The Straits Times, 8 June 1904

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. INO. ai,454 SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY. JUNE 8. 1901 PRICE 15 CERTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1990 1 NOTICES. THE T AN JO NG PAGAR DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED Notice is hereby given that mi Extraordinary Meeli.ig of tbe Xanjong l'agar Dock Company, Limited will be held at tbe Ex'-haoge, Hicgnpcre, on the 11th of June, 1904, at 12 o'clock, noon, when the following reflation* will be proposed
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    • 569 1 NOTICES. WANTED Chinese Insurance Clerk App y to H. W. 101, c.,0 Strnitt T iiiet. Jnne 7 tu. th. H-6 to beTlet7~ 18T aiid fcccnd flo -rs of 7 Jj'AliiiciC" 1 Strept. suitable for omYes. A w»-ll raised kncl mry hcnpalcw ii. -'eott's Rond with tennis court and stnl> ling.
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    • 257 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Adelphi Hotel. dFrrttrlt <!>rtitrfi?tra Hecured tor *J liights more. WILL Hit Jrom Gto 11 p.m. and during dinner Jiours. Thf Propiieiors beg |Q inform tlit-ii Patrons and Customers that owing to deferred departure of S. S. Lu-Seync the services of the above famed String Band have been secured
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  • 785 2 (ien. Manager's Report fat naoath »ndii n 2\* May 1904 The Chairman and Directors, Itanh Australian G. M. Co.. I.Ui. Singapore. CHmilcoMß, I beg to submit m> monthly report on your mining and mi ling opt rttious. Tne measurements, and assay results i prospecting work, propared by the
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  • 37 2 The Cliinpie lin-nan A««nn»ti< n m-tt nt 'I c Prine»>|. S r»-»» <hnr h f in rrcw it Bpm «h«-n Mr J M Hi' vill rend h |»ipnr mi t tie Life vi D D .vid Livinjtft'"-''"
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  • 48 2 A Gfn'FRAL li t inerrhanf nnmerll Dnj Viii hn« n pro«f<-iifpf< if\ I II 1 c "'f K'>^«*. Jxp>»n, f r xhihit- ■■ir in hi" ohnp window >h»- i v i re i f fir*-ipn f. mulft in the nud- an<l rthi r piciir... which were considered oljectionable.
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  • 905 2 Admiral Tojj«s Report. The foUaviaa MUMii I oScml reports rect-i* •••<! from Admii.i. To| mander-in < In. of \\w licet, wen; isnued by tlio Imperial HradquarttTs IWMth relative to the naval disasters of the lot Fi inst The Adnfaral wi: 1. It is my p.unfiil duty In NMCI
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 562 2 NOTICES. m BwrriHH 1 LAGER BEER BREWED AND HOTTLi-D BY I IND COOPE Co., Burton-on-Trcnt. THIS BEER IS BREWED FROM 'I PURE MALT HOPS B doz. pints or 4 doz. ([uart^ $15 F r 0 OF ALL DEALERS. imported uy the BORNEO Co.. Ltd FODEN'S STEAM WAGONS BUILT ON THE
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    • 316 2 NOTICHS. i m^ mm For Discriminating Smokers, Cigarettes Absolutely Unique In Quality. Hand-made ti-om soleoted parcels of tho finest Virginia Totaoooa. To the cultured and discriminating smoker, there are no other Cigarettes that will ffive such 'keen satisfaction and < njoymcnt. No. 555. No. 999. AstoHas. Ordinary 6 z*. Ordlnn-y
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    • 11 2 Exchange and share quotations wil l h« found on page 8
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    • 13 2 ZVAIOI.K TUUTII I'OWDEK, a pertect autisentir dcntrifice, cleanses auH t nt»*jrves tne teet«»
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  • 475 3 Astounding Revelations Tnz actii R :it London in uhich Mr. .luTt Btoviar, the well-known biok-iiiik-i ;!inl rnce-horce owner, sued Jam>'B Duke for slander, has ended in a verdict for the defendant. The. hearinc of the case, which was tcnsational throughout, occupied a week The plaintiff, Sievier,
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  • 391 3 THE BRITIS H DOLLAR. To the ItdHf <>t ii Kvkkv m ni briMfi letters concerning the cnrrenpondence published from time lo lime in tho columns r>f The h'wanciri' on the Indian rupee and British and American dollur. as to the working and estimation of the British •lollar where in circulation
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  • 466 3 The terms of a letter in which the Army Council call attention again to cases of raggir^ in Ihe Army, are i»s follows 'Sir, -The Army Council taring had under consideration several recent cases in which young officers have been maltreated by their brother c
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  • 269 3 M ght Win the Derby or Come to Town as an Essence. A good deal of merriment was trot out ■if a running do*n case" in Mr Justico Dirling's Court the other day. The L 'iidon County Council were sued hy Messr-;. (ireeniield and Co, t.rewers, fur
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  • 168 3 A new varittty "f tot <iiga'or ha« been riucetl intu Fut Zealand, wlierch) hackers can indulge their fancy tor double event *rtger(« A Colonial ex< hat p•.nyt-: The douhli-evftit TotalisHtcr mi •im Cun<eibury J. C. (Ctiristchiirch) mt-H'mu w;in well patrorinfd, tiotwiili -i.niiimn tfeat inventors wer*« p*Kl|
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  • 561 3 Irp War. Km ilii'ii wa< Citptuied M tin ■> in«, of the J'Hh May. A Tokio eornapon(lcnt wins thiit tlic RwaiaM madi' i'!;d>olatc preparation^ lo fliuk the Japan B iiimtiiii'iit south of id Una-tang P ■Man* and fortified the height- en Urn south shore of Ta-licii wan Bay.
