The Straits Times, 7 June 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 31,453 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY. JUNE 7. 1904 PRICE 15 CERTS
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  • 47 1 Administration Report. The administration report on Pahang tor 1903 is signed by Mr. Cecil Wray as acting Kenklent. In writing ;t. M MM placed at a great disadvuntage from his, having no personal knowledge of the, cnU that occurred durine the year under review
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  • 303 1 .The rovenuc of the State for the year 1903 amounted to 3416,910, against M 18,310 collected iv 1902 and an estimate of $434,394. There is thus I falling off of $17,478 as compared with the •■•timiite, and of ?M..'594 a* compared with the actual collections during the previous year.
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  • 190 1 At Kuala Kuanl.m ther in mMJMr- >>}'■ demand for land fai coe nut <-ul- nation, Bad t<|> to t li« iml of tin > i-:i«" abort l.'ou ktm bad been ■lienitod and application had ban approved for about Mr more. The two tapioca .•states, aggregating 1,290 acres, lid
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  • 247 1 The output of tin and tin ore amounted io piculs 2b,'lib as compared with piculs 'ii.lll ii 19>J2. being an increase of piriils 2,161 The duty collected was i more than in the previous year and |16,0 M in excess of Mil. Tin- average price of tin was h
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  • 167 1 Gold M n ng. The output of gold for 1903 was 12,411 ounces as compared with 19,554 ounces in 1902, a decrease of 7.1 13 ounces. During the year under review, the Raub Australian Gold Alining Company crushed 32,570 tons of stone for 7,078 ounces the Malaysian Company crushed 8,314
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  • 311 1 The arrangements for the carriage of mails by road remained the same as iv 1902 {i.e., a daily service by bullock omnibus) until the end of August. In September contract was entered into with the Federal Automobile Company and ;i >ervke of daily motor cars was established to earn,-
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 387 1 i \i>\ 1 < K 98 CASES PROVISIONS \t i.ur m c r. m) Wtdneedati. B h Jvve. al 11 a.m. Cop»i-ti c f'f eaan Immm I cas s h»<*on. J* 1 cases cornel I.eef, -'i msm roa-.t beef and 28 case* E^om chees". To ie- 'H ni II lorn.
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    • 601 1 NOTICES. "government notification Ad examination for four admission* to the Survey School will bo held at the Education Office in Singapore on Monday, the 27th June. 1904 candidate* must not be over 18 years of ace and stmald 'end in their names certiScttPS. and testimonial to the Director of Public
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    • 864 1 NOTICES. THE TANJONG PAGAR DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. Notice ta hereby given tbit ar rxtraoruinary (fene al Meeting of th< Fanjonn Pagar l>o: v k Company, Limited Kil be held at t be Kvlihiiki-. Si np rin the ilthofJunu, [Mil. at II o'cl ctt i.oon when the filloning re»olation« will be
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    • 220 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Adelphi Hotel. JFvtntU #rrftr<Gftra Hecmwd tor Digfati mom WILL PLAY *3rom 6to 11 p.m. and during Jiours. The Proprietors beg to inform their J'utrons ami Customers that owing to deferred departure of S. S. La-Seyne the services of the above famed String Band have been secured for 3
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  • Special Telegrams to the "Straits Times."
    • 83 2 Bangkok ttitJ*** The* Siamese budget estima'es for 1904 have just been issued. The revenue comes to 17,.">»K),00<t ticals. Tho expenditure reaches 47._'*>1,:t06 Hnala. The surplus is 246,b'9l ticiU. Additional outlay abive the SStn expenditure is given a* I 920,000 ticals Two-thirds of this amount it is pro posed
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  • Reuter's Extra Service.
    • 30 2 Ijonduu, iith Jtinr. Reuter's correspondent at Newciiw;uu states that General .Stoessul is maintain ing communication between Port Arthui a>nd Newchwang by means of carriei pigeons.
