The Straits Times, 18 May 1904

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times WO. 31,437 SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY. MAY 18. 190 J. PRICE 15 CERTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 669 1 CLAYMORE WHISKY. NOTICES. KOVERNJIKNT NOTIFICATION. TWfDIaM will be received at tbe ColoX Dial 8.-eretary'« Olflce up to nooo the J<»tb May, IUO4, for tbe <. onstruction of a wood tcrew lanncii for the Police Department, Hingapori Dimensions: Length letween perpendiculars 6tt' 0" Uroadib moulded U' 6° Depth moulded 6' 6'
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    • 497 1 NOTICES. The Swimming Club An Aquatic Carnival Wll.l. BE HKLD AT TIIE CLVD HOUSK <>S Saturday. May 21st. Commencing at Z p.m. The programme will include Swimming, Rowing, and Sailing event", ai>d the following event* axe open viz. BO yards ncratch swimming lace. 100 yards ncratrh swimming race open to
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    • 326 1 AUCTION SALES. aTjCTToN^ BALK OF TKAK FURNITURK, HANDSOME DINNER AND BREAKFAST SERVICES, &o VOLUMES ENCYCLOPiEDIA BHITANNICA. AL9O A CHOICE COLLECTION OF PLANTS. The Pkopekty of J. F. Oehlek?, Kskj To be held at No 11 4 Emerald Hill, off Orchard Road. Friday, 27th May, 1904, at 8 p.m. AN elaborately
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    • 621 1 POWELL ROBINSON. Sola ApiiU. SUfapTt ,C 4, C 4 Had ,<*U4 Malay SUlaa. A J- i lON SALES. household furniture AUCTION. Friday. 20th May, 1804, at 2 p.m. At No. 20 Syed Alley Road. DRAWING room and bedroom furniture; a ye y good cottage; rattan fancy chairs and settee,
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    • 376 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Ideal Milk Enriched 20 per cent. KJ**™""* l^ with Cream. flSefcra Stcrilized-Not Sweetened. R&^Twrra^J A Perfect Substitute for Fresh IMt I Lr Macdonald&Muir I W m—. Leith. Ask for It t~3 QraTCy HBaHaaaw o^ltS coer.A, Cheng Co. fccHUNoQrt 3^Ev*'*M- Teng Quee Co. iV^5 SCOTCH Hon Hin Co p£3|
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  • 90 2 SI SPECTS AT KRONSTADT. Br.tirh I ascars Arrested as Splea. 1.0, don, 17tU May Three Uccars belonging to tho crew af Urn B ilish steamer Uamrotc and d,-o soine members of tlie irew of UtiniHii eteatnt-r have been arrested at K'onsiarit on suspicion of beinj. Japunese JAPANESE INDECISION."
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • 705 2 HOW IT FEELS To TRAVEL AT TWO MILES A MINUM LE The Desire to ffo Faster and Faster More exciting than altogether coin for table, one would say, judging from tht article on subject by tritx Volkmanu, ID I'rarson JUaynzmi Mr. Yolk maun «v one of the privileged few
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  • 118 2 K>me np«s|v)p.ra announced th> discov. ry on April '21st ofthn aotua' ravine in \he K.>rum into which Marcu> Curl in« lpanul as a sacrifice to the eoHf %c 362. H---W the cpot has hepn irlpp tiflftti i« not explained. Marcus Cortint w«r aß<m tn Ipsflniiary llPrn. A ohapn hflv'ne hi-«
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  • 576 2 In Jamaica, an average < state pays double what >pmt «n ft. At the invitation of the Agricultural Society of Trinidad, and with the saiu tion of HE. the Governor, Mr. \V Smith (general manager of the Trinidad Grotcrniuent Railway; has visited Jamai ca fur the purpose
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  • 294 2 The Secretary of State has »ent uui copies of the Russian regulations an to naval prizes and the establishment prize cards at Russian ports. Tin—, regulations fill 22 pages of tho inmt (itizttte, and go into tho subject matter in great detail. The following are the rules
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  • 45 2 F-emn tlo via ports, Wiaflf*, on 21st Miiv Mniißtead. Horgkon^ ami Shanshai ■•*>''«, 4ua ■Mh May K X Co Penang yin ports Ho'orun, evorv Wedue 1r If boo I'hpp Soon r-nn-o -».i Port Hwettpnh-' fiahta, (now repairing) *very Wednesday I ou Itea<l.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 546 2 NOTICES. GARRETT'S PORTABLE ENGINES. WITH WOOD-BURNING FIREBOX. PARTICULARS FROM BORNEO Co., Ltd., SINGAPORE. 17^. *k£ MARTIN'S A >1M«II ■••My for .11 In^aluliui T>riimiH» IjiM kia box ot Mir I n p.iiiT D Ibbut.n lb«l <m tM Ar«t ai<a ol any lrr«(ul%rity of tb« Bj»U^ lini«ly doai m&s M »4B;aiator«4. Thaw
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    • 283 2 NUTICbS. For Discriminating Smokers. Cigarettes Absolutely Unique in Qualify. Hand-made from selected paresis of the finest Virginia Tobaoooe. To the cultured and discriminating smoker, there are no other Cigarettes that will glye saoh keen satls&otlon and enjoyment. No. 555. No. 999. Astorias. Ordinwj mat Ordinary w. Billiard ttoum Sine. Pries
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    • 12 2 ZYMOLE TOOTH POWDKR. a perfect antiseptic dentrifice, rleanscs and preserves the teeth
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  • 902 3 A Thrifty National Policy. In tho Nineteenth Century, Mr. O Kltzbacher writes upon Jup'ui'B finnnce», MM loalises more clearly than do many writers the strength of the Japanese posii ion. Inci-lentally he pays decerved praise to the Japanese statistics, which have attained a more marvellous com
