The Straits Times, 11 June 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. ai,457 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY. JUNE 11. 1904 price 15 cents
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 624 1 NOTICES. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Tenders will be received at the Colonial Secretary's Office up to noon ou the 14th June, IHO4, for the following works (I). Providing and fixing gutterings and downpipes 4c, New Civil Prison. (2). Construction of verandah on south side of Maternity Hospital (S). General repairs, painting and
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    • 786 1 NOTICES. MUNICIPAL NOTICE Tbe Municipal Commissioners of Singapore requie tne services of a Chief Clerk in the Engineer's Department. Candidates for the post should have a good knowledge of accounts and must be able to carry out generally tbe instructions of tbe Municipal Engineer in connection with tbe work of
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    • 384 1 NOTICES. CAMPBELL CO HA V• N G been appointed A«ents for the TKANBATLANTIC Fire Insurance Company, NORTH GERMAN Fire Inturance Company, and HAMBURG Bremen Fire Insurance Company are prepared to accept fire risks at current rates of premium, n c. CAMPBELL CO. HAVING been appointed Agents for the NEW YORK
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    • 649 1 AUCTION SALES. MORTGAGEES SALE AUCTION SALE OF VAUABLE FREEHOLD AND LKAMSHOI.n LAND AND HOCBEB At ferangoon Koad. Norrig Road, and Clydu Terrace, Singapore. TO BE HELD AT P< WELL CO. 9 BAI.E- ROOM V «*iAvy, Uih June, 1904, at 2 30 p m. Lot*. Frtebold land auii house iciown as
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    • 359 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Ideal Milk j^Stesgw Enriched 20 per cent. Ep«Bß@!<H with Cream. r%fit^ Sterilized-Not Sweetened. LftaaaSr^o^Ol A Perfect Substitute for Fresh Katz Bros., Ltd. Drapery Department JUST '.RRIV-D New Goods New Goods VALLENCINNE LACES ■H)7.\ SI ">. *l.'-'o, M-li, T'< M.M p»r \H yards. CASHMERES. ALL SHADES ?1 :{"> per
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  • 104 2 Two Sumarines On Board The French cruiser T'< 'dn, Capt. Guepatte, has paused through Colombo Harbour, bound for Saigon On board are two submarined, which are destined for service in the Far East. They are kept covered up on the ship, and the utmost secrecy is
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  • 204 2 This Museum was established in October, ISXJ2, in order to encourage the intelligent and profitable development of the resources of the Philippine Archipelago, and to aid in the ex'ension of its domestic and foreign trade relations. Its work consist? of collecting and exhibiting the corcmerciai products
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  • 270 2 J^~, F. M. S. and the Straits Mk. J. C. Willis, Director ot the Koyal Botanical Gardens, Ceylon, who wjs lent by the Ceylon Government to the K M. hJ Straits to inquire into and advise as the expediency of establishing their Bjtanieal Gardens there on i scale
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  • 254 2 On contemporary, (Ceylon Obttrttr), <ays the Times of Ceylon, is BBCOBsciougly humorous when dealing with r-tcing or sporting matters. Last year it gravely informed us that the Governor's Cup would hate to ho .von three times before it could he won outright while some time before, it caused genuine
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 317 2 NOTICES. To H.M. thl King. TO H. M. THE KINC. Toll RH nit Pßisrr o; To H. R. H. The Prince of Wales. TO The House of Lords. TO THE House of Commons. Buchanan's Whisky IS Regularly Supplied. In buying Buchanan's Whiskies the Public are protected against overcharge by retailers
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    • 35 2 APENTA The Best Natural Aperient Water. For continuous use by the Bilious, Dyspeptic, Constipated, Gouty, and Obese. Ot mil Chemists ma 4 Druggist* Finest Victoria Butter "ORIENT" BRAND Trial lib. Tins. 60cts. Of all Dealers.
