The Straits Times, 25 March 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 31,393 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY. MARCH 25. 1904 PRICE 15 CEITS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1992 1 NOTICES. SALE OF WORK. In Aid of the Funds of the Young Women's Christian Association. Friday, March 25th, 1904. IN THE TOWN HALL From 4 to 7 orlork p.m. MISS TAYLOR In addition to tbe sale of useful articles, there will be side shows," conjurine, Ac, and refreshments. A Band
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    • 314 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Milkmaid > BRAND Millr i ||S| Iflllll W^ Guaranteed B*WIS cSSK»f* 6 sar tkh < *»g=? w r=s^ t uil Cream. trao:. mark Largest Sale in the World. Carbide of Calcium Small Lump **m 21k. 10 Ib., 1101 b. Tii.s. Coal-Gas and Acetylene Fittings ami at rePHories of
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  • 928 2 Slnrapore Ahead of Colombo Mr. E. D. Pearman, laUly uti- manager of the Oriental Telephone Eler trie Company, Singapore, was in Colombo. says the Time* of Ceylon, ru route to Mauritius. Although his time in Colombo was very limited hr made good use of the opportunity of exa
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  • 11 2 I Exchange and -liare <|ciotationa will be found on pare s
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  • 25 2 Shipping advt-r"f» me"'*,, with (intm of oailn ft etc., wi 1 t i ni <l pate 7 General shipping new i uted on page 8.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 789 2 NOTICES. MARTIN'S M rml> to* »> lrrH»l«r»l««. i ifcn UiiMtill b»i «l MM«I» P.llilir IkkMIMIllUati LIQUID FUEL (Petroleum Residue) Large stocks always on hand. 82/6 (Thirty-two shillings and sixpence' per ton f o. b. in bunkers at FRESHWATER ISLAND (PULO BUKOU) opposite western entrance of New Harbour. The fuel is
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    • 328 2 NOTICES. j* NyCarlsbergßeer J^««j|]j§7wW v ery light Pllsener Beer, especially brewed for Tropical Obtainable at the principal Hotels and Retail Dealers. S NT IAhiiKtKUS Sole Importers *^Jm C.A. RIBEIRO&CO. WAR MAPS. Unmounted 60 cents each. Mounted 80 Mounted, with flag indicators $1.00 geb 4'.c GRAND HOTEL, Ltd., No*. 18,
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  • 419 3 L.wiwpek saw the Malacca Volunteers under canraos for the fiioi iikih The camp was at Bukit S.buker close >o the nlie rancm and abi>ut 4 miles fr..m town. On Friday at 4 p.m. over 30 men .i"i ui'-1.-'l and fHarted to niatt-h out, hut the Tiimnin M ilhc-m
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  • 300 3 In tbe Gr«ra*an Uuntnlax Court at instant, lleetit A Iv: >■'■ mi rchaota o ley< rink ai.i m £i.((h Mill U l.L'f tit tilt fi nrlanii 1 plain ff- l-iiv- XI 00 la in memh. ruf rival tirm Tbe liudii.g 1 t tlie C uri *rts a.-<
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  • 325 3 For Singapore rVr P H) Fo m. TArri l,onHr.n F- 1> ■•> iMta vt eh— Mr K W .Kn, Mi K' a Pri'. O s H>m tiny conn rti v Wit I M-H'ller .W» <•! HI *****.0 foil. 1 n il mh 4. d-i. Ir.l in Mr
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 381 3 NOTICES. MURA~ i APANESE TA TOOFR from HongV koog lute Victoria Street) has removml to opp »ne ll'ii ion Hotel iJrHnil Concert) 69 North Bridge Kosd. Sinirapoie. Mar 1 4 McAlister Co. LIMITED. Hate ji>t reeeivfd a frtsk ikiiMit »1 BEST FAMILY SALT BEEF Priue 40 ota. per pound. Prine
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    • 516 3 NOTICES A lady will be pleased to hear of a p rrt son who v ill giv« hnr daughter aged 17, lesrt.-ns m music, to G B. T. c/o Slraits T>me*. MartJ uc. SINGA WAS" CIGARS (EXTRA MILD) Tin Boxes of 50. $1 .75 per box. WHHIII-AT L&IDLAW Co, AND
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    • 679 3 NOTICES. SURVEOR vanted for tbe Sarawak G vernment vpply to M -s*ra. Paters- 1. himons Co:— gents Purawak Governme' t, etatin f lary required. Must be a good instrumental man and draughtsman. Mar 7 n.c. WANTFD a Dnwatf for Cbri-tmas Isla-id. Apply by letter, 'eferences, to BOCBTEAD Co., A
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    • 696 3 NOTICES. CX)MFOBT BLE rooms to be let at j 'Boer House" Et*r Road. no I OHK lET: entry at ne.- compound hone No. \-l Bencoole-i .Sweet. Apply to Gothrie Co. Ltd., Agents. F b t uc. IX) B U LET offices on tbe second floor No. 7 Battery Road. Immediate
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    • 636 3 SHIPPINO INDO-CHINA 6TKAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED ?OR HONGKONG. 'PH K Company's naauier H.iNQ SANQ, 1 2,14. tour i aplnu. 1.d. having left Calculi* oo the Isi i> si may be xpected to ar ive i ere on or aboui the 27tb inst. and will have pr mpt despatch for tbe
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  • 12 4 t'HAKLWOOD.—On the 24th March, at MayI.eld, Penang, V. H. S. Charlwood.