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  • 973 3 Picturesque Scenery The Rev C. B. Wood, in From Month to Month, a Hongkong missionary journal, describes a visit to Merdong, a village in Borneo, as follows: Our' jinrikshas were ordered for 5 a.m. It was still night as we passed through the streets
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  • 628 3 The Compound System. Sir H. H. Jotiiii'ion cntr nt"H to the Journal "f the African iSVi'e y valiii-.l le pap-r o;i Urn coinii -if iif-)jrii labour in 8 .11 Ii Africa Evident-, ly wilting before thn UhtMM Omit anee iidr n>ltred the du canto*
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  • 274 3 THE QUADRUPLE -SCREW CUNARDERS. Turbine engines and oil fuel are fiVlowfd now by the adoption in the new Cunard steamers of qaadiuple screws, when the novelty oi the twincicw steamer has not yet worn off. The new Cunarders are expected to develop 65,000 horse- power, and it is not so
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 12 3 STEARNS' HEADACHE CURE, Cures ••Mutt be Sttarn*' and you get the genuine
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    • 691 3 NOTICES. \l' A IK a purveyor ir IsiHiid. A ood snlary pxid to a suitable man Apj'U to BOUBTKAD Co I Agents C I P. Co Ltd. I N B"- 1»i 186 HhK WAMED IN Grata -trr^t School. Hilary %V. App y In tli« Act ng Director of Pnhlic
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    • 688 3 I NOTICES. HaT fstd tfls CHAPOTEAUTS PfIOSPHO CLYCBRATE OP LIMB It iacreaae* tritil energy and nerv* force, euros MmrtstHtma Ojs»*o*t*, >mult sad mimrn* iv**—* m adalts ■M child ran. GAfMUt. M WHK. AM II JTW COMMON SENSE --NUTSHELL A m Ilitral work on Ctw rauMt and n«M K-lrntift rlkctual mcaiuof
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    • 636 3 NOTICES. I'O UK LET 80a Hopbia Ko.-vl, imm«jdiate entry. Apply to MORAUX 4 00. Mny 4 nc. I'O BE LET: entry at once, compound 1 hcufe No. 112 B«ncoolen Street. Apply to Guthrie A Co. Ltd., Agents. F"b 4 n.c. I'O BE LEl— House No. 1 1 Sophia Road, ar.d
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  • 600 4 Whether or not the Germans are strictly within their neutral rights in selling crack liners to the Rutsiam seems still to be an open question in well posted circles at home. That th» matter is considered worthy of com inent and
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  • 528 4 From details which have come trora Cduibodia, it would appear that the ippointment of a successor to KiDg N irodom wasa thoroughly cut-and dried sfl'.iir, and occupied little more time h in does the election of a Chairman at a public meeting. Norodom I. died m the 24th April. Hal
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  • 113 4 Special Telegrams to the Straits Times." NkangKai, IHth May. PEACE AT ANTUNO. Chinese Inv ted to Reopen Customs and Resume Business. The Japanese have requested the Chinese officials and merchants to return to Antung and other places in the Yalu district, with the view of reopening the Customs and resuming
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  • 198 4 it is "suppression that Prince 'hor fears were he to venture back to C-imbodia. At any rate it is not at all nice for the French as a great and magnanimous nation that the youth -hould be allowed to languish and degenerate in this British Colony of Singapore especially
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  • 6 4 To-day's 4/m hank rate is l/10||
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  • 7 4 The Strait* liulget was published this morning.
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  • 14 4 The lianka arrived from the Natuua Islands this morning with a cargo ot copra.
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  • 15 4 H E. StK John Andsr-son will visit the St. Joseph's Institution to-morrow it 10 a.m.
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  • 18 4 Maxy residents in the F. M S. will, 'V. is understood, go down to Singapoie fjr the Races
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  • 16 4 The Penang swimming Club is being well supported. The latest innovation made is a Ladies' Day.
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  • 17 4 A tempkkanck uideung with free admission will be held in the Town Hall to-morrow at 5.30 p.m.
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  • 18 4 The British steamer I'pada arrived from Karatsu, Japan, this morning with a cargo of 7,000 tons of coal.
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  • 19 4 Mu. J. H. M. Kob«<n, managing director of the M*ifl| Miil, left Penang on Saturday for London and Paris.
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  • 18 4 Mu. Theachek, Rdsident-Genernl, F. M. S., and party left in the yacht Meran this morning for Port Swettenham.
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  • 22 4 The P. and O. intermediate steamer Oandia left Penang at 8 pm. on Tuesday and is due to arrive here to-morrow morning.
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  • 22 4 Thb Nippon Yusen K iisha s Chartered steamer Border Knight is due here from Colombo on Saturday morning, 21st inst. at daylight.
