The Straits Times, 11 March 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times. NO. a i, 38 1 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY; MARCH 11. I9o_. PRICE 15 CERTS
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  • 847 1 InterstinK Mercantile Decision J I'DiiMKM whu delivered in the Singapore Appeal Court to-day in the case oi Tan Tans Niah Chop Chin Hong v. Campbell it Co appeal by the plaintiff fr tin tin- decision of Mr. Justice Hyndman Jones. The Chief Justice, f-ir Lionel Cox, said that
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  • 885 1 (From Exchar>ge».) The Km*, eowu-entint; upon tbe Japanese reply to the ICaaaian Noteii to the Power*. nny» there is ■mall wonder that Japan 00 tbe 6tn ultimo aaaaaneed that »he would resort to independent action. Thf Japanese xtat>-iiient ha* bo dirhialty in rtupoaing of Kusma's cbilduh logxestioo that
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1299 1 CLAYMORE WHISKY. POWELL ROBINSON. »«*a Af if, W«ff ra P»<Talt4 M«Uf SUlaa. AUCTION SALES. AUCTI N SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FUKNITIRW, HAND^»ME DINNKRANDTEA SEP.VICES. GLASSWARE, PLATED WARE, CUiLKRY, 4c. Also a large and choice collection of plants. To he beM at N<>. 6-a O*ley Road. Saturday, 12/ A March 19C-4, al
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    • 432 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. JOSEPH "ORANO f'RIX. PARIS, 1000. M| |i A iy TT»X>I ffUlllj iinlln mi n 1 11 In' TTiiriV'liTT r- B^ _T al^H ta^a^ OHFAPEST. M fcl^ W X.A.ST TWO NIQBTB Fi-iday >v Saturday. (HtTRK'N M.W l\l>l»\ lIM I Daily New Frocrunme with Beat, Choir* and Bclaot Item* Noti.
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    • 328 1 HAMBURG A VIERIKA LINIE. FOX HAMBURG. 'J^HE Hirrbur \merika Li nic steamer Ko]-:M<}>HFKG, 48f tons aptaiD Meye r I f Honttkong on the 'th instant, and 11. a l<e ezpe<"eH t> arrive here on Fr dn/, 'he 1 'th inxta-it and will prob >bly be ile pit -tr (1 1
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  • 1164 2 From the H 'nterfmd Standard of Jan 30th, we take the following details <>i tin wedding, on tlie Wednesday arnrwKai: of Miss Maud Ethel Morlejr, eldest daaWntar of C. Morlry, Ks, I) L, of Milfort, P< rt law.and Mr W. li BhaJford, of Kafaawn, eldest
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 145 2 INDIAN ENGINEERING. Ah Illustrated Wkeklv Journal IHE RECOGNIZED ORGAN OF THF PROFESSION IN INDIA. IVi/A Quuranter.d hona fide cirouliitu.}.. UST Of EN TO INSPECTION. PAT DOLVB c.k., Calcutta. I SENKMCIANO'S CURE. FOR all kinds of fever, cough, headache, colic, rheumatism, waakcees, loss of appetite. sleeplegßness, paralysis, bronchitis, diarrhoea, tumours, indigestion,
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    • 782 2 NOTICES J. MOTION CO. WATC HMA K E R JEWELLERS. OPTICIANS. KEPAIRB PROMPTLY DtSODTKH ""liquid fuel" (Petrol sum Residue) Larife stocks always on hand. 32/6 fl'hirtj-two shillings and sixpence per ton f. o. b. in bunkers at FItKSIIWATEK ISLAND (PULO BUKOU) >l»l>< site western entrance of Now Harbour. The fuel
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    • 493 2 NOTICES. John Little Co., Ltd. A BUY A NO good CARTRIDGE KODAK dark ideas AN j DEVELOPING MACHINE room! Take Your Own Photographs. No previous knuwledKe required Great »inipliciv> ot working i're«a tbe batten, taken tbe picture Tarn tbe handle, doe* the reet. Every Camera Warranted Brand New. Marvels of
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  • 259 3 Uoirnc it on Sixpence a Day. Dk Faiki/f. a re>i<ient of Ceylon, wh i.iti \X paid Aurtralia ;i mit, hatpublic bed l;i> iaKprakaioM <>t tr;ivtl there Australia bai a grand reputation for According to Dr Kairlie, last •m me i I the w n cord Lusctuua
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  • 279 3 Tbb coal industry haa rrcentlj laaad tl'muth a period <1 great deprestios. Fiillowins i>ii ili. v k m I >l.r prevkmi IWu i .i J 18 irinii new C »1 Coatpam*! Boh ted in Calcutta, aud tbera an how j> j iot-atoek i-i n-i-ern^ I'l-'eu't Hi thai city!
