The Straits Times, 7 March 1904

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. ai,377 SINGAPORE, MONDAY. MARCH 7, 1904 PRICE 15 CENTS
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  • 1328 1 Graphic Account of the First Engagement. The only really graphic account of the Int Ifhl iit Port Arthur is that furnish- 1 i>d by the special correspondent of the Hew link He 1 old, who was eye witness of the engagement, and wired an, aooout from
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  • 58 1 THE following piiwtMijjrM arrived here thin morning )>y the German mail xtamer Se^dlitz. From Yokohama Mr. Kattoamall, Mr. Kendo. From Kobe Miss Hancock. From Nnuanaki- Mr Kailoya. From Shanghai Mr. 8. Hankin, Mr. Krauae. From Hongkong—Mr M. Phillip*. «'apt. Donajowski, Mr. R. Krinhna, Mr. T. Q.
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  • 38 1 It is stated in the last home paper? to hand that the ex Chilian battleships Triumph and Su-i/tsure were beine pushed forward as rapidly as possible and would be commissioned for China as soon as they were ready.
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  • 61 1 On Saturday a 14 carat gold watch was presented by Mr. \V. H. Ilia in well, chief wharfinger, to Awanp, cerang of the tug Bangkok, and a second prize of $10 to Medan, serariß of the tug Mercury fur having the best kept tues in the T. P. D Co.
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  • 54 1 Snt Join Aadmoa, KCMO, 'he newly appoint^ Qovenx rof the S'rnits SetiltMiiriit!', has been elected a fellow of the >: 'v;ii Institute. A num'iHr <>f His Kzcellency's contemporariea had decided to entertain him at a banquet before his departure for Sirp-ipore. Sir John is due here by the P.
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  • 60 1 YEtTf rday wan a pala day in JohoreThe annual chinxay of the Mucao, Teochrw and Uylam rlaus took place and a large number of Chinese sightseers from Singapore went over by train. All the trains were packed with Chinese yesterday, and the railway department must have done good basinets. To-night
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1160 1 CLAYMORE WHISKY. POWELL ROBINSON. Sol* Ar»m», Sl«i.p»r. and Ft4«r«U<; Malay SUt««. AUCTION SALES. OCTION B\LE of N I W HOOTS and SHOKS i.y DAWHON A 8ON8: HANDKEKOHIJ-.FB, MUCKS, ami STOCKINGS, etc, eV(At our *al room) Tuesday, Bth March, at 11 am. POWELL A CO., Vncttoneers Mar. 7 3 AUCTION SALE
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    • 629 1 i LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS |3» OVOTjTXr SIX PERFORMANCES Monday to Saturday. BOTH INCLUSIVE 411 t TICK'S MOW l\»l%\ IK< I > Daily New Programme with Best, Choice and Select Items NK-ikkat "inch rtniucpl to HM the pal. lie at Urge. BOX HO, n. 51, SO eta. sad 30ct>. ler Bathes Onl,
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    • 392 1 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS CITY OF MANILA OFFk KOt THEMUNICH'ALBOARD SECRETARYb OFFICE. OB LEI) proposals will be rceivnlat ij tbis office until U o'clock noou of the first day of June, IHo4,forthe construction of the buperbtrutture for a lift bridge over the Btnonrio canal in the city of Manila, in at:
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  • 349 2 Berlin to Cologne in 3 j Hours. To the Engineering Mitga.ii,- Dr. Alfred Grkdenitz contributes a v-ry valuable article on high speed electric railway trials, dealing especially with the Mariei.felde-Zifsen experiments. In 1902 a speed of 130 kilomettei par hour was reached, but this a surpassed in
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  • 315 2 Canker and Crop. The Ceylon Planters' Association baa issued its annual report tor ti ending on the 17th ult. As ragank rubber the report says that this continues to receive increasing attention A large acreage has been planted up during the past >cur, some in the low
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  • 106 2 Dubino the time Mr J It Innes has held the appointment of Deputy Public Prosecutor, he has instituted imtai which has bpen far reaching in its effects on criminals. His departure to 'he F.M States is expected,interfere much with the success of this system. The
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 450 2 NOTICES. ~m BRITISH n LAGER BEER H ft BREWED AND BOTTLED BY 1 IND COOPE Co., |i Burton-on-Trcnt. THIS BEER IS BREWED FROM IMM PURE MALT HOPS 6 doz. pints or doz. quarts ||bJ $15 per case. 1^ OF ALL DEALERS. IMPORTED 15V THE sjn^jpr BORNEO Co., Ltd. FODEN'S STEAM
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    • 363 2 NOTICES. ikIARTIN'S y^av ai^»yas« EaW V V C 9 aVlferLadies.l rm. aWaWjaS Praoeh banih .11 Irrafslamiaa Tlna»a> Vki -p lot ol M.n m p.1.-a m th. kou^v ao th.t oa la. »R.i ot .or lrc^u,»rilir f If* »>*«■» a l4in«l» aoa. a->| \niT enormoua a»l* -|i V •riinlllinii iiiinnlfinl* ■ABTIM.
