The Straits Times, 5 March 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. Ji,37<> SINGAPOKE, SATURDAY, MARCH 5, 1904- PRICE 15 CERTS
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  • 1087 1 Libnal Allowance lor Development Work. 'I'iik >: i'>- IliuiLX' t f<H ;he current yem -Im>»> Kevciiii" «445,1vf-' CißSiiiltten -a.-i»,»7-' at against 1434,9*4 and *74 1,806, respectively, estimated foi iao:i, bfing uf 910,728 under revenue and Si'i ti-i wnW < xuenditura. The principal item at estimated reoeipti i'
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  • 300 1 THE WHO'S WHO OF THE F. M S. What may h« described as the offici il Who's Who v of the' Federated M.ilay Mates has just been published. It is not a very bulky volume, being issued after the fashion of a blue-book Of course that may seem 'he height
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  • 108 1 With the sanction of the umoer Administering Hie Cloverninpnt, the name of Hnitan Co. Lirtiiteil Isas tx H .lianged to Hugan Co (Old Company) Limited. Mr. K S. Ali Coh-rrT of I'asir Panj'aiip, has betn authorioed to tile (specification of a invention for "improvements relating to insulating m«te'iare
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  • 317 1 6th March. St. Wpkkw's ('ATHKI»r.\L— 7 a.m. Matim and Litany 7-4.5 a. in. Holy ('..iiiinnnion (I'hornl) and S. rnion. 911 I in. I'oininiinion (Mna Vlwral); 4| ClnMren'ii S.-i v j, an. l Mbjesi •'> ilp am Kven^ong ami Sermon. (I'reaiher, Ibe liishoj. of Singapme ami Shr^wak, on
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 215 1 LuKNt WHl&lxY. POWELL ROBINSON. SoU At»ntt. SI»r«P«r» »»d P»d«r«t€<! M.l.ji Slim, u\rBST AOVERTISEMENTS. fu XX LKT, furn -In- 1 from the it of May: "Fernhill." Orance Grove K ad. Apply to 8. OEHR, 6 Malacca 8t pet. Ma fi TO BE LKT. HOUSE No. US-* Rae Course Road. Apply to
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    • 479 1 NOTICfcS. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICA'I ION. j TENDER^wiII be received at th* '\> l n- I ni il Secretary's ofice up to noon of •he 7th March, 1904, for tbd follOAin« L works (1) Supply and delivery at Pamlai Vil- la.«e or 306 cubes pf 4" Ittrite. (2) Supply and ere'tion of
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    • 504 1 NOTICES. Chatre's New Indian Circus. Daily 9 p.m. for this week only. Mi»M Antonitu, the fainou* I'hilipinn laily wire-walker, lUes Msfets i»i wire. Mi>» Awada the- Meal ilaiinn terfstaaf i" tli" MN ]>l;iy with Koyal Slmmkar, a h««« African I. inn. New. BEACH H.O-^l5 Com©, Novel. See, Interesting. (Opposite Raffles
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 166 1 •i)a> n\ i>a> Saturday, sth March. H in h Water 0.21 a.m. 0 34. p.m. S.»;.C. March Medal. S V.I. Field Ex.-rci.-e. s.lfi. S.V.K. Barrel Houains;. 3 30. P O. outward mail due. Wayung Kawim North Bridge Koad Variety E»t. Town Hall. 9. Sunday, 6th March High Water, t. 54
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  • 726 2 The importance <>f Sabang mainly rests upon the cheapness of coal there. The supply is largely drawn from mines at Orahilien on the West Coast of Sumatra. But the expense of transport runs so high that it if) hardly any cheaper th in English coal laid down at
