The Straits Times, 24 March 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 31.3Q2 &INGAPOKE, IHUKSDAY. MVKCH 24. 19<>4 PRICE 15 CERTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 677 1 LORNE WHISKY. POWBLL ROBINSON, S«l» ls, Sl«tm»T« «ml Ktd.f.U. Mal«> 8l.t««. LATEST AUVbKIISHMbINTS. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mai* Steamship Lin*. Ou/ National Higlneay Io Europe, via 'htna, Japin, C*n«d« and United Slates. Koute from Hongkong lia Shanghai, Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan) Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver. X.M.S. Emprrts
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    • 539 1 NOTICES. FRASER 9t NEAVE, LIMITED. NOll KOFOUDINARY (JKNKhAL MEETING. VOTIVE is^A-eby Riven that tbe 1 (ir "Aj^^BiHral Meeting o' the Coni|>aru wiiflpHk-tld at the R gi^ter-d Offlce of the Company, 2-1 Kaffl>)B Quay simap. re, oa Friday tbe 25tb a> of March l»* Aat noon precisely. Holders of Warrants to
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    • 674 1 I AUCTION SALES. TANGLIN FURNITURE AUCTION AT MATPIIU)" OKANGR OROVK IIoAD Saturday 28fh March at 2 pm. r EXCELLENT Pini g room ad Red j room and Dr*«iDg room t urniture ln O\K and TEAK of good design and finish. Cottaee Piano. Mi io' household requisites. A ve'y ko-j i
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    • 647 1 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE" OF SALVAGE 6xS.S. "ffenturref 1 1> he held in the Godown on tbe TANJONG PAOAR RECLAMATION GROUND ON FRIDAY, 25th MARCH, AT 2.30 P.M. pss msjm biles and case* M compri«inj? Pierem goods, Enamelled£^A mW ware. I umcH Provisions, Printing paper, sheet glass, Perfumery, R<.sin, McEwans
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    • 608 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Carbide of Calcium Small Lninp r— h 21b., 101 b., 1101 b. Tins. Coal-Gas and Acetylene 'Ittinga nn<i Rccefsories of every description, including G tlvanized Iron and L ad Piping. Tranaoendent Wlnd-Ppoof Inoandeeoent Oil-lamps, <.f 1,200 candle power, burning only one gailou ot Kciiftne tor about :Hj lioure
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  • 954 2 Charges Against Jat«a. An otficul disputed reouiv«4 at the Foreign Office od the 24th alt., reports that Count I.amsdorf, the Russian Foreign Minister, issued a note to the representatives of the various Powers under date of the 22 id ult. The note deals with the alleged
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 459 2 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL INSURANCE CO. FIRE A LIFE TOTAL INVEBTED FUNDS EXCEED £12,000,000. THE LARGEST TIKE OFFICE IN THE WOBLI) BOUBTEAD Co., AgenU. THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital £2,127,600. Paid up Capital 212,750 Reserve Fund £1,0«"3,550 Tbe undersigned, Agenta for the Company, are prepared to accept fire
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    • 450 2 NOTICES. OWYNIMES Ltd. (J. A K. 6 WYNNE. Ltd., and BWTNNE A C* United.) T.H«r— <*4»--"owrmni, London.- a b o, 4th sth Mmom, a 1. MOBKINO NliLI'S. Trade nark "IX VIXCIBLK." lutfetircn sf tkc argwt u« ant tfleif »t CENTRIFUGAL PUMPING MACHINERY tbe worid. Miltabte lor all parp««. lactedlac tmiiim!.
