The Straits Times, 12 March 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 31,382 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY. MARCH 12. 19M. PRICE 15 CENTS
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  • 1268 1 The fortuightly meeting of the Municipal Cornrcissioners took place yesterday afternoon, Dr. Middleton (Deputy President) in the chair. There were aluo present Messrs Saunders, Allen, Choa Giang Thye, A. Barker, Lee Chuon Guan, Dr. Robertson Mr. 1'ilglase (Secretary) and the Engineer (Mr. Peirce.) The President's Statement. The President
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  • 435 1 (From Excitative*.) It i~ reported irutii St. 1'rin -i.iu_ 1 lial im:« to the .lander. >u- inaiifi]Utcy of the HMM iii the anuy in Manchuria, trains hi. I>"in^' li avily laden with tmes which wer originally inti-mlxi m mti kf -m. Cu pTiivi-iuii trains are leaving ICu-"ia daily
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  • 63 1 The 1'. and O Bleam r I'alucan urnveti this inornin^ from Ljiuiuu <■%> rouie lor Cnina and J<ipan. i'tieie ..r>- a i. mi her ol naval Hio i* and mt-n on buard trom Loiidun and Malta hound for Hongkong Twenty tout) of >>X|>kmVM C"i hiBtiiif; ot cartridges, shells ai d
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  • 2627 1 Last Wednesday's Hockey match between the 8. C. C. and H M. S. Eclipse was not such as to rouso any undue enthusiam in the followers of the game the Club won by 4 goals to 3 bnt their play showed a marked deterioration from the form during
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  • 294 1 ijth March. St. Aniick.w s I'athkiikai. 7 a .in. Matin* ■nH Litany 7 4."i a.m. Holy Ciiinniiiniua (Choral) ami Sermon 4t> m. Snntjnv BBhaaJ ami Bible clahoes 5.30 p iv. Baenaeoaj and Sermon. No Service ar St. MaUbewH. Cathkhkal ok thk Uoaa shkpiikrd, IiHAS* Kassa Koau. 6-lfi a.m.
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  • 207 1 For Singapore r*er >' .k U. J '/I'iki, connpctiiik; with a ill v MMM I Ii nti'ii ,t uluiulio from ion Fa I*. .ia<- .1 h M rji,- Mr. C J« m Mi. W. MeKaj Mr iwiMn. v- n lr Mid Mm > inn-. Mr aim
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  • 22 1 Tiik Secretary nfthe Club m^tifies that the I{ici! I', ur.-e is n< w officially o; -tj lor trailing for tie comini; meeting.
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  • 45 1 Thi Nippon Ynaen K itsli i'h H >ni»'ri..n aftraU state that ihe rfaaMNjwea afarw, wbieh left onibeMh J ittifirv, arrived ai Milti oatbaTih Keirti.u;, ar;i| there transL-rrni her pa*««iigpn lor th« Car Ki-t into the I. iV <>. -teamer l'aln»nn, wliicli arrived here tab morninc
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  • 57 1 Thk next 111. c ii:j» of the Voting Men.- S' c-iety of the l > re^l \terian lunch will he Itlil ii< the Church. oi< Monday ti r st, a< 830 .m. It will Ik i meetii.: a wh eh LpMH. K. Wilk.r uill apei k I th« MUaioneof
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 185 1 H l>,\^ Saturday, uth March Ui«b Water, ti -M ;i.m I :tl p. 11 <. i Annual UoM Marfal i'lny O.G.C. Silw-i Medal Play. S.t'.C. Cricket Kate taaa rit TaaaUa llaiaaafca Taajeaa; fasar R. it Smoker. Oil w.n.l null iliir. 7 p. m Oatre'i 1 item R Wa«aagl -i
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  • 1092 2 French Fleet in) the Far East. Fkom a naval r\pint of view, the position of France in\the Far East is, says the I'urix Sitctt, rmtj pn carious. "Our naval totem appear tingwinrrj weak compared with ihose of our rivals, and at the present time we cannot help regretting