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  • 162 2 Mow Prepared. The cloves of OOaUMfM an the uuiw paneled flower-buds of a genus of inyrtaceous plants named Cariopjjyllu.-. aroma tic\js. It is a handsome evergreen tire. a native of the island of Aml.ovna, l>ut largely grown m tin- Wot Imln All parts of the tree are arnnulir,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 159 2 To H.M. THE Kino. TOH.M.THEKINC. TollßHthe Prince of Wales. To H. R. H. The Prince of Wales. TO The House of Lords. TO THE House of Commons. Buchanan's Whisky IS Regularly Supplied. In buying Buchanan's Whiskies the Public are protected against overcharge by retailers as the selling price is arranged
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    • 63 2 APENTA" The Best Natural Aperient Water. For continuous use by the Bilious, Dyspeptic, Constipated, Gouty, and Obese. Ot mil Chemists ma* Druggist* THE AUCTION MART No. 2 D'Altneida Street. (In r»ar of Thf UfVMßtilc B.nk) H. L. COGHLAN Co., ia. ili. h. a.c. Licensed Auctioneers. "fTfujisaki, JAPANESE PHOTOGRAPHER. No. 381
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    • 490 2 INSURANCE COMPANIES. K<»YAL INMJKAM.'h H'> FIRE UWi rOTAL INVEBTED PONDS KXc ri!t lAKHIBT rißlOrriC!* IBTBKWOXM) BOUPTFAI' j* Or_, Agents. HI LONDON ANi» KKbliAtbi* KIKK INKUBAN* h 0OM)-A>> OMMaI i'-,i- 1 Capital t'. *'J.IHI twearve Foirt ,073 Agents tur me Un I pn.'piu 1 d to accept ftre ritki v runt
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    • 590 2 NOTICES. ITCHING HUMOURS SPEEDY CURE TREATMENT FOR EVERY HUMOUR. Bathe the affected parts with hot water and CUTICURA SOAP, to cleanse the skin and scalp of crusts and scales, and soften the thickened cuticle. Dry, without hard rubbing, and apply CUTICIJR X OINTMENT freely to allay itching:, irritation, and Inflammation,
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    • 21 2 Shipping advertisements,, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on page 7 General shipping news is printed on page 8.
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  • 350 3 A vvki.l known expert is at present in Ceyl ii inqairing into the possibilities el i i-lnnd as a pouree of supply for th.- rabber market. At present though the rabbet industry in Ceylon is i l< it is comparHtively small. La»l jreer <>t>ly about £9,000 worth of
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  • 243 3 Thi c are m uiy of us" who have In- E i*t a-ca!linL.', says the Atmdtmy, bat srho have not, been able to accept tlin invitation to visit the hr-distant lands of China, Korea and F >r us nnfoTtnnatoe, therefore, bo ki Ikivb to suliice, and
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  • 289 3 All Classes involved. Fames I. Pord paiata gloomy picture in Frank I. lit ■> Mmgatim of the extent of tin- gambling habit in 1 1 s;iys mr ',nf pabt ton years the gambling (ever been growing steadily in volume and intensity in all parts of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 477 3 NOTICES yat x- is M "Sanitas Disinfecting Fluid Itenetal t p*i »on 1; i- It conn I It t1"t 1 Um.*vl. '<. 1 irvenls Cholera, lyplMiJ lever, l)> „-,ncr>, «c. "Sanitas DtsinfecUrg Powder v the best air punfirr known, mt > MB antiseptic and dMdonyH than cvbi be>i<lc m^ MM
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    • 600 3 BANKS. H~ONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKTNG CORPORATION. ;tal< KEBKB "|..f10,<)00.00C OOOM Of HIBKCTOBS. A..'. Chairman.. 11. F. Tom Dkpitty Chaibmah. liou. C. W. DfODOX N. A. SIKBS, K«q. W. H. SI.ADK, K«q. A lUni-r V 'OMBB Ero. :i. ivbaj E. S. Whballkk,E«j. E. Sheli.o;, I MAKMII i Hohgkoho. -J. R.
