The Straits Times, 3 March 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 9 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times NO. a i, 374 SJKGAPOKE. TIILKSDAY, MAKCII 19< >4 PRICE 15 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 701 1 LOR It WHI h I POWRLI. ROBINSON. Sola Accatu, Slarapar* and Pa4araU( Malaf Stataa. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION IKs dv.k- wi;i be raaairert at the J \'s c u[> t" noon on in h Marefa r.'«)i. f^r Ike Ml wng iin-l Piling I 1. i.tiuvon iiiti aadJ4th mile llandsi lead 1 9^
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    • 526 1 V\,' E I" 1 l- inform our customers that >> w.< na»e DRIS-Si-N'B COCOA in III)., an<i (ib. Una, tiett weight, ready \ONOLEES NG I CO., Klin< Mreet and Orchard Koad. Feb. -26 t'6-3 NOTICE. NO co""tr\et sipne I by any persons on U half o choj» Ilau Bee for
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    • 720 1 AUCTION SALES. AY lION -^ALK OK VALUxBLK TEAK HOLHRHOLI) FURNITURKJ Ilan'lsoniH iJinner and Ten Services, Glassware, a larjje <if Platedwarc, Cutlery, dtc. Also a large and choice collection of (lants. The Property of W. Tearle, Esq. To Ie h»l<l at Rosebaok," M unit Elixabeih Kiad, On *atunlay. 111 Starch, 1904,
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    • 515 1 AUCTION S\U;S. NEW TEAK rUBMI 1 (JRI (.I.v; t |f a a) To h" «i d b MM i"i vi ko«t re-crve At 250 Benooolen Street S'iturd-y. b A Ma cli, a: 'Jam. VI Si> n 1 ii'nli t of .>lh«r useful bouse--1 1 tar tt 1■ a-.-To ba sol
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    • 627 1 NOTICES. Chatre's New Indian Circus. Daily 9 p.m. for this week only. Minn AntnuiU. tl-e fainoiiK I'hiliiiino lady wire -walker, riil.--. l.icyrl i «n.v MiiK Awada the iiiml iatSßg |wrfornii'r in the wnrl.l alaaaj with K U uakar, a hu^»AMsaa Usa. New. BIL'ACH FL'i3LA.TD Qome. Novel. See, later' sting.
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  • 937 2 THE SAKAIS OF BATING. PADANG, PERAK. By O. B. Cerruti. Taiword Bakai is the M for i (tiiea wii.> intitiui the fi.rfst on the In t i hi' lowet half of mim ■ul si iiarj ,f ihe Mil Mi M lajri tin ii M ui. h theKeiibiir the Malay, ac
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 309 2 NOTICES. GARRETTS PORTABLE ENGINES. WITH WOOD-BURNING FIREBOX. PARTICULARS FROM BORNEO Co., Ltd., SINGAPORE. FOR THE PRESERVATION OF IRON and STEEL. THERE IS NOTHING LIKE SIDEROSTHEN In general use by Government and Municipal Bodies throughont the World, also, at Collieries, Shipyard > and Engineering shops, THE BEST PRESERVATIVE FOR Pontoons, Bridges,
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    • 558 2 INSURANCE COMPANIES. RuYAL INSUKAM'h mm FIRE LIFT! TOTAL INVEHTEOFfiNI/- BXwJ r Xl2,0(tO,000. rHK -.AHGttT nKKOmCM IHTRKWOBLD BOPPT»» >■ <♦ Anentu. 'I Ml 1 UM-.N A.\j ...\t I nu imuavuiox t,(>Mi-A>i Ospitil BLISfJM Paid ap Qapttal, .■■>•>. 7 N", Kesorre Ko:i(i L ,073 stO The undersigned, Agents tot ibe Com pnoy,
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    • 472 2 NOTICES. GWYNNES Ltd (J. A H. 6 WYNNE, Ltd and G WYNNE A Co., United. ESTABLISHED OV6(» FIFTY YEARS. Telegram* Cedee"OWYNNE, LONDON." ABC, 4th Bth Edition*, A 1. MOREINQ A NEaI.K'B> TEn^lt |XV|\"V It K lannfarlirirnt »f Ibr largrst aiJ ■»st tffcieit CENTRIFUGAL PUMPING MtCHINERY In the world. .tillable
