The Straits Times, 28 March 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 9 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. ai.395 SINGAPORE, MONDAY. MAUCU 28, 1904. PRICE 15 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 714 1 CLAYMORE WHISKY. POWEI.I. BOHIN'ON. Jolt Aftnt*. Slutipiri and K.d.rattc' M.l«| st.iet. M)l ICbJ>. "\J Ol I«"E is deieby v'wea tbat N. Kanusamy 11 »'illr> ol No. 14 Veirai|a( hitty Lane, Sirgapore, intends to apply to the Liren m^ JuMicm for a 3id Class I'nlilir lloni-e liceni-e foi premiss known as
      714 words
    • 618 1 AUC I lU.N SALfcS*. GREAT AUCTION SALE GUTTA TUESDAY, 29th MARCH, AT. 1O A.M. >fe 8-e. H U Co.'hlvi X Co. are inttiucteci by < ho.' ''beat; Uuaa A Co. to se.l I y »Li ii n AT NOS. 4 5 JVORTH BOAT QUAY About 550 i>>oi!s ot GUTTAoi varioiiß
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    • 445 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR EASTER HARTWIG CO. vis a vis HARBOUR MASTER'S OFFICE HAVE UNPACKED PER O.ERMAN .MAIL a stuuli a\ ut Inn ni of Fancy Easter Eggs, Hares. Birds. etc., etc. lUriS m.m...%* Auction Sale OF Valuable Law Books, Safes, (Mice Furniture, &c. Bf ord.r at tk* E i .c
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    • 359 1 UOVKKNMtNT NO IFICATION. 'PHE m^et^K of ih« l.i c >i k Ja'ticp* 1 for ihe qunr'. r OMineii li v ki April, it*ii, will 1« hell in ih- Fust Magiatrnte'k 'on t at Spin, on \V., ibe 6h April. Applican'i- f r "mmfer or new licnseß aD't p. r
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    • 243 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Ideal Milk j^fe^2% Enriched 20 per cent. i^*~r^s witn Cream. IDEAL Mil* r%sgl^? Sterilized-Not Sweetened. A Perfect Substitute for Fresh John Little Co., Ltd. Annual Clearance A W W Annual Clearance before 1 beferc Stocktaking. VJ±m.jLJ MLJ Stocktaking. Commencing XllCS day, April sth ÜBlil APfilA P fiI I6lh
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  • 1157 2 B RITISH NORTH BORNED. Inttrvi.w with Mr. E. W Hiich. C.MU (Comintrcuil Intelligence.) Dating Iroin tfae Straits Settlements our 'Im.eiliug Correspondent in the >ai East wrote a» tolluws 1 in April 19oJ you published a letter from uiu oa tiie suo^ect of imtuh North Borneo. An apologist of the Company
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 225 2 NOT! CHS. "Eagle^ Cement IN TUB LONG TESTS MADE BY SARAWAK GOVERNMENT (For their own Satisfaction) has come out TOP 10 BRANDS WERE TESTED. TBfie Madras Municipal Engineer pronounced Eagle Cement as the best de dad ever tested. PARTICULARS FROM BORNEO Co., Ltd. CROSSLEY'S OIL ENGINES USUAL SIZES IN STOCK
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    • 161 2 MOTOR CARS BENZINE. We are now supplying best quality (a. 90 cents per Imperial Qallon. mi-. SVME CO. Da his Milk. NORWEGIAN PURE COW'S MILK, STERILIZED AND QUITH HOMOGENEOUS. By preaerving nothing whxtever in added t< the milk to make it absolutely fp«e from all bacteria. Guaranteed t«i be aWlotely
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    • 426 2 NOIIChS. NOTICE is hornhy g »en th t.lsppr> Levy, ..f No Ist Prinsep Stre t -inenpore, inter) s to app'y to "he Li ensin« Justices for a ltd I s< Pub m Houka license to pr- niiken k mwD an No. 96 hobinson lu>»d, >ii gnp ri vny pern .1
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    • 587 2 f'OTICES. MAIKTAINB THK H'GIIE^T REPUTATION IVIKYWIIKRK. BUILD UP and PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH and Fortify the System against Disease with U.i^MlMn^»T2^l^Sa«M3^^P?Ut^KXTKr^^^^!^ji»MAlCA 'w« mm..* ipwk aTamBaTS nTZTiaairß ITV u« bifkly U it." Ba^Vaa! ak-^LaWW* 1 aZaV^B ■T'fl I S9 m i**ti t^^ljJj^Lm^^J^^a^'r ja^Sa^^Laal Pronounced Dy „.0 hiun M r n.tOICAL AUlhUKlncs Torpid
