The Straits Times, 30 May 1904

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times M>. 211,446 SINGAPORE. MONDAY. MAY 30, 1904. PRICE 15 CERTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 123 1 CLAYMORE WHISKY. POWELL ROBINSON, S«M SUfmpr. .nd t td.mltd M»l«f St«»«. Going Insane. A. L. Kimerof Stoneridge, N, V., says:— I was for a long time troubled with sleeplessness, with intense neuralgic pains in the head which made me feel as though I was going insane. The physicians could do
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    • 70 1 AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITVRI On Saturday, 4lh June, ai '2 p n. At Fo. 7C Scotts Koad. Drawing room and bedroom furniture, rattan fancy chairs and settees, plated ware, plants, and general household requisites. Oo view 3 days before sale. H. L COGHLAN <t CO., Licensed Auctioneers, May 90
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    • 501 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. IFOR HONGKONG, SHANGHAI AND JAPAN POUTS!. The Imperial Qernrii mail steamer BBYDLITZ, 7,900 tor- Oapt. Dewers, having left Colombo on Sttarday Mm VBtli instant at 8 a.m. miiy be expected to anivehere on Thurec'iiy, the 2nd .tunu en route for above port. For passage and freight
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 156 1 DAY BY DAY Monday 30th May. High Water. 10-55 p.m. Football Y.M.C.A. v.88nd Co. R.G.A. Wuyang Ksssini. North Bridge Road. 8. Tuesday, 31st Ma 7. High Water. 9-1 and 11-Wk.a. Land Sale. Powell. Mfc Dallas Co. Town Hall. Kegt. Band. Gardens. !l. Wednesday, 1st June. High Water. 0-45 p.m. Pledge
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  • 279 1 To open at the Town Mall to-morrow Night. The Dallas Company arrived here by the (Jerman mail this morning, m route ior home, after one of the must succe^slul tours it has ever made in the Far East. Owing to the Town Hall being engaged by local
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  • 185 1 Shortly ofter 9 o'clock last night the >ikh inijnh at the Teutonia Club rushed iiitu Orchard Koad Police Station in a mad state of excitement and informed la>|i Ilickey that I Eurasian clerk employed at the Club had committed suicide Insp lliekey went round to the C'luh
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  • 709 1 The War. A Time*' teiegram from Pekm attribute the antiyellow agitation to German intrigues in China. Tin Times estimates General Kuropatkiue's fighting force at 100,000. with MM guns, defending a front 100 miles in length. Accounts of the Yalu battle show that the Japanese charged the Russians witli
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  • 280 1 Report for 1903. The Post Office report shows that the yearly deposits and withdrawals 0/ the Savings Bank in tbe Straits Settlements are out of all proportion to the amount standing at the credit of depositors. Savings Bank business in this Colony i«, to some extent, on a
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  • 104 1 Brisbane. May 2nd —Tim British India Company's steamer llmtn put into Moreton Bay on Saturday night for shelter, having experienced boisterous weather after leaving Sydney for Batavia and Singapore. On Saturday morning, during a strong south-east gale, the vessel shipped several heavy seas, which did
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  • 83 1 P. O. PASSENGERS. TllK folluv. mc paseeaejsn arrived on .'satin day by the MfNMf. From London— Mrs. Home, Mr. and Mrs I). .1. llighet. Messrs. H. Lea and 11. B. Cmirii.son. From MarseillesMr, and Mrs. I*. M. Mackenzie, Mr. and Mrs. C. I). Warren, Mi. and Mrs. Dupont, Me»«rs. \V.
