The Straits Times, 27 May 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. ai,444 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY. MAY 27. 1901 PRICE 15 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 730 1 CLAYMORE WHISKY. POWELL ROBINSON. S«t» A«— to, 1f»«r« »nd Ped«rat«d MmUj SUw. BOXING CONTEST. All the Glories of the King Revived .lack McAuliffe aud Bert Delaney were the heroes of the "gods" at ILtriUßton't. Circus last night. The sparring match was the puci dr rvSMtsMMI uf the programme and the
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    • 609 1 a tremendous feint. The seconds winked with great eclat and invited the front seats to "come on." Three men took it for a threat and made a dash for the bar. Rounds V to Vll— Both men landed heavily on the ropes, which withstood the strain The timekeeper theu fell
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    • 591 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. TENDERS will be received at the Colo nisi Secretary's Office up to noon of thr 4th June 1904, for the followioy works: Repairing the stop butt nt the Balestier Rifle Range. Finns and specifications may be seen, and printed forms of tender with all particulars obtained
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    • 371 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. SPORTING PICTURES. Im4mmc Piitnirs iv Hain«Mt tnA\ In Fraaiis;. Chamyion PuiUUtl Wrrallen, Bag PiiDrlien. Buuliful A.tre.t... C.khiat.J Kaoc|Horoea, Far Sal* at Yong Hoa Seng Co. Kling Street. Price 25 cents each. May -'7 aO-3 APCAR" LINE OF STEAMERS. FOR PENANG AND CALCUTTA. Messrs Apcar <*■ Co.'s steamer UQHTXIRG,
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    • 363 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. JOSEPH QSUOTTS "tiKAND :>iv'l\. I'NKiy, iqoo. Bsm £fe Of Highe»t Quality; Rnilhaiiu(?Ore»t*K. Durability. iiie Uiin'o-. pjaW V^B I <B|, OHFAPCST. hII V TONIGHT TO-NIGHT ADELPHI HOTEL fßaee Week! Race Week! Jl SI AkKIVbl) vhs Celebrated French Grchestra Special Dinners. Ihe String Hand in Attendance. FOR 1O DAYS ONLY.
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  • "Reuter's Extra Service.
  • 143 2 A weird story reaches us through Malay sources. Jt is said that Malay woman at Kuala Kubu has been mysteriously chained to the ground tor her sins, and it has been found impossible to release her. Meanwhile, io the story run?, an attap roof has been erectei
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  • 270 2 Action Against the Bank Manager. In the British Court for Siam Ml Act ing- Judge Wilkinson sat with a jury for the adjourned hearing of the action brought by Chua Hok Choug, lately ltd ger clerK in the Chartered Bank, against Mr Thomas Jones. Agent of the
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  • 121 2 P. O. I'erClmsKH -.'Till May -Mr. 11. S. IToug, Mr. \V. llendrir, Mr. and Mrs. Wenyn, Mi K. Stnkoe and Mr. Kryan. N. D. L I'er Rayern, 30th May Mr. W. Bwh— r, vlr. P. Pollock, Mr D. Noble, Mis» Poulsen, Mrs. Tompkinn ami children, Mr. A.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 297 2 NOTICES. GARRETT'S PORTABLE ENGINES. WITH WOOD-BURNING FIREBOX. t > 3AOK :^fc^WL* •■■■■B^ C^a> I f Ar\ PARTICULARS FROM BORNEO Co., Ltd., SIISIGr^POPMi;. ft X v SULPHURIC ACID FOR BUPPLIEB, APPLY TO SYME CO. m.w f v c. JOHORE HOTEL. Malay Curries. IXTRXDIMi visitors to this Hotel are I informed that
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    • 377 2 NOTICES. IT <?? sy w^ Q,^b t WOPriTCTratuißF < c v E 1 v v u KLcoTt"jßn(P t V 5 jMM ■^^^^^Ua^R^BTCsfliß? AND C(NUINE ji EJvEhX WIRCESTmSHIRE. I 17| A commenting un ciood Whiskies, \f\j K|t/) the Edi H hH, ;l h 1%l I K^, of Dec, 1003, »«y«:"As
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    • 464 2 NOTICES. J. MOTION^ > CO. WATCHMAKERS, JEWELLERS, OPTICIANS. UPAIRS PROMPTLY KXHCUTED CAMPBELL tfc CO. HAVING hevn appointed Agents f ur the TK.VNBATLANTIC Fire Insurance Company, NORTH GERMAN Fire Imurancc Company, and HAMBURG Bremen Fire Insurance Company are prepared to accept tire risks at current rates of premium a c. CAMPBELL
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    • 12 2 ZYMOLE TOOTH POWDER, a perfect antiseptic dentrifice, cleauses and preserves tne teeth
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  • 784 3 A highly successful spring meeting was held at Klang on Saturday. A considerable number of visitors came down from Kuala Lumpur, among whom were noticed: Mrs. and Miss Enid Treacher, Mrs. and Miss Vane, Mr, and Mr. Ridgee, Mrs. and Miss Yenning, Miss Hoffmann, and Miss Ma-iny,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 35 3 9nmxa advertisements, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on page 7 Qeosral =h ,ppiug news is printed on I'age- 3. STKARNS 1 HEADACHE CURE, Cures "Mvtt be Steams' and you get the genuine.
