The Straits Times, 23 March 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. ai,3pi SINGAFORK. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 28. 1904. PRICE 15 CERTS
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  • 3737 1 DESCRIPTION OF THE PKOCEEDINOS. Mr. Anderson's Eloquent Speech. TUMI was a hull of expectancy among the T.mj >ng P «gar D >ck shareholders yesterday. Everybody was on the |M rire fir strange developments, but it may tie reckoned that they got mure than they bargained
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  • 75 1 Yesterdav Y ■•■> Anfj Moh, a clerk t n rhe 8 v. 8imh,ii>, was arrested at J ihnnton'n 1' .t>r f..r cmuctiina three unstamped leirer? a* I o<e The law p^rmitf the convpyani 1 n| three letters hv coolies, hu' IImmm in question were tddressed from P.>ntiana^ 'o
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 665 1 LATEST ADVEKriSBMBNTSr* FOR SALE. l C>i< liH 1 Uc. in fir t rate condition. A J. W HAFFSXDKM, i/o fynie C*. Mar. 91 uc PQB tJAI.K I \1" edition oi the Eneyx-'op«il» Lj met in Sfi vo.uidmb complete null revolvin« walnut boo- p»m, and on >•« la I
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 188 1 I)A» n< HAY Wednesday, 23H March. Hiifi. iV,m 2.18 1. mi. S.V.K. iM'i SI*. S.V.I. Itait .lion Prill. 6 Wnvtnit Kaiwiin North Bridge Koad Thursday. >4«h M.rch. Hi*li Water 8 a.m. a 18 p.m. S ipwHy Co. Metinif. Collyer yn»y. Noon. H-iiireSnle. VVilkie R.iwl. I'owHI. 2 30. Kn^ineer'n Awn Marine
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  • 963 2 Physical Trainlnr in Japan. Everything Japanese ia interesting just vow, but a study of "Jiu-Jitsu would be interesting to the English read er at any time. Literally interpreted, "Jiu-Jitsu" means "muscle-bieaKing,' but actually the term stands for a system of physical training which tends to mar velloua muscle-making.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 342 2 NOTICES. GWYNNE Co.'s CENT IFUGAL PUMPS (THE ORIGINAL MAKE.) PARTICULARS FROM BORNEO Co., Ltd. MOET CHANDON CHAMPAGNE OF ALL DEALERS. IMPORTED BY BORNEO Co., Ltd. Humber Cycles THE Standard of Excellence. Latest Catalogue, on application to BORNEO Co., Ltd. SCOTT'SJMULSION. REMEDY M LUNGS. Of all Chemists, Druggists and General Dealers
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    • 801 2 NOTICES. MARTI*TB~ Ladies! j^ii aLiArfSat tmaali IwrtT fop .11 ImaitlllMl Th VT..Z, > bo. of M.rtlo IMITTo tb. kouv. > UNU W» ■n> •v> olut lmC'UXr *ymm u~»It torn m», 0* 1 IlllllftWlll TUOM who OM tkMB NNM«d MwJmW i.i«li|P FUEL (Petroleum Eosiduo) Larf^e stocks always on hand. 32/6 (Thirty-two
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    • 399 2 NOTICES. For Cultured Smokers. !At eattMtj New Blend of Ori-r.til T..hacc«s fr<;c boss all drw«ps and .1' i l BMtter. Tk«M Igami— are mHile in Enn!:u:«i pom s. ,Mitcrt pro :1a of tIM vory finest Tobaoco. and will be fonnd c,i b- mtifal mellow ■WMU "iipcrior to Cigiircttesimpoi-tod from Egypt
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  • 610 3 {From Exchange* Three Norwegian steamers have arrived at Hharghai from Port Arthur They report that the bombardment of the Russian port on Thursday, the 10th instant, was very hot. The Japanese iiim was wonderfully accurate The crews of the-e st earners were obliged to leave their vessels owing
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  • 305 3 For Singapore IVr 1' O a. Knm 11. from London Keli -2\ .liwiHhMn-h Mr K \V. tt^an, Mi-. Ki.ber s l'er P. O ss Himiliijn, connecting wit 1 the vt-Ti ncr Mn ta at Colombo from Lou Inn >l -iri-h 4, due -Ird Anril Mr a f
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 872 3 NOTUES. Singapore Sporting Club Programme for the Spring Race Meeting, 1904. May 24th, 26th, 28th. j FIRST DAY. ITue»cUiy, 24th May. E MAIDEN PLATE.- Valu.- »«ofi. Race for Maiden Horses and I irscs that have run it* Roadster*. I ilikc 'pion Ciiiffins find in Races! iihuiMi t'< liot-rs 1 ni|