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    • 558 2 I NOTICES. MAINTAINS THE lIIGIIE-T REPUTATION XVI HYWIIKRE. BUILD UP and P3ESEBVE YOUR HEALTH and' Fortify the System against Disease vUh. (tataMMh** slno* 1«M.» mMM O« rUMO tXTIUmr > I>M We cannot opnik HSBVB^Fa>llf^aWa^B|VMa^Bl'*JU K> *^L 100 aifhly uf :t BrS>» I H^BPaSV 1 I BBV BV tLW S *^M
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    • 130 2 Shipping advertisements,, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on page 7 General shipping news is printed on P»eo8 Sick Babies in Summer. IT if> during tho w rm months of Rummer that mother* have to bo m >st c-ui-ful of their little ones, and at t">* first unuxunl
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  • 267 3 in Porto Rico and Colombia. Thk cufTee planters of Porto Rico do not, it is said, make the best of their opportunities. The present average yit-M of cuflee in Porto Rico is only 2001 b. per acre, whereas with proper cultural methods there is no doubt that the yield
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  • 253 3 Bom excitement was caused in Bangkok the other day by an elephant killing its keeper. The animal belongs to Chao Phya Devesr, and is about twenty yparsold. It was known to be in a somewhat dangerous condition, acd it was takon out on the road in
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  • 184 3 SANDAKAN' S ADVANTAGES. Sandaka.n is likely to draw much traffic truin tbe Southern Philippines. It has tbe advantage of a patent slipway constructed by Mr. Darby, the Manager of tbe China-Borneo Company. Another attraction arises from the fact that Mr K. W. Birch, when Governor of the Territory, had the
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  • 32 3 Thk Government here has made known that Police Constables on dut> have been instructed to fee that orders for the prevention of obstruction to free epress from theatres are duly observed here.
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  • 75 3 Wk lu'ir that the Klang (iymkhana Club intend holding the<r raaeting some time in May. The ponies for the (iymkli ma are reported to be a useful lot and in good condition. Two of them have arrived in Kuala Lumpur to be trained. Their proud owner stateH they appear to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 81 3 Triumph of Modern Surgery. BY applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which is antiseptic, to wounds, bruises, and like injuries before inflammation bets in, they may be healed without maturation in one-third of tbe time required by the old treatment. It also allays the pain and soreness. Keep a bottle of ChamlmrlaibV
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    • 844 3 NOTICES. Slnuapork Sporting Club Programme for the Spring Race Meeting. 1904. May 24th, 26th, 28th. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, Htb. May. 1. THE MAIDEN PL TE.- Value *wm. A Race for Maiden Hors*-s and horses that have run s Roadster*, Sul>«criplion Ciritfin* and in Khckh confined t. hor-es im or sd
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    • 424 3 NOTICES. for either of tbe following series of Races, Frbb: f Series No. 1 First Day— Race No. 7 B«vond Day— Race No. 7 Third Day— Race No. r> Series No. Fir-t Day- Kace F«. 0 Second T"»ay— Race No. 1 Third Day— Race No. 6 Any ovn<" wi'-bing to
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    • 504 3 NOTICES. WANTED, by tbe Johore Government an apothecary for the Johore Civil Hospital. Apply stating qualifications to PRINCIPAL MEDICAL OFTIOKR, v.c Johore. WANTED. AN experienced import storHkeeper, who can give secur ty. Apply to HANDELBVERERNIGINO, AMSTERDAM Mar 4 7» WANTED. A good draftsman »nd tracer, one with a knowledge of
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    • 648 3 NOTICES. /COMFORTABLE rooms to be let at \j Eber House." Eber Road. v.c TO BE LET: entry at one« compound bou'e No. U2 Rencoolen Street. Apply to Guthrie .V Co. Ltd., Agents. Fob 4 ue. rBB LET: offices on tbe second floor No. 7 Battery Road. Immediite entry. Apply to
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    • 595 3 SHIPPINO HORDDfiUTSGpR LLOYD, FOR EUROPE. 'PHE Imperial German mail steamer I SBYDUTZ, 7,900 tons, Captain Dt-wers, left Hongkong on Wednesday, the tad inst., at noon, and may be expected to arrive here on Sunday the fltb inst. it alK>ut 6 p.m. She will probabl bp despatched for Europe on Monday
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  • 26 4 ankkskn.— On the fth Feb., 1904, at 4, Paiiconoeni- villas, ('heltenhain, LIKUT.-GtNL. Imnai.d i m i-nh i.i. Vanbknkm, late Koya] Artillery (retired), aged 81 years.