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  • 53 1 Thb experiment of employing Tamil labourers in pJace of Chinese for the unloading ana loading of goods at Port Hwettenham is said to have proved a thorough failure. The Tamil coolies who were recruited from India and Penang have all been sent back and the Chinese coolies are now given
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  • 409 1 The Last of the Race Dinners. Hackles Hotel has long been one of llie acknowledged show places of Singa pore and during the past week it has outvied even its own previous successes in the way of catering for the wants of residents. The race dinners have proved
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  • 80 1 We understand that the British barque Contest which sailed from i'haiirang, Eabt coast of Cochin-China, ■for Singapore on 2Mb tilt., has not yet arrived at this port. The American ship Ivy was in company with the Conlei-t on the 6ih inst. 95 miles from here and 15
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  • 265 1 11. Jones, an inmate of the Sailors' I Home, was prosecuted by Sergt Taylor j before Mr. Beatty on Saturday for the j theft of sundry articles at No. 2 ll via m Street on the night of the 27th inst He was ordered to pay a fine
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  • 150 1 Catholic Bishop Robbed and Maltreated. to a Bangkok contemporary, a daring robbery was committed on the person of the Right Rev. Bishop Vey It appears that the Bishop was driving along thn SiiMwunfise road in Banek'.k, on tlie'-'Utli inst. when a thief jumped up behind nU carriage
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  • 123 1 Hope-Mitchell. The Glasgow papers chronicle the celebration of the wedding at St Ifaty'l Church, Glasgow, of Miss May A Mitchell, eldest daughter of the late Mr. II \V. Mitchell and Mrs. Mitchell of Singapore, and Mr. James Laid law Hope. The ceremony is described as having been
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  • 56 1 The final game in the billiard eewnpetition of 'The Library," in Cecil, was played off on Saturday night before an interested number of member- ,nni friends. Mr. Tan II in Liang, who was the Straits Chinese billiard champion ten years ago, won rather easily. He was presented with a
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  • 82 1 The Afrimhmrmi Hulletin tat April which has just been published, contains much interesting matter. Mr. F. Pears treats of crude rubber preparation in order to turn out the finest article for the market, so us to fetch the hightst price, the aim being to avoid association with the jungle product
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 627 2 NOTICES. MAINTAINS lS HI(;ilE>T REPUTATIOX kyihywiieim:. BUILD UP and PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH and Fortify the System againstjisease ittb •W« cuuiot apeak ■^^■^B^B>^Bi^bV 1■ H A VI Jl£ tL t/^ fB voo biftaly uf it." Kiniml IBlallvl'llAi Pronouno** to^h^KiHfeST MeoIOAL AUTHORITIES m&$S? Tor P id Liver Debility, Eruptions, .ad WOMDERFUL PURIFIER
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    • 12 2 ZYMOLE TOOTH POWDER, a perfect antiseptic dentrifice, cleauses and preserves tne teeth
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  • Special Telegrams to the " Straits Times."
    • 45 2 RUSSIANS WALK INTO A DEATH-1 RAP. Shanghai, 28tli May. Newchwang reports state that 15,000 Russians were marching towards Feng-B'iui-hing on the 22nd inst., when they were surprised by :<O,OOO Japanese in the Motienling Pass. 1,000 (10,000?) Russians surren ler*d. There wero 3,000 casualties.
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    • 11 2 The Second Japanose Army Corps has passed Hsu-yen
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    • 19 2 The Russians are constructing pontoons across the rivers in the line of their possible retreat.
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    • 10 2 The Russian Settlement at Newchwang is being razed.
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    • 32 2 Carrier Pigeons in Use. Communications with Port Arthur are now being eff-oted by means of carrier pigeon pest. I The atat"? wan rece>i'e<l 100 I"if for publication on Saturday.J
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    • 64 2 Awaiting the Russians' Departure. Shanghai, 2'Jth May. The British sloop Etpiegle, which had been ordered to Neuchwang for the protection of the Foreign Settlement there in the event of its evacuation ty the Russians, is avoiding complications by waiting at Ching-wang tai for information from the
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    • 108 2 Only to Foreigners Able to Bear Arms. The residents of Newchwang, however, fear that the Russians will cut the telegraphs in the event of the approaoh oi the Japanese, and thus delay the despatch of assistance. There are only sixty foreign civilians in the Settlement who
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  • "Reuter's Extra Service.
    • 66 2 Further Details London, 28// i May. The 'iJssian stronghold at Nanshan was taken by tho Japanese after a hot tight. A Russian gunboat bombarded the Japanese left il ink from Talienwan Bay. Japanese warships co-operated with the army from Kinchau Bay. The Japanese swept the Russians irom
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    • 20 2 The result of the Manchester Cup race was as follows: Scullion 1 Roe 1 O'Neill Palmy Days 3
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    • 24 2 London Udtk May The Capetown House of Parliament baa read tor a third time the Cape Chinese Exclusion Bill.
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    • 18 2 King Edward has be/»n appointed a Field Marshal a the Aufffrii,, army.
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    • 72 2 Captures English and American Tourists. Later. Raisuli, a Moorish bandit, captured an Englishman named V.irley and an American named Perdicans in the vicinity of Tangier. Amer can Fleet to the Rescue. Tlie United States Government refused 10 agree to the terms of ransou proposed by the bandus, ani
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    • 99 2 HAIL TO THE JAPANESE VICTORS. London "Press Waxes Enthusiastic. The Japanese victory at Kinchau is bailed by the London press as establishing for them even a stronger claim than did the Yalu victory, to superiority on land as well as at sea because the Russians at Kinchau had
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    • 34 2 The Standard comments upon the valour of the Japanese soldiers, who again refused to recognise any obstacle as being insurmountable All the odds were against the victors.
