The Straits Times, 3 June 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. ai,450 SINGAPOBE. FRIDAY. JUNE 3. 1901 PRICE 15 CERTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 575 1 NOTICES. TOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. r.iENDERS will be received at the Colo X ninl Secretary's Offlee up to noon of tte 4th June. 1904, for the following works riepnirinu tbe stopuutt at the Balestier Rifle Range. Plans and specifications may be seen, and printed forms of tender with all particulars obtained at
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    • 702 1 NOTICES. Selangor Turf Club. THE date for the closing of Entries for the June meeting has been postponed to 12 noon on the 4th June. May 28 4-« NOTICE 1 hereby give notice that the fower of Attorney dated tbe 21st day of .TuX 1902 granted by the undersigned in
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    • 446 1 NOTICES. "(iK\M) PKIX," PARIS, loop. I&IP* AS 4»ft Of RigbMtfialitT and baviir? Grant**. DnnVUtv. .;ie U. t r. o ■sV fi jHH j^^ MUNICIPAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Registration and Licensing of does withie the Municipality of the town of Singapore lor the year beginning Ist June,
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    • 567 1 AUCTION' KALTC OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITVRK, <>n Saturday, lilt June, at '2 p.m. At Fo. 70 Scotts' Boad. Drawing room «n<l bedroom furniture, rattan fancy ybairs and settees, platedI ware, plants, and general household requisites. On view 3 days before sale. H. L COGHLAN A CO., Licensed Auctioneers. May 3-e AUCTION
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    • 325 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Ideal Milk Enriched 20 per cent. B^MBEgH w jth Cream. v fSjfiftPl Stcrilized-Not Sweetened. Pl^F^sJ Perfect Substitute for Fresh Kelly Walsh, Ltd. NEW BOOKS. Jreater Aineru-a, by Archibald Colquhoun »11^O I'reient Day Japan, by A. M. Campbell David -on 10. SO An A ntoMographj, by Herbert Spencer, 2
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    • 225 2 mk Philip Buine-.10n.-, l.ay ihi yeai 1809 in the Duited 81 iti ins devoted a portion ci thej-ear to writing an account of I. oftho New World, which will appear from the press of I). AppMton .in. l Company. He is fr;iuk, hut i
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    • 588 2 At first he^as soimwL.n i ikec aback by tbe ftbMßCfl of tbc <'■< I- servility wbieb Urn •I abroad ex[ect from their "ialeriori I/titr he btcame MeoatoMfed to it ar:<l e-liznd ii,: i it 1 1 froßl any defcire to be rude or ofltaMT) iat Ircni a
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    • 169 2 Speaking vi Chicago, ilie katbor 1 iidii't supposfi that evcu is own iiltahHaota w< uld aeriotttly Make .-xcus.' i < liicHgo It i» an uvly, il irty, isy, wind-swt ept city, if tvt-r there was in Ui i vim-, Ijaw it under it.t- must isadvdiitu^eixix .uui (ii.-cuura«irg
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 244 2 NOTICES. "Eagle" Cement IN THE LONG TESTS MADE BY SARAWAK GOVERNMENT (For their own Satisfaction) has come oui TOP 10 BRANDS WERE TESTED Wfie Madras Municipal Engineer pronouneec Eagle Cement as the best fje fjad ever tested. PARTICULARS FROM BORNEO Co., Ltd CROSSLEY'S OIL ENGINES USUAL SIZES IN STOCK jea^_
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    • 269 2 NOTICES. a. < Keep it Handy For an emergency. When accidents happen, or sudden Cm!£s!\ I sickness comes, nothing will bring such prompt relief aa that famous old remedy, /flHf PERRY DAVIS 1 /WP^Jf "Painkittef k <4J&f It cures CRAMPS, COLIC, CHOLERA, DYSENTERY, llF I'^1 DIARRHOEA > SPRAINS, BITES and
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    • 268 2 NOTICES. CHAMPAGNE "LOUIS ROEDERER.' Extra Dry and Carte Blanch o The old, well-known braad BRINKMANN CO rUftail at Mkuss. CHENG ft Co., HK>H STREET UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER Before buying a typewriter inspect the UNDERWOOD the most perfect high elats* machine yet. invented Guthrie Co., Ltd. Sole Agents v.c. C.G.T.F. OWNERS OF