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    • 378 3 NOTICES. THE PRYE RIVER DOCK. PENANG The above l)rck Mtuateri in Province Wellpsley, at the entrance of the Prye Ri er has lately been lengthened and deepened, and is now of the Inflowing dimensions Length of the blocks 320 feet Breadth at entrance 50 Depth of water on sill at
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    • 659 3 NOTICES. CASHIER WANTED. local firm from Ist June. Security 1 $A,C<« neefssary. Apply sttting salary expected to D G. c/o Strait* Time: May IS KM» WANTED. CHINESE CASHIEK. Security |l,OU>. Apply to A. A. A. c/o Strati* Time*. May 20 v.c. WANTED TO BUY Das Echo," January, February. March, and
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    • 472 3 NOTICES. GRIMAULT* C° Medicinal Skin Soap MEDICINAL SKIN BOAP ft£ Recommended by eminent Der matoltfgists and adopted in the Paris Hospitals in the treatment of Ringworm, Acne, Psoriasis, Eczema and Skin diseases generally. 8, RUE VIVIENME, 8 CALCIUM CARBIDE BEST QUALITY Special price for large quantity. KIM HIN CO, Singapore.
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    • 642 3 NOTICES. npo BE LET: entry at once, compound I bouse No. 112 Bencoolen Street. Apply to Guthrie Co. Ltd Ai?ent«. F«b JvcJ uc TO BE LKT-Houte No. II Sophia Jl Boad, atd alto S-\ WiUe Koad. Apply to A. 8. Sbookei, 1 Malacca Streot. Mav'.' SI -fi rBK LET: offices
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    • 616 3 SHIPPINO RAVIGAZIONE GENERAI.E ITALIAN A FOR HONGKONG THE Italian a. CAPRI, 4,200 tons Captain Belsito, having left Bombay on the 17th inst., may be expected to arrive h«re on Saturday, tbe '.'Bth inst. en route for the above poi t. For freight and paasage apply to BEHN 7 MEYER 4
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  • 872 4 No date is ciied in Reiner's despatch to-day, for M. l)elcasFe"s letter to the French Representatives abroad, in regard to the Anglo-French Agreement. Them can be li* tie doubt however but that M. Beau was among the first of those to
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  • 274 4 To-day* Oariison Orders mentijn that Capt. Donajowski, A. P. D, and Lieu*. C. E P. Sinkoy. R E ,Jare appointed Corresponding Members" t3 the new Army Journal. "CjrrespencJing Members" nus a novel smack about it when MMMtral from a professionally j mrnalistic point ol view What v the recite significance
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  • 89 4 The second of the race-dinners was given at the Ki;H-- Hotel last night Over 300 guests accommodated in the handsome dining hall of ihe Hotel and there were also private parties. When the dinner was at its height, the band playing in the gardens, the waiters bustling hither
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  • 286 4 festerday the case in which Tina Rave la Ramsamv stands under the allegatic n of using as genuine a letter purportin to be signed by Mr. E. R. Stokoe, St ,te Engineer, Pahang, was called up on remand before Mr. Beatty. Chief Dct. In ip. Perrett placed Mr.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 156 4 To the Editor of the "Straits Times." Sir,—With reference to the paragraph in your paper of yesterday's date under the above heading we would RBk ycu kindly u> insert the following explai alien The Suid piomissory-iiote had been given to us for collection by one of our
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  • 93 4 Scottish Union and National Insurance Company. Fr^jn the 79th Annual Report of .the .Scottish Union and National Insurance Coy. this old established concern, on the profits of 1903, paid a dividend of added £15,000 to the General Reserve. created an Investment Fluctuation Account of £45,000 and carried
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  • 127 4 HARMSTON 'S CIRCUS. Thk visit tf Harmston's Circus to Singapore is drawing to ?n end. That it has proved a popular draw was never belter evidenced than last night when leppite doubled prices the Circus was crammed to the door and even standing room was gladly sought The secret of
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  • 150 4 Tae report of the Punjom Mining Company for 1903 has been published Mining bad proved unprofitable, the available funds had run cut, and work on the mine had been stopped. The Directors recently received notice from the Government of I'ahang that no exemption for non-compliance with th> Libour Clause
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  • 267 4 French Orchestra Plajs During Dinner. I ast night the management of the A<lelpbi Hotel excelled themselves in the character of their arrangements for the special race dinners. More and more Singapore residents are realising the pleasure of winding up a happ> day by dining at one of the