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    • 26 2 The Duly Graphic says that the Russians were driven out of their stronghold by superior generalship and the most indomitable bravery.
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  • "Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 42 2 London, 29th \lay The Militia and Volunteers Commission appointed last year, suggests extensive reforms, but is convinced that adequate home defence is only to be obtained by giving a military training to all the able-bodied men in the country.
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    • 23 2 The Tokyo correspondents of the Chronicle and Telegraph state that the Japanese captured a number of guns (at Kinchau).
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  • 433 2 Wonderful Tricks of Hindoo Marvel. (From Ike Johaiinuburg (Tranei'aal) tftar.) "When in India I made the acquaintance of a juggler, who tried to instruct me in all his tricks. He said that it was imaginary on the part of the spectators, as he simply willed that- they should
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  • 176 2 The Bureau of Statistics at Washington recently published some figures that are very striking as showing how largely the various countries of the wot Id are dependent on America for their imports* Taking a few of the more importanl countries, it may be said that the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 12 3 STEARNS' HEADACHE CURE Cures "Must be Stearm' and you get she genuine.
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    • 10 3 Exchanoi and share quotations will be found on page 8.
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    • 21 3 Shipping advertisements, with dates if sailing etc., will be found on page 7 General shipping news is printed on page 8.
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    • 609 3 NOTICES. CABHIER WANTED. IX)R local tirm from Ist lunj. Ptcurity B*,PIO necessary. Apply stitins salary expected to D O. c/o Straits limes. May 18 30-f WANTED. OHJSFSK CASHIER. Security I'/yo. Apply to A. A. A. u/o StraiU Tim -4. May i oe TAMBIES. Wanted three good tambie< for the St
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    • 475 3 NOTICES. H^| BVI superior I t core 1 the same diseases as these drug. 1 |In forty-eight hours without inconvenience. < lack C«p«d* tatn tb« same (JUDY) I FW MKMtS Or THE MOT. SRIMAULT'S SYRUI Of Hypo-Phosphite of Lj«e Prsscribsd in Prases (or ttw lvi !or«n It reuin» hi raputrftkm
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    • 631 3 NOTICES. (OBE LET: entry at once, compound house No. lid Bencoolen Street. Apply to Quthrie A Co. Ltd., Agents. FVb 4 u.l-. 10 BK LET— House No. 11 Sophia Kcj d, atd alto No. '-'-I Wilkie hoad. Apply to A. S. Snooker, 1 Malacca Street. May 'J 31-6 F BE
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  • 707 3 CAPTAIN MAHA N'S VIEWS. Capt. Mahan, U.S. N., has contributed to The Times a very thoughtful and interesting review of conditions in the Rus9oJai>uno?e conflict In this he writes Nothing has as yet occurred to shake the opinion, universal among military men, that the command of the sea remains the
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  • 153 3 Tiik P. and O. Mru on arrival at I'ort S lirl, on 4th inst., reported thut when nine hours our from Brindisi, the Uussiau warship Krabri stopped her b> tiring a blank cartridge, and de'.ained her for two houre, durinp which timt the mails were sotted. She
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  • 607 3 1 at. annual report on the Postal Department «t die Straits Settle-.' ments for 19";: has been published. It is signed by Mr. W. O. Bell as Acting I'osi in aoter( leneral. The financial result of the ycat's work are, on the whole, gratifying. The revenue
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  • 293 3 Details of a terrible encounter with a lion in Mashonaland are to hand from South Africa. An Englishman named Nicholson, accompanied by his Zulu servant, sighted the animal lying on top of a stony ridge. With a view to testing the theory that a lion will,
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  • 795 3 Fantastic Tale accredited to a kusklan Officer. Tha following fantastic stwv .niriil the battle off Chemulpo appears in the Xnc York ll mild -one of the bent informed papers published, in regard to the war under the date of February 11. The second-in-command of the i<ussinn cruiser
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  • 98 3 N. D. L I'erKayeni, 30lb May :-Mr. W. Brehmer, vt r F Pollork, Mr. l>. Nohle, Mim I'ouken, \li.h. Ti.iiijkin.s and children, Mr. A. Diehn Mrs. Coveney and children, Mrs. Cork and MM, Mr. nuil Mr*. Bert, children and aer■ant.-. Mr. I>. A. Allison. I'er Saclmen 13th
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 481 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. XVe do all we say YOUR SATISFACTION IS OUR AIM. Please compare prices in our list with those of competitors. YOU can readily see the saving to YOU. Thompson, Thomas Co., The Australian Stores. SEND TRIAL ORDER. May f WASSIAMULL ASSOMULL CO., Indian Store, No. 1, 2, 3,
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    • 43 4 G. R. LAMBERT GO. PHOTOQRAPHERS. Valuable Art Pictures Urmvurea by the Photographic Society" at Berlin. From Painting] .1 T.<t.'i U i, Porerter, l.»tk l.i-iitht.iii. lllniL,. M,.>i<\ Laiirikow., wr. 1,.. v (Jahn.-l Max, tmmmßm, mt many .>ther». A. early inspection It ln*rt.4.