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  • 296 3 Mb Hark is very unwell and has to no home at once Mr. Barnes will probably act for him and will therefore not be avHilible for the F«-'»ral Secre tnriat. Who avniUl.l At all events it will be iniernstintt to see who gets the ao'inK appoint m^nt
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  • 398 3 The Acting ReM.ient, Mr. H. Co.nv^y Belfield, n-turn«*<l to reiptßJl on irn ;nh March from Kuhl* Liinfur where i.c I a I to bo f"r (he nftsrence >•' fie«i'l> tits The Residents were to have iridcu»*<><l rrnny import ml mater* n I'onuedi'tn with the a<liiiinißtraiion of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 114 3 K>|sosi:i) MK'iiCISP At hu ii q if! lielr) in h Nfw Z nlan- 1 towimliip on 'lie Ittih KVJi. hi dm.i htion with Hih Mi-p ci-'iiN il^ttli of a p:i'i«nl in el •C'»i'» ln'i.l.a, iIih lill.r (JHT6 »-vi ■♦•noH. He «-Ih'.i) ||t«| f I clicmi"! wIik I. iH supplied i
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    • 365 3 NOTICBS. ~MU*A~ JAPANESE TAITOOER from Hong koag (late Viotoria Street) has removed to opp site (Union Hotel "rand Concert) 69 »orth Bridge Road. Singapore. Mar i SU McAlister Co. LIMITED. law jut ntthti a frnk ikiiffjwt tf BEST FAMILY SALT BEEF Prioe 40 cts, per pound). Prine Californian Salt Beef
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    • 495 3 NJOtICES A lady will be pleaaed to hear of a p rson who will give her daughter, aged ,17, lessons in jmu^ic. Apply to G. E. T. c/o Strait* Ttmr*. Mar 2* J^xs. TRY SINGA WAS" CIGARS (BXTRA MILD) Tin Boxes of 50. $1.75 per box. WHITEAWAY UIDLAW ft Co.
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    • 690 3 I NOTICES. SURVEYOR wanted for tbe Sarawak G vernment Apply to Messrs. Patersoo, Simons A Co:— Agents Sarawak Governmer t, Rtatin* salary required. Musi be a good instrumental man and draughtsman. Mtr 7 o.c. \l ANTFI) a Qrssstr tor Chri-tmas TT Islaad. Apply by letter, giving -eferences, to BOI'STEAD A
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    • 676 3 NOTICBS. r*)MFOBT BLE rooms to be let at \J Eber House." Eher Ytp*d n o TO BE LET: entry at cocr- oompound bonMs No. US Beacooien Street. Apply to Outline Co. Ltd Agents. rM> 4 ac '|X> BB LET: offlces on the second floor I Ho. 7 Battery Road. Immedi»t4
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    • 692 3 SHIPPINQ BUftlHJSUloliilfia LLUIIJ. FOB HONGKONG. SHANGHAI, AND JaP»N POKTB rHK I m peri I OerroHn mail steamer PRIt>Z HEIN,JLH ,1, moo; Cap*. Heiotte having left Oolomtxi on a urriay, the tHb iast. at i pna mny be upected to arrive here on Friday, the th inei., at 7 a.m fan
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  • 673 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. THURSDAY, 24th MARCH. Pour Ahthuk is still in the hands of the Russians, and the report of its capture, as telegraphed from Tokyo and Chefoo on Tuesday last, is proven untrue. How the report oruld have oee.n promulgated in the Japanese capital, where an
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  • 563 4 Not very long since, writes a correspondent, "the police took into custody a Malay against whom a charge was preferred for being in possession of a dangerous weapon, to wit, an ordinary riding stick with a nickel ornamental handle sh^-pa I like a miniature axe with an edge about an
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  • 249 4 Advicb in the premises may seem ■up«iiluuus in view of the excitement t'lat has been aroused by Mr. Andersou's speech on Tuesday at the same tioie it is as well to remind all local Shareholders of the Tarj ng Pagar Djck Company that they have more or less of a
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  • 202 4 With regard to the Transvaal Chinese coolie immigration tfuestion which Sir Henry Cirnpbell-Btnnerman has raised in Parliament, it is an open secret that, long before, the Transvaal Legislature had actually granted the demand of the Rand mining magnates for the importation of Chinese coolies into that Colony, agencies had already
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  • 15 4 To-day's 4/m bank rate is 1/11. F M.S. Notes will be found on page 6
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  • 10 4 Kxchangb and share quotation*) will be found on page 8.
