The Straits Times, 9 March 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 10 1 The Straits Times NO. ai,379 SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY. MAKCH 9, IDO4
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1954 1 CLAYMORE WHISKY POWELL ROBINSON. SoU Aaaali, «l»it.p«r. aad F*d«r*tt£ Malay Slaua. NuncßS. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. TENDERS for the nndermpationed Farm (including Kampong Kolco and Ksmpo a I«nt) for the trm of three y<>ars comDf ring from tbe Ist day of April 19(14. wll **> received at tbe Coloma Secretary's < W<»
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    • 484 1 I.ATKST .V>Vt£KflsEJS MilkmalH emmmmßgn^ BRAND fertj Mi 1 1/ .^'■Q- v Guaranteed Full Cream. m M Largest Sale in the World. N 9 g?^ ONLY SIX PBRFORMANCEB<JI Monday to Saturday. BOTH INCLUSIVE fHiTRR'N \i-:\\ IMU*\ < lIC4 I Daily New Programme with Beat, Choioe and Select Item* Noil.— AdaiMioa much
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  • 361 2 A Russian nobleman living abroad, who recently passed through Vienna, on his return from his annual viait to lux family estates, near Moscow, is quoted by the "Times" Vienna correspondent as describing,, with apprehension, the dangerous fermentations existing both among the peasantry and the working claases in
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  • 536 2 THE CHEMULPO FIGHT. Variants. i Honckong Telegraph, on the ritycfan eye-witness, says that, f> day of the action at Chemulpo, February, the Japanese fleet appeared at the mouth of the harbour The Vmjmf was not aware that war bad been declared and the first intimation was a letter brought in
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 258 2 ENGINES. ■W WITH FIREBOX. ■aY K agß^aaPr^V^'^^' O^ ■aw i '-•■> rW FROM BORNEO Co., Ltd., BT SlN(i A.l. )lllv FOR THE V PRESER VATIO N I ft IRON and STEEL. THERE IS NOTHING LIKE SIDEROSTHEN In general use by Government and Municipal Bodies throughont the World, also, at Collieries,
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    • 100 2 NOTICES. SULPHURIC ACID K)tt«UPPLIKB, APPLY TO SYME&CO. in w f. U.i. 1 i[ Testimonial^^* i HO feature* Stntt. t C rSI J>> tomfco. Ow. 31. 1902. pQ| I sji I hut mitfe i most careful <— 1 K Ci_J Fraur Nun, Ltd.. and find r^/S 3^5 it to bt txcetdinglr
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    • 388 2 NOTICES. I The High Class If W SMOB KSIE HAS NO EQUAL IN QUALITY. MILD, MEDIUM, AMD FULL. Pacte.i i^ Patont Vacuum Tins of lb. i-lb. Prices 2Rs. BAs. per fib. IR. 6As. per Mb. OUB NEW SCIENTIFIC PROCESS ol preparincf nnd y ceo cnsiires Its freshness and condition, no
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  • 564 3 THE DALAI. LAMA AT HOME. The adventurous Japanese traveller, Kkai Kawaguchi, writes of his experiences in Tibet, in the Century Magazine. 1., ivmg l»pan in 1897, he went to Darjeeling aid set to work to learn the Thibetan language. This he accomplished in sixteen mou' hs, and, wearing the garb
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  • 214 3 The Japanese War Depart int-nt Nutifiprovides that entonding correspondents must send in their applications to the War Office, accompanied by their credentials. Foreigu correspondents forward such applications through their Minister or Consul accredited to Japan, and the documents specified above may dispensed with. The name of the journal
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 135 3 Sore Muscles. 'IMIR correct of tteaimer.t sore n.usi I 1 is vi ry sin p'u. tint ta t i Rood km bsiili t)ef re t: i l.' i bed, i nd i> sure to rut) yours If dry Tbil nprnii tin pores Then rubCh.unbri lain's I'.iin Balm into the por
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    • 825 3 NOTICES. Singapore Sporting Clur Programme for (he Spring Race Meeting, 1904. May 24th, 26th, 28th. FIBBT DAY. Tuesday, 24th May. 1. THE MAIDEN PL V lE.- Value frtOD. A Race for Maiden Horses and horses that have run >s Roadster*. Subscription Griffins Rnd in |mh cuiitincii t" hordes im or
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    • 492 3 NOTICES. for either of the following series of Baoes, Serin No. 1 First Day- Race No. 7 Pp'.-ond Day— Race No. 7 Third Day Race No. 6 Serif No. Dm Race No. 6 d n«% -Race No. 1 Third Day— Race No. 6 ing enter for more thHii one same
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    • 655 3 NOTICES. IX7" ANTED, by the Johore Government, TT an Apothecary for the Jobore Civil Hospi'al. Apply stating qualifications to PRINCI PAL MEDICAL OFFICER, if Jobore. "1\ T \N"TED, immediately, a Chinese TT olerk Qoori alary to competent m n s -rity v.iited." Apply, with ref .-rene -s to "Aj ix