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    • 143 4 To-pay'B bank 4/m rate is 7/11. 11 M.S. VmkU left eastward this morning. The homeward mail by the ZmmAm closes at 4 p.m. on Wednesday. Mk. I). C. Bkatty h»B been appointed to be Acting Second Magistrate at Singapore. The SeydliU wim the German mail from Kurope iB due here
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  • 2835 4 Ten days ago we pointed out that the Tufinrl scheme a', Kallang had been abandoned, and that, instead thereof, an open cut was being made across the ridge. Incidentally we state<l that we understood no contract for such work eiii-ifd, and
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  • 86 4 Captain Rost, Resident Medical Officer, Rangoon General Hospital and Government Bacteriologist, has discovered a cure for that terrible disease, leprosy, so say the latest advices from that quarter. He has had, it is said, 2U cases under treatment in the past seven months and has apparently effected full and permanent
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  • 1049 5 The Closing Day's Sport. There was again a big muster ot llie sporting contingent at the .Singapore races on Saturday. So many people had been affected by the fact that outsiders preponderated among the winners that there was a universal endeavour to retrieve losses or at any rate, to obtain
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  • 182 5 TOWCHANQS CUT OFF. CHINESE REFORMERS AT KUALA LUMPUR. Hloquence Leads to Striking Results. Kunlii l.umpur, 2tt//t May. Than «.ts crowded meeting of th»* Literary and Debating Society, on Saturday eveninp, whereat the sulijei't of debate was the prnposa' advanced, by Mr l.oke Chow Thye,
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  • 645 5 FULL DETAILS OF FIOMT. Japanese Official Telegram. The tollowine official despatches from the Foreign <Hi 'c at Tokyo, has been received by Mr T. Tunaka, the Japanese Consul at Singapore JAPANESE LOSSES. Tiit? lirst despatch, received at 590 p.m. on Sunday, runs as> follows The Comraanderofthe army
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  • Reuter's Extra Service.
    • 36 5 London, Mth Mvy. A large Russian vessel, probably the liuyau, reached Talienwan from Port Arthur on the 24th May I f. doubtless thi* vessel which took part iv the battle at Kinchau.
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    • 49 5 Russia's Unlawful Aggression. (ieneral Oku has issued a procla-' ination to the peiple of the Liaotung peninb il:i The proclamation.declares that .lapan was lorced to appeal to arms on account of the unlawful ngi^re^sion carried on by Russia The Japanese are Ijfcttaf in '.he cause of justice.
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    • 53 5 (reneral Oku pledges his word that protection to persons and property, will be maintained by the Japanese. He promises to pay for houses and food supplies that may be requisitioned. A Warning. (ieneral Oku tinaliy warns the people to refrain from assisting the Russians under penalty
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  • Reuter's Telearams.
    • 23 5 London, :H)tU Mny. The Japanese casualties at Nanshan are now estimated to have been :<,500. Over seventy Russian guns were captured
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    • 45 5 Final Assault Determined. The Japanese hope to be able to storm Port Arthur within a fortnight. They realize that their losses will be necessarily very heavy, but it is better to suffer such loss tban keep a large army idle for three months.
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  • 23 5 Thk M.M. s.s. Yarrn with the mail trom Europe left Marseilles on the 18th instant, and is due here nn the 9th June.
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  • 25 5 Owing to the mobilisation taking place on the 11th June, the shoot for the Macbean Cup" has been postponed till 25th Junp (Suturday) 2.30 p.m.
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  • 32 5 Mr. Pacqual, who is now on the way to Kurope, has resigned the Presidency of the Selangor Miners' Association, owing to pressure of work He has held the uttice for eight years.
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  • 34 5 Ta* V*my Mail reports that, at a small mine in Sungei Besi (Selangor) ■i-olieh working on tribute are making MQ day >;ach It is said that they are getting out the tin in ingots.
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  • 34 5 A Chinese leper his brought a charge of extortion against a native police constable. The Chinaman alleges that the constable went to his house and threatened to arrest him unless he paid him <20
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  • 50 5 The murder of Chitty is reported from Rangoon A Burmese robber killed him with a sword in a railway carriage and took a number of gold bars which the Chitty had in his possession. The robber then threw the corpse out of the window, cut down another passenger and escaped.