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    • 688 3 NOTICES. for either of the following aeries of Race*, Fbxc: Serial No. 1:—1 First Day- Race No. 7 Second Day— Race No. 7 Tbisd Dfiy-»Race No. (i Rmirs No. Firnt Ikg— Kace H«. <"> Herond Pay— Race No. 1 Third Day— Race No. 6 Any owner wishing to enter for
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    • 606 3 I NOTICES. SUBVENOR wanted for the Sarawak G vernment Apply to M.-ssrs. Paterson, t-imon* 4 Co:— Agents Sarawak Government, statinii snlary required. Must be a good instrumental man and draughtsman. Mar 7 n.c. WANTED. FOR the AMSTERDAM LIFE INSURANCE COM PA N V a Chinete runner on salary. Apply to
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    • 617 3 NOTICES, /^OMFOBTABLE rooms to be let at V> Eber House Eber Road. n c TO BE .LET: entry at cnc« compound fcoce No. 11l Benooolei Street. Apply to Guthrie A Co. Ltd., Agents. BVb 4 uc rBBLET: office* on the second floor No. 7 Battery Road. Immediate entry. Apply to
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    • 699 3 SHIPPING NAVIGAZIONE GENERALE ITALIAMA FOR PENANO AND BOMBAY. 'pflE Italian a s. ISCHIA, CapUin 1 Maganzlni, having left Hongkonc on Monday the 14th inst., may be expected to arrive here on .-unday, the a* th inst., and will be deppttcbed for the above ports on Wednedny, the zard instant. For
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  • 565 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, 23rd MARCH. No. authoritative news is to hand con ii rm inn or contradicting the reportn" fall of Port Arthur, as set forth in the special despatches of yesterday Irou. Tokyo and Chefoo. Had the newemanated from Shanghai, and arrived here unsupported, we
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  • 2420 4 Tin. Tanjong Pagar shareholders and the Singapore public have to thank Mr. John Anderson for the- astounding exjio't he has eTected. When a gentleman who has been for some twenty year? a Director of, and for a shorter period Chairman of such a vast concern as the Tarwong Pajar Dock
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  • Special Telegrams to the "Straits Times."
    • 35 4 JAPANESE TROOPS RECONNOITRE MbWCHWANU. Bhangkai, 22nd March A detachment of Japanese troops disembarked at the entrance to the river at Newchwang and made a reconnaissance, after which they took to their ships again.
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  • 169 4 Tub Hun C. :-'tk^ue<( leaves .Singapore'hi* sfternoon en route for home, ria the Native States. Ho leaves, possibly, for pood At any rate his return is uncertain, and will not take place for a year or ro, if at all. Mr. S'rine«r has been out here now for thirty year?
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  • 89 4 Thkftb hy hnuse-hoys her* are M common br to draw hut pasping attention beyond regret that the law is not sharp enough against dishonest servai t«. Accc.rdini; to the Honpkonf Dni'y I'rekg, tl ey do these hiirps better in China where the "hoys", come from111 1 the interior of that
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  • 7 4 To-day's 4/m hank nu« is 1/1 ItV
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  • 9 4 Wike News will b»« f and on pace S.
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  • 10 4 A quantity of news is printed on page I to-day.
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  • 7 4 Thb Slruitu llvdget was published this morning.
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  • 12 4 Liei'T. Dana, l«t Minchester Re^im»nt, leaven lor Canada on sick leave ■ihortly
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  • 15 4 PaBBKN<;kk* by the p. Hornet) Hongkong tn Singapore- Mr. and Mrs. Blak ley, Mr. Tudor
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  • 18 4 Thk British nt<>atiit>r Vrrmin' arrived n the 2l»t with 6,M50 tone of Calcutta ooal consigned tn scraper Brothers.