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 307 2 NOTICES. To H.M. the King. TO H. M. THE KINC. TollßHthePrintkofV. ToH.R.H. The Prince of Wales. TO The House of Lords. TO THE House of Commons. Buchanan's Whisky IS JSuggliedL^ In buying Buchanan's Whiskies the Public are protected against overcharge by retailers as the selling price is arranged by the
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    • 531 2 NOTICES Ainslie's Whisky, MAY NOW BB HAD THE EAST ASIATIC CO., LTD.. (Sole Importers. *■»>* ]3-4_ NOTICE. ALBERT" L A DALEY, UNhKRI'AKER TOMB BUILDKI 148 MIDi'I K UOAII Funerals conducted quietly and witl economy. Rubber-tyred hearse used Christian Bearers supplied for al funerals. g«b H u.e CAMPBELL CO. nAVING been
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    • 297 2 P'OTICRS. You will become strong, vigorous, hearty and healthy by taking strengthening and nourishing food. Bovril is the very essence of strength. It matters not how weak, how worn, how enervated you may be, Bovril will quickly impart strength and vigor. Some of the strongest and greatest athletes of the
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  • 355 3 An Australian p. ..rl Usher, named Clark, lias pot, into trouble for fishing in the waters ff thn »ra Hnr.ds r<ar Nftlterlanda Naw Uuinea for which be had obtained ptrmiaainn from the N«therUnda Conral ;it Melbourne. The an i.. Titles at A"i torhiile him to ti-i, because that
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  • 233 3 Sym'i:k, tba bincaal lior?e in tin world, and one nf the moal wonderful i>t Btr;in<:.' animal ft* tka, i« to b* exhibited at ihi L > i i i ma Pin 'h iae Bzp «i i"i in St. Louia thi I I thi tallest bone
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 45 3 SAVE YOUR EYES. ll.ivi them thoroughly examined and properly fitted with Glaaaaa. Spectacles, and Eye-Classes, Sun Glasses, and Goggles of ail kinds. J". KA-RIMIO^T LEVI. Bye bi Special!*' A Kitpart Optirtan Room No. 63, ADELPHI HOTEL. rOI i SJI i 7.'U>: <>.N/,i. Feb. 17 18-8
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    • 555 3 NOTI-bS g/indlspr n^tiie in Hot Countries.! "Sanitas Disinfecting Fluid C-l, r i..-'- i. 111. .r.'.ui-lilV effective. It eanahiely Hi < »bich kblMoJ, >:,:.:..: irevcnli CSoltra. I >pli -i.l fc>... I>> filler;, nc. "Sutitas "Disinfecting Powder is the tx-v .tir pit '.'it Lnoun, and a \iT-><.cer ■ttfaatptk Md d—AonuH lh..n c.vtKili:
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    • 433 3 NOTICES. /^IENTIEMAN who desires residence VJ fmm April let, in quiet nnl refined upartmvDt*. wII bealad U> hear' o( soal !'.<• Com niiii'i I'ioi -i .vi.i l>a tf-ated mtiaily. vpjly to -L<>X<." c/o v Mar 7 '3-3 IIfAATBO s farm ii^d h< ■> c Kntry 1 y\ Ist pni.
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    • 745 3 NOTICES. WANTED, i n> rt Chinese clerk Apply with copies of testimonial to J. >. co Strait* Time* Mar* t tn th. s. 12-8 \I T \NTEI>. *>y the Johore <*"vefnment, T m apothecary for tbe Johore Civil Hospi Apply stating qualirlcatinns to PKINCIPAL MEDIOAI OFFICER. nc. Johore. WAN! ED.
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    • 616 3 notices. CIOMFOBT*BLE rooms to be let at Et>er Hou«« K-ier Road. v c IO BE LET: entry at "n: coinpoiri.l hou*e No. ilt Bencoole i Street. Apply to Uuthrie Co. Ltd AxenU. Feb 4 'po BK LKT: officer on the second floor I No. 7 Battery Rond. Immedi ite flutry.