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 578 3 BANKS. Nederlaadsche Handel Maatachappij. NETHBBI^ANDS TRADING BOCIKT"i BeTABLUBBD 1824. Oapital I. «A»,000(abt. £6,OUu,UUO i ssubd Capital f 46,000,000 (abt £3,760,000 iniSTB Fdsd f. 6,000,000— (abt. 417,000 Head Offlce Id Amsterdam. Head Agency in Batavia. Buiacuu: Pepang, Shanghai, Kan<oon, Medan (Deli), Semarang, Boorabaya adang, Uheribon, Tegal, Fecalougan, Paaoeroean. Tjilatjap, Palembang. Olehleh
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    • 441 3 BANKS. I JONG KONG AND SHANGHAI II BANKING CORPORATION. PAID- TIP r-U'ITAJ $!').000.(M KKSERVE FUND.— sterling R«»ery«..|l •i.iX»,ooo\ nfivmrm, Milvor Rewrv«... .1 8 .-iOO.OOO f lri RESERVE LI ABIL I IV OF iinlinnm PROPRIETORS ..f ]o.<xXJ.Oni Co ORT OV DIBBCTUES. A. J. Raymond, Ksq,— Chaibmah. H. R. TOMKINS, KiQ DCPUTT
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    • 743 3 NOTICES. WANTED, by the Johore Government, an apothecary for tbe Johore Civil Hosr.i al. Apply ptating qualifli ation* to I'RINCI PAL MEDICAL OFFICER. or. Johore. \\J AN I F.D. immediately, a Chinese YT clerk. Good alary to competent m n Swurity wanted Apply, with c pies of reference* to \.j«"c/<>
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    • 633 3 NOTICES. /"IOMFOBT*BLE ronms to be let at v^^Eber Houte.^ Eber Road. I OPR LET: entry at odl-i conip-uinri 1 bou-* No. 11l Beocoole i Street. Apply to Guthrie Co. Ltd Agents. F*b 4 v.v. IX) BB LET: office*- on the second floor No. 7 Battery Koad. Immediate entry. Apply to
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    • 729 3 SHIPPINQ china mutu4l steam navigation co., ltd. FOR VIOTOkIA (8.C.). SEATTLE ANDTACOMA. Taking cargo for all Pacific Port, and Inl tnd PointH. rHE Company's steamer NISUCHOW, 7.604 tons, Captain James Kiley, is due here about tbe inth Mar h, and will hive prompt despatch for tbe above ports For freight,
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  • 41 4 Van Krmkl —At 6, Übobie Ghaut, on IKb M«rch, Willim Kabrl Uiokwvk Krakt van Kbmki.. of Den Haag. Holland, late A»«t. Resident of Mangkalia, aged &l yean. Funeral at 8 a. 111 to morrow. Java and Amsterdam paper* please copy.
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  • 539 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. FRIDAY, 11TH MARCH. Without aspiring to any minute knowledge of naval strategy, the Man in the Street is entitled to doubt the probability —as announced by le Tempt and reported by Router to-day— that 1161 16 K issian Baltic Squadron will en to
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  • 636 4 Tbb advent of Prince Pulum at Shanghai, and the courteous fuss that seems to attend his progress as Chinese High Commissioner to the St. Louis Exposition, recalls the tour of the Hon Barrett who came out from America over a year ago, as a sort of an international "drummer,"
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  • 8 4 To-day's 4/m hank rate is 1/1 1 rV
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  • 7 4 Athirtic Jottings" will appear in to-morrow's issue.
