The Straits Times, 16 March 1904

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 31,385 SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY. MARCH 16. 1904 PRICE 15 CERTS
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  • 430 1 The Straits Chinese Recreation Club's Entertainment. By special request, the concert and variety entertainment given by the members of the above Club on H >ng 1 ,i hi (Jr. ■••n a week ago was repeated last Saturday night before a large and appreciative audience, among whom were the
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  • 169 1 Mv K. 0. Fkakm/mn, laMy aesictant manager of the Oriental Electric TelephttM Conpanj it Singapore, called at Colombo on the T'li March on hi« WM to take up an kppnte«BHmt 8t Mauri tiu«. Ai Onlnwho he was int^rvipw^d by a pn 1 repreopnta'ive, *o whom Mr Pearniiiir:
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  • 132 1 The report on the working of the Currency Note Issue Department in 1903 shows that the number of notes in circulation at the end of last year, as compared with the preceding year, had risen from 1,805,508 to 2 1 17.238, and the face value from 514.30.'i44(>
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  • 151 1 The B. I. ss. M«ml<usa arrived at Colombo on the sth instant and reported that, on the 22nd February, she had an exciting night on the Red Sea, on being stopped by Russian men-of-war, shot* being fired for her to heave to. A torpedo boat hailed her
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  • 144 1 Numerous Complaints. Bkfokk Mr. Hooper at the Middle It i id 'rikt»ha depot yesterday a resident prosecuted three 'rikisha msHh fo keeping their 'rikishas at a licen«ed stand while they were non e*t. One mau pleaded that he had just vone tt. uiiange a dollar and was
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  • 143 1 When thefts of plants occur, the hi mm is usually laid at the door ot kebun?, unless there is evidence to th contrary. The delinquents, however are always either kebuns or dealt r* it p>antH but there it ample evidence, in line instance at least, in
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  • 103 1 It is stated that, the business of the Mep-sageries Maritime* o— puiij inaiked au appreciable improvement I iki year, especiully in the direction »i South America The increased traffic, accompanied with grea r er economy in the expenditure, will result in a gain of 2,.->oo,oo<t francs compared
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  • 45 1 The Tirnt* corresp indent at Tokyo il.rl ir,. s tliat the naval engagement s wliicii liave so fur titken place chow that the Knxs'an shells break up against the J iparegp armour plated vecßfln, while tie Jripiinf-gf elielle, with >■ himose powder, ate efficient and destructive.
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  • 146 1 A Popular Orchestral Concert will be given at the Town Hall to-morrow niidit, by tbe Singapore Philharmonic Society, and a programme of pleasing mu-ic has been prepared, inclu'Hntt the following selections by theorch 1 stra M-trch "Manhattan Beach" (Sou»a) Waltz "Mylle" (Waldteufel) the Alleuro from Beethoven's "C
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  • 303 1 THB U.S.S. Itla dr Cuba wan unrtocki-d at Keppel Harbour yenterday morning and towe<i to Section 111, Tanjonc Pa^ar, where alietook in 154 iodb huuker cuaU. She went to the road* at '1 p.m. yesterday nnd flailed westward this morning- The I S. V. trunxport Kilpatrirlc whirh pa««ed
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  • 50 1 A 'kikisha caiiie in coiitact with, a private eUTMn on Orchard R 'ad early 'his morning btui had ha shafts "mashed. The pnl!er haiafill. was not iijured. The ln.uibler vel icle was in the centre of the road at the time of the, accident, itißtead ol being on the left.
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  • 45 1 A kish, whicn ii <>t tin 1 kind locally called felunpin," was iound, after being bfOOgfct at market, to f<>ntain an iron noil four inche* long. Wiether the fish >wal)iiwcd the nail or whether it was added to increase the weight remains an open question
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  • 54 1 It is announctii limn Alsinr" that the French deßtrnyrro Moutqaet, Fronde, J irelinf, nnrJ I'UtoUt, MOOrtrd fy' the cruiff-r D'Arsiti, h«ve l«*it i >r Saiiz.m. The D'Anns it- a M-eond-oW" cruifer of 4,000 tons' <JispUceir.enr,9.fiO in. (if Hted h'Txe-pOKer, 31 filine, mifl 1J) 25 k""' 1 1 speed, com plated
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  • 46 1 Thk Telegraph Co. have no furthtr details as to the l"ss of tneir steamer Stotia, which struck on the rocks at Guam and is reported to be a total loss. This morning the Co V steamer Vatrol left for the t-cene of -he disaster.
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  • 45 1 The Griffins for the Spriig meeting of«the Singapore Sporting Club have arrived and are now on view in Mr Ahiams's yard, Orchard Road. They appear a very superior lot of horses and, we understand, they will be drawn for on Saturday afternoon.