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  • 221 3 {Com me > rial Intelliytitce.) We mentioned last week that there was considerable danger of the issues raised in the matter of the Crown Agent* becoming confused. We pointed out that the South African Colonies might l>e expected to make their complaints heard yen
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  • 600 3 The Question Resolves Itself Natur ally into two Parts. which should not be confused. First, there is the general question of tht Crown Agents' system in its application to the older Crown Colonies. Secondly, there arises the special case of the Transvaal .tnd Orange Kiver Colony, and the question as
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  • 10 3 Exchange and share quotation! will be found on page 8.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 566 3 NEDERLANDSCHE HANDEL MAATSCHAPPIJ. Netherlands Trading Society. Eitibluh.d IS2* CAPITAL. f. 60,000,000— (abt. £5,000,000) ISSUED CAPITAL. f. 45,000,000— (abt. £3,750,000) RESERVED FUND. f 5,000,000- -(abt. £417,000) Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency In Batavia. Dhani HBB Penang, Shanghai, Kan?oon. Medan (Deli), Semarang. Hourabaya, Padang, Cheribon legal, Pecalongah, IV ciriii, Tjilatjap, Palembang,
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    • 1193 3 BANKS. NOTICES^ Hongkong Shanghai "o^VERNMENT^NOTIFICATIONr" Banking Corporation. UV, n' ci at once an Assistant Rnriff Kur i- hi) t lbs Oowi of Hequc-tx. Salary PAID-IT CAI'ITAI. ?10'f>0,000 '^f." 10 10 Apply to the Acting ComRESERVE FfND: Oolur.i S.■ < •relHr^V cfflc", Sterling KeM-rve$!('<*****) < St; K xj Sin R -,r,
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    • 615 3 NOTICES. GRIMAULT* C° Medicinal Skin Soap MEDICINAL SKIN SOAP ,'y Recommended by eminent Dermatologists and adopted In the Paris Hospitals In the treatment of Ringworm, Acne, Psoriasis, Eczema and Skin diseases generally. 8, RUE VIVIENNE, 8 P*rla aniFFiiNU APCAR" LINE OF STEAMERS. FORPENANG AND CALCUTTA. Messrs. Apcar A Co.'s steamer
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    • 645 3 NOTICES. ROOMS at Ebcr Housr," Kbor Road for bachelors only. Telephone No 7f9. April 18 nx i>O Hfci LKT^House No 11, Sophia Road, and also No. M Ukie Rosd. Apply to A. 8. Shooker, I Mala ca Street. June a |-7 IO BE LET entry at once, compound houne No.
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  • 584 4 A cohriwpokdkxt who writes to the StraiU Echo over the norn de plumt of Singapore," touches upon a delicate subject in connection with the local railway. He writes to confirm tin alleged experiences of another correspondent who had complained in a
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  • 11 4 The Penang Amateur Dramatic Club are preparing to stage The MRgistrate"'
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  • 27 4 Thk well-known firm of Messrs. Sampson, Low, Marston Co. have gone into liquidation. Thk Cambridge Lo-.-al examinations at Singapore and Penang begin on the 12th December next.
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  • 19 4 The homeward M. M. mail steamer E Simon* will probably leave Singapore at 1- p.m. on the 6th instant.
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  • 19 4 The Peninsular and Oriental •Steani Navigation Co. has declared a dividend of 7 per cent, on its deferred stock.
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  • 47 4 Shipping advertisement*, with dates at sailing etc., will be found on page I General shipping news is printed ou P*«« 8. A new flag consisting of tbe Uniori Jack with a Tudor crown on a white circular shield in the centre has been selected for British consulates.
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  • 26 4 The monthly missionary meeting will be held in Priosep Street Church, in Monday next, at 8 p.m. and will be addmsed by Mr. R. J. Bartlett.
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  • 29 4 Tub flagtttaiT:) at Fort Canning and Mount Faber were dscorated this morning in honour of the Prince of Wales' birthday. A number of vessels in harbour also dressed ship.