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  • 412 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. MONDAY, 7th MARCH. HaVM fur the alleged retirement of Kut>sia from the coast, there is nothing in to-day's despatches that throws much light on the situation in the Xortn. The reported decision of the Czar's representatives to abandon the c.iast seems, however, to more
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  • 762 4 Bailiffs are occasionally, in the course of their professional duties, thrown into the society of persons belonging to social spheres quite alien* to their own. Seldom, however, have these myrmidons of the sheriff been entrusted with a writ of fieri facias against a real live emperor. More rarely still have
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  • 639 4 Profitless as it is to try to overtake a lie when it lias once got a long start of the truth, no opportunity should be lost to nail down a false report, when such can be done to the public advantage. From Shanghai, that home of newspaper bundero," as lies
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  • 217 4 Thb British North Borneo OficiiU Gazette, dated Feb. ls», arrived by today's mail— thirty six days after presumable date of publication. We do not think that this extraordinary delay ein be entirely due to the postal arrangements as d.-vi*.- 1 and carried out under the administration of the Chartered Company.
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  • 193 4 Bkecth for Feb. 10th, which came to hand by the English mail, reproduces a portrait which it claims to be The Last Photograph Taken of the Late Sir Harry Kappel." The picture, it is interesting to observe, is souvenir of Singapore, and represents the Admiral seated on a rattan chair
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  • 7 4 To-day's 4/m bank rate is 1/1 ljj.
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  • 9 4 H.M.S. Eclipse went out this morning for gun practice.
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  • 13 4 A ten storey hotel in New York has just collapsed, burying forty workmen.
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  • 13 4 H. M. S. Eclipse went outside early this morning, presumably for gun practice.
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  • 13 4 Bible Sunday will be observed in the Johore Presbyterian Church on March 13th.
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  • 18 4 The Ladies of Penang gave a successful leap year dance at the Penang Club on the 29th Feb.
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  • Special Telegrams to the "Straits Times."
    • 52 4 VLADIVOSTOCK BOMBARDED. APPARENTLY NO CASUALTIES ON EITHER SIDE. London, 7th March. A Japanese squadron consisting of five battleships and two cruisers commenced a furious bombardment of Vladivostock at one o'clock yesterday afternoon. The attack lasted for 55 minutes in which time 160 shells were fired The Japanese suffered
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    • 43 4 Shanghai, sth M'irrh. The Japanese transports have ceased landing troops at Chemulpo, and are now taking them further north to Chenampo, on the Pingyang Inlet, which has now become the centre for debarkation. [Received too late for publication oa Saturday.]
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    • 46 4 Paris, sth Mirrh. It is reported that the Japain-st- K.eet has not been Been in the vicinity of Port Arthur since Feb 25tb, and despite reconnaissances by the Russian warship*, it has remained out of fight. [Received too late for publication on Saturday].
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  • Reuter's Extra Service.
    • 69 4 RUSSIANS FALLING BACK. DECIDE TO ABANDON DEFENCE OF THE COAST. London, tJth Mireh. Owing to the impossibility of defending the coast until the thaw ««t« in, the Russians are p.eparing to retire their forcae on the main Railway and depend upon an engagement- "TrTrSfi^" to arrest thf Japanese
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    • 26 4 London, Oth March. Router's correspondent at A len reports that the now Mullah of the Ojjaden tribe has hoisted the standard of revolt.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 46 4 London, r >th March It is reported from Port Said that the squadron of Admiral Virennius sails to-day for Cadiz The squadron is to remain cruising about the Mediteranean, where it is to be joined by the Baltic fleet in June.
