The Straits Times, 17 March 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 11 1 The Straits Times SINGAPORE, THURSDAY. MIRCH 17. 1904 PRICE 15 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 654 1 rORNE WHISKY. POWELL ROBINSON. Sole *C«nt>, Slm«p»r« and I »d.r»n> Malay State*. NUT ICES IBfje Straits XBimes. AND Wde Straits Sdudget. ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. [per inch, column tneasnre.) Kir.-t Insertion $1 211 cents Second and third insertions each 40 oents Fourth, fifth, and sixth 40 cent* .Seventh to
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    • 584 1 t NOTICES. MOTILE. OTIC is hereby given that Mr. C. J. >chir:ner bemtf no lontier in th> rmplov of <h» un ermentionerl firm in not auttiurispd to eater into auy negot tions or contract v naUoever on »uch firm's account. A. H A. G. HOBBFN. No. 26, Malacca Street. Mar.
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    • 721 1 NOTICbb "government notification. JENOEU- will be received at the I Co on ial Secretary's ffice up to noon Imi th lv< h March i!K)4, for the foil wl ing works: Supply sod erection nt the Quarantine Stniion, St. John's Island of I the fullow'ng building", viz 1. An incinerator I
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    • 682 1 I AUCTION SALES. AUCTION BALE~OF~ VALUABLE TKAK FURNITURE Handsome Dinner ami Dessert Ser vices, Cut-glass Table Ware, a larp assortment of Platedware, Cutlery, &c Also a large and choice collection o T- be held at No. 86? Kirn pong lava Rr>ad. Saturday, 19th. March, 1904, at 2pm 4 N elaborately
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    • 145 1 NOTICES. Milkmaid .-mPJBJpjBjBj^ BRAND It/I I1 XT i^lx. Guaranteed Full Cream. TL DE Largest Sale in the World. "aT* B Toilet Powder Soap g Ainslie's Whiß MAY SOW BK HAD THE EAST ASIATIC CO., LTD!^ (••to Importer*.) Feb K 13 4 THE Shanghai- Hongkong Building Loan AND Investment Company, Limited.
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    • 132 1 Bye-si^ht .Specialist R*P<B|^|^H Room No. 53, ADELPHI HOTEL. FOB .4 SHORT r/HK ONtV. Feb 17 18-S CHEECHEEffCO.. iq 20 RAFFLES PLACE. JUST RECEIVED IV.i an a bate, wliile lulniclTweed cai "stt;i\\ liats i leather bultF, watch nlherts I Wliit' and colore 1 lilirta M Single and dontlt- coll Ml silk
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  • 633 2 Tlw cntifl^H about the >tr^^B und Singapore >>^| published in his i^H to the attack in highly interest mg^H being plain -p-k. n^B the ability arrrcflfl Roaches bird of hciflH same t line. His first V^J by the Si mit i m < I l^H PenangJan 4th TheVH dated from
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  • 744 2 Mk. Nelson, tho .Superinten.ii'n. at Posts and Telegraphs, who lih« bwa ailing for m>mn time, i* proceeding on leave. Mr Davidson, Ins assistant, is to art for him. The guards of the K MS. Railways in Taiping have submitted a MMBorial to tlife Tr.illic HMMgar upMsfliig the reduction
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 274 2 NOTICES. GARRETT'S PORTABLE ENGINES. WITH WOOD-BURNING FIREBOX. PARTICULARS FROM BORNEO Co., Ltd., SINGAPORE. FOR THE PRESERVATION OF IRON and STEEL. THERE IS NOTHING LIKE SIDEROSTHEN hncoßftSl! m Municipal Bodies throughont Shipyards and Engineering shops, HRsT PRESERVATIVE wKBKf^ for Pontoons. Bridges, Steel Piles, and all Steel and Iron Structures. PARTICULARS PROM
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    • 457 2 NOTICES. GWYNNES Ltd (J. A H. SWTNNE, Ltd and QWYNNE A Co., United. ESTABLISHED OVER FIFTY YEARS. :Tekjram»— Cede*— ■OWYNNE, LONDON." ABC, 4th sth Editions, A 1. HOREINO NEALE'S. Trade Mark I.WI\TiB 1. 1) luifMtinn «f tht lam- st aid mtst ffl tint CENTRIFUGAL PUMPING MACHINERY n the world, suitable
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    • 262 2 NOTICES. CHAMPAGNE LOUIS ROEDEREItf" Extra Dry and Carte Blanche The old, well-known hrand BRINKMANN &f CO., Importer*. ffTT" AT Mrmiu. CHKNP A 00., HIGH BTREET TRY SINGAMAS CIGARS (EXTRA MILD) Tin Boxes of 50. $1.75 per box. WHITEIWAY LAIDLAW Co, AND All Dealers. McAlister Co. LIMITED. Han jut itrt'wti a
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    • 22 2 Shipping, advert isements,, with dates of sailing, etc., will he found on page 7 General shipping news is printed on page 8,
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  • 328 3 Tiik total quantity of tin and tin ore exported from Pnwnync during thtmonttia of January ;)n d Febiuary, 1904, amounted to in t picule, or an "j pieull as< compared wi.h oorreapondine pHriori ln«r year, but thf dn'y collected .-unounted only to 8541,001 vbich s.'nnved a
