The Straits Times, 10 March 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times. NO. a i, 380 SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. MARCH 10. 19 U PRICE 15 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 2222 1 LORNE WHISKY. 0 POWKU ROBINSON. a»|» Afmta. Hmtmm»n < P«4f«u<! M«Uy st.m. NONCbS. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. TENPE'H for the nndernn»otioned Farm lincludine Kamponc Koko an i Ksmpo I.aut) for the terra of three yearn comir.e' oinsr from the 1»t day of Aii 1 1 li*'t wII Ik received at the Coloma
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    • 304 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Ideal Milk O Enriched 20 per cent, with Cream. Sterilized-Not Sweetened. i^»"~™Ss«| Perfect Substitute for Fresh I t'^Tgay Milk. g£^ 3L.A.ST PERFORMANCES w Tt. Thui'sday At Kiuday. MIHItI -x v IMH\N < lilt I s Daily New Programme with Beat, Choice and Select Item* Noti.— AdmisaioD much redneetl
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  • 1523 2 The Land of Wonderful Hats. ff| The male Bonaa, mjt a writer in t^H Standard, marries, as a rule, at t h«- carwJ liest possible moment met BMMM hi' ii hiH love, nor because he wishes for MM* dants, to <;; in money or make M advantageous ,il
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 67 2 Charles Ibeifcsiecfc's "OClblte Seal (tbainpaflnc. SOLK AOINTI, BE HN,MEYK R 4 Co Ji^L Singapore and Penang Rwilf? N'ingapor* M«stn>..leHl LITTL« ACo 11 Mebsr*. GUSTZKL abi &HBBB BoHnunACHBB. rHn| 14. Hopi'kkst? |BHmVJ Vettn. 8. L. vaji N i«kop «Mbw o«. m w f A? AJ //sinoafokeA a y\p* y*s. Rattles Place.
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    • 545 2 INSURANCE COMPANIES. KOYAL INMjkamjk CUV. 101 AL INVKBTKDKDNUb KAcRHi 12,000,000. r»r IABfIWT rTB» O'FIOE IN TS)« WOkJ I ROTIHT** M 5 Or Agrntl. |Hi tX)NDOh AMU~L*JiC*feJBIi»T i FiHJC INSUHAInOh COMIAM Capital ia,127,6Ui Paid up Capita! t.»13,?{0 K«f errr» Fnnri 1. ,> i7B.fW"© l'n« undertlgDHd, AgeAU tot lots Ocai ;T.ny, are
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    • 460 2 NOTICES. I gWyIMNES Ltd (J. A H. G WYNNE, Ltd and QWYNNE A Co., United.) ESTABLISHED OVER FIFTY YEARS '.T«UtT«— C«dM— ■OWYBHE, LONDON," ABC, 4th 6th Edition*, A 1. MOREINO NEALB'S. Trade Mark I\VI\(IB I, K iMnfaetncrs »f the largert and most rfttint I CENTRIFUGAL PUMPING MACHINERY th« world, tuiUbl*
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  • 222 3 Prospects. fur the Yunnan railway I'm illy ■i.iidid upon] Comnsittee of the] Colonies, who li:»ve and Amitchcru route. |a, Me the approval of >. if !..'i tnai shortly, "d that I"- comph I* »nd m m tit Hlii' ih>> hi..) <,t i!ii-r, al'houeh allotted in the. company i,)
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  • 251 3 The Gambling Pirn at Meaglembu and Guiitong in Kinta, were stuck up by robb«n on tin- J3rd Feb. They niiu«l< U witli t It. crowd that wen- gambling at a given ngnal, all the meae* in hands of the banker and OUen seized at the point
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 555 3 BANKS. Noderlandsohe Handel Maatschappij. NETHERLANDS TRADING IMMVI EBTABLIBHBD 1824. fIAPTAL <■ 60,000,000— (abt fO.UUO.UK;, iMUkD OAPITAI. f. 46,000,000(abt. £3,760,300 KI«KRV« FUHD f. 5,0110,000 (abt. 4i;,000 Head Office id Amsterdam. Head aOBMf in Batavia. Hbahohm: Penang, (Shanghai, Rangoon, Medan (L>eli), rieaiarang, riourubaya, 'adantj, Uheribou, 'legal, Peualoaxao, Pasoeroean. TjiUtjap. Palembane. Olehleb. Atjeh),
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    • 485 3 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PM D-TJP CAPITA 1 110.000,000 KESERVE FOND.— Sterling Renerre.Jl,oool 5000 00 Silver Reserve....! 600,000 1 &w^ w) REHEKVE I.IABII I TV OF\ <v> om PROPRIETORS I 1 l!W ww COUBT OF DIBBCTOBS. A. J. Raymond, Esq.— Chaibmab. H. E. Tombins, Esq.— Deputy Chaibmab.
