The Straits Times, 4 June 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. tso. M,4fi SIM'AP.)KE. SAlUBrt-Y. JUNE 4. 1904 PRICE 15 CERTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 723 1 NOTICES. OOVERNMRNT NOTIFICATION. An examiDation for four admissions to the Survey School will he held at the Edd'ition Office ia Singapore on Monday, the i'7Ui June. IHO4. Candidates must niit tie over !o year* nf :vjr and sii >uM send in their nnnien cert ific itos and testimoDia b to
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    • 620 1 NOTICES. Selangor Turf Club. THE date for the closing of Entries for the June meeting has been postponed to 12 noon on Saturday the 4th June. May 28 I MUNICIPAL NOTICK llr' Muni ipal Coinmisaioners of Binga pore rpqui c the services of a Caief Clerk in the Ena neer's
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    • 409 1 NOTICLS. I Mosquito bites prevented by Uklrv tha -i-Bpie pr«c*trtk_a ul w__huv I rrffui_d> at N-dtUnt wit- CALVERTS 20 per cent CARBOLIC SOAP. Tbe high percentage and excellent quality of Carbolic Acid oeolalned makes il thoroughly refreshing to the ikin. and alto useful for intact biles or stings, itch, te
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    • 582 1 1 AUCTION SALKS. AUCTION SAI.K OK [JHRKDEKIfED PLKDGIB. m tt..' follcwiiiu pawnshop? >k huld at p«.WFi.L4ri!> sAt.f-ic' y. OnlMcLdai 6th -lure, 190', at 10 a.m No. fri Middle ho»<l No. 47 .North Pri.RP Roa-I. No. IsM South Bridge llosfi. Nn.-j MrrchKrt Boad, >o.H Tan iorg I'a^nr Ictd Kn 3 Bong
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    • 414 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Jidelphi Jiotel Last 3 Sights! Last 3 Mights!! French Orchestra putt rat) t|i Perm. Music from the French Orchestra The Best and Sweetest String Quintette. tertaS for our viands the taste of tliePTfff l_n t^A nf _f I Bi __S3 Is pleasure itself tv Tuan aid mtß-USI The
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  • 1250 2 The Last Blocking: Op rat. 011. (Jap,,,, Dmilp Mm*.) 'I'ln- otlicial raporl of the hi>t blocking operation ;>t Pent Arthur chums fiviimt <>f tin- right itHMn wan mak l>\ Uicir tmi at tile cloiicil pl.iiv. ;nul thiit tnc harbour is thoioliy Mockadi being impossible for any TVMtI
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 270 2 NOTICES^ To H.M. the King. TO H. M. THE KINC. TollßHthe Prince of W/.i is. To H. R. H. The Prince of Wales. TO The House of Lords. TO THE House of Commons. Buchanan's Whisky is Regularly Supplied. In buying Buchanan's Whiskies the Public are protected against overcharge by retailers
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    • 142 2 COMMON BENBE-NUTBHELI mw :nf<li. a] work on the ttuti and nmtt hmMH ;kl mcuuof ifH curt tin dllooverrd f«>r m rv> it;iuna! drbUllj, nn ol Tiulilj, drprnrinn m M>ir!bt. 4c.,*ith practicai obf vrvations on marriage aid r J .:ir< ettam fo. remortng c«rtaia di»quallficatit*iu that 4m ih'-ba|it>inM<ofw«<i)«lUfe. It abo
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    • 467 2 NOTICES. Skin -Tortured Babies AND TIRED MOTHERS Find Comfort in Cuticura Isstant Relief and refreshing sleep for Skin-tortured Babies and rest for Tired Moth.™ in warm baths with v Soap, and gentle anointing with OnKCmA the great aUa cure and purest of emollients, to be followed iv severe caa«s
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    • 628 2 NOTICES. y/indSspeiisaitle in Hot Countries.) n i "Sanitas Disinfecting FluM < not iji j «nj for jl r,>ttgblv«*C"«. It o«MhMl* .li.i :lccts the houw in nhich it i* iis^j.jikl. ...iiiit.i.terf J imcmaily |navMU Ch)ltr«. lyphoi'i I ntr, Oftmtmtf, ■Sanitas Disinfecting Powder Md -i ii tai 'Ir id na ika orinii