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    • 742 3 SHIPPING indo-chTna sikam vaviuation company, limited. for hongkong. riIHK Company's SUI SANO, 1 U 0 tO'if Oaptain Yonni;, having left Cal.utta on tbe .*>th iist, may be xpecteti to st ive here on or about the Inb inst. and will bave pr mpt despatch for the above port. For
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  • 1181 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. SATURDAY, 12TH MARCH. Vauious extraneous causes have be«u known to imbue with non-inherent significance lives that of themselves were ol the most manifest unimportance. liit>tory simply reeks with illustrative instances of the fact. We find its apotheosiu in the immortalised letter to Mrs. Bardell
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  • 204 4 Kv.i i-H Christians will be inten st< d to remember that to^riy i9 the thirteenth c«*i tenary of Pope St. Gregory the Great, who sent St. the fir«t Archbishop of 1'anterhury and his pious onf t-re* 'o conwrt. tho heathen English, and who died n March 12'h AD. (504 Apropo«
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  • 7 4 To- day's 4/m bank rate is 1/11-,%.
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  • 7 4 Nethkklanih Indii news appears on page 3.
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  • 11 4 N i ws ig riuted itrtimj on paged 1 and ft
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  • 12 4 The liuddhist B >>>' School will open on Mjn<iay first at Havelock Road.
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  • 11 4 U. P.cs Thkalk, Micnamara, and MusfcM have been promoted to Lance
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  • 12 4 The Sea Belle returned from Malm'ca 'his morning from lighthouse relict duty
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  • 22 4 Thkhh was a big junule tire on one of 'he neighbouring Dutch islands las' light. The glare could be seen from Singapore.
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  • 20 4 Mu>-nii'MA.N IVnnel'a ht-r who it on bourd the Palawan, en route for Hongkong, is a son of Lieut-Col. Penne.aiher, IGP.
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  • 26 4 The German mail steamer liimburg having left Penang on the 11th inatani tt. p in. may be expected to arrive here to-day ai about 7 pm.
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  • 27 4 A Di«ABTR >i;s lire occurred at Rnngoon on the -ml March in the Chinese qnnrter of the town. The da range amounted to two Ipkhs of rupees.
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  • 29 4 Eight recruits for the lo;al police orce arrived this morning from London by the Pal'inmn. Two are from the \fnfropnlitan force and the rest from tlie R I. C.
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  • 30 4 Another FnolbaM League fixture was nlayed mT on the Esplanade yesterday afternoon. The tie was between the N'ondescriptB and the R .ver». The former won by tw> pohls to nil.
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  • 39 4 t hk .S. C. C. lawn bowline tournament ti^s for Monday are Profession pairx, B. Berry and R. Thomson v W. G-.ldie and H. T White— DoublHandicap, M. B. MeKe-tn and S, *3owdrr> and J. McKenzie and W. Kinsey.
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  • 28 4 The entertainment by the drainttic club of the First Manchesters was repeated in the Tanglin Thea'relast niuht to a crowded and enthusiastic audience. There is another performance to-night.
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  • 44 4 The wedding of Captain H. W. D. Adam of the Malay States Guides to Miss Isabel Rebecca Sergeant took place at Colombo on the 29th February The ceremony was delayed for three quarters of an hour, by the bridegroom not bringing the marriage certificate.