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  • 965 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. FRIDAY. 25th MARCH Sir Edwin Arnold, whose literary monument will undoubtedly be "The Light of Asia," was born in 1832: so he had parsed* the narrow span of three score years and ten, which is the Biblical lot of man. He was the secoud
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  • 330 4 It is not generally known that if a fire were to occur or a murder to be perpetrated anywhere two miles beyond Katong to the north-east of Singapore, there would be no means of signalling the disaster to the police here in the town. The telephone wire does not run
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  • 71 4 General satisfaction will be aroused by the news wired to-day, that the Newfoundland fishery dispute with France has been laid at rest. 'France based her claims en a treaty two cen tunes old, with stipulations so utterly out of date that trouble arose which grew worse with the lapse of
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  • 6 4 To-day's 4/m bank rate is 1/11
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  • 14 4 An article on tbe Singapore telephone si rvice will be found on page 2.
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  • 11 4 The United States cruiser Sail Francisco left for Manila yesterday afternoon.
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  • 17 4 The homeward M. M. mail steamer Sydney is due here from Saigon at 7 a.m. on Monday.
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  • 18 4 Thk B. I. Coy. Steamer <Jbra arrived with 6,857 tons of coal from Moji via Karateu this morning.
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  • 15 4 Yesterday afternoon H.P.C. Murdock found tbe corpse of a newly-born infant floating under Cavenagh Bridge.
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  • 22 4 It is understood that Capt. Radclifle, the Acting Master Attendant, is* due here from Penang by the Sea Belle on Sunday morning.
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  • 24 4 One hundred and fifty four deaths were registered at Singapore during the week ending on the 19th March. The ratio per thousand was 32.17.
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  • 23 4 A house boy at. Shanghai has just been sentenced to four months' imprisonment for forging a cheque on the Hongkong and Shanghai Bark.
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  • 24 4 Memr*. Powell Co. sell to-morrow at River Valley Road, the household furniture &c. of Mr. T L Gosling. 442 lots will be put up.
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  • 24 4 Thk M.M. Company's steamer Sydiiey will leave Saigon at 7• m to-morrow morning and may be expected here on Monday morning at 7 a.m.
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  • 27 4 Mr. W. A. Cuscadrn has, we are glad to bear, recovered fiym his attack of dengue fever. This morning he resumed the duties of Chief Police Officer.
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  • 28 4 Owing to pressure on space, the con* tinued report of the Marine Court of Enquiry to-day, Wire News, some correspondence and other items, are held over until, to-morrow.
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  • 114 4 INDIANS LEAVE JOHANNESBURG London, 24th March. 360 Indians are removing from ttoe plague-infected area at Johannesburg to a site eight miles distant from the city. The Indian locations there will be burned down when empty. ADMIRAL TOGO'S REPORT. Admiral Togo report! that none of his vessels were
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  • 234 4 ALBANIANS IN REVOLT. London, 24th Mareh. Ten thousand Albanians have revolted at Babatepe. RIOOROUS MEASURES TAKEN BY THE TURKS. Shakir Pasha, the Turkish Commander, is surrounding them with twelve battalions. Ten other battalions are hastening to his assistance froTn various points. THE FITZ-GEORae FAMILY HONOURED. U. M. the
    Reuter  -  234 words
  • 200 4 Tuesday's Bombardment of Port Arthur. The Japanese Consul-General at Singapore has received the following message today. Admiral Togo reports to the Japanese Foreign Office as follows Our combined squadron manoeuvred as previously arranged. From the night cf the 2M inst. to dawn of the following day our
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  • Special Telegrams to the "Straits Times."