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    • 690 3 NOTICES. WANTED, by the Jobore Government, an apothecary for the Johore Civil Hospital. Apply stating qualifications to PRINCIPAL MEDICAL OFFICER, v.c. Johore. WANTED. AN rxperienced import storekeeper, who can give spr-ur tv. Apply to HANDELaVEREEMGING, "AMSTERDAM" Mar 4 7 3 WANTED. A good draftsman »nd tracer, one with a knowledge
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    • 614 3 NOTICES. '|IOHE I ET: entry at one» compound I hou-e No. 11l Bencoolen Strewt. Apply to Uutbrie Co. Ltd Age n'« Feb 4 rBK LET: offltren on the M «>d or No. 7 Ba»'< m RnaH. Intnediatal entry. Apply to Outhrie V Co. Ltd., Agents. a c. rO BE LFT
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    • 684 3 SHIPPING ~BTOOMVAART MAATSCHAPPY 'NhJDKKLAM-: FOR PORT SAID. GKNOA, AND AMSIERIWM |'HK Date m if awe PRISS I HKi'ißlK, is up. «t-l to H.riv<» b<>r« fp m i i MMfiftJ mmi ii; tlif f.tli Miiirli udwill I"- )> iti:lie'l the Minn day fur above i gt- apply to HHIKs A(i.-.NCY,
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  • 492 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. SATURDAY, 5th MARCH. of Count Benckendorff, who is asi-umeH to have brought an autograph letter to the King from the Czar. Tha*, tlu letter was peaceful in tone th«teean be little doubt, and the news that the K'n« had sent by Count Benckendoif a
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  • 1091 4 Ovkb four columns of small type are d- voted by the Times of Feb. Bth. to a eview of the sensational Blue Book on the Tibetan quostion, anent which we received a brief telegraphed account from Reuter about three weeks ago. The review if reprinted in the Straitt Times would
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  • 6 4 To-day's 4/m bank rate is 1/Uj}.
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  • 10 4 Lieut-Col E G Pknnekather.l.G.P., if due by the Simla to-day.
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  • 12 4 The homeward mail by the Seydliiz closes at 10 a.m. on Monday.
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  • 12 4 BicHnp Hose arrived this morning by the s.s. Penang from Teluk Anson.
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  • 17 4 H.M S. Venial finished coaling at the wharf \HRterdav and returned to her anchorage in the afternoon.
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  • 17 4 The Singapore Chinese Girls' School, Hill -»reet, re-opens after the Chinese New Year recess on Monday next.
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  • 26 4 TV i. KiRAHHic instructions have been received from Batavii that the mail "feamers Konivg WilUm II and Print llendrih will not call at Singapore this voyage.
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  • 39 4 I hk C C. hwn howling toiirr.amcnf <■>■< ior Monday are: --Profession I'.iirs, V I' Wit Uers «wvd K littMtMNM*. J. McKenzie and Wm. Kinsey Champi.. nßf.ip W. S. Goldie v. E. A. Brown, O. W. Pugh v. S. Sowdon.
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  • 32 4 nh'k additional mirv»v.irs bavejoat bt-en engaged by the Selangor Government. The Malay Mail says that muny more will have to be en^uged before tht--"'cumulating arrears of survey work there can be overtaken.
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  • 42 4 Rumour has it th"at two coolies, the other day, lost their lives at Port through fatting out of tie CiirlyW* boat as she was coining int > port. It is said th it tiMjr were Miaad by crocodiles when struggling in tun water.
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  • 41 4 We are indebted to the courtesy of Messrs. DiemiaU nnd Co. the Aai-nti. of the Netherlands Mail Steamship Co. for the copies of London exchanges to Feb. 9th. These arrivpd by the company^ liner Knniag Wilttm whi"h camt in this morning.
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  • 59 4 schools for teaching English are in creat demand at Canton, under Chinese masters with payment of fees. But, for all that, some of the scnools cannot keep on from want of funds. It seemc 'hat Chinesn are very ready to subscribe once for anything that catches their fancy, but it
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  • 56 4 A cokre-pondent says It is thought that the experiment of laying the dust with Westrumite which is now being made will prove a success, and adds if this be so then the Municipal Commissioners are to be congratulated for having conferred a boon on the ratepayers, always provided that enough
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  • 67 4 Friday s Play. Championship Singles. Mi« iiansliwcr bent Mr*. Salzmann, 8 62. Ladies Sinolks Final. Miss M. Abrama W. O. v Mr*. Holdsworth Hunt Mixed Douulkh, Finai A. Class. Mm. Waddell and Mr. Kred Salzmann beat Mrs. Soraerville ami Mr. C. \V. Darbishire, 6-5, 6-3.
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  • 87 4 A match has been arranged and will be played to-morrow morning at Keppel Golf Links between the following team*, two rounds, match play, start 9 a.m. Spore G. C. Keppel G. C. O. Marlci v. F. Ferguson T. F. Longmuir* v. J. H. D. Jone* J B Ruhertaon
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  • 37 4 Special Telegram to the "Straits Times." THE WAR. HARRASSINO RUSSIAN ourposrs. Tungtifes Attack (he Onrrison at Hai-tchenjr. l''-rin, :Ud March. A body of hn <\\< T' <-<, estimated at 500, attacked the Russian post at FJsi-tohpn|r hut wcro rppulnpri.