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  • 246 3 A Mukden let I ci. -ays the X.-V. h. ,il. 1 Xetct, report- thai the Tartar Ceneral of that city. Eseng Chi, has received a despatch from the Japanese military authorities at Kuheucheng, on the Yalu river, ttating a- the Japa nese force- have recaptured Antiiiighs en
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  • 261 3 It 1- under contemplation to i—l alilisjh .1 Court of Appeal f"i tlu- F M. S. and to ra-OTgaiUac the Judicial and Magisidial appointmenti I'in^lnilus will probablj l>e given incrt-ased |K>wcrs of liniiii,'. M it i^ tIM intention of 1 niLiit to iti.tki- better Me of
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  • 10 3 Exchahce and share quotations will lie found ou page 8.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 32 3 Shipping advertisetnenU, with dates i>t sailing etc., will be found on page fteneral sli'Bpiug sews is printed on at" ZYMOLE TOOTH POWDER, a per feet antiseptic dentrifke, r)«;inses an prwterves tue teeth
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    • 611 3 NOTICES. A GIFT FROM ENGLAND. LACE COVER GIVEN FREE %]™*X2*l SZEJX'&'SSi LACe CURTAINS LACKS ALL MAKES. I LADIiiS' ft HIM 'S HOSIfcKV. SWISS CURTAINS. BLOUSES, ROLLER BLINDS MADRAS MUSLINS. COLLARETTES. I HOUSEHOLD LINENS. Popular Parcel 23/6 Carriage Free. S^JlttWSWJft: 2-jrda. wi«'e 2 |«tra alike Dioiiiv-rooni ('urtoin-, artistic 1 m/i» fp.i.i
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    • 619 3 NOTICES. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Wanted at once an Assistant I'ai iff 1 Kuiii>i:in) to UieC >art of R>quo.*tei. Salary tO a month Apply to the Acting Coiiimis i« n v. OotonUl S«cret«'\'B Offlc*, Sit gipore 3 si May, 1904. .lir.r 7-6 \\v\N r fKb"~A''W APOTHfCARY for *f Bansuev Isl.-ind British North
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    • 757 3 NOTICES. f/a^^JifjfA These tiny J^^i^k^LfA Capsules LV^m LwVaaa! superior VlvflaTamaw t0 Co P ai!) 1 Cabebc, and 1 cure t the same diseases as these drugs < I in forty-eight hours without < 1 inconvenience. >^ 1 Bach Capault btara the name MiIDYJ FM DISEASES OF THE OHItT. iRIMAULTS SYRUP
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    • 656 3 NOTICES. I^O BE LET- House No 11, Sophia Road and also No. 1 Wilkie Road. Apply to A. 6. Bhooker, 1 Malacca Street. June 'J j-7 O BE LET: entry at onc<i, compound bouse No. 11l Bencoolen Street. Apply to Guthrie A Co. L.d Agents. F«b. 4 v.c. ']X)BB1,ET: offices
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  • 368 4 Likal sp >rt«incn might fini it w >rth their while to p.iy a vi<si'. to Mv ir one of these clays, as there woulil.seem to sport and to spare there f. >r gO(;>1 hiiurit. The placo is siin| ly notorious tor wild
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  • 7 4 To-day's bank 4/m rate is 1/1 1;,
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  • 25 4 Thb M. M homeward mail steanrif r K. Si'mo <* left Saieon at 8 am. to-da) and is due here at 7 a m. on Monday.
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  • 24 4 Four of the men tried at Kuala Lipi*on the charge of being concerned in the murder of M. Juppeaux have been sentenced to death.
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  • 24 4 Two hundred and seventy-nine deaths were registered at Singapore during th> week ending on the 28th May. The ratio per thousand was 68 86.
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  • 31 4 The Grand Duke Cyril, who war wounded at the explosion of tb< Petrpavlovsk, has arrived at Coburp It is rumoured that he will marry tbe iivorced OranH I) rh<>R* of Hesse.
