The Straits Times, 13 June 1904

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO 21,458 SINGAPORE. MONDAY. JUNE 13. 1904 PRICE 15 CERTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 531 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. STRAITS SETTLEMENTS AND PIDBRATED MALAY STATES. AOII-HOSTICtTLTDRAL BQOWB. Ihe first of a scrir- of combined Shows, will be held on the Itace Course at Ku:ila Lumpur, on Friday, Hat arday andMundav. the Mb, (ith and Tth of August ne\t. The Show will ue opened l>y His Excellency The
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    • 574 1 NOTICES. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Tenders will be received lit the Colonial Secretary's Office up to noon on tbe 14th June, IKO4, for the following works (I). Providing and fixing gutterings and downpipea Ac. New Civil Prison. Conetrai'tion of verandah on south side of Maternity Hovpitnl (3). Qeneral repairs, painting nnd whitewashing
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    • 716 1 NOTICES. NOTICE. F. M. 8. RAILWAYS. SUPPLY OF J'OUTLAND CEMENT The Government is prepared to receive 1 tenders for tho supply of test Portland Cement, for the service of the F. M S. Railways Department during third quarter of 1904. Separate tenders are required for <leli»' very of Cement at
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    • 581 1 AUCTION MORTGAGKK'B SALE AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD AND LEASEHOLD LAND AND HOUSES At Serangoon Road, Xorris Road, and Cl}de Terrace, Singapore. TO m HELD AT PDWSU A <O.'S BAI.K-KOOM fmtmimm, 14//- Jwm, lfK>4, at ->:K)p m Lot 1. Freehold land ;iud house kcowl a* No. 81, Minngoon Jioarl Lot
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    • 256 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Ideal Milk ♦gflfyp??^ Enriched 20 per cent. m^^^rig? with Cream. |^)g^l Sterilized-Not Sweetened. Pl^**^"sJ Perfect Substitute for Fresh SPECIAL MUSICAL DINNERS AT Raffles Hotel On tde IStd and 25tF> instant. Seats to' be Reserved previously. SARKIES BROS., Proprietors. ie ,'VS JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. A Large Assortment in
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  • Reuter's Extra Service.
    • 51 2 Extraordinary Charge against a Canadian Minister. LoH'loii, 11th June. L)rd DundonaM has created a sensation in Canada by publicly charging the Hon. Sydney PaShar, Minister for Agriculture, for striking out from tbe <ist of promotions, the name of a militia officer that had been promoted by Lord
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    • 47 2 Itth Jin,. Mr Fisher has stated in the House >f Commons at Ottawa that when he vetoed the promotion of the officer referred to he was acting Minister fjr the Militia. lid admitted that he pfcjoctsJ to many nominations on [ulitieal u-ound-i.
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    • 61 2 Sir Wilfrid Laurier, the Premier, said he appreciated the good motives of Lord DundonalJ But we are unaccustomed to being dragooned in tliis country. lie must learn that Uiis is a responsible governmen', and whan be sendi reeommenda!ious to Council it is Urn right of the
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    • 24 2 Judge the lion. Sir (i linifjrd Bruce of the King's Bencli Division in the High Court of Chancery lias resicned
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    • 52 2 Casualties at Saimatse and Kaiping. Uofaa, /mm l l/A. General Kuroki reports that the Japanese occupied Siuyen on the >th inst., driving -1,000 cavalry and six gunp towards Kaiping. The J ipanese had 83 casualties Ac Saimatse they had 27 casualties, while the Russians left j:t killed
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    • 49 2 ReuUr's conespomlent at (ieneral Kuroki's Leadiiuarters reported on the 81 h inst. that for the past two days four columns of the Japanese we-e reconnoitring the roada towards Liaoyang, Kaiping, Saimatse and Siuycn. They had dislodced considerable Russian forces at various posts, and had altogether 65 casualties.
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    • 24 2 Reirer's Seoul c< rrespondent states that the Rus? iiiis in the north eastern pait of Korea are falling b.u-k
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    • 54 2 The results of the following cricket matches are reported Lancashire beat Gloucestershire by an innings and l.'f runs. Tlie South Africans boat Oxford Tnivei&ity by an innings and 97 run?. Kssex beat Sussex by an inning!; and 204 runs Derry beat M.C.G and Uioaod by 8 wickets. Kent beat
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 30 2 Objects to Food-Stuffs being Declared Contraband of War. IStt .1 Mi Britain has protested against the Russian declaration that rice and foodstutis are contraband of war.