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 578 3 BANKS. Noderlandsche Handel aiaatscfcappij. NETHERLANDS TKADING SOCIETY f Established 1824. Capita! (10,000,000— (abt. £6,000,000) ludiv OUpital f. 15.000,000(abt. £3,760,000.) RwBRV«*to»D t. 6,000,000(abt. 417,000 Head Offluo in Amsterdam. Head Agency ia Batavia. Bbahohis: Penang, Shanghai, Rangoon, Medan <l>eli), Semarang, Sonrabaya, Padang, Cberlbon, Tegal, Pecalongan, Pasoeroenn. Tjiialjap, Palnmbang, Olehleh (Atjeh), Hand j>-
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    • 419 3 l£ j BANKS. HO N GKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAii)-np capitai $io.noo.o»y RESERVE FUND.— Sterling Reserve..»UMKX),oOo\ navioutt) Silver Reserve.. ,V»0,000 f RESERVE LIABILITY OF U iifiOonf PROPRIETORS ..»10.'»'«>.«)C CODET Or DIRICTOBS. A. J. Raymond, Eaq,— Chaibmar. H. E. Tomums, Esq Demtty Chairman Hon. C. W. Dickson N. A. Sikbr,
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    • 721 3 NOTICES. WANTED, by the Johore Oovernmeni an apothecary for the Johore Civil HoEpi'al. Apply stating qnalinVation* to PRI NCI PAL MEDICAL OFFICER, v.c Jobore. VJLT ANT I- D fur Kelnntan, good Chinese vT typewriting clerk. Apply stating Halary reqi'irnd to Paterson "•wnor? A Co., agents I uff Development Co. Ltd.
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    • 642 3 NOTICES. /COMFORTABLE rooms to be let at V> Eber House." Eber Road. uc. I'O BE LET: entry at one«, compound bou-MS No. 112 Bencoolei Street. Apply to Guthrie <v Co. Ltd., Agent*. F>-b. 4 nc. JXJ Hn, LKT: office* on tbe second floor No. 7 Battery Road. ImmeHi t« entry.
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    • 653 3 SHIPPINO BTOOMVAART MAATBCHAPPY "NEDERLAND." FOR POST SAID. GENOA, AND AMSTERDAM. 1m K Dutc.i m>til steamer ORANJM, is expected to arrive her 4 from Batavia on Saturday morning the 19th inst. and will be despatched the wmt day far above ports. For freight and passage apply to SHIPS AGKNCY, late J.
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  • 1447 4 The Straits Times PRICE 15 CENTS. THURSDAY, 17th MARCH. To-day's wiros show that M. P<-lletan, the French Nival Mmieter, has not I been having a hippy time of it, and has to be on the watch to meet attacks on his department for proven 111 1 shortcomings. Thus the question
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  • 543 4 When M «jor Pendennis had donned all bis bust-improvers, bis hair curled and his immaculate linen displayed to the fullest advantage, he was wont to take his daily walk in the season of course arm-in-arm with my Lord This or my Lord That. Then hie attentive and perspicacious valet whose
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  • 257 4 On Monday we called attention to a barbed wire enclosure that ha:been erected on the vacant ground at the foot of Fort Canning steps and adjoining Hill Street— one of the busiest thoroughfares iv the very heart of Singapore. It has been erected we understand for the purpose of enclosing
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  • 80 4 King Norodom of Cambodia, whose state stands under French protection, was very ill at the date of last advices from Pnom-pcuh, his capital It is generally believed there that cancer in the jaw has attacked the monarch, and at anyrate it is certain that an eminent dentist from Saigon is
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  • 127 4 t)smoN vH her Effectiv^H Sun^J ips arriving her^| •■uur as being dtill^H of the Russians on Su^H The Japanese fire <"^| bardment of the lOrh^MMPPimj damaging the town and shipping badly. Merchant Ships Released on Conditions. All the merchant ships that had been detained until then were allowed
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  • 218 4 M Rudonovsky, the Russian Consul I Gnneral, has courteously forwarded us the following telegram from the Agent of the Russian Foreign Office attached to the Staff of the Viceroy Al*xftieff Mukden, 16//* Mtrch. The reports published in the English papers at home and in the China ports,
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  • 113 4 tie ihruiiH lias already been mooted publicly. Prince Yukanthor, one of the Kind's sons— whose prospects as heir apparent have been marred by political intrigues which drove him into exile in our midst— is, as a mutter of course, keonly interested in this new development. It is reported from Cambodia
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  • 30 4 Thk Hon. A Lyttelton, Secretary of State for the Colonies, has assured French journalists of further AngloFrench agreements. He also referred to an agreement between France and England concerning Siara.