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  • 339 3 Sh 'ckinjr Acctirn Near Paris A shocking accident occuired at the level crossing on the East Railway just outside Paris last mouth. An autoiuohilc containing a party of six persons attempted to cross the line just as the Paris express came up. The scene tliat ensued, according to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 12 3 STEARNS' HKAD.xciiK ***** Cures "Hunt bt Strom*' and you get the genuine.
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    • 688 3 NOTICES. GOVERNMENT OF PAIIANG. Applicitio 8 iir invi'o I fir t»oTac-nt el'T s ip<t end .-limi'd ii n -h tin- Re^ii ent' Hi H! Kuali Li is ik t latu<- .tb J.IIH' I tv fn.m fV I to |*0 a rooath uccordi;i' io i|UnliflMtlvM Joflc i |M WANTED.
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    • 571 3 NOTICES. IRIQAUCS Kananga OF JAPAN TOILET WATER Pigand's Kaaangt WaMr hai the >wtct perfume of the Ktnaoga Flower of Jip«" and a soothing lue coolibk action on tbetkia, I. rclwvct mosquto kite*, and is ssiasi refreshing after penpinlioo. RIGAUD C* PtRFUMEKS 8. rue ▼lvi«na« a COMMON SENSE "NUTSHEI i 1
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    • 704 3 NOTICES. rBE LET— House No 11, H-iphia Road and also No. M W ilkie Koad. Vpply to A. 8. hhooker, 1 Malacca Htrret. June a 1-7 ÜbE lET: entry at enct- compound 1 hou>-e No. 112 Bencoolen Street. Vpply to Guthrie A Co. Ltd., Agents. 1-Vb 4 no. IX) BK
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  • 2108 4 The Straits Times PRICE 16 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, 8th JUNE. i'.i itr.Es-i-o.NDEXTi utiite in the etutemen', that an era of lh» unst rigid economy has now bean inaugurated ii the ion of British Xoitl. Borneo, and it seems that oiv 1 1 the late (ioveruor's superfluous extravtgances that was among
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  • 8 4 To-day's bank 4/m rate is 1/1 1 J
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  • 12 4 H. M. S. Talbot went to the wharf to coal yesterday afternoon.
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  • 21 4 Tub homeward mail by the Oidenhurg closest at noon to-morrow. That by tie Simla, closes at 4 p m. on Friday.
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  • 35 4 A Vancouver teioKrdin says there is a scarcity of Chinese in the British Columbia labour market. The canners are finding great difficulty in obtaining Chinese to perform tbe customary work during the approaching salmon season.
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  • 50 4 The Malay Mail reports a nasty spill which some members of the Kuala Lumpur bar met with in returning by motor car from tbe assizes at Kuala Li pis. The progress of the car whs oat red by bullocks, it was upset, and the occupants were Unded in the mud.
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  • 57 4 Mk Uchida, tbe J-ip.tnese Representative in Peking, is attain reported to have addrei-sed the Chinese Govern rnent, urging thn great advisability of avoiding everything calculated to suggest that China is about to throw in h«-r lot with Japan, in defiance of her neutrality. China's enemies are oageily seeking some pretext
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  • 62 4 The annual athletic 6ports of Bt. J isupb's Institution will be held on Tnurn.lay the Oih and Saturday the 1 lth June on the old Jail Site. Pdrenis and puardianß o f the boys, as w»-H as subscribers the Sports, and all friends interested in the School are cordially invited
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 27 4 London, Hth Juti-\ The Tsar lid- ordered the mobilisation of the First Army Corps which includes the troops in theft. Petersburg district.