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    • 742 3 NOTICES. ¥TT ANTED, by the Jotaore Government, ?V M^lfotlMcsnr (or the Johore Civil Hospi'al. Apply stating qualification* to PRINCIPAL MEDICAL OFFICER. o.c. Johore. X¥7 ANTED, immediately, a Chinese TT clerk. Good rftlary to competent m n Security wasted. Apply, with copies of references to Ajax," c/o S'rait* Time* M»r7 »J
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    • 640 3 P NOTICES. I PORTABLE rooms to be let at Eber House." Eber Road. a c 10 BE LET: entry at oncw, compouod bou«« No. if'J Bencoolen Street. Apply to Oathrie Co. Ltd Agent*. F»b 4 u-e-rßr. LET: offices on the second floor No. 7 Battery Road. Immediate ■ntry. Apply to
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    • 668 3 SHIPPINO CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO LTD. FOR VICTORIA (8.C.), SBAITLS, AND TACOMA. Taking cargo for all Pacific Ports and Inland Points. 'pHK Company's steamer NIN UC HO W, L 7.804 toa», Captain James Rilev, is due here about the lOth Mar h and will have prompt despatch for the
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  • 377 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. THURSDAY, 10th MARCH The world now begins to understand whot upecific things Russia places under' the head of contraband of war, and the category seems to include almost every article of common use, excepting, perhaps, hairpins. We make this inference from the tenour of
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  • 408 4 Marquis Ito's mission to the "Emperor" of Korea must be of a nature delicate and complex in the extreme; because, if reports to band a fortnight ago be true, Japan has already a Viceroy at Seoul in the person of the Marquis Takagawa. However, it is well-known that the aged
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  • 624 4 Thb election of a representative to the Munic'pal Commission from Kalanr ward was advertised to take, place on Tuesday, but through the ignorance of the community on a certain point connected with our local election law, that election proved an utter fiaxco. As a matter of fact, there was really
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  • 5 4 To-Dj^B rate is 1/11 j.
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  • 4 4 S.V.C. C^^^Avill apieir to-morrow.
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  • 9 4 ExcBANQK^K share quotations will be found on pl^ B._
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  • 18 4 The Tanjong PtigHr R -creation Club iro holding a smoking concert, at the Club House next Saturday night.
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  • 35 4 Ybktkhday, Mr. Listerman pro«ecu'.rH t*o of his servants for the thpft of jewellery which he valued at $160 One of the defendants was sentence I by Mr. Seth to three months, the other was discharged.
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  • 17 4 The homeward bound MM. mail steamer Auitralien will probably leave Singapore on the 14th instant at noon.
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  • 22 4 The M. M. outward steamer Salazie left. Colombo at 5 p m yesterday, md may be expected here Monday at about noon.
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  • 19 4 The Convent at Penang is specially appealing to the public for subscriptions and donations At least 550.000 ire required.
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  • 25 4 i The marriage of Rev. J. M Hoover with Ethel Mary, daughter of Rev and Mr*. Pykett, at Penang, is fixed for the 15th instant.
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  • 25 4 The town of Opotike, in New Zealand, has been submerged by a volcanic eruption. The residents fled for refuge aboard the ships in the bay.
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  • 25 4 Among the departures from Penang by- mail on Saturday were Mr. and Mrs Kromhead Matthews. Mr. Matthew? •>xn<-cts to be back about six months hence.
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  • 25 4 This morning the Britinh steamer Shimota arrived from New York with 60 tons of gunpowder and dynamite lot Manila. She is expected to leave to-day.
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  • 32 4 The Government* which have made declaration* of neutrality regarding the wir in the Orient are those of Great Britain, (iemany, France, United sta'eN, Netherlands, Denmark, Spain, Belgium, Mexico, Brazil,, and China.
