t6e IBt6 and 25(6 instant. Seats to be Reserved previously. SARKIES BROS., Proprietort. June 11 «6-6 WILSON Co., PHOTOGRAPHIC ABTISTS, ORCHARD ROAD AND BATTERY ROAD. The lxjadiiiLr "tudio. 1 1\> to-<iatt" and Proj{i'««sive Photographic Supplies. Jxsrgfe^i Stock. Best Goods, Rowesf Prioet.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 53 2 The "Protection" *lth Two Fxperts now Enroute to Japan from America. Ijondon, \4th J*M Tho New York correspondent ot' law Daily Telegraph states that the sub marine hoa', Protection has been privately sold to Japan, and is now 'proceeding thither on board a Nor wpgian ship, with
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    • 32 2 Rputer'R correcpondent. wi'h (J-Tioral Kuroki's headquarter- 1 wires, PM Fusan. that the only hostilities now beim carried on are daily skirmishes hetwpci outpoete, wherein the Japanese are the victor*.
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  • 1411 2 Some Infor nat on Forthcom njf. Although still apparently very rcluct.iut to gi\e any details oomniM Use working of the Crown Agents' Ol&ce, the Colonial Secretary has vouchsafed MMM information Replying i'> >ir hinrv Fowler, who asked what I ho amount paid in commission lo
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  • 201 2 SIGNORA USE ILL siguoia Daw, Urn fraal Italian Inge iliiiinc. -..ivs ;i wnlii in thu frttm has arrived in Pmu i i eon Milt the Im-^i Krencli physiriiiiis uilli rafaiti to an at tack of inllui'Mz.i whuli afuoted In i Kua .iiicl fri'in irkiek she lias never (jiiitc ri'covoii-.l Sho
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  • 85 2 Wonv n Mn«t I i<t M<irts li Pfj or Wear >hon tint s. Ac IWHM >' n' in s|.;iirli ir.'i,. 'r .til*-. I!" 1 "i>-*, '•<•• T wn <•• ii' i-i ■i civ h v«.»i(l 'Ijit Hie \<>meu nil no limgrr r>«» pi-nii'ti-.l ti> ii ij» t»lr
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 489 2 NOTICES. SAFES With Combination Locks (NO KEY REQUIRED' ALL SIZES lUST STOCK. THE VICTOR LOCK Co. Particulars from Borneo Co.. Ltd.. Singap'ire. JEFFREY'S EDINBURGH STOUT. Specially For the Brewed Tropics. 7 doz. pints $1 5.00 of all dealers. IMPORTERS BORNEO Co.. Ltd. TULLIS'S LLAMA-HAIR BEST FOR TROPICAL CLIMATES Keeps TOUGH
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    • 385 2 NOTICES. For Cultured Smokers. mmm^^^\ I WPi s^al HI 8 Ser3 B 2i* It >."•■»■ Bk-nd of Oriental Tobaoooa Brec Dron !1 i!n bii ntd ni liter. TheB« f'ijfaiutU'>- inu made m j>i:; i :i«tlictci il i.i.- \«vy finest Tobaoco, and will b« l'oundol Ix 1 .uitnil moll. at snperior
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    • 15 2 i. .,ui. i. itiuili I*O»VUBK, a per-•i-t antiseutir dent iitirt'. rlt:inse* mH. ..eirorves tne leoth
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  • 1180 3 Slow but sure Prneress. Mr. R. M. Wan 1 rfgM the :ulnnnistration report «.n Malacca (or 1903. Tin rtrad i-i mi i 1 1 1 ■t 1 1 1 1 v ''calling, showing how cvt-n tin t "Sleepy Hollow' is adraocin| with the tiaa The I'a-t .-•>
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  • 1019 3 J'lIK Inr'o-Okiiwitt' a |M liodual nublirhed at Hanoi, gives an intereE'ini irticle on Siamese superstitions by M tlaiduiiin The following tatracf •hc.vs how little Buddhist teaehirp han worked tor flood Fear of Spirits. Prom ilic point of view oi Miter■>titinus heliefi<, the Siamese yield in nothMp to tbi
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  • 579 3 A KEMARKABLE law Cf.Pf has just htt-U (ought out at Hourabaya. Some time afzo, the Handflavereening Amsterdam," a Trading Association there, fell out with its Chinese clients, by trying to get at customers direct bo as to do away with middlemen. The Chicece clients met the move by
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 636 3 NOTICES. GOVERNMENT OF PAHANO. Vpplicatio ar iu.ielfor t n vrnint cl<>r- ipe and »houid ieneh tho Reside- i's "fli at Kuila Lifji* not lator th.inB.Vhj J me Itv $VMo B"<ia month .iL-cor-<lin to iiu .lificatun>. June i mwf. Sn-« GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Want* 1 eight con pfwitor? for the Ocvernnient
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    • 606 3 NOTICE?. CHAPOTEAUTS PHOoPHO-CLYCmTI OP LIMB It iocreatjM vital enerav and nerve force, cur** H*urttt*U)k. «VWM»*». «h«M, and *m*ut tistain ia adults and children CtfMUi. M WMC. AM l« STMP SELF CURE NO FICTION I MARVEL UPON MARVEL I NO SUFFERER NEED NOW DESPAIR, but w l>»aj r»««is^ a aocWi kill
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    • 653 3 NOTICES. rRE LET— Hon«e No 11, Hophia Road nod aho No. l-l W ilkie Road. \pplv to A. S. Shooket, 1 Malacca Street. June i 1-7 (OrE LET: entry at rne< compound hou=e No. 11l Rencoole.ii Stneet. \pply to Guthrie Co. Ltd Agents. PVb_4 v c. IX) BE LET: office*
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  • 599 4 Calcutta being iv the IfcN N boycotting epidemic among the servants there, a Heal piper pug^es'? tha advisability of importing Chinese buys from Singapore and, thoupl; Singapore is scarcely the ideal place on eiri h wherein to seek a Chinese servant,