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  • 361 3 Fifty. Ninth Annual Issue, 1004. I'hk N«WHpnp.-r Hrers Dirttciurj lor itfw4. published by Mmn C Mitvhrll and Co., the well-knnwi advertising B^entd, 1 and 2 Snow H■ 'I Luiiion, wiiien na* just- oum« iv ii-m.i, 18 tlie lil'i) -ninth annual edition of a crtincfrftiHrißive wotk "f
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  • 277 3 Woman sent to Prison. On the sth in«t. the Chinese junk Him Sheng Lee arrived here with immigrants who wt re allowed to land before, on m to the Chinese I'rotectoraJc. For this the Taikong (Captain) was prosecuted and fined 1125 Knquiries were then made for the
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  • 10 3 Kxchan«k and share quotations will he- found on page 8.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 21 3 Sblpp»« advertisements,, witb dates of uniling etc., will be found on page 7 (■eneral shipping news is printed on page 8
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    • 858 3 NTT-.y)# Singapore Spoktixo Clot Programme for the Spring Kace Meeting. 1904 May 24th, 26th, 28th. FIRST UAY. Tuexdau, S4th )fay. 1. THE Mvll'KN I*l. \1 K. Value »nf» A KaO fur Vh.idfn Hoio-o nn.i 1 oisi'o that Ini-i- iuu b Itwd itirr-. Sul'Scp ion Unlfinx ond in Km-c» coi.hi-pd lio'-«-e
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    • 504 3 NO'I ICHi^ for either of tho followine serMFof Race*. Fbh: S-run N«v 1 First I>ay-Race No. 7 P<H-nnd Day— Race No. 7 Third Day— Race No. 6 Strict No. Firxt I'hv— Kfwe No 6 m.«wH r>av B«w No I Third Kay— Race No. Any owner wishing to enter for more
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    • 653 3 Notices iO HE lET: entry hi < re- compound bou c No >1 Kenco<.le Street. Apply to Outhrie Co. Lid Awent*. F-b 4 nc. I'O K-. LET: oliicet. on tbe eecnnd floor No. 7 Battery Road. ImTiediite entry. Apply t" Hathrifi A Co. Ltd., AK»ats. i IO FE 111 »m
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    • 713 3 NOTICES. II7AKTKD a quio* and reliable eipe TV rieooed Surveyor and Leveller Good salary i ffer-d to oompeteat man Alsoanorer*. <"-tc i t .v.. n toconstnic tion works. Apply to L. A M co Xratto Mw» 38-8 SI'RVEXiR wanted for tie Sarawak O rernment. ->pply to M sara. F'atersoii, himour
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    • 587 3 SHIPPING INDOCHINA STKAN <,\ff6N COMPANY Li Ml i r.D FOR PKNANU ANJ *,<.,«. ITA. LiHK Compa )'s t> ««ni t .1 1 SANQ, ,!U lon» I. >>i- v,v k e ft Houuhoiig a tbf *.ih nisi m mWy oe ex ect d to arr V■ v cr w, m'wM
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  • 80 4 Oumatil\k.a The remaini of Sibyl Jam, wife of r. W IiL'SA 11. \K\, will Ixi remoivd for interment to the Huk.t Tiuiah Kua'l, cemetery at 7-30 am. t<> inoini*. Kecpul II irlmur -JBlh March. The Cortege will i-Mvu the P. A O. Cv npond at 6 a.m. Kkohn In
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  • 455 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. MONDAY, 28TH MARCH. Apr ipos of pleasant assurances thai <re recorded by Router to-day as having been exchanged between the Kaiser and King Victor Enmtnuel, it is interesting to note the tenour of public sentiment in Germany in regard to the Triple Alliance. In
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  • 871 4 Throvgh the c>urte«v of Dr." Kirk the President of the Malay Branch of the British Medical Association, we learn that A', the orJin try monthly meeting and dim er of the Malaya Branch of the British Medical Association, held at the Fineapore Club on Saturday night, Sir Francis Lovell, IV
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  • 134 4 OXmbhiduk Ins now got 2" victories in the Boat Race to h.-r credit, as agtinsi Oxford's 33, whereas in the InterUniversity Sports, which were only inaugurated in 1868, the Light Blues have now 21 victories against 18 for Oxford. In 1877 the Boat Rice was a deal heat. It should
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  • Special Telegrams to the "Straits Times."