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    • 60 2 Russians Lose Heavily. Reuter's correspondent at Tafcy* mentions a report r>y General Kuroki to the effect that, on Friday, •J«paa*V« detachment despatched from Anyai g Cheng to make a reconnait>sanci towards Chxmachi encountered a forct of 800 C' ssacka. After a brisk engagement the Russians retreated losing
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    • 34 2 The cruiser Qataw while searching for a wireless telegraph station on thi Laiotishar promontory, reporter hearing a series of explosions at Port Arthur evidently indicating blasting operations for new batteries.
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    • 17 2 I'lie Japanese are employing hhell drivers to discover mines in the vicinity of Talienwan.
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    • 20 2 London, 61k Jn-ni The .Spanish battleships .Yunn/utVi *nd Pelayo and the cruiser Oitmtrmt nave gone to Tangier.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 252 2 {From P<ipei:< (0 the Vitk May) Thr trial has beeti concluded in Russia of six men who were accused ol >ii attempt to murder two J(>ws durinp be disturbances at KithineH' last year. A mm named Woltusclu-nko was sen euced to five years' penal servitude. The others were
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    • 29 2 N. D. L I'er Sacliflen I3A .lone:— Mr. Kur/, ill. Meyer, and Mrs. Nicbolax. Per Zieten -27th June Mr. A. von, Mr. and Mrs. Ruttoel.
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    • 20 2 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailing etc., will he found on page General shipping news is printed ou page 8.
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  • 4898 2 Wiju, \>! y.'y, 1-JO4. Thi- Int mil >us trial oi UTMflh l"'twoi'ii tho inaisi si Russia and Japan took placo this morning, and in k four hours the Kussians wrrr < •iniplctclv routed, tlicir goncrals outvittod. tlicn artillery OMtdaswd, kkstr famoui cavalry was easssi <>fT
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 171 2 CHAMPAGNE "LOUIS ROEDERER." Extra Dry and Carte Blanche The old, well-known brand BRINKMANN ff CO. Import'?' Rktajl at Muaiie. CHENG A Co., HIUH BTRBBT Dah Is !YI ilk. NORWEGIAN PURE COW'S MILK, STERILIZED AND QUITE HOMOGENEOUS. By preserving nothing whatever in added to the milk to moke it absolutely f
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    • 499 2 NOTICES. M DiarrlMM, Dyseotery, BY (ff^M > B^ *Mw I dartrinc A perfect complexion saaaj I J s&^ depends on delicacy of skin, which is conferred by 'DARTRING' 'Lanoline 1 y^^-py/l No imitation can bear the 'Dmrtring'. j 1 -> No imitation can lie cnllc-J 'Uartring'. -DARTRING TOILET 'LANOLINK Dnund
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    • 14 2 ZYMOLE TOOTH POWDER, a per feet antiseptic dentrifice, cleanses an' 1 preserves tne teetb
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 635 3 NOTICES. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Wanti-d at once »n Aosistant Rai'iS Kurasinn i to the Court of K que&tx. Salary f'O a month. Apply to the acting Ownmis*iomr. Secretary's o*ffice, Singapore 31st Muv, 1904. lnn«- 1 7-tS WANTED. CHINESE CASHIER. Security $l,00(>. Apply to A A. A. i-/o StraiU Time*. Ma>
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    • 464 3 NOTICES. GRIMAULT. C° Medicinal Skin Soap MEDICINAL SKIN SOAP t >- Recommended by emi/ient Dermatologists and adopted In the Paris Hospitals in the treatment of Ringworm, Acne, Psoriasis, Eczema and Skin diseases generally. RUE il VIE HUE, 8 Pa*.x»laß Apollinaris -Th t; n !,iNc Wai 3 YxW'b fifilv tttl it,
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    • 663 3 NOTICES^ BS LET— House No Tl, Sophia Road and also No. 2-1 U ilkio Road Apply to A. P. Sbooker, 1 Malacca StrAt June 2 |-7 10 bE LET entry at once, compound house No. 112 Bencoolen Street. Apply to Guthrie Co. Ltd., Agents. _y»b^4 ux. IX) BK LET offices
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  • 2696 4 It m interesting to note thai Russia is not confining ill her expeditionary energic- jist now to the compiest oi' ifen Japanese in Eastern Asia. As a inaltei of fact it is announced that she contemplates attempting an achievement ot daring
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  • 48 4 In Uie Aril Inueiic r\.p r at the reccn" Chamber of (J mimeiot examination, we ]>>*> th<» (|i-s'ini N\ 5 re nl~ A Chinaman buys from an European linn 5 cases, eucu 511 pieci's, etc. Tb>r>- aro ilnre n.iiin in tne li«, but they matter nothing. The word we
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  • Special Telegrams to the "Straits Times."
