The Straits Times, 15 March 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 21,384 SINGAPORE, IUESDAY, MARCH 15, 1904 PRICE 15 CERTS
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  • 982 1 Thb General Manager's report for the month ending '-'7th February to the Chairman and Directors, Raub Australian G M Co Ltd., is as follows: I beg to submit my monthly report on your mining and milling operations. The accompanying sheets of mine measurements, and assay results of prospecting
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  • 79 1 A m.i. km A. B. of the John Davie charged with wilful disobedience td the Captain, was acquitted by Capt. Kadi-liffe. A Chinaman has been fined S5OO f»r being in poseessicn of smuggled opium from K 1m tip Two European firf men of the Radhy have bffn sentenced hy
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  • 131 1 The report on the Widows and Orphans Pension Fund for 1903 shows that the amount to the credit of the Fund in ttie Tr.isury on the 31st December. 1903, was £101,246 and in addition thero w. a sum of 823,425 due by Government for Interest
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  • 166 1 A st'Ki i;'d accident, which delayed traffic for a con«id«r«ble tinif, occurrtd on 'he .Singapore r-iilway this morninu as the result of which no trains fron Johore arrived here to-day. Aecordirn to the meagre particulars to hand, i «eems tnat a ballast engine lt<ft Woodhinds
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  • 240 1 in connection with the disaster to the Kastern Telegraph laaapaaj rtMHM Scotia, the following out- vii; In jiii the Timts of Feb. 15tn is interesting Mr. Frank K. VVootton, of •!,'>, Karl-street, Maidstone, has written a letter to us in which, "feeling that it may be a
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  • 237 1 The half yearly ordinary meeting of the Tanj >ng Pagar Dock Co will be held at the Company's town office, Collver Q>iay, on Tuesday next at noon The Ktatement of account for the half year ended 31st December last in as follows: The net amount for
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  • 331 1 Auinm on Sunday from Batavia by La Sfun- Mr W. K. Young, Mra. Tunnink, Mr. and Mrs. 4 invrin, Mr. (Juenot, Mr. ilutrir, Mr. Dolley. Mr. Mr, Mr. Yap B<v Seaß, Mr. A. Keaume do l^trout, «r. Kerrand, Dr. Hundhauiten, Mr. van Engel, Mia» Mfi-iilii-r^rli. Arrived yesterday
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  • 49 1 AMUHAIi Sik i.yi'kian Bi:ii«;k ai'.ams is tixt) -filth >iinlnta> to d»y nnd gofß ti to tl'e rpiir<-d«lia»- His ciinmand f the China Pqoadroi t iMefnre ••eufa-o-dhy. It in tjikt-i. ever by Sir Gerarl N*i rl, wl>() lia* ulteiii y p;isK(l tlirmigii '<■!«• to ll.uaki us Admiral Ni ol ie v-firp
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 87 1 I. SliM; Kla.nGo CUKK. FOX hI kinds of fiver, cough, hoariache. r ilfc. rllu n at ism weakLep* lohr of appetite. ■orfpiOM<.:rM-. pitralvbii, bronchiti ilinn h(t»k. tumours, indigestion, and vei ereal diseHS*-*. ice. Bt:f{.iHßs of ih<j Daek. sprains, Ac, can be'h rnuiibly cured in. "f'miante*. nr.ty will t>e »ho >
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    • 285 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS S I'm Cmamfa©n£ 5 *A l U Mn jj^ In -two Qualities swlttllßm llj aß^ra 9uMvrs. Pints 1/2 Pints U^ F^j HUTTENBACH BRO8&C? PJ^H •a" mmriiSSm PENANO &SINCAPORB m"~" CHAMPAGNE "LOUIS ROEDERER.' Extra Dry and Carte Blanche The old, well-known brand BRINKMANN tf CO Retail at Hsaam CHENG
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    • 271 1 John Little Co., Ltd. iiFjß&wm, LEADING LINES IN Jf* fy Tropical Helmets. {^■■■^■Hfeftf Townendis White Tropical Sun Helmet, Leather Bindiif; and Maing. Air Ventilation. Very l.i«ht, Cool and Comfortable. 1 a> R _«> r_ _x Best Cork I ined, (Jreen l.'nder Brim, Specal 15.75 5 p«T Cent. Covered Fine White
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 190 1 UA> '>• lIA> Tuesday, 15th March. High Watei in -JO p.m. rtulhuriiiunii- Orchestra. X.XO. \V::s:in- k.- mi North Hi ill-.- Komi. 9. Wednesday, 16th Marcn. Miith Water, MIM p.m. S.V.I. lUttery Drill. 5. 0. S.V E. Pi. 1.1 t;eonietry. 5.15. B.V.A. Carbine and Sijnad Drill. 4.15. hiirstiit), 17th March