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  • 15 4 The Acting G tvemnr and party left for Malacca in the Sea Mew yesterday afternoon.
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  • 16 4 Thk Swimming Club launches will leave Johnston's Pier on Sunday at 7 30 and 8 30.
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  • 18 4 May 2nd, at 10 a.m., is the date fixed for the formal inauguration of the St. Louis Exposition.
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  • 20 4 Wjt note from the Chini Time* of tbe sth inst. that Mr. Cowen has resigned the editorship of that paper.
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  • 21 4 Thk Sultana of S«langor died, the other day. She was buried in the royal cemetery at Jugra on the 17th instant.
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  • 28 4 Thb M. M. bs. Annam, with the mail from Europe of the 4 h March, left Colombo on the 23rd inst, and is due here on Monday next.
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  • 23 4 This afternoon a bis tunikow capsized near the shipping Oifiee. The cargo consisted of cases of oil and was picked up by sampans.
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  • 26 4 Th» German mail steamer Print HtinneK having left Penang on tbe 23 id instant at 10 p.m. may be expected bere to-morrow at nhout 7 a.m.
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  • 25 4 DißKcr exchange of parcels between Hongkong and the Dutch East lndu is now established. The limits of weight tnd dimensions are published in the Qatettt.
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  • 30 4 The Penang Volunteer Challenge Cup •booting competition was won hy rtuulur L. A Chill with a snore of 100 out ot a possible 140. Lieut. Wilson came second with 99.
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  • 29 4 Trb Honpknng Hotel Company made a profit of $,8,"U0 during the Masad naif of 1903. A dividend ot ten pel i.-ent. tor the half-year is recommended by the directors.
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  • 32 4 Tbb German slea -i«r Hinti with a full cargo of rice for Bordeaux arrived from Saigon this iv >rmng. She i« expected to leave to-night and is now lying at the wharf.
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  • 41 4 A wirb from the Haxue to the Deb Courmit states that, the mobilisation of ihe RuMcian Bd'ie Fleet ha« he*n comoienced and it will nrubarily pr.icee.i on its way to the Far E ist in J uue through the Sutz Canal.
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  • 41 4 A *\LK of work in connection with the V.M 0.A., will be held in the Tuwn Hall at 4 p.m., to- mm row. Owing to the unavoidable absence of Mi is Taylor, Mrs. Kynnersley has kindly conseuled 10 open the sale.
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  • 36 4 Thk Hindu lrvtivhl of Ram Nav<4ini occur* tn-morrow. Th« memImh of ih« Hindu Y^ung Men* Society will fend the poor at ihe Tfinple in Waterloo St., and a relipiou* procession will take place in tli« t-veniug.
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  • 39 4 His Excellency »ir John Anderson, the newly-appointed Governor of lit* ■-'irai'H Si-ttlt-inenis, leavf* London l.r Sineapore today b> the P &O sie*ni»hi|> Marmora, connecting at Colombo with 'he i'hvi'in. There is a large nuiubei ot [iHbrengerß by the mail.
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  • 91 4 About four o'clock this morning a Chinese lunatic effected his e-i-.ip« trom the At-yium, by climbing over the whII. He was found almost nu'le an hour or so Inter, hidden in the enclnrureof rlie. MagHzine at Svpoy Lines He was taken to the Police bUtiou and returned to the Atylum.
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  • Reuter's Extra Service.
    • 230 4 PLAdUE INCREASING IN JOHANNESBURG. London, tSrd M-irek. Plague is extending at Johannesburg. Forty native* and three whites bar* died of it. There have been 66 cases. THE AMIR RUMOURED POISONE I) A telegram from Aik in i published at St. Petersburg nays it it .rumoured there that the
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 37 4 Official Russian Telegram. London, 2ird March Official telegrams from .St. Petersburg s»y that two Japanese torpedo attacks upon Port Arthur on the nit,ht between the 21st and 22ud instant were repulsed.