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    • 38 4 The torpedo destroyers are in a deplorable state, and will remain at Port Said for repairs. The cruiser Dmitri Oounkoi in also in a pitiable condition. The whole squadron shows lack of efficiency.
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  • 142 4 Ijvndon, ~lh March,. The death is announced of Count von Walderaee, the commander of the Allied troops in China in 1900. VLADIVOSTOCK BOMBARDED. Firing; at 5 miles Ranee. A St. Petersbnwr, telegram from Vladivostock says that a bombardment of that town occurred at l.L'~> on the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 729 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. A WORD TO THE WISE Who appreciate good provisions. Come and see our stocks or send for our price list, you will then understand our supremacy. Its a tale of Superior Qualities, Matchless Variety, and Money Saving Opportunities, that to a careful buyer, will prove a revelation of
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    • 47 4 SMOKE FRONTIER. MIXTURE Macartnkv Mum On the 6th February, at St. > hilips Church, Nurbury, London, S.W., by the Key. J. H. Oiukmer, AMHEhST Macartnkv, of the Ka»t«rn Extension Tele-Vr.-l|ili C.Mlipanv, to KoBERTA SKATON MUIK. y.uii-_.-t .1 m^'liNT <>f the late It. S. Mum, of Lockerl i.-. Nil.
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    • 10 4 Exchange and share >| notations will bo found on page 8.
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  • 730 5 Judges Disagreed. In lli« Court of appeal to day -Urn Chit I J'l 'ice, Sir LiuDal Coj und Mr. j Jubiice Ltw on the beiuh jidgmentj whp delivered in the appeal by Kbenezer againet Joint Little Co i TIMWMii Kill known in Singapore] and the grounds of
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  • 63 5 Championship Final Mr* WaddeM Mrs. '(iansloser 6 4,6-1. HIM Qua and Mr. Braddell beat Mi*a I. Gunn an.l Mr. Itradbery. 6-0, 6-4. Final Results. Ladies si.vm.ks. Hks M. A brain*. i. ant ikiutiLKK. The .\ii«xe» liiinn. Mixkd Doubles— A. Class. Kn. \V...Mcll hii.l Mr.
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  • 138 5 The following notifications appear in the British North Borneo Gazette of the Ist Feb. Supernumerary Wing Officer Mr W. Woodyear Smith, 2nd lieutenant, to be wing officer with the rank of lieutenant vice wing officer Mr. A. B. C. Francis. Mr. R M. Anthony to be inspector of
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  • 443 5 RILEY HARGREAVES CO. LTD. The ar.nual meeting of Mesets Riley Hargreaveedt (Jo. Ltd. took place at noon on Saiurday iMr. fciandert-on wiib in the chair and there were aim pre.-r-ni Mnstr?. E:!i~, KmUm. and Allinaon (director*), Dryadalr, D. Miller, Kdlin, Uoldie, and T 0. B. Miller, Bee (tbar*bold«w) The Directors'
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  • 161 5 The London Timet reports on the loth uk. that the Bingo Maru, one of the 12 large steamers engaged in the Japan-European trade, and one of the two which had to be pecounted for, arrived in the Thames, and in due course entered the Royal
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  • 178 5 Early yesterday morning, the Singapore Volunteer Artillery took out their new battery of 10 pr. b. 1. guns to Tanjong Katong for practice. The guns were slung into tongkangs at Johnston's Pier, and the gunners went with them. AtTanjongKatongthegunswerehoisted on the pier, mounted, and a position
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  • 88 5 To-day the British and Foreign Bible Society completes the hundredth anniversary of its existence. The event was celebrated in churches throughout world yesterday, the day being styled Bible Sunday." Appropriate summons were preached in the various places of worship in Singapore, and collections were
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  • 476 5 (By Exchange Wires.) The Russian advance on the Yalu °rom the bases at Liao Yanjj and Hai Dheng are along the lines of the Korean uhways converging at Antung. The n;iin column advancing Liao Yi\t\n is supported by two 'army corps I crating as a right and left
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  • 275 5 Chatre's Indian Circus mis decided to stay another week in Singapore. The prices of admission hi been reduced and the show should r.nnue to draw good houses. A new wpiHH is announced. Last night Professor Chatre was entertained at a party given by Mr. Nagardas Purshotambas on behalf
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  • 87 5 Gbnkbal Kuropatkin, the commander of the Russian Army in the Far Bast, was a personal friend of the great Skobeleff, with whom he served in the Russo-Turkißh war and the TekkeTurcoman campaign. He is preeminently a man and a soldier of the Pkobeleff type, and personifies the ideas