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  • 1104 2 (Fnt\».) I ht War. It is stated thatyhe Russian forces in Corea are preparing, io retire to the main railway line. The retreat is m.ule to entice the Japa nese Army inland, as the Russians depend on an inland engagement to arrest lln advance of the .Japanese General
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 617 2 AUCTION SALES., Central Sales Room To be Sold by Public Auction Wednesday. I6th March, 1904 At 1 2 o'clock sharp. AT THE Prye River Dock. Province Wellesley. THE STEAM LAUNCH, "PANGKOR." Length, etc. Length over nil 54' 6", Length between perpendicular 51' 6", {team ont«ide 10', Depth UoldO' 1 raft
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    • 338 2 NOTICES. D T R NC perfect complexion depends on delicacy of skin, which h conferred by .MTl* 'DARTRINC Lanoline' Ytt^-^^y No imitation c«n bear the 'Dirtring'. ■«< No imitation can be called 'Dartring'. i-DARTRING- TOILET LANOUNE' 'DARTRING' 'LANOLINE' TOILET SOAP. tr. //tltim Yttdmt. L~Ut*. h-t GRAND HOTEL, Ltd., Nos. 18,
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  • 240 3 According to Messrs. Robert Katz and t'n's metal report ft: the week ending I'Yliruary IS, tin declined at first under me s, les by dialers and cheaper offers 'hum the Ka'st, and touched £124 12*. 6rf. .nhs. i 1 124 10*. three months. Later, bowevar, the
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  • 232 3 Taa saies are all, says the Btnuts Echo, that renmin after the conHjgrHtioi.. One was broken up like match wooil. Oihero are expecttd to bave afeood 'he trial very well I'iisafn beioncin? to Messrs. Howarth Krskine was left restiny upon tlitt harred be-inin tatwAxtf the MCMMI
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  • 251 3 IMi M C'loK, nf America, i»iv<-« Dumbwr < f initanoan in Ifurper't t;t 1 inl> ;ii<l insr-cM wlmse naela and wi!« aappoti the theoty tli;ii in in I- t. "i ;i!' r:<- in llm tailoring; trade Tl;c Uttt&mar* OfitU tt i MM in point 'I tits iiii.fiiii)tis hirti
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 853 3 NOTI JES. Singapore Sportlvq Club Programme for the Spring Race Meeting, 1904. May 24th, 26th, 28th. FIKST r DAY. Tvetday, 24th May. 1. THE MAIDEN PLATE.— VaIue teOO. A Race for Maiden Horses, and horses that have ruu >■ Roadsters. Subscription Griffins and in Races confined to horses impor ed
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    • 472 3 NOTICES. for either of the following series of Races, Wmmi Hrrift No. 1 First Day- Rtw-o No. 7 Second Pay— Race No. 7 Third Day— Race No. 6 Seriet No. t First Day— Race No. 6 Second Day— Race No. 1 Third Day— Race No. 6 Any owner wishing to
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    • 702 3 NOTICES. ANTED, by the Johore Government, an apothecary for the Johore Civil Hospi'al. Apply slating qualifications to PRINCIPAL MEDICAL OFFICER, v.c. Johore. W" ANTED aimart Eurasian acquainted with the shipping trade to push on certain brands of provisions. Liberal commission allowed. Apply to A. B. D., c/o Strait* Time*. AN'IED,
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    • 616 3 NOTICES. /COMFORTABLE rooms to be let at \j Eber House." Eber Road. o_o^ )O BE LET: entry at oncn compound hou«e No. 1 1- Bencoolet Street. Apply to Guthrie V Co. Ltd., Agents. Feb 4 n.c. rßf. LET: offices on the second floor No. 7 Battery Road. Immediate entry. Apply
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    • 695 3 SHIPPINO TndcTohTna htkam navigatioii company, limitbd. FOR PENANG AND CALCUTTA. '|IHK Company's steamer lAI SAlfO, I 3.45>» tons, CnpUin la Id, having left Hongkong on he nth inst.. may be expected to arrive here on or about the 16th met. and will have prompt despatch for the above ports For
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  • 60 4 Kkasbkrky. On March I3tk at Seremban, EauiHiij, yminj»t-.t sou of the late Key. B. P. Keasbkrky. Casskls. Found dead on the Kockv MonuiaiiiH liy hi« Indian (iuid whilst on a bunting expedition, Ukokob Murdoch, aued 28 year*, elder Knrviving son of the late Jamks PattkßiMin CASBELB. M.D., Aural Surgeon,
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  • 443 4 The Straits Times PRICE 15 CENTS. TUESDAY, 15th MARCH. Tw millimetres is less than M< seventeenth of an inch; but througt having shells only that much too larg> lor thfir guns, the Russians may yei lose VJ.i'livosiock. We cannot assume any mask of stupitied amazement at the news to tha'
