The Straits Times, 6 June 1904

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times NO. 31,453 SINGAPORE. MOM) AY. JUNE 6, 1904. PRICE 15 CERTS
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  • Correspondence.
    • 373 1 i hi- Straitt 7itiM« is not recpOD-ibli tie SfWsas <>f it* oorreapondADt*]. To I hditor of the Strait* Time* H<tvine been appointed CorreßpoiKiiiig Mueibers" to the Army Journal tbe British Empire," we are desirous through your courtesy, to bring before your readers the aim and objects of
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  • 22 1 9 The P M ti i*.ys, sa>H the I'niaig GuzelU. lihvh ptirch^ced R 1. u.p Hi. use there for 8 «X), 000.
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  • 21 1 The town and volunteer hand will play on the Hieh Service Reservoir to morrow af'erno'in from 8 to 6 (wc-ntlier r>«rmittinv)
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  • 30 1 Thk B r«iual G >i«J Mining Compiny repoit- ."167 '<>n- atone, crushed duritig H*y, Lt over 2:W ounces of gold, at an average of over 12 pennyweights to the ton.
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  • 28 1 The Brat* >»-i Uements L<»Hie«' dinner will tako pi ice i«n the li instant »t <^» Hyde Park H >tel, Albert iMte Mr W.n. AiiniriFot), CM. G. will preside.
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  • 36 1 Th« ImmewHrd I* and O. «.R Simla left II .link ■me nn Srtirlav and ta de> ber<> mi Ttiiir«d iv m >mine The mail hv the Sim a will doee at fl am 01. Ftiday. m
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  • 37 1 THr'RK is nn «r tha* the profession ol nursing a j .ys so mnrh p. pularity among women. M>irriag« h< aim. -t ;i- ti itnr»l fafp r a iititstas wii g* fi.r a hutteiflv (jl. he
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  • 92 1 An tt 300 men of the Malay States Guides, in charge of Col. Walker, C.M.G., arrived this morning by the Selanyor from Tcluk Anson to take part in the mobilisation of the garrison here. T11;: British barque Content, Capt. liKikav, arrived this morning from Pkaaxaafc which place she left on
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  • 93 1 The Blockade. The Colonial Secretary hab issued the f<> 1 iwing notice, which has been received from Mr. T. Tartaka, the Japanese Consul at Singapore In accordance with telegraphic instructions from ray Government, I have the honour to inform you that Admiral Togo declared, under command of the
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  • 124 1 Ihk following is from the Sydney Offeree Those two nood mares, Trivlet (14-.°) and Fhrrie (14-2) were sold privately recently, the former being purchased by Mr G Kiss, for export to Singapore, while the later is now owned by Dr Bpooner Hart, who will take her to India.
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  • 34 1 The following Selangor appointments are gazetted —Mr. A. B. Voules to act as Senior Magistrate. Mr. M. 11. Whitley to act as Registrar of Courts, and Mr. R. D Jackson to be Assistant Engineer
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  • 39 1 On rii'irsii.-iy. x Imgrt hoiler weighing 24 tons rolled 1 ff its trollt-y in Middle Road Yes'erday evening it began to ht» moved 00 again but stuck in Selegie Road. The Municipal Commissioners are apprehf nfivp for tb^ir mains.
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  • 34 1 The Financial Ntws states that the iransin of trip Paeon BOMretioa to the Straits and General Development Co. is now completed, and that the director* are arranging for a prospecting expedition thiiher from Pincwpore.
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  • 45 1 Tub B. I. steamer jtaida arrived at 7-30 this morning with 698 bags of European mails for Singapore. Owing tn some misunderstanding the postal authorities were not informed that she had the mails- on board, and there was a considerable delay before they were delivered.
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  • 96 1 This morning Mr. R. W. Braddell mentioned the case of F. J. Robertson in the Police Court and said that no papers had yet been received from Bangkok, 1.0 asked a further postponement till Thursday. Insp. Branagan offered no objection. Mr. Braddell added that his client wished to go back.