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  • 25 4 Attention is called to the fact that no motor cars or motor cycles are to be allowed at the Sporting Club's premises during race week.
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  • 31 4 A cricket mateh Ladies v. Gentlemen at Penang ended on Friday last in a diaw owing to night setting in. The Ladies scored 8 and the Gentlemen 71 for seven wickets.
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  • 43 4 Captain Mclntyre, Harbour Master, at Penaug has been just been notified by the Admiralty of his promotion to the rank of Commander in the Royal Naval Reserve, for services tendered when in command of large transports during the South African and China campaigns.
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  • 56 4 The mineral resources of French Indo-Cbina, so long kept in the background, have now a chance of beinp turned to account A Company with a cipital of 1£ mi'lion francs, has just been started at Paris to prospect for gold, tin, and coal there. The prospectors engaged are said to
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  • Reuter's Extra Service.
    • 32 4 Ijoiuion ]Hlh May Trie KusMantt have completely evaenatpd Newcbwanjf. KUSSIAN MINES DESTROYED. The Japanese continue to remove the mines in Kirr Bay despite the heavy Russian (ire from thn pliore
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    • 52 4 Notable (lathering at the Abbey. The pall-bearers ;it Stanley's funeral included Lird Abercorn, Sir Harry Johnston, and Sir George Guliie. The coffin rested on a catafalque. Th« choir took part in the Rervice There was a Kieat gathering of |>eisons present. The remains were afterwardo eoavnyed to l'irbright
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    • 96 4 Retiring Statesman Condemns Qovernment Policy. Uir William Harcourt in a speech whii-li he declared to be the last lie would deliver in the House of Commons, supported a motion by Sir Henry Campbell Bunnerman That motion condemned the m ent increase in the expenditure of the United Kingdom.
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    • 54 4 But, so Mr. Austen Chamberlain maintained, the building programme of Prance, Russia, and Germany showed the necessity for a twa-power standard in the Navy. The necs^ity for this remained unc'ianßed. He did not share the view that the Russo-Japanese war had wiped out one of the ereat
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  • Reuer's Telegram
    • 46 4 Funeral Service at Westminster Abbey London,J Bth ttm% The funeral service of Stanley, Ike explorer, took placo at Westmin^tii Abbey. (treat ceremony was observed. The King and the Q men, ami il- the Kin^ vi the Belgians, were Mpn vented.
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    • 56 4 P. O. MAIL SERVICE. Contract Extended for Four Years. The (iovernment has arranged la extend the present P. A O. mail service until 1808, but with an acceleration of twenty-four hours in the rate of gpwd throughout. The subsidy will be £330,000. Meanwhile, the Government will ascertain whether further improvement
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    • 77 4 Hostility More Serious than Anticipated. Lord Hardwicke, the Under-Serretarv of State for India, has replied in the House of Lords to a question put l>y Lord Spencer regarding Thibet. Lord Hardwicke sUted that the lioh tility shown by the Thibetans to Colonel Younghusband's mission did not prove that
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    • 50 4 I hassa the Objective. The declaration of policy nuilt. by Government on the 6th November last in no wise debarred the mission from proceeding to Lbassa Lord Hardwicke admitted that cir cumstaoces had vow changed. We, so he pointed out, are now at war with Thibet.
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    • 57 4 Furthermore, until we had vindicate'! our position by force of arms, and had nhown the Thibetans that we must not be trifled witb, it was not to be thought of that the Gov«rninent should be asked to give a definite pledge regarding the form the settlement
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 900 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. VASSIAMULL ASSOMULL CO., Indian Store, No. 1, 2, 3, 4, High Street. Huve iwwly received a frenh «U|>ply uf Indian, Chinese and Japanoae nilk oi in;er««tiiiK variety, B«anti ul gro^H cloth work, Lovely thawU and cavbiono, Pineiuiple -Ilk for UW rtren«e", Chffa «Uk for nentleniPii'n sait«, Lac-ed velvet
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    • 251 4 G. R. LAMBERT GO. PHOTOGRAPHERS. Ju.t received Fine Connlrnment Valuable Art Pictures ttmmm h the "Photographic S.icioty" nt, B-vlin. From Painting* ol Twtama, P')j«rt<-r. I*» ler. l.t»*ht m, BliuW-., Loi»tU..«, D.-(r.-«i.-.-r. Ur.it7ii.<r. I.od. Oalr M N'Hiiie'ibruk, an I tunny ulhen. early Inspection Is limited. LATEST ADve«TISEVIENrS. 8.30 P.M. Thursday,
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    • 23 4 STEARNS' WINE, i* very palatable An excellent tonic for children, especially if they »re pale and thin. Do not delay. "Muat be Steams'."