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  • 834 4 Horace it was who observed that Sapittitia printa $luliitia oaruuse which means, in < flVt, tdar in order to be wise it is well (ml to be free from •oily. Ther* are w*ll educated person!) #ho— the latest died of Oxford notwithstanding will persist in pronouncing the first word of
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  • 116 4 It is as good to be out of tbe world as out of fashion," so we hasten to give the latest wrinkle to any members of the elite 400 who form the Upper Ten of the American metropolis, but who now may be passing through Singapore, and are therefore out
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  • 7 4 To-day's bank 4/m rate is 1/1 If
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  • 9 4 Nhhsklandi India news will be found on page 3
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  • 14 4 Sir Lionel and Lady Cox returned from Malacca in the .^Vi \fe>'- this morning.
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  • 18 4 Mb. D. G. Campbell, Acting British Resident, Selangor, resumed the duties of his acting appointment on Bth inst.
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  • 19 4 The British steamer Sikh arrived this morning from New York with 45,000 ca«es of oil for Manila and Yokohama.
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  • 22 4 Thk Dutch mail steamei SMMfM Witlielmina, which left Singapore, on the I'll "1 May, arrived at Amsterdam on the 1*4 th instant
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  • 24 4 Iris estimated that a first-class war 'hip can use in an hour's rapid firing ammunition to the value of <|'i»utor of a million sterling.
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  • 23 4 Ths Hon. J. Turner hax been appointed President of the Malay Peninsula Induttry Association in place of the late J M B Vermont.
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  • 26 4 The (i. -1111.111 mail steamer rViM Regent Luitpold left Port Said the day tef'ire yestenlav outward bouu<l. Bhe is due here on Pridav, tbe Ist July.
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  • 28 4 In the Summons Cuurt, yesterdiy a Chitty was cited for non-compliance with in abatement order He was onlered to pay $10 a day until the order is obeyed^
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  • 40 4 The Malay driver of a ste.un waggon belonging to Messrs. Howarth Krskine, Ltd., was summoned far driving, on the 18th ult., the wapgon in such a way that it did not eff.-etually consume its own smoke. The pummors was dismissed.
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  • 33 4 Suter llkhtmaw and Rahtjes 's improved red hand brand of paint for ship's bottoms continues to gain cugr.oin Within three months recently ivor 2,583,000 additional tons ol shipping were coated with the composition.
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  • 36 4 Thk next meeting of the Chinese Christian Association will be held at the Prinsep Street Church on Fiiday I7(h June at 3 p m when tin- I' Walker, MA j," -give .i lecture on MartiTi L'lt+nyaru|^^U--t'rxrri»ion
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  • 48 4 A powßßFt'i. syndicxte has b«fcn formed at Rome, consisting of most ol the leading local manufacturers and merchants, with the object of obtaining the Italian Government's sanction ol the constructtDn of a chip canal from the capital to the sea, as well as its co-operation in the undertaking.
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  • 47 4 At the annual meeting uf John Thornycroft and Co., Limited, the chairman said that torpedo boats and destroyers took, and would take, < prominent part in the armament of modern navies, and the Thornycroft Co. aad contracts in hand for four torpedo boats destroyers for the British (Jovernment.
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  • 50 4 Thk work of improving the foreshore and wharves of Kanpoon is bring steadily proceeded with in Fections. Large amounts have been sanctioned for the work, which is felt to be a pressing necessity owing to the rapidly increasing trade of Burma and the insufficient accommodation provided to cope with it.
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  • 56 4 Thk number ol si earn and sailing vestels totally lost, condemned, &c during the quarter ended September :10, 1903, is reported by Lloyd' t fftfiWti as- If 4 of 128,897 tons. Thin total includes ~>2 xteam vessels and 112 railing vessels, and of these 27 steam vessels and 12 "ailing
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  • 50 4 .SfcVEKAL important Enactments have been passed in the Negri Sembilan State Council. They are the Labour Enactment or an Enactment to aniet d ihe law relating to Employers and Labourers, an Enactment to regulate the employment of Chinese Labourers in Mines, and another to regulate Unemployment of Chinese Agricultural Labourers.