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    • 32 2 Attacks on Pickets Repulsed at Qyangtse. The Thibetans made night attacks upon the Sikh and Gurkha outposts at Gyangtse, and were repulsed. Nearly all the reinforcements liave now reached Cuumbi.
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  • 1086 2 Pekav, hilh Am During his last visit here, the Senior Magistrate tried (lie case in which Madut bin Warokar, a Rompin Sakai, *R8 accused of the murder of his wiu named Kecuil. The Assessors were Tungku Ali, the Sultan's second son and Imam Prang Indera Mahkota, and the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 467 2 NOTICES. M.MNTAINtf Tlffi HTGIIKnT REPUTATION KVJFKYWtfERB. BUILD UP and PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH and Fortify the System against Disease with ■W( ow.l <t>«*k ■^a^sfA^BV^at^k^lTa^H V A^ai '^Sl ton W«hlT of It PWW |Akf WBO W m\m I 1 SHmV Ltmert. Pronouno^l^ msSs& Tor P id Liver Debility, Eruptions, .ad WONDERFUL PURIFIER
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    • 12 2 ZYMOLE TOOTH POWDER, a perfect antiseptic dentrifice, cleanses and preserve* tiie teetii
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  • 932 3 Famed Russian Stronghold. (By ingu* Hamilton.) Thi extraordinary dash which characterises the Japanese forces may, any day, threaten the safety of that wonderful fortress on the Pacific, Vladivostock. Russians have described Vladivostock as the key of the Pacific. I believe that a literal translation of the name gives 'he
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  • 1369 3 Report for 1903. Mr. F. J. B. Dukes as Senior Warden of Mines F. M. S. signs the report of the Mines Department for 1903. The report estimates the tin mining labour force in the States at 186,337 stroug. The labourers in the mines are
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  • 444 3 (fVwa fit />*/>/. WepoW EMT) Sale of Pledges. The aLticipations f(>rmed in 1900 of tbc h. i. iii's wlii should accrue to pawners by (he employment of a European litm ;o conduct the auc'ions of forfeited plec'ges wt-re (juite fuitilled up to the mid<lle of I9O."1 s nce
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 645 3 NOTICES. GOVERNMENT OF PAIIANG~ Applications &n inviteJ for t o vi int clerks ip« and should lenjli the Resident'* Itiffly at Ku»la Lipis not lator than 3Sth j Juno Jury fmm $6>i to |0n rruntli nccordin< to i|ua]ih'c«tu nJuue I m.w f. 80-tf WANTED:-* Collector. Mutt be ab to write
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    • 503 3 NOTICES. I/WVT¥7^V These tiny fl2J^U^£»fA Capsules b^LV^H B^^^l superior Vi^fllVw t0 Copaiba. 1 1^MM*MW Cubebs, and 1 Injections cure 1 the same diseases as these drugs 1 in forty-eight hours without < 1 inconvenience. I 1 8Kb Ctpml* btar* tb« oame (MID U m MKMES OF TW OHOT. GRIMAULTS SYRUI
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    • 654 3 NOTICES. rpo BE LKT.— Two rooms, with or withJ out board. Apply to S, Orchard Road. Jane 8 14-6 rHE LET— House No. 11, Sophia Road, and alto No. 2-1 Wilkie Road Apply to A. 8. Shooker, 1 Malacca Street. Jane 2 1-7 TO BE LET entry at once, compound
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  • 897 4 The Straits Times PRICE 15 CENTS. MONDAY, 13th JUNE In .mother colnn n ka ptibHtfc a.iother batch of coiiespjiiuuiioo from Mr. .1 C. Robertson of Jftsselton in regard to .in alleged injustice suffered by one of bis coolies at the hands of certain officials of the Chartered Company in British
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  • 244 4 The Palim Trophy, pthwhl known as tbe Centennial Trophy, was instituted in 1875, when tl.e team of the National Rifle Association <>f America won the trophy from lour competing teams that hailed from Ireland, Scotland, Canada and Australia respectively. In 1^77 another British team essayed to capture the prize but
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  • 7 4 To-day's bank 4/m rate is 1/11 j
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  • 14 4 It has been decided to hold tht (ropeng Sky meeting on the 6th August.
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  • 17 4 Lieutenant H T. Cunningham K G.A., at Fort Canning, has been promoted to the rank of Cap'ai-i.
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  • 44 4 Commencing with the arrival of the ?.s. Zaida arriving at Penang on 17th inst that steamer and the ss. '/.amnnia will in future go alongside the wharf there, both arriving from and sailing for Singapore. The s.s. Kittlna also makes use of the wharf.