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    • 76 4 NOTE i Telejrram* and local news received prior to noon to-day are published on Page a. About 6 p.m., yesterday, Mr. Powell RobinHon'a nyct was riding a horse aloni: Scott's Road when near the junction with Bukit Timah Road Ihe horse took fright at a passing Iraki »nd threw the
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  • Correspondance
    • 381 5 To the Editor of the "Straits Titnct." Sir, I have read the report published in the (h, arument Gazette by Mr. Hullet and >uur editorial thereon, fu> which M a man who has struggled with an Aided BdMOl both ;is timelier al ii M manager, I
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    • 432 5 To tA« Editor of tht Stiaitt Timi*. Sib,— I have the strongest possible objection to discussing any matter connected with a Church Service in the public press, but as this is not the firtt time that my conduct at, and of, the Burial Service of the Church of
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  • 75 5 I'iiniK was a full house last nieht at the Innra Zinihar theatre., North Bridge Road, when the company staged the popular Japanese p'av Panji Smerans Credit should bo given to Mr. Kat--sim, the popular proprietor, for the dresses and the muf>ic which were very good. Mi*« Mary de
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  • 218 5 This morning, Mr. Stoode-llall of Guthrie a- Co. appeared with Chief Detective Inpector Perrett before Mr. Colman to lay information against one G. N. Samy on the following facts. Two days go Samy came to Guthrie's with a letter purporting to be signed by Mr E. Stokoe, State
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  • 456 5 Soli Chu and Tan Keah were, on or about the 26th ult., found at No. 19 China Street, an unpretending sl.->)> where groceries are sold. Unhappily. <n it turned out for them, 270 bags of Bart of a special brand, a few cases of lard, some cases of
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  • 105 5 Lasl night P J Burgess beat H. O. White in the single sculling semi-Gnal. The two men both got off well, Burgess forcing his boat ahead from tie Bart White rowed hard to catch h'm but Burgess going very otrong staled off all his attempt* and gained
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  • 115 5 Bench Court File Crowded. Ykstkkday afternoon, Mr. Kaine appeared before Messrs. Michell and Colman and atked tho Court to direct Urn t a i.-ase iii which he wrs engaged noigh*, be tried by the Bench C'Mirt. Mr. Michtll paid that the Bench Court 61e was lull up for
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  • 137 5 Yesterday evening about 5, Marine Corporal No. 38 made a raid in a hut at Pu!o Brani and arrested three Chinese. A search led to the finding of three British dollars and eight 10 cents pieces, all counterfeit and in an unfinished state -ix dollar moulds, two 10
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  • 441 5 Before Mr. Seth at the Police Court yesterday morning E. P. C. Murdoch of the Marine Police prosecuted three Chinese tampan coolies for creating a disturbance at Johnston's Pier while the Governor was landing. The men were each sentenced to three weeks' rigorous imprisonment and were bound over
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  • 196 5 About midnight last night a Chinaman, I who was terribly wounded, reported at 1 the Kandang Kerbau Police Station that a man had been murdered at Tampons. From the few particulars to hand tins morning it seems that a row occurred yesterday afternoon between three Chinese planters
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  • 301 5 IMPORT ING PROHIBITED COIN. BMM Ah Hoh, Hob Fong Lerfng and Lira Lee Loh lately travelled trom Saigon to Singapore by the French mail. They landed utterly unsuspecting the difficulties that awaittds them. Presently a man having the pdwer to overhaul their belongings met them. To a request to open
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  • 163 5 The Acheen Races were run on the oth and 7th instant. Two Straits jockies participated, Burke and Southall Burke won the race for all horses on "Highlander," V. Southall being second on Morning Joss." Southall won the 6th race on 'Ybo, Burke being second on Runaway Burke
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  • 365 5 (From Exchanges Loudou, May 5. The latest official returns of the battle of the Yalu place the combined losses of Russians and Jjc, panese at 6,000, the latter losing 2,000. The casualty lists make the total much greater. While the Japanese officially admit 2,000 killed 4 is reported
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  • 35 5 Aboi't a IhtMrftM »so. a Tamil was •wt'teni.-ed to denth at Txipine f"r mjirfier. Upnii this hU need mother, wife and con thrpw trtemselven on the trround overwhelmed with grief. The sight was 1 heartrending.
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  • 252 5 Vast Stores In South America. Mr. Reginald Wickham, a Ceylon planter who has just returned from a visit to South America, brings information nut very comforting to rubber-growers. According to Mr. Wickham, there are practically no rubber estates in South America, but the tree appears to be thickly
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  • 149 5 Runs Amok and Sma: hes a 'Hikisha. .Some excitement was caused in the Bangkok the other day, says the Bangkok Time*, by the behaviour of an elephant in a state of must. It was one of the royal white elephants and was being taken out for a
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  • 110 5 The unconscious humorist, whom every newspaper office roßsesses, was at work on the Strait* Tiynss yesterday In the course of two lines he discovered new geographical centre with the <»uphoniou» title of Namervaro," gave it a special mail service, and discovered that I ;i Hi. occurs in h« early morning.
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  • 129 5 A correspondent from LauncestoL Tasmania, writes: —^Mr. W. F. Petterd. of this city, recently disposed of hi? valuable collection of Australian anr* Tasmanian postage stamps for the sum of i.^,500. This philatelic store, whici is the result of some twenty year' work, contains many rare an. some
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 14 5 BTEARNS' WINE, assists the body to make une of nature's nourishment. Thus it curee.