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    • 561 3 NOTICES. /COMFORT *Bi,E rooms to bo let at VV Eber Honw," Eoer Road. v.c I OBE LET: entry at oniv compound I hou°e No. 112 Beneoolen Strt-et. Apply to Gnthrie Co. Ltd Agent F. b 4 n IX) Br; KET: ofli> ■■> id fl.ior No. 7 Battery Road. [m mediate
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    • 715 3 SHIPPINO CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. FOB VICTORIA (B. 0.), REAITLE, AND TAOOMA Taking cargo for all Pacific Ports and Inland Points. pHE Company's •(earner NIbUCHO W, 1 7,004 tons, Captain James Rilev. is doe her* about the mtb Mar h, and will hare prompt despatch for the For
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  • 1709 4 The Straits Times PRICE 15 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, 9TH MARCH. The point of complaint that has been raised by Mr. Lawson Walton is liable to give rise to serious difficulties lor Russia in the Mediterrar can. Russia is indubitably preying upon neutral "hipping,* and judging from the telegraphed reports, the principal
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  • 7 4 To-day's 4/m bank rate is 1/1 1^.
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  • 12 4 Incidents in the fight at Chemulpo harbour are narrated on page 2.
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  • 19 4 The Proceedings of the Legislative Council for 1903 in book form, has been published at the Government Printing Office.
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  • 25 4 The reliefs of German troops, Ac, for Kiaochow this year will be forwarded by the s». Hilvia, which waa to leave Wilhelmshaven on March 3.
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  • 27 4 The leave of absence granted to Mr A. T. D. Berrington, Legal Adviser, F.M.S has been extended with halt salary, for si* months from Ist June, 1904.
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  • 29 4 It is now expected that the Japanese demand for rice from Burma and grain from India will be actively revived as their command of the sea is practically assured.
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  • 38 4 The S C.C. lawn bowling tournament ties for Thursday are Championship, G >ldie v. Brown, R. Thompson v. MB. Mckean or Berry Profecsion Pair*, J. V Halloway and C. R. Williams, v G. W. Hugh, and 8 Sowdon.
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  • 37 4 In January laxt, tue Pahang Corporation crushed at tSuneei Lembing, 1,370 tons of stone with 9ft heads of stamps runningfor 17 days atiß working expense of •23 500, the outfit being 30 tons oxide of tin. I
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  • 46 4 Trz Pahang Kabantg Co in January, got 10 tons tin oxide out of 4»0 tons of stone crushed, at a working expense of 90,000 with 10 heads of stamps running fur 17 days. The battery stopped owing to floods and a break-down in the pumping machinery.
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  • 153 4 The following K M. b. notifications have just been published :—Mr. E. W. Birch, (.mo, to be British Resident, Perak, vice Mr. J. P. Rodger, cms, transferred for service elsewhere, with effect from 10th February. Mr. H. Conway Belfield will continue to act as British Resident, Perak, until further notice.
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  • 50 4 THE TEST MATCH. The record of the five test matches played between Mr. Warner's eleven versus Australia is as follows Sydney, England won by 5 wickets. Melbourne, England won by 185 runt. Adelaide, Australia won by 216 runs. Sydney, England won by 157 runs. Melbourne, Australia won by 218 runs.
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  • 85 4 Last Sunday's traffic on the Singa-pore-Johore Riilway made a record that was totally unexpected at *uch an early date when the live was p'ojected. The number of through passenger* to Johore amounted to 6.845 while the total receipts for the day were 93,407. It took ten sampans
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  • 87 4 N D.L. PA SSENGERS. Thi following pa««engem are expected to arrive here on Saturday next by the 'ierman mail steamer Hamburg Mr Lutz, Mr. Lother Bintze, Mr. K. N. Hatrck. Mr. I. I)' son. Mrs. J. W. Haffonden, Mr. von Mechel, Mr. P. K Burger, Mr. and Mr*. M. Loeb
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  • Keuter 0 Cjrtnt Service. THE_WAR.