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  • Reuter's Extra Service.
    • 31 4 JAPANESE TROOPS MOVING. Ijondvn, 4th March. The Japanese have landed at Songchin, in Plakein Bay and are marching upon Haour chan (Hni-tclieng?) in Southern Manchuria, and upon Port Arthur.
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    • 48 4 General Pflug reported on Miirch 2nd, that 6,000 Japanese troops with 200 cavalry were occupying Pingyang, and that they were being reinforced daily by.troors brought by spa from Fusan to Chenampo, (the port fir Pingyang near the mouth of the Pingyang Inlet.)
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    • 41 4 Viscount Aoki proceeds to Korea on an important mixsinn in connection with the reform of the internal administration of Korea. llViscount Aoki waa formerly the .Inpunme Miniver for Foreign AlTairn nd in a member of the Privy Council.]
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 49 4 VIRENNIUS LATEST ORDERS. To Watch for Warships and Contraband IiO"don, 4th March. It is reported tnm St. Petersburg that fresh orders have been sent to Admiral Vi-enniu«, instructing his squadron to remain in th« li--d Sea and watch for warships, «s well as capturing vessels carrying contraband of war.
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    • 39 4 The Kgyp'Kin Government decided on Feb. 12th that belligerents should not be pormiUfd to escort prizss through the Smz Canal. It is presumed that this decision contributed to Mm release of the recently captured colliers.
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    • 28 4 The Russian torpedo (1 ttilla. at Port Said have been acnin ordered to leave that Port, and are to be refused further coal supplies.
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    • 37 4 Another Russian torpedo destroyer, while passing through the Canal, collided with and sank an Egyptian Revenue cutter. It in expected that through this mishap the Cnnal will bo blocked for twenty-four hours.
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    • 22 4 The Egyptian Government protests that the Russians in; repeatedly overstaying their legitimate time limits in Egyptian ports
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  • 86 4 Passage of Autograph Letters. London, M M'ir. Count Benckendorff, the Ruhsian Ambassador in London, lias just returned from St. Petersburg where he has been to bid farewell to lus son who is starting for tlie front. Count Benckenciortl" visited King Edward yesterday evening, it is
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 374 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. CLUB WHISKY 18 ALL MALT AND SUPPLIED REQULARLY TO THK IMUNCII'W, (1.1 S All the in thk Has the largest Naval and Military STRAITS SETTLEMENTS consumption amongst Messes. and Europeans in this Market. P. M. S. PRICE SI 0.50 PER DOZEN, NETT. DUTY KXTRA. Sole Agents for the
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    • 364 4 TOWN HALL. Farewell Concert TO-XHJHT' TO-NIGHT! GASPARD-NEVA The Famous DuettisU. From the Aniliassailrurs," Parin, the Alhainbra, London, and principal Ma»ir Halln, Europe. M'LLE RENEE FLORE, Chanteuse et Danseuse. BYRD DOUGHERTY, Pianist. km tptn at S-JO p n. Pnhnuttt at S p.n Popular Prices. Ptaa and Booking at Rorflnwn Piano Co.
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    • 144 4 SMOKE FRONTIER. MIXTURE re. .-7 iv. ;< HECKWtTH-rmcHKSTKR On the 3rd Veb at Sherweli. North Devon, by the Rev. Erneat U. Heckwith, twin brother of the bridegroo v, .fsistrii by the Rev. Charles Chichester, uncle of the bride and Vicar of the parish, and al«o the Rev. H. H Birley,
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    • 10 4 Kxcha.vge and uliare qaotatiow will be found on page 8.
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    • 31 4 At Mfgnrs. Powell and Co.'s salvage sale at Tanjong Pagar this morning tbe damaged copra ez s.s OUnturret was sold at prices ranging from S3 90 to $5 40 per picul
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  • Correspondence.