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  • 369 4 Thk big fire at P«nang which broke out at 7 o'clock in Cornfield's store, 8.-ach Street, Penang, on Tuesday evening last, and details of which were kiiven in our special telegrams of Wedik silay, i* described as probably tbe big«est and most destructive blaieithasevtr een tbe misfortune
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  • 123 4 Yesterday afternoon at .5 :iu o'clock, a gathering of friends, which include' tbe Acting Governor and Miss Taylor, nearly all the local members of the Straits Civil Service, and several ladies, assembled at the residence of Mr. F. G. Penney at Nassim Hill The occaaioii
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  • 107 4 The advertisement offering reward for an estraye>l navy blue silk parasol has been withdrawn and it in interesting to learn that the advertisement brought back the parasol without any further expense Even the identity of the lady or gentleman who had been protecting it during the days
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  • 132 4 Mil V. A. Flower is appointed a member of the committee of Raffles Library and museum, vice Mr. Nxnson, resigned. His Majesty the King has signed the Kx.qualur empowering Mr. L Doasosne to act as Consul-General for Beleium in thin Colony. Mr. W. C I\ Ketin is
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  • 23 4 Thk M. M. s.s. Australian will leave Saigon at 4 pm. to-day and may be expected here on Monday at about 2 p.m.
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  • 103 4 Yeaks) ago cot too-growing was experimented with on a large teale in Caylon with failure as result. It was f -imcl that of the crop 75 per cent, whp cotton seed and only 25 percent, was clean cotton and thin made it imperative that machinery shout i be available where
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  • Special Telegrams to the "Straits Times."
    • 85 4 A WARNINU TO RUSSIAN EDITORS. London, Wth March. A despatch from St. Petersburg states that M. Plehve has warned Russian newspaper editors to moderate their tone witb reuard to Knsland, on pain of having their journals suspended. AT SHANOHAI. Shanghai, \2lh Marck. It is officially announced that the
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    • 26 4 Result of the National Hunt Steeplechase Mr. Partridge's Timothy Titus(Mnl) 1 Mr. \Vad«worth's Portlight (100/9) 2 Mr Farrant's Redhall 100/») 3 E'phtepn ran.
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  • Reuter's Extra Service
    • 26 4 London, Vlth March. General Manning has effected a raid on the Mullah's forces, killing 150 of the enemy and capturing B MO camels.
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    • 65 4 Unruly Arab Chief kicked out. An Arab chief who was given permission to visit Aden with 100 followers, arrived with 200 armed men. The chief refused to reduce the escort, which became unruly and menacing. The British Resident promptly paraded the Bull-, the Bombay Infantry, and tbe
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    • 54 4 Results of a l.> nchin>; Efpisode. As the outcome of the lynching of a negro, a race conflict has broken out at Springfield, Ohio. Two thousand whites irtvad ed and set fire to the negro quarters;, and twenty tenements were destroyed. Eight companies of Militia have deen
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 19 4 LmMMi IStt March. The exportation of horses from Rusfin has been prohibited.
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    • 17 4 The cruiser Dmitri Dmmm\ which hag been repairing at Siuz. has entered the Canal.
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    • 28 4 Russian and Japanese mounted scouts met in a brief encounter north of Pingyang on tli<; 9th inst. There were no casualties on cither side.
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    • 97 4 Russian Olficial Account. Viceroy Alexeit-ft reports as follows The enemy's torpedo boats were detected oIF Port Arthur at one o'clock on t*>e morning of the 10th (Thursday The batteries opened (ire, and our torpedo boats went out at -.40 am, C >rning into contact with
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    • 48 4 Military Experts Doubt it. The Washington report d.itrd 10th inst., relative to the arrival of Japanese troops at Fung-wang-chung, in rear of the Russians, in received with incredulity by military fxpertp, I hough •he mjetery surrounding all movements of the troops makes everything credible.
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    • 33 4 The Tunes computes that this year's deficit will amount to two millions, next v par's expenditure being put at X142..}76,U67 The prospect fur the raxpayer, nays that paper, is not cheerful.