    • 86 4 THE PORT ARTHUR ATTACK. Shanghai, fifth March An official despatch from Mukden, dated yesterday, confirms news of the attack on Port Arthur on the 22nd. It puts the Russian loRees at five killed and nine wounded [This refers to the telegram which we were able to publish yesterday
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    • 105 4 M. Roundanovsky, the Russian Consul General at Singapore favors us with the following official telegram he has received from the Agent of the Russian Foreign Office attached to the staff of the Viceroy Alexeieff Mukden, SZth March. Tbe latest false reports that were published by the Japanese
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    • 51 4 RIVER G UN BOATS FOR CHINA. London, ?41l March. The Admiralty is arranging for the building of a number of river gunboats for the China station. This is being done in compliance with Sir Ernest Satow's insistence upon the need for the better protection of British trade interests in Chinese
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    • 93 4 MM March. The combined squadrons attacked Port Arthur at daybreak on the 22nd inst., and continued the bombardment until 2 p.m. without effecting any palpable results. The Russian* came out under the shelter of their share batteries, and their tacries suggested that they wished the Japanese
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    • 112 4 l'enang, 25th March. Captain Mclntyre, the Harbour Master of Penang, was married yesterday at St. George's Church, to Mius Violet Biggs, who arrived from home by the German Mail. The Colonial Chaplain performed the ceremony. Mr. Fredk. Villiers, the famous war correspondent, who was also a passenger
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  • 44 4 Thk shareholders of the Tunjong Pagar Dock Co. are meeting this atternoon to take the poll demanded by those who supported the motion for the adoption of the report and accounts for the year acaiust the amendment moved by Mr. John Anderson,
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  • 26 4 Captain D. C. Mclntyre r.n.k. who came out from ludia to fill the appointment of Harbour Master at Penang has just been married at that town.
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  • 35 4 Lieut. H. T. Cunningham, 11. (i A, Garrison Adjutant, has been placed on the sick list. He is down with fever. Captain Holdsworth, R G. A., has been appointed Garrison Adjutant from the 18th inst.
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  • 40 4 Thk e.s. Borneo, which has been docked at Keppel Harbour since grounding on the Aratoon Apcar Shoal, went on a trial trip this morning. Her compasses were also adjusted during the trial. She will leave for Bangkok on Sunday morning.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 497 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Hams Hams Pine Apple Hams Are The Best In The World Extracts from letters we have received We have just received a very good Pine Apple Brand Ham, and w« request you to send another Just as Rood, no other will suit. If Pine Apple Hams are not
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    • 65 4 G. R. LAMBERT GO. PHOTOGRAPHERS. Tourist. 1 Patu and Him. carefully develop -d. All kinds ol Photographic Materials kept In Mock. Plate* and films guaranteed Preih and suitable to tbe climate. Photographic Hints to TourieU cheerfully glv en. Splendid Assortment ol Cameras on h.n Views ol Singapore. Native States, Java,
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  • 1108 5 POSTMASTER SUED TO REFUND $5, 000. How Departments are Run. The people uf Labuan were keenly interested the other day in an action before the acting Judicial Commissioner, Mr. C .1. Skinner, at the instance of Mr T. J. C. White, the Treasurer of Labuan, to recover the
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  • 360 5 (irrom Exchanges It was a great game at Belfast, when Ireland beat Wales in the Rugger international. There was a big gate," and great enthusiasm. The game was a splendidly and closely contested one from the start, and the issue in doubt to the end. Ireland had an
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  • 244 5 The Stak on being tindockea at Keppel Harbour on the 2Mrd instant, left for Tanjong Rhu. The Albenga is expected to .arrive to-morrow. The U.ts.S San Franeito left for Manila shortly before 5 pm. yestefday. The ilurex after discharging her cargo of oil at Pulo Sambu, was towed
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  • 61 5 At Kampar, in 1 erak, a Sikh police constable has been murdered by gang robbers. He had been stationed at a threatened Chinese Mining Kongsi. The robbers, four in number, threw the constable down, tied bis bands apd legs, and then, taking up a hatchet, split iiia bead open, and
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  • 816 5 Annual Meeting. Thk sixth annual meeting of Fraser and Neave, Ltd Singapore, was held in the offices of the Company at noon to-day. There was a small attendance, Mr. Alexander Gentle, chairman of directors, presiding. The others present were Messrs. Hans Becker, Alec. Summing, and C.