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    • 57 4 Hard Fighting Near Fcnff-huang-cheng. General Kuropatkin report* live houra' tight, on the -'trd Juue, at Khotsiaputse, l v miles to the west of Feng-huang-i-iieng. Tbe combat arose from the Japantee attempting to advance from a fortified position Japanese Repelled. The Japanese were repelled by Cossacks, with the assistance
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    • 15 4 Later. The Hansa Liner lloeheimer ot Bremen lias been purchased by Japan
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    • 52 4 Naval experts are convinced that, die Russian Biltie Fleet— the departure of which is being constantly deferred will never roach the Pacific even if it start b. TOWED 800 MILESThe steamship I'lei ide.< from Yokohama has arrived at Vancouver after being towed SOO miles, she having lost
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  • 94 4 (Single Handicap.) FiK3r Round. Yesterday s result. A. CLASS. Tuy Hooi. (iu*n rec. Ib beat Chin Hi. ml Sang owe 15. 60, 6-1. R. class. Koh Kent Hork owe 15 liet '''"> KayKim sir 6-4, 6-8. C. CLASH. T«u lim Seuj; -cr. Low Hock
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  • 88 4 Wharfs at Which Different Ships are Berthed To-day. East Wharf— Uanvnierie, Data, Allwii. Victoria ÜBAYUM 1)«m-k -Singapore. \I-HKKT (jRAVINd l)oCK- /.Itlda. SECTION No. I Shirley, Sdm», Spalda. 2 Siak. and n :i 11, M.S. Biriu». 4 Nil. 5 Persia. 6 I'arlyle, Lady Mitchell. „7 Manilu,
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  • 33 4 The NerWlHi.M Company's steamer 8.8 Ormjt left S<*b«n« on the 7th inxt. at 10 a in. and is due hem tomorrow At 7 am '■'he will sail for Batavia to-morrow at noon.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 848 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WASSIAMULL ASSOMULL CO., Indian Store, No. 1, 2, 3, 4, High Street. In.t received a new con-iKmnent of .ilk- of ditlerent sli*^ an.l col.r- MM India, China and Japan, Kampur chudnri ami (\i-limere "hawl* of .-xtrnorrlin iry tt-<)rkinan*hi[>, -nn.lnlwood and ivory boxe« of neat and polished workmanship, CliineM
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    • 62 4 G. R. LAMBERT a CO. PHOTOGRAPHERS, in-) received Fine Consignment Valuable Art Pictures Gruvurea If the "Photographic Socioty" at Burlm. from Painting* el Til. mi i, |Mka r.«aler. l.ei«htfln, Blink«,||.-i I.nnkow. Defram.-r, DrttlMT, Leu. gUrtil May An »»H r impectiex is invited. COMMORM.— OI the 6th June, at the Ie
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    • 36 4 The Raub Mining re. -jit will be found on page ft The Straits Budget will be published to-morrow m -rnuip. BTKARNB' WINE, improves both appetite and digestion. It brings back health to the weak aad sickly
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    • 163 4 Special (Telegrams to tbe Straits Gime*." CORRESPONDENT MURDERED. "Daily Telegraph" Man shot by Soldiers at Newchwang. Tientsin, ?th June Mr. Lewis Xt/el, the special correspondent ot the London Daily Telegraph and the Tientsin iVtinti Times at Newchwang, was murdered last night, being shot by soldiers near Tien-chwang-tai KILLED BY CHINESE
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  • Reuter's Extra Service.
    • 55 5 British iiovernment Anxiously Considering the Subject. Ignition, Bth Jwie. Mr. Balfour has stated in Parliament that no publi.: objei't ooold be servf d by pvbHffaiag any i^ommunioatioi 8 made by Britain in reference to the novel i|tiestions of international Im raised by the present war. The Government was
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    • 49 5 Accompanying Cossack Outposts. Reuter's correspondent at Liaoyang reports that Mranl att.iniws are beine allowed to go south, including Colonel Waters and Mwjor Hum* of th.s Bwoad Gurkha.-. Some of them expect to join the Cossacks in contact wi'.li the Japanese outposts to the north of Kinchau.
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    • 50 5 Roused from the Lethargy of Mukden. Tbe newspaper correspondents, released as they are now from the tranquillity prevailing around Admiral Alexeieffs headquarters at Mukden, find themselves, when :it l.iaoyang, transported into a totally different atmosphere. Tfoaj iii i tbe surrounding oouatrj waked up into the greatest activity.
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    • 40 5 Kuropatkin's Headquarters. I.iunyaim presents to them I n animated appearance. That town is full ol ouioers, Geueral Kuropatkin having his head >|iiarters there. A1 n 1 1 1' ii\ train makes llying visits to the outlying points around.
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    • 32 5 The Daily T* t§Mfk announces that Lord Methuen has accepted the command of the Fourth Army Corps in auccesssion to General Grenfcll Subsequently Lord Methuen will vominan'l the Kastern Pistri.-?
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    • 26 5 I'lie Thibetans attacked Kangina, a post on the lines of communication, uid left 101 killed near the post. They lost more as they retreated.
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    • 42 5 Reuter's correspondent at Chefoo states that junks report heating firing to the north of Port Arthur during the while of yesterday, and last night. It is believed the Japanese are making a groat Irtnil attMk supported by warships.
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    • 30 5 Renter's representative at Nagasaki v.ys .the Japanese have seized the jollier I;/.;' which has arrived there from CardiiV, but no reasons are given for the seizure
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    • 34 5 At a meeting of the Suez Canal Co, the President foreshadowed a reduction of the dues from eight ami a half francs f'i eight soon. The dividend reached IBfi francs.