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  • 67 5 It is aaserted at Hongkong that opium smuggling is more extensive!) practised there than at Singapore Owing to Hongkong being so close to the mainland, smuggling is very easil) carried on, and the greatest difficult)* is experienced in detecting the offenders. When they are caught and coiivicted the tines inflated
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  • 1694 5 Low Leon;: Huat'n OtMM 9»t 121 b C. Campbell 0 An extraordinary start was given in thii race. A good deal of trouble was experienced with some ot the horses, and it wan difficult to get them into line. At la»t the tape went up. out few of
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  • 520 5 The Winners. The following is a complete list of the horses which ran at the Spring Meeting of the Singapore Sporting Club, showing in tabulated form the wins and places secured by the starters and the number of times they were unplaced I i The Owners'
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  • 535 5  -  Taraband and Old Port. (B» The racing on Saturday was ag.iin good. We must confess that we wen; sorry to see Kssington beaten in the Singapore Stakes, for it was what we call a middling run race, and he tW beaten, yet beaten without ;i struggle
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 17 5 NOTE i Telegrams and local news received prior to noon to-day are publish -d on Page a.
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    • 71 5 NOTICES. LOOK OUT WAYANO KASSIM The Indra Zanibar Royal Theatrical Company Will Stag.-TO-NICHT! TO-NICHT! Monday, 3Oth May III" Com uul hrnina, entitled Prince Shamshir Alam, The Sword of the World. To-morrow! Tuesday, 31st May To-morrow Wll.l. STACK The always Popular Play Edward William. A well-know;. Dutch Trn.'.-ly willi Thrown
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  • 667 6 A Berlin correspondent writes At •he outbreak of the Russo-Japanese war the Japanese evidenced a lively but totally uncalled for solicitude regarding the imagined inclination of the German Empire to side with Ban Aud now again, owing to various reports. loulits have arisen as
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  • 254 6 An Ex-Compositor as Premtr. Mi:, loan OaaUllaJl Watson, the w Prima Hinitter of the Aus'ralian i oinnvinwealth was born of Britieli aron's in Valparaiso, South AmericH, n IHB7, so that he is now 37 years of n, In liiß early > ears he went, with •in parents, to
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 623 6 AUCTION SALES. SALE. By Order of the Tbustib ok the will ok Abi -Bakar, latk SfI.TAN OF J[pHORI. ALL that valuable freehold building situate at Mount Victoria, Stevens Road, Tanglin, area 1 acre 1 rood 18 poles, marked lot 8 bein* part of the land comprised in Grant No. 40.
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    • 736 6 AUCTION SALES. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. Forthcoming Auction Sale Of the whole of the property, mining lands, together with all buildings, machinery and effects erected thereon or standing thereon and known as the propeity of THE JELEBU MINING AND TRADING CO., LTD., (In Liquidation). The sale is by order of the Liquidator
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    • 334 6 NOTICES. PARIS £W MANILA HONGKONG WMW M LmJ ILO-ILO SHANGHAI. /tolZ^f*)! r #1 OY* Vft /Tf fl /I C KHARBINE: DEALERS IN Diamonds. Precious Stones. Pearls, Jewellery, Watches, Chronometers, Repeaters, Silverware. Fancy (ioodClocks, Qraphophones, and Optical floods. NOVELTIES ST IVEHf Mill Imoprters ol the C elebrated Watch "OMBO-A." Are now
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    • 345 6 Crushed Food FOX HORSES CATTLE. \T7"E bej{ to announce that wo have TT made special nrrrkngemenU to rief t the convenience of conftitui-iito who require weekly, fortnightly or monthly supplies of our well-known Onsshea Food lor Horses and Cuttle. All our loddar U pn pur 1 fiom the l>cst quality
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 643 7 BUCHANAN'S HISWKY Sold everywhere. STEAMSHIP COMPAN I ES. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Fur China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued (or China Const, Persian Gulf, Continental, and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about Mail Line.
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    • 585 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, Konlnklijke Paketvaart MaatschappiJ. Under contract with the Netbarlandi India Government. A, nit of Singapore Ship Aoiscv, late J Daekdkls A Co., 2-3 Coli.vek Quay. 1 ha undermentioaed date* are only approximate. ftesmer From, Sxp'Md. Will be IMipat^bed for Hand Batavia May S Batavia, Oberibon, IVcalcngan, •Samarang. Soerabaya, Boeleleng,
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    • 447 7 HAMBUR6AMERIKA UHIE. HAMBURG. The steamers of this Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China, and Japan. Homeward*, they are de*patebe<l lortoigbtly for Havre and Hamburg and once I a month for Bre merhavea dire.t, calling at Penang and Colombo alternately. The arrivals
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    • 643 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial Uernun Mail Line. Tho fast and well ncwn mail steamers i of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen-Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, I Naples, Port Said, Buer, Aden, Colombo, I Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, I Nagasaki, and Kobe to Yokohama and bock.