    • 34 4 The Rtisnidiis are shooting kh*al Chinese HaO iittmnpt to leave P.>rt Arthur, in order to |ireve:it news of thf ictual position atl'tirs in the loam being divulged
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    • 19 4 The liussiiins ar<; demanding cuui pensation lot-ally for stores looted during the temporary evai uitiun of Kaichow.
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    • 221 4 Question of Railway Amenities Kval Lnopr, 7tk Jmu. The Committee of the Chinesi: Chamber of Commerce held a meeting >esterday to discuss a ietter received by owkay Loke Yew from Mr. C K the General Manage r ot the X..M.S. BaJhvaya, cm April .Vli The meeting decidei to
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    • 219 4 Another Russian Warship Reported Blown up. The following uttmmi telegriin from the F.ireisn O'li at Tokyo, h.. received by Mr T.Taaaka, the.lapanese Consul at Singapore RaaMNat, '•ih. June :i'Mpw Admiral Togo reports that the Fiftli DrtHtroyer Flotilla, while engaged in blockading I' >rt Arthur at 7 40
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  • 7 4 To-day's bank 4/m rate is 1/11 i
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  • 10 4 Exchange and share quotations will be found on page 8
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  • 10 4 Tin. homewarii hythe Oaltaaawf closes at noon «n Thnrsday.
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  • 17 4 This morning the Austrian otcamt I.ddnru,! arrived from Norfolk, Virginia with 5,350 tons of coal for Japan.
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  • 21 4 \\'k hear that Dr. Gnoh L»-an Tucl •f Kuala Lumpur is enming to Biofpi pore to join Dr. Lun Buoa Keng.
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  • 21 4 Thk Keohau Q..U1 Fields Co mport Km their mill ran 27 d»yr, ciusliing 4:tt) tons stone for 202.9 ozs. smelted l|d
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  • 22 4 Trk Dutch mail ttteamer E*»im§im W'llielmiiia which left Singapore on i tie 4th M*y. arrived at citsnoa on the »'t!i i. «'ant.
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  • 29 4 Entries for the events in Mm P.C.C VlntUc Sports G)mkhana el si to- nutri'W at 7 p m. tli't entries lor thw a-sirie football clot-ii.g, however, at 1 pm
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 293 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS^ Caldbeck Macgregor Co. (ESTABLISHED 1864) Wine Spirit Merchants, (London. Glasgow. Hongkong, Shanghai) SINGAPORE. PRICE LIST OOST A.P'I'XjICJ^TIOTSr. b. v.c. WASSIAMULL ASSOMULL CO., Indian Store, No. 1, 2, 3, 4, High Street. Inrt rsoelred anew rouMgniueiit al aUk« »f aUatafaal ihafai Hinl gakm from India, Chin i unt
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    • 295 4 WANTED. t'hines.' Insurant' Clerk. Apply tj H W. 10-1. i-,o Strait* Thiet. tune 7 tu. th. s. 11-tf TO BE LET, UNFURNISHED MAVFIELO." Anderson Roa i, Or>tn*e Grove Road Tennis court and ambling for 3 horgos. Appiv to W. L WAI KINS I Battery Road. ■I uue 7 tv th
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    • 62 4 G. R. LAMBERT a CO. PHOTOQRAPHERS. lint ractivad a Tina Comlrnmenf Valuable Art Pictures Oranuv. hj the •'Photographic Society" at B»;rlin. tnm Palatine* Tvtomk, p.j.erKr. I.nil<ir. l<ci(hton, Bliukt, 'Ston. L-i.'ii^'DMroKjer. 'Jrifnur, L.o. Otbriel Max, Nonueobrnk. au<i many otberu. •n aarlj l«so««tiaii i* ia«lt*4. BUaMW. On ihe .Vta .luno. at No.