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    • 163 5 LAND SALE. Tht: following properties were disposed of by auction at Powell i Co's sale-room yesterday afternoon Freehold land shop-house thereon known as No. 5 Selegie Road Spore town area 1,017 sq. ft. comprised in part of lot 2 of Govt. Grant No. 67, bought by HooseinsalpMarican for 32,600. Freehoßi
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    • 228 5 NOTICES. LOOK OUT The Indra Zanibar Royal Theatrical Company WILL -I Mil Co-nighi Go-nighi Wednesday, JBtfi May The Tragical and Sensational Play, entitled Panji Smerang, Second Night. Prieet M PMt May 7 s. KASSI.M, Hirrrtor ft S#lc Pr»|»rift«r. Raffles Hotel SPECIAL Criterion fß,aee Tuesday May 24th, Victoria Day Races Ist
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 165 5 UAV BY DA> Wednesday, iBth May. High Water, i>.:!■-•i >.:!■-• p.m. Town it:imi. ('.inin^mii tmwmm llnrm-iou n Ch«SW. !l. WajMg KaMlaK North Mags l: Thursday, 19th Miy. High Water. 0.Hu.,,, Ih,p German ontward mail due. Philharmonic Orchestra. 8.30. Temperance meeting. Town Hall. 8-ov. En^'inerrs' Association. Mirino Harm-tun'M Circa*. 9. Friday,
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  • 445 6 'ion of Infants. A horrible rtory of how living babes iren thrown into a red hot tat mm •>>• a ■a lpractitio—i operatif in I'hiladelphii i« agitating that city in connection with the public investigation of the dc:iths of twi> ynunp vviiincii wlmsv bodies i.i been < xliuincd
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  • 264 6 Many Lives Jeopardized by Fire in a Hospital. The lives of 12-1 jieidouo were Idopardized by a Bra which occurred at St. Vincent "s Hospital at Indianapolis U.S. A. early during the forenoon of April 18th, and only the tfl'ective work uono by the police prevented
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  • 128 6 P. O. .MH Imli K»i [n-|ptvlui Ambrose Mi Allllmm unil <li lil. '.'erClm-an S7lh May :...Mr. H. S. Young, Xi W. Hendrie, Mr. and Mrs Wetyon, Mr. >'. B BtdtMMi Mr. Rryan. N. D. L :v, i;., v mull May Mr. W. lirchmer, Mr. V. Poll«ek, Mi
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 569 6 BANKS. NEDERLAffDSCHE HANDEL MAATSCHAPPIJ. Netherlands Trading Society. Establish** I*l4. CAPITAL. f. 60.000,000— (abt. £5,000,000) ISSUED CAPITAL. f. 46.DOO.000— (abt. £3,750,000) RESERVED FUND. f 5,000,000-(abt. £417,000) Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency In Batavia. Branches Penang. Shanghai, Rangoon. Medan (Deli), Pemarang. Pourahaya. Padang, Cbpribnn Tegal Pecalo"gah I'asoeroean Tjilatjnp. ialeml>ang, Knia"adja. (Achren).
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    • 618 6 BANKS. Hongkong 6* Shanghai Banking Corporation. I'VID-UP CAPITAL 10,000,000 KEBEBVB FUND:— HterlinßKeseivefiO 000 0001 g,,,™™ Silver Beservo f e.IicO.OOO f 1e600 .«W Reserve Liability of Proprietor J10.000.000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. A. J. Raymond, Kmj., Chairman. H. E. Tomkins, Esq., Deputy Chairman. Hon. C. W. Diokson N. A. Bieb«, Eaq. E.
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    • 692 6 NOTICES. Aflents for LEI PERRJIS 9 ft WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. By Special Warrant JW^HSJ^ His Majesty 'VV Purvenors to The Kino. CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES. PARIS. £W MASILA HONGKONG *M i ILOILO SHANGHAI. #61 /^f *)f r #7 Z7 V* m /Tf Y% *O C KHARBINB. DIALERS IN Diamonds, Precious Stones. Pearls,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 669 7 BUCHANAN'S WHISKY Sold everywhere. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. I r China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Erypt. Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Thnuirb Bilis of Ltding issued for Cbinß Coa->t, Persian Gulf Continental and American Ports. .Steamer* will lea o oa or about Mall Line. Outward*
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    • 704 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, Konlnklijke Paketvaart MaatschapplJ. I'ndtr ccDtia< I wi.h the Neih^iland* India Ooveinn t-nt. A gents ct 8 ngopore frmrAu k< y laibJ D kndelB Co., 2 3 Coii.yir Quay. I hi- undermentioned dates are only fiDroximate. j in. From e x>'t»d. V7i!l he Iwratehed for Can Riabeck Batavin May
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    • 455 7 I HAMBURG AMERIKA LINIE. HAMBURO. The steamers of ihi- Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Kotterdam, and the Straits, China, and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and oner a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Peaang and Colombo alternately. The arrivals
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    • 645 7 STEAMSHIP, COMPANIES. ndl NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial German Mail Line. The fast and well nown mail steamers of this Company tail fortnightly from Bremen-Bamburcr via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa. Naples, Port Said, Hue*, Aden, Colombo, Henang, Singapore. Hon^koog, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to Yokohama and They are dne in Singapore
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    • 862 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES TAN KIM TIAN. Lines of Steamers I For Batavla, Cher ihon, Somaranr Every Wednesday and Saturday. I Glint; Kee, 2,300 tono, Capt. Dnnlop Uiang Seng, 1,182 Rawlin^m, a. Oiang Ann, 872 Follett ».s. Zweena, 1,470 Ne»bitt For Kuala Pahang, Pekan, kwantan and Kemtman Flevo, 302 tons, Capt. WiLion.