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  • 6 4 To-day's 4/m bank rate is 1,11,
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  • 8 4 TifK homeward mail closes at 6 to-morrow.
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  • 7 4 Thk Strait* Hudgat was published this morning.
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  • 32 4 Owing to t.tie cumins? retirement of the Hon. C W. 8. Kvnnernley, Mr. H. Conway Belfli Id hns, it is reported, been "elected to act as Resident-General oi the F M S
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  • 33 4 Thk Germnn mid ft«amer Roon left Hongkong on Wednesday at noon ar.d is expected to arrive here on Sunday at ahout 5 p.ra She will probably be despatched for Europe on Monday ftertoon.
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  • 37 4 About 11 o'clock this warning a carriage and pair came to grief on the E-iplan.ide. The carriage collided with a tree and the horsps broke loose and galloped over Cavenngh Bridge in the direction of the Pqnaie.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 496 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. CLUB WHISKY 18 ALL MAL~ AND SUPPLIED REGULARLY TO THK PRINCIPAL CLUBS All the in the Has the largest Naval and Military STRAITS SETTLEMENTS consumption amongst Messes. ANI) Europeans in this Market. F. M. 8. PRICE 51 0.50 PER DOZEN, NETT. DUTY KXTRA. Sol* Agents for the Straits
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    • 437 4 SINGAPORE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY. Popular Orchestral Concert. THURSDAY, MARCH 17. Plan on Monday, at Robinson Piano Co. Tickets $3. Members free. B«ekin;ud admisswi ti presentation »f Stan MA Mar 13 17-3 8 V. C. CYCLISTS SECTION. *t HE Commandant SinsrHpor^ Volunteer (■"orps i» prepared to rec- ive appli cation ro a
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    • 65 4 G. R. LAMBERT GO. PHOTOGRAPHERS. Tourists' P itu and Films carefully develop -d. I All kind* i.l PhotofrapMc Material* kept In stock. Plate* anil film* guaranteed Fret* and suitable to tha cllaut*. Photographic Mint" to Tourists cheerlully given. Splendid As.ortment ol Cameras on him. Vim of Singapore. Native Stater Java,
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    • 10 4 Exchange and share •itiotationx will be found on pase 8
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  • 167 5 ■wo ram PROCEEDINGS IN PARLIAMENT. l.ond.r,}, loth Moral Tbe Opposition moved to report procr Mr. l>.;llour treated tbe matter lightly and refused to accept the motion. Tbe motion wu» rejected by 171 to 14S v The H use subsequently proceeded to business The excitement, urisiug therefrom has su'-i-ided,
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  • 169 5 11l London. 17 th Muati Fr- neb i'jvsjniinent was ye.ster<' Ii1 i by rtuj-viry a-f riven votep, arvl ;)i; amendment '.vas adopted by -'■'•J Vi m t'> '2~\. making the period for s i[>r>i»s3incc clerioal teaching in the sch miU too ye irs. in^.'a'l of
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  • 79 5 BRITAIN AND FRANCE. AN ALLROUND UNDERSTANDING On all Ouestions at Issue. landon, \~lk March. Bontitr'll AfMMy understands that the prol ir.g'»'l n^cotintions between Great Britain and France have resulted in a gool un lerst.\Tiilin(» on all questions, onlonill oad otherwise, long pending butwuen the two countries. All questions of principle
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  • Correspondence.