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    • 21 5 Admiral Toko has succeeded in clearing away the mines from Talien wan sufficiently to make tho channel practicable.
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    • 31 5 Warships Helpless Through Lack of Coal. The Time*, learns by wireless telegraphy, that the coal in Port Arthur is insufficient to enable large vessels to take to sea
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    • 12 5 Notts boat the M. 0. C. and Ground by eight wicket*.
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  • 1382 5 Comments on the r< cent Chambt r of Commerce Examination. The following OMMMMai upon tinrecent examination loiuliulcd liy tht Chamber of Comnß-nv. from correspondent well -post of I in the subject, w'll b<' found of material interest by all int riveted in local educational Mttan an<l prospects -Yesterday
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  • 106 5 An Association football match wjs played on the 8. C. C end of the "splanade yesterday afternoon between 'he Manchester Regiment and the S.C.C. A very evenly contested game resulted and at half time neither side had scored. On resuming play the Mancbf3ters made a dash for the Club
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  • 123 5 Turn Very Rev. Father Vignol, Adtiinistrator of the Catholic Diocese of Malacca, has received a letter from the Rt. Rev. Bishop Barillon, who was appointed to succeed the late Bishop F.t! on May iu.h. stating that he will not arrive in the Straits before Octoher. He wilt not
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  • 112 5 The monthly competition of the club was h>lil on the 4th and sth instant, at Ball«-Rtier, under the supervision of lA M ikepcace. The following are the resultp: (innr Howell 10 pu. Sgt Hayward Key worth r -cratch (iunr. Siockwell <,'. M 8. Rlack l.t.
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  • 140 5 M. M. PAS SENGERS. Departures. Per E. Simont. F»r Colombo Messrs. P. V. B. Daw, J. F. Keddie, W. W. Wood, .1. I*. Kitzmuth, Fox Kirk, Mine Romano, S Malm, (i.ii-p.u- Ellis. For Londun Messrs. KM I'oicher, A. Y. Gahagan- Mr. aid Mr*. J. R. Ni. I. ii -.hi and
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  • 402 5 The tim day of the athletic sports of the Rallies Institution was held on the School play ground. The afternoon was an ideal one for sport and. all the various events were keenly contested. The finals will be run orl on Friday, when the prizes will be
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  • 174 5 The following propeitiea were disposed of by auction at Powell it Co's saleroom yesterday afternoon Land and house thereon known as No. 35 Omar Road, Singapore town, area 1,800 sq. ft. held under Govt. Lease for 99 years from Ist Feb. 1349, Also land fronting Keng Cheow Street
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  • 161 5 Abult 3 o'clock this morning a fire broke out in a Chinese gutta store and dwelling house in North Canal Road, opposite the Police Courts. Tbe outbreak was reported by telephone at the Central Station by B. P C. Mussel who was on rounds at Teluk Ayer.
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  • 117 5 On Suuday next, June 12th, Children'^ Day, or Sunday School Anniversary Services will be held at the Methodist Episcopal Church, Coleman Street. The children of the Sunday School will takv part in both the services. At th> morning service special hymns will be t-ting and special recitations will
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  • 78 5 Sixth List of Contributions. Amojata previously acknowledged ..14,407.06 Oynk M.i-bion at Running per Archueacon Sharp 20 82 C. Spinks, 10 UU U. Pniiiips, An K. I ittle, COO B.H. vuo Classen, 5.U0 I. M. H. l.Ui \non\nii)U> 10. n l(.oh E gl
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  • 321 5 Further evidence was taken in the Bench Court yesterday in the case m which a retired miner named Liiu Kirn alleges that Tan Boon Leong and Low Kwee Lim cheated him to the extent of nearly 81,000 by preteudiug that they would get him a license to open
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  • 379 5 .Mr. Earp Dashed Atainst a Wall. London, 13th May.— Contrary ka v pectation. the race committee of the Automobile Club met last evening and arrived at a selection of the British team for the Coupe Internationale matta) The team will be composed as follows
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  • 18 5 The performance at the Wayaiig aim to-night will be under the ■a&roaagi of H. E. the Governor.