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  • 232 4 iFitweienot for the overwhelming interest that is being taken in the Russo-Japanese war, to the exclusion of all other current events, the worln would be absorbed ju«t now in tin frightful charges of inconceivable atro cities that have been substantiated in Mr. Roger Clement's official report on t c Congo
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  • 233 4 The contrast when once Congolese territory i- eutered is remarkable. Prom the fromier to G«Ddokoro is about 80 miles. The proper left, or western, ban- of the river is Belial. The opposite bank is either under tbe Sudanese or the Uganda Government. There are iiiinic roux islands, and as all
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  • 85 4 Tbe reason of all thi- is obvious enough. The Belgiamt are dinliked. The people fly from them, and it is no wonder they should 4a ho, for I am informed that tbe soldiers are •illow-d full liberty to plunder, and that :i\ mentx are rarely ma*U fo «v plies. The
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  • 61 4 n appeals to n.e that the facia which I iave mated above afford amply sufficient evidence of the spirit which animates the Belgian Administration, if, indeed, Administration it can be called. The Government, so tar an I could judge, is conducted tliinnl rxcliuiively on principle*, and, en judged by
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  • 297 4 But it, i.t Mr. Casement's story tlia' amazes one with its revelations of tienriit-h baibarities many cf them til a nature that can only t.e hinted a' in type. His tuur el iiu'e-titfation lantnd frum June to September, and be describes huw tbe lMf.i m Province ht visited was devastated,
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  • 154 4 it. Each time a corporal goes out to get rubber, cartridge* are given to him lie must bring back all not used mil for every one used he must bring back a right hand-" M. P. told me that sometimes they shot a cartridge at an tnimal in hutting they
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  • 245 4 Two n-e« ni the kind came to my icrua! notice while I wan in the Lke One, it young nan, txnh of wbime h mil* hail heun bealea off with the liutc eii'U of illf.w against a tree, th« other a younjj laii of 11 or IS year* of n>ie
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  • 48 4 They killed ten children because they were very, very small. Then they killed a lot of people, and they cot off their hand* and pm them in baskets and took them to the white man. He counted oat the hands— in all. lue white man's name was CD."
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  • 25 4 The sin j >ined extract is take froni the deposition of a native woman, designated 5.3., which was skned in tbe presence of Mr Casement
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  • 63 4 At this town she found that they had caught three people, and among them was a very old <omio, and the cannibal soldi rs asked C D. to give them tbe old woman to eat, and CU. told th«ru to Uke her. Those soldiers took the woman and cut her
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  • 138 4 One uf the habits of the Conge•ol Hen seems to be to brain children •vitli the butt-ends of their iitlee. Mutilations too horrible for publication -ire also described, as above stated. The Paper indeed is a veritable oh \pter of horrors. The Congo Free :itate Administration at Brussels has met
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  • 163 4 The report of Con>nl Ctuement must be ■nr. |.t,-.| wiih extreme cau ion. It i- conceived in a far from friendly spirit, ancf itpremises are to a great extent baoed on native testimony without further ur- v. tion 4s regards the alleged act* of cruelly especially, it is noteworthy that
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  • 141 4 In another column to day, a correspondent calls attention to a discrepancy which everybody knows to ezixt in regard to theclub accommodations for the Knglish community of Singapore. The letter is well worth the considera'ion of evenbody having at hpaitthe «ocial comfort of the community but it is to be
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  • 7 4 To-day's 4/m bank rate is 1/11 ft
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  • 9 4 Wirk News will b» f -nnd on pace 2
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  • 10 4 Titk homeward mail closes at 6 a. m on Friday.