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  • 55 1 Thk following property was disposed of by auction at Powell Co.'c saleroom ypsterday afternoon Two undivided equal fourth shares in a piece of freehold land situate at the corner cf Thomson and Syed AHv Roads, containing an area f 110.400 square feet, bought by S M. A. R
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  • 85 1 Trafhc was returned on the Singa-pore-Kf.inji railway this morning It seems that when the engine s derailed it. fpll right over the hank into a marsh. The greatest inconvenience was caused to a large number of people, and vest^rday it was very doubtful whether the line would
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  • 32 1 The Mu«enm a» Colombo is in need ..r»«>i TH* .4*low«r.n naent. is now, considering the addition offwo wines m it. To riM another hlook to the building would coo* too much money
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  • 31 1 Trk Pcrak v Singapore cricket mitch a» K^ster has scorrline to the Pivang UazeH', been fixe^ for Goorl Frirlav anH thp diy followine. Ppnang mcc's Singaporo on Raster Monday and Tuesday
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  • 40 1 Sir Thomas Lovfli, who has come our spnin to this part of thp world on a cnllppting mission for the London 8<»hfol of Trop'cal Medicine, has p«"sed thrnnch Cl mho on bi« wny to Singa pore via Rangoon <tJ ini\in.
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  • 39 1 The rpsnlt of tbe !<'-• ruary crushing at thp Pnni^m i« as follow" 63 ounces cold from 780 ton« crunhert, esH-i.atprl value $2.MVI The crushing inclnrlea 20 ton* r rom thp rpcpntlv discovered reef at Manik vip|Hin e 4 ounces.
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  • 39 1 The Honskone Prison rpport for 1903 shows »r> iperessrd nnmhpr of admi»*iopg Numerous ir»rlu«trie« are earripri on in the ra"l, whioh appear tn b* profitßhle The figures of the prin»w ifopi'tmcnt show a profit of, roughly, 125 rer cent.
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  • 53 1 Nfw« pomp* from Tnkvo that pum* to noenrnponv the Jipsn<»«« nrmv nrp t.n hp limi'pH to crrennonrlcnt" of the following WjU weWtto Rn»i«h, 20; 'meric «n. 5 German, 2 French. I. A« urtrin* twire this nnmhpr of ws»r correspond pntß »'n now w«itin(r in Tokv", 'here will be a good
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  • 47 1 A orkat Bpleinn ►ynHirstp is oaid to hnvp hppn fnrmprl at R'n*«plg to eo'aHish nn irop->r*»nt arm«-factorv in Japan Kinc Leopold is one of th* principal promoters of the syndicate, which includes rpprps n»ativp« of thp moot prominent industrial estahltshmentg of Belgium. The capital is ,£5,000 000.
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  • 66 1 Thk rescued Ku»mau snilors from Chemulpo who took pasoaee oc the Nam Sing arrived at Colombo on the S«h March. The prisoners were orderly and well behaved on the way and gave no trouble They were transhipped to the 9 b. ifiilnya, and were to reman or board her un'il
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  • 74 1 The Honekong Police departmental report for 1903 notes numerous canes of theft by household servants. The report says that it would greatly a«sipt the police in preventing this kind of crime if it. were cus'omary for person* when engaging servant* t" obtain their photographs and their names, parents' names and
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 169 1 CLAYMORE WHISKY. POWEI.I. ROBINSON, SoU Afiin, «l.c.p.r« «Bd F#d«r.t«f Matof SUim. Little's Oriental Balm For any pain. Tfea piinaof neuralgia, th«- piin= of vh^u-nititir-m Urn piinxof liinihttio. the pains of ■tiff joint! th. paiiix »f the Mek, throat. biiek, cheat, m .lenawi f--ft— nil Hmwh iiwuv when you rut> on
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    • 448 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Mr. J. CHAMBERLAIN We cannot agree in this cosmopolitan city with all that gentleman's statements, but with the following we can I am not such a fo. I as to pretend that I know another man's business. I prefer to take the opinion of experts. When you buy
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 186 1 OAV t»> OAV YVedne«day, iftth M ireh. Hifrh Water. 10.52 s K. Fi. 1.1 UmmWT. 5.15. S.V.A. Carliine and Squad Drill. 0. 1". fhuroday, 17th March Hi«b VVat«i 10.42 a.m. 11.15 p.m. Kciiimk- of In- Sun IU-^iii-. n. ni St. Patrick's Day. P U. IKiiurw.ird mail dur. Town Band. II
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  • 3381 2 Agreements anent Boundaries, Proteges, Chartabun, etc The new Franco-Siamese Treaty was signed at Paris on the evening of Feb. 14th, by M. Delcasse and Phya Suriya Nuv;itr. the Siamese Minister. The Siamese have seemingly complied with all the demands which the French Colonial Party formulated after the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 361 2 POTICES. For Discriminating Smokers. Cigarettes Absolutely Unique In Quality. Hand-made from seleoted parcels of the finest Virginia Tobaccos. To the cultured and discriminating smoker, there are no other Cigarettes that will give such keen satisfaction and enjoyment. No. 555. No. 999. Astorias. Ordiiuu-T due Ordinary gisa. Billiard Room Six*. Price
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 126 3 fW NOTICES. HIS EXCELLENCY. Interesting Facts, and a Singular Coincidence. Sir John Anderson, K.C.M.G. A. HERRMANSON Co. 60, WILSON STREET, FINSBURY. LONDON, E.C. i.' in ui;ha\xov i*t<> to aaaaf aaataai i« k it. leaaaai a beats*, IMI'OItTKKS AND KXI'OKTKKS. 1). -in' for loaporta solo representation for Kni;land and KaCwpeao Com,
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    • 619 3 NOTICES. \I7 ANTED, by the Johore Government vv an apothecary for the Johore Civil Hoaj.i al. Appiy stating qualifi. Htions to I'KINCII'AL MEDICAL OFFICER, I U.c. .Inhore 1T T NTKHasmart Eurasian acquainted TT with ih« clipping trade to p it,h an .ti-uii brands of provisions. Lioeral comniis-iion allovted. Apply to
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    • 631 3 NOTICES^ i^iOMFORT*BLE rooms to be let at \j Eber House.' Eber Road. n FBB LET: offloef on the second floor No. 7 Battery Road. Imoiediute entry. Apply to "Oathrie A Co. Ltd., Agents. no. I*o BE LFT, small first floor offl es. faci'g Cavenßgh Bridge Rond and Flint Street. Apply
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    • 732 3 SHIPPING for Bangkok"" i'HE 1.9. MEDUSA will le .v for Bangkok every fortnig t, h.i. Ut rlaaa pa°senger accommodation and will take in cargo for above port and will be despatched on Saturday, the l-tli instant at nuo For freight and passage apply to HONU LEE CH VN, N>.. r»
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  • 47 4 Hart —On tbe 24th February, at Hurling ton, Ontario, Canada, tbe Rev. Vißar. Chittkndbn Hart, D. I) founder and for many years Superintendent of the entril Chiaa wUsloa of the Methodist Episcopal Cbarch. D"A<idimo At No. 8, Dent Lane, Shanghai, JuSB CYRILLO D'Aiiinvo, aged S9 yean.