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    • 371 2 NOTICES. fiIFOR LADIES* D*ET t HOMOLLE'S'APE rht mott tun rtmerfjr wtlnit trie Syc*rieii, and other tfftctf cat/|td tit del*/ of tht ngular ptrtoat ttomiiMutMmiMbiorinm. J. MOTION CO WATCHMAKERS JEWELLERS, OPTICIANS. KKI'AIRH PROMPTLY KXKCUik, CHAMPAGNE ■LOUIS ROEDERER.' Extra Dry and Cnrte Blanch* The old, well-Vnown h-m j h RINK MANN 6
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    • 529 2 NOTICES. SAVE YOUR HAIR With Shampoos of Cuticura Soap and Light Dressings of Cuticura. This treatment at once stops falling half, removes crusts, scales, and dandruff, soothes irritated, itching surfaces, stimulates hair follicles, supplies the roots with energy and nourishment, and makes the hair grow upon a sweet, wholesome, healthy
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    • 12 2 ZYMOLE TOOTH POWDER, a perfect antiseptic dentrifice, cleanses aml (•reserves tne tcetb
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  • 831 3 The War The following is General Oku report •hi the action at Xan-t.han We began D .ii tnicliiigbt on thr 2. r >tli UM imml The Itti Division was on the right, th<- Ist Division in the centre, and the 3rd Division OB the left. Tlie daikness was
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  • 21 3 BoTHM advertisement*, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on page 7 General shipping news is printed on P*ge 8.
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  • 28 3 N. D. L SmSMB 13th June:—Mr. Kurit, Mr. Urn r, awl Mr* Ni.liola». IVr Batsa '-Tth Jnne :—Mr. A. von Michal, Mr. and Mr*. Kasael.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 524 3 NOTICES. Wf Purifying Aqr nt j y/indispgfiiaaic In Hot Countries.! "Sanitas Disinfecting Fluid (rrneral or p-ri lu*e i* (hor.-^chly etTec!i\e. ataly tti-infccti the hou»c in «hkh I it h ii^-tl.airi, admin Uu-red internally prevents I Cholera. Typ-Soul Fever, D>-»eQteo-, etc. I Sanitas Disinfecting Powder Is the best air purifier known,
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    • 719 3 BANKS. Hongkong 6* Shanghai Banking Corporal on. CAP»Tvt ltoctt>ooo I.ESKtIVK UM' -t.Tling R*»e f (m n ir-fni c ftiln i R-twrva i a,f*biOil R m iv,. l.iabil fynffroprktoraSli i>o l,ooo COURT OF DIRECTORS. A. .1. li.iyiiioncl, Kmj., Chairman. 11. I Tomkins, Esii-, Deputy Chairman. E. Goctz, Esq. N A.
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    • 569 3 NOTICRS. I THAT REFRESHING FEELING 1 of thorough puriloaUan Jiven by I CALVERT'S CARBOLIC TOILET SOAP miiei its as* daUCMttt la hot cUnwtas. It I* perfectly pare, aad contains 10% Crystal Carfcolic. an eicellent ■fteaatwa agaiast l.tecUaa. CALVERTB CARBOLIC OINTMENT eosMaiat pnra Carbolic Add (hsalinf and aatbapdel and other uieful
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    • 546 3 I NOTICES. f/SVlfeßriV These tiny A^^U^Xkf^^ Capsules VVH B*nl ~superior fj m W m §m to Copaiba, T^^U^A^ Cubebs. aad Injections cure the same diseases as these drugs I !in forty-eight hours without < inconvenience. /^*N 1 Itek Cepeole beart tb* mm (klOf) l^n^tni^>n^>«*i^*<^n#^n^S*^^n# i^nn^Ka^t#^W4aak>ntfS*W^aa>.^sfm k I FM mUSCS OF
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    • 670 3 NOTICES. FO BE LRT.— Two rooms, with or without board. Apply to -S, Orchard Koad. June 8 14-6 rtl I.XT House No 11, Sophia Road, and also No. -M ilkie Road. \pply to A. 8. f hooker, 1 Malacca Street. June 2 1-7 I 081 LET: entry at once compound
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  • 16 4 Mr. loiin D.i.Nouoil, formerly of Mes«p>. Uiliilliin Wood <"v., died today Penan^ ii:i|i<"M pleaxe ropy.
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  • 923 4 l.lKt T UoI.'INKL I'ICKNfcKATHKK figflS tlie I'olice Krfport for 190:», as Inspector(General. With regard to crime, he find* it somewhat difficult to institute an exact comparison between the statistics for 190:5 and those of former years, bacMM lie has taken advantage
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  • 61 4 > Yh-ii-:ui>AY's iroremmeiif ti'izelte publishes a despatch from the Secretary of State containing the translation of a law prohibitinz the immigration cf Chinese, Turks, ainl Syrians into the Republic of Panama. The National Assembly ot Panama passed the law on the T'li Mir;': la«t. Tiro M*ti v«ry ciriu it-iy in
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  • 8 4 To-ihy? bank 4,' m rate is 1/11 j.