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  • 213 4 Fleet of Hamburg-America Liners Acquired. l.imilnn, iTth May. I p to date Russia has purchased the following Hamburg-America liners: Augusta Victoria, X' 400,000, Fuerrt Bismarck, £'200,000, ('oluml.ia £200,00(1, lielgia, £1.'i0,000. Negotiating for Argentine Cruisers. The Time* learns from a
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 119 4 Goo Poles Hanged without Trial. Ixtndon, 27 th May. The Standard publishes the following news from a well informed Russian correspondent whose letter is not dated It is rumoured that after the recent disturbances at Warsaw, six hundred [Poles implicated] were hanged under administrative ordei without a trial
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    • 62 4 Kinjc Edward Sends Private Letter to the Tsar. London, '21th May Sir A. H. Hardinge, the newly appointed British Ambassador at St. Petersburg,ha? presented his credentials to the Tsar. He handed to the Tsar a private letter from King Edward. Sir A. Hardinge also expressea King
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    • 86 4 French Representatives Abroad Informed. The official Yellow Book on the Anglo-French Agreements has been published at Paris. The book contains a letter from M. Drilcass<:, the French Minister for Foreign Affairs, to the French representatives abroad on the subject. French Interests in Egypt Safeguarded. M. Delcassii refers to
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 519 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. XVe do all we say YOUR SATISFACTION IS OUR AIM. Please compare prices in our list with those of competitors. YOU can readily see the saving to YOU. Thompson, Thomas Co., The Australian Stores. SEND TRIAL ORDER. M iy n m.f. WASSIAMULL ASSOMULL CO., Indian Store, No. 1,
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    • 129 4 G. R. LAMBERT CO. PHOTOGRAPHERS. Ju»t received Fine Cornlgnment Valuable Art Picture* Unmirea by ih« "Photographic Society" at Berlin. Fram Paintings T.uli'iiu. Foj«rt«r, Loaler. I.eigbfrin, Blinks, Bt w Irnlnnw, Drfnwger, Onltznsr, I.en. O*bri«l Mn, N"inii'D hrtik, utiil mauy titfaon. km carlf injp.ction is InvlUd. Hobk.— On the 26th May, at
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    • 15 4 NOTE Teleju-v* and local news received prior to noon todsy are published on Page a.
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  • 2837 5 Chance for the Favorites. i the showers of the previous clay ecourie was in excellent condif,io jJ> .sterday The calibre of the horses had betn generally gauged, and the sporting crowd which thronged the enclosures was kept in the best of humour by the well-contested races. I'nlike the
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  • 179 5 The Legislative Council of Hongkong' has under consideration a Bill to amend the Opium -farming Ordinance. The Attorney-General, in moving the second reading of the measure, explained that bringing in the Bill was necessary for the protection of the Opium Farmer from illicit sales of opium,
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  • 581 5 {Hy Taraband and Old Port). Wk had another capital day's racing yesterday, the weather was perfect, and everything went oft' without a hitch. The First Griffin Handicap proved a good thing for Victory who won very easily from Boyton II and Best Man. It look* as
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  • 235 5 Another Chinese Failure. Another important Chinese firm has been obliged to suspend payment. The announcement was made yesterday, when it was stated that some 3300,000 were involved. The question of the firm's insolvency is not likely to come before the public, at any rate through the Court, as
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  • 330 5 iFroiti Erehiuiffto.) London, I'iiii Mmj There is a Russian report to the effect I that a Japanese force has reached a point 30 miles north-east of Mukden on the railway line, and is advancing in three columns. It is also reported that Gener- j al Kuropatkin is about
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  • 114 5 Likut. J Davidson has arrived in Singapore by the s. a. Okutm from Hongkong to take charge of the new No. 6 Company of the HongkongSingapore Battalion, 11. G. A. The Company is still unformed, but a number of men are expected shortly to to iorm the
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  • 281 5 On the 24th inst. Oag Ah Clk-ii w.iarrested at Robinson Quay with lllitu chandu worth |IM in his- Yesterday he was prosecuted by Mi K K. Jennings aud comic. od by Mr. Setli A fine of *500 was imposed, in default. >i.\ months Tlir liandu MM i mifisoated
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 23 5 Thk Kinta Gymkhana Club intend to hold a two days' meeting there— lB h and 20th June with seven events on each day.