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  • 303 4 The Straits Times PRICE 15 CENTS WEDNESDAY, 16th MARCH. "Stkictly PKiVATE''sjem3 to describe the J plan of campaign so far. Never! heless, though the Utr.tits Times -uffers in common with many other papers from its correspondent's beinjj kept at the base, we cannot aspire to •uch an intimate knowledge
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  • 691 4 Swamped in "a hopless struggle 1 mih the "Yellow Peril," debauched by the Celestial vices which the Chinaman brought with him to the Peninsula, the Crown Colony uf the Straits Settlements provides an olj*ct lesson," which the Morning leader expands over thn better part of a column, illus trating the
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  • 733 4 From the Times of Feb. 13th, to hand by the latent mail, we learn that:— L>rd i'urtsmoutb has given not ice of a question for Thursday week (Keb 25th) as to whether Crown Agents for the Colonies receive fixed salaries for their 8-rvices in conpeciion with the Colonies "aMtprtteetdrii'es they
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  • Special Telegrams "Straits Times.
    • 73 4 POSTED NORTH OF THE YALU. Seoul, \M March. News from Pingyang, dated Tuesday (yesterday) states that the Russian troops have now retired north of the Yalu River. They are now concentrated in force at Chu-lien-cheng (or Kin-lien-tscheng, on the Lung- wang River, near its junction with the V
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    • 90 4 Korean Office-seekers aru tr> ing to arrange a revolution in the Royal Palace, on the pretext of electing sweeping reforms. They are hoping for Japanese favour, but Minister Hayashi firmly diccountenences any haste or violence in tffe present crisis, and hopes to be able to effect reforms gradually,
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    • 29 4 Several special correspondents proceeded north in the anticipation of receiving permits when they reached tbe front. These were all ordered back to Seoul to-day. T. Cowen
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    • 54 4 London, 1">/A March. A Moscow despatch states that General Kuropatkin left there for the front on tbat day amid enthusiastic acclamations. LATEST FROM PORT ARTHUR. It is reported that the Russian *quadron at Port Arthur made a reconnaissance on March 11th and sighted no Japanese vessels. On the
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    • 23 4 Penang, Wh March. The evidence in the libel action against the Pinatig Gazette lias been concluded, and jiifiißerit fs reserved.
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    • 40 4 Attack Expected on Saghalien. London, 15th March. Admiral Alexeieff has ordered the liberation and arming of all the convicts willing to assist in the defence of Sagbalien, which it is expected the Japanese will attack.
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    • 85 4 Crisis Expected, London, 15' h March. In regard to Mr. Redmond's motion on which the Government was defeated in the House of Commons, a further motion to report progress was carried by a Government majority of 2b Mr. Btlfour calmly announced hi* intention to continue the sitting
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    • 17 4 The result of the race for the Devonshire Plate is: Derby Iris -2 Jubilant :i
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    • 25 4 The Governor l^M graphs that .">, 00 r^H still under arms a^| good positions The German (iovel^^ the Reich.ttap to Harxl^HH^panT effective measures.
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    • 53 4 In the Italian Chamber, the Foreign Minister announced that negotiations are proceeding with a view to the purchase by Italy of Benadir, which is a* present leased from Zanzibar Xl Itenalir is tbe name given to tbe coakt of tbe Arabian »ea from lirura
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    • 23 4 Tbe Japanese prize court at Sasebo has condemned the Russian steamer Manchuria with a cargo chiefly composed uf Ceyton tea.
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    • 52 4 Reuter's correspondent at Yiugkow wire* that prominent Russian* at, Port Arthur and Ne.vchw«ng admit that the Russian Government intend to retire indefinitely until 300,000 troops are mobilized to oppose the Japanese. They also say that the damaged ships Puilada, Ketvisan and Tsarevitch cannot be tepaired int>ide of
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    • 71 4 Will be put on Trial. A sensation was caused in the Italian Chamber when the Foreign Minister said an investigation conducted by the Italian Consul at Zanzibar appealed to confirm the report that the naval officer lecently appointed ConsulGeneral at Aden had had a Somali
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    • 64 4 Admiral Togo reports that owing to the deadly fire from the Port Arthur batteries, and the approach of the Aovik, Uie Japanese were able to rescue only four men from the disabled Russian dmrijyej,_ These did fcoi belong to the Stertgutchtchni, in which only dead oodles were
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 16 4 London, \htk .Sfurch. England has beeu beaten by South Australia by vine wickets.