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  • 13 4 I'm iiu ut'-rtdrd mail by i! c *Jmekie* closes at noon on Monday.
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  • 13 4 H.M > NM It ft hoiHewanl Kvjad this morning. The lfkifsiti& i'Iward thi* morning.
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  • 34 4 I'hk Vounii Men's Society ot tli^ l'le^hyterian Church will moet on Monday evening at s .ij The subject of m lecture by Rev A. I, Amery, will he Hot the Rritisher obtaiaai hi» Bible.
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  • 39 4 II :> Excellency Sir John Anderson has heen pleased t > give his patronage t> Puftt ;s Hotel. Previously, the Hotel has ben> under the patronape of Sir Frank Swattenham, the Grand Duke. Cyril cf Russia, and Prince Adalbert ot Germany
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  • 79 4 The report of ilie Messaeerits MaritimoH for 19<M shows a profit of f em.-'M, of which f. 2,197,387 will be utilised firfir th« Hprwice of the bond iB6u>!, and f. ;),529 KSI will be written off the value of the ileet. The senetal meetinp nf the shareholders was to take
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  • 287 4 12th June. Skcond Sunday aftkb Tbinitv. St. vnurew's Cathedhau 7am Matins and Litany. 7-45 am Holy Communion (Choral) and Sermon. 4 p.m. Sunday School and Bible data, 5-30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. St. Matthkw's Church.— Sepoy Linen 816 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. I'ATHKIiKAI. OF THE '<!oilD SllKrIIKKI). Brass
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  • 546 4 Tiik KstHes School play ground presented quite a gay appearance yesterday afternoon. The School Club was holding its rinal day's sports and all the boys were as keen as possible. There was a large gathering of ladies, parents,' and friends of the pupils present and the Town
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  • 61 4 There is good authority tor stating that a special Siamese Mission is goiru to England shortly to dicuts with th> Foreign Secretary various question* arising out of th 9 recently concludt-d Anglo French Agreement. The Mission will, it is understood, subsequently go to Paris, where itf members will be received
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  • 95 4 Thk fjllowin^ appointments have been gazetted -Mr C. J. Saun ders, Second Assistant Colonia Secr^'nry, to be Assistant Protectoi of Chinese, Pcnang, hut to con tinue to act as Official Assignee, Straits Settlements Mr L. H Clayton. District Officer, Christmas l»lmd, to ■o Assistant Protector of Chinese, and to officiate
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  • Reuter's Extra Service.
    • 35 4 PORT ARTHUR'S DEFENC ES. Elaborate System ol Fortifications. ljOmLn, June 101k. Chefoo refugees state that Port Arthur is surrounded by entrenchments 15 feet deep, surmounted by heavy guns. The outlying districts are also thickly mined.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 63 4 Impeached in the Commons. London, 10th Am On the Foreign Office vote, Sir Charles Dilke impeached the Congo administration .it great length. Several members demanded the summoning of .in international conference on the subject. Karl Percy said that wnile Italy, the United States, and Turkey stated they were
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    • 24 4 Imil'loil, 1 \tll .111/ It' The English Red Cross Society has aent X2,oo<i for the Russian sick and wounded.
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    • 24 4 Both Britain and France have made strong representations to the Porte against the recent dragooning of Armenians in the district of Sassun
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    • 31 4 Keuter's correspondent at Mukden confirms the report that (leneral Kuroki has begun a forward movement in force. The Russians officially admit that they are falling bank before superior numbers.