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    • 20 4 Sir John Anderson, the new Governor of the Straits Settlements, sails for Singapore on the 24th int>t
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    • 19 4 The Sultan of Johore has called upon Mr. Lyttleton at the Colonial Office.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 581 4 LATEST APVERTISEIWENTS. CLUB WHISKY IS ALL MALT AND SUPPLIED REdULARLY TO THE PRINCU'XL OUTM All the in thr Has the largest Naval and Military STKAITS SETTLEMENTS consumption amongst Messes. AND Europeans in this Market. P. M. 8. PRICE (10.50 PER DOZEN, NETT. DCTT EXTRA. Sole Agents for the Straits Settlements,
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    • 429 4 SINGAPORE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY. Popular Orchestral Concert. THURSDAY, MARCH J7. l'lan on Momlay. at Robinson Piano Co Tickets $2. Members free. Staking uti admivtitn m prfwntatimi »f Snsn Tickft. Mar ii 17-3 WANTED AT ONCE. BY European firm, an < ffljient BoDk-kt-cper. salary required M. O 8 C/o' Strait* Timn Mar
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    • 25 4 SMOKE FRONTIER. MIXTURE Hankik.— On the llth March, at Wangnnni, New Z. aland, tbu wife »f Skymen Hankin, of a daughter. China paper* pleane copy.
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  • 2887 5 Friday, Mtrcii nth. FKKKEHT. His KXCSLUBCl W. T Ta\i.ok, ,\i tOFFlCKR \UMINISTF.K1NC Til* (inVKRHMKKTl. Hon. C. W. S. Kynnei«lcy, C.M.O., (Acting Colonial Secretary). Hon W K Collyrr l.s.o. (Atlomey-duneral). Hon' V ii. IVnn'ey (Colonial Treanurer). Hod K H Hill (AoditoMJeneral). Hon. K. ft H- Ottmf, Acting Colonial Kn«i
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  • 1102 5 Army Reform.. Part II. of the War Office report Malts that the Military members of the Council, after serving f our years, will be ineligible for remployment at the War Othce, until they have served a year on the staff or in command. Every member will be responsible
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  • 591 5 One of the must charming entertainments ever given in Singapore wat held at Ardinore on Thursday afternoon. *hen the spacious grounds were for the time being transformed into the scent of a floral festival. Ardmore is one of the few placet now left in the town
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  • 130 5 I'iik barque H'ooxung was undnoked at Keppel Harbour on the 10th .ml towed to the rood* Ihe same afternoon The Saio and Etu wpre unlocked at the name time. The /tan Fo Soim wax dry-docked on 'the 10th ins mil. an<l miHocked yesterday when the linn I'oh (lunn
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  • 252 5 Select Committee's Report Against the Bill. The report of the Select Committee appointed to examina and rnport opoa "The Steam Boilers' Ordinal Amendment Bill," ha« been poMiilnd It ptatPR that the Comuiittpo sat on Iht i".'tli lebruary and 1st March, l*M. The toll >wing gentleim-n attended and
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 84 5 NOTICES. WAYANG KASSIIYI. THE Tlie India Zanibar Royal Theatrical Company of Singapore WIUSTAOC To-Night, Saturday, 12th March, 1904, AT THE NORTH BSID6I ROAD THEATRE HALL That most Tragical European Drama EDWARD WILLIAM A Sketch of Mr. E. William of Batavia now of Calcutta To-morrow Night, Sunday, 13th March, 1904 The