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  • 64 1 9 The spppial .|inr»--r-< which hive been niv»-n at tMf A 'elpM H'»'el during Mm p.i^t wt^k or two have attrae'ed a larc** rmmhpr of eu»*\a to that (opuN.r li' Birlry. On Snturdav evpnine t her* was a b g crowd of pe.'pl* eijo\i»r •hn xcllt-t.t tfitarf «-urmitttd, hi d
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  • 73 1 Thkkk is n.. mi. .ill Mir at. Penanp vtr 1 lie cni.vic'i<in uf a Eurnpmi. poire cni s'ahli* there for takinv hiibt-i- 'r"in h Chinaman The fart Mia' 'In man w n trxptird throtuh in nktr) hunk-note* formiim the bririo Hri.uwi. •liFliigt Annllit-r feHturn nhout ihf ca^p \t> that the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 768 1 nptices. 'Ji THE TANJON6 PAGAR DO (A COMPANY, LIMITED. Notice le hereby given thai Kxirnurii iaiy Kent- ai u*eti g *^MV T«ij >ns P<ear Itock Company, !.irn£|H 111 be held at the Ex'-haoxe, 8i viHV on the ilthofJune, 1004. Nt \i o'^MJ von when thr f Honing renolutions VrW lx>
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    • 762 1 INO'MChS. NOTICE. Jost to hand a Sei of Best Palz Horse Harness With Vulcanite Mounts All over Hraxs 1 luted HarnecK Red and Yellow Enamel Leather PAD PADS. Known Leather Ifcinml Kejna Kaanet Leather Fhlm Collar* Paacy never mut Elbow Bitr CMI.KTI The Fiaest Set of Harness Ever Opened Out
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    • 661 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. 3fjde\pf)i Jiotel TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT I POSITIVELY THE LAST MIGHT Monster Programme OF Jtttfotc anti iHfttUe Do not miss the opportunity. Make an appointment lo meet it. Sarkies Johannes A Co., Proprietor*. June c .66 John Little Co., Ltd. B Large Stocks of Bedsteads have just arrived. Havln K
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  • 93 2 THE "TOWCHANU" QUESIION. More Queues sacrificed at Kuala Lumpur. Kuala Lumpur, 4th June. The result of the Selaiigot Literary Society's debate on the ton-chanrt < pM*tion is expected to be far-reaching The subject is a burning one, fraught with interest to the Chiuete community
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  • 212 2 APPOINTMENrS. Admiral at Gibraltar. Sir Edward Chicliesfer has h<- n appointed Admiral Superintßnilt>nt, tt Gibraltar. Channel Fl^et Command. Admiral Brid^jin.ui lias h<- c, pointed Second in Conimand of the C>ann«l Fleet. Governor of the Fijis. The Hon. Kver-ird F. iin J'hurn. Lieutenant G vernor and ('olonial Secretary
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  • 138 2 .sTOtSSEL HURRIED. Writes his Official Despatch in Pencil. London, sth June. Genenl Stoessel's report «.f rhe Nan<*<an b<t'le was hxntily written in pencil, and sent by junk to Yinkow, and thence telegraphed to St. Petersburg. Russian Batteries Annihilated. It siyg that '.he Japanese fire— especially that of the
    Reuter  -  138 words
  • 110 2 LIS T OF PASSENGERS. For binxapore. PprV 4 0 A »t alia, ejection with the team, i he-g-il n lomho, fr m l.oiujni, Mhv '3, duf U.h June— Mr. aad vlr< W Irwi „<rlr. <\ I Bro k. n Per PAObs o o/' lorn ecting w;t'i the amer Va'ia -t
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  • 671 2 Snapshotting Adventures. Thb Q.uer>u>laiidnr givet> t lie oxpe-rienic-g ot an Australian here for a few days, as hrt panned through on his way to China and Japan. The Australian hinirtlt' de^ciibes what befell him, including the following misiiap brought up v on hy over zeal in
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  • 277 2 Km York, 6th May. Nr.w Yobk arnud B|>erag«>«rs will hear an all star cast nm season as the ut come of a war over salaries between the directors of the Metropolitan Opera douse and the great singers ot Eunpe, in which the latter have emerged victorious. Mr.
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  • 16 2 Th>j British stPamtrC/OnM g>iy arrived this m>>rntng f">m* Ruigoun with A c^rgo of rice tor Yokohama.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 392 2 NOTICES. MAINTAINS THF. HIOnE^J RgPOTATION EYIRYWHEHK. BUILD UP and PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH and Fortify the System against Disease itOi 'We auoot apeak ■%TiWbW^V|Vvliß **B Bi TH too ajctij of it." B»^w a\^WaS» m mZw |%h% h Wg a<f al SH tl 1 Torpid Liver, Debility, Eruptions, -WONDERFUL PURIFIER of the
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  • 929 3 The Privileges and Powers of Women who are Fat. Pernapu no war has ever been so general or so popular as the war against the flesh. It is the one aim and object of the lives of many persons, ana the weapons they employ are manifold.
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  • 10 3 Exchange and share quotations will !<e ffiund on page 8.
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  • 874 3 1 Jaoan's New Battleships. 1 The London correspondent of the Ulatgow Herald publishes some particulars of the two very powerful battleships to be built for the Japanese navy, the one by Vickers, Sons a- Maxim, Limited, at Barrow-in-Furness, and the other by Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth A
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    • 28 3 I Yi S icliM-ii ISth Jane Mr. Karz, Mr. yifjer. and Mrs Nicholas. Per Z-fti-n 27th June Mr. A. von tfichsl, Mr. and tin. Korael.
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    • 28 3 I'rrKriii-ai Simons. 6ih June.— For landon Mr K. M. Poroh^r, v'r. A. V Uahigan, Mr ii .1 Mr«. J. K. Niiholfton and child. Mr. A. Irving.