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  • 16 4 Reports of App-ial Court cases, and Wire News appear on the front page of this issue.
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  • 16 4 This morning the British steamer Virginia of Glasgow passed through the port from West to Etst.
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  • 18 4 Lai'nchks will leave Johnston's Pier for the Swimming Club on Sunday morning at B. MO and 9 30.
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  • 21 4 Shipping advernsements,, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on page 7 General shipping news is printed on page 8.
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  • 27 4 Tm R«v J. A. B. Cook will preach at, the Johore Church on Sunday 8 16 a m. Special sermon and collection for the Bible Society Centenary.
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  • 27 4 The P. and O. intermediate steamer I'aLiwiA left Penang at 8 pm. on Thursday and is due to arrive here at dty light to-m ■-■rrnw (12'h instant).
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  • 25 4 One hundred anl seventy-nine Heaths were registered at Singapore during the week ending on the 6th in grunt. The ratio per thousand was 37 3».
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  • 26 4 Tm Rerijing Labong Gold Mining Company will h<>ld a genernl meeting at Batavia on Tuesday next. The main business will be the fixing ot a dividend.
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  • 29 4 Mr. A. K. BftnziH, ut M««srs Howarth Er«kine Limited has gone to Penang in connexion with the recent disastrous fire thPM in which the firm's premises were burnt out.
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  • 350 4 Unofficial Report. It is unofficially reported in Singapore to-day that Mr. S L. Thornton, icting puisne judge in Jamaica, West Indies, has been appointed to succeed Mr. Justice Leach as a Judge of the Supreme Court in Penang. Mr Swintord Leslie Thornton is well-known in
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  • 280 4 M March. Th k Chinese New Year is a thing of the past. Gnxre de Dieu The earsplitting sounds, the uncouth noises and rockets have been a trial even to rouun nerves, to say nothing of the 'rikisha wallahs who were a greater curse than ever.
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  • 19 4 The Town and Volunteer Band will play on the Old Jail site to-morrow from 5 to 6 (weather permitting).
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  • 27 4 The Master Attendant has received a telegram from Penang stating that the Wigham buoy there is adrift and b being replaced. Masters of vessels are warned accordingly.
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  • 39 4 Katz Bros Ld are paying 13 per cent dividend on both their preferred and deferred Shares as the result of last year's working. $115,(00 were added to R-serve FnrAi which now stands at $375,000. $9,108 .38 were carried forward.
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  • 48 4 Thb Karangan Hydraulic Mining Co. of Penang declared a dividend of 57 j per cent for 1903 on Wednesday last On the other hand the Chendarang Mining Co., al«o a Penang company, is on the point of being wound up, owing to work on the concession proving unprofitable.
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  • 59 4 A Special generxl meeting of the Singapore Catholic Club will he b- Id at the Club on Friday, iBih March, at 8 p.m. The business to be consider ed is a scheme for the erection of a Hall on the site next to the Club. At the business is important
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  • Special Telegrams to the "Straits Times."
    • 41 4 RUMOURED NAVAL BATTLE. SENSATIONAL REPORT FROM TOKYO. Tokyo, 10IA March. It is believed here that a nival engagement of a decisive nature has taken place in the vicinity of Vladivostock, and particulars are being awaited with the gravest anxiety.