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  • 66 4 It the Municipal Board of Manila has its way thtt place will be turned into a beautiful city, but it will cost a fearful amount of money. They propore to float a loin of 4,000 000 dollars tor the purpose The purpustfor which this loan is desired are t tie
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  • 60 4 Sum offers a kuuu market for electrical apparatus The principal buyers are the Siam Electrical Company and the railways. In 1902, electrical apparatus wpb imported to >h<> value of £10,000, excluding about £o«0 worth imported via Singapore. Hat her less than one-third of Hie imports came from Great B'itain (£3
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  • Reuter's Extra Service.
    • 96 4 ADMIRAL TOGO'S OPE RATIONS. London, nth June Reuters correspondent at Tokyo says that despstches received from Admiral Togo describe the operation* of the fleet under his command since the 6th mot.. including bombardments of the western co ift of the Liaotung Peninsula. Effective Bombardment. The Admiral mentions that the bombardment
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    • 35 4 Tin' Cabinet at Ottawa has discussed the case of Lord Dundonald. Appointment Cancelled. It is understood that the Cabinet ha* decided to cancel the appointment by him which !>,i<l been objected to.
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    • 46 4 I. in, >>,,,', i:>th June. Usurer's correspondent .U Tnkio Mfl while the trinspori IWfttlaaara was laying mines at the entrance to Port Arthur, one mine exploded. Nineteen perrons were killed by the explosion and nine wore injured The Taihok-amnru wa? not seriously damaged.
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    • 37 4 The Japanese have seized a fleet of junks laden with Hour off Chefoo. The Japanese have oOMpWacd to the Taotai [Governor of Chefoo that foreign merchants then .ire shipping goods to Pott Arthur.
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    • 25 4 Three foreigners supposed, to heAnarchist*, have been arrested at Johannesburg, owing to threats against Lord Milner having be«n recently uttered there.
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    • 22 4 The following is the result of the race for the Aw«t Stakes Merry Andrew Pure O old a delta— 3
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    • 27 4 The following is the betting on the Hunt Cup: lo I, Melayr 100/9, Ribert ie Diable; 100/8, Wild Oats; Kilelns?, and Cossack 100/6, Niphetos
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 25 4 fjOttduH, 1 ">//» J'(III.J '(III. The Tsar lias, by ukase, called out the army reserves in sixty-one districts of various Kussian provinces.
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    • 14 4 Aden his been declared t.o be i port infee'rd by plague
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    • 60 4 Terms of Operation. Mr. II Norman asked in the Howt of Commons whether the lease under which the British Government holds W'ei-hai-wei terminates iinmcdia'ely upon the Japanese occupying Port Arthur. Lord Percy, the Under-Secre.ary of State for Foreign Affairs, replied that, by the Anglo-Chinese Convention of 1898, Britain holds
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 879 4 LATEST ADVERT 'SEMENTS. W ASSIAMULL ASSOMULL CO., Indian Store, No. 1, 2, 3, 4, High Street. Ha\r opened a fre«h stock of Killc« el inarvellons beauty and bent quality imported trom India, fhina, and Japan. Ited covers, i:u»hion» and nhawU o» excellent style, Maltere lace of funhionablc M.yle Imrul ni.i.l*.
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    • 83 4 G. R. LAMBKRT A Co., PHOTOQRAPHIC ART STUDIO. ImillKK! I-:'. Highest Reputation. Sittings Dally. Appointmmtt should ba made, if pMaMft, one day beforehand. Charjtes Moderate. Jamil ma_ StaKLBT. On the 29th May, at Shan^hHi, the wife of Dr. Stanley, Health Oftic-ar, »f son. Uiukkibo-Harkis Or the 2~th May, at Port
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    • 13 4 STEARNS' WINE .strengthens the resistance to disease of the lungs and air ptwagM
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    • 169 4 JAPANESE OFFICIAL TELEUKAM. Another Disaster. The following official tolrtgram from the Foreign Office at Tokyo has been received by Mr. Tanaka, the Japanese Consul at Singapore. Received., 10 la p.m Tuendny Admiral Togo reports that, while the T-tihoku-mnru was laying mines in face of the enemy on the night uf
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  • Correspondence.