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  • 674 3 The Desperate Engagement of the Thiee Companies. During the battle of Chulien-cheng, the engagement between the contending forces near the village of Kobakuto. four miles to the north of Chulien-cheng, is described by rorresp* indents of Japanese papers as having been of a most desperate character. It is kuown
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  • 225 3 Lady Do: tor Mangs Herself. Rangoon, 22vd May. Mi Van Zanu, a young lady doctor, iseil 3o years, residing in the Grand Hotel, committed suicide yesterday f'f-noo'i by hanging hereelf in the ht! room. BttM four months ago eppaf ed cam to Rangoon from Calcutta with
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 14 3 j ZYMOLE TOOTH POWDER, a per feet antiseptic dentrifice, cleanses an-* preserves tne teeth
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    • 629 3 NOTICES. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Wanted at once an Assistant Rai'iff < Eurasian) to tbe Court of R-quesU. Salary tnOamonth. Apply to \he Acting Com- 1 I mla»tan ?r. t'oloriial HeuretacyV Office. Singioore 3lstM:iy. 1904. June 7-6 "oovernmenFof pahang Applicatio "s are invited for t o vacant clerks ips and should reach
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    • 476 3 NOTICES. 1/JfTjjrK These tiay ]Qai|£ir4 Capsules gVRB superior Wifi f flßjßk^V to Copaiba, \^^^^jW CubeU, and cure tbe same diseases as these drugs in forty-eight hours without inconvenience. Bach Cl»nll o—n Ik* Mat uUDy m MEMB IF TK WttlT. SRIMAULTS SYRUP Of Htm fmimu of Iml Prascribad la Prases lot
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    • 644 3 NOTICES. BE LET— House No. IT7 SophU Road and also Na 2-1 Wilkie Road Apply to A. 8. Shooker, 1 Malacca Street. June i l-7_ tv 1 E LET: entry at rnce compound house No. 112 Bencoolen Street Apply to Outhrie Co. Ltd., Agents. F h 4 v.c IX>BKLEI: offloes
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  • 32 4 Swi.k. On the 9th May, at Cambridge, Cuioiinb, widow of Kobebt SAYLK, aged 79. Wimk. -On the llHb Ma?, at. Loudon, Jon UOU, widow of Lv >wio Wiksk, aged ti&
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  • 2761 4 Bvkhybody recoeninp* the fact that 'ho interests ami devel>pement of the Ti'j rz Piear Docks are synonymous with the intpr.jrts and developement ot Singapore the advance or retrogressior of the one is inalienable from the pro. ijre-s or decline of the
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  • 35 4 To-day's bank 4/m rate is 1/1 1 The Dutch cruiser (ielderland leli ti'r S»^>ang on .SatU'dav. ThkMM. BS. Y«rra with the mail from Europe of the 13 h May is due iif-re on Thursday afternuon.
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  • 20 4 Th:: annual athletic sports c( tat pupile of St. Joseph's Institution will ue held on Saturday nex 11th J me.
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  • 24 4 I'hb extra P O. steamer Tit>ntri« M M' ji at l a in. oc Hatarday ui»«i i»< lue here J»t6a.m. on Thursday, 16th instant.
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  • 20 4 Kuala Lumpur Bhopu are reported to be successfully competing with thobe of bingauoro in supplying tne out-Uisti ict.s of iselangor.
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  • 23 4 It U rumoured that the Penang grillins are suffering from a peculiar dibease, similar to mat which recently attacked several horses in Singapore.
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  • 29 4 Thb Dutch mail fteamer Oranj^ Milled Fuint de Ciallc on !S»i unlay me 4 h inbtant and is due at bingapoie on ibd 9lh ol June at ahout noon.
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  • 23 4 The German uaaapmtJfaM mhrad from Bremen yesitrday en roue lor iMiigtau. She has 1,660 ulhcers MM ■Llditr^ on board Hiid 1 \i io-ila>.
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  • 25 4 The N. D. L Ut-ienb»rg with thu tienuan lioiiiewaic 4 lv.iii is ue here nn I'liurbday nionnng and will probably bt) dubpatched thti »Mine alUrnuuii.
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  • 29 4 Mk Kakg Yu Wti, the Chinese lie form leader, uiid Ins ►ecretaiy Mr. Chew Kok Heart, 1.-lt li gul iliiurday laßt d r Xt \f by the Chum*
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  • 29 4 The following r.tmni! appointments tre B«t«ite<i Mr N. T Giiy to act as S.a'«Kr.gineer; Mr 11. Norman, U. O, Riub, and Mr W F Dun lain, Abbistani Kngiuter. a
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  • 31 4 THEJapante.: (JAeinuient in about to ii-uue another loan, one ol 1(0 000,010 yen, bearing 5 per cent uiicie»i I it% loan will he tor seven years and will he ii-si.ed at
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  • 31 4 An oIJ resiiicu. i.. t'ouang is siid t«> Imve die.iin' lliut h« ti ul drawn St. Aiii«nt in the Calcutta >>w(tp In li.iiunaiely utily part uf the Jream haw coiiie tiue.