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    • 566 7 I SHIPPING SORDDIUTSCHER LLOYD/ FOR HONGKONG "FATOHAI, AND JAPAN PORTS rR Imperi I Gi-rniiiii mat] steamer XIKT A* 7,9 0 tons, Captnii I!helrn, having lufi, Colombo o>) da i i«y, the I4tb inst. at 1 |>m may h# expected to arrive here on Thur9d*j overling, the 19th M<:y, in roota
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    • 1111 8 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used: str— steamer ih. ship; bq. barquo; sch. schooner, Yet. -Yacht Cru.— Cruiser Obt.—Gunboat Tor.— Torpedo H. p. Horsepower Brit— British; U. B.— United States; French; Ger. German; Dut. Dutch; G.c— General-cargo; d.p. deck passenger; U.— Uncertain T. P. W
      1,111 words
    • 557 8 ,Vj':f, port, probable date of ttrrini and name oj agenti. Btbambbb. Ai mill'-, China, May 25; Mansfield. A. de Larrinaga, Barry, May; Borneo Coy. Agincourt, Barry, May; Borneo Coy. Airlie, Sydney, May M; hsousiead Alboin, Bombay, June; Borneo Coy. Alcinnus, Cbina, May 39; Mansfield. Aleeia, Europe, May '.'8;
      557 words
    • 106 8 SINOAPOBK, IKTH M w, ISM. PRODUCE. Mn hter buyer* I 9.00 do (Cube No. 1) unpicked 13.76 Copra Hail do Pontlanak Pepper, Black do White, (5%) Sago Flour Sarawak do Brunei No. Pearl Sago Coffee, hull, 15% basis Coffee, Palctmbang, 20% hast* Coffee, Llberian No. 1 Tapioca, small Flake
      106 words
    • 115 8 On Londtr, Banlt 4 m/- 1/10 i Danud 1/10} Private In/1. 1/11* do la/i 1/11* On 9trm**t— Bank d/d 1.93| Private I m/« IM| do 6m/».. 198} 0« front*— Bauk d/d 8.88 Private I m/fc 841 do 6 mjfi 8.43 Om IMHi»-Bank T. T. HI MnttWd/i 145 On B<mfktnt—R*nk
      115 words
    • 370 8 Belat Tin Mine 110.00. B'sawahGold Mine [17.50pd)515 00, seller-. Brnaeh Tin Mine $, tellers. •Pra»er Neare f9O. bnyen. H'kong Shanghai Bank $(57.60, seller-. Howarth Krskinc, I,t. ...$2lO. •Jelebns (In liquidation) 20 ct». Kadana (rally paid) $10.00, nominal do (prefs. $Spd) $2.n0, nominal. N'nal Bank of Chita A(«Bpd)»SS 00, buyers
      370 words
    • 109 8 MAILS CLOSE bar Her tteamnr Time To- Morrow. Labuanand Manila Mnn'la y a.m. SintC'iraand Kan«kr>k Ronbal 11 a.m. Malacca and Linggi Kh-ng Seng lpm Zambonoga, etc., Patani Ipm Penang and Deli Calw*o 3 p.m MaUt'Cii A P. Hick son Htntontj 3 p.m. S'rHbaya<V Macasiar V"n Riebewk 4 pm. Menu 10,
      109 words
    • 125 8 From Europe— By the N. K. L. s. s. Zitt- n due on 20th May. with dates to the 26th Apl. From Chin*— By the MM. s.s. Polynenrn due on Monday. Left Singapore Dae In London Arrived Apl 4th N DL. April 29th April 28th Apl 6tn
      125 words
    • 123 8 AN JER PASSED BUN DA OR AKKU'EU FOR ORDERS ;FL»O IUTK OF DKfTIN- HmT Datb Rio. Ship's Nam Captais. Sailing. From whkrk atios. makki Captais. I>ATB of Sailing. From whskk UmmmATION. MAKIS Hay iDut 88. Goentoor Le Clerc. t May 4 Batavia Rotterdam 4 Brit bq. Lota Sharp Dec 1*
      123 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 72 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co. JEWELLERS AND SILK MERCHANTS, Nos. 51 52, Eigh Street. llnvf Just l'np»rki-<l n >>w Stock ol Indian. Chinese, and Japanese Silk Embroidered roods, Indian Carpets, Chinese Handdrawn Thread -Work, Ceylon Lace, New Variety of Gold and Silver Jewellery, Pineapple Silks, Old Chinese Drapery, Chinese Embroidered
      72 words
    • 441 8 SHOES ""CHILDREN Boys 1 Sandals o c Exact to .ketch, flexible Role, strap over inMep nd t>OyS KOlT\an dandalS dtraD round the ankle J»ell sewn and finish. Made "ne Inn leather, leather liiiinc, iupwipr hnißh Si es 4 5 6 7 !> i> lv exact !,i illustration. s 52.25 2.50
      441 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 33 8 WEATHEH f£LEQHAW. E. S. A. C. Telegraph Company. 16th May. EONUROtiO.— Barometer 29 81. TMrection o( Wind Calm. Force of Wind 0. Max. Temp in sbade 84. MA.NILA:— 766. S.W. S, 81. 26.