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  • 10 4 Kxchanok and «hare quotations will be found on pa?p I*
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  • 22 4 Owi?jo to pre««ur« on «piop.. a lettpr nn'-nt the. Tr"»nih rnine^ and nevflral art'^lP" of local interest are held over until to-morrow.
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  • 25 4 Ir i« "Rid in ww> How »ifh the ennppntration of thp Onidpa at ''wiping, tbnt Mip *»omp»nv »t.TMonpil at Penang will remain there pp rro-"i«nMy.
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  • 29 4 Av'TWR tPUfhor ha« bvt'vpH from home to join the V'P'nrtn Imtifution »t KmiH Lumpur. H» »nid t" h-»«-p n io.pH out ns a Wrangler in tl c CambrHee Unive«itv.
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  • 36 4 Captain Pirfeor, who i« now inTaip np, t:ik 'rip pHc« of C»n*»«in Ad<<m > r Wine rtffi-,o r M R. thp UUer imrle OflHoi > r-in-ph'»r"» of the ''bt I'mpnt1 mpnt there, viop Graham •ransferred to thp P^'<c*.
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  • 56 4 Mr. E A CUnntNEu. who hns he*' ictine n% C. P. O in fsin»"»nrn-c o<~ •hp Hepsrttjro ff"- horriP of Mr \V K T T Or^vo, 1o«ivp« on FriHiv hf »hp P. ir<\ O 'rf\i] on fiftppn mn-lh"' \f»v». W» wif' Vfr. Oirdiopr hon vowqe Hnri trust •!>«» Hp will
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  • 294 4 Special Cclcflrame to tbe "Straite (Times." MORE ABOUT PORT ARTHUR. Tokyo, \Mh Mtreh. The Japanese torpedo boats attacked Port Arthur on the 10th inst at midnight, but the uttuck was eventless. At daybreak the Russian batteries fired on the Japanese squadron, but without result. Tin' J ipanese squadron
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  • Reuters Telegrams.
    • 35 4 Covered Several Times Over. London l4'h March It is olliciully announced in T.'kyo tluit tile tirst issue of one hundred million yen of war bonds is covered lour a half times over.
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    • 43 4 "DMITRI DONSKOI AT WORK. Im Russ-ian cruiher Dmitri Unm-koi while patrolling the. Mil E,"'ptian MHat, stopped the German t-teamer Sn<lt,)iirt, an! the British steamer iturtlake the latter bound from Batoum to Inuia The rruiser fired across tbe Mortlake's, bows, and inspected her papers-.
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    • 30 4 Tbe wr< ck of the Russian destroyer ounk by the Japanese in Pigeon Biy on 'h« !S'h Fob. il ascertained to be, the I'nu-htleliii.
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    • 71 4 hat the Pri ssmen Saw. On Saturday, a Press steamer from Chefoo approached tfithin close view ot the first two for's at Port Arthur. The upper of the two had a| parni.tly suffered terribly from Urn J ip.meae (ire. A va«t cloud of smoke was
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    • 52 4 Ships onl\ Slightly Damtgrd. The reported sin Wine ot a Japanese to'pedo bo«t, and damage to the battleship T.iK.itngo on the 10th ins'ant is offi< ially denied at Tokyo. The damaged J*| anese torpedo boats *il| be repaired in a wetk as it ia v inecessary to
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    • 15 4 Rumours of P >rt Arthur r eing evacu<ted have proved to t.e li;t?ele*«<.