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  • 38 4 Ihe P and O oiiiw^nl miil B»eamer />'• nj .1 with (JitHM f i L nil -n to Hit2n n May left C ildinho hi. lo aiu. M (MinftaT, and it> «*xpected to arrive here S iuir<N\ m ri'ini/
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 664 4 LATEST* ADVERTISEMENTS. Breakfast Foods. TAM O'SHANTER OATS porriiigk in 6 nimrrts Largest tin in Ihe Market, 46 cents per tin. QUAKER OATS 21b. tin 40 cents each. SHREDDED WHEAT 40 cents per packet. TRISCUIT (Shredded Wheat Biscuit) 3O cents per packet. Thompson, Thomas Co.. The Australian Stores. Jacob m.f. WASSIAMULL
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    • 76 4 G. R. LAMBERT GO. PHOTOQRAPHCRS. >•« received PI(M CoMltimcni Valuable Art Pictures Onvurtw bj tim "Photographic S>clety" at Berlin. rrtm r.latlac* »f Tvloou, Pufm-ror. toiler, l^lchton. BlinU. latune, LadrtioiLDefraner. '»rU>m«r, L«n. Oabriel Max, MotmdiDirak, m> t ro^uy other*. to Metf l«i(>»ctloii I. ht*lt«4. I*ATrESBOM. —On the stb June, at TaDJODg
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    • 12 4 STEARNS' WINE, makes good, red, rich blood, imparts youthful utrengMi •nd vigour.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 24 5 liOitihm 6 'l ■Jiinf. Il.ii--i.iii piguon miMsa^es forwarded to K. Hetersburg declare the news Inm Port Arthur to be very Bttisfactorx-.
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    • 42 5 Japanese Dislodged from the Heights (J^niral Stktiarofl' reports that Ootaw *i^, •>!• the M%\, Alay, unootuitered .lapnnest; forc-i in Urn Kun.honinlino pass. The Cossacks dislo<li»ed the -lapani -.c from a strong position on the bights. Thirty Cos- i kille«l uid wounded.
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    • 71 5 The niTlCjial HlWjf Iroin the Foreign at Tokyo, was received last evening by Mr T. Tanaku. the JapaiMM Consul at .>inj?apore Admiral Togo reports that, according to a wireless telegram from the Captain ml the cruiser <Jhito*e, when crui^in^ oft' Port Arthur, f,mr
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    • 46 5 i, i.mi explosions were heard, tiui dense -<moke was seen rising in the direction of Po-t Arthur repeatedly duririL' 8 iturday. l.iv.tiohun i'rnrnuntury, at the cml < I the LiaotunK Peninxnla, neven or eight mile^ Math iv-t of I'ort Vrthur about 1,:»"J f»ei h'K'i I
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  • 226 5 I'he amateurs gave their second performance of the Duchess of Bays water and Co." and the Rose of Auvargne "oi. Saturday evening. All the best partiof th« house were crowded by at audience which was exceedingly enthutiiastic. The first piece, th« l)»ehei*s of B jyswater and Co." wen
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  • 177 5 On the 16 ult, the house of A. N. Judah Xo. 104 B. Serangoon Road WI entered by three Macaos, two of th' boys. They entered by breaking off th< padlock of the back door. They I open an almeirah and took away notes and valuables aggregating 8289
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  • 125 5 On Saturday, One Lee Teng was secutcd by Sergt. Reynolds for brinJJ 3'J Mexican dollars and one yen int^^J Colony in contravention of the *~<j^| tions. Hi- came from I oni;kon^,^H seems was on his way to Penang came ;i hore here A revenui^H overhauled his belongings ;in<^H
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  • 1611 5 In view <>f the increasing interest that m ■i-iriin«ly attaches to the ttvrelwng question, .i> evidenced in our telegrams to clay, the following detailed account of the proceedings M the meeting held at Kir. l.i Lumpur on May 28th, is timely 111 1 iy ho remembered that
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  • 179 5 S. C. C. vs. Manchester Regiment. A chicket match was plav»d on M> B> f>planar'e on S»turday af'ernooi b•ween tbe Manchester Reeiment anr! in S. C. f te»m optained by O"ivei Marks The R->eime--tal te<m bat'er *i-=» and knocked up 88 rnn«. The civiliirs then w--nt in and
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  • 1031 5 The "White Australia" Policy as Directed Araiatt Singapore Vends. At a meeting of the Kremantle Hades' Hall Association held last month a letter wan read from Mr Hugh de Largie, a Western Australian rm mber of the Senate, in wbicb the ■be following passage occurs
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  • 220 5 The Hylam cook in the employ of Mr. Teh Scow Tenc, who was charged with administering a stupefying drug with i nten t to cause hurt to his master's household has been sentenced to 4 years' rigorous imprisonment by Mr. A. B. Voules the Acting Senior Magistrate.