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  • 473 6 PAHAN G NEWS. l.ipi*, 7th March. The Kechau Gold Fields Syndicate has now got its new 10-head battery in working order, and crushing was recommenced the other day. The new battery w»n erected under the supervision of Mr T. Whiting, formerly of Raub. The European staff on this pro perty
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  • 215 6 Oil of the most tragic incidents in the Spanish- American War was that request of a BpanUh Admiral on the hh j 111 1 mi for a little lint It is in such matters an this that a nation demonstrates either its ellicieney or its OBWorthioMt in
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 153 6 The NEW FRENCH REMEDY TRADE BlfififfaSfSfai ujf^HMARK Thii lurrrsifu! and hii;liU popalai llMlilil. iiv-d m tbr Com orau oti KoMan.Jobn *ml utii-r*. cniut»ini s aII tlw tl< Mili-rjil4 tn in* soui^t.t in j t the kui>t. and surpaMcft u\itj llrng cithrrto THERAPION Np.l thcurtn^rv<tni.T».«*;if. in.i 1 ..r wh., h id
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    • 489 6 NOTICES Skin -Tortured Babies AND TIRED MOTHERS Find Comfort in Cuticura Inbtant Relii-.f and MtaAkaf sleep for Skin-tortureil Babies anrl rest for Tired Mothers in warm baths with Cuticira Soap, and ceDtle anointings with Ccticlua Ointment, the great skin cure and purest of emollients, to be followed ia severe cases
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    • 502 6 NOTICES. iptttvuiirenr worbes^sshibe sause. lB»^^ M^F Mm^ M^ V Bo Special Warrant j^^W^^^^ His Majests *V^ Pupwbops to j The Kin??. CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORED. MOTOR CARS. BILEY HABGBEAVES &c CO.. LTD. a 9 HI Vbwßria- s?.r Jnasvan Saw _^MMdft* 1 <r*iaUmU^^Bl S^-~L__ r Have Specially SelecteJ '■^^Ci^jw-' Steam and Petrol
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    • 15 6 Finest Victoria Butter "ORIENT" BRAND Trial lib. Tins. 60 cts. Of all Dealers. a a
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 669 7 BUCHANAN'S WHISKY Sold everywhere. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penan?, Ceylon Australia, India, Aden, Kcypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bilts of Lading Issaad for China iVnt, Psrsisa <; ill. Cos »nd AaMrieaa Ports. Mall Line. 0 wrdt. Bencil Mar. 10 Balliar;it M.iv Mnlti
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    • 708 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Konfnklijke Paketvaart MaatschappiJ. I. iLb .>tln r.aLllS iLllib UUVtiLII till. u>«>> JMncqtcrv: Fan Acisct. uti J Ivmiii* Co., £-3 Cciii«i,i»t. ihe nndermentionpd dates are only approximate Krom j :p«ct« Will be l)«si at -hed for:— Bmtd Mar 8 Batavia, Pecalongan, Soerabaya Mm-assar. Amboina, Banda, Boe roe, Batjan, Tecnate,
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    • 498 7 HAMBURG AMERIKA LIME. HAMBURO. The steamers of thi- Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg. Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Strtits, China, and Japan. Homewar 'b, tney are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a mon h for Breraerhaven direct, calling at Peiin-r and Colombo alternately. The
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    • 634 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYO. Imperial Herman Mail Line. The frit aod well known mail steatiers if this Company sail fortmghily from Br-meo-Hamburg via Rjtterdam, Antwerp. S -urham iton, Gir>ral'ar, Genoa. Na leg. Port Said, A en. 'oloni o. Honane. Singapore Hongkong, Shanghai. Vagacaki, and Kobe to Yokohama and back.