    • 15 4 London, 261K March. Btativtd too la's J'tr publication' in our isiue of Saturday.
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    • 92 4 Ovation for the King. His Horse, Ambuxh," Comes to Qrief. The Qranl Nitional «SreHi>Uchaße' was won by M tifat, with Kirkland second and Tile G'lnner third. The betting wis --Moif.n 25 to 1. Kirkland 100 to 7 and Hi•; Gunner 2o i> I. Moifaa won easily by
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    • 45 4 An Inspecting Qen^ral Disgraced. A St. PeteriibußK despatch announce* that General Altvrer, the Inspector Qinural or the rln>Hiuu quirk-firing ulilery, has b«en iimjiraced for tie s'.ate of unreadiness in whicii tho sruns wrtre found to be at the out break of tbe war.
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    • 20 4 It is c >mput,ed that 98 w Japanese troops are now facing the Uussi-tus at Anju.
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    • 29 4 Kuala Lunpur, 291h March. Mr. Swan, of the Malaysian Mining Syndicate, die! here to-day. He had been cufl-ring far pome time from a^ce.'s of liver
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    • 42 4 B-tngkok, 'J6th Much. The Chinese lei^er l,«^o«r of the Chartered Bjnk b«re, h*- hren arrested f.>r the f jraery of a elie/i le. for 12,000 ticais, and has besa remanded on bail of 15,00 ti;als. More arrests are expected.
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    • 99 4 ANOTHER FUTILE EFFORT TO BLOCK PORT ARTHUR. Four More Transports Sunk, Bold Attack Under Cover nf Fog. Shanghai, .Wa/cA. It is reported from Chefoo that the J tptnefie, under cover of a dense fop, re iwwel the attempt to block P. it Arthur at three o'clock yesterday (Sun
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  • Reuter's Extra Service.
    • 27 4 London, 2~th Mureh. The Times has reason to believe that Lord Ourzon will succeed Lorri Salisbury as Warden of the Cinque Port* Inter.
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    • 36 4 A cyclone has utterly devastated Reunion. The iitnrm prevailed on the 21st, and 22nd instant. The crops are destroyed and thotmands are homelese. Twenty-four deaths were known ?t the time the missage left.
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    • 10 4 Newi'h-* ang is open to navigation.
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    • 55 4 Kirg Victrr Emmanuel, accompanied by the Italian Minister for Foreign Affairs and the Minister for the Navy, visited the Kaiser on board the Uohentollern at Naples. During luncheon the most cordial toasts were proposed, in which the monnrch« expressed the unchanging devotion of their respective,
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    • 34 4 Oxford led the Boat Rice to Hammersmith. Cambridge then, having the better etiHon, gradually overhauled, and was slightly ahead at Thorneyorofts, an 1 two»and a half lengths at Barnes Bridge.
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    • 16 4 At the Inter University Sports Cambridge won eight events to Oxford's two.
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    • 21 4 The International Association football match between Scotland and Ireland resulted in a draw, each side scoring one point.
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    • 16 4 London, 2*lh March. The Chinese employed in the Uasuri coal mines have struck.
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    • 173 4 Further Details. A St Petersburg official telegram states tha' early in the morning of tha J7ih in«t. four la-g* merchant BtriiivTf jonvoyed by torpelo destroyers, ipproached the harbor (■■>{ Port Arthur) md were discovered by the search lights. The batteries and guirJships opened a heavy
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 14 4 Ijomion, '2'th March. Cambridge won the boat race by four lengths. I^ter
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    • 61 4 A St. Petersburg despatch n' that the Russian troops between Ping-yang undtheY.tlu have be<w compelled to retire upon their entrenchments on the south bank of the Yalu before the Qrst Japanese Army Corps of 40 000 men, whose advance guard, with artillery occupies, a front jf
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    • 38 4 A further advance is improbable until the streams »re clear of ice, n« the retiring Russians have destroyed the bridges over the five rivers thit lie between the Japanese front, and W jn
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    • 41 4 T/ondtm, V7'A March. Advices from Ht Petersburg stat^ that a fresh attempt was m »de by the ■Japanese, on Saturday night, to block the entrance to the inner rnadstead at Port Arthur with tire-hips. The. attack was repulsI**.