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  • 127 5 The s.s. Pwrnea, 3,306 tons, Capt. I'eaison, arrived at Port Swettenham rom Penana for China ports on Thursday at 2 p.m. and left, after embarking ver 2"0 passengers at 4 pm. Tbe trans-shipnu nt of passengers was cam. v our. without any difficulty by means of tongkangs. The
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  • 62 5 The following is the. result of the play 'nr the May Medal by the Tjandie Golf Club, at Saroarang N. G. MeLtan *6 6 40, K. Knun 68 -18-40 U. ('anlfriM-ntoker «l »«r -41 I- C. F.veiijn 81 -10-41 V. McLean *<* C. BahiDgal 4* >> *i
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  • 188 5 On Saturday two cart drivers were tined S2O each, and two others SlO each for working t-k-k bullocks. About 9 last nipht the neighbour hood of Canal Road was made lively by a Hokien fi^lit. Twenty-three mci. were arrested and twenty-two stick.' gathered up. That the weapons had
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  • 92 5 Yeherday, the teligious festival o Corpus Christi, was solemnized at the Cathedral of the G<>od Shepherd lr the evenings after v<pper», there was procession of the B ensed Sacrament headed by the band of the Madras Native Infantry The precession crossec the road and ent'ertJ the Ci nvent
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  • 57 5 The ceremony Si nleseing the new Chapel at the Convent will pommenc at 7 o'clock on the morning of Fridaj next June 10 h. The ceremony wilt be performed by the R R-v. Bishop Bourdon, and all friends nf tho Convent are invited to attend. The dedication of
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  • 99 5 Wharfs at Which Ditf rert Ships are Btrthrd To-day. K A n W H A R K— < any meflV. VWTUBU (imviNc; i)(HK-Nil. Al.Bf.RT CJBAVINd I)<M K- TriHip. BtllllW Hi) I Srlniii, Znida, Selangor '2 Main. '■< A I '•■■in and Sealda. 4 Ujl.tii. u. 5
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 15 5 NOTE Telegrams and local news received prior to noon to-day are published on Pajce a.
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    • 23 5 STEARNS' WINE, is very palatable An excellent tonic for children, especially if they are pale and thin. Do not delay. *Mu»t be Steariu'."
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    • 304 5 NOTICES. |S> Remmnber- A capital performance on Wednesday, the Slh in»t., under the ptronage* and in the pre«onc-j of H. B. Sir John Anderson, X.C.M.0.. G u vcr nor, S.S. Only Limited Number of Ticket* are nvnilable LOOK OUT VOayang Passim The Indra Zanibar Royal Theatrical Company WILL sTU.k TO-NIOHT
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 195 5 l)*» in ItAV Monday 6th June Hi«h Walfr '.0 p m Moon. Lant Qnnr'er D 48 p.m. Mi«i<inan Met-iin-.-. riiin>.|> Si Chiir.h Amateur Theatric. N Ti.wn IIVI, M. Wayiing Ka»iin. Nurth llriil^e I uiul. Tuesday, 71*1 June. Hi«h \V»tn 3-..T 0 1« p m I.aml Sale. Pnwrll M). KiiMtlii^'-
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  • 824 6 By a Frontier Resident. A para' that has bren going the round i tlu papers this last few weeks is, >ays a writer in the Ceylon Obterrrr, such libel on the Thibetans, that in justice to the people among whom I have spent the last seven
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  • 592 6 Mode! Arrangements. In vii w of the active preparations to despatch batebai of Chinese coolies to South Africa, it is interesting to see what steps an- haiag taken in Hongkong to that only the best and healthiest class of labourer shall leave the shores of China
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  • 477 6 Hides from his Commander-in-Chief AI. l.tb.tuiiv. otherwise kuown as the "Emperor of the Sahara," appealed to the Court of Appeal from an order of Justice Bucknill, who refused to set aside, except on terms oi defendant bringing the money into court and paying all costs, an order made
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  • 394 6 Ode. To His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of J^pan My Dear Emperor of Japan— Your appear to be having an excellent time. Way down on the Yalu river There has been fierce fighting. And you've whopped 'em. Of your general Exploits Since the beginning of the War It is
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  • 129 6 Exterminating the Weevil. For \ears past a Commission appointed by Government has been carryi g out a series of costly experiments in \us°in, Texas, in the endeavour to exterminate the weevil-pest, which alone w*s responsible lor tbe destruction of 49 million dollars" worth of cotton in
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  • 156 6 A oomi of days age the police made a report to the Municipal Sanitary Authorities that a European was lying in a shed in Beach Road, at the back of some bouses tenanted by Japanese. The man who was in a very exhausted Cundition was found to
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 12 6 dictitttsa UtAUACtiK (JUKE, Cures "Mutt be Strarn*' and 70a g»t the genuine.