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  • 48 4 Ok. Auu Castzllani, the eminent, scientist, who found out the sleeping sickness bacillus in Uganie, hat followed up the discovery by detecting the dysentery bacillus in Colombo. This may turn out to be one of tbe Lfn-;if.'-tL f n-;if.'-t if hot the greatest scientific discovery in that island.
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  • 52 4 An incident, most gruesome and regrettable, occurred lately on board 11 MS Rir.aMu, six hours' steam otit from Sandakan. It appears a bluejacket unfortunately fell icerboard, and in the act of swimming towards a life-buoy, which was immediately thrown to him, be was seized suddenly by a shark, and disappeared
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  • 59 4 As showing the indolence of the Malays, it is reported by the Resident of Selangor that it is difficult to persuade the youth of the country to accept free teaching in carving, silver work and basket- making which is available at Kuala Lumpur even the offer of a small subsistence
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  • 65 4 We have pleasure in drawing attention to the advertisement of the Federated Saw Mills, Ltd which appears on another page of to-day's issue. It will be seen that they are now prepared to supply Meranti, Chinghai, and hard woods from their mill at Sungkai in any quantity and sizes. Local
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  • 7 4 The Oriental Hotel. Bangkok, is to let
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  • 10 4 The S C. C. cricket tournament ommences on Saturday 25th.
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  • 15 4 The Dutch cruiser Utrerid arrived this afternoon from Sabang. She is to be docked here.
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  • 20 4 The Town and Volunteer Band will play at the High Service Reservoir tomorrow afternoon from 5 to 6 (weather permitting).
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  • 29 4 The Punjnra Mining Company at Hongkong is now so short of funds that it cinnot work the mines. The shareholders have decided upon winding up md reconstructing the Company.
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  • 41 4 A cricket match was played on the Esplanade on Saturday afternoon between the Y. M. C. A. and an 3 C C 2nd eleven. The S C. C. scored 164 tun? and the V M. A were all out for 4»
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  • 42 4 A London telegram, dated the 2nd June, says that the contract for the conveyance of mail? to the E»st has been Mened [with the P. A O Company fjf three vea*s It provides for an acceleration of the fervice by twentyfour hours.
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  • 90 4 Jem silver medal play 11th fnst. Results Mr. C. V. Mile, 84- t MMttll Mr A. C. l'adday 92- 9 BT> Sir A. K. t. Dowar.l «3- 9-84 Major H. J. Everett ...101-17-04 Mr. F Ferguson S4 plan JK.i i'u:i oianderSt .1. Kki...ili:ii -7 sor 87
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  • 124 4 A r.ARi.K French warship passed through the pott from West to East at BSO las', nieht. Two French transports passed t In ■> mii the port yesterday afternoon bound Eastward. It is presumed that the warship was the French cruiser l'oudre, Capt. Guepatte bound for Siigon. On
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  • 214 4 Amusing Addition to the Risks'' To the ever-increasing list of i i>ks taken at Lloyd's, says Fail /'ln;/, the underwriters have just added the iusurance of poultry, including fowls, ducks, geese, turkeys, pheasants, and partridges, also the sheds, etc., used in keeping them. The risks insured against are
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  • 237 4 Russian Opinion The .St. Petersburg correspondent of the Ihm FWflt Herald (Paris Edition) says "It is now calculated that the Japanese troops which have been landed number eight divisions' of 23,000 men each, two divisions being at Pitnze-wo, while the rest are co-operating in the march upon Liau-yang.
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  • Special Telegrams to the "Straits Times."
    • 32 4 Paris \2th June. There are no official advices from Port Arthur or Mukden. General Kuroki's army has begun to advance. The Russians are slowly falling back before superior numbers.
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    • 67 4 Carefully Buried by the Japanese at Nanshan. Received 5 30 p m June Ifltt. General Oku reports —The bodies ot the Russian dead found at Nanshan and in the vicinity, hive been carefully buried by the Japanese military administration commission and gendarmes. The dead number 10 officers
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 67 4 Another Win for Ajax. London, I'-ilh I: if The following is the result; of the Grind Prix de Paris Ajax Turenne Macdonald [Ajax is by Flying Fux-Aniie. an.l belong* to M. Kdmonil Blanc, who i- .iNo the owner of Goveniant—the deflated Derby fawirile Tnrenne, by Le Ilardy-t'logrrie,
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    • 69 4 American Team Violated Rules Trophy ReturnedThe discovery that the American team that were the winners of the Palma Trophy in 1903 violated the rules of the match by using special pattern ririjs that were not i'lentic>tl with the GovaTMaMl tille have elicited protests, the results of which has
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  • 313 4 Interesting Field Day YesterUa> Yesterday morning the Yolmluui i joined the regulars in sham -fight on a rather large scale. The Volunteer! were attached to tin- defending part) which eonMstwl of five Ooyl of the M;m chesters, two Cow S. VI. tin Malay States Guides, anil the H.