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    • 130 5 Helpless with Rheumatism I Mr M. Mtvluin, Detroit, Mich., Bays:— l was sorely afflicted with Rheumatism for more than six months, and it seemed to affect my whole system. At first there, was pain and swelling in my loft ankle A fter twoweeksit left the ankle and moved to the
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    • 105 5 NOTICES. LOOK OUT VOayang Passim The Indra Zanibar Royal Theatrical Company wii.i. STAM V>o-nig6t, Friday, 2Tt6 May, That well known Tragical and Sensational Play, Entitled. "Romeo and Juliet" Translated from Shakespeare by the Proprietor. Kindly Oive this Play a Trial. Mmß V'nnl. May S. K ASSIM, WrwUr Sdf Pr»iri*ttr Raffles
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    • 14 5 STKARNS' WINK, is pleasant to take Its effect is certain in preventing and colds.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 158 5 DAY BY DAY Friday, 27th May. High Water. M p.m. Wayang Kanniiu. North Hiidge Hannaton's Circus. 9. Saturday, 38th May. High Water. ll-.-.s a.m. 9 44 p.iu P. U. homeward mail <lne, moinin, Kacex. TfcM Day. Ian' Dinner. MM Hotel. Special Dinner. Motel de lEorope. Hamilton's CblM 4 and 9.
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  • 398 6 A Comparison. A kkckn r visitor to Hongkong writes to the Hongkong Daily /"we from Singapore as follows I was really glad to shake Hongkong's decomposed granite off my boots. The rich vegetation here as compared with your more-orless green, though comparatively speaking mangy hillside, is really
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  • 290 6 Melbourne, April glaf. The annual report on New Guinea mi tabled in the Commonwealth >enate to-day. Referring to the natives in the central division, Captain Barton, the Resident Magistrate, states in ti.e report: "The more I Eec of the tribes in this division, the more I am
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  • 179 6 i hk following order is now in circuIvicn in all Government Offices. It hears the date of the 21st inst. and the signature of the Colonial Secretary. Heads of Departments are informed thai His Excellency the Governor desires that they should encourage the members of their stall
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 342 6 NOTICES. COiMMifM»ififft»fW»»ii»WWWWW»Mifl I A doctor i I /f§ Ttainkllto j < LSOSSI (PKRRY DAVIS ft V*^ip^^^ it "ever fails to promptly cure Cramps, OlarrhMa, J }s^ DyMntory and all Bow«i CMnpialnto. WALTHAM WATCHES] The American Wakham Watch Company, Wakham, Mass., V. S. A., is the largest watch manufacturing concern in
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    • 777 6 NOTICES. PARIS |y f MAN ILA HONGKONG W i t ILO-ILO SHANGHAI.. JGldytMf fl^| I ltl//l1^)C KHARBINE. Hankow c/ lw# I IIUI IU~) 0 DEALERS IN Diamonds. Precious Stones, Pearls, Jewellery, Watches, Chronometers, Repeaters, Silverware. Fancy (ioods, Clocks, Qraphophones, and Optical Ooods. ■MUM evciiv mail Importers oi tho Celebrated Watch
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 653 7 BUCHANAN'S HISWKY Sold everywhere. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. F..r China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt. Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Hills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental, .«nd American Ports. Steamer* will leave Singapore on or about Mail Line. Outward {fur
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    • 1118 7 STEAMSHjP COMPANIES. Koninklljke Paketvaart MaatschapplJ. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agent* d Sinyapwr, Ship Aoihcv, latk J Dae.ndbls A Co., 2-3 Ooli.yek Quay. 1 he undermentioned dates are only approximate. Stenmer From Sxp'ted. Will be 1 tatnatched Jor Brewer Deli May, 27 Paneh. Bill, Atahan, Deli, Baian, audKdi
