The Straits Times, 18 March 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 11 1 The Straits Times. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY. MARCH 18, 1904. PRICE 15 CERTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 521 1 ■HHi7,s Wimes. V>6e Straits ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. [per inch, column measure. I DM '.mortion f 1 2U cents Second and third insertions each 80 cents Fourth, fifth, and sixth 40 cents Seventh to eighteenth 24 cents .Nim't.'t'iith&»nt>B%i|uent,, 16 ceots IVi week pf six days, to be changed daily
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    • 682 1 NOTICES. 8. V. "WOOSUNG." NEITHER the Captain nor the Agents of tho above vessel will be reepon- gible for any debts incurred by the crew. QUTHRIE A CO., Ltd. Mar 11 u^ GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. TENDEKS for the undermentioned Farm (including Kampong Roko an > Kampong Laut) for the term of
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    • 646 1 NOTICES. Joseph niLßfrs^^ n "ORAND PRIX." PARIS, 1000. M* 80l Or H igbMt Qtulitj and having Grekteav Durability. «re therefore W0 IV 2^ OHFAPEST. I %J S. Y. C. CYCLISTS SECTION. I'HE Commandant Singapore Volunteer Corps l- prepared to receive applications 'roii geutlemen d iron of being enrolled as cyclists
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    • 642 1 AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE TEAK FURNITURE Handeome Dinner and Dessert Servicftß, Cut-glass Table Ware, a large assortment of Platedware, Cutlery, <fee Also a large and choice collection of plants. T< be held at No. 86-L' Kampong .lava Road. Saturday, 19th March, 1904, at 2 p.m N elaborately carved and polished
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    • 304 1 NOTICES. "Ideal Milk ■^SgSppr^^ Enriched 20 per cent. Sn* 1 7 \>frfSr with ream |3fa^jl Sterilized-Not Sweetened. (^^^^^^l Perfect Substitute for Fresh Kelly Walsh" Limited: Impression* of Japan, by U. H. Kittner '9,00 •Japan iv A*pei-t« and Destinies. by Watson 0,50 •lajian in Transition, by Staflurd Kansome 4.50 Back Block*
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 200 1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Daily issue per year $:tn.«i do per <|uurter 7.50 do per cojjy 0.15 Weekly inane per year 18.00 do per quarter 4.50 do per copy 0.40 Wlien rvn' liy p.i.-t, there i- hiI.U-i! for the daily isSM one dollar a ijuarter and for the weekly
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  • 572 2 life, utik-^H noveky in deserve* inore^^B "The I'plM-awil^H written, we areli^H Year of King would seem to r 'ii^H is a British mhj^^H concern with Ino a tale of the. trials u^H Chinese retormer»<, V^M the Chinese lilnrati, *^H is threatened by il,n ra^B uat'oldud a lll r.vpi tuiflj llanlin
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  • 853 2 Tin- (Queensland Meat Export and Agency C'onipuny Inld its annual mittitiL' at Brisbane on the sth February, with Mr. J. Cameron, the Chairman M pCM deut. The balanec -.sheet allowed that shares had been acquired in the >iu£;i pore Cold Morage Company, i.imitid. i company promoted by the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 298 2 NOTICES. Ny Carlsberg Beer flHi *rt-OTfr*».H»l Vef y "K ht Pilsener Beer, especially brewed for Tropical Climates. .t'V^.-i'-i-TSrjß Obtainable at the principal Hotels and Retail Dealers. ft KY tARLSBERCjf *>olelmportor6 Jsj MARINE BOILERS and ENGINES FOR SALE. THE TASJONO PAOAR DOCK COMPAS V HAVE THK FOU.OWISU LAUSC.I KNiiINKS AM) HOILKRS
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    • 269 2 NOTICES. I. FUJISAKI, JAPANESE PHOTOGRAPHER No. 381 VICTORIA STREET. Orders Promptk B»orut«d. CHARGES MODERATE. Mnr M 20-4 SULPHURIC ACID FOR APPLY TO SYME&CO. '11 w f a.c. Singa Cigars Made from the Finest Manila Tobacco by Cuban Experts under European Supervision WHITEAWAYUIDLAW& Co. AND All Dealers. Mar. 4 The Favorite
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    • 21 2 Shipping advertift-mentg,, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on fuge 7 General shipping news is printed on page 8.