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  • 55 4 The Red Cross Bociety of France and Germany, have, according to official despatches received by the Japanese Government from its Minister* at Paris and Berlin, expressed their sympathy with Japan and stated that they are willing to supply the Japan Red Cross Society with materials required for the work in
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  • 57 4 The war has aroused attention to the riefencelesftness of Frnnch lndoCtiina Fortifications, armament, equip merit and military strength are now found to be dangerously below requirements. Blame for this n laid by a Saigon paper upon M. Doumer, the previous Governor General, who, it is said, thought more of aggrandisement
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  • 81 4 An alleged danger to the public has ari-en at Penang, where the Municipality recently decided to use poison to combat the hosts of rats with which parts of the town are infested. Theie MNN to have been some neglect in the distribution of the stuff, for it has got into
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  • 83 4 The l'imtiig Gazette, draws a dark picture of the municipal water service there. The supply is said to fall far short of ordinary town requirements. Tne municipality has been pottering for years to improve matters and has consulted experts in trying to find a site for a larger reservoir. But
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  • 72 4 Tub following K M.."v appointments have been notified -Mr U P. Ebden, district officer, Larut and Krian, to be senior magistrate, Selangor and Negri Sembilan, rice Mr. A. L Ingall, transferred for service in another State, with effect from 11th February. Mr. R. G Wauon, commissioner of lands and mine-,
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  • 117 4 A couple of youthful Japanese passing through Calcutta en route to their own country required a small draft or> Yokohama. In a casual way, ssws the Indian Duily ffm«. a certain offiVe in Council Hoube Street was pointed out to them as a place where
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  • 164 4 About 7 o'clock la-a night an empty at'ap «iied in Surangoon R tad opposite the tt'imih Miskm Poli c Station wag Uncovered to be in H mien. The Fire Brigade was informed, but the shfd was burnt out in a few mintres The hut helonged to Chinese
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  • Special Telegrams to the "Straits Times."
    • 39 4 REPORTED SHELLING OF PORT ARTHUR ON WEDNESDAY. Not Officially Confirmed. Tokyo, hth March. The reported bombardment of Port Arthur and Dalny on Wednesday last (March 2) has no far not been officially confirmed by the authorities here.
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    • 35 4 The Japanese Government refutes the recent Russian Note to the effect that the action taken by Japan in the opening of hostilities was contrary to ttie provisions of international law.
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    • 20 4 The squadron that bombarded Vladivostok on Sunday last was comprised of seven battleships. But little damage is reported.
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  • Reuter's Extra Service.
    • 15 4 SEOUL.WIJU RAILWAY. London, 9th March. The construction of the Seoul-Wiju Railway has begun.
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    • 29 4 Most of the inhabitants of Vladivostock are sending their families inland, whither the schools are also being removed. The price of food-stuffs at Vladivo*tock has risen exorbitantly.
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    • 38 4 Marquis Ito, who has been appoinU^B special ambassador to the Cour^^B Korea, leaves for Seoul on the 15U^H He carries an autograph letj^H the Mikado to the Kinperor^H and is to remain in Korea
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  • 94 4 ALEXEIEFF'S OFFICIAL lH No Damage at Vladivost^^H London, 9th Ma^^M Admiral AlexeietTs detailed accoHH of the bombardment of Vladivostok^ confirms the report that 200 shells were fired (by the Japanese) He says nothing of any damage being done to the fortress or the entrenchments. The damage inflicted upon
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • 136 4 As Viewed in America. London, XOth March. Speaking at a dinner of the Wisconsin Society in New York, General Wheeler referred to the Japanese naval successes as truly indicating Japanese greatness. This announcement was received with cheers. Mr. Uchida, the Japtnese ConsulGeneral, declared that Japan is struggling for
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  • 40 4 Reuter's correspondent at Tokyo says that eight out of thirteen Russia* in*idePort Arthur are disabled. )ne fort has been half destroyed by the Japanese shells. The Russian cornh«tan*« there number 2 00')
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 792 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. CLUB WHISKY 18 ALL MALT AND SUPPLIED RRUUI.ARI.V TO THE PRINCIPAL CLUBS All the in tiik Has the largest Naval and Military STRAITS BETTLKMKNTS consumption amongst Messes. Alro Europeans in this Market. F. M. S. PUICE $10.50 PER DOZEN, NETT. DUTT EXTRA. Sole Agents for the Straits Settlements,
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    • 6 4 SMOKE FRONTIER. MIXTURE re "7 i-\
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    • 31 4 Mb ti. K. V. Thomas oi Mhshk. Howarth Erxkine, Ltd., arrived at Penanß from Singapore on Saturday. It in understood that Mr. Thomas will be located in Penang for some months.