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  • 121 4 Thus, the British North fforww //mil,/ of the lßt June —All his Borneo friend* will be overwhelmed to hear that a mar riage has been arranged, as is announced in the Loin/on mid I'hinn BxprtM, be tween Mr. Francis Maxwell Isemongcr, of the B. N. B. Service,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 322 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Breakfast Foods. TAM O'SHANTER OATS PIIRKII,I I IN I NUUIM Largest tin in the Market, 45 cents per tin. QUAKER OATS 21b. tin 40 cents each. SHREDDED WHEAT 40 cents per packet. TRISGUIT (Shredded Wheat Biscuit) 3O cents per packet. Thompson, Thomas Co., The Australian Stores. June «S
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    • 285 4 WANTED. A typctfritiM clerk— orje accustomed to the routioe of a lawyer's office pjeferred Apply by letter to E c/o Straits 'limn. Juno 13 v.c. FOR SALE One four i-eat<>ii Victoria in good order I ami condition Cheap. Apply at the Waverlev Hotel. June 13 ig.<j CHINESE COPYING CLERKS. I
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    • 82 4 G. R. LAMBERT a Co., PHOTOGRAPHIC ART STUDIO, (nniuaaKU 1476 > Highest Reputation. Sitting* Daily. Aji/Hiintwutji should t>e imde, if paMiMa, "Me day beforehand. Charges Moderate. JlllW!ll I^C. Bkiskwobtii. On tlie llth June, at lira*. mar, (iilstead Road, the wife of Gborgk Hrinkworth, of a »on (still born). Hannkhn. Un
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    • 13 4 STEARINS' WINE, is the great nutrient tonic in convalescence from fevers, influema pneumonia.
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    • 15 4 NOTE: Telegrams and local newt received prior to noon to-day are published on Page i.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 249 5 To the Editor of the "Straitt Timet." fhi 1 following iiirrnponileiii-e refers to the ate of Li Mm, I in the employ ol Mr. J. C. HolwrUnn of Kndat, who got ■kot liy Koine mischance in Borneo, and who clamorwl fur compeusation. AccordO|H Mr.
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  • 805 5 1 High Commissioner's Oflioe, Singapore, 3rd May, 1904. Sir,— ln continuation of my letter So Borneo u/1904 of the 25th of February last, on the subject of your 'omplaint that your Chinese workman, Li Mm, had been shot by the Borneo Police while they were looking for runaway coolies,
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  • 161 5 To the Editor of the Strait* Titnet." Dear Sir,— l have read Hunmntv s letter of tlic 10th instant, and M I ap pear to be one of the Chinese Humanity" writes about, I would like to know it the writer understands what he is writing
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  • 103 5 Yesterday evening, there was a very larze gathering of hildren it the 5 o'clock service in the M. E Church, Coleman Street. The service was suitable for the occasion, being almost all singing, with a few recitations all dDne by the children who acquitted themselves creditably. Rev. Mr
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  • 102 5 The annual general meeting of the North Borneo Turf Club was held at Sandakan on the 27th ult. Office Bearers were balloted for and the following officers elected to constitute the Committee:— Messrs. W G. Darby, W. R. Flint, F. H. Beeston, Dr. F. H Davies,
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  • 209 5 In addition to the present North Borneo fortnightly service, which is beinp improved by the substitution of two 1 iiger vessels straight out from Oonneny, the N. D. L. propose, says the b -V B IhraUi to establish three distinct routes between Singapore and the Philippines,
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  • 79 5 P. O. PASSENGERS. The lullowing pas*engci> arrived by the n.s. Rtngal on Saturday From Marseille^* to Singapore— Mewir*. C. W. Bradley, E. L. Brufkumn, N. Knbin, Mm. J. Finch, Mrs. E. M Davidson. Mm. II Krami-, Mrs. Seeborg. Frum Port Said— Mr. Viterbi. Froiufolombo Mr. and Mrs. 11 Pearson. Mr.