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  • 36 4 It is believed at Penang that Mr. Stuart E. Williams, the Manager of the Perak Government Printing Office, has been offered the post of Superintendent, Government Printing Office. Singapore, recently vacated by Mr. C V. Pritchard.
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  • 42 4 A lectibe illustrated hy Lin'ern views will be given this evening at 8 o'clock in the Methodist Episcopal Church hy Mr. T. KldiiJgeen Malacca and its street callers," to which the public are invited. A collection will be taken to defray expenses.
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  • 43 4 Three men of the St. Petersburg Xoiotti on the Yalu are missing, and are believed to have been killed, while the Bmi has also lost one of its representatives. The other St. Petersburg journals are wiring to ascertain if their correspondents are alive.
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  • 49 4 Tine success or otherwise of F. M. 8. tin mint i- this year cannot, so it is made out, be ppoken of with certainty until September. The outlook in the Sungei Besi district is considered especially cheerful. There, miners are said to be getting out the tin in ingots.
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  • 53 4 On Saturday night, the Chinese Community of I'enarjg h.<ld a meeting to consider certain proposals for general reform. It was decided to have a meeting at tbe Chinese Town Hall once a month, and to adopt some unifoim r.-ligion such as Confucianism. About 150 names of those willing to attend
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  • 58 4 Tbi Austrian Lloyd's Company have had a bad year financially, and for the first time since 1891 have decided to pay no dividend. The net profit tor tiie yo:ir was 95,654 kronen which the iir. ctor- propose to carry forward. This result is 485.000 kronen below last year.-*, when a
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  • 76 4 Pollard's Lilliputian Opera Company has returned to Melbourne after a two years' tour. Mr. C. A. Pollard stated at Brisbane that his company wa« ju«t finishing up, after a successful tour ihroueh the Far Bist, Uni'.ed ■States, and Canada They will remain fur about three months in Victoria, and s'
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  • 586 4 (lit (rather ng at the Raffles Reclamation. Tuk Police Sports are being held to-day at. the Rallies Reclamation opposite Raffles Hotel. The plain was quite gay this rooming with numerous multi coloured banners. A number of tents had been pitched under the shade of the trees and these
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  • 132 4 A very happy idea has been hit upon hy the management of the Hotel de l'Europe. It is intended to provide suppers for theatre-goers on. Saturday and Monday nights. People who seldom dream of attending the theatre on ordinary occasions find a multitude of excuses when amateurs ire
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  • 62 4 A WBLLkM \vx figure in the history of Oriental banking has just pa«B*d away at Haeting*, in the t-ixiy-fil'th year of his age. Mr. Edward Maccall— whose funnral took p!ac« on May Oh, will he remembered, in China particularly, as the Shanghai representative of the Chartered Bank of India, Australia,
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  • Reuter's Extra Service.
    • 92 4 Questions in the House ef Commons. London, 3rd June. Mr. A. J. Balfour was replying to remarks by Sir Charles Diike when he spoke about France and Muscat. Sir Charles Dilke had referred to the misuse made of tbe French nag [by Arab crafi j to cover
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    • 10 4 Seven American warships are lying at Tangier.
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    • 33 4 On Attaining his Stage Jubilee Sir Henry Irving has intimated that he means to retire from the stage, within tbe next two years, on compietion?of his fifty years' career nq an
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    • 52 4 Japanese Entrenched at Wafenf kau. General Kuropatkin reports that, after tbe engagement on the 30th May, the Japanese halted, 2\ miles from the railway station at Wafengkau, where they entrenched themselves. The Russian casualties there hitherto ascertained were forty in number. There has been no continuation of the
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  • "Reuters Telegrams.
    • 61 4 Entente Cordiale Makes for Peace. London, 2nd .fvi\f Mr. Balfour, speaking on the AngloFrench Agreement, incidentally referred to the use of tho French flag at Muscat, and said it was quite true that last year a very difficult question arose between France and Britain on that subject,
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    • 28 4 Mr. Arnold Forster, on behalf of tue Government, stated that tbe latter had no intention to bring forward any proposal in favour of conscription.
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    • 33 4 Ready for Extensive Operations. Reuters correspondent at Mukden, tbe Russian head quarters, says that, so ii is understood, General Kuropatkin in ready to take the offensive on an extensive tcale.