    • 49 4 SOMALILAND OPERATIONS. Over for the Season. London, Bth March. Reuters correspondent at Aden states that the season's operations in Somaliland are expected to be over about the middle or end of April. The transport is practically worn out, and the Indian troops are beginning to be legweary.
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    • 62 4 An Arab in the Aden Hinterland on March 3rd shot dead Captain vVarneford, Assistant Political Officer. |Captaio G nville Warnefurd of the Indian Army formerly of the Wiltshire Rairiment) waVemployed a» an Aa-Utant Political < 'tfic-er, of the Ihird grade. He bad thirteen years' service, entered
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    • 31 4 The trade returns of the United Kingdom for February, show an increase in imports of £3,549,934 and exports £1,019,377, as compared with the same month last year.
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    • 140 4 Nothing to Beat them in Europe. India Gets all made in Coming year. Mr. Arnold Forster, speaking on the Army Estimates, said the new gun for the British Field and Horse Artillery would be without a superior in Europe. It was hoped to produce in the coming
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  • Hemer'o Scleoranie
    • 54 4 London, Rth March. Further despatches from Viceroy Alpxeinff state that the bombardment of VladivoBtock did no serious damage. Tnnre were no losses in the fortifications. In the town a woman was killed and some seamen were wounded. The enemy reappeared for a short time
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    • 43 4 Coupled with a Hope that Russia may Succeed. The Para Municipality has voted 20,000 francs in aid of the Russian and Japanese wounded, and has sent to St. Petersburg an address expressing hopes for Russia's success.
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    • 40 4 London, 9th March. Mr. Balfour, speaking in the House of Commons, announced that it is not intended to deal with the 6scal policy of Great Britain during the sittings of the present Parliament.
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    • 12 4 Australia has won the fifth test match by 218 runs.
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    • 85 4 Questions in Parliament. Mr. Lawson Walton (M. P. for South Leeds) asked in Parliament whether, in view of the use which Russian warships are making of ports in Crete and Egypt, the Government will communicate its views to the neutral Powers concerned, with reference to the
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  • 76 4 An attempt it bring made by tchool authorities at Hxnpkonir, to iinpn ve the knowledge of smxll boya iu that Colony on the subject of geography. The intention is to give a series of nbout thirty lectures, illustrated by lantern views, upon physical geography, life and conditions in other parts
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 437 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WASSIAMULL, ASSOMULL CO., Indian Store, No. 1, 3, fc 4, High Street. tin, opened n ltn> Stork of Good*. Silverware, Washlnr Silks, Embroidered Ooods. Canton and Swatow drawn foods, Ceylon and Maltese Silks and Cottons, Lace Blouses, Handkerchiefs, Tirs, Cuffs, Collars and Laces, Sandalwood and Ivory Fans and
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    • 379 4 AUCTION SALE OP VALUABLE TEAK FURNITURE Handsome Dinner and Daseert Services, Cut-glass Table Ware, a large assortment of Platedware, Cutlery, &c Also a large and choice collection ol plants. THE PROPERTY OF A. VAZ, Eaq., T< be held at No. 86-2 K impong .'ava Rnad. Saturday, 19th March, 1904, at
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  • Special Celegrame to the * Straits Gtmes."
    • 81 5 SUNDAY AT VLACIVOSTOCK. aoo Shells Within an Hour. Pant, Hlh March St. Petersburg telegrams give details of ili>' J <pane«e bombardment of Vladivostock on the afternoon of March fltli. They say that there were seven ships in the attacking squadron, and they discharged 200 shells within an hour.
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    • 45 5 ITO GOES TO KOREA. Tokyo, 9th March. The Marquis Ito has been ordered to visit the Emperor of Korea. NO VLADIVOSTOCK NEWS. It is regarded as of especial significance here that no official report has yet been issued in regard to the bombardment of Vladivostock.
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    • 213 5 London, 9th March. A meeting of Ministers was hurriedly convened at St. Petersburg on the 7th March. The subject discussed was the protection of Vladivostock. FINNS AND THE CZAR. At a big meeting of Finns, held at Stockholm, a resolution was passed protesting against the action
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    • 26 5 It U understood that the King signed the Chinese Labour Ordinance for the South African gold-fields at the Privy Council held to-day.