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    • 72 4 Battleship She. ls directed by Cruiser Signals. The attack upon P..n Arthur on the 10th in-tint finished with the bomburlment of thai »tn>nghold by battleships which fired 120 Klielln from 12--i '-h guns over the promontory at nn unseen target. Cruisers at tt-.a directed the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 522 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. CLUB WHISKY IS ALL MALT AND SUPPLIED REOULARLY TO TUE PRINCIPAL CLUBS All the in thi Has the largest Naval and Military STRAITS SETTLEMENTS consumption amongst Messes. AS Europeans in this Market. F. M. S. PRICE $10.50 PER DC TEN. NETT. DOTT EXTBA. Sole Agents for the Straits
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    • 474 4 SINGAPORE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY. Popular Orchestral Concert. THURSDAY, MARCH 17. Plan on Monday, at Robinson Piano Co. Tickets $a. Members free. Fttkiag vi a ImivMuD »v prtwitttiM «f Smmi Ticket Mar 12 17-8 LOST nc r T*-iglin Post Office on Sunday lnsi. white ouil terrier tiiuh answers to lh cane of
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    • 85 4 G. R. LAMBERT a GO. PHOTOQRAPHERS. ToariaU' P ataa and Pilaw cantally devilop d. All kind* of Photographic Material* In stock. PUta* an« films rua antecd Prasii and sultabl. to the cllmat. Photographic Hints to Tourist* chMrfully f Iven. Sptoadid Assortment of Camera* on nan J. View* ol Singapore.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 367 5 To ihe Editor of the Strait* Time*. Sir,— ln a leading article which appeared in your issue of the 13th January last I find that Mr Birch is credited with the following Referring to the Petition of February of 19U2, which he had reported upon unfavourably,
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  • 755 5 To the Editor of the Straitt Tuna.'' Dear Mk Editor, Is it uoi time that some <ft il was inuili- to ;iii:'. lo t lie natural neaulieti ut Smear/ore some attractions in way of social recitation* t For the sue of the place we p. s.-eir«> undoubtedl)
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  • 1642 5 To the Fditor of the Straitt Timet." Dear Mk. Em'losed is a reply to Urn Chairman's speech made at the first »nniwl meeting of the Tron^ h Tin Mining Coy., Ltd.," Straits Settle ments That gentleman has evidently designed me for the fccape-goat for their shortcomings in their
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  • 602 5 Numerous Openings for Trade. The publicai.ii/n of the text of t h> new Treaty between France and Siam lends especial interest to the report ot the French Commercial Attache to ■Siam on the trade and commerce of that country for the year 1902, which has recently been
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  • 136 5 Thr attention of investors is directed to an announcement published in our idvertisinß columns to-day relative to the engineering firm of Hogan and Co., L'd. The new Company acquire* lie whole undertaking of ihe old Com panv, and is securing larger working capital amounting to an
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  • 102 5 New Coast Light Sumatra East Coa-». 'I'm. white fixed light (petroleum incandescent light) at Edi has on the 23rd June, 19^3, been replaced by a group ash of the sth order. This light showi two very short flashes every 10 seconds. The Light is 20 metres above
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  • 504 5 JAPANESE OFFICIAL NEWS. More Particulars from Admiral Toco. We are indebted to the Japanese Consul, Mr. Tanaka, for the following telegram which was received last night Admiral Togo further reports:— Supplementary to my report on the attack of Port Arthur of the 10th March, the torpedo flotillas under
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  • 153 5 Wb hear that Hutterineh Bro«. <V To ro K>llin« a ,at nt ro ft g and 'filing m>teriV, called '•Unilit»" which «ciid »eem to p.<>n«-B wonderful tun. It i iuarnnteed proof a. ii'nßt fire, infe.'t- and weath»r anrt if buyers a>e disant'^fied after 1 moi.hs trUI, they may
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  • 127 5 The fo'lowing announcement appeared in the London Gazette of Feb. 12th Th»! King has been pleased to appoint Sir John Anderson, k.i- mo to be Governor and Commander-in-Chiel of the Straits Settlements and their Dependencies. As Governor of the Straits Settlements, Sir John Anderson will also become
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  • 100 5 The following are the scores in the return bowling match between The Veterans," Over ."{5," and The Youngsters," whicb took place at the Tanglin Club last Friday. The tesuh was a win for the Veterans." Y»nnii*itra. il. Freeman 304 Dr. Glflhnie »0 P- Cunlirfe 3»2 A. H.