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  • 38 4 Thb new Penan k Pier will not h< officially opened till about tbe end of August. The decks are not yet com pleted ard rails not laid down, and hullock cart deck has also to be con pleted.
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  • 34 4 Thk electric light at lenang is to bf inaugurated on the 6th June. Th» Municipal Cnmmi^ioners will hold ai at "home," and refreshments will be provided to celebrate the dawn of the new light.
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  • 36 4 Some idea of the growth and' popularity of the Telephone in Sinpaoore may be inferred from the fact that •mw Liot of Subceriberp, revised 'o May -'Oth and now being issued, has 65 pages of names.
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  • 43 4 Mr. Warren, of tha engineering firm of Coode, Son lind Mathews, is due a" Penans shortly to carry out a survex of the harbour in connection with tin proposed scheme for the reclnmatinr. ■•f a portion rf '.he sea shore opposite Bungei Prnang.
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  • 90 4 On Wednesday niterno<>n a nuinbn of trucks were bring shui ted n 1 Tnnj>ng I'ngar when one of the Chinese dock coi lies got in the way and was knocked down by it ti u'-k The whnela wt-nt over tis ]«*vi--ind cut part of his right foot cl»an i ff
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  • 306 4 A Chinese Honeymoon." It is a pity that the Dallas Company arrived at Singapore at a time when the Town Hall was engaged and were thus only able to play on three off" nißhtp. Thoy have an excellent repertoire and ure a really first class Compiny Last
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  • 98 4 I'akjki I*. C. 54S stands chargci .viih dishunet>lly uniucine a Chinaman to hand over to him i>Ju by putting him in fear of injury to his person. The case is under investigation Puteh bin H»ji Hussein was arrested on Wednesday for rfttaining po;-s -ssiun ofarinr valued $400, the
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  • 78 4 Wharfs at Which Different Ships are Berthed To-day. East Wharf GanyiueUe. Victoria (Jravi.m; IXmk Sappho h SiimihUh. \LBERT URAVIMO DOCK— Troop. Section No. 1 Cardium, Selma, Koningen KegentPf. i Purnea. ari<l Sealdn. 3 Korat t Paroo 5 Auchencrag. 6 Kong Beng, anl (.Icuo^lc. 7 Coningsb.v (Borneo
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  • 307 4 sth Way. KIKST SUNDAY AFTER TMRTY. St. Andrew's Catiiidkal.— 7a m Metiei and Litany. 7-45 a.m. Holy Communion (Choral) and Sermon. 9-5 a in. Garrison Artillery S. V. V. l':irn.l»- Service.. IU a.m. HoU Communion 'Non-Choral). 4 rvn. Sunday School and Bible ClaAs. 5-30 Evensong and Sermon. St.
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  • 11 4 Thk British sailing ship Co'lingwood arrived from Natal yesterday in ballast
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  • 72 4 Thk K'"ppror Francis Joseph has conferred upon Princess SOl hie H >hen*Wff, the consort of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the rank of Duel e»f>, with hd title of Hithness. The Princes*, who was the Countess Sophie Chotek, has now been married four years to the ioir presumptive, from which union
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  • Special Telegrams to the "Straits Times."
    • 84 4 Japanese Casualties in the blje Battle. .The tallowing official despatch from the Foreign Oli.;e at Tokyo, has been kindly communicated to us by Mr T Tanaka, thr Japanesp Con»ul ;*t ■Singapore Over 4.200 Killed and Wounded. Our total casualties in the battle of Kinchau and Niushan on
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  • "Reuter's Extra Service.