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    • 483 5 Pen^pg, Stli March. A large fire has broken out in Beach Street, the principal commercial street of the town. A very great amount of damage has been done and many business premises hive been damaged or destroyed. The Fire Brigade has been tax<d to the utmost
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  • 609 5 CONTRABAND OF WAR. Singapore Opinions. I him are few questions which have so vital an interest fur Singapore as that dealing with contraband of war. A telegram which appeared yesterday stated that in the House of Commons Mr. Balfour said Russia's declaration of coal as contraband of war was of
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  • 324 5 A Polling Fiasco. As the result of the vacancy in the representation of Kallang Ward on the Municipal Commission- caused by the resignation ot Mr. Pooles— the nomination of candidates took place last week Only mm candidate was nominated, Mr C B. Buckley, who was proposed
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  • 517 5 A special despatch to the Sew York Herald of the 10th ult.. gives some additional information, showing how the Japanese planned their attacks. The correspondent writing from Chefoo says -1 have just interviewed the Japanese Consul at Chefoo. He says that when he was informed by his Government
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  • 22 5 Ykstkrday tl>e 8.0 0. plavt^ •ombined team of the FIG.A. anH /R.B- soccer The pfune^rHprl /in draw, neither side being to sJore.
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  • 292 5 SINGAPORE BUDDHISTS. Bhave received the following cirwhich is headed "Declaration," the Buddhist Mission, Havelock Road, .Singapore: Now that intelligent people of all the world are weary of the evils of material civilization and keenly feel the want of spiritual civilization, many of them are turning their eyes upon Buddhism as
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  • 363 5 At the Marine Court this morning eight Chinese traders at Boat Quay were fined 920 each and ooata for obstructing the landing steps at Boat Quay. A sampan coolie was this morning fined 91 (or refusing hire to a European yesterday. A Marine Police Constable prosecuted. A twakow
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  • 241 5 "SWEE MOH STRIKES A SUNKEN LOG. Loses her Propeller at Batu Pahat. Early this morning the local Dutch steamer Mena, commanded by a native -kipper, arrived from Batu rVhx Juhore territory, with the small British -reamer tiwee Mok in tow. The \\foh is also commanded by a Malay k'pper. About
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  • 304 5 FAR EASTERN DIRECTORY. Thk Directory and Chronicle for the Far East, which includes all places of any importance lrom Penang to Vladivostock, has made its appearance for 1904, and a wonderful compendium of stern facts it is. So bulky baa it become that it almost rivals the London Post Office
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  • 195 5 The following pioperties were disposed of by action at Powell Co.'s saleroom, yesterday afternoon Leasehold land, area 46,322 sq. feet, together with "hop house*, Rice mill and Oil mill Nos. 340, 340 a, 3fi3, 354, 367 to 360 North Bridge RoaiH, No 351 Rocbor River and No.
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  • 554 5 A vksy successful meeting to celebrate the centenary of the British and Foreign Bibie Society was held in the Town Hall, Singapore, on Monday evening. His Excellency the Acting Governor, the Hon. W. T. Taylor, presided over a large attendance, among whom were Bishop Hose, Archdeacon
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 186 5 NOTICES. THE fndra Zanibar Royal Theatrical Co. of Singapore WILL ITUI To-Night, Wednesday. 9th March fi\ The Uorth Bridge 5 0a(i Theatre pall Grand Talism&nic Play The Charminff Opera ♦>/ "GUL-I-BAKAWALI" Don't miss this Interesting and Laughable Piece. Curtain at 9 p.m. Sharp. Come Early to Secure Good Seats. March
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 166 5 DAY HV DAYWednesday, 9th March. High Water. 4.6 p.m Moon Last Quarter. 7.66 a.1.1. Wayang Kassim. North Biidge Koad. 9. rhursda>, lotn Marcn Hub Water 3.47 a.m. 531 p.m. Philharmonic Orchestra 830 Chamber of Commerce Annual M'tß. 2. 1f. Salvage Bale. Tanjong Pagar. Powell. -2.30. Theatriciils. Tannin Barracks. English Association
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  • 73 6 QUEEN WILHELMINA. The ll\.W</ gives a rather melancholy account of the state of feeling in Holland towards the young Queen, who was so popular on her accession five yrars ago. Queen Willielinir, i i- only about T.i at the h:m ;i Ctrl all kraoa of li<r old gladi fl (1