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  • 20 4 Thk Traits-Chinese Companies of h° S.V I. are giving a oonoer 1 in the Town Hall on Saturday, 26th inst.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 583 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS^ WASSIAMULL ASSOMULL CO., Indian Store, No. 1, 2, 3, 4, High Street. Have Just Received a Fresh Shipment of ■•neiian OiiM«e and .lap mmc Silverware*, Wmhinx Rfc Kmbroiilered UooiU, Canum anil Swatow Dawn (Jo d«, Ovlon and Maltese Silk and Cotton Lace 111 mv-., Fanny Handkercbiefs, Ties, Milken
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    • 330 4 Event ttf the Season,. Toi^n pall #•>##• Oih If <>* I; Only COMMENt IN(J .Monday. .Marctj 28tri. Atlvr a Krilliant and ImmM Seasou in Sonth Africa, Ceylon, and India. lr. I. I. Lnrittn Elite Aizlo-Aaerican TROUBADOURS A Select[,ar.y of Hijjh Clah'" Vauderille Musical and Comedy Artiitn in a refined
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    • 113 4 G. R. LAMBERT a CO. PHOTOQRAPHCRS. Tourists' P atas aad Pllsas carefully J« velop d. All kind, of Photof r.phlc Materials k'pt In stock. Ptatss aas Him. ruaranteed Prssh and sultaolc to ths Photnrraphlc Hint* to TovrlsU clMerfolty jlven. SplsadM tasortsnnt of Caaoras on tun t. Vlows of Singapore,
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  • Reuter's Extra Service.
    • 330 5 FRENCH CLERICAL TEACHING London, 23rd March The French Chamber of Deputies continued the debate on the Government B II suppressing clerical teaching An amendment for maintaining training establishments for French schools abroad and in the Colonies was passed hy 283 to 273 votes C. B's." VOTE OF CENSURE.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
  • Correspondence.
    • 301 5 To t>"! Editor of the Straiti T*mr*" Sik,- -Yesterday a European exmember of the local police was before Mr. Seth for being in a condition which prevented him from being able to take care of himself This young man <-ame out about three years ago, und
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  • 18 5 Thr Amhertt brought down this morning Iroin Telok Anson the body ol a Chinaman for transhipment to China.
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  • 24 5 The Town and Volunteer Band will play at tbe Old Jail Site on Thursday afternoon the 24th instant from 5 to 6 (weather permitting).
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  • 25 5 Thk German mail steamer Oldenburg left Port Said the day before yesterday in tbe afternoon outward bound. She is due here on Friday Btb April.
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  • 25 5 Mr Hosk, from the Federated Malay States has assumed charge of the duties of Deputy Public Prosecutor here. Mr. Gottlieb remains at the Supreme Couit.
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  • 27 5 Phior fen Itkftf nup-.r""" on long leave, Mi tad Mi i«e wi.l f'e entert i lat tiffin at ti Club, by ttie members of the Municipal Staff.
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  • 30 5 Mi-MBfc.... oi the a V.U. are leuiinuea that a meeting will be held at the Drill Hall on Monday next in connection with the forming of the new Maxim Sections.
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  • 29 5 A district court and martial will be held at Tanglin barracks on Friday lorenoon for the tral of a private of the Manchesters— Majjr A. H. Alleoby will preside.
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  • 67 5 King Norodom ot Cambodia bar been suffering from some kind of cane* r in the jtw since October last. Tin King brurs up well against tbe disease, but is aware that his end is drawing near. Like Siam, formerly, Cambodia has a First King (Norodom) and a Second King. The
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  • 74 5 Leavitt's Angli -American Company of iroubudours will open a series ol performances in Singapore on Monda) next nnd judging from the fl ■t'erii g reception they have obtained in India and elsewhere they should huvt bumper audiences. From the programme it will he ncogiiired that tin entertainment given by the
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  • 56 5 The following pro| erty wis disposed of hv Aiicii nat P.««-ll «v CoY f<ale room yei-teidny -Fre. hold Kiiilriinp Kite fronting Raiker R :k', Dunean Kotntp, at Hukit Tin. ah arex 35,072 -quarp fee* maikeil lot 14-A <•< Lr.iiit Hu. It 7. Bouphfr by Wee Baft Oman
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  • 156 5 Rumour* voiced by the Si mil* Eelw stai* thai Mr. V*-nniii|f,th> PVdi-raJlk-retai y. will hci a* R eid«-nt f t'erak u-itil Hon. K W. Birch, Oil, return* from lone leave in Apiil in xt y> ar. Mr. Bud) lihb been (jn*t«tt»d perman>nl Bntic) Resident of Pemk vice Mr.