    • 201 5 To the Editor ff the Strait* Times." Dkah Sip.,— ltl|s quite a common occ.nence in Siugap«re, to hear of ricksha accidents, and it is a wonder to me how there are not more. Wheu the Government has facts like these repeatedly brought to its notice, through the medium
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  • 642 5 The Use of Opium Residue. On the Ist inst a Chinaman living at 66 Tank Road was arteHted in the not, so ii. is alleged, of manufacturing chandu from smoked chandu. When the case was brought before Mr. Ibeth, that gentleman rautd the point whether anur.n who had
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  • 1317 5 Tli;it the gallant attempt itia.U; to block the harbour at Port Arthur nl not wholly unsuccessful may be judged from the statement that whereas it torflM ii y took war-ships thirty minutes to pass in or out of the harbour, it now takes them iwo hours to navigate
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  • 94 5 Launches leave Johnston's Pier for the Swimming Club on Sunday morning at 10 and 11 am. The handicap; for the MOO yards monthly handicap, to he swum after the arrival of tbe first launch, are given below l*e, F.C. Sor. Henderson, CM 8 I'enny. F. George Moyd,
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  • 239 5 The y.dniheai \\a.- taken to Keppel Harbour wharf yc-UTiiuv to dioobarge about IMi.'i tonJapan coal for Paterson Simon* and Co., after which she will be shifted to the I. and O. wharf to discbarge the balance, abont 3,5U0 tons. The Paketvaart steamer Baud, which left for Batavia on
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  • 621 5 The War. Russia has ordered from an AoMCWM firm a complete trolley apparatus for the rapid coaling of warships at sea. One million and a half sterling has already been subscribed in Russia for the repair and the increase of the fleet. The Tsar has announced his intention
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  • 70 5 INTERN ATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION. The Guaranty Trust Company of New York and the International Banking Corporation have concluded arrangements by which the Guaranty Trust Company withdraws from business in Shanghai, hongk .np, and Manila, and assigns 10 the International Banking Corporation the good will of the Guirmty Company's business at
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  • 124 5 Thk iVaaaW.-i Press of tbe 18th wit. reports The funewl of the tivt Japanepe officers and men killed in tin battle at Port Arthur took place ai Sasebo on Tuesday, 1<; I) inst. Three officers were among the dead, viz., Lieur. -Commander N.ikayamn, od>-Sub-Lieutenant, and one midshipman, all
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  • 424 5 Mr Buckley's New Appointment. On Wednesday eveniig, at the Johore Hotel, the Pemangku Raja (the Hon Dato Mentri Besar) entertained a large party at dinner, in orfler to wish lon royage to H. H Ungku Suleiman, D K tbe Hon. Dato Sri Amar d' Raja, D.X..
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  • 97 5 A 11ATHKK serious carriage accident I occurred in Thomson Road this forenoon |wherby several women and children, [iliin^ei^H turned '^o^^B severely iujureWo^^B were violently thrownVH sustained bruises. horses were secured carriage righted, but the iiijtlttlf of one of tbe hiMren appeared to be so serious lhat
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  • 59 5 On the Ist inst. the Japanese genera! elections passed off quietly. An extraordinary session of the Diet is convened for tbe l>th inst., to last ten day*. I. is expected that all taxes are to be raised more or less. Taxes on salt and on silk are also proposed, but
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  • 68 5 The report on the Sarawak Museun. by Mr R. Shelford M.A., Curator, is U band, and gives a,lull list of the many rare and interesting additions made during the year. Mr. Shelford Bays ai. enlargement of the Museum is quite justified, there being M ro> m in which to properly
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  • 70 5 The United States Consul Itltitwud at Niuchwang reports to the State Department that the ChiooM uru becoming great flour consumers, and it i* only a question of time when only the poorest classes will use rice as their Btaple. He says that Manchutia it destined to be the greatcet wheat
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  • 74 5 The Japanese scare is making wu\ in Tonquin, and is gaining strength with the war. Stress is laid upon iht increasing number of Japanese in tin lind, and upon the likelihood of their readily turning to spying. There are fears that some of them may seek to (raw away the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 131 5 o^r wires have I'orrcßponSeoul to withdrawn Hr<::t An fxtr t')rditiary Cabinet Ct>ui.i-il was hold ;it Tokyo on the Un<\ inctant at which the w»r taxes were discussed. Including the bud, income, tobacco, and silk taxns, a rum of between sixty and seventy million >en is expected to be raised The
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    • 28 5 Mil Akthi'r 8. Baxendai.k, m i.k c the Superintendent of Post and TeltBraphg, Sclnin'or, lias been compellpi by his medical ndvi*era to go horra owing to continued ill-heulth.