    • 195 5 To Ihr Eilitoi of tin Strait* Timr*.' Dear BIB,—In the interests of the poor ol ihitC iloni I sincerely pl< ad foi the oe-operation uf the loi ;il rreet lo aid tin 1 maawtrate* in IruHtratmp tba fforts of 1,,, Opium Farmer* to have chanda mixed with wator
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  • 155 5 S.V.I, v. R.A. Tbmi teams met last night on the Recreation Club ground under tli»aotpices <>f the newly formed league. On mere than one occasion the (Tanner*. 1 custodian had to save his side, but alter >ri.e play Reynold* pat in a tine centre and one of
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  • 293 5 Fkenci! theatrical companies somehow or smother have but little attraction f>rthe Singapore playgoer, 'UtlMwht tin-re wuuld have oeen a very much larper audience at the entertainment given in the Town Hall lant night. The Gaspird and Neva OOmbiaation is undoubtedly one of the and
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  • 168 5 'Hit' Japanese residents in Hongkong (ted :i patriotic fund. The money thu^ collected will be forwarded by the Japanese Cosral, Mr. Noma. to the Japa■witiiiient. The Emperor of Japan has InniKillv i.itnl A'lnurals Togo and Uriu* on tlnii tuoowi at Port Arthur and Chemulpo respectively. Tlir I', ut
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  • 539 5 Friday, M.rch 4 th. PRKSKNT. Ills Kxcki.i.kncy \V. T. Tavt.or, c.m.0., (Offkkr Akmimstkkini; thk Government). Hon. C W B. Kymieisley, c.M.v., (Acting Colonial Secretary). Hon. W. K < ollyer I.'s.ti. (Attorney-Urneral). Hon. K. <;. Penney (Colonial Treasurer). Hon. K H Hill (Auditor-General). Hi. 11. K. S. I!. (iHll'ney,
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  • 505 5 The Subsidence of a Bridge. The Ac mo Colonial Secret in moving that Tiii- Council approves of the expenditure of a sum of 5.V231 on account of certain necessary services in connection with the Singapore- Kranji Railway," said this sum was required to complete the railway. The
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  • 990 5 Suggested Tramway- Railway Combination. The Attokney-Gknkral moved the secoud readiug of the Prince of Wales inland Ti am ways (Loan) Bill (Bill "to euaule tbe Municipality of George Town 10 nwriuvv certain sums from Government in excess 01 their statutory uuirowmg powers for the maintenance of the I'riuce
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  • 230 5 The Colonial Treasur r moved tae second reading of tbe Currency Note Ordinance Amendment Bill. Mr. Murray in seconding, said that any measure which the Government introduced for safe-guarding the trade interests would receive general support It might seem somewhat strange that this Bill authorised that gold should
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  • 175 5 Monday is the centenary of the foundation of the British and Foreign B*ible Sjciety, an event which will be celebrated to-morrow in churches throuahout the world (including Sinev porn) by special sermons. Bishop Ho*e will preach on bchaK of the Society in St. Andrew's Cathedral.
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  • 259 5 The annual general meeting of the Singapore Nursing Association took place in the Town Hall, yesterday, Miss Taylor presiding. The report of the Association's work was adopted as follows Tbe office-bearers elected lor the year were:— Miss Taylor, President; Mm. Frizeil, Mrs. Napier, Mr. J. Anderson Mr.
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  • 981 5 Caustic Comments on the ways of Singapore. Writing from Penang on Jan. 4th, the travelling correspondent of Commercial Intelligence makes some of [he most interesting comments with regard to Singapore, and the ways of its people, that have appeared in print »ince the publication of Mr
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  • 360 5 Part of the Ceiling Falls. An unusual incident disturbed for a few minutes the wonted serenity ol the Legislative Council ye»terda> Just before the clerk started to read the minutes an ominous cracking was heard; the beams in the ceiling immediately outside the Council
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  • 63 5 An old offender has cot one year's rigorous imprisnrment for housebreaking at Holland Road. A Hylam boy has been spnt to jail for four months for stealing SlO from his master. For stealing ten cases of soip a Chinaman has got one month in jail. Another Chinaman got
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 77 5 NOTICES. Wayang Kassim. The Into Zanita Royal Theatrical (fompny of Singapore WILL STAGE To-Night, Saturday, sth March, 1904, AT THE NORTH BUDGE IOADTHIATM HALF. IllK A hi. l. KNOWN hl.ill AIRB "GINUFIFA" XIN 1 HUN 1 fUWit! To-morrow Night, Sunday, 6th March, 1904 DBJLKJLTIO A COHIC A IVI KNOWN DItAMA
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  • 241 6 He. B LOOAH Jai k, the well known mining expert, dm written an intere?tint: nurmtive of travel entitled The iittckhlocks of China," where the ..utlior riinctinp investigations on behalf of certain mining ventures wlfcn the Boxer troubkt* broke out. Mr. Jtek and liiK party aw ap«d from
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  • 383 6 THE "HIDDEN TREASURE NUISANCE. Newspaper Syndicate Fined. VIOOBOI I language has been used lately by masci'-trates who have had to deal with offenders charged with damaging public and private property in f he search after the hidden treasure But now the law has begun to deal with the newspaper proprietors
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 168 6 Sick Bnbirs in Summer. IT iariurtn i h« w nn moatht o( summit thai m then hBM to l>f mist carofal of tin' r li'lli- (i ,m, iikl Jit t^f first urm v.-i! -of their bowel* Bhonll giv« the little t-ull n;r a clo p of Chkroberlain't Colii-and I>i«ti h.