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    • 43 4 A Rushian official despatch reports that four of the tnemy's outposts were discovered at the Chingchingan River which lies to the north of I'in^yang. The report declares that a Japanese cavalry patrol which fell into an ambuscade was dispersed.
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    • 112 4 She Wants to Secure Peace. Baron Siiyematsu, on being interviewed by Reuter's agent, said that he wished the world to understand that Japan did not wage the war for the purpoßs of material gain, or for enlarging her territory. To him the so-called yellow peril was a kind
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    • 110 4 London, 16 h March. On a motion by Mr. Redmond to reduce the Irish Education Vote, the G vernment was defeated in a snatch divioion by 140 votes to 130. WHERE IS THE RUSSIAN SQUADRON Reported Duh to Vladivostok. It has been rumoured at Tokyo that the Russian
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 568 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WASSIAMULL ASSOMULL CO., Indian Store, No. 1, 2, 3, 4, High Street. Have Just Received a Fresh Shipment of Indian, ChineM and Japaneae Silverware^ Washing Silk*, Embroidered tioods, Canton and Swntow Drawn Uoois, Ceylon and Maltese Silk and Cotton Lace Blon>ea, Fanuy Handkerchiefs, Ties, Silken Bed Covem and
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    • 493 4 SINGAPORE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY. Popular Orchestral Concert. THURSDAY, MARCH 17. Plan on Monday, at Robinson I'iano Co. Tickets $3. Members free. Baking aid adflissiu «a pratatatiM »f SetMD Tidet Marl 2 17^ WANTfcO for KeUntan, good Chinese typewriting clerk. Apply stating salary required to faterson -lmoag A Co agents 1 ufl
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    • 156 4 G. R. LAMBERT GO. PHOTOQRAPHERS. Tourl.t.' P ate. and Film cartlully develop d. All kind, ol Photorrapklc Material, In .lock. Pl *t7 a r d ln u<l al>tM<i frtto mmd .ultaole to Pbotorranhlc Hint, to Tour l.U ch*«rfully flven. Splendid AuortoMnt ot Caneras on ban 1. Views ol Si
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    • 17 4 10-UAYB 4/ui bank rale 18 1/1 1^. A quantity of news is printed on page 1 to-day.
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  • 438 5 in the now ■r K (i Tilleke believe, be reHatisfaction 1.1 occaoion no would have had endorsed y ourt in Banekok. ni I'tmr.-e that to be n-viHwtd on Cuurt the conshould be «et were ever enterresult it wrs not. on h< '■■l'lmt^^^^M iii.-i 11 "I tl)f case but rather
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  • 332 5 1-'k'.v id-ii are tntttsr known in 'InKir K i-- 'I: in iwn, the hi."' 1 Corn mis* K irear 1 1 hi« U rn-r' M Cu«tom«, M. \!'l." i»j Brmrn !i 1- ipenj vii I 1.!'-' in tlie Par laat Many fean mro it
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 582 5 BANKS. Nedorlandsoho Sandel Maatschappij. NKTHKRLAN'OB TKAJMNO BOOIRI Kktabi.ihhed UMt Oapitai f. flO,iX«,ooo— (abt. £6,000,000 Issubd Capital f. 40,^(0,000--(abt. £3,760,000 Kbsbbvb Fubs f. 6,000,000— (abt.£ 417,000 Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Batavia. Bbanohbs: Penang, Shanghai, Rac Koon, Medan (Deli), Bemarang, 3ourabay» PHdaiiK. Cheribon, Tegal, Pecalong-\n Paßoeroenn ljil«»)>»;), Palnnibaug. Olehh
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    • 541 5 BANKS. HONGKONG AND BHANGHAJ BANKING OORPORATTON. PAJI)-!1' CAPITAL »10,000.i10t RESBP.Vt FUND.— Silver Reserve... B>, ...000 H'"' 6 m PROPirtlO o9 |..* me Court or Dibbctobs. A. J. Raymond, Esq.— Ohairmah. H. R. Tombjns, Eaq Dkputy Chairman Hon. C. W. Dickson N. A. Sikhs, Enq. R, Qawia, K«q. W. H. SLADB,
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    • 313 5 NOTICES. > HOWARTH ERSKINE, LTD. Cable Address: "ERSKINE." Telephone No. 23. Mechanical, Civil, Electrical Knfcineera Sliip Builders, <V Contractors. «"oii«lrui-ii<>iiiil Work* in STEEL, IRON, and MASONRY A SPECIALITY. BRIDGES Consultation Invited >*fc- BUILDINGS EstiniHtes Frefl PIERS WHARVES jßSti- 13? Yh GIRDERS l^3|fe^v. HBPK-- STANCH EONS "^HIH jfe ROOFTRUSSES te^ B^^^^**'
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  • 599 6 other day, **^H 11 1 have in-.'i^^B Mr. Kingswell, '^H South Korea < S^H cultivated, and t^^H will be Hfrvirc-ihl^H Artillery don't a/nH in the north I h,- J^fl muNt of their troops port in the south -theH now under cover of their difficulties will s>.,l^| 200 miles from