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  • 177 6 The TINPLATE TRADE. ranch of the iron i at all so salisf:ict,,iv M it v;is so nc time aL,',>. Prisei are normally tka they wire ;i week ago, ami an I illy iiil to (id. per Ikix under tlio>,' ef jew ago, imt then aw mmiJnulilj icss orders i-oming forward,
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  • 653 6 PASSENGERS BOOKED HOMEWARD. P. O. Per Ballaarat ISth M»rcb Mi. H. A Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. Ward, Mrs. Hunter and family, Mr. .1. Mitchell, Misa ltnldwin. Mr. Wanch, Mr. \V A. Cadell, Mrs. olivi r Smith, Mish Rruwn Wehber. Per Borneo 26th Mar. h Mr>. Miller, Mrs. Lowell child and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 86 6 Triumph ol .»>od.rn duigery. BY applying PhamlmUlll'l l'.iin .Jain), uln.-h is antiseptic, to wounds, liruiscs, aiul Ilka ir'jurieK b fort- indHmmation iel* in, they n::iy be benlcJ without niiluriiioii in one-lhinl of tbn time re i (ill rod by the uhl treatment. It also Allays the p.iin mill toreness. Keep
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    • 166 6 NOTICES You can become strong, vigorous, and sound in wind and limb bjr taking Bovril. It not only makes good the waste and wear on the system, but it builds up muscle and fibre throughout the whole body, making the weak strong, and the strong man stronger. Bovril has no
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    • 642 6 NOTICES. Agents (or LEA PERHIIS' f\ fJ WORGES;£RSHifiE SAUCE. Bg Special Warrant^ $£His Majesty Purveyors to Tiie CELEBRATED OILMAN'S f MOTOR CARS. R.ILE-2" 3SJLXtO-XtS .TBS CO.. LTD I 1 /T Have Specially SelecteJ M- j f^ ADC Steam and Petrol Jm---' IS^ i*!/ Invite inspection at their Works. VJft V^4
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 681 7 ■BUCHANAN'S WHISK/ Sold everywhere. I EAMS H I P COM PANIEB. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Tor China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, WrtlUll— Ports, Plymouth and London. Throned Mil «i IjkMb« issued for China Oo Ptrclaa Gall Continental, md a rioan "orts. Mail Line. Ouiii-i'df. Mr. 0
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    • 1088 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij. M-tt ii Lin (..tvtirncnt. umv i <imik <j fc. M Couna Qtjat. iiTrr.entio:if-d dates are only approximate. Steam" Will »ip l)«inat hod for-.— a*ar > Paneh. Hili, A .ihan, Deli, Ha«an. Lan 01 ana Fili Mnr 10 Batuvia h-r.lion, Tegnl /'ecaJiatid I ibaya I Mar
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    • 635 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Nil NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial German Mail Line. The fa?t and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen-Hamburg via Rotterdam. Antwerp, 8 mlhampton, Gibraltar, Qenoa, Na Ipb, Port e»aid, Suez A^en, .'olom o, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shangh ;i, Nagasaki, and Kobe to Yokohama and back.
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    • 735 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES TAN KIM TIAN. Lines of Steamers For Batavia, Cheribon, Samarang F.vry Wednesday and Saturday. iml' '<cc, J.S'Hi tons, (apt. Ounlop v-. ci. mir s..nt', l,is-.» lawliagM* s.s. (iiiin-; Ann, 87-' Kollett s.s. /rteei.a, 1,470 Re MM For Kuala Pahanjj, Pekan, kwarrtan and Kemiman <> s. ¥V\.,. MH t
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    • 527 7 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL INSUKAfIUK COY. FIRE UWjt TOTAL INVESTED FUNDW EXCEED X12.000.000. THE tAß«rr- KWOBLD BOi \genU._ I HIHJi I FIXE I V.SOO 12,780 "rye Fiitid ,073,680 'criigned, Agents for the Comit* rl»ki iurj. r. AR«DM. or. urn us ibed.. Ji^oo,Olo. Amount paid up 6OOUOU. K«wtvs fond 1,160,000. Hun Or
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    • 70 8 . linger this heading tho following ulibrefliwllons are u«ed —str. —Rtuamer sh. ship bq —barque Kb. —schooner Yet yacht;Cru.-<'ruif>-r; Ght—Gunboat; Tor. —Torpedo; H.n. —Horfepowtr; Brit.—British U B.—United States; Fch. -French 9er—Germnn; Dut —Dutch; G c—GeneralSftrgo; d.p —deck passenger, U —Uncertain; T. P. W—Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T.PDTanjons Pagar Dock;
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    • 126 8 Eclip*., H. H. cruiser, second-class. 6,600 tons, 4AO crew. 11 guns, 9 HOD H.p. Captain Robert HS. Stokes 6th Feb From Hongkong. 81st Jan. Senior Naval Officer. Uncertain—Rds. Lucifer, Dut. light-house tender, 160 tons 36 crew, 360 H.p Capt Lotfns, 22nd Feb. From RaUvia, 14th Fet> Dutch Consul.