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    • 717 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES TAN KIM TIAN. Lines of Steamers For Batavia, Cheiibnn, Samarang Every Wednesday and Saturday's.*. Uiinir Hee, '2,300 tons, i 'a; t Dnnlop a.B. UiangSenfc, 1,1*2 RawlingaOD Giang Ann, 872 .I'ollett s.s. Zweena, 1,470 Nesbiu For Kuala Pahan;, Pekan, KwanUn and Kemaman Klevo, 3ic_' tons, Capt. WBmb. 'Rleclric Li){ht
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    • 512 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N* V* X* JAPANMAIL STEAMSHIP CO.. WD A regular FORTNIGHT! V Mntc* maintained between Japan tad Europe by the followir.e NEW TWIN BCREW .-TEAMEKB, Under Mail Contract with the Jrnprinl Japanese Government, rpeeially declined for the Company's Ruropean Service, lighted throuphout b] F provided with excellent kccommodtition For
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    • 1098 8 Under this heading the following abbreviations am used i str. steamer gli.— ship bq barque sch. schooner Yet. KachtjCru.— Cruiser; Qbl.— Gunboat; Tor. —Torpedo; H.n.— Horsepower; Brit.—British; U S.- United Stat»«; Fch. -French; Gter --German; Dnt r>utch; Q c—Oeneraltargo; dp —deck passenger U— Uncertain; T. F W—
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    • 99 8 "or frr steamer '/i Moviuy. Ftangkok Sinyport 1 p.m Malacca and l.iogei He\ru.r ]p m ,-it uin hiv! Manila Chi<mp Mni Ip.m. rloiv.'kong and Japan Sivg I how 1 p.m.' ilnnakok Panmnr 3 p.m. Pu'o Laut and Cotie V iUr CnprlUn 4 p.m i'konn A Shanghai E.h.Frntinand 4
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    • 145 8 Finni Eirope-Bvthe X D L s.s. U^mburu due on the U'th Mar., with dates to the .bth February From China-By the M K. s.s. .lu»fra/t>?i due on M■> day L,n:t Mnsapore van i i London lan Mk X I) L Fob imh lan -.'Tih B. I. Fell
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  • 598 8 SlNiiAfORK, 1'JTH MUUII, 1904. PRODUCE. iiaiuii'.er buyer" do (Ctil* No. 1) nnpicl.pi! IMS Copra Ball 7 *<7J do Pon:laaa>< 7. ■-'.'> Pepper, Black l.ujer- M.tS do White, <5£ 47 PI Sago Floor Sar .w.i :i.7i do Brnnet No. i 3 55 Pearl Sago .1 Coifec, Bait, 15% baeb
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  • 171 8 x. I-LAC 5 Vsssm/g Nisik. 4 Toh».: Caitaim Fkom >aii.k» Co.wobum. 2 Kin. irJ II Farfall.M lal etr 147 Tavior Muar W-.v INOMgtao and Co. 11 Aveenn m btr Hjm M«Mtl Smnnrang U-u- Inn Kirn Ti:in II Uonotile I A 9M firkin.- Huu-ooM Mir Hup Leone [I BF. FwdlDADd
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  • 152 8 CLE A RANCES. !'VIK VESSEL'S N'AMR. "'LAO A Kin Tons. Dmtisation ii»r 11 i s«han Tung 4 i. Ophir ii MKtnlien 1 4 ftalasia 11 LaSevne I- ili-ii'lciit S'hitt 13 i Emile U Ha ban) Hirobnrg 12 FkrfUla l» M Mine,. II Bw«t 18 Dienicn M I'inS nij U
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  • 1807 8 Centenary Celebrations. A meeting in connection with the centenary celebration of the British and Foreign Bible Society was held in the Town Hall last night, and was presided over by Mr. W. 11. Frizell. There There was a large number of people present. The
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  • 270 8 Contribution to the Local Centen ary Fund. I'm; fill win« ur.gctipti >ns to tl above fund ;ir.- aH nowledgel Arthur knight, E»i). $|< t> im A Prirml |><!r \li-- Ityan I'm in Analo -Chi Si hool 711 on llon'lile K. C. M -,iiin, •I. A. K. It. Magfe/lM AQ.IO Mr.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 64 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS AND SILK MERCHANTS, No. 51 52, Sigh Street. Ju»t nrrUrd, a Krrsh nnd iiu- «««>ol< ol Indian. Chinese, and Japanese Roods, «uch as Silk Kimonos of Fancy Bmbroidered work, Chinese bmbroidered Orasa Cloth work of every kinJ, Pineapple Silks, Indian Rampore Chudders, Assam Silks
      64 words
    • 357 8 l"H V !i;.\ii> CHINK.-X MAKi^JS CLUB XOTICK K.MHKK-; cf the nhov- i:iul> are r»«»l pectf Jlv InforaM 1 tint on Situr :av Bight, Mm iurinwt. aatNarm 'la: win i.,- pr 'aaatad to the R>z aciaoaiiaanoli ;it Ibe Clab't pramitoi in 111 1 rion of th> Ir mm b Haod music
      357 words