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    • 630 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial (lerman Mail Line. The fast and well .own mail steamers of this Company tail fortnightly from Bremen-Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to Yokohama and back. They are due in
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    • 665 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES TAN KfMTIAN. Lines of Steamers For Batavia, Cheribon. Samaranj Every Wednesday and Saturday*s.s. Uianu Bes, 2,800 tons, ('apt. Dnnlop fl.s. Uiang Senjr, 1,182 RawliugMu, s.s. Uiang Ann, 872 Kollett s.s. Zweena, 1.47U Neabict For Kuala Pahanff, Pekan, kwantan and Kemaman s.s. Flero, t»r2 tons, Capt. Wilson. 'Electric Light
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    • 435 7 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL INSURANCE CO. FIRE LIFE TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS EXCEED £12,000,000. I THE LARGEST FIRE OFFICE IN THE WORLD I BOUSTEAD k Co., Agents. THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital £2,127,600 Pud up Capital 212,760 Reserve Fund £1,073,550 The undersigned, .Agents for the Company, are prepared to
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    • 1308 8 nder this heading the following 41 oreviations are used: str. steamer; ib ship; bq. barque; sen. schooner; tfct.— Yacht Cru.— Cruiser Gbt— Gun •Mat Tor— Torpedo H. p. Horsepower Brit.— British; U. B.— United States; Fch. -French: Oer.— German; Dut. Dutch; G.c. General-cargo; d.p.— deck passenger; U.—
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    • 550 8 A nrre, port, probable date of turivn. and name oj agent*. Hteambbs. A. tie l.:i!r,r..u,'a, Barry, May; Borneo Coy. Agamemnon, China. June IS; Mansfield.' Aniocourt, Barry, May; Borneo Coy. Vlboin, Bombay. June 6; Borneo Coy. Alcinous. China, May 29; Mansfield.' \les-ia, Europe, May'2o Behn Meyer. Allanton, Muroran, be(?
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    • 598 8 Sisoapore, UTtii Mat, 1904. PRODUCE. Oambter f M.H6 do (Cnbe No. 1) unpicked 13.75 Copra Ball 8.46 do PontlanU 7.80 Pepper, Black 38.50 do White, (6%) 42.50 Sago Floor Sarawak 3.20 do Brunei No. 1 3.10 Pearl Bago m mm 4.50 Coffee, Bait, 15% baali X 00 Coffee, Palembang,
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    • 106 8 hat I'er tteamir Time. To-Morrow. Palembang Rubi 7 a.m. K'laatanA Tnnggnnu Stephan 8 a.m. Balavria f'rinifl, n,lnl 11 a m. Indragiri Aing Ann Noon. Penang via I'adang M. Vojirunhi* 1 p in. Ponang and Calcutta M Sang ■> p.m. P.fwet'hani A Penang Pin Sfng 2 p.m. Bangkok JVawa
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    • 126 8 From Euro|H'—By the s. 3 Ha'laar.U i due on -.'-t )i May. with dates to the rUh Apl. From China—By the XD. 1.. 8.». lljurrn due.on Monday. TIME TABLE OF MAILS DUB Left Singapore Due ia London Arrived Apl 15th P. AO. May Bth May 7th Apl
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 73 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co. JEWELLERS AND SILK MERCHANTS, Nos. 51 52, High Street. Have Just Inparked a Xew Stock ol Indian. Chinese, and Japanese Silk Emb -oidered goods, Indian Carpets, Chinese Handdrawn Thread -Work, Ceylon Lace, New Variety of Gold and Silver Jewellery, Pineapple Silks, Old Chinese Drapery, Chinese
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    • 433 8 New Useful Gardening Tools Fire Proof eg^r-^^a Safes for the lI^HP> MvaßßßalK*' T I'ri m rye yom Valuables ;«jf;iiti»t Loss WMW aMMmmtM or ett "^try ;iml l)tcument> Itelianri Fire. H^^R-v Maaaaaaaaa^Dt VaUlt SnfeH WBp, L 1 THKKK tUrn IN STOCK WffHJT' C/^iH PRICES No 2 O^aifcii hy |*J by U\
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