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    • 14 4 STEARNS' WINE, assists the bud) to make use of nature's nourishmuni Thus it cures.
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  • Reuter's Extra Service.
    • 34 5 JAPA NESE ADVANCING. L<iter. KeuterV Chefoo correspondent states tliat poftoM arriving from Dalny report that the Japanese army there has been ninforcad and is ■draieiag upon Port Arthur alone bjih ooaatl of the Peninsula
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    • 38 5 Tin- I 'i vision on the Kan coast touch? a battle on the 3rd inst. at a point If mile* from th« fortress (Port Arthur). The refill) of the enc moment is unknown.
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    • 55 5 The JapaoeM are utilising Dalny a? t bas-, and ;ire landin? fresh troops there. JAPANESE VESSEL SUNK. I.mi'loii, ?lh -I'm' The Kussi'iti consul at Chefoo reports that a ipanese vessel has been sunk by a mine it 1 alienwan fl« l- irn-.-rtaiu whether the vessel w.»a
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    • 22 5 Reutor'i npresentative at Tientsin ■aya tii« Russians huve evacuated Sin-min-tmc in the vicinity of 'Petersburg —[fifty miles wed «f Mukden.
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    • 25 5 (Jen.- km .md his staff have eoiio !)>• railw iy to ;i point between H:iichei,^ .ml Tacbicfafo, sixty versts •iouth of Liaoyaue.
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    • 34 5 Another Battleship sent to Tangier. The batt'eship I'mr n WdUt sails to-morrow from (Jibraltar to Tangier. One cruiser and seven other battleships about to leave Gibraltar tor Oenoa have been detained
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    • 87 5 American Unionists Dynamite Blacklegs. A BOaabSf of non-unionist miners at IndepfP.'!eriL(», Colorado, awaiting a nomew ird train at two o'clock in the naornins, m Mows up by dynamite which had be n placed under the platform. The dyna.niLc mm exploded by means ot a wire ;Jou
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    • 41 5 Admiral Togo t Vice Admiral Baron Vaiuoiiioto,, the Minister of Marine, have been promoted to tho rank of Kaicun Tauho, the highest rank in the Japanese nivy Xiv, lie iteoADi gMMrali have been promoted mainly tor organisation ttrwh
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    • 37 5 ABSURD RUMOUR. Suggested Cession of the Philippines to the Japanese. London, ilk Jmt A report ..'urrent in St. Petersburg pointing to the uventual CMatoa of the Philippines U J ip-jn is emphatically OOBtradicted in Washington.