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  • 266 5 We regret to announce the divitli i I Mr Phillips which occMfld .>t tii General Hospital yesterday tfIvWMM after a lingering illness. Mr Cliaili Phillips was one of the oldest resident' (il Siiiga|>ore and MM here from Indv about forty years ago. lie was originalK
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  • 250 5 A week ago. Sanitary Insp llaillc pro.-, ciited On Boon and Tan Choon lo breach of the Sanitary Regulation- II Carver appeared for the defendant I defence On Boon mad.- statements to the effect that Insp: Harfleet had been ran ving from him $3 a
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  • 33 5 Two Chinese coolies were an. a police patrol yesterday afternoon fo ■♦tomptini to swim to Tanjoncr Paga trom Si John's Island where the\ i|Uarantined. They will be cliai tore tbe Marine Magistrate to-day
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 184 5 NOTICES. W-* Rent* nthi v TO-NICHT! TO-NIOHT' k Wednesday, Bth June, 1904 At the North Bridge Road Tlieativ Hall. J^ Special Comnund N. f hi m The Indra Zanlbar Royal Theatrtoal Company ll«4«r tIM W»tln»»i«he<l Paln.natr and in the Prmnce ol IST H. E. Sir John Anderson, X.C.M.0., Miss Anderson
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 148 5 DAY UV I)A> Wednesday, Bth June. Ilinh Water, ill am. Hrovixinn Shli 1 i'owell. 11. Strait- Tradiag <'.i Meeting. I_'. SVC Maxim Svi-tiou Drill. 515. S V.I. K>cruit» IH ill. .Vlo. '!. Powell. 11. Wa)aii({ Kaiwiiii. Nurtli Briilgu Ituad. <J Thursday, 9th June. Ilit'li Water, (i S a. id.
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  • 755 6 Ihe Far East Clt, of Magnificent Futures iJalnv which is MOW occupied Xv .lap:i ui'»e troops ii a poi t with a strange story. On that old Talienwau Bay, which we used to hear so much about when Russia began negotiating with China for a lease" <f
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  • 216 6 -suiiLik;iii IUM imt ;ilw;iv>. Ijolii iU-.-iixd m ,i mnWi <>i Bdaa, boj Moordto a writer in the Bntiitlt Norik Borneo HeraU it is a goodly plan to visit, f-.iv- the writer: "We all of us thoroughly enjovcil <nn visit to S;nida kan, and it has boon the pi(«
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 366 6 NOTICES. To PRESERVE your HAIR -tr?ngth«n, restore ii, prevent Scurf »n« (lre)inr>s, anil pr.^idc ihi Batard ,•:> Hkttti n nece«»ry (m nouri'liinu the roots, Bat Wag tquilROWLAND'S MACASSAR OIL I i < i.. Mm. 11... hiii. I'm i.h-1- <.l lii\.v.i..:i- QOI.DEN MACASSAR OIL tat bii <t uejr iiaii don i
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    • 861 6 NOTICES. Wilts for LEI PERRINS' flff |if WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. Bo Special Wzppant^^Sß^J^ His Majesto Purvegors te The King. CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORFS. Singapore and Kranji Railway. From April nth, 1904, and until further notice. Train Service for Week Days and Sundays. A.lf. 4.M. A.K. P.M. T.V P.M. I .M Kit SINGAPORE
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    • 134 6 OILSEEDS, COPRAH, SPICES, Ac (POTOTSCHNIC FRANKEL, TRIESTE. AUSTRIA Agents and Produce Broker* specially for Mich »hip]>cr^ who havin:' 10 Ortiro 011 tho Continent, wish to hare VERY energetic and VERT reliable Keprereucativei in Europe. I'ototschnig and Frankel an- General Agents for Continental Europe of aomo of the m«»t prominent shipi
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 658 7 BUCHANAN'S HISWKY Sold everywhere. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Par China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of lAdin* usueil for (Jbina Coast, Perniau <?ulf tV>ntin«ataJ •Dd American Ports. Steamer? will !-;ave Sincapoiv on or .V>out Mall Line. ihit^ard (fir
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    • 708 7 STEAMSH IP COMPANIES. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschapplj. Under contract witli the Netherlands India Govern neat. Af> di o- Sut'.inpore ***** Ag*ncy, utr J D«bki>bls A Co., i 3 Coli vkr Qiav. i li undermentioned dates are only approximate. mer From "Cxj/iei. Will be l>«»nat;hei for I ,i D r-, Billi'.cm June
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    • 433 7 HAMBURGAMERIKA LIME. HAMBURG. 1 be steamers of tbi- Company maintain a rogular service between Hamburg. Bremen, Antwerp, and Kotterdam, and the Striits, China, and Japan. HomewarJ*, tley aro despatched fortnigbily for Havre and Hamburg and once a mon.h for Bivm. ihnven direct, calling at Peannj and Colombo The arrivals of
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    • 648 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial German Mail Line. lbe fast and well nown mail steamers of this Company tail fortnightly from Bremen-Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa,! Narles, I'ort t>aid, Cue*, Aden, Colombo, Henane, Singapore. Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to Yokohama and They are due in Singapore
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    • 672 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES C.P.R. i Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. IHK i'AST HOUTK BKTWKEN UHIAJ JAPAN, AND EUROPE, VIA CANADA AND THE UNITED BTATKS>. Route from Hongkong via Shanghai, Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan) Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver. Twin Screw Enipres* Steamsbipn— 6,'Wi Tons Speed 19 knots.