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    • 946 8 Arrivals sine* Noon of Yesterday. Amhrrtt, Brit. str. 13> tons, Capt Huntei 'th Mar. From TV Anson, 7tb Mar. Gc. and 61 d.p. Wee Bin A Co. For T. Anson, 11th-Rds. Far/alia, Ital. str. 147 tons, Capt Gaggino Bth Mar. From Malacca, 7ih Mar. G.c, and 14
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    • 590 8 Singapore, 9th March, 1904. PRODUCE. I Gambler buyers I 10.371 do (Cube No. 1) upieked 16.50 Copra Bali 8.10 do Pontlana l 7.60 Pepper, Black buyer* 28.66 do White, (5%> m 47.60 Sago Floor Sarawak 3.70 do Brunei No. I 355 Pearl Bago 5 -25 Coffee, Ball, 16% bails
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    • 110 8 MAILS CLOSE. "or r*r ttnxrrv- Tim* To-Morkow. Bangkok Bangkok 3«p.m. Malacca A P. Dickson Abhotiford S p.m. Malacca A P Dickson R*ntong 3 p.m H'bayaandSamaranß Van Diem en 4 p.m. FSIDAT. Bangkok Deli 3 p.m P. B'ham A T. Anson Hf* Leong 3 p.m Baogkok Medtua 4 p.m. Battbday. Sandakan
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    • 128 8 MAILS T O A RRIVE. From Europe— By the NDLu Hamburg doe on the 1 2th Mv, with date* to the 16th February. From Chin*-By tbeUM.M. Auttmlisn due on Monday. TIN! TABLE OF MAIL* IM'I Left Singapore Dae in London \rrived Jan 2Mh N. D. L. Feb 19th Feb 19th
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  • 146 8 I I I I 8 8 w V £BBl-1/8 NAMI. thko Rio. Tom* CaPTAI!! Fbom Sailbd 1 OofKoncKx I Mcßride Olpgg Ecgelhart Taylor Nacodah ■Forbes Hunter Angus Phillips Nai-o ah Borneo Coy. Ltd. P Simon» and (^o jßatz Brothers l.t.i >UaKgino and Co. Uiißii Hoe lit iIS. B'ship Coy.
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  • 133 8 DlTt.^ V*EBBKL'S "JTT Mitr Earoa Balfourt G. G. Meji'i Omapeie Bouy t^B Kfdang Wr.nkH 9 i Tiharttrhouso U Kistnu 0 Zamania 10 Ban LiotiK 9 Far f alia 10 Brouwer 9 Belangor via Prnanp tin Holla*. Flag <fc Rig. Ton. IIKBTINATIOK Brit sir. Z6M Dut Btr. 441 Km sir.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 344 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS AND SILE MERCHANTS, No. 51 52, High Street. Have ■a»«ckee' m fresh aussl ateok *t feeds. Indian. Chinese, and Japanese Washing Silks, Silverware, Old Chinese embroidery, Chinese Omss Cloth frem Swa ow, Hand Drawn-Thread Work, Indian Carpets, Assam Silks, Maltese Silk la<y ta Colors,
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    • 521 8 A- LARG-E <Sc CHOICE SELE I I iH Silk Sash Ribbons We have alw^ ys in ,*W stock one of the largest Width from 5} to 61 inches selections of Suitable for Childrens' Sarbes. yVMO^BHSM aIS^MT^O CA M f^M CAC LJ Ladies' Scarfs or for Trimming /J^Y VSBnW IMII LJ
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 31 8 WEATHER TELEQRA*. (S. E. A. O. TtUgrapk Company. Bth Much. HONORONQ.— Barometer 99M. Direction of Wind E»»t. Force of Wind S. Mnx.Temp in Bh*de PS MANILA:— 76O. H.E 4. 31. 26
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