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    • 793 6 NOTiCES PARIS £W f MANILA HONGKONG m f 7a^«# ILOILO SHANGHAI. iGSGIWr fl 0T f ttl/ytiJ n hG KHARBINE. DIALERS IN Diamonds. Precious Stones, Pearls, Jewellery, Watches, Chronometers, Kepeaters. Silverware. Fancy (iood* Clocks, (Iraphophones. and Optical floods. KOvciTics ar inn aaii Imoortei* dl the Celebrated Watch 0 3*1131 <3-.A.. f>
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    • 324 6 CALCIUM CARBIDE BEST QUALITY Special price for large quantity. KIM HIN CO., Singapore. May 21 30-fl Hypnotism. PROP. A. J LEOPpLD, the Celebrated Hypnotist, is now located at the Hotel Adelphi where he is treating all forms 1 f diseases and habits, and teaching Hypontism and Suggestive Ihtrapeutics. Hours 1°
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    • 175 6 SHORTHANO TYPEWRITING. An Kngliehwotnan undertakes casual work as a STENOGRAPHER and TYPIST. From Mon.iiiy :.> Friday after 5.30 p.m. daily. On Saturday after 3 pm. She guaranteed RAPID .1- CAREFUL work together with ABBOLUTE BEC RECY. Address, Mrs. Howcli. Telephone No. 111. Hotel dee lodes AplB6 mjt_ FRESH ARRIVAL. Genuine
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 647 7 BUCHANAN'S HISWKY Sold everywhere. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. \ur China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of 1,-Kinii: ibsued for Übina Coast, Persian Oulf t'ontinental, and American Forts. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about Mall Line. 'httwnrif (for
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    • 1159 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijke PaUet vaart M aatschapp ij Under contract with tbe Netherlands India Government.* Aqenttat Singapore Ship Ag»hcy, latx J Daendkls A Co., 2 8 Ooli.tbr Quay lha undermentioned dates are only approximate. I i i steamer From Szp'ted. Will be Despatched for i'anOuihjom IVnang Jane 6 Penang, Sabang,
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    • 637 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial German Mail Line. Tbe fast and well nown mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen-Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa. Naples, Port said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore. Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to Yokohama and back. They are due in
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    • 657 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES TAN KIM. TIAN. Lines of Steamers For Batavia, Cheiibon, Samaran? Every Wednetday and Saturday. N.-t. Giint? Kee, 2,300 ton*, <'spt. Don lop s.s. UiangSeng, 1,182 Rawlingfioii s.g. Giang Ann, 872 Kollett s.s. Z ween a, 1,470 i. For Kuala Pahang, Pekan, K. wan tan and Kemaman s.s.
      657 words
    • 504 7 SHIPPINO "APCAR" LIN» CF fiTrfAMERR FOR HONGKONG. MKSHRB. Apcar A Oo.'s steamai CATHERINE AI'CaR, (Captain Stewart) having left Calcutta od the 2Pth inst if doe here od Monday morning, the Oth prox. en route (or tbe above port. For freight and passage, apply to PATERSON, SIMONS 4 CO., Agenu MayjSl
      504 words

  • 231 8 Under this beading the following rtobreviatiom are uned —str.— steamer «a. (hip; bq barque; sch. schooner, f,st._Yacht Cru.— Cruiser Gbt.—Ounaoat; Tor.— Torpedo 11. p. 11 one-power Brit.— British; D. B— United States fch.— French; Ocr. German; Dut. Outch G.c. -General-cargo d.p. deck passenger; U.— UnceiUin T. P.
    231 words
  • 1494 8 arrivals since Noon of Scturday. Alboin, Brit str. tifiO tons, Capt Ralston. flrd June. From Bora^av, May. O.c Romeo Coy. Ltd. For Bangkok, 7th— W. Ban Hin Ouan. Brit. str. lUH tons, ('apt Hcott fith Juqo. Fmm Port S*ettenham. 3rd Juno ie, aod .0-1 d.p. Wee Bin
    1,494 words
  • 659 8 ><*•> 0, port, probable date of am ml, aid wmr ol agrni*. MlMasjMb Aeamemmn Ohinn J me Mansfield. \jnx Liverpool, lulv i<; Mi'i-K II Ailing, S B" liivh June 8: IWrul. In. n»- m, 0 I niii>o Auk ';M. M irit.m.o*. Wi hen i •<|t!'i. Dura 'tine. P.
    659 words
  • 619 8 Sinoapoes, 6th June, 1904. PHOOI/CE. amb'.ei t 8 do (Cube No. 1) anpicked l»7< opra bm,. 825 do PoniUuak Bno fepper, Black -'7 U do White, (6%l 42 An Sago Flour Sarawak 325 do Brnnel Nu. 1 XlO Pearl S»eo 4 .vi Coffee Bait, 15% baub JS <*< Coffae.
    619 words
  • 113 8 i rL <■ Path Kig. Shu's Nams May .-t rit »h LnfujdaV f. Mor bq' (ier I rr g I Tai Fu trit 8 8 CliftOD 2 llfcM B t M-idurit :ti |l>ut ft.R M daa> n S iVcti bq *loli.-r» 3 tril Is andei <lor bq M iri.-in:
    113 words
  • 70 8 I'm Pr mmM Ttmt To-M •««<>«<■. •nriwnk fl«r?i»o II am. imi 1 i.-iMijk. h'wi ii 1 p in. Kfig'i-n > i'hli: tta If- laMi S |..m i' -<»v^riiirn vih p.>rt,i H n l'<,h Ouan S p Vnmin in M ica»sar 7Vr'«i ."< |> in. vtrnwak A ith 8
    70 words
  • 135 8 From K I'ope —By tne vi \I m Tmrrmdm on Jun4. with 'lutos tn tha IMi Hay Fro-ii China -Bv the 1.40, s 1 HaY due on thn 10th June Lflft Singapore o<i<- i i |/mda > Aol 2'th R. I. ,\U> If.t S Apl sT>th M.
    135 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 72 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co. JEWELLERS AND SILK MERCHANTS, Nos. 51 52, High Street. Have Just Unpnrkfri a Xew Stock ot mdian. Chinese, and Japanese Silk Embroidered (roods, Indian Carpets, Chinese Handdrawn Thread-Work, Ceylon Lace, New Variety of Oold and Silver Jewellery, Pineapple Silks, Old Chinese Drapery. Chinese Embroidered Costumes.