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    • 44 4 Concensus in [its Favour. IjOn'Um, 2nd June. The debate in tbe Huiise of Commous yesttr lay evening on the subject of the Anglo-French Agreement showed that, apart from isolated criticisms, the general consensus of opinion was markedly in favour of the Agreement.
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    • 21 4 It is announced in .St. Petersburg tiiat the llussian losses at Kinchau were 800 killed and wounded.
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    • 12 4 Tbe Italian cruiser Dogali has arrived at Tang
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    • 24 4 Sussex beat Somerset by ten etirfcata Lancashire defeated Kent at Manchester by an innings and 128 runs. Thirty-six other mutches were drawn.
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  • 167 4 When tho British troops entered Pretoria and seized the Treasury uf tl.« Transvaal Government, great surprise was expressed at the smallnef>s of the amount of money found, ai>d niucli speculation was indulged in a» to what had become of the enormous fund* which the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 386 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. XVe do all we say YOUR SATISFACTION IS OUR AIM. Please compare prices in our list with those of competitors. YOU can readily see the saving to YOU. Thompson, Thomas Co., The Australian Stores. SEND TRIAL ORDER. May 21 m.f. WASSIAMULL ASSOMULL CO., Indian Store, No. 1, 2,
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    • 406 4 THE TANJONG PA6AR DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. Notice is hereby given tbat an Extraordinary Meoeral Mdetiug of tbe Tanj'jnß Pdiiar Dock Company. Limited will be held at tbe Ex»h*[]ge, Singapore on the llth of June, 1904, at II o'clock noon when tbe fiilowing resolutions will be proposed Resolution No. 1. Resolved
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    • 192 4 G. R. LAMBERT CO. PHOTOGRAPHERS. iu«t received a Pine Consignment Valuable Art Pictures Unvure* )>v the '■Photographic Society" at Berlin. Frem P.lntlngi ol Toileiui, Torertor, Letter. l**lght<m. Blini,, rttone, LaItUSMT. Dofraner. Omtmer. 1..-n. Oabrid Mai, NonuenDruk, un<l many utbere. »n early Inspection Is Invited LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. town Hall SINGAPORE. Amateur
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    • 16 4 Very palatable, even children enjoy to take it, but it is Stearnt' Wine, not the others.
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    • 15 4 NOTE 'Telegrams and local news received prior to noon to-day are published on Page 3.
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  • 52 5 The Municipal Commission of Singapore met yesterday afternoon l)r Middleton, Deputy President, in the chair. The other members present were I)r Murray Robertson, Mr. Rowland All«n, Mr. A. J. W. Watkun, Mr. Arthur Barker, Mr. Choa ttiang Thye, Colonel I'ennefatlier, Mr. Banjarield, Acting Secretary, and Mr Williams, Acting
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  • 107 5 The usual financial statement submitted showed that *72,86H69 was on current account at the Bank.-; and $420,000 on depohi' account, and a sum in hand of $150 1 total of $493,018 69 as compared with 1508.272.29 on 20th May. Bills to the amount of Si 8,1 97. 10
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  • 192 5 The PKWDMR remarked that a petition had been received from a number of Chinese asking the Commissioners to provide a burial ground for them. The Finance Committee considered the question and while they were in sympathy with the petition they were not in a position at present to
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  • 111 5 The Pkksiuknt remarked that with regard to the question of Tanjong Katong Road, Mr. Dunman proposed to give the land necessary and the landowners would contribute S2. r >,ooo towards the construction of the road provided the Commissioners gave 825,000 and the Government 425,000. The total
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  • 105 5 The President stated that a letter had been received from landowners in Rangoon Road complaining of the condition of that thoroughfare and asking that it should be taken over by the Commission The Committee, after considering the matter, adopted the following recommendation That the Municipal Commissioners will bear