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    • 59 4 Hongkong, 11 (A hi ireh A committee has b. en formed to establish a fund here to provide additional hospital comfort*) for all the wounded in the war. Another fund is being raised to aid the families of the Japanese killed. The German Club has also
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    • 60 4 Scouts from the opposing forces have met at Pakchyon, north of Pingyang. The Japanese fought against odds and lost one killed. The Russians retired northward. [Pakchyon in lifly milfa north of Pin yacg and about fourteen milei north went of Ancbiu, where the last broth
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    • 128 4 Your correspondent has interviewed a leading statesman who concurs in the opinion that such intervention at the present juncture would be absurd, and could not be considered by the Russians until the latter have retrieved the recent reverses by some brilliant successes. Their efforts are now to
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    • 81 4 Mf4*V~ton despatches state that the commander of the 11. S gunboat Helena reports from Yinkow that an engagement has taken place between the Russians and the Japanese at Fung-wang-chang, and also that addition il Japanese force* are being landed at Fnsan (Takushan [Takushan is on the Bay
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    • 24 4 A Paris telegram announces that the Japanese fle^t was again seen off Vladivostock yesterday, but it did uot fire upon the town.
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    • 28 4 The mobilisition of the Japanese land forces is proceeding with regularity but quietly. The troops already landed on the mainland are separated into four army corps.
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    • 53 4 Transportation Rapidly Proceeding. Shanghai, ioth March. A Tokyo telegram of yesterday's date announces that Mm transportation to the North of three divisions, comprising 60,000 men, had been completed oa that day. The transportation of the Second Army Corps of ten divisions, comprising 200,000 men, was to commence
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    • 36 4 The same telegram state* that the reports of the indirect bombardment of Vladivostock are confirmed. It is believed that the attack demoralised the Russians. The enemy's fleet could not be found.
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    • 37 4 The ca c against Mr. J >hn Cowen, for slandering the Russians in the China Time* of Tientsin, has been appealed to the British Supreme Court for China and Korea at thi« port.
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    • 33 4 Prince Pu Lun, the Chinese High Commissioner to the St. Louis World's Pair, has arrived at Shanghai, and is dining with the Doyen of the Consular Corps here to-nivbt.
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    • 47 4 Antl-educatloil Laws not to alfect the Colon>es. l-a,i.«, IOtA M.ireh. The debate in the Chamber on ihs proposed law for the suppression of all religious educational societies has immenced. The Government has decided that the law is not to be applied to the Colonies.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 469 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. rWORDIPO THE WISE Who appreciate good provisions. Come and see our •tocks or send (or our price list, you will then understand •ur supremacy. Its a tale of Superior Qualities, Matchless Variety, and Money Saving Opportunities, that to a careful buyer, will prove a revelation •f far-reaching importance.
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    • 302 4 SIAMESE CAT. F)R S\LR ch«ap thoroogh-hre Hollsrown f. 'in tie Siamese cat in go <1 cond tion. App.y Miaow," c/o Strattt T met. S. V. WOOSUNG^ NFITHER the Captiin nor the Aeentß of th above *<f\ Till be re«pon. sible for any delir.« inco*Ted by 'he c-ew GUTHRIE 4 CO,
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    • 23 4 Exchange and share quotations will be found on page 8. Particulars of Mr. W. H. Shelford's wedding will be found on page 2.
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  • Reuter's Extra Service.