      72 words
    • 553 8 Whiteaway, Laidlaw&Co. Handsome Mantle (Blocks in t&laek imitation Marble. THE ORATOR CLOCK I^HES.?* THE "ROOSEVELT" CLOCK Kifztir K.iy Half-hour MrikP.cathe- a^llaai^^ sfilßid h; <1 <l p Uk Citst wllh dral pong turnback. IMirheH in black EfIMWSKT" nWßkaatel ■■l<.-ire.l rnarhle, bronie with ehaderl ereea marble polished pil Haf" 2«BbtTl2 «BbtT1
      553 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 102 8 MTCAt.t.. t .^JRT. I k'andang fCrrbtu. H'-»val, sh. h, ik. in p.i M|l m kIMAKSS Bar P»il JHXoI :fl».BTJ>| Morninw Temp Wn d»y .in't 1 WB'lbTher] SI" «'-S 7«^ ni^tit clear. Dir..fWini! B*. «w li« i Max. Temp mil Mm «0 Mavin Sun IWI Terr rad ..I 71.H RAtarall Nil
      102 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 532 9 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL INSURANCE CO. FIRE Sl LIFE TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS EXCEEI £12.000,000. THK LARORBT TIKE OFFICE IN THE WORLI BOUSTEAD k Co., Agents THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Capital £2,127,600 Paid up Capital 212.760 Reserve Fund £1,073,550 The undersigned, Agents for the Com pany, are prepared to
      532 words
    • 279 9 NOTICES. JAMES WATSON CO.'S SCOTCH WHISKIES ARE THE 6EST VALUE IN THE MANKET FLAG BRAND, 10 YEARS OLD $12-50 per case. Duty extra /.V.O SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED $8-50 per cas«. Duty extra paiv;ki.k fkoai kkiaii- ukai.kkh. oh McALISTER Co.. Ltd sole agents y 1 Ny Carlsberg Beer I^4 Vef y light
      279 words
    • 363 9 NOTICE^ motor"cars~ BENZINE. We are now supplying best quality C<i> 7O cents per Imperial Gallon. «.w,.«.0 SYME CO STRAITS CYCLE ft MOTOR COMPANY. Rubber Tyred Carriage and Rikisha Wheels MBOIAIAY MADK KOK IS. Carbide of Calcium Benzine WMOLMSALM A\l> MMTAML MAKERS OV TBE LAJU BICYCLE. May lti m.w.i. n.c. C.G.T.FT
      363 words
    • 154 9 NOTICES. URALITE^ The new Roofing, Ceiling Partition material Supplied in Slabs 6 ft. by 3 ft. Guaranteed Fire, Weather, Insect-proof. Reduces the Temperature of a Bunding Unaffected by dry-rot white ants. InfinitelySsuperior to Tiles, Attaps, dko. URALITE Huttenbach Bros. Co. May 3 m.w f. v.c. DRIESSEN'S Pure Soluble Cocoa The
      154 words

  • 1617 10 How it stands in the F.M S. Mr. Treacner. in his administration report on the F. M. 8. f«r 1903 gives the following short, graphic and inti r.-slin<; uimmary of the Chinese mining labourarc question in those States, written, at his request, "t>y a former brother-officer ;ind
    1,617 words
  • 202 10 Far Eastand Far West. Ar Port Said the Arabs can coal lilipa with convenient bunkersat an astounding rate. All tne work is done by hand, the power consisting of the number of men engaged on the job. In China coaling is also by hand, but fnnducted somewhat differently,
    202 words
  • 117 10 A TOOIM Amu ican at Berlin BMMd WafMMr, »bo fur fome time has l)e«n icrciviiii- large mine of money by the sale of an •toetrk belt, has been arreatad iy the police ihtre and a>k«d to «ive an acccunt nf his ittTention. Waterier has birtm advertising ill' belt
    117 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
      409 words
    • 229 10 NOTt HS. Dr. S. Yamamoto, JAPANESE DENTIST, No. 352, VIC 'OR' A STREET, SINQAPORE. April 13 m.wl 13-7 Sulphuric and Hydrochloric Acids. APPLY TO THE SINGAPORE PLANTING ft PACKING CO., 06 north Bridge Itoad. SINOAPORE. J1 nr I v.c. M.C.S. Mohamed Co ■nmonJ Merchants, Munufaclaring 'nwellen, nail dealers in precious
      229 words
    • 506 10 NOTICES. Wde Straits Wmes. AND r Wde Straits SBudget. ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE 111 ADVANCE. I [per inrh, colnntn mea«nre. *i**l Insertion $1 '4) centa Secoud and third insertion* each «v centa Fourth, fifth, and rixth U) cents Seventh to eighteenth -'4 centa Nineteenth snbseqaent,, 16 centa I Per *eek of
      506 words

  • 372 11 Enough for Business Purposes. According to reports in the latest mail papers the House of Lords have beard an appeal from a judgment of tbe Court, r.t Appeal involving a question of the obtruction of ancient lights. Tbe action was brought by tbe Home and Colonial Stores to
    372 words