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    • 10 4 General Kuropatkin has proceeded to Muk ri
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    • 32 4 Admiral Makaroffthus telegraphs to theT»«r: "I left Port Arthur on the the 2ftth March with battleships, ciiif-er-^and torpedo boats to make a reconnaissance of some ai'j mat islands
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    • 52 4 A despatch from St. Petersburg state* that the Commandant at Vltdivostock urges the inhabitants to remain. But only those will be allowed t» stay who possess a specified amount, oalculited in grain, sufficient to last for eight months. The. banks at Vladivostock are closed, and thorn is no
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    • 18 4 It is officially reportfd that Lord Ourzon has been appointed Ward of the Cirque Ports.
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  • 119 4 Firt ships Sunk at Port Arthur. The following telegram was received today by the Russian Consul in Singapore from th>s agent attached by the Russian Foreign office to the staff of Viceroy Alexeieff dated Mukden, 27th March On 27th March at .'i a.m. the fy\ anese approached
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 910 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Hams Hams Pine Apple Hams Are The Best In The World Extracts from letters we have received We have Jnst received a very good Pine Apple Brand Ham, and we reqenst you to send another Just as good, no other will suit. If Pine Apple Hams are not
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    • 68 4 G. R. LAMBERT CO. PHOTOGRAPHERS. Toarict*' P at«« and F lima carrlally dcv.lnp <L Ail kladi at Hhoiof r.phlc Natarlali k.pi la .toefc. Plataa aat Him. ;ua ikimJ Praai anJ •uitasl* te tbacilaulc Pketofraphlc Hint. Is Tourlat. cKMrlully fivaa. jpl.aidld o4 Ca*.ra* oa baa Vtowt ol Slnf.pjre. Natty. StatM.
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  • 646 6 Production of I 'ick's Chef d oeuvre, "I he Merchant of Venice." Tbm •Vjja'.f K osirn was p.icked to ovtill wir v on 8 tlunJuy ni^lu on which occasion tbe Company produced "The Merchant ul" The aiuiiencr was a very mixed one and' there war a good
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  • 114 6 TIIK Mlowiag [mo e n;." r« left here or Sttur day 1 1 1 < t i i 1 1 1_- liy ih- < i-MiiHii nmil sbMiuer Prim //■i-.rick For ll"n r k<ui^ Mi. .1. Mrmuiini, Mr- K H KiinUll, Mirk G. Ilaiuiuon, Dr. I Mi-
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  • 182 6 If .win's Tr< utadiiurs have new arn\xl .it Singapore and open with in enti'i tair in» nt. in the Town Hall ton>k:l t. Kvtr\«h«-r« they have been their pei frm Hires have been accorded unstinted praise and the Ii iai 'A pi|'*T» me very enthusiastic over ibti abilities
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  • 632 6 (/•V'/m KmAm ges) Tim Btrl. ingham Pott ftnt^K that the Ilrili>-h Kurei^n UthV<- i« coll.-ciinK NfaHiiigtlM i-t.ii'l' 1 British rtexineia in th» Me.lit. rr.iii.iin liv Ku«aiun wai'hip*. The Koiei^n Ollicc linx alrfdjf CDinmenced a corre*|Hiinlence 011 tli" >ulijret vith tlie St. tVtrri.b>ii>: (iovenim.-rit. Kn^siaß recent ilenml 01
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  • 157 6 The new British screw sloop Clio r"apt.» Wilkin, D. S O, arrived from ->lv i-rnt >-> via the Sut i Canal and Colombo on Saturday afternoon and 4ncl'"r»d in tlie roads close to he Vettil. The Clio is a smart looking little ve?f-el and is paint*
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  • 206 6 MYSTERIOUS DEATH OF A CHINAMAN. Found Shot Dead at Bukit Tinggi. It will be remembered that some days ago it was renorted in these columns that the highly decomposed body of a Chinaman li id been discovered in the undergrowth at Bukit Ting^i. The police had the body removed and
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  • 60 6 Capt. V<» of t tie Dutch steamer Q 0. M-:er, wh'ch arrived from PalTnbane th'B morning, report, tint thfl oil mille i\l Pair mhnne canslit fire and have been 1 urnt to tlm cround. N(> lives were \nn*. Th« dainngps in «»«tima<ed at $130 000, bu» it
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  • 6 6 To-day's 4/m hank rate is 1/lOtf.
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  • 9 6 Thb TalegrtphA Heamer Reorder l-arrived from Menado on Saturday.