    • 51 5 RUSSIAN GUNS AT NEWCHWANG. London, UM March. Reuter's correspondent at Yinkow says that the Russians detrained two five inch siege gune and two six pounder howitzers at Newchwang Station yesterday. Tbe neutral warships ate leaving and the British Consul if urging all women and children and Britishers to
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    • 51 5 A Tokyo official report 011 tint bow* bardment of Viadivostock shows tint this was a reconnaissance by the Japanese. Considerable damage was effected, and the Russian batteries failed to reply. Subsequently the Japanese ships reconnoitred the neigh bouring bays, but nothing was seen of th« Russian
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    • 109 5 Many Conflicting Reports. LOl don,\lth March Yesterday's Toykodespatch, leportiug that there are eight disabled Russ an warships in Port Arthur, is believed to be part of a general summing up of the situation antecedent to the attack on Port Arthur on the Sth inst. The difficulties
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    • 87 5 Discussion in Parliament. In the discussion of the Army Estimates, Sir H. Campbell Bannerman declared that the burden of military expenditure had become insufferable and that the country was sick of the policy of conquest and adventure. Mr. Baifour repudiated these assertions. Sir H. C. Bannerman declared
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    • 99 5 What he Thinks of the Duties of Governorship. Yesterday evening, the members of Uray's Inn gave a banquet to Sir John Anderson, the new Gjvernor of the Straits Settlements. Mr. H. E Duke M. P. presided, and in toastiag Sir John Andergon, declared that the ltw
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    • 81 5 Premier Speaks of Coming Elections. London, 111/ i March. In the debate on Mr. Pirie's motion, Mr. Pirie principally attacked Mr. Austen Chamberlain, whom he called upon to choose between Imperial and filial duty. Mr Bnlfnnr maintained with preciseness the Government policy, which he said was baned
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 45 5 Ismdon, l\ih March. The T«nr congratulated the garrison •f VI tdivootork on their baptism of fire in Sunday last. He says hi) i* convinced that the eurrieon will make a ramnart of their bodies to protect Rm«ia'n stronghold aeain*t the enemy.
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    • 38 5 The State Department at Washington ia inloi tned from Chefoo that Japanppe troops hive arrived at Fung-wang-chunp and Tukiishan, thus getting in re<u of the Rnosiano in Korea and threatening the railway communication.
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    • 51 5 London, Wlh Mnrch. A Russian torpedo boat has been lost between Port Said and Crete The crew wre saved. "ME BALTIC FLEET. The Temps correspondent at St Peterburg says that the Russian Baltic oquadron will probably leave in July to attempt to force the north-east p
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    • 58 5 In the House "f Commons, Mr. Pirie introduced a motion condemning the continued agitation in favour of preferential protective tariff's, which he said was encouraged by tbe language of cer'ain Ministers. The motion was rejected by 289 votes to 243. Twentysix Unionists voted with the minority.
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  • 518 5 WAR N EWS. A' tflegram ha* been received by theagen's in Singapore of the Nippon Yu«e.n Kaisha, Messrs. Paterson Simons iV Co to the effect that the steamship W.ikaxa ifaru (Captain Macmillan) arrived at Hongkong on the 9'h inst. She sailed from Colombo on Sunday, 20th February Singapore cargo will
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  • 91 5 An aUeinpt has been m<<de at Tronoh to cut down mining coolies' -vages t< sixty cents a day. In consequence thf coolies struck work and the mines were chut down. The. Protector of ChineFe and Mr. Payne were hurriedly summoned, and a -settlement wao arrived at. to-day. Mr.
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  • 16 5 A Chinaman- charged in the Circuit Court to-day with misappropriation was sentenced to six nvntl.s imprisoment.
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  • 55 5 For the. Rihle Society Centenary Fund the Chin'-se of the Mission cf the Prfmhyterian Church of England have i?iven ne«rlv $^X). vii Baha Church *61, Chinese Christian A«aociatinn «M 7 1«, J >t<nre 542, Muar $10, Bukil I'imah SJOOO, Crocs St. $9 20, Paya Lf bar >8 L'O, and the
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  • 815 5 Appointment of Office Bearers. The annual meeting of the Chamber of Commerce took place yesterday, as already reported. Among those present were Mr W. H. Frizell, Chairman (Tbe Chartered Bank uf India, A. and China.); Hon J. M Allinson, (Messrs. Barlow and Co.): Hon. G.