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    • 705 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES iTAJTRfM TIAN. For Batavla, Cherlbon, Samarnnj Every Wednesday and Saturday. I *s.s. Qixnsc -.300 ton*, ('apt. Danlop ..•.GUngSon*. 1,182 rUwli Ol r«>i Gumg Ann, 872 Follett For Kuala Parian*, Pckan, Kwantan and Kernaman i.i. Klevo, JO2 tons, Capt. Wilson. 'Electric Light throughout For passage, freight and any furthei
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    • 612 7 R SHIPPING iDSWCHEI LLOYD, FOR EUROPE, perial German mail steamer 6,034 tons. Captain Fonnev, .ong on Wednesday, the 25th p.m. and may be expected to arrive hero on Monday the SOth in«trcc:, at 7 a.m. Bhe will probably be despatched for Europe the game day at i p.m. For passage
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    • 1372 8 uder this heading the following ibbreviations are used str. —steamer ib ship; bq. barque; sch. schooner; Yet Yacht; Cru— Cruiser; Obt— Gun boat Tor.— Torpedo H. p. Hone-power ■rit —British U. B.— United States: fob— French: Oer.— German Dut Dutch O.c— General-cargo dp— deck r^ajsenger; U.— Uncertain;
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    • 625 8 frame, port, probable date of arrifn. and name oj agenli. Htiamrrs. A. de Larrinaga, Barry, May; Borneo Coy. Agamemnon, China. Jane '26; Mansfield." Agincourt, Barry, May; Borneo Coy. Ajax. Liverpool, July IS; Mansfield. Alboin, Bombay, June 6; Borneo Coy. Alcinnua, China, May 31 Mansfield* Allanton, Muroran, ben. June;
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    • 586 8 SINT.VPORK, 3<ITH MAY, 1904. PRODUCE Uambtei buyer? sSo do (Cube No. I) unpicked 13.75 Copra Ball H. 10 do Pontlanat 8.00 Pepper, Black bnyer* 28.25 do White, (5%i 4^.50 ■itLgo Flour Barawak 3.20 do Brunei N- I 3.10 Pearl 8»(to 4.50 Coffee, Ball, 15% basis 'J3.00 Coffee, Valpmbang, 2n%
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    • 93 8 l"Or ler Itcoiiirr To-Moru:c-.v Sarawak li.uj Saraval; 1 p ni Malacca aiul Muar Sri Ku<. r J p.m Pflnanp and Deli 3 p.m P.Swet'ham via ports H. Hin omm 8 p.m W'BDIfKSDAy. Brisbane and Sydney Airlit 10 a.m. \Bi\han and I'l-nmiu Aaahan 1 p.m. P.S*tenham* PenaDg Kittna
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    • 109 8 From Europe— By the N. D. L s.s. Seydlilz due on 3rd June, with dates to tbe 9th May. TIME TABLE OK MAILS DTE Left Singaporo Dae in London Arrived Apl 10th S. I). I. May 13th May 13th Apl 20th B. I. May 16th May 14th
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 71 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co. JEWELLERS AND SZLZ MERCHANTS, Nos. 51 52, High Street. Hax- j"»t Cnpark.-d a Xfw Slo<-k ol tndlan. Chin c. and Japanese Silk Embroidered Roods, Indian Carpets, Chinese Handdrawn Thread-Work, Lace, New Variety of Qold and Silver Jewellery, Pineapple Silks, Old Chinese Drapery. Chinese Embroidered Costumes.