    • 61 5 ."1 fltspftii Rood. To the Editor of the Strait* Time*." Ukak Sik,— ould you kindly oblige me by thanking, through your columns, the ladies and gentleman, whose names I do not know, tor their k'nd to \ir-j. Alii when the oerriane eoddent took plaoft, Uet eveniiif,
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  • 76 5 Aoglo Chinese School. 15th .June, 1904. Okak-ik: -J wiiifi to r€(|iiest you. that, whPTPas I have been nccrfWteA with m'joh of the coire?pondpnce recently in tha Btr*it* Timm on school matters, you would be kind enouuh t^ justify me in the *tatpmpnt that I wrote neither the letter
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  • 149 5 To the i'dttor of the Straits Times.' I)k\uSik: Killinfi) Road, the main, thoroughfare lii'king Cawnafth Road. Orchard K>-)rl, Devonshire Road, Lloyd Road and R ver Valley Koad, his bepn in a di'^racefnl state of repair for months pad. 1 mppoaa that I c reason la that the Municipality
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  • 97 5 fiimM] sfteroooi Mis. Adi* wan going fur a <iri v»> when <he met with an ami Si :it.. The tyrg was driving down 1 hjtii load at a great pace and on irbiof -Iruply to the right to avoid li w'. tin' •niasre upset and th« thrown
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  • 127 5 L AND SALE. UK iulljwlfjg properties were dispu-s-;d of by unction at Powell »fe Oo's saleroom yrs'erday afternoon I. .-it il shci| 'loti-e tliereon known as N .10 ClyJ« Terrace, Sit g*pore, r.t 1 a lOlTi iq IV-w held under (iovernmpir Lease l.r 99 \ears from Ist March 1*59,
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  • 167 5 Tan Ah Hong, a "boy" in the cinpl«y of Pilot Ilauxwell was arraigned this morning before Mr. Beatty for theft of S3U <m the 7th iast. and for the theft of flu --tor-day. Insp. Kirkc pi^ecuted. Mr. llauxwrll said that ou the 7th inst., he found
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  • 164 5 Mi; Dykks, the Warden of Miner, F M S notes wi'h rpyret that there if a spirit it pessimism rampant in Pahanp OOnearniag the resent ;ind future pro*p*eta of 2->lti mining in Paliani' which, be thinks, U not inatiflad Hi rema?k« -This fpirit i.f pessimism makus itself conspicuous
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  • 936 5 (From our Suppressed Correspondent with General Dorward's Column.) No news, it was said yesterday, had been received from our extra-special attache 'rith General Dorward's staff, but at last tiit. silence has been broken, fne very fact thai our correspondent iiad been quiescent tor a week was in itself
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  • 279 5 The Bench Court was again nigageil, yesterday afternoon, in taking evidence in the case in which it is alleged that an ingenuous Chinaman suffered himself to be cajoled out of something approaching a thousand dollars by two of his countrymen for the purpose of obtaining for him a
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  • 550 5 Croquet Tournament. Singles Handicaps. Mr. J. B. Elcum (wTß Mr-. VVime hea.l -J liisnue- Mr. C. W. Whitehend Mi- f.ioadrick i 4 Mr. K. ii. Broadrick-4; Hon. .1. M. Allinson 4 Mr. W. Patchitt +5; Mi I! W. jj|lldl If Mr. A. \V. Bailey*s; Dr. Kowlie
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  • 539 5 The following are the handicaps and entries for the various events of the S.C C. sports to be held on Saturday 100 Yamjs Scratch Rack. Ist Heat. H. F. Forster, Lt. W. Odell, C. R. A Grirashaw, R. P. Silby, J. \V. Buckley. 2nd Heat.— Jas. A. Lindsay,
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  • 100 5 A I>.u;k A .von correspondent writes to the Ptrak Pionetr that:— An unusmlly large croc was taken to the Police Station a few days ago by a Malay, for the Government reward. Tbe man related how he had had a tierce struggle with the creature, which bad entered
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  • 141 5 A kfcent case of poisoning by a cook, in a Chinese family, at Kuala Lumpui with the dried flowers of a plant known to botanists as Dahtra fatunsu has called attention to the ease with which that poison can be had there at native drug whops. The leaves of
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  • 104 5 S. C. R. C. TENNIS TOURNAMENT. Single Handicap. (i»t round) Yesterday s Play. A. CLASS. Cbia Hood Teck 9cr. beat Li Kirn Kuk reo. 30 and t >,aiiic 6-3, 6J. Beovr Puh Leng owe 15 beat Lira Xi Chiok 'Or. ii 6-1. U. CLASS. Soh Hock ChiaDg Mr. beat Tan