      33 words
    • 66 8 WEATHER REPOR T Ka*dan<i Krrbau Horpital, 17th May,J9o). <a.m 3prn Up.m KEMARKB Bar > 9.*98 29.774 29.8-" Mornint Temp MJ f*o 78.6 etaar, toy WB'lbTher 80.0 73 9 77.0 cloudy, OirofWind c 8 w. 8. Calm. i night clear. Max. Temp »7 8 Mm 74.8 Sun 141.0 Terr, rad
      66 words

  • 881 9 War's ExciUmem Unknown at Tok) o. Lfrsw mm SpteitU Gtm»pmid**t Tokyo, 95W04 (1,,, deal ;ilx>ut Orient iiKlifTVrenre. hut Uw ■0880 l ti "'> Japan- people jus* 'i'>»- mlbm ntu 1 roilim wh.u it really moans. Not that they li..\i not t hi- war and the interests of their
    881 words
  • 10 9 Exchange and share quotations will be found on page 8.
    10 words
  • 76 9 Mehrkb. Rttckwel) and Walton, Surveyor tor rVrak Revenue Survey Depart m»»n wprp to leave England on the 90tl April. Mr Buckwell %Ta« formerly in It ink he had about 12 n -:thR service, bill w:i« invalided home about a >«v«r hl'" Mewars. Bi'ckwell and Walton >ir>- two of five Surveyor?
    76 words
  • 747 9 A Promising: Report, New Offices being Erected on Mill Street. The Oriental Telephone Co. has been i(l\ani iiiu ii* busing- to *nch an extent in Singapore during the past few years that the accommodations of its Robinson Road SStd Tanglin premises are no longer sufficient for the
    747 words
  • 21 9 StfiPPiNo advertisements, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on page 7 General shipping news is printed ou page 8.
    21 words
  • 168 9 For Singapore. Per I' O s. 8. Mnenhinia, connecting with the steamer Cliutan at Colombo, from London April 29. due 27th May Mr. and Mrß. Hi^het, Mr. I. Irving, Mr. A. lea Mr. and Mrs. M. Horn Messrs A. A. Ooulilpn, J. Ellison, I. M. Campbell, and
    168 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 421 9 NOTICES f rjtfomune <fc Co. JAPANESE CURIOS AND OENERAL STORE. WHOLESALE AND RBTAIL DBALBRS. No. 1-2, RAFFLES PLAOC. fiße-if «r i». y it, "g jr tr,ir lir! j TrtHr j y-:y _w. tFjt tr tr je w ]L at j^El JAMES WATSON CO.'S SCOTCH WHISKIES ARE THE BEST VALUE IN
      421 words
    • 778 9 NOTICES. 'pHE Proprietor of the Straits PhotoI ifrnphtc Studio at the junction of Coloman Street --nd North Bniiiji Koa<l begs to notify the public thnt he has jutu t oponed his oew B'anch Studio under the Style of "Striits Edl .rgement Studio' at No. lft North Bridge Road where be
      778 words
    • 545 9 NOTICES. MOTOR CARS BENZINE. We are now supplying best qualit-. O£ 7O cents per Imperial Gallon SVME CO. SHORTHAND [YPtWRITING. An Englishwoman undertakes casual work as a STENOGRAPHER an' IYPIBT. From Monday to Friday after ."> p.m. daily. On Saturday after 3 pm. She guarantees RAPID CABBFI work together with
      545 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 287 10 NOTICES. RILEY HARGREAVES k CO., LTD. ENGINEERS, SHIPBUILDERS, ft GENERAL CONTRACTORS. Singapore. Works :--kead Street. Town Store 1--13 ltattery Roai'. 6ngines '&j| Boilers HORIZONTAL r r LANCASHIRE VERTICAL I /vfraP-' Jit CORNISH PORTABLE lh i: y. Jl|p~j LOCOMOTIVE WINDING IW, ill COLONIAL ■^^Kg Wr _H _i J_S 9sfei_B-_ _B_Bij4 ri
      287 words
    • 159 10 NOTICES. &or Ji'ews of tde Straits, Read tde Straits Times It has the Largest Circulation OF ANY PAPER PUBLISHED IN MALAYA. "Jor WAR TELEGRAMS Read The Straits Times It may be obtained in Singapore at the following places Messrs. John Little &Co Hsgedorn Co., Orchard Road Sepoy Lines and kampoiiK
      159 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 726 11 NOTICES. 15F>e Straits TDimes. Wde Straifs ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. [per inch, column uieasnre. I Pint 'nuerMon f I 'X) cento Baoond > I iI»U i IbmtU* i Mwh HO mmm Ktmiili. liflli, nml sixth V) centf Srimlli to <-ii;liii'fiitli 24 cent* [flllllWlll ft Mh—fj— l.. 16 cent., I'ci
      726 words
    • 232 11 I NOTICE^ Mr. P. G. SHORT, VLTERISARY SURGEOS, M.R.C, V-S.L. At Abrams' H. rse Repository. May 4 *4 Arima Water The renowned natural mineral table water recommended by Japanese Government Analysis. SOLE IMPORTERS: Y. Shibuya Co. SUB ACstST: C. Janssen, Cebu. May 9 m.w.f v.c. BUNKERS. FRESHWATER ISLAND (PULO 111
      232 words