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    • 879 8 New Useful Gardening Tools Fire Proof m^^S^^M $aies for the Safes ImF Hu ome Pres-five your Valuallt-s apHiiist Loss i^B^BaT^ I lor ■'«*•'"">' aI1( l l> < nrmr BaU and Fire. HLffir^ lia^Hf^ I one Vault u :.liTHUEE NZaV IN STOCK B?Mg; Cjjtj^^BfcJ PRICES am* -f Ontside 14 by 81
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 106 8 WEATHER HEPjai X". i %da i(7 Kerbau Hospital. :<Mh May, i#..s. «a.n> Spm.9p.rn Rbmabkk. Bar M£M M.760 -.'fI.SJI Mornins Temp 800 81 i 5i 5 81.8 day and WBlbTher 785 7HO 77.8 night clear. DirofWind s 8. c B. f. E Calm. Max. Temp H6 *i Mm 7M Sun
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 442 9 INSURANCE COMPANIESROYAL INSURANCE CO. FIRE LIFE TOTAT. TWESTED FUNDS EXCEED 112,000,000. THE LARGEST FIRE OFFICE IN THE WORLD BOUSTEAD Co., AgenU. THeToNDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital £2,127,600 Paid up CapiUl 212,760 Reserve Fund £1,073,550 The undersigned, AgenU for the Com pany, are prepared to accept fire risks at
      442 words
    • 795 9 NOTICES. Hypnotism. Iy\\O? A. J LEOPOLD, the Celebrated Hypnotist, is now located at the Hotel Adelphi where lie is treating all forms of diseases and habits, and teaching Hypontism and Suggestive Ihtrapeutxs. Hours 10 to 5. Consultation fit -c April 28 ac. 'I Ml K Proprietor of Ibe Straits Pboto1
      795 words
    • 563 9 BANKS. NEOERLANDSCHE HANDEL MAATSCHAPPIJ. Netherlands Trading Society. CAPITAL. f. 60,000,000-(abt. £6,000,000) ISSUED CAPITAL. f. 45,000,000— (abt. £3,760,000) RESERVED FUND. f. 5,000,000 -(abt. £417,000) Head Office In Amsterdam. Head Agency in Batavla. Hkamhks: Penan^. Shanghai, Bancroon, Medan (Deli), Memarang. Rourabaya, Padang, Cheribon. 'legal, Pecaloogah, Pasoeroean. Tjilatjap, Falembang, Kota'•'adja. (Acheen), Bandjermaasin, Telok
      563 words
    • 459 9 BANKS. Hongkong fi* Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL JIO.fOOOOO RESERVE FUND: Sterling Resetvef 10 MO 000) nm Silver Reserve $<i -(10.000 f 51b (l( Reserve Liability of Proprietors S10,(i00,0C0 COURT OF DIRECTORS. A. J. Kaymond, Esq., Chairman. U. E. Tomkins laa,, Deputy Chairman. K. Uoetz, Eacj. N. A. Siebs Baa,
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    • 302 9 NOTICES 1* Wy Carlsberg Beer M^J^-SCiTiH Very light Pilsener Beer, especially brewed for Tropical Sk£33&fl>2ro£W Climates. JV%-^- u i-sssrßJ Obtainable at the principal Hotels and Retail Dealers. IKYCARLSBEIRCJJ 1^ Sole Importers GRAND HOTEL, Ltd., Nos. 18, 19 A 20, BUND, YOKOHAMA. Situated in the FINEST POSITION on the BUND, commands
      302 words

  • 401 10 The Mercantile Marine. Thb Bri'ish K npire possesses an immense preponderance over the rest of the world in potential sea-carrying power. Three elaborate tables have been carefully compiled from Lloyd's Register and official source?, and the figures are e'o'juent of the Empire's commercial cxpansiveness. Their n<»t result
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  • 293 10 General Kurokl. General Biron Kuroki, Cominanderin Chief of the First Japanese Army Corps in Manch'irta, was born at Kajiyacho, Kajroshima city, in Satsuma on February 24th, 1343. In the War of the Restoration, he was the commander of a detachment of the Imperial Army, and fought in
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  • 156 10 Russians Murdered by Chinese. Shanghai was shocked on the 13th May by ihe discovery of a daxtardly and brutal tragedy. Captain Zetnankoff, master of the Russian whaler Oeorgi, and his wife wore brutally murdered oa the night of the 11th May. The veest-1 was lying at a
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  • 264 10 The Siam Declaration. The following is the otlicial English text i f the Declaration concerning Siam signed in London on Jhe s th of last month The Government of His Britannic Majesty and the Government ot the French Republic confirm Articles 1 and 2 of the Declaration signed
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  • 338 10 Unjwillnjr Subjects. I'kokessok Russell H. Cnittenden, director of the Sheffield ."scientific School of Yale ('Diversity, has maintained for many years that Americans eat too much. In order to prove his case he obtained permission last year from the War Department to take twenty-one soldiers ot the regular
    338 words
  • 162 10 A Hissian traveller who recently made a tour through Manchuria in the interest of a scientific association, gives a very interesting account of the business usages in that Province. He says there are in a Chinese business house neither proprietors nor emplojes All persons employed in a business