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  • 1389 5 Large Borrowing Powers drained. An extraordinary general meeting ol the TatijoDg Pagar Dock Co., Ltd. was held at the .Sineapore Exchange on Saturday tit noon for the purpose of considering two resolutions submitted by the chairman. The Hon. W. P. Waddell, chairman of directors, presided and
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  • 311 5 Ok Saturday the nth inst, Capt. Lawlor of the s.s. Chun Shan accompanied by a robust good looking lad of 12 years of age, called upon Chief Det. Insp. Perrett at the Central Station and told him the following story. On last Chinese New Year's
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  • 100 5 The Municipality of Penang have decided to meet the complaints of inadequate water supply there by putting up additional standpipes and checking waste of water. The alternative was an extension of the water works with reservoirs to cost a very large amount. The additional standpipe scheme was
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  • 644 5 Annual Sports. The St. Joseph's Athletic Club held their sports on Saturday in presence of large gathering of past and present pupils, their friends and we'l «MM Excellency the Governor accompanied by Miss Anderson was also present and showed the greatest interest in the sports which
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  • 72 5 Tun B I steamer Gora arrived from Japan yesterday with a cargo of coal for Singapore. The British steamer Saint < 'uthherl arrived on Saturday from Norfolk, Virginia, with 6,462 tons of coal for Japan. The Baron Ou.-don arrived this morning from Barry with 6.24 j tons
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  • 304 5 Ol the 16th ult Lim Mai was arrest in] for selling tea bearing B trade mark pin porting to be that of Chop Left Use Seng and Chop Can Chuan for posseswon of instruments for framinmarks; aud for cheating On S.itmd.iv the case was before the Bench C'ciun
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  • 84 5 Wharfs at Which Different Ships are Berthed To-day. KASI Wharf— UaoviiieHe and Niituna Victoria BEAT!** iWk Manila Ai.bkkt (Jravim; Dock- Sultan. H* lIIH So. 1 Selma, Zaida and Taaglia -J Weneral I'el and Olir.v :< Sliii ley. I Tara and Si. Osmhert ."> Keeniun and .Maria.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 21 5 FOR THE COUGH OF INFLUENZA, Steams' Wine is the reliable prompt remedy. It soothes and heals th« air passages. Sttatm' Wine.
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    • 212 5 NOTICES. VOayang Passim tonight Co-nighi Last IKjjjht Eui 3ne!!! The Indra Zanibar Royal Theatrical Company of Singapore Will Sure AT THE NORTH MIDGE UOAI) TIIKATHK HALL For the lant time in HMjaoan, The Popular European Tragedy Hamlet. [••Hit HUSH till- I.a-> I Am I's S. KASSIM, lirwUr k Sole Pr»srirt«r
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 105 5 IMY BY IMV Monday 13th June. High Water. !)-3l p.m. Town ISniul. II. S. Wmmmtt. >.oii. Wayauj; Ka.-sim. North Ktitlge Koa-l. J Tuesday, 14th June. Hi«b Water. ll-:ta.m. In-Js p.m. New Moon. 1 ti l. hi. Land Sale. Powell. 140. S.V.K. Ka-rnit* Drill. ."1 IV Wednesday, 15th June. Hi^h Water.
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  • 605 6 fan York S>m. Loadoa, Afril -'•> Tll >' tatribaqai i i Igh iM.lilics arc ik'l "ften intticstiii^ to ..•nil pnl>li<-. but the partially veiled rapid changes now taking place in 1 1, i family of nations are well worth the Mention MM "f casual observers. It
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  • 261 6 The Port of Kuantan. A \l-itny feafl correspondent has t .-en touring along the east coast of t .8 Malay Peninsula. He thus describes a visit to Kuantan Here surveys for a scheme of harbour construction are being conducted by Mr. Paznn. This scheme, if successfully carried into
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 12 6 STEARNS' HEADACHE CURE, Cures "Mutt be Sttarnt' and you get the genuine.
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    • 449 6 NOTICES eOLEMfIN'S I) A delicious beverage and tonic made from choice wines, Liebig's Extract of Meat, and Extract of Malt. O\»r Testimonials rtotlwd from th* Madloal Profession of the United Kingdom. WINCARNIB has an unrivalled reputation of over twenty years as the finest tonic and restorative in the world.