      Reuter  -  37 words
    • 89 5 German Press Hints at Political Motives. In view of the tff/us of th« German Pre>-8 to represent the King's visit to Kiel ns a political m ive on the part of Britain who is anxious to secure the friendship ot (J^rmany on the Bisman'kian principle
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    • 61 5 Unanimity of Russian Correspondents Suspicious. All correspondent in *»t. Petersburg unite in affirming that Kuropatkin ban ordered a son) h ward m >veinent with the vi< w of relieving l'ort Arthur. Critics Believe Russians are Retreating. Some critics oncost this unanimity is into ntional being intended to enncenl
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  • 494 5 At Bow-street on tbe 10th May, before Mr. Penwick, who sat specially in the upper Court, Ernest Terah Hooley, 15, described as of no occupation, Uisley-hall. near Derby, and Henry John L wsnn, ~>±, described as an engineer, of Hampstead, was charged on a warrant witn
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  • 148 5 Thk Paris edition of the Mm Tori Herald of May 13th, gives the tollowing <ecount of the weddini of Miss Kitty Nathan of Singapore: On Wednesday the 11th instant at the Mairie Avenue Henri Martin, the marriage was celebrated of Monsieur (Jaston BilJotte, Captain of Colonial
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  • 174 5 An article in ttn Oaptiilist on the Diff Development Company speaks of ihe brilliant outlook of the undertaking. The authorised capi'al is 400 000 >n XI shares, of which :i.'>o,O o i have been issued and are fully paid up and it says much for the conBdence ul the
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  • 54 5 To mohrow i iglii Uif performance at tlie Wa>ani; Kaxsim will be under the I'Hirunaie of H. E ■"'ir John Anderson, Mi»s Anderson, and fui'e, and a re >l Malay play will be for the ncesKion. Onl\ a limi'ed nun her ..f-pa'i-will b« sold to prevent overerowdoig A specially g
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  • 193 5 A 'inn. mi. tv hati got six months hard labour for robbing a compatriot of $2. A Javanese who was recently arrested at Bedoh for housebreaking and theft was yesterday srut to prison Iw mx months. Yesterday aftiTixxm Mr. Beatty gave the Chief Detective Insp. the numbers of
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  • 196 5 A Monkey -House as Opium Den. Yesterday afternoon, Sergt. Connor paid vist to No. 1-16 Sago Street and came across a hutch with an innocent looking monkey for occupant. The hutch had however a double back and a double bottom and was on the whole I very ingenious
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  • 110 5 The third and final performance a 4 the Duchess of Bayswater and Co." and the Rose of Auvergne" was produced at he Town Hall last night by the amateurs. The best parts of the hall were packed by a very enthusiastic audience who appeared to be delighted at
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  • 180 5 A wcfk or so ago, a repnrt appeared in these columns to the efl'ect that on< l.»ong Kam Seng had been found dead from the results of a stab in the back and Yip Ah Vow alias Ah Vow Clia> with two others had been arrected in
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  • 25 5 Oenkkai. *^ir Arthur Power Palmer, Commander-in-Chief in India in 1900 who died on February last, let es'ate valued at £2,492 gross and at £2,054 ntt.
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  • 38 5 UK liuckn ill Lin-r UucetUaur chartered by the Nippon Yucen Kaishn, leli Colombo on Sunday evening and raaj be expect- d on Sunday next 12ih iaal about noon The s. 8. I .raiting of th< same line follows.
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  • 51 5 By an unf irtuna.e printer's error the signal ures to the letter published in ye-ti-niityV is«ue under the headirp of 'The Army Journal" were bothipel wrongly. The writer? were. Captain R I) najowt-ki and Lieutenant C. K P s.mkt v. to whom contributions fur th< I Army Journal almulr) be,
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  • 51 5 H. M S Sinus, Capt C H H Moorr arrived from Hongkong yesterday alternoon, and anchored in the ronds s|mm 10 ihe Tallxtt. The *'imms if of 3 601' tons and lihp a crew ul -Sib men. fli« carries 8 tuns and is ol 9,000 horse power under foro-il dr
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  • 40 5 Mr. Foo Wa Cheng, Town Inspector of Kuala Lumpur, who set an example to his brethren in the path of reform by having his towchang publicly cut, has been recommended for the appointment of Inspector of Hackney Carriages I there.