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  • 421 5 The Lonf Arm of Coincidence. A vkby hard contested match of billiards between teams of 14 players each of theTanjong Pagar and Warder's Recreation Clubs came to an end on Saturday night, when Blaii and Marlow met in the final game of the series. The teams first met on
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  • 95 5 Merchants' am Bruntwood Architect Duchess Benedick Milo flin lers 'urse. 10 7 9 7 9. 8. U 8. Handicaps. Architect 10. 4 Duchess 9 Glencoe 9-7 Meros 9 4 Benedick 8 13 Bra .8 10 Miln 8 9 IVrfidy 8. If top weight does not accept, weights go
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  • 202 5 Bkkore Mrs. c'-.. riming left Singapoifor Europe she presented Ihe Sepo> Lines Golf Club with two p:;»e« fo competition by members in mixed four somes. The play was to be according to medal rules and over a course o eighteen holes seventeen coupleentered <nd Mrs. Wadilell
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  • 87 5 Wharfs at Which Different Ships are Berthed To-day. Btei Winßt Nhuihh I'bakraliboßav Ganymede VicT.iKix 1111. 11 „wsi, D.i. k -i.douiiale. Albert Graving Dock- 11. N. M. S. L'trectai SKCTION V 1 Siilt.m. Sp|m.i,/aiila, HinSan.•ad Manil -2 arlyle. 01,r.-. ird Tiinsli" 3 Shirley. J Sikh. "> Kesiiiuiwnd
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  • 50 5 Two more garnet* vi tive-a-eide fool ball in connection with the B. C. C sports wore played otf on the E^planad yesterday afternoon. Buckley's tean beat Robertson's tive by lour goals U nil. J.tcks<>n's itipresentatives bea' Abrams' by three to nil. This alter noon McKcan's team piny Curtis's
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  • 84 5 A blind Malay named Telempeng aiu a companion, Wahid were again bcfori Mr. Seth yesterday for preliminary as quiry into an allegation of having madi a false statement in a declaration to rx used in a judicial proceeding viz thi recently heard Tcluk Blangah Lan< fase.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 16 5 DON'T WAiT UNTIL YOU CATCH COLD but begin now with SUarns' Wint I in moderate doses
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    • 73 5 NOTICES. REMEMBER For a few Night* nwr* XJOayang Passim The indra Zanibar Royal Thaatrloal Company of Singapore AT THE NORTH BRIDGE ROAD THEATRE HAIJ. Co-nighi Wednesday, June 15th 00-nighi r. FUN FUN I FUN By request the Company will Stage "Aida and Adima." Grand Talusmanir hrtecu, Marvelloim Senn^rv Worth I
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 161 5 DAY n* HAS Wednesday, 15th June. High Water. 11-6 p.m. S V I. Drill. 315 Wayanx Kawim. Noilli IwMgl I Thursday, 16th June. Hirli Water. I -'1 and ll iT ■■< Friday, 17th June ■ak Water, N D. L outward m»il iaa. Leginlative CoeaaU. 2-iH. .Muniiipnl (•> mi-wion.
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  • 348 6 For many yean it has been believed that somewhere in th > far-oif island of Cocos, in the Pacific, a treasure of priornious value lies hidden, says the Daily Chronicle of the 20th ult. It was with the object of finding this treasuie and becoming rich beyond
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  • 172 6 Turpentine an Antidote for Carbolic Acid. ml tiistovery by Mr. Alleu, a Dublin veterinary surgeon, thai ordinary '.urpentine is an antidote tv carbolic -icid has aroused great interest. Recently, according to home exchanges, a well-known chemical expert in Dublin tested the efficacy of the antidote on a dog.
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  • 55 6 ilakry— Here is the newest conundrum Whtn is two an odd and lucky number t Celia— You know 1 never can guess conundrums Harry -When two are made'one. Oh, Ham t This is so.sudden W bo m titai biuuning blonde you xpoke to That's iiiy reconiinp aneel."
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  • 230 6 For Singapore. Pec P. A U. 8. 8. 8. i'oii' olia, conoei-tinp with the stuiroer Malta st Co'ombo Ironi London May ilup 2tith June— Mr and Mrs. l.wlell, Mr. f. T«)lor, Mr. D. S Richard*. Her P. 40. s b. Jionifo from London 28 due M
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 12 6 BTKABNB' HEADACHE CURE, Cures "Mutt hr Steam and you get »he gemtina.