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  • 229 5 The Gymkhana which i* to be held at the Racecourse on Saturday, April 9th, promises to be a success. The committee are Mr. C. Sugden (President), Capt. W. Cortlandt Anderson, B N. Bnchan, D 8.0., C.B. Crane, H. S. McArthur (Hon. Treasurer), and Capt. C R. Molynoux
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  • 95 5 In the case previously reported of four Chinamen who were tried on a charge of gang robbery, the jury found accused guilty. Mr. Justice Hyndman Jones sentenced one prisoner to 10 years' imprisonment the second 12 years' imprisonment with three years' police supervision, and the third and fourth
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  • 285 5 This morning a Chinaman was fined 320 for being in possession of illicit ctiandu. I Judgment was given by Mr Setb on Skt urday in a case of causing hurt on Hoard thef. s. Ertctria in the harbour. A rjreman named Monses was charged with Shooting at and
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  • 11 5 The homeward mail by the Seydlilz closes at 6 p.m. to-day.
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  • 20 5 Thk Football League Match at Pulo Brani on Saturday, R. E. v. Rangers, ended in a draw, one goal each.
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  • 24 5 The S. V. A. Rifle Club put in their first shoot at Ballestier range on Saturday. Corporal F. H. Darke won the silver spoon.
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  • 18 5 Thk British steamer Hindu arrived from Rangoon yesterday with a cargo of rice for Japan. She leaves to-day.
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  • 21 5 Thk Town and Volunteer Band will play on the High Service Reservoir to-morrow afternoon from S to 6 p.m. (weather permitting).
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  • 27 5 Db. Freer, Colonial Surgeon Resident at Penang, was recently one of the successful candidates for the diploma of public health of the Royal College of Surgeons, London.
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  • 24 5 The Hamburg-American steamer Kiautsthou, 9 10.880 tons, which has been acquired by the Norddeutscher Lloyd, will in future be known as the Prvnzets Alice.
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  • 26 5 Thk ladies' sewing meeting in connection with the Presbyterian Church will be held on Tuesday afternoon at 4.30 at Abbottsford, 1 the residence of Mrs. Waddell.
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  • 30 5 The military authorities at Colombo are bestirring themselves All stores and equipments and the organisation which would be necessary in war time have been put to thorough and practical tests.
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  • 293 5 The New Agreement. The Japanese and Korean Governments have concluded a new protocol under date the 23rd February, the text of which as published by the Japanese Cousul ;it llongkong runs as follows Art. I. For the purpose of maintaining a permanent and solid friendship between Japan
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  • 372 5 The Yalu River plays an important strategic part in the Campaign. That stream is so situated that it may be termed the key to Port Arthur. The Yalu is the dividing line between Korea and Manchuria on the north-west frontier It is navigable by native craft as far
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  • 376 5 News received from the Thibet MitwioD xtiites that ample unpplies have now beeD stored at Tlmna (amp. The Pimtttr, however, point" ont thai M lon^r ax the Lamas who meet our accredited Commisoioner persiat in arguing that England i» a Hinall vaK»al State of China and show that
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  • 42 5 Mu. J.J. I'HiLUPi of Ipoh. I'erak, in working up schema to secure about 170 square miles of Umber forest near that town. It is proposed, should a company for the purpose be floated, to set to work with up-to-date methods and appliances.
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  • 69 5 A WWII match was played on the Esplanade on Saturday afternoon between the S. C. C. and a "Ceylon" eleven. Singapore batted first and knocked up 164 run« for 7 wickets, to whioh Carver contributed 46 not out. The Ceylon representatives scored 55 runs for similar number of wickets, the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 222 5 NOTICES. Wayang Kassim. THE [ndra Zanibar Royal Theatrical Co. of Singapore WILL $T»OE To-Night, Monday, 7th March ft\ The ITorth Bridge s oa^ Theatre pall A. Comical aud Laughable Drama Sri Mendawan Khairani, The Funniest Performance ofi ts kind. Don't miiis this Interesting and Langhalile Piece. Curtain at 9 p.m.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 114 5 DAY BY DAY Monday 7th M.irch. High Water. 1.19 a.m. p. t». S V.A. Carbine and Squad Drill, i. 15. S.V.I. Hecruitu Diill. 5.15. Wayang Kasaim. North Rridge Road. Tuesday, Bth March. High Water. -J.B a.m. i~, f.m. Land Sal.-. I'owell. '-'.30. Sundnen Sale. I'owell. 11. Municipal Kleetion. Philharmonic Choir.