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  • 261 5 Mr. Rowland Mulkern, an honorary member of the .Chinese Reform party, writes thus to the Time* from 66, Clarendon-road, Holland-park. W. "On April 6 Dr. Sun Vat Sen, one of the leaders of the Chinese Reform party, arrived at San Francisco. After bc'ng detained
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  • 338 5 Young; Man Crippled for Life. A case of considerable importance la the owners of steam waggons, rikishas. and the general public was heard yesterday by Mr. Beatty. Two Malays, one oi them the driver of a steam waggon belonging to Messrs Fraser and Neave, the other a
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  • 95 5 (Singlr Handicap.) Yesterday s Play. A CLASS. rionK Onjf Sianic ncr beat T.-iii H*M Ann r. c .16 6 3, Mi, 6-1. B. CLA.-S. Lee Choon Long scr bent K»li i'huo Jean Mr Mi I i, i> c. KM Wee Kirn Hoc >cr beat
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  • 270 5 To be held at Kuala Lumpur. The Standing Committee of AgriHorlicultural Shows of tbe Straits Settlements and the Federated Malay States, has decided to hold the first ot a series of joint annual shows, at Kuala Lumpur, on the oth, 6th and 7th of August next. The exhibition,
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  • 59 5 Another Tremendous Find of Qold in California. A San Francis, o despatch of May 26th states that extraordinary rich placer deposits have been disjovered near La Paz in Southern California, from \vhich millions of dollars are being extracted. There is a veritable stampede of Americans to the
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  • 91 5 Wharfs at Which Different Ships are Berthed To-day. East Wharf Ganymede. Victoria Graving Dock— Nil. Albert Graving Dock— Nil, Section No. 1 Selma, Zaida, Lady Mit.L.-ll. 2 Pentakota and Siak. 3 Alhoin and Sealda. h Lightning. 6 Kintuck and Catherine Apcar. 6 Chieng Mai and Alting.
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  • 26 5 The London UuzHte publishes the foil 'wing notification The Manchester Reg— Ci«pt. R J Brideford, D.S.O to be M»j>jr; Lieut. E. L Makin to be Captain.
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  • 61 5 Dr. Oldham was not the only minister made a bishop at the recent election in the General Conference 0' the U. S. Methodist Episcopal Church Rev. J. L. Robinson, D D editor 01 tbe Indian Witnest, Calcutta, was also elected a Bishop. This gives three Bishops.Warne, Oldham, and Robinson to
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  • 78 5 A Chinese coolie had rather an in pleasant experience at Tanjong Ram butan in Perak the other day. He wa? chased by an elephant which caught him up aud tried to swallow him. The elc phant carried him for some distance bu* on reaching a padi field dropped his vie
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 15 5 NOTE Telegrams and local news received prior to noon to-day are pubiitacd on Pace 3.
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    • 111 5 NOTICES. f^f' Keiii'Miiber A capital performanre on Wednesday, the Btb inst., under tbe patronaged and in tbe presence of H. I-. Sir John Anderson. K. C. M. <i. Quvernor, S.S. Only a Limited Number of Ticket* art available XVayang Xassim The Indra Zanibar Royal Theatrical Company Will Stage TO-NIOHT' TO-NIOHT!
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    • 436 5 J. MOTION CO. WATCHMAKERS, JEWELLERS, OPTICIANS. REPAIRS PROMPTLY EXECUTED CAMPBELL CO HAVING been appoint. Agents for the TRANSATLANTIC Fire Insurance Company, NORTH GERMAN Fir Inmranee Company, and HAMBURG Bremen Fire Insurant'Compauy are prepared to accepfire risks at current rates of pr< miuni. a c CAMPBELL CO. HAVING bepn appointed Aganti
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 159 5 UA> B> UAV Tuesday, 7th June. Hush Water. hi p. in S.V.E. Knotting Kecraiu. 5 10. Town Band. H. S. Keaervoir. 6 i»ti. Wajang Kaseim. North Bridge Koad. 'I \V«-r.n C sda.v, 8th June. High Water. 5-11 a m. 6-15 p.m Pruvuiun Sale. Powell. 11. Straits Tracing Co Meeting. IJ.