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  • 197 5 l'lan« had been received from MesFra Dick Kerr and Co. in connection with the proposed widening of bridged of Seranggong Road and the widening in Montgomery and Wbampoa Bridies The widening was rendered necessary by the construction of the eloctric tramway. The plans were adiped subject to
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  • 226 5 The Phemdi-st reinsuked that at the last mri-tiiif a question arose a« >o tlie depoM'ing of rails in Tank K >ad by the Tramway Company. fh« Tramway CompHiiy were afked undt-r wlim ■othorit) they left the rails there and tl't-v replied that they were
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  • 70 5 The President said the reports on the water supply from the Kallang and Seletar Valleys by Mr Peirce had been prepared, and circulated. They were very lengthy and he moved That the Report prepared by Mr. Peirce on tbl scheme for the. supply of water from the
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  • 81 5 With regard to the tenders lor electric light cables, the President remarked that the tenders had been considered and it was thought that the offer by Messrs. Callender which was the lowest should be accepted. He' moved the adoption of the Finance Committee's recommendation That the Agent be
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  • 121 5 It was agreed that Mr. Seeger be granted six months' half- pay leave to terminate 24th October, 1904 that Mr J.S. Francisco be granted vacation leave during June and July and that his resignation as from 31st July next be accepted that the application for increase of pay from
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  • 190 5 Wonderful Effects of Chimose. St. Petersburg, sth May.— The official Vititnik draws attention to the special advantages of Chimose, used and invented by the Japanese, over all other explosives. It says: "Chimose is the strongest of all explosives. It has not the weakness of guncotton inasmuch as it
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  • 100 5 CANDID CRITIC ISM. Hekhert Spencer's opinion of Thomas Carlyle, as given in his recently published Autobiography," was that the Sage of Chelsea displayed an inability to think, which was discreditable to an ordinary intelligence." Thomas Carlyle's opinion of Herbert Spencer is quoted in the Manclitster Guardian. Ha'e ye seen Herbert
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  • 72 5 The average annual cost of maintaining in commission a first class battleship of, say, 13,000 tonp, rues to a trifle of nearly £94,000. Mr. Pretyinan in the Home of Commons on the 7'h May supplied the following details of how the °urn is made np Full
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  • 1476 5 The Duchess of Bayswater Co." Sinsapohk amateurs in the theatrical world are no chickens in the art of make-believe. Nor are they without the saving grace of audacity. They have tackled a variety of plays so dissimilar that success seemed to hang in the balance on many occasions,
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  • 81 5 Wharves at which different ships are berthed to-day East Wharf Ganymede, Cardium, Selma, Beharty, H.N.M.S. Koniugen Regentes. Victoria Dock— Sappho nnd Sumatra. Albbrt Graving Dock— Nil. Section 1 No. 1 Nil. •> Sealda. ,8 Stentoi 4 Nestor. 5 Paroo and Auchenwag. „6 Jason. „7 Lady
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  • 409 5 On the 20th March last four Chinese, three of them detectives, were arrested for an offence committed on the 14th idem. The case arose out of the prosecution of a boy for snatching a jewelled hairpin from a Chinese woman The boy was arrested, convicted and sent to
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  • 115 5 *A Parliament consisting of all the Viceroys and Governors of provinces, to meet once a year to discuss matters relating to their various jurisdictions, with the object of obtaining unanimity of action throughout the Empire, has been recently recommended to the Throne in a joint memorial
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  • 412 5 Thibet bxpedition. Gyantse, May 19th This inoriui.jj the garrison made a most successful sortie against an advanced position in a >in. village taken up by the enemy not 600 yards from the camp. Two companies Sikhs and Gurkhas were 'disposed by Major Murray on three sides of th?