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  • 32 5 The resignation of the captaincy of the Perak Cricket Club by Dr. Fox, is confirmed. In accordance with existing rules, Capt. Barrett succeeds him and in empowered to select a Deputy Captain.
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  • 553 5 The Grounding of the s.s. ''Borneo." A Marine Court of Enquiry was held at the Master Attendant's office yesterday to enquire into the grounding of the s.s. Borneo on the Arratoon Apcar Shoal 3n the 3rd February on the way from Bangkok to Singapore. The Court
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  • 320 5 WHO KILLED THE BULLOCK Action for Damages. Chinese remedies are often supposed to be more deadly in their effects than the evils they are intended to cure, but it is seldom the Court has to consider that particular question. However, in a case which came before Mr. Justice Hyndman-Jones in
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  • 54 5 It is reported from Nagasaki that Ihe Times will charter two more small steamers, to be used exclusively by the correspondents of the London journal The vessels will be engaged principally with 'the object of watching the sea fightipK. and taking photographs thereof, pisaibly with a view to a future
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  • 170 5 Mr. Leavitt's company of AngloAmerican Troubadours, who arrive here on Monday, include some artistes whose abilities seem to verge on the miraculous. They are described as the Mysterious Zancigs and their speciality is telepathy. Whatever one thinks, the other can state, and not only that but the abstruse
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  • 172 5 The following passengers arrived here this morning by the German mail nteanie Prin: Hfim-ifk. From Bremen Mr. Naj Son. From Antwerp Mr. F. Moritz. From Southampton Mr. and Mrs. and Miss Holloway, Mr. W. H. Newitt, Miss E. Newton, Mr. Xai Rune, Mr. J. Cook. Fr»ro
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  • 85 5 On enquiry from the Malay skipper of the small local vessel Emily, which runs between Rhio and Singapore, and which arrived from Rhio last evening, it was elicited that no lives were lost, as far as the skipper was aware, during the great fire which broke
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  • 47 5 Wb call the attention of our readers to the sale of work to be held at the Town Hall to-day on behalf of the Y.W.C.A., and not on behalf of the Y. M. C. A. as was erroneously stated in a former notice.
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  • 111 5 It is stated that the proprietors of a Siamese journal last year distributed handbills as an advertisement of their publication as follows The news of English, oh crumbs, we tell the latest. Writ in perfectly style and most earliest Do a murder git commit, we hear of and tell it.
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  • 161 5 Cricketers in Singapore may look forward to a lively time next week during the Easter holidays. A cricket eleven from Perak has arranged to visi; Singapore and play against a local eleven which has now been chosen. Several entertainments will be given in honour of the
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  • 92 5 Ws understand that the i->*al steamer Bintang Timor, which broke her back on the Sepang Bar, has been condemned by the owners, Messrs. Wee Bin Co., as she is not worth repairing. The Bintang Timor will be towed to Tanjong Rhu to be broken up. She was
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  • 21 5 This morning the Shantung^^f^l with a cargo of 3,600 tons of Kuchinots 1 coal consigned to Messrs. Mansfield <V Coy, Ltd.
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  • 29 5 The British Borneo Syndicate 1..11 stopped prospecting for minerals in British North Borneo from lack oi payable finds. Optimists hope tha; coal and manganese may yet save the situation.
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  • 49 5 The big 30 ton gun which is to be mounted at Fort Palmer has been lying by the side of the road near the fort for the last few days It attracted a good deal of attention and is certainly the biggest gun seen in Singapore for many years.
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  • 45 5 Pi.NEAiTLH preserving on an alleged paying basis has just been started a; Colombo by Mr Landau, a (Swiss tea merchant. He has put up a temporary plant, and has contracted for large supplies of pines. The price of the latter is higher than at Singapore.