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  • 251 6 For Singapore. Per i. A O. s> s. China, connetring with with ihe Btefini<M- R at Cola>nl>o from London Fen 111 due •"h M r.tyi- Mr. 0. W. Jones Mr. W. McKay Mr and Mrs. f*Uven« Mr. and Mr* ,inp. Mr and Mrt. Hhelford. Mr. J Bur.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 470 6 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL INSURANCE CO. FIRE A LIFE TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS EXCEED 12,000,000. THE LARGEST FIXE OFKICE IN THE WORLD BOUSTEAD Co., Agenta. THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE^ FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital £2,127,500 Paid up Capital 212,750 Reserve Fund £1,073,550 The undersigned, Agents for the Company, are prepared to accept fire
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    • 232 6 NOTICES SULPHURIC ACID FOIJ SUPPLIES, APPLY TO SYME CO. 11l W I UC. SAVE YOUR EYES. Hay«- then, thoroughly f-z.tinined and pnpprly lifted with Clares. Spectacles, and Eye-Glasses, Sun Glasses, and Goggles of all kinds. -X- Xl^rlvrO.NJ LEVI. Ky«-Mphi Bpecialki Kx|x>rl Opticfaui Room No. 53, AOELPHI HOTEL. nm i smmr
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    • 442 6 NOTICES ST. ANDRKWB HOUSE OUI'KOH of England Boarding House for European and Eurasian boy* who i«isirt< to attend the schools ot tb« plac?. Applications to b« made to tbt V'oino Master. Bt. Andr«w'» House; or to th> Ci)lonial ('haplaio w. v o INDIAN ENGINEERING. At J:.'..nßTit*Tjsn Wkkkcv iori<i«*i I UK
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    • 196 6 NOTICES. GRAND HOTEL, Ltd., Nos. 18, 19 A 20, BUND, YOKOHAMA. Situated in the FINEST POSITION on the BUND, commands an unbroken View of the Harboor and Tokyo Bay. Caters to First Class Travel Only. A St-n i aunch under supervision of a competent Agent attends all incoming and outgoing
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  • 769 7 P. O. lVi I '.ironiiindel IStb M.reli :-Mr. H. A. Morii-..ii, Mr. and Mis Ward, Mi. and Mr« 1 1 in. anl i.miily, Mr. I. Mitihell, Mis.. Baldwin, Mr. Waugh, Mr. W. A (adell, Mre Olivir Smith, Hiai Urown Webber, Ser>;t. aai Mia Heath, and ebUdraa, Tanku
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 110 7 Alexandra Brickworks Co., Ld. BRICKS A-I> FIR ISRI''KS. The Alexandra Brick\vorksCi..,Ltd. mi t.. hart ..nler. for Common Bricks at $150 per laksa. Kirel.riiks. Pircelaj, Arrli I'm l.ri.k>, Itoiler Beating, iiml nMCmn Aiway* iv Bt»< k «t Hip ful lowing prire* KifhrirU |H r r thoasaui' I.' In $(0 per taa
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    • 847 7 NOTICES. oi>;gap6re Sporting Clcu Prog -amme for the Spring Race Meeting, 1904. May 24th, 26th, 28th, FIRST r DAY. Tuesday, mh May. 1. THE MAIDEN PLATE.— VaIue $800. A Race for Maiden Horses, and borses that have run us Roadster*. Subscription Orifflnti and in ICaces confined t" horses iropor ed
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    • 413 7 NOTICES. for either of the following series of Rncet Fkh: Serie* No. 1 First Day— Race No. 7 Second Day— Race No. 7 Third Day-Race No. 6 Serie* No. "2 Fust Day— Race No. 6 Second Day— Race No. 1 Third Day— Race No. 6 Any owner wishing to enter
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    • 172 7 NOTICES. JYews of tde Straits, fßead tlje Straits Times It has the Largest Circulation OF ANY PAPER PUBLISHED IN MALAYA. 7or WAR TELEGRAMS The Strait^' Times It may be obtained in Singapore at the following places Messrs. John Little Co. Hagedorn Co., Orchard Road 57 Tanglin Road Messrs. Kelly Walsh
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  • 406 8 An extraordinary ppneral meetiug of the Perak Turf Club has been held for voting MOSty to improve tlio weigbinp and dressing rooms at the Taiping Race Course. Col. Walker, who took the chair, explained that out <*f the 17,000 sanctioned for the alteration t« the Course, a Baring
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  • 49 8 Damages £140,000,000. 11l New York .luur.tal of Comme,-c ItatM that the losses caused by the Baltimore tire amount to i;i4O,(XHJ,OOO. British H^Ttii iii'-lu.'ttf r, '2iW,000 PR^HH^ 1 Royal Exchanpe, -.".i'O(iit^ff|nn, 1,000,000; 900,450,000; L'nion, i.".0,000. It has been ascertained that not 1 lingla Ufa his been lost.--
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  • 137 8 TiiKiu: have been a good many i .:minrs and tLe^nes as to how the ■i dual f trees are prei>:)r,il in the first instance, but this is a secret > n the Japaneee keep carefully to nd '.Vi :i then, according to "The County Gentleman,"
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  • 108 8 It would appear that so heavy have it demanda of the Indian [pent for rubber sf.>ci from the ra Garden*, in Cvjrloo, of late, tba requirement! of planters locall) can no longer be met Thii It vi Itate of aflairs, and the ■i-i.iar^' Aaaociation kbould, -»v. Ceylon
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 13 8 \\i;k a i i i ibsn ({notations will be found on page B.