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    • 272 6 NOTICES. ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM J! Cures deep-seated Coughs and Colds, Croup j and all Bronchial Troubles. Small, Medium and Large Bottles. R DO YOU DRINK LIME JUICE THEN DRINK THE BEST A t tnli -Joi-- Litll. ICo T-x- D^r.,', b- rf THE BEST^^lf WATCHES IN THE JL+ WORLD JU% Kelly
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    • 641 6 NOTICES. Agents far LEI 4 PERMS' «|f IJ| WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCL •aaA^»^BaS aW'T^Baaat -kW to B JAo^toJ A0^to Bo Special Wcrrant^^^^gJ^ His Majesty Purveyors to "S^Ss^^ The King. CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES. P**lS glf MANILA HONGKONG m CM I ILOILO SHANGHAI. affrl/Jf «)f f #7 /J 1* ft| a/WI f\ Q HARBIN.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 685 7 BUCHANAN'S HISWKY Sold everywhere. STEAMSIHIIP COMPANTBSy P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Fur China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon. Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. l'hroueb Bills of hadjag i«*uod for China Coast, rVrataa <lalf 0»«1 and American Ports. Steampro will leave Sincapore on or about Mall Line. Oulvard (for
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    • 728 7 STF A MSHIP COM PAN VBS. Koninklljke PaUetvaart MaatschappiJ. Unrlrr o< lilmr t vu.h tbp Neibi)ilandf> Jnrtin Ooveinn erit. Agitnttct S.ngtiporr rHiP Ao< v v, iaib J D- ehi>Bl« A Co.. '2 8 Coliybr Quay 1 h" uni'eimeniiont-d dates are only approximate. Mesmpr From 'x Will be Oetoatohufi (or:Cmeraalfrl P'Dnng
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    • 429 7 HAMBURGAMERIKA LINIE. HAMBURQ. The steamers of thi- Company maintain a tegular ■service between Hamburg. Bre men, Antwerp, and Kotterdam, and the Str*its, China, and Japan. Homeward, t ley are de«patched fortniehily fir Havre andH.-imburg and onea mon h for IWnv rh'iven direct; sallini; at Pe-i-ine and Colombo Tbe arrivaU of
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    • 642 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L 7 NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. I Imperial Herman Mail Line. Tbe fsßtanJ well nown mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen-Hamburg via Rotterdam. Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Unnoa. fa"leB, Port .^aid, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang. Singapore. Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to Yokohama and back. Tbey are due
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    • 883 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES C.P.R. > Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. IHt KAST M>OT« KatrWlaU ttiHJ ;MAN,AM)EUROrE VI «:ANAJ)\ AND THE UNITKI> BTATB& Koute from Hongkong via SliariKliai, Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan) Kobo, Yokohama, Victoria and Vanconver. Twin Screw Emprewi SttMiii-liip- Ton* Speed 19 knots. PROPOBBD SAILINGS FROM
      883 words
    • 405 7 SHIPPING NORDDIUOTERIiLOYD, FOR HQLTOKOirO, SHANGHAI AND JAPAN PORTS. The Imperial German mail steamer ROON, 8,000 ton*, Captiin Meiners. having left Colombo on Biturday the 1 Itb instant, at noon, may l>e expected to arrive here on Thursday, the I6lh inst at nbout t p.m. en route fo' abovepoi tc. Fo'-
      405 words

    • 1560 8 Qnder this heading the following tbbreviations are used: str. -steamer ship; bq. barque; sch. schooner; 7et. -Yacht Cru.— Cruiser Gbt.—Ounkoat; Tor —Torpedo H. p. Horse-power Brit— British; D. B.— United States; Feb.— French; Ger— German Dut.— Outch O.c— General-cargo; d.p. deck passenger: D— UnceiUin; T. P. W.—
      1,560 words
    • 559 8 aame,p ■ri, prohabli <xuu uj «rri"i. and nt.n.i of agrni,. imnH Aiinniemmn ("bind June "H; Mansfield. Vki i-ouit Barry, June; Borneo I oy. \j:ix Liverpool, July Id; MansfMrl. V unni, C"i iml'O Aun I; M. Maritime". \u -hetia'dun, Durl k lune; P. Simons. VUi-trnlieri, Hongkong June .(>. M.M'iiiut'S
      559 words
    • 606 8 Singapore, 15th Junk. i*m PRODUCE. tmmt nuvei- s *> do (Cube No. i) unpicked 13 l-.'t 'opra Bail 8 15 do Pontiaiiak 7 6"t •'epper, Black 25 76 do Whit*, S» 6.'t Sago Flom Sarawak 3 10 do BrnDel No 2 80 Pearl 8*go 4 40 Coffee Ball, 15%
      606 words
    • 139 8 MAILS TO AR RIVE. From Europe By l:ie N D.1.. s.s Ro-niiVM on I7tb June, ui'li rlit«^ to the .'.'in! M iv. From China By t!;>> Nf M. s.s. Awutrulim doc on the :oth June. TIMS TABLK OK MAILS DDK Left Hineaporo l'u<" i-i London Vrrv.'i Apl i-Hii M. M.