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  • 254 6 CoN9KyuKvr on Mr. R. G. Watson's promotion, Mr A L. Ingall, the Senior HAgistratt), Selangor and Negri Sembilan, hue heen appointed Senior Magistrate, Piruk, and will take up bis duties as soon as he is rel eved by Mr. Ebden, thi Diatriot Officer, Larut, Krian and
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  • 625 6 P. O. I'er liiiilaarat ISth March Mr. 11. A. Morrison, Mr. and Mi- Ward. Mr*. Hunter and family, Mr. J. Mitchell, Mi.h Raldwii, Mi. Ifwmgk lVr BsraM Jtith Mar. h Mr^. Miller, Mr-. Lswefl child asd infant, MiCowan, Mr». Wethtri<|>oon, Key. »nd Mrc. Hainex, Mm lwilton. Mr.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 122 6 Sore Muse es. f IMIK ton. it of iniiinieiit sore muscle* 1 ka rrry simpla. First take a gooci warm bath before pr-ituc to bed, and be buiv to rul> yowl If dry. This opens the pores. Then rub Chiimberlttin's Pain Balm into the port 8, keeping up h brisk
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    • 359 6 NOTICES !1 f C |\|f^'^s HEALTH GIVING, COOLING, I REFRESHING, AND INVIGORATING. SJ\L^T SOLD BY CHEMISTS. 4c. BVERVWHBRB. I¥T J I Maa\a«r7li fIT I I *i jB A delicious beverage and tonic made from choice wines, Liehig's Extract of Meat, and Extract of Malt. Over 6,000 Testimonials received from the
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    • 525 6 NOTICES. MOTOR CARS. I Have Specially Selected M& iH PARC. Steam and Petrol jfE invite inspection at their Works. <jeam Trials given to Intending y^f. "t^ Purchasers. PLXLE"Y HARG-REAVES <Sc do., Ltdi Feb. 13 Singapore and Kranji Railway. From January 4th, 1904, and until further notice. Train Service for Week
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 683 7 BUCHANAN'S WHISKY Sold everywhere. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penan*, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Thnnirh Bills of Liding issued for OhiM o)**t, Persian Gulf, Continental, and tMritM Ports. Mall Line. Ouluards. Simla Mar. Thusan Apl. 17 Bengal Mar. 20
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    • 1157 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. j Koninklijke Paketvaart MaatschappiJ. I bo«S ii ntract w.ith the >«-tLeilacds India Oovercrren*. i a! Singapcr*'. B»n /cisct, uu J. liiMkit A Co., S-S Coiit»(JTaT. .tp .indermentioned date* are only approximate. rrona ill he Dmratohed for-.— Pontianak Mar J Pontianak Mar 8 Kruuw r "<-li 1 >• Bh,
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    • 622 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.D.L NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial German Mail Line. The fast and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen-Hamburg via Rjtt<<rdr\m. Antwerp, Southampton, Gibral'ar, Gcnon. Na iles. Port riaid, Huez, A en, Colom >v, Penang, Singapore. Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to Yokohama and back. They
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    • 676 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES TAN KIM TIAN. Lines of Steamers For Batavia, Chetibon, Samarang Every Wednesday and Saturday•b.b. Giini: Hee, '2,3 m ton*, Capt. Dnnlop < >t;m^r Senjf, 1,1X2 Kawlin_'-on n.B. Hianj.' Ann, 179 MM s.s. ZweeiiH, 1,47n Nesbitl For Kuala Pahang, Pekan, Kwantan and Kemaman Hat*, M tun-., dipt. Wilixm. 'Kleclric