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    • 149 6 NOTICES On Sale at Messrs. Katz Brother*, Ltd., w. &s. n/3 SIUGAPOBE. 1 The most palatable and wholesome natural mineral water known. Sole Proprietor. J. CLIFFORD WILKINSON. Kobe, Japan. TANSAN The renowned Table Water of Japan. An unsurpassed drink where superior article is required. Medically recommended and chemically pure. Bottled
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    • 555 6 NOTICES. Wilts for LEA PERMS' Tit iil WOBCESFERSHIBE SAOCE. By Special Wappani^tg Stx^Kis Majestg Purveyors to 3&&%Beb£*®& The King. CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES, MOTOR CARS. BILEY HJLEGBfiAVES CO.. LTD I J^K Have Specially Selected rfr l/AKo iA Steam and Petrol Invite inspection at their Works. ■1\ Ttials given to Intending 5A
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 647 7 BUCHANAN'S WHISKY Sold everywhere. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penane, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Ugypt. Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bilis of Ltdisg lawei for China Ooaat, Persian Qnlf, Continental, ami \ni.-rican )'orts. Mail Line. Outward*. Simla Hsr. 1 \pl. 17 Bengal Mar. 10
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    • 698 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijke Paketvaant MaatschappiJ. -riraot v i.l. iLe > t -i 1 r.Ki lit, :m .v beverntrent. i/.v j aMile A Co., i.-8 CcilTkß I<uaT. be inrlprmeniionwl nHtpf are only approximate. bteamer Krom te<l Will hr DosratcHed for-.— .ertz I'alembang Mar 4 Palembang Mar 6 DaJCen 1 BaadJanßaaalii Mar
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    • 407 7 HAMBURG AMERIKA LINIE. HAMBUKU. The steamers of tbi- Company maintain a regul.-ir scivicu betwe-jn Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and i.otteniam, and the >'«. Chiua, and Japan. Homewar 's, t-iey are despatched fortnightly for Havre aodHambuig and once a moii li for Brcm rh.tveu uirecl. calling at Pejin: and Colombo alternately. The
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    • 629 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N. D. L. NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial Qerman Mail Line. The fast and well known mail steaniers of this Company sail fortnigb'ly from Bremen-Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, S .uthampton, Gibraltar, Qenoa. Na Acs, Port .said, Suez, A en. Tolom <o. Penang, Singapore. Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, And Kobe to Yokohama
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    • 759 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES TAjTKIJTiTAN. Lines of Steamers For Batavia, Cheribon, Samarang Every Wednesday and Saturday. *9.i>. Giinir Kee, MMtaaa, ''»pt.Dnnlop r.s. Giang Sentf, 1,182 Rawlin^son s.s. Giang Ann, 87-* Follett r.s. Zweena, 1,47<> Neabitt For Kuala Pahanjr, Pekan, Kwantan and Kemaman s. Flpvo, Mi ti>n», C'apt. Wilxm. IMc.iiic Li'.;ln throughout. For