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  • 15 6 The Town Band plays at the Hipl Level Reservoir this afternoon fron I to 6.
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  • 15 6 Thb Shanghai Spring Race Meetinr will be held on tbe 3rd. 4ih, and stl May.
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  • 17 6 Mr. F VV Nicholson, late Assistant 11 01 Mines in Perak has jusi died in England.
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  • 16 6 Thb h. s. turiwjsi arrived from London yesterdHy. She has a cargo el gunpowder for Hongkong.
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  • 16 6 Thb British hteamer Reynolds arrived from Saigon on Saturday with a carg< of rice for Bordeaux.
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  • 19 6 The Town and Volunteer Band wil! play on the Old J.iil Site tomorrow from 5 to 6 (weather permitting).
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  • 18 6 Mr. RrBSON, the Managing Directoi of the Mdlay Mail Press, Limited, it reported to be going borne shortly.
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  • 22 6 Particulars of an interview wit I Mr. Biri-h the late Governor of Briti-I North B irtii-o will he found on page 2
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  • 21 6 A Jumble sale will be held by the Church NV->rk Association in theSxilort' Hjme on Saturday April 2nd at 10 a.m.
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  • 19 6 Thb method by which rikisha-pnller» are licensed and registered at Kuala Lumpur is by tbe use of thumb impressions.*
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  • 23 6 Trb P O. homeward bound steamer "Siml't' left Hongkong at 2 p.m. on Saturday and is due here at 6 a.m. on Thursday.
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  • 22 6 The Acting Julge of the British Court at Buigkok is said to Invdeparted many criminal British subjects from that port, to Singapore.
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  • 25 6 H S. the Officer Administering the G >vernirent, and Miss Taylor and Messrs. Ward ami Evans returned from Malacca by the Hrn M- w yesterday.
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  • 23 6 Capt Radcliffk, tlie Acting Master Attendant, returned from P<*nang in the Bea Belle on Saturday afternoon where he had been on inspection duty.
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  • 28 6 The homewaid mail by the Simla closes at 6 p.m. on Thursday. The Simla left Hongkong on the 26' li inst. and is due here on Thnr«day morning.
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  • 24 6 Tbb Austrian steamei Pltiviee arrived on Siturl.-iy from Philadephia with 1,000 barrels and 136,583 cases of petroleum for Hiogo She left the same day.
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  • 27 6 Sir Fkank A. .-w, ttkn-ham, late fiotfer nor and ComWaritfef-in-"Chlef"Ct the Straits Settlements', had the honour on 29 I i ult. ot being received by His Majesty.
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  • 35 6 TriKRK will be a meeting of members of the Y. M C. A. on March 30tb, at 845 pm. for the purpose of Baying turewell to the vice President, Mr. Polglase and Mr. Alex Reid.
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  • 38 6 Mr. W i am Uow*h, the Protector of Chinese at Ipoh, will, it is reported, leave the Straits for twelve months to act as Chinese Immigration Agent on behalf of the Transvaal Government on the China coast.
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  • 49 6 Mr H. H. J. UoMrERTz has been appointed Police Magistrate of Hongkong. He entered the service of the Straits Settlements in 1890, and seven years later was transferred to Hongkong as Assistant Registrar-General He has acted as Senior Magistrate, and in 1801 was appointed President of the Land Court.
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  • 52 6 The Australian Cup has been won by Marmont. Scottish King, second, and Seuport third. The winner was foaled in 1890 and is by Wellington (son of Panii) out of Lady Gay. Our Sporting Notes by Taraband and Old Port, from which we take the foregoing item, are unavoidably held over
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  • 55 6 It is understood by the Pinang (1 izf.tle thu the passenger rates throughout the Frderated M lUy States Railway system will be reduced from night, five and three cents to six, four and two cents for Ist, 2nd, and 3rd Clas* respectively, but tbe return ticket at 1 j rate
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  • 53 6 The b. ft. Kelvin chartered by the Nippon Yusen Kaisha left Colombo yesterday due to arrive here on Saturday afternoon. She brines on the careo transferred from the Sado Mnv in l/>ndon. She has accommodation f< r Ist Class paFeengers and will prohab'y be clef patched on Monday for
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  • 47 6 Thu Ceylon Ohterver says that a marriage has been arranged between Mr Arthur Clercenti-Smith, District Engineer, P.W.D. Colombo, son of Sir Cecil and Lady Clementi-Smith. nf Whitehampstead, Herts, aud Miss Lucilla Gertrude LeembrugL'i'n, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Wilmot K Igar Leembmegen of Esplanade Road, Negombo, ("evlon.