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    • 462 7 SHIPPING I INDO-OHINA BTEAM -NAVIGATION OOMFAVT, LIMITED. KOR PENANG AND CALCUTTA The Comp.iny'9 steamer KVM 9AMG a,-3(! ton i 4i|>ini!i Batter, having lef Hongkong on ilie -"Jlst ultimo. m«y l» expected to arrive ban on or about, tin MIML, Md will Imve. prompt lie^puc'i for the. above port*. For freight
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    • 1985 8 Under this heading the following nbreviations are u»ed str. —steamer ifa ship: bq. barque; sch. schooner, fct.— Y»cht Cru.— Cruiser Obt.—Oun•oat; Tor.— Torpedo H. p. Horse-power Brit— British; U. B.— United States Fch. French Ocr. German Dut. Dutch; G.c. General-cargo; d.p.— deck ■Maenger; U.— Unceitain; T. P.
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    • 663 8 ,v-.m«, port, probable daft of arrival and name of agenlr. Stbahies. A. de Larrinaga, Parry. June; Borneo Coy Agamemnon, China. June 26 Mansfield. Aeincourt, Barry, June; Borneo Coy. Aiax, Liverpool, July 18; Mansfield. \lnoin, Bangkok. June; Borneo Coy. Alting, Sourabaya, June 8; Daendejs. Annam, Colombo, Aug I; M.
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    • 602 8 SIKOAPORK, STH JVSK, 19*J4 PRODUCE (ianiblei buyei- f ■> do (Cube No. 1) unpickert „13 75 Copra Bui 25 do FonttnnaV 7 B<> Pepper, Black uiyiT- 27 76 do White, (5% 41 75 Sago Floor Sarawak 840 do Branci No 310 Pearl Bago 460 Coffee Ball, 15% bull „23
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    • 133 8 hit Per lUamrr V*m Tc-Mobkow. Bangkok Kcrni 1 1 in. SingnraaiH hnnekok Horilnt Bangkok XWmVSm Bauvia Dm. > 1 1 a.m Rurope via port.- (Hdrnbury Noon Ma aeca and l.ingu. Khng Smu Ip m Hongkong A Amo /fiai; Mr/ p.m Malacca* P. Diekson Hrnlonfi ".p.m Bangkok
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    • 149 8 From Europe— By the M M fc.s Vmrra ,iaon Hth June, with dnte? to the 13th Mar, From China— By the N I). I., s. OUmt !>i"-<i nnd tho r* O. s. s V*tt» June. Left .Singapore Dai" i i I Apl -Ji.ih B I. May 1MI1
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 93 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co. JEWELLERS AND SILK MERCHANTS, Nos. 51 52, High Street. Have just Unpacked a Xew Slock ol Indian. Chinese, and Japanese Silk Embroidered (foods, Indian Carpets, Chineae Handdrawn Thread-Work, Ceylon Lace, New Variety of Gold and Silver Jewellery, Pineapple Silks, Old Chinese Drapery, Chinese Embroidered Costumes.
      93 words
    • 342 8 WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW CO. GrITK THE BIIS T VA L I K I N BEDSTEADS MASSIVE FOURPOST BEDSTEADS SUPZE/lOR TO SKETCH Guaranteed British Manufacture. Tapering iffiSji 'IB Tour Post Pillars pfrf]! W Bods KXTKNDKD POOT KAll> T lI^T RKCKIV Xl» Price $31.00 c. jHTI \I I l^l-^m^ Price 37 00 Price
      342 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 94 8 (VeAfitcß rtiCj.ti. k'miflang Krrbau Hoa/ntal, :th hi I ■io.m .ipm.V-p.m Rcil4KKa Unr .<«.!• ii iH7rtf< -iP.^74 Mornlau I i'emp S7 8 H4 r> 70.0 day and WU'lbTher H'-.S 810 TT.4 nlal.t elf ft. DirofWfnd s.»v. ■w. Mai. Temp 9 I S Mm 60 Sun MfiO I'err. r.v! Rainfall Nil
      94 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 685 9 NOFUES. Arima Water The renowned natural mineral table water recommended by Japanese Government Analysis. SOU I.Y.I'ORThKS: Y. Shibuya Co. SUB A Ot NT C. Janssen, Cebu. May I m.w.f v c. THE TANJONQ PAGAR DOCK COMPANY, LTD. Shipwmcbts, EjNoufEUSj liun a.m. Bbam Founders. Whakfingebs, ic. '"his Company execute Ship and
      685 words
    • 405 9 NOTICES. J_ I Crushed Food FOR HORSES CATTLE. Y¥7"E boi; h> annoiini-e tliat we hnve IT specinl nrranßements to meet the convenience of constituents who require weekly, lotnißhtly or monthly supplies of our well-known "Crashed Food lor rior-t~ nnd Cattle. All our fo;lder is prepared from the best quality
      405 words
      303 words
    • 526 9 I NOTICES. I YEONG YECHEONG ff CO. I W y.. «>"i.7 WMakfm House-bu Idem. lirick-iayers, c»rp4 nlers. «nd Kcnoral contractors fr >m ('untoi. Orders promptly executed nml best mate ials supplied. May 19 184> SHORTHANO I YPL WRITING, An Englishwoman undertakes casual woik as a STENOGRAPHER and TYPIST. From Monday
      526 words