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    • 417 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP TO.. I.TD A reguUr POBTNIOHTLT Rervice is maintained between ,';ip-i:-. and Europe by the following NEW TWIN NUW Under Mail Conlruot with the Imperial Japanese Governmi nt. specially for the Company'? Kuropean Servira, lighted throucudut U\- Floctricity, f>rovtded with vxc^llunu accommodation or First ani
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    • 1144 8 Under lh\< !u-i !in,' the following abbreviations >tr. stoamer sh.— i;— schooner Yet. V Qanboat; Tor. ■so-power; Brit. Urilish;l: B.— Unit I States; Feb. -French; Bar Qairiinii, Dot -Dutch; Oa—Ueneraltart nger; U- Uncertain: T. P W I nr Wharf; T. P. 1) TanjoriL- I Il\V. Borneo Wharf;
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    • 604 8 Sisgapore, sth March, 1904. «NAHE». Belat Tin Mine $10.00. B'aawabUotd Mint (f7.50pd)|16 50. Brnneh Tin Mine $8.-.». •Fra»er Neave f 105, sales A sellert BTiongft Shanghs ißank $H45. Howarth Rrnklno, Lt f'205.00, buyero 'Jelebus (in liquidation) 20 ctx. Kadana (fully paid) $10.(ju, nomine. do ($7 paid) $7.0)), nominal. N'nal
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    • 78 8 Tim.^ Monday Europe via ports S'ydhtz taiRon Eridan 3'bon and Samarang (4 ang Ann Malacca ami l.ingiri ffflrtxr \mpan«n* Macassar Cknrtirhoute Snrie Borueo Port Swettenhnm Strphai Rangoon Calcutta Pu-nra 3'baya and Samarane Varie Jebttn Tdksday 'loront'ilo via port < TaiChiouKreruantlH via ports Chnron Penangand Doli Calvp*o Wednesday. Bombay
      78 words
    • 133 8 From Ku'ope By the P4 O. s. Simla dun on the sth March with dates to the 12th February From China— By the N. D. L s.s. Seydtitt due on Sunday Left Singapore Due iri London Vrnved Jan 2 ml P .v Feb i Jin F*b 13th
      133 words
    • 163 8 I V«B«i.'9 Namt f'LAO A Tom KIG. Brit str. 1229 Brit sir 660 *v Ml Dot Str.j JO Nor otr 7?-8 Brit Mr SAM 'ier Btr. M'fi Out etr 2:>HH Brit it 4e4 str lit) o.ti 8-rt str U:i Captain Sailed Costwskkb. unniall Lit Mai 4 4 4
      163 words
    • 140 8 l)m. Vessel's Name. AMI. Kla<i A Km. Tons. Ijisstinatios I A«. M. on. Mar fi j 6 Vs. 1 6 6 6 7 t 6 Mcriao Ban Poh GuHti Nutun* GianK Sens Sappho Beijni<T»z De Kiitik Sri Tnngginu Eridan Emile Scbiff Tlaroba Rey<Uitz Itiada F.irf*lla Pin Snnte Qer s'r.
      140 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 437 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS AND SILK MERCHANTS, No. 51 52, High! Street. llutc iui|>H(krd a fresh and Him- stock ol eoo<l*. Indian, CUnese, and Japanese Washing Silks, Silverware, Old Chinese Embroidery, Chinese Qrass Cloth from Swatow, Hand Drawn-Thread Work, Indian Carpets, Assam Silks, Maltese Silk lace In Colors,
      437 words
    • 1029 8 ALARG-E <Sc CHQICE SELECTlQiqfinish. In all colours. mf^S^K r i^*^?^ *J X^» ol iafhionable Prlcea 15. 25, 35, (&£^sf^V^ ♦"n!*^^ Prloea 16,20,30, Suets, per yard 40ota. par yard Silk Sash Ribbons We have always in *V stock one of the largest \v,a,i, (rom H to 6] inch.s. selections of Suitable
      1,029 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 58 8 WEATHER REPORT. Sanding Kerbau Uiupiia', yh March, 19t>4. IHa.m.Sp.m.l p.m.' KemakiU. Uar 25.90T2H.M13, Morninu Temp ..j 81.5 860 day and A-B'll.Ther 75S TUL %i.^M.J W <)ir of Wind's n k b. c. Max. Temp »7.2 Vfin 74.5 Sun 143.2 Terr rad 69.5 {ninfall ['be standard time ball at Fort
      58 words