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    • 26 4 The Japanese fleet consisting of sis battleships, twelve cruisers, and eight torpedo boats nude their appearance 00 the morning of the 2iw>\ in-tiant.
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    • 27 4 Ttie battleship*, staiioninc ibernstlves between the Laolishan promontory and Pigeon Bay, bombarded Port Artinir for twt> hours. 1 in* battleship lUtuitan replied to them.
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    • 28 4 Before the bombardment opened, the Rusniancruisers and abatilnhipliaci left law harbour under cotumaud ot Admiral Makaruff and formed up iv the outer roadstead.
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    • 27 4 Tne Japanese 1 tiieJ 2uB twelve-inch shells and ultimately withdrew. The Japanese fleet then passed the outer roadstead without attacking tin Russian fleet.
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    • 21 4 JAPANESE BATTLESHIP OUT OF AC TI ON. A Russian shell si ruck a J.ipanese battleship and put her iui of action.
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    • 102 4 Concentrating Betnr than the Ruuions. It is admitted at .Si. l'etersbur^ that the Japanese are conceiitiating in North Korea more rapidly than tl.e Rutitians. The Japanese have effectively fortified Ai.ju. Alcit Russian Cavalry But General Mirciie.jko, with six thousand cavalry, is ready to 1.,.i m he J
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 874 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. CLUB WHISKY 18 ALL MALV AND SUPPLIED REOULARLY TO THE PRINCIPAL CLUBB All the i» thk Has the largest Naval and Military STKAITS SETTLEMENTS consumption amongst Messes. ANU Europeans in this Market. F. M. 8. PRICE 10.50 PER DOZEN. NETT. Dtrrr extra. Sole Airents for the Straits Settlements.
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    • 146 4 G. R. LAMBERT GO. PHOTOQRAPHERS. Tsartoto 1 P ilm aaa Fltaw cmr*toMy 4vr«tay4. AJI klsdt el Photarripk'c Materials In Mock. PlatM and film, (ua'anteed Presh and suitable to ta* cllmaw. Pfcotof raphtc Hint- to Toartats clMOrtally («vm. SpUudld Assortment ol Cameras oat kin I. Vkn ot Singapore. Native Stats*
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    • 45 4 'Jhk Austrian HiHainm B irm>u am>ed this morning trom Mtiruraii with 3 BUO ton* nf c.ial cor>Bi|Miod to Mctsig I'aterson Sira<>nß Hnl THis'morning Hi. N .iwceiin steamer Qwiriieey arrived frou. N. w York with it}o,3<il cases of petml>>uni tor Shdngbai. ohe «xp«cls to leave 10-inoriow.
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  • 399 5 Thr annual meeting of the shareholders of the Singapore Slipway and Engineering Company, Ltd., was held at 6 Collyer Quay to-day, Mr. W. P. Waddell, chairman of directors, presiding. The others present were Messrs. J. R. N>cholsun, J E Romenij, W. H Shelford, Paul Haffter,
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  • 45 5 A Marine Cjun 01 inquiry into the grounding of the Borneo on the Arratoor Apcar Shoal on 3rd Feb. when the vessel was running from Bingkoktc Singapore was held in Singapore to-day Evidence was led but the case waiadjourned until to-morrow.