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  • 2029 5 VERDICT FOR THE DEFENDANT Tiik adj>uiDtjd hparin" of the breach of promise case, Juliet J insen verms H I'rttun for 91,000 damages, was resumed yesterday in 'he Supreme Coort, before -Mr. Justice Hyndman Jones. Da Sou7 1. of the Telephone Company, recalled at tbe request of
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  • 210 5 The following lists of the personnel of the Tanjong Pagar Dock Company's local Board of Directors and London Advisory Committee, are interesting in view of Mr. John Anderson's remarks at the half yearly general meeting of the Company held yesterday. BOARD Or DIRECTORS J. Rumney Nicholson, Esq
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  • 248 5 $M week one, and this morning two, Europeans in the employ of the I. P. D. Co figured in the Police Courts on allegations of criminal breach of trust, dishonestly retaining stolen property and awault. Mr. Van Cuylenburg defended. Tbe men were discharged on the serious allegations, but
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  • 188 5 The Zambezi after fli-M-har-ring coaU ami cargo at Ke|.pel Harl.our wlmrf was shifted to the P. and whirf on the 'Jli-t ini-Unt to clmcharire the balance of ber carcn. The mailer Glootcep wn» towed to Kepnel Harbour yesterday to dixcliarß*! oarjjo The Aritta went alongi-ide the ornro wharf
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  • 25 5 Shooting in the Monthly Handicap Co npetition will take place at Balentiei Range on Saturday next 26th inst at 3 p.m.
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  • 124 5 Mr. Peirce, the Municipal Engineegoes home on leave on Saturday. Mi Williams will act for him. Mr Bel' will have sole charge of the WateDepartment, but will shortly have the help of an assistant engineer who is on his way out. Mr. Polglase, Municipal Secretary, goes on
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  • 134 5 S. c- C. v. Manchester Regiment When these two rivals meet in the Football field there is generally a sp> rited and fast game and last night wan no exception, to the rule. The Rep: have now got some new blood in theiforward line and with a sound defence,
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  • 171 5 It will be remembered that the ar: lovers of Singapore gave an exhibition at Government House some time ago but the success of that shew was greatly affected by the inclement 1 of the weather, \ccordingly a Bort ot "repeat" eri'ibition was given at Gov ernment
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  • 111 5 Ykbtebday morning, Mr. V K Jen nings, on behalf of the Spirit Famer prosecuted a Chinaman for l—Wlisj| three ca<es of brandy withr*it a jit-rmit An miatMst in the employ of Mes-srh Cadonau and Co. gave an explamitio/i of the matter, and Huid that the liquoi whs valued
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 212 5 NOTICRS. WAYAfra ft#§§ffft M The Indra Zanibar Royal Theatrical Company of Singapore Will Produce fit The Uorih Bridge 3?oad Theatre pall To-Night, Wednesday. 23rd March. THE FAVOURITE OF ALL FAVOURITES Uuder an experienced Management That Well known and Sensational Drama EAST LYNNE." Taanslated from Mrs Henry Wood's Novel Dramatized into
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  • 870 6 The Fate i ri nm ps. Whatever is the end of tho Victory— whether, as is picturesquely suggested, the Victory be towed out to sea, and there sunk with colours flying, or whether be brought ashore and established on iv 1.-iiid. or is still allowed to float in
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  • 10 6 Xx BAIHMJ and xliare ((notations will found «'n page 8.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 21 6 Shiitinu advertispments,, with dates of s:«iliiig etc., will be found on page 7 <i.'ii» shipping news is printed on page 8
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    • 260 6 NOTICES. DO YOU DRINK LIME JUICE THEN DPJNK THE BEST JM Jot.n Little it Co Jr., v., 2200 FEET mmktmiimm. Pavilion system First Glass Hotel van Horck. OAROET (JAVA) Medical Attendance and Medicines Gratis. 5-12-04 w.6. GRAND HOTEL, Ltd., Nos. 18, 19 A 20, BUND, YOKOHAMA. Situated in the FINEST
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    • 765 6 NOTICES. Aleuts for LEA PERMS' ft WORCESTERSHU.E SAUCE. v By Special Warpant^^SH&J^ His Majestg Purveyors tp ,i The Kina. CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES. Singapore and Kranji Railway. From January 4th, 1904, and until further notice. Train Service for Week Days and Sundays. A.M A.M. KM, P.H I.M f.H. P.M. k'.M SINGAPORE
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 693 7 BUCHANAN'S WHISKY Sold everywhere. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penan*, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Liding issued for 'lima Co>wt, Persian Gulf. Continental, and American Ports. Mail Line. Outward*. Malta Apl. 3 Ballaarat May 1 Ohusan Apl.