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    • 169 8 NOTICES i dtomunc Co. U JAPAM.--I BWOM AND UEN£KAI. STORE. WHOLESALE AM) RETAIL DEALERS. No. 1.2, RAFFLES PLACE. Jl NyCarlsbergßeer n9^fTfl^TS«fcW« Xcr > "k' ll I'ilsener Beer, especially brewed for Tropical Climates. Vvv "rYnTcnvnZa Obtainable at the principal Hotels and Retail Dealers. Sole Importers '■•"">§ v.c. > BIBbIBBHbVBESbIb^BBBBSOTbB John Little
      169 words
    • 489 8 NOTICES. MOTOR CAR^^H f I Wl jflsS^. r tiBBK -sj^-J,.-. I ",fc' Invite inspenS^^^^^Wß j&* -»iy^^«^sCv HHj^^^p Trials given to Intending RILET HABG-REAYES Co., Ltdi Feb. I a Singapore and Kranji Railway. From January 4th, 1904, and until further notice. Train Service for Week Days and Sundays. a.m A.U. m.
      489 words
    • 34 8 MOTOR CARS BENZINE. We are now suppling- be&t/qualit\ (a 90 cent? per Imperr.-I {«il!on. PILSENER BEER KEY GRAND ■SMBJBB sisci: i>7'. UEWAKE OF IMITATIONS. V«ii' Onuinr Hitliont the akctr Imi l.ulxK. BEHN MEYER Co.,
      34 words

  • 802 9 afterwere I Hp A. Thye, r y and Mr. meeting had of 'ii.viiKBrid.e; BB^HBW^l^^W^^iissi.jM'! '•> to -ay BPJnierTrie procerdmge should be in public. Personally he thought the matter whs < f an much public interest and Inportano* t hat the msjatim should be oppn to the Press. All tbe
    802 words
  • 87 9 Oveh fortnight ago an unknown Hteiim. r hailed a fishing boat off Wi<ligama in Ceylon, into which two Chinamen were put and which brought them ashore. The reason f«.r this mysterious deed has not yet transpired, efp j ci.iily as the mm cannot speak any other hngnacc hut Ch<ne«e of
    87 words
  • 2913 9 St. Patrick 'a Day. S dnH^e marks anent Qovernment House, the Irish Patriarch, and a Lady of Japan. M aybb," said he— and his implied query h>d a taste of the brogue in it "Mayre you've been noticing the Reasonable improvements at Government House gate P No, I don't mean
    2,913 words
  • 99 9 Owing to the heavy rain on Saturday evening last the annual gol<i medal compel ition could not be proceeded with. It will be played off on Saturday next, 19th inst. Play for the March silver medal was completed on 14th inst., ?6 members competing. The f. 11
    99 words
  • 694 9 The British collier Saanley was expected to arrive to-day from Cardiff with a cargo of coals. On arrival here she will await orders as to her destination. Guthrie <fe Co. are her local agents. The British steamer Zambesi arrived from Moji yesterday with a cargo of coals consigned
    694 words
  • 425 9 Mr. W. A. Cuscaden, Chief Police Ofti cer, is laid up with an attack of dengue fever. Mr. E. A. Gardiner will act for him until Friday when he goes on long leave. It is hoped that Mr. Cuscadeu will be well by that time. On the sth
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  • 10 9 The homeward mail closes at 6 a m on Friday.
    10 words
  • 8 9 The Strait* R»dgrt will he published to-morrow mornine.
    8 words
  • 11 9 The new treaty hetween Franca and Siam is published on paae
    11 words
  • 19 9 Therk is an annular eclipau of tie sun to-morrow, visible at Bingapore The eclipse begins at. 9 89 a.m.
    19 words
  • 25 9 The P. and O. homeward mai! steamer i'orummuUl left Hongkong at 2 p.m. on Saturday, and i= due to arrive here at 6 a.m. to-morrow.
    25 words
  • 19 9 Tub Town and Volunteer B «nd will play on the High Service K-eervoir to-morrow afternoon from "> tj (weather permitting.
    19 words
  • 24 9 Jatanksk newspapers are full o! notices of the closing up of the Kusoian mercantile firms, of which then have been very many throughout Japan.
    24 words
  • 26 9 Tut: following significant paragraph appeared in the China Time* ol the 9th ultimo Wanted The Manager of the Peking Club. Last seen on the Bth inst."
    26 words
  • 30 9 Thk Hongkong Kire Insurance Company reports a decrease during 19t3 in its credit balance amounting to net»rly one hundred thousand dollars owing to the increasing i umber of fires there.
    30 words
  • 47 9 The Portuguese cruiser .Id'imastoi arrived this afternoon Irom Malic nnd xchanaed B.ilute« with the port. She '■of 1,765 tone displacement and eoet 16 knots- under natural draucht With forced draught she can do 1* knot* The Adumewtor was built nt Leghorn ia 1896 Her destination is uncertain.