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  • 61 5 Ax Honpkong, too, there is a cry for Country Club to which business mci could resort for week-end holidays or permanent residence. The present Club accommodation there f*IU sh rt with the ro-ulr. that one of the drawbackw of Hongkong life is that there are few facilities for
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  • 63 5 The L°sislative Cjuncil meats or Wednesday nexr, at 230 p.m. The Acting Colonial Secretary will mov» for approval of the appointment <l Messrs. Powell (fc^Co. to mak* a valuation of the lumi'ure, &c, in the private part of Government Hou«e a* required by the provisions of the Governor*
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  • 71 5 The Malay Mail announces that the Selannor Uiinesfl Clumber of Com noeree. is now MiUly on its way to hem; launched, seeing that the rules for it povfi 1 ii:ent have already been issued The most important of these rules i* that uhicli (dives the Chamber
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  • 171 5 Towed to Singapore in a Damaged Cotitiit on. Abh't 10-.'el'ck this morning tht local rt—itiw Hong L an, which hao been Kent to the HHMstance of tl* Bntlnn-j f.mor, which w- nt aground 01 the Si pHiig Bir, arrived with tin later ve«-, I m tow It
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  • 1132 5 Departure of Troop, to the Front. (Fi-tm our Special Oorrcspondtnt) Tokyo, 6th March 1904. The attitude of extreme secresy observed by the Imperial Japanese Government, whilst perfectly laudable when the end to be gained is considered, ia nevertheless particularly galling to a war correspondent who has news to
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  • 347 5 Mr T. R. JkkSioav, formerly U. S. Consul-General in China, has published, through Messrs. Kelly Walsh, a handy volume entitled China's Business Methods and Policy," which if most timely at the present critical epoch in the development of the Empire. It is an excellent book far hotter,
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  • 247 5 The Hamburg-American liner SamMa having left Hongkong on the 22i.d instant, is due on the 27'h idem witli general cargo. The Qlnvcvs arrived donpside Section 6 on tl c 22r d instant from Honiik >ng with about 3,000 tons of J*pan coal which is being di*ctiargeri f>r Mansfield
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  • 68 5 Major Van«. m\, 1 2nd in Command ol the Mai iv Sates Guide*, leaves for KnpNnd early in April. A> oilier senior officer from the British Army i< shortly expected to fill the Wing-Commander's appointment latei> vtcaied by Captain (iixham, ni.ri it is possible that, he will act lor M.
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  • 69 5 Thk arrival of the Kum Sang at Honpkong wiihover 1 Bt> Chinete pasVengers on board fri'in Singapore, including nine Chinese girls, t>r ueht out the following rt-rnniks in the Hungkong Dil IWen-.—'h. w< uld npiear hat for ihe most part Straits Chinese leave their dtuiuliters bed inf. One thing pointing
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  • 478 5 The following telegram has been received by the Russian consul at Singapore from the agent atta< bed by the Russian Foreign Office to tfae staff of Viceroy Alexeieff. The telegram beam date 23rd March. "On the night of the 22nd March, some Japanese torpedo boats Tied to draw
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  • 94 5 On Saturday th»- .^elangor D vi«ion of the Malay st itf Volun'per R 11-s went into camp for a week at K'lxla Lumpur, off Cantonment Road. The camp consists of attap huts, comprising nine for the accommodation of -M men, ffficer*' quartern, serge»nt-nxj r'- room and 'tore, guard-room,
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  • 56 5 A claos for the study of the Sol-Fa notation, and for Singapore practice, was formed at the V.M C A. on Tuesday last. Mrs. Arthur White is moi-t kindly giving her service* as teacher. The class is open to all V MCA men, and new members would be cordially welcomed
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  • 50 5 The Rev. P. W Haines, Colonial Chtplain, at Penang, goes coon on Uavt t > Km-Jmiml f r nine month* by P. anrl O. steamer. R-v H C Henham will a-t as Coloniul ChapUin Mr. C. P B'ii-kr 11, Superintendent of Ti-legrapl.t-hi lViiHiig. will also go on leave earl) next
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  • 56 5 Hin LFi'n itoii<>»ii at Penang in Retuli Strtvt, haidly 2O) yarda nwm f om the «cene of the late big bl z the>e, caught fir« on the nigiitofih> 2uth ins'aut. The fire was put out b\ the rolice before much damnge whHone. The buiMing was not in»ured It< enntenta were
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  • 120 5 Dr William Haomii* IncpoetorReneral ol Hu^pi'als and Flretp, Rojal Navy, whose d^ath is Hiiiinunced at thitie of righty-fniir, j >ine<i the medical •Hivice ofilie N»vy in 184J, ami b«B 18-15 till 1817, while reiving as aosistaut surgeon on the Ci ma station in the Agincourt, wa>, during the opirntions 11
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  • 110 5 Tan Boon, yesterday, prosecuted a Chinese woman belore the Bench Court for the theft of seven fowls. He was fined Si s, in default three weeks, lor bringing a false charge the money, if realized, to go to the defendant. A witness in the case was fined 525,
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  • 374 5 S. V. C. ORDERS. By Major E. G. Rroadrick, Ao. Commandant. Singapore, 2 Jit March. 8. V. C. Camp.— The S. V. C. will go into Camp at Tanjong Katong on Thursday, the 31st in«t. returning to Singapore on Monday evening April 4th Bojs and baggage to be at the
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  • 114 5 Continual and constant changes at> taking place almost daily among the officials and the following are reporter in the Straits Echo. Mr. C. V. Dysoi who has jiint returned from leave is tc act as second assistant District Officer Larut, and not Mr. Fonseca as was originally proposed.