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    • 570 7 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL IKSUUANCK VOY~T FIRE LIFE TOTAL INVKSTKD FUNDS EXCEED THB LABG£9T FIBB OfFJCK IF Ti'K WrBLD BOUHTF.AI: <V \t;ont». rpHE LOSDOI AM) J &HCABBIU 1 FIRE INSURANCE OOMPAJMT. Capitoi i'.,:i7,«00 Paid up Capita! Rosßrvo Fund i. ,01''undersigned, Agecu fer Urn Company, are prepared to accept f r<.urrvnt rate*
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    • 1661 8 Da M this heading the following rtbbro»tHtionp are used str— steamer sh.— •"lip l<i —barque sch. schooner Yet. lfacht;Cru.— Cruisnr; Qbt. liurfboat; Tor. —Torpedo; H.p.— Horse-powor; Brit. British U. B.— United States Fith. -French r 4ir -man; Put. Dutch; (t c—Generaltart,o: d.p. deck passenger; U I I
      1,661 words
    • 681 8 'lame, port, probable date of arrivml and namr nl agenii A'-hillo- Liverpool. Mir 29: Mansfield. Ajax. China. Mar 25; Mvn-fiekl Ai'HtigH H'koag, mid. Mar; Belin Meyer. al ->in. Bombay. Apl; Borneo Coy. Alu ii: Hatavia, Mar 17; Daendela. Annam, Colombo, Mar 28; M. Mtritimei Antenor, Liverpool. Mar IS;
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    • 590 8 SixoArou, 7th Mari-ii, 1904. ■NAMES. Belat Tin Mine $10.00. B"e»w»hUold Mint ($7.50pd)»16.50. Branch Tin Mine $826. *?r— er ANmm Ufl?i .SM.l^.t-Jf.'.lpw a^ong Shanghoi Bank 1645. Howarth Er«kin», Lt. $205.00, buyer*. •Jelebos (in liquidation) 20 et». Kadana (tolly paid) $10.tu, nomm i do ($7 paid) $7.00, norniual. N'nal Bank of
      590 words
    • 114 8 hor Per it tamer Time. To-Mokrow. 'JoronUla via port* Tat Chimr 7 a.m. Sadong I Aunimlmd 7 a.m. Sarawak' R. of Sarawak 1 p m. Swato* nnil Amoy ITimg Her I p.m. Fremnntle via ports Vhnron p.m. Rangoon A.Cnlcntta T'etta 3 p.m. P. 8wet'ham\via ports H. Hin Gunn
      114 words
    • 137 8 From E jrope— By the N D L s.s. Hamburg i due on tbe 1 Jtli Mar with dates to the 16th February From China— By tho P AO. 5.3. Ballaarat I due on Thursday. Lift SrfffJ,?.->fB tfmf A tTOu'ftn trnveTT lan 25th K. D L feb
      137 words
    • 445 8 rLAu <; I V>mbi.'s Nam* Tom Taptais I FaoK Bailu> Coihighiu. Rig. Ma> 6 Sri Wongsoe Dat str 92 N'»iod;ili Muar Mar 41 Feck Shm^ 5 Ban Seng Guan rit »tr i 49* Lyons ftaugkok Mnr I 'Ban Seng ft R.-dang «tr 299 :V*n Dears Hanijkok Feb 27 Ka»t
      445 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 62 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS AITD SILK MERCHANTS, No. 51 52, High] Street. llavf imparked n freMh and lim- stork of good*. Indian, Chinese, and Japanese Washing Silks, Silverware, Old Chinese Embroidery, Chinese Qrass Cloth from Swatow, Hand Drawn-Thread Work, Indian Carpets, Assam Silks. Maltese Silk lace In Colors,
      62 words
    • 495 8 A- XjAJEtQ-IE &c CHOICE SELEC PIQN" The "Motor" Satin p, Tlie <PiIol; Silk Prioea 15.25, 35, J^l-^^k^^. r Prloea 15,20,30, Silk Sasli Ribbons We have always in *W stock one of the largest Width Irom .".j to 6] inches. > f- uitable for Children*' Sashee y- \^A&- 'OTiV -./> aT
      495 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 30 8 ffEATHEft ffkfMft I K. I A. C. tdfimfk <!<>m, (■th Makth HOSUKONG.Barometer S.)i»i Direction of Wind i.E.NK Force of Wiorjf. I. Max. Temp in 9bale '•< MANILA:— 76I. W 1. 29
      30 words

  • 195 9 tl i nipt to lliT^viewthe Home Secretary, -Mr M .it hews: hut whil= the former were perforce received, he silently refused the latter. Mass meetings took place— r.otablv one in the great, hall of the Cannon st. Hotel, which in later years has seen stormy gatherings of quite a (linVi.nt