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  • 114 4 The following official telegrams from the Foreign Office at Tokyo have been received by Mr T. Tanaka, the Japanese Consul at Singapore Severe Fifhting. Heceired 4SO .< m IIA J QwMal Kuroki reports, that detachment occupied Saiinachih on the 7th inst. Our casualties were three killed, -M
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  • 306 4 Countess of Ravensworth Marries Her Coachman. The Daily Mail says that the particulars ot a marriage which has all the elements of romance and which was celebrated at that church famous for weddings, St. George's, Hanover mjii ue, were elicited on May 14th. The clergy had received
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 541 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENT^ Caldbeck Macgregor Co. (ESTABLISHED 1864) Wine Spirit Merchants, (London, Glasgow, Hongkong, Shanghai) SINGAPORE. PRICE LIST OJtT APPLICATION. Apl lti v.v. WASSIAMULL ASSOMULL CO., Indian Store, No. 1, 2, 3, 4, High Street. Jn«t received a new coniij{tiiiieul of *ilk< of «lill.:icnl -li.ipes mi culois from India, Cbiaa
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    • 63 4 G. R. LAMBERT a Co., PHOTOGRAPHIC ART STUDIO. H»T>»I.IBMtr. ITS I Highest Reputation. Sitting* Daily. Affinitim nix shuulit lie made, it pwaU4*, one 'day beforehand. Charges Moderate. .luurll Hn.i.nriK Xathw— On the Ilia M»y. at I'ari-s Q. BtLLOTR, to KITTr, daSßhler of K. N*TIIA.\, of Singapore: Wil vrrv— Hn.i.s. On
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    • 20 4 STEARNS' WINE, after inllucnn and pneumonia. An ideal reconstructs i tonic that gives immediate benefit In creates weight, renews strength
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 149 4 DAY BY DAY Saturday, nth June. High Water 8-30 n.m S.I! C.C. Silver Medal Plav. 8. V A. Parade. 4- 0 1 lUi.T. T raneran<-e ln«t. 8 p.m. Wajang Kawim. North Bridge Koad. n Sunday, nth June High Wat*. 9 37 am. 9-14 p.m. Sec-mid Sunday after Trinity. S?i i.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 323 5 To the Editor of th>. UtraiU Timst." Sik, -With reference to your obituary notice of the late Mr. C. Phillips in the Sir<nls Timm of Wednesday, June (Mb. 1 should like to add (on behalf of myself and of past and present members of the Chinese
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  • 222 5 In the early hours of this morning a tire broke out in a Chinese crockery shop in Bali Lane, near Arab Street. The property belonged to a Chinatran living in the vicinity of Clyde Terrace market. The shop was closed at an early hour last night
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  • 330 5 A HTft'L story illustrating the many curtoux duties which fall to the lot of a modern naval command jr was told by Lord Pelborne, who, with sevt-ral other "Cabinet Ministers and a distinguished company representing Art, Literature, and Science, was amung the guests at the
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  • 1800 5 Friday, June 10th. PRISBVT. Ills XI'tLLBNCY THE GOVEKHOR, Sit .luliu Audemon, K.c.M.o. Hon. W. T. TayUr, c m. 0., (Colonial Secretary). Hon. F. <!. I'enney (Colonial Treasurer). Hon. K C. 11. Hill (Auditor <ie»eral). Hon. A. Mirray, 0.E., M.1.c.t.. (Colonial Engineer). Hon. J. M. Allin.oit. Hon. O. S.
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  • 469 5 Extraordinary Detail*. Yesterday the enquiry into the case in which Sanitary Insp. Harfleet has summoned On Boon and Tan Chwt for breach of Sanitary Regulations was resumed. Mr. Carver who appears for the defendants put the second man in the witness box and continued his
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  • 344 5 On the evening of the 7th inst two Chetties were passing along Kling Street in a 'rikisha. One of them had in silver in his cloth. Three Chinamen one of whom wa» Tan Kah Chai. pulled up the vehicle from the back. The last named put his hands
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  • 87 5 FIVE-A-SIDE- FOOTBALL. The first of the five-a-iule football matches in connection with the S. C. C. sports was played off on the Esplanade yesterday afternoon between Weaver's teim and Curtis's representatives. Peacock was unable to play for Curtis and his place was taken by Bailey. Weaver's team consisted of Weaver,
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  • 59 5 The P- Hi Jourwd of Paris notes that "The mpna^rie at tb« J^rdin des Plantes has just received the present >f a valuable tiger cat from M. Eugene Legrop, an engineer of Knita, near Malacca." 'Knita' does very well for Kinta, but when did Kinta jump down •wo
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  • 74 5 Wharfs at Which Different Ships are Berthed To-day. East Wharf— Ganymede and Nituna. Victoria Graving Dock— Tanplin. Vlbkrt Graving Dock- Van Imhoti. Skction No. 1 Selm» ZaHa Shirley, Manila 2 Denbighshire. 3 Nil. 4 Tara. 5 Maria and Sultan. 6 Nil. ItoKNkO WHARK-No 7 Oikley No.