    • 268 9 NOTICES. J. MOTION CO. VVATCHMAKERS, JIiWELLERS, OPTICIANS. KKPAIRB PROMPTLY KXECUTKD Sulphuric &nd Hydrochloric Acids. AITLY TO THE SINGAPORE PLANTING ft PACKING CO., 66 Horih Bridge I?oad. SINOAPORE. Mar 5 v.c. CAMPBELL CO. HAVING been appointed Aeents for the TRANSATLANTIC Fire Insurance Company, NORTH GERMAN Fire luHiranco Company, and HAMBURG BrerrHTt
      268 words

  • 282 10 ■Jrd Jane. Thk condition of the money mirket here remain* unchanged. As a consequence one or two local towkays thought it advisable to clear out. They left property behind, however, but so little ol it that it is doubtful whether the proceeds of the sale would cover interest
    282 words
  • 286 10 Dalny, which is now occupied by Japanese troops, is one of those readymade places more associated with America than with the Far East. Mr. H J. Whigham gives some interesting particulars of it in his book, "Manchuria and Korea,' and ihe irony of it is that the port on
    286 words
  • 219 10 An action ur assault arising out of the use of .X-rays in Ihe treatment of cancer was commenced in Mr. Justice Lawrance's Court on the !)th ull., the plaintirf beinj?;l)r. Kdward Arnold CMoete BmUh, a specialist in el«;clro-therapeu-ties, of \vestbourne street, Hyde-park. There was also
    219 words
  • 74 10 An American author bus published a poem and this is a <ju< tation from an American critic's review of it "This daring poem is coucbed in the most exalted language There is no half uay business about Mr. Irwin. When he is a hoodlum his rrißtitrel vocabulary is sufficiently
    74 words
  • 505 10 It Has Reached Man la. The Mmmiln Ttmm hu>> it ilut several Russian spies have been located there, and they are being closely observed. It is stated that their main object is to watch th't incoming and outgoing steamers and windjammers loading and unloading at that port,
    505 words
  • 279 10 Thb special correspondent of the Strailg t-lio tells that ournal the lollowing yarn under date Tokyo, the 3th May: The es, jpe of Admiral AlexeuH' from Port Arthur the day previous to the successful blockade was a bitter disappointment, but the manner in which he got away is
    279 words
  • 143 10 For Singapore. Per P. 4 0 s. s. A'-ilmlia, ■.•onnei.-tinK witb the neamer Btmgml at Colombo, from Lou .on May 13, due iiith Jane— Mr. ud Mrs W. J. It win, Mr. C. L Broekca Per P A O s. s. s. knn lia, connecting with the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 519 10 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL INSURANCE CO. FIRE A LIFE TOTAL INVEBTED FUNDS EXCEEP £12,000,000. THE LAKOEBT FIRE OFFICE IN THE WORLD BOUSTEAD k Co., Agents THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital £2,127,500 Paid up Capital 212,760 Reserve Fund £1,073,550 The undersigned, Agents for the Com pany, are prepared to
      519 words
    • 579 10 BANKS. NEDERLANDSCHE HANDEL MAATSCHAPPU. Netherlands' Trading Society. Established 182* CAPITAL. I 60,000,000-(abt. £5,000,000) ISSUED -CAPITAL. f. 45,000,000— (abt. £3,750,000) RESERVED FUND. f. 5,000,000 -(abt. £417,000) Head Office In Amsterdam. Head Agency in Batavia. KiiASi mis:— PermDit, Shanghai, Rangoon. Mi'ilun (Deli), Semarang Pourabaya. Padang, Cheribon Tegal Pecalongnh Pasoeroean Tjilatjap. l'aleml<ang, Kn'aRadja.
      579 words
    • 383 10 BANKS. Hongkong tf Shanghai Banking Corporation.' PAID-UP CAPITAL SIO.OOOOOij RESERVE FUND: sterling Re«ei yes 10 0i>0 0001 w,m Silver Reserve C.«X).000 *lti. n oP,«tto Reserve Liability of Proprietors *;<, oOO.nnn COURT OP DIRECTORS. A. .1. KaymuDvl, K»q., Chairman. 11. K. T'niikin-, I)h'|., Deputy Chairman. K. Ooetz, Ks(|. X A. Si<;li»,
      383 words
    • 460 10 NOTICES. 7!)6e Straits Wmes. AM) W6e Straits SBudget. ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. [per inch, column measure. first Insertion $1 '30 cent* Second and third insertion* each (HI cents fourth, fifth, and sixth 40 centa Seventh to eighteenth it ccnu Xineteenth& subsequent,, 16 rents Per week of aix days, to
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  • 510 11 An Old Story Retold. 111 1 is common knowledge how Russia came into possession of Port Arthur; how at the close of the China-Japanese war, nino years ago, she "jockeyed Jappn out of the place, and then calmly stepped in and occupied it herself.