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  • 144 3 Tba new pattern ISJpT. quiikfinng field gun lor the British army, which lins ben Bimilj— mnniul. is said to far neel in nnge, pracuiaa, and speed of fire any field gun possessed l>v Continental armies. A in w rarriajc and limber has lx-en deligaed fat th"
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  • 258 3 For Singapore tvr I*. A o. t, ''hiiuf. etnoaolinv wttl with 'lie »'«imi< t 11 iiii'il t Colombo from London Ft < 10 dM '*"h M rob Ifc i V. Jo M M U. Mi Xiv Mr and Ifn St vn- Mr rind Mm 1.-inc. Mr unit
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 607 3 NOTICES. MARTIN'S A f* f L_Lhml A franon ■jimillr (or .11 Irrefnlarltlu TUmauula uJ'.C-'-tfa' *o« oTaUrtlD Pillstn in., aou... sotaal on tkf •r.l. inofanriTMiilarilir f If. S>sU-m t..,u.1y d,«- n>»: i t iiiiiui.l.rsi nkO.. who nas IMa raooammeod them aapa: s eir •oorssons mU. XI .11 Ct.^'iisiaana ata«as.or post trom
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    • 530 3 NOTICES THE HjWJREJCH^ REMEDY IIiAIH MARK tkis succnnfnl and highly popular rern.-djr. u-v-^ in thf Continental Hm^iUls by K ori Kostan. Jobcrl. Vrlpeau and others, combmn all thr <|.»idrrata i" hr jnuc'-t in a .licin* ail thn kind, and surpassss tv.-rjth.n!; h:\nTto THERAPION Np.l^ short t.m^flrnalrw days only, rwnovrs all
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    • 589 3 I NOTICES. WANTED, by the Johore Government, an apothecary for the Johore Civil Hospi'al. Apply stating qualification* to PRINCI PAL MEDICAL OFFICER, v.c. Johore. \\r ANTrD for KeUnUn, good Chinese vT typewriting clerk Apply stating salary rrqi IhkJ to Paterson -imons A Co., luents I uff Development Co. Ltd. Mar
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    • 613 3 NOTICES. OBF LET: entry at once, compound I hon«e No. 11l Bencoolen Street. Apply to Guthrie <V Co. Ltd Agents. Feb 4 v c. I^o BK LET: offices on the second floor No. 7 Battery Road. Immerti:ite entry Apply to "Guthrie A Co. Ltd., Agents. oe._ 10 BE LFT. small
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    • 635 3 SHIPPING TfoOMVAART KAATSCHAPPY "NEDERLAND." FOR PORT SAID, GENOA, AND AMSTERDAM IMM Dutch mnil nleimer OKASJE, is expected to arriv her; from Ratavia on Satarday mornini; the 19th inst. and will )>e despatched the same day tor abOTe ports. For freight and passage apply to SHIP'S AGBNCY, late J. Dm 'dels
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  • 20 4 Hakkkr.— On the Ist February, at Owl Ciwtl*, Over-Wallop, nr. Mreatlay, HanU, Ai.t'KKii .lamks Bakkkk, M,i)., ajjen 75 yearn.