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  • 73 6 Tub latent Swansea papers are full of the speeches delivered by Mr. C W. Laird, the Ui.innist candidate fur parliamentary honours. In on« speech adiireßxed to the electors, Mr. Laird adopted a very strong attitude on the question of admitting alien? and referred -arcastic»l)y to Lord Risehery's idea that if
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  • 150 6 CJermans Advised to Settle at Sabanf. W. von Ilanneken, a German writer vhose pen is occasionally employed in writing commercial articles, calls attention to the Dutch port of Sabang, on the Isle of Way, north of Sumatra, where he thinks German traders might advantageously settle. Within the last few
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  • 115 6 Tm Norwegian steamer Mathilde arrived on Saturday afternoon with a cargo of 4974 tons of Cardiff coal con--igned to Japan. The British steamers Calliope and Bwanley also arrived on Saturday both from Barry. The Calliope is consigned to Sasebo and has 5 700 tons of coal ou
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  • 56 6 At a meeting of the Singapore Club held last, week the following gentlemen were elected members of committee, from whom will be appointed the chuf facial* Messrs. K. C. Ellis, HI. Chnpe, W. C. Michell, D. K. Bomerville. W. D. Sr. Clair, J. B. Y'Hin*. F. W.
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  • 30 6 A Calcutta telegram states that the garrison artillery reliefs for 1904-05 include, the following No 42 Co. from Singapore to Bombay, md No. 64 Co. from Singapore to Port William.
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  • 69 6 A cricket match was played on the Esplanade on Saturday afternoon between the team chosen to represent Singapore during the Easter holidays and a combined team of the rest. The rest batted first and knocked up 132 runs. S. Zehnder headed the score with 39 and Col_ •TfiiftHt-Tmr ■second- with-?*
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  • 75 6 The Pahang Corporation crushed 110 tons of stone at Sungei Ltimbing in February for a yield nf ten ton« of tin r >xide at a working expense of 15,500. The Pahang Kihnng Co. that came mrnth handled 370 tons of stone which yielded 6j ton* of tin oxide at an
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  • 87 6 TRPsthe Morhing I'od of the 29'h Feb:— Mr. Charles B. Buckley han been selected by the Sultan of Johore for the office of Financial and General Adx-iser to the Government of Ji)hore, Judge of the Ctfhrt of Judicature, and a Magistrate of the first class, as it ie understood in
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  • 129 6 According to iim nwuvanl News, dated February 20 h, a Syndicate has been fnajned, styled the Malaysia Syndicate It was regutered on Feb. 10>h with a cnpi'al of £3,000 in XI shares. The otject is to acquire any landed and other property, or any interest or option incor rights over
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  • 74 6 This morning the signal sergeant and his assistants at Mount Faber had a rather strange experience. While tinordinary every day routine was being carried out a Jew, who was understood to be a lunatic, escaped from the aslum at Pasir Panjang, suddenly made hi* appearance on
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 168 6 Why will you Suffer Wi'h Rheumatism whnn relief and rure are within your reach? Many who have been oripped for weekf, months, and even yeirs hiive found relief from p»in anil nufferiiK through the instrumentaliiy if Little's Oeibntal halm. Mr. A. K Oolly of Lewis, lowa, expressed his opinion in
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    • 455 6 NOTICRS. •OTjfILY-A.:NrO- KASSIM^ Tke \tin biikv Tbfatriral (taptij »f Mnsajre AT THE NORTH BRIDGE KOAD TIIEATKK HALL To-Night, Monday, !ZBth March, WILL STAOE The (irand and Laughable Melodramatic HAROUN ALRASCHID." OR Want aad Superflutles By T. Olbdia. Translated literally from Dicks' Standard Play l un 1 Fun l Fun 1