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  • 142 5 The ifca Mm, bound to Boaraj with coal and Government atMM, liasuuk after collision in tin- Bri>to Channel Lord Curzon will be installed a* Warden of the Cinque Ports on tin 2ni July kl Nisaxl kit H..11U- ..11 tli,. :ist Ma\ the Councillor ol the Kml*as:.v replace* him .1^
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  • 122 5 The following pMMMfan arrived hen on Thursday afternoon by the Imperia Ofi-inan M.-ii! (tr. For Ham Km- Mr. Curl Mate, Mr. M. Behmii gSBMry, Mr II Graupniann Finn Antwerp Mr.v Beret and child From Mr St Markliiiin Mr BpMMM Gotta, Mr H K Daniels From
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 258 5 NOTICES. LOOK OUT VOayang Passim The Indra Zanibar Royal Theatrical Company WII.I. 1 X.,1 Friday, 3rd June, 19CU. The well known Chinese Drama, entitled Sam Pek, Eng Tye Taken from Chinese story books. Complete. Real Chinese Dresses. Complete. Kindly lent to the Company i.y Mi. > M Hee Thenx of
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    • 13 5 BTKARNB' WINE, a general toai and str.:ii^tli raatocwr. Alwayi i "Must be Steams'
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  • 448 6 Twenty Persons Killed. Tokyo, May li. I'hk defeat of the Russian forces at Yalu River, and the subsequent occupation of Russia positions at Antung and later at Feng-hwang-cheng, have combined to cause the people of .lapan to almost lose their heads. In fact many of them
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  • 115 6 m consecjuence of a series of miifort nes, the management of the Hubana" Estate in Pcrak have decided to abannon the cultivation of sugar-cane, and to confine it 6olely to rubber. Since •'<'.', when Hubana was first started, the company, says the Perak Pioneer, have had regrettable
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    • 26 6 I'er Baeaaaa IMb .lune: Mr. Kur/, Mr. Meyer, nnd Mn. Nieholax. I'er Zieten I'Ttli June Mr. A. von Michal, Mr. ami Mrs. Kussel.
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    • 28 6 I'er Krnest Simon-. 6th Jane. Fur London: Mr. F. M Porclier, Mr. A. Y. Galiagan, Mr. ad Mr-. i:. Nieboboa anil <MM. Mr. A. I' wnj;.
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    • 254 6 For Singapore. i'er V. <fc O. s.B. Saiilinia, from London, April 30, due 3rd June— Mr. C. Russoll Mr. C. Bryant. Mr. R. 8 Buckwell, Mr. iod Mrs. J. A. Kirk, Mr. E. L. Alexander, l.ieut K. F. Fuller, Mr. and Mr* Thorn ton, Mr. V. A.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 12 6 STEARNS HEADACHE CURE, Cures "Must be Stearni' and you get the genuine.
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    • 280 6 NOTICES. GRAND HOTEL, Ltd., Noa. 18, 19 A 20, BUND, YOKOHAMA. Skated in the FINEST POSITION on the BUND, commands .in unbroken View of the Harbour and Tokyo Bay. Caters to First Class Travel Only. A Steam i.aunch upder supervision of a competent Agent attends all incoming and outgoing steamers.
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    • 795 6 NOTICES. PARIS j*o f MAN ILA HONGKONG > k LJ ILOILO SHANGHAI.. l(»\/yi r fl^^fti/TW^C KHARBINE. HANKOW cAmZ/WU ICT/ ill\JLllU<O PORTARTHVH DIALERS IN Diamonds, Precious Stones, Pearls, Jewellery, Watches, Chronometers, Repeaters, Silverware. Fancy Ooods. Clocks, Oraphophones. and Optical Ooods. NOVELTIES BT EVf H» ■•II Importers oi tho Celebrated Watch "OMBOA."
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 650 7 BUCHANAN'S HISWKY Sold everywhere. STEAMSHIF 1 COMPANIES. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. r r China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Hills of hadiaf issv;od for Cbin.i < mental, and Ann'rican Port 9. Steamorg will leave Singapore on or about Mail Line. Outward
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    • 709 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijke Paketvaart MaatsohapplJ. Under contract with the Netharlands India Government. A'i' nis al Sini/apoi-e Ship Agkncy, latk J Diendbls A Co., 2-3 Ooli.ybk Quay. 1 lit undermentioned dates are only approximate. BtMBMI From Kxp'ted. Will be DnsDatchsd for Haud Batavia May 8t Batavia, Cheribon, Pecalongan Samarang, Sourabayn, Boeleleng,
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    • 454 7 HAMBUR6AMERIKA LINIE. HAMBURO. The steamers of this Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China, and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bromerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo The arrivals of the next
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    • 634 7 STRAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial German Mail Line. The fnst and well now n mail steamers of tbis Company eail fortnightly from Bremen-Hamburg V U Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naole Pott Said, Suez. Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore. Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagaeafei, and Kcbe to Yokohama and back. They are
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    • 695 7 STRAMSHIP COMPANIRS TAN KIM TJAN. Lines of Steamers For Batavia, Cheiibon, Samarang Every Wednesday and Saturday. *a.a. Uiuir Kee, 2,300 tons, ("apt. Dunlop s.n. Giang Srng, 1,182 Kawlingtori s.s. Giang A .n, 872 Kollett s.s. Zweena, 1,470 Neabitc For Kuala Pahang, Pekan, Kwantan and Kemaman s.s. Flevo, 3>U tons, ('apt.