    • 51 4 Troops Concentrating at Wafangtlen. London, 4^- Ji"" It is stated by Newchwang correspondents that General Stakelberg, in command of 12.000 troop«, is mnvinj? from Kaiping in the direction of Wafangtien. Another brigade i» following. Outposts Meet. Daily skirmishes are orcurrinc :tt Wnfanßtien. Sixty Russian wounded have nrrived at
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    • 86 4 Is Kuropatkin trying to relieve Port Arthur? Utm Ueulei s i- jrresporident at J'okyo reports that a sharp skirmish occurred nine miles t 1 tfM north ai Pulantien on Monday The lapaaeei losl kMea :n><l wounded. The Immm retreated narthwardi< [Ml report t.iken in eon|MMtton with
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    • 37 4 Garrison on Half Rations. Refugees from Port Arthur say that. garrison have foodstuffs sufficient for live months on halt rations. Five Jamjtfi 1 warships, which are completely dismantled are moored to the quays
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    • 71 4 Reuter's Tokyo representative states that the total Japanese casualties at Nanshan were 40:J4, including 704 killed THE TACTICS AT NANSHAN. According to K-uters .-omspondent at Muk len it is stated that while one Japanese division made a frontal attack on Nanshan another division out flan ki->l the
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    • 76 4 Won by an American. An American named Travis has worn the Amateur Golf (Uiimpiunsbip at Sandwich. [Mr. \V. -I. Travis is the chaui|non colt player of America. He hnd Mrs. Travis, as well as Mr John Mollier. jun and Mrs. Mollier, who are also fammix plsyers, arrived
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    • 20 4 Lancashire's inn'ngs in tho match against .Surrey at Manchester closed for lIS. Kpiit vs. Worcestershire, at Maidstone—Kent, 293.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 43 4 Honoured by London's Corporation. London, 4th Jane. The Corporation of London have decided to confer the Freedom of the City on Lord Curzon in recognition oi t ie ability and zeal wherewith he' has discharged the duties of Viceroy of India.
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    • 13 4 The Standard reviews Lord Curzon'e administration in the most laudatoryterms. Later
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    • 36 4 THE The result of the O >ks is as follow*: Pretty Polly 1? tters Fianc«se THB THIBET EXPEDITION. The headquarters of the Thibet K\ pedit'on, wt'i two companies of tinRoyi.l Fusilier", have arrived lat Chum^
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 467 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENT; Caldbeck Macgregor Co. (ESTABLISHED 1864) Wine Spirit Merchants. (London, Glasgow, Hongkong, Shanghai) SINGAPORE. P.RTCE LIST O3ST APPLICATIO f T. \pl 16 tu.thg v.c. WASSIAMULL ASSOMULL CO., Indian Store, No. 1, 2, 3, 4, High Street. Itift received a new consignment uf *iIU of 'lilt rent shapw iukl culors
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    • 728 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TOWN HALL SINQAPORE. Amateur Theatricals Heathcote's Comedietta "The Duelws of Bayswaler Co." A\n Offenbach's Operetta "to of Anyerpe," For 2 Nights only. ■Saturday .rune -4th Monday 6th Performance at 9 p.m. I'rier* <»» Uivnl. Booking at the Robinson Piano Co., Ltd. Itnffle* Square. •in n.- 1 ti-a NOTICE.
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    • 57 4 G. R. LAMBERT CO. PHOTOGRAPHERS. Valuable Art Piotures "Photographic Society" at Berlin. tram PalHttuft of r.uleiiis, p.>/«rur, I^ilar. l^l,'ht.)n. Hsta, |m.». T«i>tlknw, Defromr. QMtaMT, baa, >i ibri-! Bbl, NoQjieuoruk, AQ.I iimiit nthrr*. a« aarty Impsctlon I* lavltad. BTEARNB' WINE, whets the ap petite. Aids digestion, improves assimilation, strengthens the stomach
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    • 25 4 IHK (own 'iid VwluiiiMt-r band will pUy on 'he Vacant ground Institution Hill this afternoon tbe 4 h instant from S to 6 (weather permitting).
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  • 323 5 '1 hi-; lirst semi-official reception at (Tovernmerit House since the arrival uf H.E. .Sir John Anderson, was held 1 it-t. evening— the occasion l>einp the birthday of the Prince of Walei vhen Misc Anderson wan At Homtto about 200 guests. The grounds in front of (iovernment
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  • 567 5 Further particulars of the petroleum tire at I'altrnbang, given by the ./■"■<> Both, show that a twofold disaster over touk tin- Muara Hnim Company, which works the oil deposits there. A boring installation at Banjarsari first caugiii tire from some unknown cause. Shortly afterward?, tire broke out in
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  • 34 5 Mr. C 8. Angus, of the K M.S. Rail wajo, has been transferred to Sinsapon a« Asxistmit Engineer in charge <if tin exit rihiiiii of the Binpspore Railway U| to the Tmiong Pagar Dock.