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    • 11 5 An article— More about ourselves will be found on page S.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 164 5 MAY BY DAY. Thursday, 17th March. High Water. ILU p.m. St. Patrick's Day. Tuwti Bund. tl. S Reservoii. ."> to ti. New Mii.iii. 0.30 p.m. FootbalL K. E. v. Kanger». (MU Jail Site. PrinfepStreet Cbarch Dedication. 8.3" p m. I'liil t'ofiilar Oncert Town Hall. 0 p.m. Wayang K.aaini. North Biidge
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  • 76 6 A kkmahkahi.k r«pori 16 made by Admiral Togo to the Chief of the Naval Staff Department in Japan, illustrating the earnestness of the men of his fleet who volunteered to man the doomed vessels intended for the harbour entrance of Port Arthur, there to be -ink There
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  • 657 6 P. O. I'er Coromamiel IHth March Mr. H. A. Morrison, Mr. and Mi Ward, Mj and Mm. Hunter and family, Mr. J. Mitchell, Miss ISaldwin, Mr. Waugh, Mr. W. A. Cadell, Mm. Oliver Smith, Miss Krown Webber, taft find Miss Heath, and children, Tiinku •Suleiman, T)ato Vahya
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  • 179 6 For Singapore. I'.iO.f s. Chirm, connecting with n ili tbc steamer Bniytl :\t Colombo, from London FoX 1» duo i'l'h M rch-Mr. C. W. Jones. M r. W. McKny, Mr and Mrs. .vvi-n« Mr. and Mrs Uine, Mr and Mrs. Sbelford, If r. J Bur inshsw. Jars.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 35 6 VEBBELB ADVERTISED TO SAIL Tort. Li iii j John Dctif. end of March j; (i A H Hoj-rn Pemng via ports llotorua, every Wednesday, Khoo Phee Rnwi Pennng sod Port Swptienham, Kislin. OTtry Wednesday, BoasteKd.
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    • 283 6 NOTICES John Little Co., Ltd. LEADING LINES IN Tropical Helmets. J^ZZjU^al Townend* White Tropical Sun Helmet, l.ruthor Binding and Lining, Air Ventilation, i"^^^^^^^^ Very Li^ht, Cool and Comfortable. <sr>n/.;«l t«5 7"5 1 n»r nent «e»t Cork Lined, Green I'nder Brim. Opet'ial O per cent. Covered Fine White Drill. We Hal
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    • 579 6 NOTICES. W MOTOR CARS.^^H^H jrfJJAL Iv? a^L^a^aß Si "'"•^S^Sfi""--sS^^M Trials |givcn to Intending ff f 4%j it- ia#M v^Wt^i^^i^^^^ Purchasers. i^XXjE"Z" HARG-BEAYES <Sc Co., Ltid. Fab. IS Singapore and Kranji Railway. From January 4th, 1904, and until further notice. Train Service for Week Days and Sundays. I A.M. A.M. A.M.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 702 7 By where. Hlompwii s. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt. Mediterranean PorU, Plymouth and London. Throneh Bills of Lidine issued for China Coait, Persian Gulf, Continental, and American Ports. Mall Line. Outwards. Bengal Mar. 20 Ballaarat May 1 Malta Apl. 3 Coromandel May IK
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    • 1209 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, a.. Koninklijke Pakotvaart MaatschapplJ. aV^L I nut>r contract with idt .Netherlands inaib i>o\eit>aeb». 7 at hinoaftrr-.t'vu Acisnr. l>ti J. Vim us A Co., 2-S C«iu« (Jd«. :be undermentioned dates are only approj l^^^--— Sieamar From Rxp'wd Will be D«SDat^had for A 1 Haud Soerabaya 'Mar 8' Batavia, Pi'calongan,
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    • 618 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYO. Imperial (ierman Mail Line. The fast and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen-Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Na les, Port Said, Suez A en. Colombo, Penang, Singapore. Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to Yokohama and back. They are
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    • 721 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES TAN KIM TIAN. Lines of Steamers For Batavia, Cheribon, Samarang Every Wednesday and Saturday. •s.s. Giine Bee, 2,300 ton*, Capt. Dunlop Giang Seng, 1.1H'2 R&wlingBon s.B. Giang Ann, 872 Follett s.s. Zweena, 1,470 Nesbitt For Kuala Pahanjr, Pekan, k want an and Kemaman B.g. Flevo, 302 tons, Capt.