    47 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 54 9 NOTICES. Wayang Kassim. The India Zanlbar Royal Theatrical Company of Singapore Mat MM At tbe North Bridge Road Theatre Hall To-Nlght, 16th March, 1904 The Well-known Talismanic Play entitled IBRAHIM DARDARI," FUN I FTJ2JT! FTTUST' Clowns, Special Clowns. Curtain at o p.m. Sharp- Come Early to Secure Uood Seats. March
      54 words

  • 617 10 KwmU /■'/">. l°»' v M nnl, the Gua murderer, has been for trial in the Court of the ludidal Commiarioner. His version ol i,,. tragedy ia that on the night in qaea,,,n be tad uaaaainii to leave his deeping -.lace for a white, and that when
    617 words
  • 152 10 The Sipp'e^iio of ft Poper. ,'Sehadt Pricing,* Freadi daily bowbi.,.|,, r recently 1 rtabliahad in Poking city, Ibj the Kivmcli Minis--1 publishing ilaaderow article. ,ikl Fr. nek <■ Almhk two vi.,: ago, tlu French Mm U .-i the Tartar City, was t I ocealed in an old
    152 words
  • 40 10 f i.i ital thai 1 lif> Kmncli (I >v. mmm i,t iii'ficlH tn demand a credit <>f l#f million franc «iiii obj el 1 f ;;ie'li<' harrtour of Saigon, and making >' the priooipaJ Ptench pert in tl r ir Kaet.
    40 words
  • 670 10 All ihinker» are a^reetl that the ultimate dt» tiny of thia continent [South Africa] in 111 »«niticent. They differ in opinion in reaped of 1U transitory chanße*. not it» final form. Tbat tl c Dutch and Britioh elementN here will v\ jntuidlv iner^e into one virile race
    670 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 477 10 Wr in'u to in in p: ouryustmiit'i thai we ba*e DBIttJCMV COCOA in Ilk, Jll.nnj lib. liriS, m\ weight, ready (or s.»le. M \onglMsfnq 00, Kling luttnnd Orchard Road. Feb. SH IM ~N(mG^JND*R SECTION 3 UF'THE MALACCA RAILWAY ORDINANCE 190y." >TOTICE is hrrel.y given that there have been thi- d
      477 words
    • 602 10 NOTICES. Prospectus OF HO6AN COMPANY, LIMITED, Singapore, Straits Settlements. (Incorporated under the Companies Ordinance 1889) SHARE CAPITAL $400,000 The Share Capital in dividt-d into 3,000 Ordinary and 1,000 Preference Shares of $100 each. DIRECTORS H. C Hog^n, Esq. (Minaging Director, Hrgaa Coy, (Old Compan>) Limited D. B. Cowan, Eiq (General
      602 words
    • 1094 10 NOTICES. aii^iaaaaaaaaaaaa^Baal^B^Bßlr^B^P^ Agents for LEA PERHiHS' «\f i*%^ Bu Special Warrant Bj^^. Majesty CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORE^^ 1100 rKT Pavilion system BOVE SE* LEVEL First Glass Hotel van Horok. OAROET (JAVA) Medical Attendance and Medicines Gratis. '5-U'-'4 w.a, r( l K Of VALOABLB BODj*BHOLD rURNITUBB The property of H. Peirce. Esq.,
      1,094 words
    • 421 10 Singa Cigars Made from the Finest Manila Tobacco by Cuban Experts under European Supervision nil WHITEAWAY L4IDLAW Co, AND AH Dealers. Mnr. READ THIS Procrastination is the thief of time. THERFWRr: WBV rWatMHBI ?zr v«a* '.'i.«!t at orjec tc Raffles Store Hn .Intiiz Ihr .fit f»itni=ht ntn ilfMiil.liuii »l §mk
      421 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 707 11 y\ere. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Por China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Bgypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Throuuh Bih« of Lvlini; issued for China Coa«t, Persian Gulf »Jontinontal, and American Ports. Mall Line. Outward*. Bengal Mar. iO Billaarat May 1 Malta Apl. 3 Coromandel May 1* Chilean Apl 17
      707 words
    • 723 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, V«k Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij. i mum ii)nir»ci ith ttie >«-th> r aiio» iLOik btttiiii ill at >-t!|Cj< H»n \i >>«y UltJ li/ em nt, i Co.. £S (oiTIBQr«T. lbs iinciMrmennon-'il dntps tr* only spprny<mal<> Steam-ir From |Bstp*SM I Will ba J>fl*iat;hnl for-.— Bssi Soerabaya Mar fi BataTia. P-cnlonean,
      723 words
    • 490 11 HAMBURG AMERIKA LINIE. HAMBURG. The steamers of thi- Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg. Bremen, Antwerp, and Kotterdam, and the Strtits, China, and Japan. Homewar 's, tney are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a mon h for Brent- rhtven direct, calling at l.> i in and
      490 words
    • 623 11 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. OX NORDOEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial (ierman Mail Line. The fast and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen-Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp. Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Na les. Port Said, Sue/. A en. folorroo, P«nang, Singapore. Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to Yokohama and back. They are
      623 words
    • 725 11 3TBAMBHIP COMPANIBB TAN KIM TIAN. Lines of Steamers For Batavia, Cheribon, Samarang Every Wednesday and Saturday. (Jiimr Kea, 2,300 tons, (,'apt. Dunlop n.». GiangSeng, 1,182 Rawlin£*on s.s. Uiang Ann, HT2 Kollett s.s. Zweena, 1,470 Neabitt For Kuala Pahanjr, Pekan, K wan tan and Kemaman ii. Klevo, 302 tons, Capt. Wilnou.