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  • 80 5 A meeting of all those interested in the Maxim section of the B. V. C. and proposing to join will be held in the Drill Hall on Monday the 28th inst. a: 5-30 p.m. to discuss final details. Any who are not jiow active members of the Corps are requested
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 242 5 NOTICES. The Indra Zanibar Royal Theatrical Company of Singapore 1 Will Produce AT THE ,\ORTH BRIDGE ROAD THEATKE HALL BY SPECIAL REQUEST To-Night, Friday, 25th March. That Well-known European Play %*s JL JCSI J-J JtL» -fc-k. Jem -La We know you all like this piece. It is specially staged for
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 161 5 UAY BY I>A> Friday. 25th March. High Water. 4.,'j0 p.m. Mi.on l«t qr. Uta.Sk, S.V.I. Concert. Singapore Club Meeting. Football. Baagan r. N«adwanpts. T.W.C.A. Ball "f woik. Town Hall 4to 7. S.V.I. Cuard and Sentry duty. 5.11 Swimming Club. Drill Hall 9. Saturday, a6th March. HiKh Water. 4.9 a.m. 0.33
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  • 321 6 The new law as regards mining timber and fuel tor mining purposes in ''alinnp prefixes heavily on those iOTipanit'H which have no timber of their own It seems hard, snys a j)rrp<>p.>ii.len', that mining folk in in l';iliiim liiivi- tv i. ly duty on mining timber
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  • 583 6 P. O. •rneo i>6th Mar li Mr.-. Miller, Mrs. Lowell child and infant, Wm (>«ran, Mr>. Wpih, r-|»mn. Key. .n<i Mr.-. ♦I.iim-. Mw nolion, Mr. and Mr». IVirce mM anil infant. Mr. tl|.bn-k, Mr- Sliuw aid child, Mr li. gbav and child, Mra. DU» io.( clul.l, Mr.
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  • 43 6 VIS<KI-J DVKKI'HRD T > AIL. H i pkong O*pri dt«MUi RUrc 1 ehn In L vi lilm Ih.v r, en'l of Ma eh V-nn ifct viHp >il« lio'oni'i every WednesJ. T Khoo I'hee s..on IVniii i. >ii rot swettunham, K tna, •»«y Weduesday, Boiibtoad.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 173 6 NOTICES. Keep it Handy For an emergency. When accidents happen, or suddeo 4&U sickness coma, nothing will bring such prompt relief v 't that famoui old remedy, /MW PERRY DAVIS' j JXS3& "PainkUUr Apf It cum OUUUPS, COLIC, CHOLERA, DYSENTERY, ■jP*^^ DIARRHOEAt SPRAINS, BITES and STINGS. W ~g. g)fomune Co.
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    • 404 6 NOTICES. HOWARTH ERSKINE, Ltd. Cable Addnss: "ERSKINE." Telephone No. 23. Mechanical, Civil, Electrical FftgiMOTH, Ship Builders, k Contractors. < ouolriirlioiial Work* in STEEL, IRON, and MASONRY A SPECIALITY. BRIDGES CnnsniUtinn Tnvitod JP%^ BUILDINGS FstirattPs fppfl. Jffk PIERS > if Ai.-mLm* wharves Mb r Yh GIRDERS BB^S- stanch eons JS£ ROOFTRUSSES
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 687 7 Buchanan's r whisky Sold everywhere. ST HA MS h7P COMPANIES. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penan*. Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports. Plymouth and London. Throuch Bill* ol Liding i«s'iod for China Coast. P'ruUn Galf Continental, and American Por'* Mall Line. OutlL'rd*. Malta Apl. 3 Ballaarat
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    • 1270 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES Kon Inkl ij ke Paketvaa rt M aat sch ap p ij i no>-r contract vmb the Netherlands ibuik bovtuo >nt a mm at Singapore: Pbip Aghscy, lati J. Fiiumu A Co.. 5-8 Colltkb Qtjat. ;'h* nndprmen ion«"fl dates only approy'Tiate. Steamer From 'xp''*d Will be Dxsnat^hed for
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    • 633 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Nil NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial Herman Mail Line. The fa^t and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen-Hamburg via Rotterdam. Antwerp, S'Uihampton, Gibraltar, Genoa. Na les, Port -<aid, Suez A en. -'olom o, Ponane. Hingapore Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagavaki, and Kobe to Yokohama and baci. They