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  • 7 5 Loiu?»n, VUU \l ,1.
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  • 382 5 Mr. C'liaiubvi'laiu yesterday dvl'vered an important speech at Birmingham, lie said he was confident of the ultimate 1 iuinph of his tariff proposals. He strougly defended the Government, but recognised that it may have spent its popularity, and be destined to suffer for its virtues by a temporary reverse
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  • 524 5 Aii attempt has been made to destroy liv Hn>-iiiii hmm| ;\t Kroiistadt. on the Baltic. A heap of shavings, sprinkled with petroleum, was discovered ablaze. Thi' tire was extinguished before it had Wjtmd to a building which was filled with ammunition and pyroxyliue. Tin- fire is attributed to
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  • 2446 5 (liy Taraland and Old Port.) The Singapore Rice Meeting which was brought to a conclusion last Saturday, was probably one cf the best meetings which has been held here for some years. The weather was all that could be desired, the Course was in perfect order, the going
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  • 153 5 3 is I VoHiaptm (1S4?) tMnfelMM VedaiellV.l Mr.. Ki.l^way (I84H) Kly* I>u.he'« HH.-,:n K. Dutchman (1MB Mi-rope I S4 1) Hurkaway (18*4) M. Ai.k'-I' MM Kin t? Toln < IS5I > -ahontai (I837> Adeline I l.,n(1833) Little Fairy (Ml West Au-trm (is»i JocMd (l!«5«) Pe«j*n»
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  • 130 5 Months a/ro, the Municipal Engineer Department carted tons of granite into Prinsep Street. With the granite tons of rubbish of various kinds were included to be used in raising the road before macadamising. The residents are now wondering when anything is to he done. In the meantime
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  • 169 5 For Singapore Per P. A O. 8. s. A*ttralin, counseling with tbe steamer BimjeU at Colombo, fr.mi London May 13, due li'ih .(une— Mr. and vlrs W J. Irwin, Mr. C. I Broken Por P 4 0 s. s. s. V'in utia, connecting with the, steamer Malta
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  • 101 5 Thk committee of the New YorlConsolidated Stock Kxchange oil tinsth May ordered the expulsion of three members of the Exchange. Two btokert bad already been expelled, and more expulsions are believed to be imminent It is generally understood that the men have been found guilty of fraudulent dealings,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 75 5 NOTICES. LOOK OUT VOaydng Passim The Indra Zanibar Royal Theatrical Company M M.I. IftMft TO-NIQHT! TO-N.CHT! Saturday, 4th June, The I'opulai Hay. entille.l "Sri-Banun," Ori«lnal I Clowns TO-MORHOW Sunday, sth June, TO-MORROW! Will Btag>The very Laughable Play, nntitled Namruz/' KepnxiuiMHl from I). Porbet'x Tramlation r.f t!i« Batfli, i Itiiliai Prieui
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 170 5 DAY bY UAV Saturday, 4th June. High Water. tl p.m Football A. T. r.Mad CO. 1;. v 1 ('hftiiihcr oH^omiiieriu Coomran I B A. CI11I1 shoot. Tbentricula. Town H.-iii. 9. Wayang Khmiiii. .North B»i<l^c K..h.i Sunday, 5th June High Waiei. 2-5 a.m. p.m. First Suuiliiy after Trini;». S.V.A. Clinr.-li
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  • 316 6 Meeting at Kuala Lumpur. Thr Chinese Literary and Debating Society held its fortnightly meeting at I lie Capital! China's gardens at Kuala .uinpur last Sal 111 day night. A large gathering wan present, and evinced the [rreatetl interest in the proceedings The ■übject for debak; was "That
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  • 76 6 Ifr K. wha Cheng supported the proI osal, and delivered a discourse lasting D hour, lie surprised his audience by have his queue cut off as au iuntive tv others, lie knew that his I. id her would be sorry when she heard tbe news, but
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  • 109 6 Tha Preeideal iiskcd Mi. Jb'oo Wha I heng wkethat in all seriousness he 1 leant to have his queue cut off. The reply being in the affirmative. Dr. Tuck, inn declaration said that na the name of reform, and as President of the Society |ie would perform
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  • 156 6 Publicity Turned on. Now that Judge Parker, of New York. the Democratic candidate for the Pro(lcncv. the American reporters are hot pan Bl trail. What his political vie^vs lay be, what policy he intends to pursue planted ati this is beside the mark. Hut we know that he
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  • 155 6 A trial now iv progress directs •tention to tliu manipulation of gold Kverybody knows that a sovereign 1 jntains air alloy, but it is not common knowledge that that alloy forms J at- a five-hundredth part of the I ulk of the coin, and yet is Bufri^;
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    • 26 6 i',-i Banhmi Wth June Mr. Kuiz, Mr. Manr, and Mr». Niiholm. IVr Zii'U'ii --'Tth June Mr. A. von Miclml, I anil Mrs. Kii-vl.