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    • 515 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. "n7y:kT JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO.. LTI> A regular FORTNIGHfI.Y service i« maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW PTEAMERS, Under Hail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for tbe Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation for Fint
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    • 1356 8 Under this heading the following abbrertalions are used i str. steamer ah.— •hip bq barque sen. schooner Yet Yacht ;Cru.— Cruiser; Gbt.— Gunboat; Tor. —Torpedo; H. p.— Horse-power; Brit.—British ;U. B.— United States Feh. -French Ger.--German; Dut —Dutch; Gc—General«&rgo- d p deck passenger; U Uncertain; 1. P.
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    • 644 8 E- '.port probable date of arrival and name of agents. IMHH iui;i, Hongkong, Apl U; Beha Mever .!es Liverpool, Apl 3; Man«hVld. Ajix China. Mar :>4 Mansfield Albengn. Hongkong, Mar Bebn Meyer. Vliioin. Bombay Apl Borneo Ooy. Alting Batavia' Mar 17: Daendels. Alcinou«. Liverpool, Apl fi M.insiip].: Anarakt.
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    • 562 8 17th March, 1904. KHARES. Bel at Tin Mine $]iU«' o m,*i»Jiuuiu Ml:.t ;*7.-'.< |«t)» :U Briueb Tin Mine $B..'f>. *Kri«»ei Neuve 1105. »Bltw tTkuiiK Sban^lKi Bunk ft 12, ex. div. luwmiii Kr-km^-, J-Jlip. •Jelebufc (in liqnidation) Matt, Kaduua (lnil> paid) Slu.iu, nom<n. di» (*7 paid) 57.0«\ nomi:.a! N'nal Bank
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    • 141 8 To-Mokkow FurofM> rii pnr's llorommid-l fi a.m. I'ort -ivvrlti'rilmii S/'pA^n s a.m. Bitu J'lhnt Amp Honi; .'Oam. Ufl mm ud Lintk. f i A'A ;k; Seng Ip m. I p Sham T. Vn»on Hi/c isnvo .1 pm. Shnnj; 1!.'!;1 tnd .li;.;in if •nmoi'thnltiw S p in. I '""111
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    • 203 8 5 V>ml'4 Nmi. A font ..aitain c Km Kkov miw OMIIOMIUM Hvi II \i-iiH beriand lli Out sir So m;: W Vleilan )er str 47H Stolberg IH Knlla l)nt sti HO N.u-K'ai. Hi Zeeduii" str *7fi Hare Ifi vniiin t..r Portent BuO JRihero lti -vjeviii" lii-r r'i ip
      203 words
    • 102 8 i |tk VamLt Hams. Kl»i; A Itm. i'RMTINATION Mil 17 .So'-otta 17 I).- K'nok 17 Van Oulln.orii 17 Van Hof{eiK!o!(j 17 Rfiitong 1 7 Knnlr 17 Merttin 17 P.-t< hil'liri 1 7 i'o cm iruiel 17 As.-ihnn 17 Sullhp. I" i«Ui vi:l 17 "ri Wonpsee 17 HiM«Wm ■|»«<r ~lr.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 65 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS AND SILK MERCHANTS, No. 51 52, High Street. 4us> arrixd, a Krfsli win! ¥\nv «-t <»<•!< ol Indian, Chinese, and Japanese Roods, such as Silk Kimonos of Fancy Embroidered work, Chinese Embroidered Orass Clcth work ol every .kind, Pineapple Silks, Indian Rampore Chudders, Assam
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    • 283 8 Shape a» illu«-tr tiaal- N^ ie<l l.lack. 16 ins. la 1.r.-t!. Prlc ?4.35 each l l -^ji w^^r Mil' I*1 I" BSH^flHS^raS .-i rlvbi in-. iV ,i. (ii{ Pi |(M« SH^^V^VLSm i-xiixi' 51 iiM (12x11 ..s):< Pn "5.7.->. I i -6.75. ■pn^^^H 20.00 3^^^j»%?v x w '^Si^Hi ly b 5
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 94 8 WEATHER ittPJRT. f— rftnij K'rbavi Hrmrilnl 1)11, March '-ta-m Spin "p ni Remarks Bar *».004 t 2« "<W SJ».«I Morninp T>mr> Ml >■:■-' TH.I) .l.iv an\ WB'lhTher 7^5 TOO 71.4 ni^hl dear. DtrnfWla Ikk k x c s. k. V»s. Tom p W« Mm Vnxin Sun Il«'.» Terr rod (MM
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