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    • 443 7 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL INSURANCE CO. FIRE A LIFE TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS EXCEED £12,000,000. THE LARGEST FIHE OFFICE IN THE WORLD BOUSTEAD 4 Co., Agent* THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Capital £2,127,500 Paid up Capital 212,760 Reserve Fund £1,073,550 The undersigned, Agents for tbe Company, are prepared to accept
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    • 80 8 Under this heading the following tobrevistions are used --str. steamer: ■h ship; bq. barque; ten. schooner; fet.— Yacht; Cru.— Cruiser Obt.—Gunboat Tor.— Torpedo H. p. Horsepower Brit -British; h. B.— United States; fch. French Ger. German Dut. Dutch; G.c— General-cargo d.p— deck •assenger; U.— Uncertain; T. P.
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    • 122 8 'ir.derland, Dut. cru. 640 tons, 314 crew, M guns. 9,800 h.p. Capt de Kock, D. B. N., IKth May. From Sabang, 18th May. Dutch Coi.sul. ForBabang, U— W. Kmingin Regenlet, Dut. cru. 4,960 tons. saO crew, 22 gnns, Captain Calmeyer, 28th May. From Sabang, 25th May. Dutch Consul.
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    • 143 8 > /rivals sines Noon of Yesterday. Borneo, Brit. str. 404 tons, Capt Stewart, ■!nd June. From Sarawak, 3 1st May. G.c, and 72 d.p. Ong Ewe Hai. For Sarawak, 7th— Bde. Far/alia, Ital. str. 147 tons, Capt Warriner trdJuns. From Muar, 2nd June. G.c. and H Ip.
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    • 923 8 iitniw Brit, sti 2,127 tons, Capt Fowler, ■Kb May. From Penarth. Ist April. Coal. U-Rds. Adth, Sar str. 189 tons. Capt Sewioe. 27th i May From Sarawak, 24th May. G.c. Uncertain— Rd?. ildnout, Brit. str. 1,273 tons. Capt Pulford. 31st
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    • 689 8 AV.T.f, port, probable date of arrii ,<. and name oj agenlt. STEAMIM. Agamemnon, China. June 2t>; Mansfield. Ajax, Liverpool, July 13: Mansfield. AHioin. Bombay. June 6; Borneo Coy. Vllfiriton >; Muroran, ben June; P Simons Alt i Me, So'urabnya, June 6 Doendels. Annam, Colombo, Aug 1 M. Maritinies.
      689 words
    • 106 8 tor Per iteamrr Time. To-Morkow. Sandakan via ports Tringganu 7 a.m. Fremantle via ports Paroo 10 a.m. Indragiri Aing Ann Noon P.Swet'ham A Peoang Pin Beng 2 p.m. P. Swet'ham via ports Malacca 3 p.m. Penang and Deli Calypto 3 p.m Swatow and Amoy Olenoglt 3 p.m. Hongkong
      106 words
    • 137 8 From Europe By the M.M. sj. Yarrn due on ot h June, with dates to the IBtb May. From China— By the MM.s. Krnett Simons due on the 6ih June. Left Singapore Doe in London Arrired Apl 19th N. I). L. May 13tb May iSih Apl 20th
      137 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 248 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co. JEWELLERS AND SZLZ MERCHANTS, Nos. 51 52, High Street. Umrt) Jnst Unpswkful m Xew Stock oi Indian. Chinese, and Japanese Silk Eii broldered roods, Indian Carpets, Chinese lianddrawn Thread -Work, Ceylon Lace, New Variety of Oold and Silver Jewellery, Pineapple Silks, Old Chinese Drapery, Chinese
      248 words
      373 words