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  • 72 5 The Anglican B ohnp of British New Guinea (Dr. Stone Wipg) declares that the idea of trvinp to prohibit, the importation of liquor into New Guinea is absurd. The only po&nihle way is to make liquor traffic a state monopoly. There i» absolutely no drunkenness in British New Guinea. A
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  • 758 5 Christy Minstrels Black Justice." Under the auspices of the Dramatic Club of the Ist Batt. Manchester Regiment, an entertainment of the olla podrida type was given at Tanglin Barracks theatre last night. It is a long weary journey to the theatre, but that alone did not account for
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  • 140 5 The Sultan of J hore, says a London paper under date sth Feb., has come over on another visit to Europe, and he seems to have quite as ardent a fancy as the late popular Sultan enjoyed for the Occidental side of the world. The late Abu Bakar, in fact,
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  • 219 5 On March Ist Reuter wired that "The Liverpool collier Oriel, bound for Singapore, has been seized by the Russians in the Red Sea." Since then the subject was dropped, and nothing more was heard about the Oriel, until she calmly dropped into Singapore this morning, with
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  • 100 5 The following is tbe result of tbe March monthly medal played last BswuiUuf A large number of competitors did not hand in their cards. .soryrageour 40 +31 10-=HO Sir A Dorward 49 80-i4 =85 V. W. Mcmillan 47 47-9-88 )r. Powlie i 9 +43 3-^5 i. D
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  • 52 5 The Captain of tne Austrian Lloyd Co.'b steamer E F. Ferdinand reports 1 hat on the night of tbe B'h inst. he <aw four warships near Pulo Way. One of them was using a searchlight, but he was unable to say to what nationality 1 he
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  • 26 5 The homeward M. M. mail steamer Australian is due here on Monday in -he f tranoon, and probably will leave the same day at. 4 pm
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  • 36 5 Mr Alma Baker, the Secretary of the Kinta Gymkhana Club, has in recognition of bis past valuable services, betn presented by the Committee of tbe Club with a 50 guinea gold chronometer bearing a suitable inscription.
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  • 47 5 The MacmilUn Puihaiiing. Company of the United States will bring out th s month a work under the heading of -'The Policy and Administration of the Dutch in Java," by Dr. Clive Day. This 18 said to be a careful study of all phases of the subject.
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  • 48 5 The United States gunboat l»la dt Cuba, Capt. Decker, arrived hen yesterday afternoon i'ro-n the Philip nines en. route for Cjl >mbo. She will remain here the 20.h. The Cuba is a sister-ship of the Ida de hmmm Both vessels were built at Elswick h 1886
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  • 309 5 By Major B. G. Broadkick, Ac. Commandant. Singapore 10th Marrh. S. V. A. Orderly Orficr for week, Lieut. Thompsou Ordeily N. C. 0., Bombr. Kitovitz. Parades. Monday, squad and carbine drill. Tuesday, gun laying competition. Wednes day, squad and carbine drill. Friday, gnn laying competition, all
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  • 182 5 TUe uld Choic Pht/a, which was taken tv Keppel Harbour on the 25th ult. for docking etc., left the wharf on tlie 9th innt. The Pake' vaart steamer De Klerk wax undocked at Tanjong Pagar yesterday and ntarted to bunker and take in rar^o preparatory to leaving. The
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 202 5 NOTICES. THE [ndra Zanibar Royal Theatrical Co. of Singapore WILL STftSE To-Night, Friday, 11th March fi\ The Uorih Bridge Theatre pall That well-known Tragical and Sensational Play entitled "Romeo Juliet," Hurry up and Come, and don't lose this Golden Opportunity. Don't miftg thin Interesting and Laughable Piece. Curtain at 9P