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  • 54 5 The first round for the championship -van completed last Saturday. The ties for the second round are as follows Lieut. R. Walker and Capt. Woodside, C. W. D rbishire a bje. O. Marks anil F. G. Stevens, F. Ferguson and Dr F.i*lit- This tie must he
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  • 57 5 Messrs. Katz BmmißM have ju-it received the following telegram from their traveller, who is at present at Pontianak. The Oil mill belonging to Messrs Hemers Co has been totally destroyed by fire It is stated that the chief partner of the firm has recently been in
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  • 88 5 The Rev. \V La •i- Stubbs a brother of the Rev. I) Rillml Suibrm of Singapore, has been presented by Lord Cawdor to the rectory of Burton, Pembrokeshire, in the Archdeaconry oi St. David's. Burton Church i« an ancient stone building in Urn K irly English style, hay ng an
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  • 148 5 At the mee'incoi Lajpalativa Conm il on Friday nazt the Acting Colonial Sper<»tarv wll uimvh Thin f'liuiicil SfMBW »f ll»- '•M" ".h ireoi icininot MHM $IW,ihki in provioinK M evtviiMon «>f th<- ftimmt tmMm hilirary anil vta-tMiin liiiil'liii^', -mli «S|iM>Hitai« to ba in lieu of itc 77»fthe I'liMu- Work* BaafSt,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 90 5 NOTICE^ WAYAST6- SEAS SXM. The Into Zanibaf Royal Theatrical Company of Singapore WILL ST»BE At the North Bridge Road Theatre Hall To- Night, Tuesday, 15th March, 1904, KCMCMtIR -Tti. Ladj Illiuiiooi»t "ill ipi««r a^aiu Will play the Grand Tali-mann- play THE GOLDEN STAR or JULA JULI BINT ANG SATU New
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  • 685 6 A curious superstition among the Chinese workmen and their strong antipathy to having anything to do with the construction of the gallowr had, says the l'erak Pioneer, lately to be overcome by an ingenious ruse. Owing to this feeling among them their scruples were got over
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  • 215 6 i- understood that according to ttie present railway programme in Siam the construction of the Siracha line cannot be undertaken for something 1 1*- year.*. That is a serious tor residents in Banckok We ;trv not aware, says the Bangkok Times, t:i:tt anyone qOMtiftßl the wUtlorn of
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 262 6 NOTICES M Cramps, //^VEGETABLE M Cholera, l**m Diarrhoea, Dysentery. BY ll^A Ji Itfl •95 7 Burns, Bruises, Bite* ETfi^^lf J^l[ J^*J I stlngs<ri :,11 be >. \V^^^ II relieved^^ >\ ,jflfP J? OILSEEDS, COPRAH, SPICES, &c (POTOTSCHNIC t FRANKEL, TRIESTE, AUSTRIA. Agents and Produce Hrokern specially (or i-uch nliipjier- who
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    • 794 6 NOTICES. MOTOR CARS. RILEY HARaRBAYES 6c CO., LTD. ,^^dL J) J rVlW^i^F^fi I I Have Specially SelecteJ L Steam and Petrol j(m A. 7 nvite inspection at their Works U fe-'^l( W Trials given to Intend >n& RILEY HARO-REAYES <Sb Co., Ltd Singapore and Kranji Railway. From January 4th, 1904,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 711 7 BUCHANAN'S WHISKY j Sold everywhere. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Throu«h Bills of Lidin^ issued for China Coast, P«rsiaa Galf. Coatinental, and Am»rican Ports. Mail Line. Mvaw Bengal Mar. I'O B<illaarat May 1 Malta
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    • 732 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijke Paketvaart MaatschapplJ. I nutr contract »ul, ibe Aelbtriuuas inaia Oovtuun «i>i „,i, nt timitfsn tun At net l»t> J 1 >im iik A Co., 3-8 (ciivin W T hp 'indprmennonHd dates are only approximate. Steamer From Kxp'teri Will >>c Dosoat-hud for Haud Soerabaya Mar f Batavia, Prealongan,