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    • 722 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES TAITKIM I TIAN. Lines of Steamers For Batavia, Cheribon, Samarang Every Wednesday and Saturday. •s.s. (Jiine ta, 2,300 t0n5, Capt. Dunlop s.s. Giang Seng, 1,182 KawlingtioD s.s. Giang Ann, 872 Follett B.a. Zweena, 1,470 Nesbitt For Kuala Pahangr, Pekan, kwantan and Kern annui s a. Flero, 302 tons,
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    • 445 7 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL INSURANCE CO. FIRE A LIFE TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS EXCEED £12,000.000. THE LARGEST FIRE OFFICK IN THEJWORLi) BOUSTEAD Co., Agenfca THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Capital £2,127,500 Paid up Capital 212,750 Reserve Fund 1 ,073,550 The undersigned, Agents for the Company, are prepared to accept fire
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    • 1358 8 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used i str. steamer sh, •hip bq.— barque sch.— schooner Yet.— Yacht ;Cru.— Cruiser; Gbt.— Gunboat; Tor. —Torpedo; H.p.— Horse-power; Brit.—British U. S.— United States Fch.— French Ger.--Ge'-mnn; Dut.— Dutch; G.c.—Genaralsanzo; d p. deck passenger; U Uncertain; T P. W.—
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    • 606 8 Singapore, 25th March, 1904. PRODUCE. Gambler buyers 10.70 do (Cube No. 1) unpicked 15.41) Copra Ball 7.55 do PontlanaK 7.25 Pepper, Black buyer* 29.474 do White, (5%) 47.50 Sago Flour Sarawak 3.45 do Binnel No. 1 3.60 Pearl S»ko 5.25 Coffee, Ball, 15% basts 20.00 Coffee, Half nibang, So*{
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    • 99 8 tor Per tteamer Time. To-Mobrow. Sandakan via ports Kedah 7 a.m. Bangkok Medina 8 am Sabak and Djambie Hong Ho 11 a.m. Indragiri A ing Ann Noon. Macassar, etc. I'an Rubreek Noon. Labuan and Manila Singora Ip.m. P.Swet'ham 4 Penang Pin Seng 2 p.m Bangkok Deli 3 p.m.
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    • 144 8 MAILS TO A RRIVE. From Europe—By the M. M. s. s. Annan due on the 28th Mar. with dates to the 4th March. From China—By the M M s.s. Sydney due on Monday. Left Singapore Dae in London Arrived Feb Bth N. D. L. Mar 4th Mar 3rd Feb lOtb
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    • 222 8 J Mar 24 24 34 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 84 35 26 to 26 26 26 VuaiL's Nami. ■Carolina 'Pin Seng Sri Muar (Ban Wbatt Hin jEmile |Tara* jOopack Guernsey I T pada liHii.-a Chwn Shan Chow Tai Prim Heinrich* .Shan Tung Hebe Dagfred Qiang Seng
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    • 129 8 Dat«. Vessel's Name. Flag <J: Rig. TOSS. I>l«TIWATIOIf. Mar 24 24 36 36 36 36 36 26 84 34 34 36 36 36 16 36 96 Hri Wongtco Menat Upada Brouwer Speelman Korat Amherst Merionethsbiret Guernsey Cheang Chew Babalan Emile Prinz Heinrich Ophir Deli Lady Mitchell* Tar* Dot str.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 241 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS AND SILK MERCHANTS, No. 51 52, High Street. Just arrived, a t'rfsh and Fim- stork ot Indian, Chinese, and Japanese jjoods, such as Silk Kimonos of Fancy Embroidered work, Chinese Embroidered (irass Cloth work of every kind, Pineapple Silks, Indian Rampore Chudders, Assam Silks
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    • 488 8 Special of WrunHs tfiis IVeen^ Very rich, in an excellent v "7"\ Jii^*^' light a dark 1 Ol Dining or Drawing Room use. *ize 9 i "j ft. Pr. $14. 50 SjoS?^" 10xl2 *525.00 r^Pjjß jf^ Size 9 x ft i'r. $14.00 JUTE STAIR CARPETING "TAYSIDE" carpet SQUARES Wi.lth 22j
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 64 8 WEATHER HEPOBT. Kandang Kerbau Hotpital, SSrtt March, 1904 a. in. |8 p.m.|» p.m. Rkmabks. Bar ..29.900 29.814 29.890 Mornin« Temp 83.9 86.4 i 7«.5 dsy and WB'lbTher 76.9 76.0 75.0 night clear OirofWind n.m.i s. c. Calm. Max. Temp 9PO Mm 70.» Sun 146.4 Terr, rad 69.9 JUinfall Nil
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