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 198 5 OAY HY OAY Priday, nth March High Wator 4.M am. 7 U p.m. Chatre'ii Circu*. 9. Bihle Society Meetin:;. Town Hull. MM Entertainment. Taniflin Rurrnnks. S V.A Carbine an.l Sound Drill. 6 15. Wavnna Knsnim. North Blithe Koad. 9. Saturday, lath March High Water. Mi a.m. 8 :11. p.m. F'tore
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  • 451 6 7th March. The Singapore and Johore Rubber Company, Limited, has acquired, from Mr Francis Pears, some 3,(<K' acres of land for growing rubber. The oroperty is known a« tho Nordanal Estate. It lies on the right bank of the Muar river just opposite to the Lanadron Estate, distant
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  • 193 6 l.;ndon, 9th Feb. Aktkk a sliuht upwnrd in 'vement, tin baj beeom fl»r, aod we close with a doing at .£124-106. ii.l XlsM-lfii t'i r three months. The mil break >t the wnr ha* effectually >tn| |'"i any furtlier speculation, and the I'Uving was entirely confined to
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 222 6 SULPHURIC ACID FOX PUPPLIEB, ATPLYTO SYME&CO. w f v c. npui !;ivek~doTTk I Pii.NANG. 'Pi* abOTC 1 cj :< situr.ted in I'rovince WailMter, at Uio entracce of the Pryt River, has lately l^eeo Innctheued anc deepened, nml la now of the following dimeDitit I :i oa the blocks 320 feet
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    • 253 6 NOTICES. Keep it Handy For aa emergency. When accidents happen, or sudden (t^" ■Ickneas come*, nothing will bring such prompt relief ai f 1 that famou old remc/y, fjW^L PERRY DAVIS'' J#d**l VainkiUw All cum CRAMPS, COLIC, CHOLERA, DYSENTERY, If^ DIARRHOEA) SPRAINS, BITES and STINGS. It C.A. RIBEIRO&Ca India u^^
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    • 438 6 NOTICES. HowARTH Erskine, Ltd. Cable Address: "ERSKINE." Telephone No. 23. Mechanical, Civil, k Electrical Fnginoers, Ship Builder^ I Oontractors. < 'on»lrurtloiiiil Wiirk* in STEEL, IRON, and MASONRY A SPECIALITY. BRIDGES Consultation Invited M-mßF'** I Wt^^ WHARVES Jwl'-w' lii GIRDERS >J *r^j| ||f -Wr'J. STANCH EONS Jtm. ROOFTRUSSES *~**^*vi^^m* Ornamental Cast
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 717 7 BUCHANAN'S WHISKY Sold everywhere. SIEAMSHIP COMPANIbh. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Thrnik'h Bil.s .f U 1114 ""I (or China Cout, Puraiaii Q ilf Ciitinental. ud ATinTiean Port". Mail Line. Qstsmi 4% Rnnenl Mir. :'O B.lliirat May
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    • 743 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koriinklijke Paketvaart Maatschapplj. 1 r.i 1 Lttttraci »iv. ibt >(-ittriacds jlu.i> bituiDtil. p}tt< l*ii J I »>fi Fit 6 Co.. 1 8 CciI.T«QtJAY. 1 1 i-nd'-rnientionnrt d»1e» an rnly apprr»<»nat» .-uam«>r From '..i^ctwil ill c 1 psi at' herl for I'anDiemrn Hatavia Mar 'Batavia (heribon, Tegal Pcca 'oi
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    • 441 7 HAMBURG AMERIKA LINIE. HAMBURO. The steamers of tbi- Company maintain a >egulv service betwe >n H traburg Bre men, Antwerp, and I. otteraam, and the Straits, Cbioa, and Japan. Homewar 's, tey are de 'patched fortnightly for Havre an d Hamburg and one' a mon b for Bremrhtven direct, calling
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    • 640 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N7pl NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial German Mail Line. Dm 'it and well known mail steamers ftf t is Company sail fortnightly from Kr"mea-Uamburg via Rotterdam, Ant<»rp 8 lUthampton, Gibraltar, G»noa, Port Maid, Suez. A"en. <'olom«o, •'-nanit. Singapore Hongkong, Shanghai, Vantakj, Kobe to Yokohima and bac it. They are dv»
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    • 742 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES TAN Xl M TI AN. Lines of Steamers For Batavia, Cheribon, ft Samarang Every Wednesday and Saturday. JJi-uiir 'tee, 2,300 t0n5, C'spt. DnDlop s.s. UiangSeng, 1,182 Rawlingflon n.». Uiang Ann, 87*2 Follett a* Zweena, 1,470 Neabitt For Kuala Pahang, Pekan, kwantan and Kermman B.s. Flpvo, 302 tons, Capt.