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    • 28 6 i'l-r Kraal siiiicm-. -mil .1 uue. —For London: V K. M I'urclier, Mr. A. V Uah>it,'fiu, Mr. Hi .1. It. Ni.liuUcin lad rhild. Mi. A frviac.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 12 6 STEARNS' nEADACHE CURE Cures "Must I* Steams' aud you gel the genuine.
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    • 276 6 NOTICES. y The most delicious as fffk i^ of all cocoas. H^7 V (j)COA Not only builds up ts*£^ 'yu^£**>&l£&cZ7 the body but supplies s*2^ strenglh energy for jg»v f a^Mnfi^\ the days wo>K. 1 ;MA We beg to draw the Public's GOOD ti*m attention to one of our Tmurc
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    • 501 6 NOTICES. AHeitsforLEI&PERRIIS' fl I1 if WORCESIERSHIRE m vßo Special Wappant^^^l^ His Majesty Purveyors to The Kinp. CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES. FARIS fay fg MANILA SF:: Jsevy Jiermanos DEALERS IN Diamonds, Precious Stones. Pearls, Jewellery, Watches, Chronometers, Repeaters, Silverware, Fancy floods Clocks, Qraphophones. and Optical floods. NOVELTIES BY EVERY MAIL Importers ol
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 644 7 BUCHANAN'S HISWKY Sold everywhere. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. t-ur China, Japan, Penan-. Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Kgypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Hills of l.u.liaj i-^.ied for Jhina ('oast, Persian Uulf Continental, and Amoriean Ports. Stesmero will leave Singapore on or aVtout Mail Line. Outward (fur
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    • 1174 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. J nt*t,l sngnpore Bhip Auhncy, latk J D*bnuels A Co., 2-3 Ooli.ykr Quay. i I) i undermentioned dates arc only approximate. Steamer From txp'ted. Will >>c ixuoatched for SsyNawM Palembang June 1 Palembang Jnne 4 F>utrf.n Beaek Sot-rabayH
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    • 634 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial German Mail Line. The fast and well nr.wn mail steamers of this Company e«il fortnightly from Bremen-Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naoles, Port paid, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, PiDgapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to Yokohama and back. They are <luo in
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    • 629 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co., Ltd A regular FORTNIGHTLY service is maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS, ('lid- r Mail Contract with the Imperia Japanese Government, specially designer for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation for First
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    • 464 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES TAN KIM TIAN. Lines of Steamers For Batavia, Cheiilion. Samarang Every Wednesday and Saturday (Jioiiit Bee, MM tow, CaptDmio ».a. GiangSeng, I.ISJ Itawlii. OsMfAaa, 171 Kollett >.-. /weena, 1 ,17u Nesuiti For Kuala Pahang, Pekan, kwantan and. Kemaman f.n. Klevo, 30-2 tons, Capt. \Vil«..Ti •Hleitric Ll^ht throughout. For