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  • 234 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. FRIDAY, 18th MARCH. Russia's misfortunes afloat are without precedent in history. Within four weeks she has apparently destroyed three of her own ships with her own submarine mines, and --if reports be true she has lost the only men who knew where the mines
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  • 258 4 Our extra Reuter service wire to-day says the estimated war outlay of Japan to the end of this year is set at 536 millions of yen. This enormous sum will be raised by taxation, issue of bond", a loan and by drafts on special funds. An ingenious Japanese business
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  • 516 4 H. K. H. the Ddkb op Cambridge, whose death at a ripe old age is reported by Reuter to-day, would have been 85 years of age had he lived until the 26th inst He has been ailing for some time past, and the papers to hand by the last mail
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  • 362 4 Dk.«hte the collapse of the bridge at the Hi mile, some weeks ago, the sinking of the pontoon at Woodlands, and finally the capsising of an engine a couple of days ago, Mr. Tearle, the Manager of the Railway contends seemingly with a certain show of right— that the working
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  • Special Telegrams to the " Straits Times."
    • 55 4 30,000 JAPANESE TROOPS > Shanghai, 1 7th March. The 0.8. cruiser Cineinnali has arrived at Chefoo, bringing missionaries and miners from Chenampo and the north of Korea. She reports that at Chemulpo and Chenampo there are ten Japanese cruisers superintending the landing of troops. HO.OOO of these have
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    • 25 4 The Cincinnati also reports Jthat an engagement took place between 300 Russian and 200 Japanese scouts, in which the latter were defeated.
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    • 27 4 Shanghai, \7th MarcJi. The transport ot seven divisions, 70,000 men, of the Japanese Second Army Corps was commenced on the Bth inst
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    • 33 4 Viscount Aoki, formerly Minister for Foreign Affairs, is proceeding to Seoul, whither he goes to assume, the post of Advisor on Internal and Foreign Affairs to the Korean Government.
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    • 18 4 An extraordinary session of the Japanese Diet has been summoned to assemble on March 18th
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    • 12 4 The ice is commencing to melt in the North
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    • 20 4 It is reported that the Russian troops in Korea have retired upon Wiju where they are fortifyinu themselves.
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  • 413 4 to transfer passengers, to and from the ferry steamers, in eampans. This naturally involves delay, as does the necessity of slowing down over the temporary trestle-work that serves in lieu of the culvert bridge that was carried away in the recent rains. Such are the facts the retarding intlulate With
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  • 7 4 To-day's 4/m bank rate is 1/1 1^.
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  • 49 4 It ia K*^H yesterday's 'li^^f Commons is cyrS^B Ration among th«^H have disregarded l^M Whip. V "ESPIEOIR AS Earl Percy, the ifl State for Foreign A^H H. M. t. ErpugU will^H Niuchwang as soon an is opened |Q^PH^^ The belligerents have^R^equested to take steps to safeguard British interests there.
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  • 20 4 The Kaiser spent yesterday at Vigo, and exchanged visits with King Alfonso, who came there specially.
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  • 20 4 ILLNESS OF THE DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE. The Duke of Cambridge suffers from hemorrhage of the stomach. His condition is serious.
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  • 65 4 Router's correspondent at Tokyo wires that the war expenditure from the outbreak of hostilities until December next is estimated at 56.'< millions of yen. This outlay will be met by an iasue of bonds, a temporary loan, drafts on a special fund, and new increased taxation. The
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  • 34 4 Ixmdon, \Hlh March. The Russian destroyer tfkorri, entering the harbour of Port Arthur on the 16th (Wednesday last) struck a mine and was destroyed. Only four of the crew was saved-
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  • 69 4 Mr. Balfour and Sir H. Campbell Bannerman have paid to tributes to the late Duke of Cambridge in the House of Commons, the House meanwhile remaining uncovered. Similar tributes have been paid to the deceased Duke in the House of Lords. Their Majesties have v^ited (ilour their
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  • 41 4 Mr. Bailout' announces that the Govprnment approves of the principal recommendations of the Steamship Subsidies Committee, in favour of subsidising direct communication with East Africa. He says Government is appointing a departmental committee to consider detail*
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  • 17 4 General Sir lan Hamilton has reached Tokyo, and the Marquis Ito has arrived at Seoul.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 28 4 IjOmloh, \llh March Admiral Stark, the Commander of the Russian Pacific fleet, has been recalled by Imperial ukaee r ostensibly on the ground of ill-healtn.