    • 504 11 NOTICtiS. Ny Carlsberg Beer f@4 <iriH77T*>J^ Very ht PilBener B* 61 especially brewed for Tropical B\9^'^r<&ffl& Climates. vrT^7r^!V>n Obtainable at the principal Hotels and Retail Dealers. ft Ni l/iKLiDtkUjl Xuffiffififfiv M^altMaaaaaaaWaaaaaillWWl I I 111^.11} 1^ Sole Importers Jg Kelly Walsh, Ltd. Tlie Oil n*U* of Raaaia, 1.3- A. Beeby Thoinpyoii,
      504 words
    • 298 11 NOTlwbS. CAMPBELL «fc CO. RAVING been appointed Agents f..r the TKA M*j ATLANTIC! Firo Insurance Got* I pany, NORTH GKRVAN Fire Iti-urance Company, and HAM BUKG Bremen Fire Insurance Company are prepared to accept flic risks at current rates ofpemium a c. CAMPBELL CO. HAVING he«>n appointed Agents forth* NKW
      298 words
    • 436 11 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL INSURANCE CO. FIRE LIFE TOTAL INVESTED FUXI)> BXCKBD £12,000,000. THE LARGEST FIHK OFFICfc IN Tilt. WUKLI' BOUSTEAD 4 Co., Agenta_ THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY CapiUl jE2.127.500 Paid up CapiUl X ......>o Reserve Fund jE1.0^3,550 The uudersigued, AgenU for the Con. pany, are prepared to
      436 words

  • 895 12 Further Details. I i.l, in U y H It is learnt on good authority that the Japanese passage of the Yalu, t lk- artillery operations, and the occupation of the high-lands near Kiuhencneng were carried out according to the piearrangiii scheme of operations. The prompt
    895 words
  • 307 12 Thk rpport of the Harbour Master at Hungkong tor 1»OJ btiuws a sub--tantial increase in the numbor ami tonnage of ships which ei.tertd utal cleared the port during the year, the figures being: 190 *****0 ships, reprettenting I'S.Sj;* :IS4 tons; I9M -99,449 ship?, tmJtKtjSM tons, an
    307 words
  • 220 12 Thr 11 th annual general meeting o' the above bank was held >n 19th uli a. Winchester House, Land in. Sjir Alex anier Wilson presiding The Chairman, in mjviug tlu adoptio i of the repjrt, sta'.eJ that the dei osits showed a slight decrease acompared with
    220 words
  • 148 12 Incident at Port Arthur. The Xorlh QUm Daily .Ve»-.v ol the 4th inst. says The total destruction ot the Russian Port Arthur squadron on the 13th of April wu, it is known, only averted by half-an hour Admiral Togo sent in his secondclass cruisers to entice
    148 words
  • 131 12 Tm ordinary English vocabulary may be said to contain from 30,000 vordg, 'he latter estimate being lage .Shakespeare, whose vocabulary is larger than that of any other Knglish poet unless it be Browning, used nbout 15,000 words, while Milton, whose range was narrower, pinyroyed ouly about halt
    131 words
  • 683 12 Lip<-. fOti May. Yet another murder case, is engaging the attention of the Magistrate s court here. Chik and Tiniah, husband and wile, came to Lipis from Pekan about February last year, anu brought with them a girl of about i years, TimahV sister. 'Ihey stayed here lor
    683 words
  • 163 12 The new scout g—tfaat, (of tlie Britihh Navy, was launched on Apr 19, from the works of Messrs Vickars, Sons, and Maxim, at Barrow Among the company present were Viscount Dunluee, Lieut. Travis, Lieut. Dawson, Commander Rees, and Mr (iordon Wordsworth The new vessel is 360 ft long,
    163 words
  • 79 12 Mr. R W HAh.iso.N the most experienced rubber plainer in Ceylon, has valued the Para rubber on 1 n* nf the estates nt over 000 Rs., or £17H per acre. The cost pi '> inline •he SMM into bearing was X'l."» In 1 lie pmm Colony more than
    79 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 180 12 NOTICES. SULPHURIC ACID FOR SUPPLIES, APPLY TO SYIYIE&CO. m.w f a.c. J. MOTION CO. WATCHMAKERS, J EWELLERS, OPTICIANS. RKPATRP PROMPTLY RXKOUTKH TTe UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER Beforn buying a typewriter inspect the UNDERWOOD t'.ie most perfect high class. naachtue yet iavwted Guthrie Co., Ltd. Sole Agents v.c. B STRAITS CYCLE s I
      180 words
    • 274 12 NOTICES. S A PPORO BEER thk best that BREWEIijV JAI'AX PATRONIZED BY THE IMPERIAL HOUSEHOLD. OBTAINABLE AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS AND FROM RETAIL DEALERS. KOMEYA&CO., Telephone No. 288. 25 6t 26 Hijrh Street. May 1 1 m.w.f. v.c. T..r«. ie t Pavilion system First Glass Hotel van Horck. GAROET (JAVA)
      274 words