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  • 79 6 The British steamer Shirley arrived esttrday from Calcutta with 5 500 tons if coal convened to Mpf>«rn The Borneo ijov Ltd. The British steimer Lord "julierin arrival on the 3d fr^m Cardiff »i n r i9.K) tons of coal f>r H'nakong. heß'itisli stpamer o>tl:len nrrived on ■ho 2'H f r"in
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 12 6 STEARNS' HEADACHE CURE, Cures "Must be Steams' and you get the genuine
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    • 456 6 NOTICES. TlOi^ «22^ POISONS THE BLOOD W^^BB^T The vigour of lical i h depends on eood digestion. Undigested gested food poisons the blood, which dogs up the skin, i^^k^V the liver and the kidneys. Food properly digested makes I^^^V new strength, new blood, new flesh, new life. Relish for food
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    • 579 6 NOTICES. Z* r^M **^K Jreg-'lfc DinrorSwßßT ffi Si Btflgf I'J Quarts Piuts 1/2 Pints fcfJ-SS HWTTENBACH BRO8&C 0 W^P 1 Penano a Singapore t~ tu. a g. i5-;t-05 Singapore and Kranji Railway. From April iith, 1904, and until further notice. Train Service for Week Days and Sundays. DOWV. A.M. A.M.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 639 7 BUCHANAN'S HISWKY Sold everywhere. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P, O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. F. r China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Austi-alla, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf Continental, and American Ports, steamers will leave Singapore on or about Mall Line. Outward
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    • 1162 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklljke Paketvaart MaatschappiJ. Under contract wiih tbe Netl 'rlnads India Government. .1 ntt ar Siutjapore Ship AokKc j', late J Dabnou.B A Co., 3 8 Coli.yeu Quay. 1 h i undermentioned dates are only approximate. steamer From txp'ted. Will be TMspatcVxxi for {'an Outhoorn Penang I one 6
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    • 647 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial German Mail Line. The fast and well novn mail steamers of tbis Company sail fortnightly from Bremen-Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Oenoa, Naples, Port Baid, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penance, Singapore. Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to Yokohama and back. They are due in
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    • 648 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIP.S. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co.. Ltd. A regular FORTNIGHTLY wunkM is maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW XWIN SCREW STEAMERS. Und r Mnil Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially, designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent
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    • 652 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES TAN KIM TIAN. Lines of Steamers For Batavia, Chcribon, Saraarang Every Wednesday and Saturday Vs. <:i-ui/ Kee,. 2,300 tons, Capt. Dnnlop Giang Seng, 1,18. Rawlin^m Giang Ann, 87? Follett h.B. Zweeua, 1,470 Nesbitt For Kuala Pahang, Pekan, Kwantax and Kemaman Flevo, 30-J tons, Capfc Wilnon. 'Electric Light tbronghont.
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  • 80 8 Under thu heading the following »nbreviations are u»ed :—»tr.— steamer; in ihip bq. barque; sch. schooner; Yet.— \acht Cru.— Cruiser Obt.—Gunkoat; Tor.— Torpedo H. p. Horn-power Brit.— British D. B.— United States fch. -French; O«r.— German Dut Outch O.c— General-cargo; d.p. deck •asienger; U.— DnceiUin T. P.
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  • 119 8 ,n Rigenttt. Dut. ctu. 4,960 toas. ;-.i) crew. 22 guns, Cap am Calmev^r, 28th May. From SaLanc, 25th May. DutihCon■inl. Uncertain— W. Hra Belle, Light-house tender 48 tons. 8H •rew, 1.200 d.p. Captain Ahmat, 28th Mar. ?rom Malacca, 27th Mar. Cole nial Government. Uncertain Rd». Sea Mew. Govt.