    510 words
  • 252 11 Man With a New Face. Un surgery, rarely undertakes to supply a man with what is practically a now face. This ditlicult achievement, however, hai» been performed with great skill at the London Hospital Some two years ago a man in New Zealand, who was sintering from rod.
    252 words
  • 150 11 \\k iiie hearing n good deal about tbe Coseaoka just now, aud no lighting ra<v in the world has a more romantic history. Although Russian tribes oriein;illy settled on the southern fron-Ilis-i.i in Europe, the most urdiMi' adventurers among tliem were at one time a distinct military
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  • 368 11 The Barque Hawaiian Isles." Melbourne, otk May. I'tj.n the arrival in HobsonV Bay from New York last night of the American bar^ne HnnMH I tie*, Captain Mallet had a stirring story of deaths by suicide and misadventure to aSIISIS The first fatality was on ;(rd April, when,
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  • 212 11 Full of Junk. A human ostrich is in trouble. In his midst lurks a choice collection of hardware and cutlery which refuses to assimilate. He is about to go to Bellevue Hospital, New York, where a surgeon will be obliged to open his stomach with a knife and
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  • 206 11 1 concluding a graphic account of the lighting on the Valu, the Japan Mail quotes a report that when a small force of the Imperial Guards were driven back across the river by a strong body of Russians, three Japanese fell into the enemy's hands. The corpse
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  • 101 11 DEBTS OF A CLERK -£50, 200. At a meeting of the creditors of Harry Kw'nt, a mercantile clerk, of lielitrave-square, held on the Bth ult at the Bankruptcy Court, it. was stated i hat the liabilities amounted to £50, I*oo, and the assets to £7,848. Mr. K> nt. attributed his
    101 words
  • 362 11 An Indian who has just returned from South India, thus describes in the SlrinU Echo how Tamil emigrants are treated on tbe passenger steamer in which he took passage for the Straits Settlements At Negapatam the Zaidn took on board a large number of emigrant coolies bound for
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  • 451 11 Aiimiral Sir E. R Kremantle, writing in the Daily Chronitle, comments on the movements of tbe Japanese fleet. He rays Tbe landing of the Japanese at Pitsuwo, now officially reported, was what I always expected from the natural advantages its selection afforded. The Elliot and Blonde group
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  • 29 11 N. D. L lei Sachsen 13tb June Mr. Ken, Mi Meyer, and Mr- Nicholas. Per Zirten "27th June Mr. A. von Michnl, Mr. and Mm. Kussel.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 22 11 Sh ii'i-iNG advertisements, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on pagr 1 General shipping news is printed un page 8.
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    • 39 11 VESSELS ADVERTISED TO SAIL. IVluk Arson via port* Sap) hi on M"-. .y«, Silniij-ir on Wednesday*, and Hw I. o oi Fiidays SS.B. Co. r rt wetteuatn *vi» ports: HmUnn on Thursdays, and Malacca on Satoruny*, 8. s. Co.
      39 words
    • 215 11 NOTICES. MOTOR CARS BENZINE. We are now supplying best quality (ft, 7O cents per Imperial Gallon. SYME CO. CHAMPAGNE "LOUIS ROEDERER extra Dry and Carte Blanohe The old, well-known brand. BRINKMANN V CO Importer! Ketaii. at Vkssm. CHENG A Co., HIGH BTRBBT The UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER Before buying a typewriter inspect
      215 words
    • 320 11 NOTICES. JAMES WATSON CO.'S SCOTCH WHISKIES ARE THE BEST VALUE IN THE MARKET FLAG BRAND, 10 YEARS OLD $12-50 per case. Duty extra. V.V.O. SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED $8-50 per case. Duty extra UPTAISJBLB FROM RETAIL DEALERS, M McALISTER Co.. Ltd. sole agents Ny Carlsberg Beer JNLjtJ^^JA Very light Pllsener Beer, especially
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 274 12 NOTICES. RILEY HARGREAVES CO., LTD. ENGINEERS, SHIPBUILDERS, GENERAL CONTRACTORS. Singapore. Works :--Keail Street. Town Store I—l 3 Battery Road. 6ngines |tf Sin Boilers HORIZONTAL I fcp I^Hli LANCASHIRE PORTABLE I Js|^bSp LOCOMOTIVE WINDING 4h QWMm^SJ^ COLONIAL .^Pumps-— Mining, Horizontal and Vertical. Direct-acting Duplex and Special) Sinking Pump up to 20.000
      274 words
    • 167 12 V NOTICES. &or ffews of tde Straits, Read tde Straits Times It has the Largest Circulation OF ANY PAPER PUBLISHED IN MALAYA. &or WAR TELEGRAMS Read The Straits Times It may be obtained in Singapore at the following places Messrs. John Little Co. Hagedorn Co., Orchard Road Sepoy Lines ami
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