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    • 424 6 NOTICES. PARIS ff*tf MANILA HONGKONG M Lj ILOILO SHANGHAI.. HmS/JIMr Mi t* VYI /T Y\ /I C HARBIN. H^KOW jm/WU c/ IWf l llUllUd PORTARTHUH DEALERS IN Diamonds, Precious Stones. Pearls, Jewellery, Watches, Chronometers. Repeaters Silverware. Fancy Uoodv Clocks, Qraphophones, and Optical Ooods. NOVELTIES IV CVIKV MAIL Imnorters oi tho
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 668 7 BUCHANAN'S HISWKY Sold everywhere. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. China, Japan, Penane, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Throusb Bills of lodine iostied for China Coast, Persian Gulf. Continental, and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about Mail Line. outward {for
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    • 1088 7 STEAMSHIP. COMPANIES. konlnklijke Paketvaart MaatschapplJ. Under contract with the Netharlands India Government. Aijtntt ol Singapore ***** Aqiiicy, latk J Daenueu A Co., 2-3 Coli.ykr Quay. 1 he undermentioned dates are only approximate. Stenmer From JBxo'tedV Will be Despatched for OmirifM P^uang June is Soerabaya, and Boeleleng Ye Kock Pontianak Jnne
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    • 637 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L j NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial Uerman Mail Line. Tbo fast aod well nown mail steamers of this Company tail fortnightly from Bremen -Hamburg T ia Rotterdam. Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, Tort Said, Buei, Aden. Colombo, Penang, Singapore. Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to Yokohama and back. They
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    • 624 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co., Ltd, A regular FORTNIGHTLY m maintained between Japan and Europe by tbe following NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS, L'ndir Mxil Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Comp»ny'B European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation for
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    • 676 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES €.P.R. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. THE FAST KOUTK MKTWEEN UHINA JAPAN, AND EUROFE, VIA CANADA AND THB UNITBD BTATKB. Konte from Hongkong via Slianghm, Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan) Kobe. Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver. Twin Screw Emnrewi Steamship* li,i«m Tons— Speed 19 knots. PROPOSED
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  • 1442 8 Under thii heading the following kbbreviations are u»ed str. —steamer ■h ship; bq. barque; tch. schooner, f ct. —Yacht Cru.— Cruiser Gbt.—Ounfeoat; Tor.— Torpedo H. p Horsepower Brit BritUh; U. B.— United States; rch.— French; Ger.— German Dut Dutch; G.c— General-cargo d.p— deck o*nenger; U— Uncertain; T.
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  • 470 8 Kent, port, probable date of arrirn and name oj agents. BTIAMIBB. Agamemnon, China June 26; Manalield. \aincourt, Barry, June; Borneo <"oy. Aj.ix, Liverpool, July I*; Manstivid. \unum, Colombo, Aug 1 M. Maritime*. .\u>:henarden, Durban, June; P. Simons \ustralien. Hongkong, June ;o; M.M'iunes Vyutbia, Europe, July Borneo 'oy. Uallaarat,
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  • 590 8 Singapore, 13th Ji-sk, 1904. PRODUCE. do (Cube No. 1) unpicked 13. 1U' Copra Bait 8.16 do Pontlansk 7.60 I'epper, Black 26.V> do White, (6%) 40.60 Sago Floor Sarawak 3.10 do Brunei No. > 280 Pearl Sago 4.40 Coffee Ball, IS% basis 23.00 Coffee, Palemban^, 90* I -U.S Coffee, Libeiian
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  • 106 8 to' V** tteamer 7W To-Mobbow. K'lantanA Tringganu Stephan 11 a.m. Rangoon A Calcutta 'lara 8 p.m Teluk Anson via ports Ban Poh Ouoh 3 p.m. 3ourabay;i General Pel 4 p.m. Bangkok S'uen Tuna 4 p.m. \VSI>NEBD*Y. P.B'tenham 4 Penang Kittna p.m. P. Sham k T. Anson Selbnaor -i