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  • 357 5 ENTERTAINMENT AT TANOLIN Thb filial rehearsal of the entertainment to be given by the Dramatic Club of the Ist battalion Manchester Regiment was hold last night in the Theatre at the Tanglin Barracks The |ip.rfnrnmnce will be given by piTmi"i>n of Brigadier-tieneral Sir A. R. K. I) irward,
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  • 419 5 heirs at Law. of Wee Bonn Pen^ of Mr. Justice I in the action of Wee I Boon Peng, the Appeal j to-day. Beticr b<i] the Biang died in BBstr >n was f. ii i ii Yeo (in we She died IBM an. l 1901 iiiminiM i.i1.,,.. gfj
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  • 93 5 The British India Steamer Kutna whicb arrived at Penang on Friday In u;lit rj Javanese consigned to the Hon. J. Turner. TJiese, the I'iramj tiu:,ttr understands, are under a 3 years' contract, to work on Caledonia Estate, It may be of interest to compare the number of
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  • 1808 5 The President's Address The annual meeting of the Biij"a>>or Cm .iber of Commerce took place :it t lie llx hange Room this afternoon, there being present a considerable number of members. Mr. John Anderson pr ,i(! i|. Addressing the members after the |>> s. n
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  • 31 5 Tub first pin'me f t|| P Prz» Cnnrt at Sa^eho took pin, nn J>". 16'h, when the masters s»ven Rn«nian stenmprs capttmri l>v Jipan underwent preliminary examination.
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  • 1003 5 Official Document Aa extraordinary number of the UovmmmU Gazette was published yesterday containing the proclaim tion of neutrality by H. M. the King. Appended to the proclamation is the fullowing document which we give in full:— The Host Honourable the Marquesas of Lansdowne to the Lords Commissioners of
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  • 415 5 Vladivostock which the Japanese are now attacking is described as being, from a military standpoint, very nearly impregnable, for it possesses so large a garrison that to invest it properly would require 150,000 men. The town stands at the head of a long, curving inlet known as the
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  • 229 5 The question of whai, is and what is not a dangerous weapon presents itself to the consideration of the public. Yesterday, Det. Sergt. Kelleher had a Malay, Abdul Razis, before Mr. Peacock lot possession of a dangerous weapon in t Inform of an ordinary ridin stick with nickel
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  • 102 5 An Association football match was played at Tarj>ni; I'.jgsr ypMerlay afternoon be'wpen the (.iimn^rs otntioned at Bnakan H«*i and the Tarjone Pagnr Football t'lub. From the kick-off the play became fas' and a ve.'\- >\ nlv c"iutest<»d panu resulted. Ad half-tioM neither si«l> had scored. After the interval
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  • 157 5 SA Benefit Performance. b proceeds of the performance of re's Circus laat night were devoted to the Hindu Aid Hociety, and as the audience wa§ «a packed one, representing a considerable sum of money, the Society referred to may look forward to an early completion of its ideal—
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  • 141 5 The Unlay Mail thus forecasts the probable shifting of high F. MS officials When Mr. Treacber goes on leave Mr. Belfield will act as ResidentGeneral, Mr. Yenning will act as Resident of Perak and Mr. Barnes will act as Federal Secretary. Mr. Innes (from the
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  • 198 5 The Jiiulleu, after diaeharging coaU at the Itorneo wharf, wan shifted to the eautern end yesterday where she wan dry-docked in the afternoon. The Dutch (Government steaioer Zeeduif, which haa been undergoing an overhaul at Tanjong Pagar wince the beginning of the year, left for the anchorage yenterday.