      139 words
    • 119 8 tor Per iteamer T*mt. To- M ok now. Baugkok Putnam 9 a ni. Bangkok M'dwm 0 n.m Singoraand Bangkok Chakrttbhimn* 1 1 a.m Mauila Aliean 1 p.m Ma'acca an<i Lingui Khi%g Srnn 1 pm Malacca and Muar Hong Won lpm. IVnang and Ueli 3 p.m MalaocH* I*. Dick-.m
      119 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 97 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co. JEWELLERS AND SILL" MERCHANTS, Nos. 51 52, High Street. Job! artivrd a new shipment of Indian, Chinese and Japanese silks of various kinds, Chinese embroidered costumes, Malteso lace jackets and handkerchief?, Ce) lon lace, pretty grass ciotli work, silk shawls of various kirn's made in
      97 words
    • 531 8 WHITEAWAY, _LA|OLAW CO. Ji. isTJEZW STOCK OF PITH HATS BEST I3ST QUALITY. BEST lIsT I=T?,T"lil j ;4X THE "PERAK" PITH HAT 3 rSn-t <ola Prh covered Khaki Drill wit'i l«at!ier bar.d and Chin Hirap g Jb PRICE 3.25 EACH Tho8 Make S and e FOinfBhF O inf8h tteBt The proved
      531 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 69 8 Kn.idang K-rbau v ■<> U i fn»r. Iwj a.m p rrt. J* p.m hMUt»»<. tinr mj»i>i».T(v. ji«.B-| Merainc l'»rmp >^«.R >-8 0 P*o rlny nnrt VB'lbTherl »»> l «'.O P^.n right olpr I'irnfWiml 6»v |s3uttr ft.w. Mm 70 Max in Sun !»'<' I Torr rod i 7-t 9 I >{■•
      69 words
    • 25 8 WEATHER TELEGRAM. t. KA. liir<imp\ Uth Ivwm HONURO&Q.Barometer 7» Direction of Wind. KhM Force of Wind 6 Mas. letup in i-hadp m MWII.A :-:.'>». V; |i
      25 words

  • 1022 9 Russia's Desicns' In mi lilt uniting article on Tibet lit (Jie current number of Blttkwood'l Ma gaxine, Mr. E. .1. Mmo, formerly >>f the C;i!riitta Bar, warmly <outro\erts the ■Dt •if Iks Rnaaiu Ooiaru— t that Russia has no designs on Tibet. .Hid that the PMWfI
    1,022 words
  • 504 9 lift. Willis, the Superintendent of the (iovermnent Botanical Gardens at Peradeniya, in Ceylon, tlms describes rubber propects there. The planting of rubber, more especially the Para kind has been pushed on very rapidly during the year, and it is probable that about 12,000 acres are now devoted
    504 words
  • 330 9 Colonel Clery Hill. N t\vB has come of the deatli ut one who was very well-known thioughout India— Colonel Clery Hill. How long he served in India and Burma in not known, but it must have been a very long time indeed Of late years hia duties as Inspector-General
    330 words
  • 689 9 A Symphony that Palled in a nice little Dinner for Four. Singaporeans who occasionally, or regularly, order a nice little dinner for one— or for four for that matter— from Mr. Van Wijk, or some other skilled Boniface of local renown and favor, will read the following
    689 words
  • 79 9 Left ''eyedness" is looked upon by Dr Geo. M. (tould, of Philadelphia, as of greater significance than left-handed-ness. He is seeking facts concerning the two and their association, but suggests that both may be due to the abnormal location of the speech centre in the light
    79 words
  • 28 9 N. D. L Per Xieien -7tli Jane .—Mr. A. vuu Vlichal, Mr. and Mr* Kussel. Exchange and share quotations will be found on page 8.
    28 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 453 9 NOTICES. SULPHURIC ACID FOR SUPPLIES, APPLY TO SYME&CO. m w f v.c. ST. ANDREW'S HOUSE. A Church of England Boarding House for European and Eurasian boys who desire to attend the schools of the place. Applications to be made to the House Master, St. Andrew's House: or to the Colonial
      453 words
    • 427 9 NOTICES jt Ny Carlsberg Beer Very ht f> sencr B^r, especially brewed for Tropical BllVfTDrcrTrVw^E Obtainable at the principal Hotels and Retail Dealers a ni lArLobtKUs Sole Impcricrc w M v.c. I^MMM«a»s»»sl 3%rams HORSE REPOSITORY. We have now over 200 Horses, Cobs and Ponies suitable ioc all ptH amongst them
      427 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 276 10 NOTICES. RILEY HARGREAVES CO., LTD. ENGINEERS, SHIPBUILDERS, GENERAL CONTRACTORS. Singapore. WoHca:— Keau Street. Town Store ii 13 Battery Roat 1 6ngines rftJ^St Boilers HORIZONTAL jlfj [.^^i.rfßr LANCASHIRE VERTICAL I I yf|^fflffl^ CORNISH PORTABLE UrfJHmßfHln LOCOMOTIVE WINDING >ilwfi|Si^^^ COLONIAL Mining. Horizontal and Vertical. Direct-acting Duplex and Special) Sinking Pump up to
      276 words
    • 172 10 NOTICES. I &or ffews of tde Straits, Siead tde Straits Times > It has the Largest Circulation OF ANY PAPER PUBLISHED IN MALAYA. Jor WAR TELEGRAMS Slead The Straits Times It may be obtained in Singapore at the following places Messrs.. John Little Co. Hagedorn ft Co.. Orchard Koad Sepoy
      172 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 544 11 INSIIKANCB COMPANIES. ROYAL INSURANCE CO. FIRE LIFE TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS fcXCEEI £12,000,000. THE LARGEST FIRE OFFICE IN THE WOBLD BOUSTEAD 4 Co., Agenta. THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital £2,127,500 Pud up Capital 212,760 Reserve Fund £1,073,650 The undersigned, Agents for the Cuil pany, are prepared to accept
      544 words
    • 577 11 BANKS. NEDERLANDSCHE HANDEL MAATSCHAPPM. Netherlands Trading Sooidy.;ih.d I«I4. CAPITAL. f. 60,000,000— (abt. £6,000,000) ISSUED CAPITAL. f. 46,000,000— (abt. £3,750,000 1 RESERVED FUND. f. 5,000,000- -(abt. £417,000) Mead Office In Amsterdam. Head Agency In Batavia. Bi.anc hep Penan^, Slmngh-ii, i;-m-eoon, Mednn (Deli), Semaiang Padang, Olipribon Tepul I'ecnlo Rah, Pasoeroean Tjilatjxp,
      577 words
    • 353 11 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Barking Corporation. I'MD-UP CAPITAL 110.*****0 RESERVE FUND: Morline Rpsei\vsloC(»iH'C.o\ rt Silver Rpoorve $(iM (1 (1 1 f' v w Reservo Liability of Proprietors $H 000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. A. J. Raymond, Kxq., Chairman. H. K TomkiDs, Esq., Deputy Chairman. B. Uootz, K-.|. I N A. Biebs, E«q.