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  • 127 8 From Europe— By the N.D.L. t.t.Soon due on 17th June, with dates to the 23rd May. From China— By the MM. s.s. Auitrnlim due on the June. TIMB TABLE OF MAILS DUE Left Singapore Due in London Arrived Apl 25th M. M. May 20th May 19th Apl
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 95 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co. JEWELLERS AND SILK MERCHANTS, Nos. 61 52, High Street. hist anived a new shipment ot Indian, Chinese and Japanese silks of various kinds, Chinese embroidered costumes, Maltose lace jackets and handkerchiefs, Ceylon lace, pretty prass cloth work, silk shawls of various kinds made in India,
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    • 772 8 NEW DRESS MATERIALS »S'h;. Navy Estamene Serges pRES&^yF^i Superior French Cashmeres A New Range jiwt to Hand I Wl^l^^Sij/ In l li win <; olt r *gt> lL^ATt! *T^' *V n 'Zt (.r(-y, Sky, Cream Black. Cardinal, PRICES $1.25. 1.50. 1.80. ylj£\\ J^^v/Sv *»»K O»^ Whhe 2.20 etc. per yard
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 111 8 WEAVrfci Ccl»}JIT. Kandang Kerbaii Ho.i,nnit. 12th June, 1904. m a.m 13 p m.|» p.m Rimabeh. Har .'».914,2».H0» i> JP.BJH Mornine Temp 75 0 819 78.0 o'en ngt rain ■VB'lbTher 74" 79 n I 7ri.>i Kt 6 o'clock, )irofWind w s.w s k.w Calm, dny cloudy, tlax.Temp 8« i I night
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 193 9 NOTICES. i.( BARK AND ;I^PN WINE;)! Keep* the Kvsteni tonod up Make." tne digestion perfect And the appetite keeu fr ,<T| lSiiilils tlesli nnd uiun< li Invigoratex the m-r. Ke»toreH the vital power \9m And re yi-neraten the Mood l« pleacant to the palaU-. f^Jßk .S'ol<- .4 yen Is iMCDedioal
      193 words
    • 401 9 NOTICES. YEONG YE CHEONG 6= CO. #o. tC: Tin r „,if Viinur Road Singaj" House-bi lder<. brick-layer*, cftrpt-n'urs, and general contractors fr mi (Isnton. Orders promptly i v-L-uted nnrl brst mnte ials eupplifd. May 19 IM J MOTION CO WATCHMAKERS. JEWELLERS, OPTICIANS. JKI'ATRs PROMPTLY IXCCUTKI CHAMPAGNE "LOUIS ROEDERER.' extra Dry
      401 words
    • 567 9 BANKS. NEDERLANDSCHE HANDEL MAATSCHAPPiJ. Xcthcrlnnds Trading Society. Establish** i«I4. oapTtal. f. 60,000,000— (abt. JE5,000,000) ISSUED CAPITAL. f. 45,000,000— (abt. £3,750,000) RESERVED FUND. t. 5,000,000 -(abt. £417,000) Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency In Batavia. Bbakchbs:— Penan^, Shunghhi, lian.■oon, Vedan (Deli), Amaraag Padang, Cherihon. Tegal Pecalorgab, Pasoeroean Tjilatiap, t'nleml-ang, Knta- adjn
      567 words
    • 421 9 BANKS. Hongkong fi 5 Shanghai Banking Corporation. I'AIIMI' CAPITA]. 510.C***** MRISVI FUND: Pterlin(tKeBetvesU)(XXi(:oo\ Silver Reserve V O.OO:) WJU Rosrrve l.inl.ility of Proprietor* $10 000 000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. A. .1. ltaymond, K«<|., Chairman. 11. K. Tomkin^, lss>, IX-puty (liairiuan. K. (io.-tz, Kh.|. I N. A. Sicb», E»<i. Hun. W. J.(Jref>.,n
      421 words
    • 531 9 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL INSURANCE CO. FIRE A LIFE TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS EXCEED £12,000,000. THE LAJtCKST FIRE OFFICE IN THE WORLD BOUSTEAD 4 Co.. Agents. THE LONDON AND LANCASUIRB FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital £2,1 i., juo Paid up Capital 212,760 Reserve Fund £1,073,550 The undersigned, Agents for the Com pany, are
      531 words

  • 2645 10 Down in Kelantan Mr. 11. 11. Hipwell contributes the following on men and manners iv Kelantan j to the Field To many people who are otherwise well informed on matters geographical, the Malay Peninsula is a veritable terra incognita, and even to those wbo have a passing
    2,645 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 166 10 NOTICES. Dr. S. Yamamoto, JAPANESE DENTIST. No. 352, VICTORIA STREET, SINOAPORE. Apr 1.1 m.w f 13-7 STRAITS CYCLE MOTOR COMPANY. Rubber Tyred Carriage nnd Rikisha Wheels SIM.CIAI.I.V MADE KOK IS. Carbide ot Calcium Benzine r.'/ii/. ES. I/. AXD I K T. 1/ LAJU BICYCLE. May I<* ni.« l. n SLEDGE