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    • 36 4 HONOUR FOR THE RETVISAN. The Captain of the Russian man-of-war lletvisan has been decorated for repelling the Japanese torpedo boats and for destroying the firexhips during the night attack upon Port Arthur on the '.'Hh February.
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    • 25 4 The Russian Admiralty has given up the idea of Bending the Baltic squadron to the Far East by the north east passage.
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    • 14 4 landon, 18/ A March The Duke of Cambridge is dead.
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    • 14 4 The Liberal Candidate has been elected in the East Dorset contest.
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    • 48 4 Radicals Censure the Government. Sir H. Campbell Bannerman has given notice that he will move a vote of censure on Government for not ■advising the King to disallow the Transvaal (Chinese) Ordinance. The debate on the matter is fixed for the 21st inst. (Monday.)
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    • 21 4 The House of Commons has passed a resolution in favour of women's suffrage by 182 to 6S votes.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 822 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. POTTEDL- Chicken, Chicken Ham, Chicken Tongue, tj £A I Ham, Tongue, Turkey Tongue, Tongue, Veal and Ham, Ham Tongue, Beef, Game Pheasant, Wild Duck, Strasbourg Meat, Lobster, Salmon, Salmon Shrimp, Crabs, &c, &c. sets. lOcts. 20cts. per Tin AT The Australian Stores. Cheapest Best. Mar. 14 l_ f
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    • 207 4 G. R. LAMBERT CO. PHOTOGRAPHERS. Tourlits" f> ate* amt Fllae carefully develop >d. All kinds 'I Photographic Material* kept In «tock. the climate. Photnrraphlc Mat* to Tourlet* cheerfully riven. Splendid AuortSMat of CanMras on hani. Vtowe of Singapore. Native State*, Java, and sum on Sal*. Illuel rated Po*t Card*. Charges
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    • 19 4 A Chinese novel is reviewed on page 2. e> Excha.noe and share (|uotations will > be found on page 8.
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  • 128 5 remarks apropos i'omfortv m V P pr I_| V Cl'aW— d mmtimif. Hluli It II to he Club rrt'iy (if Vrl be. op>ii t" I II in the l/ul'W >' HUpiviive of their Hiy similar criterion pr.ijiiwe Hi:it the Club be founded oi\ the lines of the Union Society of
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  • 290 5 7'o the Editor of tin Strait* rtMH Dear Sir,— lt seem« a pity that y >ur correspondent "Trap" should imatinp that because he is the owner of t carriage he should bo ■illowerl the wholp width of the road to drive along in and that the
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  • 18 5 The Town and Volunteer Band will play on th« Old Jail Sit* to-morrow afternoon from •"> to •> (wtatlier permitting).
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  • 18 5 The British steamer Tvjfitmt arrived from Calcutta this morning with 6J6QQ tons of coal consigned to Paterson Simons.
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  • 19 5 The China Mutual Life Insurance Company send us a enpy "f their Handsome calendar for 1904, printed in Chinese.
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  • 21 5 The British steamer Trmlkmrn Hull irrivpd frora Batoum this morning with 163,940 cases of oil consigned to the Standard Oil Co.
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  • 25 5 The P. and O. intermediate steamer liornen left Hongkong at II .a.m. on Thursday and is due to arrive here at a m on Tuesday.
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  • 23 5 Di'mnh the week endine on the 12th March, one hundred and eighty-nine deaths were registered at Singapore. The ratio per thousand was ."Ml*
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  • 28 5 The half-yearly general meeting of the member* of the Singapore Club will be held in life reading room of the Club, on Friday. Kth March, at I pm.
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  • 14 5 Thk gunners of the U. (i. A. at Kort Canning cave their umial fortnightly
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  • 18 5 sing-song" in thnir library last Ugbt It was well attended and quite a success. Many civilians were present.