      742 words
    • 545 7 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL IMSUKANtt COY. FIRE i TOTAL INVKBTED PUN '..XCKKD £12,000,000. THK LABGKBT PTBK OfFICZ IN THK Wf HLD BOTTBTyAI' C Agent*. THB LONDON AND "I.ANCAfcHIRB J. FIBE INSDBARCE <'Ofc)J'ANY. CapiUl £2,12?,PC0 Pa»d np Capita &I%)W Reserve Fnnd fifJSfikO Itae undesigned, Agents for the Company, are prepared to accept
      545 words

    • 1253 8 Under th's heading the following abbreviations are used I—str1 str. steamer sh.— Ship bq barque sch. schooner Yet Yacht ;Cru.— Cruiser; Gbi. Gunboat; Tor. —Torpedo; H.o.— Horsepower; Brit.—British U. B.— United States Fch. -French Qer.— German; Dut.— Dutch; G c. -General Sargo; d p deck passenger; U
      1,253 words
    • 609 8 ■HAKE ft Belat Tin Mine SMM ti'mtwabuuiu Miof (> pd)«l6 50. "'n»eli Tin Mine |B.s •Franer Neare .1105 aellent. uiMSSj ft Bhangb(>i Bar.k 12, ex. div. Hnwartb Er-k n<", I.'. |'2"S buyer* Melebo* (in liquidation) 20 ct». Kadana (hilly \>tua) Sliuu, aomlna! do «7 paid) $7.nn, i ominal. N'nul
      609 words
    • 193 8 A RRIVALS. H VESSCL'tIUIIr. kCarl 10 Sri Muar 10 Biam 10 Ophir 10 VanderCapellen 10 Emile 10 Sambas 10 UladeCubt 10 Ning cimw 11 PAlnmcotta* II Oriel 11 Thongwn* 11 ('heangCbew 11 Korat 11 Singapore 11 A lon*. Captain From Sailed Rig. irit str 123 Hudson Malacca M.-.r str,
      193 words
    • 169 8 DM VEBSELB Na«K. i ''lao A Rio. Toms. Desthutjos. :ir 1 1 j (^unrra Brit »tr 10 v\aibore atr. U l>-li Ger str 11 i Hye Leoni; i Hr>t «tr. II Sri TriDggknu Out str. 10 i Hiamt Rnt >tr. 1 1 BorK Nor str. II Emila Dm itr.
      169 words
    • 147 8 ■■or rer itrnmrr f»»tr To-Mobrow via ports Tringgnnu Him Inrragiri A ing Hing Noon.'Uin and Manila Ck' ng Mni 1 p.m. Malacca and Munr Sultan 2 p.m. •'.rtwel'ham Penang /*<i Seng 3 p.m ■*"b«ya and S*m»rnn« Van Dimf 2 p.m. JfsUccfr* P. Dickson Hong Lian 3 p.m.
      147 words
    • 149 8 Frnn Europe— By the YD L s.s. H 'mbvg <<ue on the l.'ih Mar., with dates to the lUtli February From China— By the M M s.s Auttrolitn lue on Monday Loft HintiapnrH Oue 1 Londoc lan 2fith N. D L. F»h Wh lan 27ib B. I
      149 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 107 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS AND SILK MERCHANTS, No. 51 52, High Street. Jnwt nrrivrd, m Frrwh mid Fine stork <tt Indian Chinese, and Japanese Roods, such as Silk Kimonos of Fancy Embroidered work, Chinese Embroidered Grass Cloth work of every kind, Pineapple Silks, Indian Rampore Chudders, Assam Silks
      107 words
    • 284 8 Handkerchiefs! Handkerchiefs!! A SPECIAL PURCHASE OF $entlemens Jiandfcerediefs Made in Ireland and Boxed in dozens HANDKERCHIEFS measure 19 by 20 inches. Cotton is greatly advanced in Price and we may not be able to get more at tne Price we Bought this consignment. Secure a dozen now. Secure a box
      284 words