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  • 202 5 For Singapore. Per F. A O. p. s. Palawan from London Feb 6, duelltb Mar-u Mr. J. C Darby, Mr. E. C Coolev, Mr. R. T. Nicol. lo Penang— Mr. C. V. Dyson. Per P. A U. s s. China, connecting with with the steamer U-mjnl at
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 166 5 DAY BY DAY. Thursday, 10th March. High Water. 3.47 a.m. 5 H |>.i« Philharmonic OrJiestra LM Kiitertaimnent. Tanglin lUmiikKtjgineer*' .UHociation. Marine Clulp s. l"i 1 Mlm'i < inus. Friday, 1 ith March High Water 4.51 am. 711 p.m. Legislative Council. J.Hii. Municipal 'ommi«NJon. 2.30. BtMa Society Meeting. Town Kail. X.:tU.
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  • 118 6 Pka*rl fishing in the southern Philippines has proved to be one of the most successful industries yet attempted in that archipelago by American npital. The Bufu Pearling Co. war i«d early in 1903 by a numb prising Americans, and before the end of the year, the company had
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  • 100 6 Jeym sanitary compounds are very well known here. The nineteenth ordinary general meeting of the Company was held on the 4th Feb., and irom the report, we learn that a dividend of 42 per cent inclusive of income tax, has been declared. Mr. H. H. Nelson, who
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  • 112 6 Miss Anderson, who has been attached to the Girls' School here for over three years, has left for Singapore to take i|> tho post of head mistress of the Methodist Chinese Girls' School. We understand that Miss Heur will shortly take Misa Anderson's place here. Mr. Gore
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  • 655 6 P. O. I'er IJallaarat lhth March Mr. H. A. Morrison. Mr. nnd Mr-. Ward, Mr-, limrer and WEflv, Mr. J. Mitchell, MUs Baldwin. Mi. Wanpli, Mr. W. A. Cadell, Mrs. Oliver Smith, Mi.-x ltrown Webber. Per Borneo 26th Marrb Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Lowell child and infani, Mi»»
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 160 6 NOTICES ASK &J^ The most palatable and wholesome natural mineral water known. Sole Proprietor. J. CLIFFORD WILKINSON. < Kobe, Japan. TANSAN The renowned Table Water of Japan. I 'Zt, An unsurpassed drink where a superior article is required. Medically recommended and chemically pure. Bottled in its natural state at the
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    • 523 6 NOTICES. MOTOR CARS. RILEY HARGREAVES <te CO., LTD. J n t<^^ I L Ha*e Specially Selected A Steam and Petrol -*'1W l^pJß l^^ Purchasers. E?,XIjE"2" HABGREAVES <Sc Co., Ltidi Feb. la Singapore and Kranji Railway. From January 4th, 1904, and until further notice. Train Service for Week Days and Sundays.
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    • 44 6 Yong Lee Seng Co. 27 Kling Street. Have always on harm Hats Caps Boots Shoes Perfumery Hosiery Lamps Cutlery Crossed Blaokwell's, Morton's Preserved Provisions. ln>iw 1 nun cordiHlly Invited. Finest Victoria Butter "ORIENT" BRAND Trial lib. Tins. 60 cts. Of all Dealers. uc. I
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 647 7 BUCHANAN'S WHISKY Sold everywhere. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penane Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Ltdiag issued for China Coast, Persian Golf. Continental, and American Ports. Mall Line. OutwarJt. !'...n. Mar. 20 Ballaarat May 1 Malta Apl.
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    • 713 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, KoninUlijke Paketvaart MaatschapplJ. I nntr contract with the Hell t-rlncds India boveiDD-ent. at hintaiorc. tini Agisct. iaip J I utttiß A Co., i-8 Ccilflk Qoat. ihe undprmenti( ned dates are only approy'tiste. Steamer From :o«cted Will be l)«i)Dat^bsd for:— Brouwer Deli Mar f! Paneh. Bjli, Asahan, Deli, Bagan
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    • 436 7 HAMBURG AMERIKA LINIE. HAMBURG. The steamers of this Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China, and Japan. Hornewai -is, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bn<meihaven direct, calling at Penane and Colombo alternately. The arrival)
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    • 625 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N. D. L NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial (lerman Mall Line. The fast and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen-Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, Port Said, Suez. Aden, Colombo, Penane, Singapore. Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to Yokohama and back. They are
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    • 767 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIBS TARKIMTIAN. Lines of Steamers For Batavia, Cheribun, Samarang Every Wednesday and Saturday■a* Giini: Uej, ->,300 tun-. Capt. Dunlop «.s. (Jiang Seng, 1 1 Sii Kawlin^son Giang Ann, 87-2 Kollett a* Zweena, 1,470 Meabitt For Kuala Pahang, Pekan, k wan tan and Kemaman a b. Plnvo, 302 tons, Capt.