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    • 683 6 The Favorite Cigar WITH PERSONS OF TASTE. REGALIA BRITANNICA CONCHAS. MADE OP THE Finest North Borneo Leaf Exquisite flavor and aroma. Equal to Havannahs. OnSale by Kelly Walsh, Ltd. in w f V'S-i THE TANJONQ PAUAK DOCK COMPANY, LTD. Shipwrights, Ehchiwrs. Iroh *kd Bk*-« fouhdbbs, whikkimuskh, a(.. This Company execute
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 133 6 DAY BY DAY Monday 28th M ireh. Hi»h Water. 8.57 p.m. S.V.K. Meeting Deli rUcee Second Day. 1 hilharmonic Orchestra. 8.80. Troubadoorn. Town Hall. Tuesday, 29th March. High Water. 8.i9 a.m" 940 p.m. GatU Sale N. Boat Qnay. Co(fhlan 10 Wednesday, 30th March. Bijrh Water. 9.26 a.m. 10.14 p.m Legislative
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  • 685 7 The Worst -orgo In tht World. It is c.i.i 'In.! •■•Hi) ilKrewho go down ti> ih« M-a i» Mh^h know the dime, r of iti.' .!•'> i>, Im wiiics An Kxi"it ut Llojd'*," an utiiii rwriter is probably ak< bttUvr rKqiminted wit li Home til tin-. enl»
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 58 7 MARTIN'S IJTTLlforLadiill1 JTTLIforLadiiI1 Pf JLLS A rrtaeb I.a«l> for .11 IrrWuUrltUa Thouauttai U*m boi ol ll. run P.lliTn Ih. kouae. ao th.l on UK iMH|l«turlrn(ii»'ilr of Ih. »,.u.m torn ma? M ÜBIUMMN. ThtM. who DM MM. IM'lTl»Winil Ihua.b.lM. *"UUtl»!ctali' •OUTHAMWWriS KmSU'' Finest j Victoria Butter "ORIENT" BRAND Trial lib.
      58 words
    • 194 7 NOTICES. LOT7IS MOLTmsri, COITIF'.ECTIOIN" KR Removed to new prcini.sev Ko. 378 -379-1 Victoria Street. Saloon* for Ice Cream, Lemonade, etc Oper 7 a.m. till 12 p.m. Cus-tomers are cordially invit«<l. Terms Moderate. Mar 28 m.w.f. 22-4 jgg Ny Carlsberg Beer wfftfjXi^n/TvJFal Very light pilsener Be« r t especially brewed for
      194 words
    • 381 7 NU IICbS. Ainslie's Whisky. HAY N**F BK HAD THE EAST ASIATIC CO., LTD., (Solo Importoro.) Fet \r 11.1 ARE YOU BURMNG THE CANDLE: AT BOTH ENDS FJ V investing a small sum of money each year for eight years at 'the end of 10, 15 or 20 years, your option,
      381 words
    • 223 7 J^LL*^ C.A. REIBIRO&CO. warTmaps. Unmounted 60 cents each. Mounted 80 Mounted, wiih flag indicators $1.00 mw f ■c. *t*/\ XV J\ c 1 tollen Lelwimkamiif Sfli^Kincrwcu V//V MM noch k ine ll r< !>*»* 'Iff Hi lei und Javol I roeiiien ilickeu Sclmpt hewalirr J*i Ernst Freiherr von Wolzogca. *"i}'-jiwBHll|B
      223 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 673 8 BUCHANAN'S WHISKY Sold everywhere. sTeams mTp com pa n i tb. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. i or China, Japan, Penant;, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden. Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Thronch Bllis of Lwlinc i»s'ied for China Covt, P^rsitn Galf Oontinentnl, and Arncricsn Ports. Mail Line. Outwatd*. Mftlti Apl.
      673 words
    • 678 8 P STEAMSHIP COMPANIES inklijke Pak£tvaart Maatschappij. ingajt-rt: fBIP Ar-ISfT j>t» J. I tttl ll» 6 Cc. 5-8 CcLtTßk («DAT. .he nut, rmentii n«>ri diip» ar* only »pproji»nate. Prom z Will h« n«i:atn»l 'or: BandjermaMin tfar *i B .ndj.rmHsnin KU Baroe. U>ir MtK-ar» j«w», •»mi ioda. Dod^ (i8l», Burouw, andTiffaan Mar
      678 words
    • 462 8 1 HAMBURG AMERIKA LINIE HAMBURO. The steamers of this Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China, and Japan. Homewar<is, taey are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penanir and Colombo alternately. The arrivals
      462 words
    • 621 8 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial German Mall Line. The fa -i aod well known mail steameri "f this Company sail fortnightly from Bivmeu-Hambaig via Rotterdam. Antwerp, 8 aiham.iton, Gibral'ar, Genoa. Na leg. Port rtaii), Anrn 'olom 'O, rVnang. Hingapore Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagataki, and Kobe to Yokohinna and back. They
      621 words
    • 718 8 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES TAN KIM TIAN Lines of Steamers For Bataviit, Cheilbon, Samara in Every Wednesday and Saturday '«.s.°Givui 2, W0 tons, Capt.Dunlop I GiangSeng, 1, iB2 Rawlingooi I Oiaog Ann, 872 Follett s.s. Zweena, 1,470 Neabitt For Kuala Pahanf, Pekan, Kwantan and Kent •man a i. Flevo, 302 tons, Capt.