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  • 119 5 Jldginu from the following remark? in the Hongkong Ilailj/ Prett, that Colony falls far behind Singapore at regards opium farm management. Scarcely a day patsea by without Chinem being auinmonrd b. fore the I', lice Magu t rate 8 fur being in poanmaion of more opium than they hlod licence
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  • 105 5 High French,ii and military -Hi .jonfci <-:>>'>' tt Hanoi or. ti disiaui»_tiltui£iflfta question in "^n.|-i r a d topic of areumenf 1 was about tin* o^miing of torpedo boa'« an i cruise in the Bay of Along and Hong.iy The submarines gave rise to objections on account of the
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  • 93 5 A meeting ot ihe Hindoo mercantile community in Singapore was held the other diy at tiie Indra Ztnihar Theatre Hall, North Bridge Road, for the purpose of connidpring the advisability of form ing a society in aid of the impoverished members of the community. The meeting was very largely attended
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 335 5 NOTICES. •WA.TA.mO> KABBIK. Tiie Indra Zanibar Royal Theatrical Company of Singapore Will Produce AT THE NORTH BRIDGE ROAD THKATRE HAUL BY SPECIAL REQUEST To-morrow Night. Friday. 2 sth March. That Well-kao»n European Play CINDERBLL -A.." We know you all like this piece. It is ppecially etaped for 'you. Saturday, 26th
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 213 5 OAV M\ DAY Thursday, 34th Mirch. Hitfb W»t«r. H. IS 1.1.1 Engineer's Awn Marine Club. 8 45. I own Band OM Jail Site. stu 6. Prida). a.sth March Hiyli Whw 2 sS»in. 4.60 p.m on lit qr 4.32 a in. 8. V.1.*rt. Herman homeward mail dne Singapore Club MetMing.
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  • 585 6 Lipis, 15th Marth. The Grst private motor car to be ii6ed in Lipis belongs to Mr. Owen it in a run-about and can seat two nesideß the driver. It in in daily use *nd appears to work well Mr. E. A Watson, who has acquired hundred acrus of
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  • 338 6 For Singapore I <■* 1' ft. O «i, from London PMi Hue -JMh H.A eh— Mr K \V nean, Mi- Kober>B Per P. <♦ O 6 p Himi/nyl, connecting itßruacr Jf t* at kJywavM fiom :«n>lon M irch 4, due Sril Anril Mr ami Mr-. Ben
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  • 41 6 Laktall lino, man<- yenrs in c-tminnd f tlm Chieng Mai OVI the .■iinc \t in |:< run hi <l now mxKter of Mi-- Huig litmgo' tbr Sinpaiore Jtva run li»» hw n |«i4Bnt«d lo he Incpec'or at. R>«iigk<>k for the Norddeutacher Uoyd
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 247 6 NOTICES. j EIAGHE Ache all orer. Throat core, Eyes and Nose running, alight cough with chills: this is La Grippe. "PainkMer taken in hot water, sweetened, before going to bed, will break it up if taken in time. There Is only one Painkiller, "PERRY DAVIS'." Toilet Powder oap h 0.