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  • 38 5 JflMllrri of the Singapore Catholic Club are reminded of the special general meeting to be held to-night at o'clock for the purpose of adopting a scheme for the erection of a Hall to be attached to the Club.
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  • 34 5 A M'MRKKof new artists for the Indra /anibar Theatrical Company arrived by 'the Allnui yesterday from various parts of JavV They will appear for the first time at'the theatre in North Bridge Road, to-night.
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  • 83 5 News from St. Petersburg make out that at Poit Arthur there are provisions for 100,000 men, enough for a year, and munition*) of war to keep the guns at work for three or four year? have been stored in the town for jußt such an emergency. At least ."iOO,OOO tons
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  • 433 5 ni,,i\. hi: Mmt: M(\\tl\ I It is with a sorrow which Time can iihver wholly ell »ce, that we huvo to announce the premature demise of our iMoemed mid deservedly popular correspondent, who, as a matter of precaution or from the innate modesty of his disposition, we know not
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  • 359 5 Thk results of the last week's matches in the Singapore Football League are as tollow8: Tanjon Pagar Blakan Mati— B. M. m 2to 0. Nondescripts r RoversNondescripts won 2 to 0. In the tirst named match T. P. D protested on the ground that Blakan Mati
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  • 53 5 In connection with the accident which occurred to Mr. Seah Liang Scab's carriage in Thomson Road yesterday forenoon, we are informed that when the horse reached Stamford Road Mr. J P. Seth, of the Singapore Harness and Saddlery Co., attempted to stop it, but was knocked down and was slightly
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  • 677 5 The Railway. Thk Vililnir Wochenbtalt discusses the elliciency of the trans-Siberian railway as a factor in the present war. It points out that the speed limit of trains travelling over the line, including stoppages, is nine miles an hour. Then, assuming that Russia had 133,000 men in the
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  • 54 5 Messrs. Patgrson Simons Co the local agents of the Dutf Development Syndicate, inform us they have received the following wire from the Manager: Dredger working 125 hours, obtained 40 ozs. gold, profit X1 24. This is considered very satisfactory, indicating that the higher up the river, the
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  • 75 5 An attempt in being made in a couple of the local schools to induce uncertificated teachers to qualify, and text books at their expense are being supplied. It is, however, thought that the course prescribed is beyond them, the time given being considered insufficient. If the matter be pressed it
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  • 72 5 Tin: report on the Hongkong Fire Brigade for 1903 shows the need for sweeping reform in the department. The overworked policemen who form the brigade do not make for efficiency with out-of-date engines, bad equipment, and intermittent water supply. The hose is said to be well nigh worn out, and
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  • 142 5 EASTER CRICKET AT SINGAPORE. In connection witb the forthcoming Inter State cricket match at Singapore, the I'rrnk I'ioneer hears that the following jjentlenien havo been asked and accepted the invitation to form the Perak team Captain Barrett, Messrs. B. H. F. Barnard, E. \V. Newbronner, R. F. Stainer, A. C.
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  • 132 5 Sale of Work at the Town Hall. Oh the afternoon of Friday next, from 4 to 7 o'clock, there will be a sale of work, as well as of fancy and useful articles, at the Town Hall. The sale is in aid of the Young Women's
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  • 153 5 The Singapore Philharmonic Society gave ore of its series of popular orchestral concerts in the Town Hall last night, before an appreciative audience. Under the ItaUm of Mr. St. Clair, the orchestra acquitted itself very creditably in the following pieces: March, Manhattan Beach (Sousa) Waltz, Valse des
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  • 200 5 In connection with the additional armament for Fort Palmer in the shape of a 30 ton gun, which was brought from London by the Monmonthshire on the 16th inst., and landed at the Sheers wbarf at Tanjong Pagar this morning under the direction of an officer
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  • 85 5 Calcutta, March 3. Mr. J. B. Phipp3, son of Mr. Pbipps, the American millionaire, accompanied by bis newly married bride, a maid, a valet, a Germun rhavjfeur and some native servants, arrived at Calcutta on the :ird inst. in motor cars, thus completing a motor car
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  • 113 5 An Interesting Report. A itEPORT from the Acting Administrator of New Guinea has been received by the Governor-General of Australia. Promising accounts are given of the Yodda gnldfields, where 1206z. of gold per week have been obtained. Some of the beaches are said to be rich in
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  • 280 5 This morning, L. O'Brien was before Mr. Seth on a charge of the theft of $50 from a handbag, the property of J. J. Hudson, a passenger on the s.s. I'iu Seng. Both were passengers from Penang to Singapore. They left Penang on the evening of the 15th.