      353 words
    • 376 11 NOTICES. J. MOflGrhTirCO WATCHMAKERS JIiWELLfiRS. OPTICIANS. RKPAIRB PROMPTLY KXFCUTKD CHAMPAGNE "LOUIS ROEDERER Cxtra Dry and Carte Blanohe The o>d, well-known brand BRINKMANN CO., Imj-or 1 Kftaij. at MnuKf. CHENG A Co., HhrH STREET The UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER Before buying a typewriter Inspect the UNDERWOOD tut- most perfect high class machine jet
      376 words
    • 242 11 NOTICES/ SAPPORO BEER THK MttT THAT IS KIWEDOH JAPAN PATRONIZED BY IM IMPERIAL HOUSEHOLD. OBTAINABLE AT THH PRINCIPAL HOTELS AND (ROM RETAIL DEALERS. mm— mi— KOMEYA CO., Telephone No. 288. 25 26 High Street. M.l\ 11 111 Ml. DC C. A. RIBEIRO Co., Stationeers, Printers, Bookbinders, AND Rubber Stamp Manufaceurers.
      242 words

  • 883 12 PERAK IN 190 3 {From Ihr Administration Rr/njit Fiscal. The revenue of the State for the year amounted to 1,667,323, being an increase over that collected in 1902 to the extent of 81,346,548. The estimated revenue was exceeded by 5*2,64r»,933. The expenditure of the year amounted to *8,082,582, as compared
    883 words
  • 513 12 The Protector of Chiuesi has efficiently discharged all current dntiea in connection with the administration of the Enactment for the protection of Women and Girls, the detection and banishment of habitual and dangerous criminals, mi other matters having reference to the supervision aud control of the Chinese population.
    513 words
  • 238 12 Sequel to a Deadly Duel. M K\rhit. a I'.illlslii of Tovlonas, 111 France, who 111 NoTMB)bt in a duel, BMW l'.iii>. with M Lauticr. whom he killed, ami he vfeoM murder he was subsequently arrested, has 1,,.,-n acquitted The evidence at the trial dial fact that l.autier
    238 words
  • 137 12 American Roman Cat Imhrs ire fading considerable difficulty m obtaining audi ences of the Pope owing to the toUowiag incident. A short time ago a party of Americans not of the Roman Catholic faith obtained tickets for a special private audience with his Holiness, who received
    137 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 175 12 NOTICES. Dr. S. Yamamoto, JAPANESE DENTIST, No. 352, VICfOR'A STREET, SINGAPORE. Apr IS 111 w f 13-7 STRAITS CYCLE MOTOR COMPANY. Rubber Tyred Carriage and Rikishn Wheels si'Kd W.I.V HAM iok is. Carbide of Calcium Benzine who 1.1 s. U.I. AMD BXTAII M AKKHsJuI- TIIK LAJU BICYCLE. tUj Hi 111.
      175 words
    • 206 12 NOTICr"JAMES WATSON CO.'S SCOTCH WHISKIES ARE THE BEST VALUE IN THE MARKET ?LAG BRAND, 10 YEARS OLD: $12-50 per case. Duty exlre v V.O. SPECIALLY RECOMMENDFD $8-50 per case. Duty extra AIMiBLE FKOM RETAIL DKAI.EHS, OK McALISTER Co.. Ltd sole agents BARK AND IRON WINE;)] vHf Keeps tbe oyatem toned
      206 words
    • 675 12 Nonets. Arima Water The renowned natural mineral table water recommended by Japanese Government Analysis. SOLE IV PORTERS: Y. Shibuya Co. SUB AGLNT: C. Janssen, Cebu. Ifaj M m f v c 111K lANJONG PAOAk DOCK COMPANY, LTD. Siui'wiuGiiTs, Enoineers, Im in kuaa Founders, Wharfingers, &c. Tliis Company execute Ship and
      675 words