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    • 448 6 NOTICES. TtX J-.E-X" "haBGRBAVBS Ac 00., ILTX> ol 1 j. fSfeft FIREPROOF Chatwoods|m| SAFEg After the recent serious Fire in Penang Merchants and alhen .-loul consider the rv'visability of usinj? only Fireproof Safes. We have no hesitation in saying that nine-tenths of the Safes at present n use are Inadequate
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    • 76 6 !Q#ALTHAH WATCHES 1 'guaranteed AGAINST ANY DEFECT IN MATERIAL OR CONSTRUCTION »^ILE fc^EANS AJILLIOUSNESS Bile Beans for Biliousness are the finest family medicine they promptly and permanently iure Meadacho, Constipation, Pile* Colds, Liver Chills. Influenza. Rheumatism, Liter Troubles, Bad Breath, Indict stl<>n. Flatulence. Dizziness etc,, etc. OF ALL CHEMISTS. SOLR
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 680 7 BUCHANAN'S WHISKY Sold everywhere. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. FO. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penan*, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bihs of Lidiai? i«s-ied lor Obina Co*<t, P-»n»i»n Gulf. Continental, *nd American ?or»s Mall Line. (hnwi'd.l. Maly Apl. S Ballaivrat May 1 Obu/an Apl.
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    • 1248 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES KoninklijUe PaUetvaart MaatachapplJ. L Dm t i unirsci lib me freuteriand* inaia boxrun mi. n't at Singaporr Ship Agisct, latb J. Dibrpbu 4 Co., S-S Colltbb Quay;'he nnd»»rmention<»d data* »r»> only appro* 'mate. Steamer From I Sxp'Mdj Will be Despatched for Dt. Koek HontiHiKik Mar 5(8 Pontianak Mar
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    • 617 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial German Mail Line. Tbe fast and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen-Hamburg via Rotterdam. Antwerp, 8 uthampton, Gibraltar, Genoa. Na l<>g, Port *aid, 4a»z en 'olom o, rVnang. Singapore. Hon. Kong, £bangb*i, Nagasaki, »nd Kobe to Yokohama and back.
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    • 630 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. JAPANMAIL STEAMSHIP CO.. LTD A regular FORTNIGHTLY service it maintained between Japan and Kurope bj the following NEW TWIN SCREW ?TEAMEBB, Under Hail Contract with the Imperia Japanese Government, specially deslgcci for the Company's European Service lighted throughout by Electricity provided with excellent accommodation tor First and Second
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    • 394 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANrps TAN KIM TIAN. Lines of Steamers For Batavia, Chetibon, SamaranK Every Wednesday and Saturday "a.*. Qiyag Ree, 2,300 tons, I'apt. Dunlo|i s.s. Gianggensr, 1,182 Rawlin^.a Giang Ann, 87i> Kollett s.s. /weena, 1,470 Mesbitt For Kuala Parian*, Pekan, kwantan and Kcrnaman h -i. Klovo, 302 tons, Capt. Wilson. 'Electric
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    • 1437 8 Under this headimt the following abbrenutiona are used str. Rtwamer ah. ihip bq barque sen. schooner Yet 7at:ht;Oru. -Cruiser; Gbl.— Gunboat; Tor. -Torpedo; H.p.-Horse power; Brit.—BrilUh U. S.-United Btat«s; Fch.-French tier -German; Dut -Dutch; Gc.-General-•argo: d p deck passenger, U— Uncertain; r p W Tanjong Pagar Wharf;
      1,437 words
    • 887 8 name, port probabl* datr ol arm*' and name oj agenti STSAMIKB. Vl.c-iniß, Hongkong. Apl II Rehn Meyer hill.- Liverpool, Apl I; Man-fi.ld. Vj x China »*ar M: Manefi-ld \linnßi Hone«oni{, Mar -.'4; Behn Meysr ll oin. Bombay. Apl; Korneo Coy Ali-inou--. Live. pool. Apl 6 tf »n»tteld. Vltintf.