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  • 47 5 P. O. PASSENGERS. The following pasxengerx arrived by the Coromntvdtl yesterday. From Shanghai to Singapore Nlessre. A. G. Cowdrey, F. H. Meyer and C. H. Jones. From Hon^' t» Singapore— Mr. A. F. Wenzon, Mr. and Mrs. Kemball, Misx Mammon, Mr. Mavnard. Mr Carver. Mr. R. Gutierrez.
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  • 342 5 Hy Major I.. 8, Broadkh k I'oMMAKDASJT. Singapore, 17th Mnrrli. S. V. C. All ReserviHts who have not done *o already, are requested to return their uniforms and equipment to store without delay. The uniform should be rolled up and ticki>t<"'l with member's name. Capt. F.
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  • 146 5 Mr. and Mrs Joseph Chamberlain arrived in Cairo by the 10.40 p.m train. They were met at thfi Cairo station by Lord Errington and at once drove off to the British Agency where they are to be Lord Cromer's guests until they go up the river.
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  • 229 5 TUB homeward Spanish mail .l/<"<"'' nected to arrive from Manila at daybreak, oil Sunday, and will bunker here Mm her voyage to Barcelona. The German t ran* port filnt may l>e looked for at the end of the month from Europe. The «MM k noon to-morrow from Manila.
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  • 15 5 SivKN hundred and deaths were registered at Sini?apor«ir^KefcK ruary last. The ratio per thousPiPwa* WAS.
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  • 51 5 The LmmWb Qtmtk of hb 19th has the following Lieut. 0. F. Sheehan R.A.M C. to be Captain. Lieut T. C. Hincks, Princess Charlotte w of Wales's (Royal Berkshire Reg.), from Adjutant, Malay States Guide*, to be Aide-dc-Camp to .1. P. Rodger, Esq CM U Governor and Commander-in-chief, Gold Coast
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  • 128 5 Aftkk a long course of stories of dogs which have plunged into seas after drowning babies, the tale ot the Scarborough greyhound will come as a refreshing antidote. A Scarborough labourer and his dog were blown off the West Pier into the sea. But did the dog seize his master
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 54 5 NOTICES. Wayang Kassim. Tie Indra Zanibar Royal Theatrical Company of Singapore ■UHM At the North Bridge Road Theatre Hall To- Night. 18th March, 1904, The Charming and Wonderful Pla> "Zamin Sabha," A Grand Fairy Tale. Q-IR^IfcTID COUVCICLA.ILi LAUGHABLE! Curtain at g p.m. Sharp. Come Early to Secure Oood Seats. March
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 131 5 OAY BY I*A>. Friday, 18th March High Water. 4.'> l in. 7 14 f.m JUMaMMiM N>-« VeiirV Diiy. S.V.A. Laying and Setting B.l*. s.v.l. flmp.aj Drill. > r>. Kpwortli Umikiib Scn-inl. Mt. Sni>lim. WayaiiK KaKsini. North Mift IU»'I. M. Saturday, iQth March. Hiuh Water. 11.15 a.m. I. I O.