    119 words
  • 568 8 rrivali since Noon ol Yesterday lilting, Dut.str. 704 tons. Capt Mjta, ~V iane. From Bnwein, 3rd June. G.c, and 41 d p. DaendeW A Co. for Bnwenn 17th -Rdg Avngyri, Brit. sti. '207 tons, Cipt Morier ith June. From Penacg. 4th June. G.c, »nri .till p. Khoo
    568 words
  • 1026 8 Adanu, Bri'.stt 2.127 tons Capt Fowler, 'Ith May From I'onarth, M April. Coal V-Rds A'Uh Siir at- l-'tons, O»ptSewico, 27th May Fiom Snrjiwak. 24'.h Mny. Gc. Uncertain -Rds. Alboin, Brit. str. »;r.O tons, Capt Ral«tnn trdJwM From Horn ••nv tt
    1,026 words
  • 663 8 Sem«,pirt. probable date vf arrival. •mi name nt ageni'. Htiamus. A. de LarriDaga. Parry June; Botnc Ooy. Apum-nuiim, C'liinn Juue Ml; Muntf elu. Agiocourt, Barry, .Tune; Borneo toy. Ajiix, Liverpool, July 16; Mansfield. Alboin, Bangkok. Jane Borneo Coy. Alting, SuurnbHya, June 8; Daendels. Annam, Colombo, Aug I M.
    663 words
  • 595 8 Singapore, 7th June, 1904. PRODUCE. ■ambler buyer? 860 do (Cnbe No. 1) unpicked „13 7ft opra Ban 826 do Pontlausl 780 epper, Black bnyer* 27 76 do White, (6% I 41 75 -iago Floor Sarawak 34» do Branel No. t 310 fearl S»ko 460 Coffee Ball, 15% bash 23
    595 words
  • 155 8 for Her steam* t ftasi To-Mobrow. P S tunhai.i A Tenant; Avgt,et 1 p m. Bi Uaaaa Pontianak H Wh-Ut Soou Iptn. I Padang Tia portß VanOuthoorn 1 p.m. Bangkok Sin*; pore 1 p.m. i P."*'tenham A Penang Kistnn '2 p.m. Ma!ac<:a .SV HctU 2 pm. i P.
    155 words
  • 147 8 From Eirope —By tue vf M f.s J'arro dup on <Hb June, with dates to the IMh Mtv. From China— By the N D. L s s. Olden bwg and the P. 4 O. 8. 8. .S» r /W« due on tbe Wh June i.oft Singapore Dan
    147 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 72 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co. JEWELLERS AND SILK MERCHANTS. Nos. 51 52, High Street. lave Just Unpacked a New Stork ot Indian. Chinese, and Japanese Silk Embroidered (roods, Indian Carpets, Chinese Handdrawn Thread- Work, Ceylon Lace, New Variety of Gold and Silver Jewellery, Pineapple Silks, Old Chinese Drapery. Chinese Embroidered
      72 words
    • 559 8 Whiteaway, Laidlaw&Co. ffTP^'i^W White Nainsook Chemises, yoke iK- a //r^SMMMcI prettily trimtned val insertion /^"'^■f-'^jSw r^»-JSSS^« emhroirt e r y finished with ;l^C^mW'^r JMK^H^^y h ow of b(i ribbon, val l.w round MUMias3''3tf C^^Sy t-^ ne:k and arm hole. Wet f -O Price $2.00 each JyI hitt -NaiuBook Chemises
      559 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 59 8 we*i iit, Kandana K'rhnu Mm -i **A Ju >. tsHtI ■a.m ..ip in. v p.m KCM4KKB. Bur 11;1 1 > ».H k Morn m. Temp »W0 »iO «4 4 d •>• nn>) WBlbTher BMi »4'i ni«ht clear. Dir.ifVVin.t 8 l«. isv Max. Temp Xl 6 Mm 7» Sun IW.I
      59 words