  • 265 11 Synthetic Mutton Chops as a Sequel to Synthetic Qutta. We have gyiithetic philosophy, <yntbetic science, synthetic indigo, synthetic camphor, and now, 9ays the Adroiol? of lnJin, we are to have synthetic rubber. A tew years ago, when certain chemical revelations were startling the world, it
    265 words
  • 287 11 Inside Incident at Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show. "Buffalo Bill" baa bnen admitting the New York public behind the. scenes of his Wild WVst show I used to have h voting fellow with me,' he said, named I'm Skin. 1 He helped to look after the hordes,
    287 words
  • 506 11 By A. L. De Mornay. (From th> igrieuliural Bulletin.) The smaller Chinese growers, not having sufficient capital to erect steam machinery to work off their crops, d.scovered a method some thirteen years ago, of producing an inferior Tapioca flour, or more correctly speaking meal, by means of
    506 words
  • 345 11 Russian Casualties. fchnpaiioceh, battleship, blown up oil' Port Arthur on 13th April Bogatyr, protected cruiser, wrecked off Yladivostock early in May. Vitnjag, protected cruiser, sunk at Ch*»inulpc on 9'h February KureiL, gunboat, sunk at Chemulpo ou 9 h February Bkmihk, gun-vessel, destroyed by Rtisf>ianf> at Newcbwang: Bestrachiii,
    345 words
  • 21 11 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on page 1 General sh-'pping news is printed on P»ge 8.
    21 words
  • 496 11 Japanese Officer says that his Countrymen are Fools. According to a St. Petersburg despatch of May 4th, the first Japanese prisoner who fell into the hands of the Russians was a major of tbe General Staff named Togo Tazusiro. He has been interviewed by the
    496 words
  • 217 11 A QOOD WORD FOR THE P. O Perfectly Organised and Managed." 1 had to choose between the different lines via the Suez Canal (says Mr. T V. S. Angier, the well-known Liverpool shipper, writing in Fairplay of a trip to the Southern Colonies) and, giving due weight to all the
    217 words
  • 144 11 Missionary Who Developed a F.nd Must Oive up Fortune. A Chicago desp Men states that: -A Buard ol Arbitration has ju.t decider i hat. when a missionary is sent out b\ a church Co save souls and incidentalh finds a gold mine which he parti*
    144 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 667 11 NOTICES. Arima Water The renowned natural mineral table wafer recommended by Japanese Government Analysis. SOLE IMPORTERS: Y. Shibuya Co. SUB AGENT C. Janssen, Cebu. Ma> I m.w.f v.c. THE TANJONQ PAQAR DOCK COMPANY, LTD. Shipwrights, Engineers, Ikcn am Brass Founders, Wharfingers, Ac. This Company execute Ship and Marine Engine Repairs
      667 words
    • 565 11 BANKS. NEDERLANDSCHE HANDEL MAATSCHAPPU Netherlands Trading Society. tit«bluh»tf IS*« CAPITAL. f. 60,000,000— (abt. £5,000,000) ISSUED CAPITAL. f. 45,000,000 -(abt. £3,750,000) RESERVED FUND. f. 5,000,000- -(abt. £417,000) Head Office in Amsterdam Head Agency in Batavia. Branches Penang, Shanghai, Kangoon, Medan (Deli), Semarang, Sourabaya, Padang, Cheribon. Tegal. Pecaloogah, Pasoeroean, Tjilat<ap, PalembaDg, Kota**adja.
      565 words
    • 284 11 BANKS. Hongkong fif Shanghai Banking Corpot ation I'AID-UP CAPITAL «10,000,Oi«. RESERVE FUND: Bterling Reserve $***** 0001 nAaM(M Bilver Reserve t5,5U0,000 f 1 <j()o >' Reserve Liability of Proprietors 510.K00.0* 1 COURT OF DIRECTORS. A. I. Raymond, Rsa* ('hairm.-.u. H. E. T.rnikin-s K«m., Deputy Cliairn:.ii K. Uoetz, Ks<|. K. A. Siebs,
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 271 12 NOTICES. RILEY HARGREAVES CO., LTD. ENGINEERS, SHIPBUILDERS, ft GENERAL CONTRACTORS. Singapore. Works:-. Read Street. Town Store »--i.i Battery Hoai'. engines wj/MWrn ers HORIZONTAL V|p LANCASHIRE PORTABLE dyi W\"\ LOCOMOTIVE WINDING V %M% M COLONIAL Mining, Horizontftl and Vertical. Direct-acting Duplex and Special, Sinking Pump up to 20,000 gallons per hour.
      271 words
    • 155 12 NOTICES. ffews of tfie Straits, %ta& tfje Straits Times It has the Largest Circulation OF ANY PAPER PUBLISHED IN MALAYA. &or WAR TELEGRAMS fJlead The Straits Times It may be obtained in Singapore at the following places Messrs. John Little Co hagedorn Co., Orchard Uoad Sepoy Lines and Kaaioonir Bahru
      155 words