      887 words
  • 576 8 SIN'QAPOBB, 24TH M.VBCH, 1904. FMOOUOC. •ambtir knvm 10 50 do (Cube No. 1) unpicked IK 4 oura B«> TV. do PoDtlauu- 7 -.'5 "epper. Black bnyem MS"> do White, (62) 47 S'» <<aga Flonr Sarawak 375 do Brnncl N'u I 35 Pearl 8*«o as Cotree, Bali, 16% basis 20
    576 words
  • 98 8 MAILS CLO SE. ft Her Kramer Tim*. li.-tloi how. Pontianak />' A'oct 10 o.rr. l». H1,,,!!! v T. An-nn Hy irng 8 I.m I'plu \n«nn yin pirt,. „».r«> Spm Xui-iv nn I Swatow Wrnf-U- c* X|i m „,,'ln Luzon 4 n.m linnnkok <>"»« 4 pm. «<*T' Mf. 'nn.lnknn vift por»»
    98 words
  • 130 8 MA ILS TO ARRIVE. Fnm Rarope— b. t..e YD.L. 8. /Vinr rf»mn due on the Ml h M»r. with dates to the -*9th February Prom China— By the M M Sydnry due on Mnii'tHV. till tTbLVoF ittjL* DUE L»ft Sintmporw Due i i l*ondon \rrwe<l Fob Bth N. O. L
    130 words
  • 172 8 V. KtUCL'.s N»Mf Ai. A KlO I UN Oaptaim fUOH >»1L»1 UoMiaatn. Mh I s ■J I M I < ■4 -Jong Ho ii.- Kok v«n or Lyn |> i Atiiff Raroe Bini< urma Me IMM I W«M|4M \I n i -i[)|>tio It i »h Hum Vn-lrHlin.l rit sti
    172 words
  • 136 8 CLEARA NCES litu. vkhmklh name. IJ-L4O Kl.. I UN!. |.*>TI!..Tt.)N Mar M 34 91 ill M 84 84 N M M 4 \ri-toon Apctr Zwwna Fl«vo wirii- Borneo T-i- -nut Su tan ('mlj()ho Chnktiilihontp-B»-nto g Kexi.leiu StuiH K.I n.l IHonu Win H >k Tjioe ><aUl>>n O i "««ng Brit itc
    136 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 65 8 HL A. J. CHOTIRMALL C0.,1^ JEWELLERS AND SZLZ MERCHANTS, No. 51 52, High Street. Jw»t wrrix^l, a Vrt-nh wn«l Fine «tocfc ol Indian, Chinese, and Japanese Roods, such as Silk Kimonos of Fancy Embroidered work, Chinese bmbruidered Grass Cloth work ot every kind, Pineapple Silks, Indian Rampore Chudders, Assam Slll^s
      65 words
    • 226 8 i LARGE STOCK OF NEW FLANNELS. 4 v. CEYLOUETTB S^ A tu-vv Fabric .-Msely U;BBiiiWi!ic<.'iylan Klinn-U, very >^ Htronu. \V"-iarij w\\ washes well. >^ -J>. O Cf*r <? 49 > O tffc 1* v C V a L«r« Hew •tock Juat to Hand N. O^ f>rv V^New Season Pattern.. A
      226 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 26 8 WEATH lcaß»*. SB. K. A. Jt O. ugmpk Vtrmyuny.) iSo Ma H. HONUKONG.Barometer *>«'. l»irroiion of Wind Kvt. Forooot Wind M,« T»m||ia i*i.»rt« MANILA:-769. 1. M. S3.
      26 words
    • 68 8 WMtHtH H-.Pttt. Kandang Kerbau Uotyital 9Sr4 March, 1904 J y lU. V\) iv iUaAKa.f. Bar a».»-»n2M.i»«». Morninc Temp «lft I 77" partiilly WUibTher 7"0 78 0 7S.i> do i<ty day UirofWiml K «.K b.k. 'Calm. cl«-a niuht Max. Temp iuj prtiailv «ia -i. cloudy. Max in San l^J" Trfrr
      68 words