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    • 495 7 HAMBURG AMERIKA LINIE. HAMBURQ. The steamers of tin Company maintain a regular service betwe v Hamburg. Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Striits, China, and Japan. Home war is, tiey are de 'patched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a mon.h for Bremrrhnven direct, calling at Pc i in
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    • 627 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial (ierman Mall Line. Tbe fast and well knov.-n mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen-Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Siuthampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Nat-les, Port Said, Suez, A >en, Colombo, Ponang, Singapore. Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to Yokohama and back. They are due
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    • 744 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES TAN KIM TIAN. Lines of Steamers For Batavia, Cheribon, Samarang: Every Wednesday and Saturday. Gianit Rea, '.',3UO ton«, I 'apt. Donlop s.s. Giang Sen^, l t ltt 1 law Unison s.s. Giang Ann, 87'J Follett s.s. Zweena, 1,470 Neabitt For Kuala Pahanjr, Pekan, kwantan and Kemaman b.«. Flevo,
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    • 474 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. -H.T.'K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP.CO.. LTD A regular FORTNIGHTLY service >s maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW BTEAMERS, Under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation for First and
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    • 1248 8 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used str.— steamer sh.— •hip bq.— barque sch.— schooner Yet.— Kacht;Cru.— Cruiser; Gbt.— Gunboat; Tor. —Torpedo; H.p.— Horse-power; Brit.—British U. B.— United SUtes Fch.— French Qer.-- German; Dut.— Dutch; G c— General, •argo; d p. deck passenger, U Uncertain; T
      1,248 words
    • 616 8 Singapore, 15th Mabmi, r«m.| On Londo., K»nk 4 ni/« 1/11,; Oembcu 1/11 PrlrateSm/i 1/1 lg do 3m/e 1/11 On Virman. -Hank <l/d 1 Sfi: PrlTate 3 m/s i'.n! do 6 ml- 2.0 i On franc— Hank d/d j. II Private S ml? Jl l j do 6 m/s l
      616 words
    • 120 8 for Her tUamrr Tint To-Morrow. <"!'bon and Samnrang OiangSeng 11 am, 9ine n ra«nd Bangkok Boribnt 11 a.m ■ifiienn A J'rrguibtrry 11 a.m P.S'tenham 4 Penang Omtperr 1 p.m. .SVnham Penang Kittna 2 p.m Ponanc and Calcutta Lni Sang 3 p.m Bengkalis and Basan H'tty S p.m Teluk
      120 words
    • 130 8 From Europe— By the P* O s.« Bengal due on the 2uih_Mar with dates ta the 26Ui Febrnary From China— By the P s.s. Coromandfl due on Thursday. <«ft Singapore Une 1 i Lond Vb Mh P *O. Feb 2*th Vt> Bth N It I Mar 4th
      130 words
    • 206 8 I fLAG I VIGIL'S NaXK. A TOMi- CAPTIIV FROM SaILKD I O.<K|[:H KKS. M«r l< V J-mreguilirrry Fch «tr -"o 2 Vv-m I Marseilles Jin SSMoiueConile ACo 14 -Ml zie Mr MB pare Marseilles lF«b SliM. MariliOM*. U feirier Nor sir |c<Ot) trunn 3omh»y .Mar i'Mo-n.-oTov Ltd. 14 unmpen-
      206 words
    • 140 8 lUt«. VbwblV S»mk. i?I.AQ A UIC. T«M KKXTINATIOV VT»r 14 ti'ilarri 1 1 CUm* 16 Terrier t* I Nine Chow l.'l IiHIUVitT 15 Mp<lhh IS Ruby IH Sri .Musi 15 1-na In M Kmilc l."> Vnn ilcr Capellcn ir> Baud 16 HunHin Guhm lfi Sui -anj; \]6 S-.i.l 15
      140 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 334 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS AND SILK MERCHANTS, No. 51 52, High Street. Jnst arrived, a Frfwh and fiin» stock ol Indian, Chinese, and Japanese (roods, such as Silk Kimonos of Fancy Embroidered work, Chinese Embroidered Grass Cloth work of every kind, Pineapple Silks, Indian Rampore Chudders, Assam Silks
      334 words
    • 926 8 Handkerchiefs! Handkerchiefs!! A SPECIAL PURCHASE OF Jiand/ierediefs Made in Ireland and Boxed in dozens HANDKERCHIEFS measure Mai* THEY W^ THEY ape H ™T-^ ARE SOUND H AH A H REALLY VALUE. Wjj^9 CHEAR Cotton is greatly advanced in Price and we may not be able to get more at the
      926 words