      166 words
    • 245 10 NOTICES. C. A. RIBEIRO A Co., Stationeers, Printers, Bookbinders, AND Rubber Stamp Manufaceurers. PRINTING DEPARTMENT AT NO. 35 ROBINSON ROAD. OFFICE AT NO. 3 BATTERY ROAD. TELEPHONE NO. 906. Apl 10 ra.w.f. «.c. 1 Chubb J Safes Z? ttttlf* \^4'lll«. Jiuttenbaed ffiros. <§■ (80. Mai -"> m.w.f. v.c. The Robinson
      245 words
    • 670 10 NO I ft Arima Water The renowned natural mineral table water recommended by Japanese Government Analysis. SOLE IMPORTERS: Y.Shibuya&Co. SUB-AGkNT: C. Janssen, Cebu. May D m.w v.c THE lANJONQ PAQAR DOCK COMPANY, LTD. Shipwrights, Engineers, lac> ani> Bba?s Founders, Wharfingers, ic. This Company execute Ship and Marine Engine Repairs of
      670 words

  • 1407 11 Its Strength and Weakness. Tin- iwhttlll materialisation > 1 1 I Japanese inj ob the Liao-tuag peninsula out of tin- region! of men hypothesis is another piece of brilliant strategical jugglery on the par! on allies which mark* the important itage in their plan of campaign. The
    1,407 words
  • 574 11 A Pall Mall Skit. In view of the direct encouragement which a professor of an American University has given to flirtation by describing it is being "a training of the abilities which one needs in serious life," parents of attractive daughters have approached their political representatives upon the subject,
    574 words
  • 169 11 For Singapore. Per P. O. s. s. s. Mont'ilia, connecting with the steamer Malta at Colombo from London May 17, due 26th June Mr. and Mrs. Lansdell, Mr. F. Taylor, Mr. D. 8. Richards. Per P. 4 0. b Borneo from London May ?8 due Ist July
    169 words
  • 29 11 N. D. L Per Sachseu 13tb June:— Mr. Kurz, Mr. Meyer, and Mrs. Nicholas. Per Zieten .'7th June Mr. A. von Miclisl, Mr. and Mis. Kutigel.
    29 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 20 11 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on page 7 General shipping new* is printed on P»geB.
      20 words
    • 296 11 NOTICES. SAPPORO BEER THE BEST THAT IS BRIWID DBJAPAH PATRONIZED BY THE IMPERIAL HOUSEHOLD. OBTAINABLE AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS AND FROM RETLAI DEALERS. i—impii KOMEYA CO., Telephone No. 288. 25 26 High Street. M»y 11 V w.f. v.c. jl Ny Carlsberg Beer Ba.rtTrcroTOkjflk Yer > "lent Pilsener Beer, especially brewed
      296 words
    • 177 11 W>tk; es SULPHURIC ACID FOR SUPPLIES, APPLY TO SYME&CO. m.w f. v.c. Hypnotism. PROF. A. J LEOPpLD, the Celebrated Hypnotist is now located at the Hotel Adelphi where he is treating all forms of diseases and habits, and teaching Hvpontism and BuggeBtiv" I herapeutics. Hours 10 to 5. Consultation free.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 232 12 NOTICES. RILEY HARGREAVES CO., LTD. ENGINEERS, SHIPBUILDERS, GENERAL! CONTRACTORS. Singapore. Works:— Reau Street. Town Store I— l 3 Battery RoaC. engines Boilers HORIZONTAL I laHfflffil^f^ LANCASHIRE PORTABLE IJyilmHH' 1^ LOCOMOTIVE Mining, Horizontal and Vertical, Direct-acting Duplex and Special! Sinking Pump up to 20,000 gallons per hour. Steam Vessels IN Wood
      232 words
    • 62 12 ILE EANS ILIOUSNESS Bile Beans for Biliousness are the finest family medicine they promptly and permanently cure Headaches, Constipation, Piles, Colds, Liver Chills. Influenza, Rheumatism, Liver Troubles. Bad Breath, Indigestion, Flatulence, Dizziness, etc,, etc. OF ALL CHEMISTS. SUI,E,\VHOLEMLE MOB for the STRAITS SSETTLESItMS. JAVA, aid BCT(H EAST IJDIES MAYNARD Co.,
      62 words
    • 172 12 NOTICES. Jor ffews of tde Straits, Read tde Straits Times It has the Largest Circulation OF ANY PAPER PUBLISHED IN MALAYA. &or WAR TELEGRAMS Read The Straits Times It may be obtained in Singapore at the following places Messrs. John Little Co Hagedorn Co., Orchard Road Sepoy Lines and Kanim.™
      172 words