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    • 82 8 Under this beading the following iDbreviations are uaed str. steamer; ih. ship; bq. barque; sch. schooner; ret Yacht Cru— Crjftser Obt Gun boat Tor.— Torpedo H p. Horse-power Brit— British U. B.— United States fen. -French Oer.— German; Dut.— Dutch; G.c- General-cargo; d.p.— deck passenger; U.— Unceitain
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    • 127 8 Men-of- War, ate. lielderlnnd, Dut. cru. 640 tons, 314 crew, 24 guna 9,800 h p. Capt de Koc*, D. R. N.. IKthMay. From Sabaotr, 13th May. Hatch Consul. For Bat>ang. U— W. Kvningin Reg'ntt*. Dut cru. 4,960 to is 120 crew. 22 guns, Cap'ain Calmeyer, 28th May. From Babang, 26th
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    • 267 8 urtralt since Noon of Yesterday Bnnka, Brit. str. 127 tons. Capt Backhouse 4th Jane. From Nntunas Ulan I, L'nd June. tJipra, and 83 d.p. Teo Hoe Lye. For Natunas Island 6th— Rds. Hfntonti, Brit. str. '2iO tons, Capt Oleen, 4th June. From F. Swettenhara, 2nd June 0.c.,
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    • 831 8 iiimm, Brit, pti 8,117 tons. Capt Fowler, Sth May. From Penarth, Ut April. Coal. U-Bxls. Adeh, Shi str 1«9 tons, Capt Sewice, 27th May From Siirawak, 24th May. Oc. Uncertain —VV. Alei nu«. Rrit. atr. 1.-J7-* tois, Capt Pul(ord, 3i-t
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    • 664 8 A awi«, port, probable date of arri\ m and name oj agent*. Htzamebs. Atcaineiumn, China Jane M; Mansfield. Ajax. Liverpool, July 13; Mansfield. VM'Oin Bombay Juie 6; Borneo Coy. Alting, Hourabaya. June 8; Diendels. \nn-iiii. Colombo. Aug t M. Miritimes. .\u •hcnirden, Durba-i, Tune; P. Simons Australien, Hongkong
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  • 606 8 SINOAPOBB, UH JVSt I?*M PROOUQC. i»nii lor f 8 6v>4 do (Cntx- No. Dnnpieked „IS 75 'opn. Bail 826 do Pontl-nsV 800 repp. r, Bla k bny«r» ,28 00 do Whlw, (6%< 4560 Sago Flonr Hars-xs:. 3 JTJ do Br^cc! No 310 Pearl 3s:- 4SO Coffee 8.-.'l, !5* 23
    606 words
  • 60 8 *«r Per «t*u»i'r Tim*. MOICD4V. Menaio. etc., Kong He.iui p.m. P. Swet'ham ria ports Sappho 3 p.m. P. B'ham T. Anson Poh Avn 8 p.m. Malacca A P Uickson Kian Ann 3pm ■iftigon A Haipbong Antirul Muttnn »p.m. TMHMT. Zamboanga, et«.. Kudat 1 p.m. liangoon A Oalcatta PettakoUi
    60 words
  • 117 8 From Eirope— Bvthe VI H s.s Karradue j on <Hn June, with dates to 'hn lath May. From China- Bv the MM. s.s. Krneit Simoii due on the 6ih June. Left Singapore Due H London Arrived \pl -.'nth HI. Mny lath Mhv Uth Apl -.tfth M. M.
    117 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 71 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co. JEWELLERS AND SILK MERCHANTS, Nos. 51 52, High Street. Hmr just Ifnpiwkert h New Stork ol Indian. Chinese, and Japanese Silk Embroidered goods, Indian Carpets, Chinese rlanddrawn Thread-Work, Ceylon Lace, New Variety of Oold and Silver Jewellery, Pineapple Silks, Old Chinese Drapery. Chinese Embroidered Costumes.
      71 words
    • 488 8 Whiteaway, Laidlaw&Co. Handsome Mantle Qloeks in °sdiaek imitation Marble. THE "ORATOR CLOCK "^WKKSmSEffiT THE "ROOSEVELT CLOCK Eight Uay Half-hnir strike, catli.- a^alß^^^KWl IsMsl Vdry llff v surTl> bla<k ras 1 wlll > draldon^ turn r?.<k. P, liM'.e.i in black Hffff^ 1 V t t.Unr^J in.itati. v it.-«r»>tt>, bronze withehaded ereen
      488 words