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    • 527 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. It Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP.CO., LTD A regular FORTNIGHTLY service n maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS, Under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation for
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    • 1317 8 Under this heading the following abbrerlations are used str. steamer sh.— •hip bq —barque sch.— schooner Yet Yacht ;Cru. Cruisnr; Gbt. (iunboat; Tor. —Torpedo; H.O.— Horse-power; Brit.—Bri»lih;U S.- United Btat«s Foh. -French; Q«r .—German; Out Dutch; Gc—Genaral•arßO; dp dock paHsengf., U Uncertain; K. P W Tanjong Pagar
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    • 759 8 yam*, port, probable dale of arrtvn and name of agenii. \bessin:a, Hongkong. Apl 11; Beba Meye-\.-hille~. Liverpool. Mv J9: Mansfield. \jax. China. Mar H; Minefield VltK-ngi Hongkong, Mar 24; Beba Meyer M^oia. Bom!»iy. Apl: Borneo Coy. VHing Patavia', Mar 17; Da»ndeU. VnnHm. Colombo, Mar Mj M. Maritime* Vntenor,
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    • 631 8 Singapore, 10th lla*u*h, 1904. ■Mm. Belat Tin Mine $10 00. K'sawthtioui Mine (S7.fii.pd 6 5<i. Bnweh Tin Mine $8.i->. 'Praser Neave 1106. sales sellers H'konK Shanghai Bauk f«i4.">. Howarth Rr»kln«\ U. $2<>5.00, buyer'Jelebns (in liquidation) 20 *ts. ana (hilly paid) f lu.> u, uom-.a^ du (S7 paid) $7.00,
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    • 107 8 ko»k o» Per <''himt t% >> To-Morkow. Bangkok Drli 3 pm. D fl'hara T. Anson ffur hmms 3 p m. Malacca* P. Oiukson hfnni Vm» ."5 p.m. Pnluk Angoi via ports A-nhmt :< p m Sn'« v and Annoy l''ilnmn,it i ;ipm Pootianak W (Tthr WUp 8 p.m
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    • 138 8 Ffm E'l'npp RvtheSjD I. r/<i«i6urg Aw on the l.'lh Msr with iassa to tbe 16th Ffthrnarv From Phinn— By tho MM. 8.8. .iwtralirn <me on Monday lji»ft Smcapirn Dae n Lond in Ui Jili K. D I. Feh 'mil .Inn Jrih R I Vvb i!t F->l> Ut
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    • 171 8 rum f Veskil'sNamk. A I row* Captain I RW 1 »!B*nFoSoon Out Mr Mf Odink Mena In* l 7fi >%•<:.!;..!) j Will O.he Wis-p >ir.i *t 148 iKnlpli U iHaud llot sti :up [DHrssen jlAJosok |Ocr I- l^i >g 10 HhiTio*.i rtnt >♦ itf« i ha^lin 10 3»ppho IM
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    • 130 8 CLEARANCE S. I'a-i Vkmmki.'* N*m«. Mar >?oen Turn in i{c-iili-iit rfchiri 10 K I Ht.'/l k> I »ri W ongwe 10 Mednn U> Bfntojig > 11 Miinu^H II Uuir l^B-. Hi I Hem Hu^ »0 I Men* 10 Hotifj Wan 10 Uantfkrk 11 MatWM V via P *in KoiL>«'I'ut
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 67 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS AND SILK MERCHANTS, No. 51 52, High Street. JUNt nrtitrri. m I rc*h anil Fim- «-(ock of latllan, Chinese, and Japanese j-oods, such as Silk Kimonos ol Fancy Embroidered work, Ckiitaae Bmbroidcred Onus Cloth work of every kind, Pineap ile Silks, Indian Ram pore
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    • 439 8 Handkerchiefs! HandkergnTefs!! A SPECIAL PURCHASE OF Gjentlemens Jiandkerediefs Made in Ii eland and Hoxed in dozens HANDKERCHIEFS measure i 9;i 9; by 20 mm THEY *41 fcM W^ THEY APE MS mm^JW V^k\ ARE SOUND Hj A^aBrEALLY VALUE. WjF^9 CHEAP. Cotton is greatly advanced in Price and we may not
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