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  • 418 6 Lipu, I.''/' Mani The bullock l»us that goes betweu Raub and Uau, is on its last wheels They have now reduced their trips to one every other day, and will probably soon stop i Since the arrival of the motor car, the few gharries that arc left have
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 371 6 Ainslie's Whisky, MAY NOW BB HAD THE EAST ASIATIC CO., LTD., V, i", Tfinri'RYK RIVER^DOCK I PENANG The .ibove Deck situated in Province Velksiey, at the entrance of the Prye F.iTer, has lately been lentrtbened and deepened, and is now of the following menfeionc length on the blocks 320 feet
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    • 128 6 •NOTICES C. A. RjBEIRO CO. war""maps. Unmounted 60 cents each. Mounted 80 Mounted, with flag indicators $1.00 Kcb 14 m.w.f v.c. DRIESSEN'S Pure Soluble Cocoa The Highest Quality At a Moderate Price In lib. tins, |lb. tins, and ilb. tins. NETT WEIGHTS Is now on Sale in Singapore Ask your
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    • 319 6 NOTICES. U HOWARTH ErSKmß| Cable Address: "ERSKINE." fl Mechanical, Civil, Electrical Kn^ineers, Ship lliiihlcr^B i »n«truc*tional Workit hi BTEEL, IRON, and MASONRY A SPECIALITY BRIDGES Consultation Invited .Jte- BUILDINGS Estjn]Btes Fpee i < Mp^**) PIERS A^^r^^^nlKfcfc WHARVES mA* W ]^M'h GIRDERS WrA ;p; p IWt^ STANCHEONS J~. k ROOFTRUSSES Ornamental
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 669 7 Bmere. CO China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bill- of lAdlafl issand for China Coa^t, Persian Gulf Continental, .md Am.'rum n ortE. Mail Line. Outirani*. Beusal Mnr. 20 Btllaarat May 1 Malta Apl. 3 Coromandel May I" Chusan Apl. 17 Simla May
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    • 701 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. S Konlnklljke Paketvaart MaatschapplJ. J tnoer i-ontratt v>ith the iDoib bovcitunik. K n: HsNam: Pwip Aobsct. lat> J. Vikvtki* Co., 2-8 Ocuvin (^cav ;he Dndprmentionwd dates ar» only approT'Hiatf Hill From -'.x;i'led j Will ba l)«SDat!hai for:- I K^ynM-r«» 'palembsng Mar 1" Palembang |Mar 19 Attinq Batavia Mar
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    • 484 7 HAMBUR6AMERIKA LI HIE. HAMBURG. The steamers of thU Company maintain a tegular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Sir uN. China, and Japan. Homewar 's, t^y are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once amomhfor Bremnhaven direct, calling at Peian? and Colombo alternately. The arrivals <
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    • 625 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Nil NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial Herman Mall Line. The fast and well known mail steamers >f this Company sail fortnightly from 3remen-Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antverp Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, *a 'leg, Port Said, Suez, Arten, Colombo, Penang Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to Yokohama and jack. They are due
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    • 711 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES TANKIM TIAN. Lines of Steamers For Batavia, Cheribon, Samarang Every Wednesday and Saturday. *s.B. Givie Bee, -,Hi»i ton*, ('apt. Dnnlop t.g. GlongSenK, 1,182 RawlinjjMHi s.s. GUngAnn, 872 Follett a.B. Zweena, 1,470 Nesbitt For Kuala Pahanf Pekan, kwantan and Kemaman s.i. Klevo, lu2 tons, Capt. Wil»on. 'Electric Light throughout.