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  • 30 5 The following are ih« returns of the Kinta Tin Mines for the month of MayOutput :US|M.iil Approximate value fIS.SOO Receipt* from wator rent -"i,:lS'i \i.pto\niiate working expense" »",'<">
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  • 191 5 Full Details of the Race. The following are full details of tht; race tor tba IVrt>y. It was very wet in the morning but it cleared up later The going was very heavy. St. Amant held a clear lead from the beginning and won by three lengths. St. Denis
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 247 5 NOTICES. tfAYANG KASSIM tS m Remember positively our Last Appearance in Singapore this Season Last 4 Nights only. Do-nighi Co-nighl Comical Kntertainment The Indra Zanibar Royal Theatrical Company ot Slngapere Will Stage for the nut time in SiuK<>|>ori-. Ihe Well-known •ml Comical Pl«> Ghelorong Gheloring. Full of Fun, Mirth, Music,
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  • 108 6 A cOKRESPONDENT at Yokohama writes I d Mr. A. Bosredon, a trench j-.mateur, playing with Mr. Furnfude, a game of billiards with three halls, at the Japanese Club Q U-Ken Yokohama, made the formidable scorn of 1,143 points at one break, by keeping the balls all the
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  • 89 6 This Cunard Company have placed orders for their two new fast vessels (which they are building under their arrangement with the Government) v ith Messrs. John Brown and Comi any, Limited, of Sheffield and Clydehank, and Messrs. Swan, Hunter, and Wigham Richardson, Limited, of \Vall-send-ori-Tyne. The two boats
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  • 126 6 Straits and Ceylon Knsjlirik having been made by the m»t of Ceylon as to the prevalence of the rubber canker on plantations) in tie Straits. That journal endeavoured to ...■certain whether the disease has assumed any really grave proportions. i: is responsible for a perceptible uuount of damage,
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  • 169 6 Ock Municipal Commissioners will find much food for thought in the following extract from the Selaneor Administration Report. It indicates tde procedure adopted by the Kuala l.umpur Sanitary Board to effect a reduction in the cost of mutton and reef in that town Amongst other uatters, much
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  • 171 6 For Singapore Per P. O. 8. s. 8. 4fon> olia, connecting v.h the steamer M alia at Colombo from London May 27, due 26th June Mr and Mrs. Lanedell, Mr. F. Taylor, Mr. D. 8 Richards. Per P. 40. s a. Borneo from London Kay 26 due
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  • 29 6 The IVral Pioneer states that an i lillery officer, personally selected by H E. the Coinmander-in-Chief in India, expected here soon to take charge the Malay Status Guides Battery.
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  • 35 6 The British steamers Foreric and I ntmuijf arrived on Thursday morning from Cardiff and Barry respectively v th v-OO and 5,200 tons of coal. The latter is for Sasebo and ihe former is f Hongkong.
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  • 71 6 Here is a pretty little story from an American paper Two years ago Miss Margaret Adams, of New Gretna, N. J., lost a diamond ring. A day or two ago a neighbour's cat killed a rat, ■ad on the neck of the rodent was found the lost ring. It had
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 13 6 STEARNS 1 HEADACHE CURE, Cures "Mutt be Stearnt' and you get the genuine.
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    • 562 6 NOTICES A "GIFT FgpM ENGLAND. LACE COVER GIVEN FREE SSSSIS LACES ALL MAKES. LADIES' OBNT 'B HOSIERY. SWISS CURTAINS, BLOUSES. ROLLER BLINDS MADRAS MUSLINS, i COLLARETTES. HOUSEHOLD LINENS. < Ci/%niila«< fnannol i i Ii ffonntanr 1Iiw» Cmtuins 1 pair Dn»™ room Curtaioa, rich jfopuiar j^arcei 23 w carnage irrcc. daatrn,
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    • 728 6 NOTICES. Agents for LEA &PERRIIS' 'fl.f I#t WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. Bg Special Warrant jfijMEkMJL Hls Majestg Purvsi§rs t? The King. CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES. PARIS 4»m- ~ZI MANILA HONGKONG W I ILOILO SHANGHAI. f/Z\/Jl<l'B r Ft /I 1* Iff dfW V) /I C HARRIS. DEALERS IN Diamonds. Precious Stones. Pearls. Jewellery, Watches,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 672 7 BUCHANAN'S HISWKY Sold everywhere. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. &0. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. China, Japan, Penan*, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. ihrough Bills of Lading issued lor China Coast, Persian Gulf. Continental, and American Forts. Steamers will leavo Singapore on or about Mall Line. ()«fv'nrrf*</r)r C'Wnn)