    195 words
  • 345 9 The statistics for January show an increase of about 2,850 tons as compared with lait month, and about 640 tons as comparec with last year. Shipments from the Straits were heavy, say 5,u00 tons, and it 'S supposed that the quantity comprises a portion of the tin
    345 words
  • 151 9 For Singapore. Fer P. A O. 8. Mongolia, conn ctiog with the steamer Simla at Colombo, from Londo Feb. 6, due tith Mtrch— Cant., Mrs. Miss Hope, Miss Gage Brown, Mi*s K Taylor. Dr. and Mr». Freer, Mr A. Mo<r. Mr. Hirvin, Lieut.-t ol. Poanefatber. Sir Percy
    151 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 121 9 Go M Importers. J e^fey I *E* J^^ J -cJ^^^*' AND CoDfeetionery. uu J^* i^^' First Established 1895. Singapore, 1 Stamford Road. Under th., njuuh.d Palr*n« (> of H. E. Sir Frank Swettenham, late Governor of the Straits Settlements. Every Saturday Berliner Pfanakuchen. a very Wednesday Choux a la
      121 words
    • 395 9 i^*^^"^ I j GIRDERS JSPfe* STANCHEONS w^ife^ ROOFTRUSSES -^•»a«PP- Ornamental Cast Iron Columns RAILINGS, Etc., Etc., Etc. Most Extensive and up-to-date Yards and Machine shops. Stores and Godowns Containing tkt Greatest Variety of Ship's Requirements, Mining aad Mill Tools, and Accessories, Pumps, Valves, Piping, etc. Rolled Steel joists, Angles, Tees,
      395 words

  • 678 10 in waiting, and in thistheywer^^WP to the London and North-Western terminus at Euston. From here they travelled to a private home some little distance from the metropolis, where arrangements had been made for Mrs Maybrick's reception. At this institution, which is a wellknown one, she will remain for a short
    678 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 395 10 p. aTon^*r^P^*MBJB^B^M accrued interest fcr^r^Honll^'WewBH •mount to $6, no interest will be allowed ON FIXED' DEPOSITS. For 13 monthi 4 per cent, per annum. For 6 months S| per cent, por annum. For I month* 8 per cent, per annum J. W. VAN DK 8TADT, Agent TlfpKBIAL BANK OF H
      395 words
    • 225 10 KS AU3TRA LI^W^^^WH^B INCORPORATED UT ROTA! CHARTER. OAFITAL fi«0O.'JUu RE8EKVF MABrLITY nf PROPBIKTOBfl £*»,<*«. RKPEKVE FUNO £73S,00u. /•R4»« or Evolawu. [u*r. .'-itririN )Na:io%al Bins or 8.-vi dAN 5 Thb Lonaoii Oitt ft M£0L.uri V. Bavk, Ltd. SUrOAPOKX B&AKOH. /HORRENT Account* are opened and in \j terett allowed at 1 per
      225 words
    • 686 10 sjjkz, bombay^atoH^^B colombo, madras, penang, bangkok, hongkong, shanghai, yokohama, batavia, 3ourabaya, and balik pappa!> (E. BORNEO.) Prire* on application. SYME CO m. w i L u THE TANJONQ PAGAlT DOCK COMPANY, LTD. shipwrights, Ekgiiubbs, Iron lsd Bbix Fouhdbbs, Whartihoxxs, 4a This Company execute Ship and Marini Engine Repairs of all
      686 words
    • 102 10 H i^^n t iifwuiiMi i *J3m <^3 "«■«*<«• Jtrwl ft I 59 i^t^ loadon. Oec Jl (SO?. ■J-'ij I /^9J >M> m< »l Cireful iHJf£ \)M •<nhrii» of iht Soda Water V^BB ■ClL Fr r N Lid. and find j^Q Hlo be exceedingly pure. «bso 'i*^ BMf lutelffree from Lead.
      102 words
    • 162 10 The above packed in kejts of Prom 20 to 30 pounds at same price: Keg and packing, extra 11.75. Alexandra Brickworks Co., JLd BRICKS FIREBRICKS. The Alexandra Brickworks Co., L*< is prepared to book orders for Comrnoi Bricks at $150 per laksa. Firebricks, Fireclay, Arch firebricks. Boil* ■eating, and Fine
      162 words