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    • 820 7 NOTICES. COMMON SENSE- NUTSHELL raw ■iiifi«l work on ihi- mw tai man MtaMM* -ill (Te. ui»l ninuii of »»lf run »T»r dlioonrfd lor atrraai ml dfbilitr. wu» of rtmlity. drprrttto. cf .I'irita. *c..with pfntkal otuwrrmtJoMun mmrriao u< hi AnettoM iv, r»o. O Tin« iml> *toqa»llficMioo. that <!<• nowllMlunkMMofa^todlllt. It «fcou».i«
      820 words

    • 1112 8 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used str.— steamer sh.— ■hip bq. barque sen. schooner Yet. Yacht;Cru. -Cruiser; Gbt.— (Junboat; Tor. —Torpedo; H.p.— Horuo-power; Brit.—British U. B.— United States Fch.— French Ger.~ German; Dut.— Dutch; G.c—General•argo; d.p. deck passenger; U Uncertain; T, p, W.— Tanjong Pagar
      1,112 words
    • 603 8 I Singapore, isth March, 1904. PROOIICE I 10.371 (Cube Xo. 1) unpii-ked 16.25 Bail 7.70 Pontlaosk 7.-J5 i Black 28.87J ao White, (BX) 47.?5' Sago Floor Sarawak X6.-> do Brnnel No. i 3.40 Pearl Bago 5.J5 Coffee, Ball, 15% bade „20 00 Coffee, Palembang, SO* bul>.. 27.01 Coffee, Liberian
      603 words
    • 121 8 f<» f*r ttr.amer Time. To-Morrow Indraffiri Aing Ann Noon A I rinscunu,! Hiiuj Noon. i !h'bon And Sainarnng Rtiiiiitrti 1 p.m. flnbanjr and Genoa Ornnj' p.m. \moy and Snatow 11 ,\g Wan I J p.m. P.Swet'ham A Penang Pin Seng p.m. I'enane OUnfnUttch 2 p.m. Penang and
      121 words
    • 128 8 From Europe— By the P. *O. s.s. Heiigal due on the 19th Mar., with dates to the 26th February. From China— By the N. D.L. s.s. Itoon due on Sunday. Left Mingaporp Due in [,ornlon \rrived Feb Bth N. D. L. Mar 4th Mar 3rd Feb 10th
      128 words
    • 182 8 Vissil's Nam*. |no 4 Rio.J Tows. Dmtibatiob. Msr 17 I'itsarmlok Her str. 1:67 lan7kMT~ 8 Benvorli.-n HrK «tr. 21-6 .Voul.nein f olv i Nor str. 740 I ».ii;k..k iq i {Pn w l<l<r Bii. str. 1»4 Hooting and Japan 18 BriMim- lr Mn»r m..i Malacca Amiierst «tr 135 T-
      182 words
    • 82 8 5 VMmfrftMii A T..\- lUnun *uum AMMmna S Km Mm 17 ,Van Rieheeck Dut »lr 1453 Sim'-. \f-,r I .|<l>:.<-u !,-U 18 Menu b t, N;i C ,,.i,,i, Ham I., ,n m-i, 17 Beuu H i. SPZS B"t nr »7? 1-ipp.t! OMleatta Ma 9(P. HimowVld Co 18 rsieoMlloch Mr
      82 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 122 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS AND SILK MERCHANTS, No. 51 52, High Street. Jiihl arri\rd. a fresh .ml t'lm- aUuh ot Indian, Chinese, and Japanese Roods, such at Silk Kimonos of Fancy Embroidered work, Chinese Embroidered (Jrass Cloth work of every kind, Pineapple Silks, Indian Rampore Chudders, Assam Silks
      122 words
    • 247 8 Handkerchiefs! Hand^^Mß A SPECIAL PURCHASE OF IB Jiandlierg^^A M.-ii li- in Ireland and Boxed in dozens HANDKERCHIEFS MEASURE 191 by 2O Inch^ THEY Jd± 'fl gC^ JKO THEY ape H v^P^ ARE SOUND H A^blml H REALLY VALUE JB_ f "fy CHEAP. Cotton is greatly advanced in Price and we
      247 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 96 8 WEATHER REPORT. Kaiidang Kerbau Homital, !?lh March 19., t»a.m ]3pm Upm. Rbmarkn Bar 2«.8''9-.'9 79; 2H.859 Morninc Temp 81.8 !79 2 7.\0 clear, dnv WB'lbTher 77 0 75 2 73.S cloudy," DirofWind'wx k s.k.b. Calm, night clear. Max. Temp Brt.fl Mm 78.% Sun IS>9 Terr, rad 70.9 Rvofall Nil
      96 words