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    • 1100 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij. Under contract with the Netharlands India Government. An. n't al Singapore SHIP AotJCY, LATB J DtBKDBLS A Co., 2-3 OOLI.YBR QUAY. lhs undermentioned dates are only approximate. steamer From Bxp'Md. Will b« D«»pat:hsd for:— Brouwer 3iak Jnne -m.Vk. Bengka'ia Pan.h, Bila, Atahan. and Deli June
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    • 659 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.DX NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial Herman Mail Line. The fast and well nown mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen-Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, Port Said, Sues, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to Yokohama and back. They are due in
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    • 632 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N. Y. K. JAPAN NAIL STEAMSHIP Co.. Ltd. A regular FO3TNIGHTLY service is maintained between Japan and Europe by tbe following NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS, Under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation
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    • 714 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES C.PJT Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. THE FAST RODTK BKTWEEN CHINA JAPAN, AND EUROPE, VIA CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES. Koute from Hongkong via Shanghai, Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan) Kobe. Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouvn Twin Screw Empress Steamship*— *,<KJO Tons— Speed 19 knots. PROPOSED
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    • 1393 8 Under this heading the following tbbreviationi are u«ed —itr. —steamer ih «hip bq. barque; sch. schooner; ret.— Yacht; Cru.— Cruiser Qbt.—Ounfeoat; Tor.— Torpedo H. p. Hone-power Brit— British; U. B.— United States: fch.— French: Ocr— German; Dut.— Dutch; O.c— General -cargo; d.p. deck •Msenger; U— Uncertain T.
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    • 528 8 Aotn«, port, probable data of arri'ra aid name of agentt. tiTBAMHS. Agamemnon, China, June 2*i Mansfield. Asincourt, Barry, .Tune; Borneo Coy. Ajax, Liverpool, July 18; Mansfield. Annum, Colombo, Aug 1 M. Maritimes. Auchenarden, Durban, Jane; P. Simons. Australian. Hongkong, June '2o; M.M'times Ayutbia, Europe, July Borneo Coy. Ballaarat,
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    • 629 8 SlNOAPORl, UTH .fUNK, 1904. PRODUCE Gambler buyer? I Ml do (Cube No. 1) unpicked 13 78 Copra Ball 8.25 do Pontlanak 7 6"> Pepper, Black buyer* 27.00 r do White, (6%) UM Sago Floor Sarawak 3.2.' j do Brnnei Mo. i 3 10 Pearl Sago 4 50 Coffee Bait,
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    • 112 8 <or rvr Bteamsr lime. MoSDAY. laigoo Haipkona H Europe via ports Sacn*en Noon. Malacca and Linggi Khtng Sen;j 1 p.m. lalacca A P. Dickson Kian Ann 2 p.m. laJnccaand Muar Sri ll'rmgt" '2 p.m. B'ham <k T. Aoaon Poh Ann 8 p.m. rluntok A Palembang G. O.
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    • 130 8 From Europe— By the N D.L s.s K<>oii due >o 17th June, with dates to the ifiih May. From China— By the N D.I. 9. s. Sacksen lue on the 18th June. TIM! TABLE OF MAILS DUB .eft Singapore Dae ia London Arrived Ipl 25th M. M.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 95 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co. JEWELLERS AND SIL.I MERCHANTS, Nos. 51 52, High Street. .lust arrived a new shipment of Indian, Chinese and Japanese silks of various kinds, Chinese embroidered coatumes, Maltese lace iackets and handkerchief*, Ceylon lace, pretty gras9 cloth work, silk shawls of various kinds made in India,
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    • 471 8 NEW DRESS MATERIALS JS&x, Navy Estamene Serges P^^il3~~7"^ n Superior French Cashmeres A New Range met to Hand v M .f'tzA*^ :T!: T! In the IbUowiag colors: Navy, VI A i !*-'rV 'Vl *LIM (!re Hk y- Cream Black. Cardinal, PRICES $1.25. 1.50, 1.80, P IB O A Pt .ie.
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    • 114 8 [(BARK AND IRON WINE IJ^B Kef|.» the n-tein tulieil'iip n/k Make.- tfie iiige«tion (>erfeei t,-Jll the appetite keen L^^A rtuild> .in<l still I K>"-ioieK the vital p.m.-i ■^B Ati.l je-periernte« ihel.i...K, N plea-: ,i, H B^k Sot, ./ft'tll* pli(Dedical Hall. g^^Jj MNQAFORE. May 14 m w I ft. I
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