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    • 1203 7 STEAiViSHIP COMPAN I ES, Koninklljke Paketvaart MaatschappiJ. inufcr contract witb the At>itirnaock »h»m iMMtti n »m. at Singaprrr: SHIP Aoijict, I.4TX J. Di»nrilB A Co. ?-8 COLLTBB QUAT. .he nndermen'ion«d dates are only approi'mate. Steamer Fro™ i '"xj'te Will be Des Dat hed for j y.,n Dhme* Batsvis Mar -i
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    • 622 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. ton. NORDDEUTSCHER LLOVO. Imperial Oerman Mail Line. The fast and well known mail steamer* of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen-Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Na"l««g, Port rtaid, Suez, Aden, Colom**), Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to Yokohama and back. They are due in
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    • 730 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES TAN KIM TIAN. Lines of Steamers I For Batavia, Chei ibon, Samarang Every Wednesday and Saturday. *s.s. Cii-uitf i<ee, 2,300 tons, Capt. Dunlop ».s. GiangSeng, 1,182 Rawliogson s.s. Giaog Ann, 872 Follett s.s. Zweena, 1,470 Neabitt For Kuala Pahanf Pekan, kwantan and KerrMman h s. Klevo, 802 tons,
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    • 429 7 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL INSURANCE CO. FIRE LIFk TOTAL INVKBTED FUNDS BCCUD £12,000,000. THE LAJICKST FIRE OFFICE IN THK WO«L1 BOUSTEAD A- Co., Agent.THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Capital £2,127,500 Paid up Capital 212,75n Reserve Fund £1,073,550 The undersigned, Agents for the Ceat pany, are prepared to accept fire
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    • 1589 8 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used str. ?t<jamer sh.— •hi ji bq barque ech. schooner Yet Yacht Cru. —Cruiser; GbL— Gunboat; Tor. —Torpedo; H.o.— Horsepower; Brit.—British U. 8.— United States Fch.— French 9«r.- -German; Dut Dutch; Oc— Generaltargo; d p deck passenger, U Uncertain; r.
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  • 587 8 Sinoaporb, 23rd March, 1904. PRODUCE. iumbler 1056 do (Cube No. 1) unpicked 15.4 'opra Bat. 755 do Pontianak 710 Block tmyflrh •9.5H do WhiW, (6X) 47 60 4ago Floor Sarawak 3 61) do Brunei 350 fearl 8»bo 825 Coffee, Ball, 15% baste 20 00 :offe«, Palpmbftnc,» h..-; 27 ,'offee,
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  • 137 8 for Per ilftmrr Tint. To-MoBEOW. Singnraanil Bangkok Chakralihongt 11 a.m. Pontianak De Kock 1 1 a.m Bangkok Tsintau II am Ma'acra and Linnet Kh-ng Seng lpm. Muxr and Malacca Hong Wan Ipm P. Dickson S.-panjj Binlang Timor 2 p in ''ennui.' hivl IMi I'nlyptv .')[>.■ S'tiaynand Samarang <>\
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  • 141 8 MA ILS T O AR R I VE From E'irope b) .V D. L. 8. s Print Hetnri'h due on the -•">■ h Mir with dates t. the '.Mi February From Chili*— Uy the MM. 8.1. Sydney due on Monday. '••I. 8th X P. L. Mar 4th ■.•I. .nth
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  • 187 8 Nat U U >: H H U tt v J< j: H V Mail/ft Nimk A Ton Kic. UAPTAIK >°K<iM I IH&ILKD CO*S\Q**X*. fsinUiu Borneo :<<iaucus Arrntoon Apcni -.ri Trin^ganu Farfalla KmiliHuk Tiioe Hour Wav Hye l^ong Am herd i 'how I'bya idnuwer -ultai. ler atr.l 1002 Hril »tr
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  • 137 8 ttr tl M •_»•■< 23 83 24 •'M P 2.i M Aristen •It nir'nev <J. G. Meyer re lein Kmile Mv llv.'i Born- o B rUngor /aiila TwntMl K'ftna Sri Tringganu Ron WhWtt soon Vmsil's Nam«. I Flag A Kiu Tonh. Aus alt. i ai-W Hrit »»r. IH«4
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 84 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS AND SILK MERCHANTS, No. 61 52, High Street. Jnsl Htrlvrd, a Frrsh »nri Him* »tock ol Indian, Chinese, and Japanese Roods, such as Silk Kimonos of Fancy Embroidered work, Chinese Embroidered Gross Cloth work ol every kind, Pineapple Silks, Indian Rampore Chudders, Assam Silks
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    • 677 8 t LARGE STOCK OF NEW FLANNELS, N. CEYLONETTB J^ o P ■< A WfW Fabric cl )=3ly R is-jmSHnv; Cjylon Hi mnil, very ut i strung \Vear» and washes w«ll. fc \v MZXT STRIPES ♦^XV 9 S Or >w S '"s 3 X V V\ o? S i> 1 o
      677 words