      718 words
    • 232 8 [SULPHURIC ACID FOR HUPPLIFB, APPLY TO SYME&CO. m.w f a.c. CHAMPAGNE "LOUIS ROEDERER Extra Dry and Carte Blanch*, The old, well-known brand BRINKMANN CO.. itRAIL AT Mmmu. CHENG A Co HIGH STREET UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER I Before buying a typewriter I Inspect the UNDERWOOD t!ie inoet perfect high e!a*s I machine
      232 words

    • 1646 9 Under thf> hnftlinß tht> fo'l >»:ng sbbre♦tftViorm urn u»fl :—sir —t-hnier fli.— •hip l>q inirquf mh. -Bi'h maOT Yet Tacht; Oru. -< rucr;Gt.i OonbaU; Tor. —Torpedo; H.u.-Hori»e powtr; Urit—Brilisb U S. Unite t Stnt Feb. French Ctor--German; l>ut >utch; 0 c—(leneml•arso: d p —deck |nBS»n«.T; V—lV —1
      1,646 words
    • 503 9 •HARM. Relat Tin Mine fioou. B'MwahUold Mint (f7.60pd)517 0», hnvm. llriMb lin Mine f*.». Mllera. Krasera Neave »»5 ez. div. sales. HTeone Shaoghf i Bank |iOY Howsrtb Fr»k(o», IJ. |210. 'Jelebua (in liquidation) 20 eta. Kndana (tolly paid) Iliuu, nomina 1 do (17 |>aid) $7 no, nominal. N'ual Bank
      503 words
    • 104 9 for m ,t.a:.rr I\m*. Tjmorbcw. Bauvia Im .vyn' 9 am. Partwak Aui'rilind 1 p.m. P.Bwpfhamriaports b. Hin Gua» S p.m. P >wet'liaui viapwrv* 6<n ymede 3 p.m. Bangkok Nuen lung 4 pm. Muutok A Paiembins G. M.yer 4 p.m. kWKIyIKHI)»Y kan and Tx>ju/Giti[\i tit* Whalt Hinl a.m. «-K(ffvairg./'
      104 words
    • 436 9 4 Vessel's Nans rui. Ria. Tom Captaik FkoM •iAILMh CO4BIOMUS. m m 'eynolds lan -<*ng* Vlbeoga •uthuda ■iulun Kniile /•■eduif !iio Vt-nsi* a* Calliope an Hin Guaa iHiivmode \-a'i»a Fun Wo Redang :|»verley I a Seyne ShHn Tang Mew itxnUwere* Knrmo«a viiang Ann i. Seh iff Bahru -ri Muar
      436 words
    • 194 9 I'iTK. VtiMKL't NAMB. Klao 4 Rio I I'oNH. IIHTMITIOI. Mar 27 27 *6 26 s<« M M M M 2rt itf M 28 M 2' 24 N 2* 28 28 28 28 2-1 Chw- Sh»nt llugHliet Ul«nf...lilL-h Cliow T'ii Cbow I'll, a Pin S'ii« C tit line»B Menu
      194 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 65 9 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co. JEWELLERS AND SILK MERCHANTS, No. 51 52, Sigh Street. Jn«t Tl\fd, w Fr»sh "tut rltif «t«»rk ot Indian, Chinese, *nd Japanese roods, such as Silk Kimonos of Fancy Embroidered work, Chinese embroidered* Grass Cloth woik of every kind, Pineapple Silks, Indian Rampore Chudders, Assam Silks
      65 words
    • 406 9 WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW CO., Have a Large Stock of Warm Clothing for Gents. PROCEEDING HOME SOTJIsTID GIVEIT fob CASH. Gents 1 Dressing Gowns Warm Underclothirfg A NEW SORT' OF DItKS-IVG GOWNS NOW JMafflHl Hr .v> SI mr'l I. W Un.ierweur G&L/S v Fop Cold Weather BEING SHOWN •'"jR K1 Vests with
      406 words