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  • 96 10 Thb French hospital at Canton Hospital Doumer- will in all probability he completed in July. This magnificent establishment, as a French contemporary describes it, will comprise, besides the dispensary, a Lebaudy pavilion," in which there will ba an operating chamber anri a laboratory for bacteriological investigation and
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 176 10 NOTICES. Macdonald&Muir! Ask for it ft**£g L LTJriL T KE M 0 OTHER< IPQ If fill 2^H^Ei Cheng Co., Ten* Quee Co £SSS special jft wiser SCOTCH Kllfl mH CO "> fjSfl WHISKY Singapore, rvniorvT. SOU£ AGENTS FOR „r^EIzZOL 4 AGENTS Straits Settlements, KIM HIN C9 Federated Malay States, SINGAPORE
      176 words
    • 129 10 NOTICES. Dp. S. Yamamoto, JAPANESE DENTIST, N0. 352, VICTOR* A STREET, SINGAPORE. April IS MM The UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER Before buying a typewriter Inspect the UNDERWOOD ■■■'<■ ;nOst perfect bigli ela** .u.i'-'hiue yot iutente-l Guthrie Co., Ltd. Sole Agentf. v.c. Arima Water The renowned natural mineral table water recommended by
      129 words
    • 477 10 NOTICES. IBfje Straits TBimes. AN'U W6e Straits sBudget. ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. [per inch, column measure. J Kirn Insertion f 1 20 ceoti Second and third inaertioo* each 80 cent. Fourth, fifth, ami sixth 40 cent. Seventh to eighteenth 24 cent. Nineteenth subsequent,, 18 cent* Per week of six
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  • 831 11 A Sel«nfir Planter's View. KK(iAHi>ma rubber planting in the Federated Malay Status and in Ceylon Mr. Sidney Parry, of Selangor, writes as lollows to the I> Journal In these days, when one hears so much of the backwardness of Kngligh enterprise, it is particularly encouraging to
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  • 494 11 Comedy of a Supposed Burglar who was Cook's Husband. rprising discoveries wprc made mii.ul ui.t'ously by Mr Francis GreenliiL-. ulo keeps a boarding house b Monta :ue-place, London, that his rook hail i husband, and that the husband was ht iliut moment impri-^ned in the coal-cdlar
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  • 192 11 Du. H. Klaatsch, a professor of auatomy and anthropology at Heidelberg I'niversity, is in •2'ieensland, with a view to making researches into the origin of man. The professor is "I opinion that this state otiers a splendid field for research, as the aborigines, particularly of Northern Queensland,
    192 words
  • 325 11 Morning Post's" Opinion. We cull the fallowing from the financial news of the Morning Pott. Something of a new departure is disclosed in the prospectus of the Wellesley {Penang) Estates now before the public in the fact that one of the promoters, Mr. Leopold Es-Chasseriau, deposits
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 426 11 NOTICES. J. MOTION FCO, WATCHMAKERS, JEWELLERS. OPTICIANS. RKPAIRS PROMPTLY EXECUTED Sulphuric and Hydrochloric Acids. APPLY TO THE SINGAPORE PLANTING 4 PACKING CO., 66 Horth Bridge I?oad, SINGAPORE. Mar 5 n.c. SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING. An Englishwoman undertakes casual work as a STENOGRAPHER and TYPIST. From Monday to Friday after .">;<o p.m. daily.
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    • 144 11 NOTICES. THE AUCTION MART No. 2 D'Almeida Str«et (In rear of The Mercantile Bank) .H. L. COG H LAN A Co., tn.ib.x. v.c. Licensed Auctioneers COTiF. OWNERS OF La Flor de la Isabela Alwaya on hand Special Brands of Cigars. L'igarß IVice in a box. per box. Favoritos J. Ootrei
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 260 12 NOTICES. RILEY HARGREAVES CO., LTD. ENGINEER^ SHIPBUILDERS, GENERAL CONTRACTORS. Singapore. Work*:— Read Street. Town Store t— 13 Battery Roat'. 6ngfines rfiJßdt Boilers HORIZONTAL I MMhIIhH 1 LANCASHIRE PORTABLE |JyH^^aHk:»i LOCOMOTIVE Mining. Horizontal and Vertical. Direct -acting Duplex and Special; Sinking Pump up to 20,000 gallons per hour. Steam Vessels IX
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    • 157 12 NOTICES. yor ffews of tde Straits, fß,ead tde Straits Times It has the Largest Circulation OF ANY PAPER PUBLISHED IN MALAYA. 3or WAR TELEGRAMS Siead The Straits Times It may be obtained in Singapore at the following places Messrs. John Little Co. Hagedorn Co., Orchard Koad Sepoy Lines and Kampong
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