      725 words
    • 771 11 NOTICES. <JIPIOL &STEEI A silftrLadies.l f f LaLS %BrB»r < 3^^'>^y« A vaSg^al^ar LIQUID TUEI7 (Petroleum Residue) Larfre stocks always on hand. 82/6 (Thirty-two shillings and sixpence) per ton f o. b. in bunkers at FRESHWATER ISLAND (PULO BUXOM) opposite western entrance of Now Harbour. The fuel is delivered through
      771 words

    • 1507 12 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used str. steamer sh.— titiip bq —barque sch.— schooner Yet rachtjCru. -Cruiser; Got.— Wunboat; Tor. —Torpedo; H.p.— Horse-pownr; Brit.—British ;U. B.— United States Fch.-Frunch Qer- German; Dut Hutch; Qc.-General-tareo; d p —deck passenger, U— Uncertain; I p W Taniong Pagar
      1,507 words
    • 704 12 Nam', port probable date ol arrival and name ol agenis. -<Tf AMIRS. \i."--i'i:.-i, Hongkong. \pl 11 Rehn Meyer Ai-hille- Liverpool, Apl 3; Nfanxfield. Aj x China M a r H Mansfirld \ll>'ns;i, Hongkone, Mar |4; Kphn Meyer l '>nin. Bombay Apl Borneo Coy Alting Hatavia. Mar iTs Dapndels.
      704 words
    • 154 12 Mili'-eikP Ihckson Hony L"in 3 p.m. i Pulo Laut and Ostla <iw Bom-o 4 p.m. W«D!»K'«l>*¥ Fremnntle vi» re rt- Mi 2 p.Ti. Her tiramrr Time. To-Mo<kow. Honckoai M*4in H a.m. S;il>ifc and DjaTbin Hnno Ffo II am. Kua tin Kel mtan Ali'mtuford 11a.m. Hftiiane via ports Vmm
      154 words
    • 127 12 Fr iii Kuro|>i- -By tho P <) put Hmgal dneon the :'nih M r.wilh J.-*t.-«- i.> tin- J'iih February Frorr^hina-Bytbe P4O S-S-(jjM,',!a!F xft *i"KnpoM lU' i 1-in dor ?«b M I' <> M> L'-th Feb Mill N I) L. Miir 4th ?ri> .nth H I Mir Mh
      127 words
    • 93 12 AN JER. P S-HiSDviH IRVIIK OR AKI.IVKI- F>U (iRNKKs I>1T« KIG SHll'S NAM!. CaITAIN. .-VAILINQ. Kl!t>M WHKUt ATT(>\ M4I.KJ p eb 29 Rrit Amberton Wiil.injfr Inn KRairi 'Inujko J»r 1 Dul s t ;->alak ~h»rp »n :'l K^fer.ium fttewia Dut K-iiiri V'aa orDoet' i* K'i terdnii «ttmvu Dut 88. 'ntnphiij-
      93 words
    • 237 12 M I fLAI I 5 t VkmelV Namu A. iron- Uaptaih 1 Rig. KKOM IUBII I CO4BIOHMB. 14 Lai San* Ml ttr.j MM > 1'h.1.1 15 Sri TriniEg.inu nut sir «1 Va'.oi-tb 15 likhal-uri (ler str U7> I t 16 Kornar irit sir. 1 i'.glia 16 Halabtn Out str.,
      237 words
    • 154 12 Date. Vrwki.'h Naur. [ar li> Aral Jaureguil)errv n. (i. 8. Mev< i Iff OtacMl I*; Omspi re IK Clxpt... IK Hflsy lri Knrilmt Iri Fornnr in K.-ulfin S, h.ft It! M..r. x I a Sang I! Mtma 10 K'Hina 1« Sri Tringganu M Karfnlla M u pl npor
      154 words
  • 607 12 Sixqapokx, I6Tn March, IW'4. PRODUCE. lambtet bnyer« f 10.95 do (Cube No. 1) nnpicked opra Bai. 770 do Poatlau j- 7 ar> 'epper, Rlaok Wnyer« 28 6!J do Wblte, (5%) 47 ?6 Hago F!onr Sarawak 3.7> do Brunei No. i 3to Hoarl B%eo R25 Ooiree, Bali, 15% bar
    607 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 65 12 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELL2HS AND SILK MERCHANTS, No. 51 52, Sigh Street. Just »rrlvf«l. h Kigali and fliif stork o« Indian, Chinese, and Japanese jroods, such as Silk Kimonos of Fancy Embroidered work, Chinese Embroidered Orass Cloth work of every kind, Pineapple Silks, Indian Rampore Chudders, Assam Silks
      65 words
    • 200 12 WHimWAYJiAIQI^^HI «,FNTn- HKHiKT < ASLS DK^D B O 3£! te S~" H^im.^iilillllß^iillllllllilliHiT^i^B^B^lMMSM^S^^.. Shape ft» illu-tr;il idii enamel- ""v a led Mark. Hi i"»- in len-;lli Price 4.35 each NW| <t,.,.i K r«i..«d light .A 11l I i: I. lHH^^^^^^H Size Mx »i •tat.Pr. 6 •*>•»!. Sizo 16 xl"ni<<lV» h
      200 words