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 689 3 good and evil spirits. The Rood spiriti are to him rafto#, inflefinife beines«, whfi ri i|>i'in-<»-lv«-s fnially, and I bi known and Tim ■v.l --pit i t on the Oonlrary, are feared, because they an considered to dwell in danserou* rivini-, in abandoned k"mpoMgs, in c iv. i ii
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    • 586 3 BANKS. Nederlandsoho Sandel Maatschappij. NKTHKRLANDB TRADING SOGlhn tWHHI 1824. laPIT.j. f. «0,000,000— (abt W.C/j.m.; |peu»u Capital I. 45,000,000--(abt. £3,760,000.) ttissiißvi Fuhi> f. '>,000,a«— (abt. nifHOU Head OSlco :a Amnte.-dani. Head Agoncy in Batavia. 'ftW— Penang, (Shanghai, har.jon, Hedun (Ueli). Serjuarang, Soarabayv .'adan::, Cberibon, Te^al, Pccalon^jia, f.wooroean 1"l"fH»|*. Pulombang. Olehleb Ai.jeb),
      586 words
    • 289 3 BANKS. IJO.VGKONO AND SHANHHAI IX BANKING CORPORATION. .sl"Onp.or* •■-r- $fi S :;),000 J lh soy REHEUV;. LI 311/ O?1 v. Oovm or Dnaofoafti A. J. lUi I ■utrman. H. K. Tim kinm, -Dkiutv iiairma* "o I. .V. !)Ic ,V. A. SIKIIK. K«<J. ir. B. Blabs, Esq. All., „-■;•■< K-q. ■Al
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    • 802 3 P NOTICES. TED, by tbe Johore Government, i apothecary for tbe Johore Civil Appty stating qua!iti< ations to CIPAL MEDICAL OFFICER, Johore. tambTes! WA">>T F D, thre.; umart tambies who underhand ofl« c work supply lo th Manager, Sra.U Tiri.ei office. I b .6 GHIMIBI CLXXX VirAMMX Fm;.rt junior for
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    • 611 3 NOTICES. /COMFORT xBI.E rooms to I* let a \_y El*>r H"iis»- K'.«t Roml. p. fK)rtE I.K1: eutry hi IB* eeatponM I hon c No. Ift Rencoolo i Str.-t Apply to Uuthrie A Co. Ltd., A^ent-P»-b 4 n B. r po BP. LET: office* on i: No. 7 BatU>ry Roari. Imn
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    • 431 3 SHIPPING STOOMVAART MXATSOHAPPY "NKDIRLAND." KOU POSTPAID, '.>:\oa, AND AMSiKRDAM. THK Date m II m met i II 'IK to v. rive hn.l tba (fr nbvm i im apply to hi i im I .fc K I. ft-H RATION •i- i If. hrn ing mi the i Ageaai 0., LTD
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  • 723 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. THURSDAY, 3RD MARCH. l'kES3 Censorship appears to be carri-d to eirtme limits in Jap-ui We know that a number of European M 4 Aui»;i:nn correspondents are being detained in Tokyo through the Nfiud of the authorities to grant i hem for the front,
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  • 1140 4 Some months ago we published n interesting report from Perak to the effect that Mr. Sabapatby, an engineer in etMffl of certain work on the Tanjonc Piandanc branch canal, In.i overcome tfte allegedly insuperable difficulties that existed in regard to inducing Malaya to take up steady labor, and whs employing
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  • 7 4 TVdat's 4/m b.iiik rale ii. 1/11 j
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  • 10 4 Exchange and eaare <i'iotation« will be found on page 8.
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  • 12 4 Foi r days racing at Honak^np concluded successfully on the 27th Feb.
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  • 15 4 Oxkohd has drfteated Oam^ridce in the inter- University Hockty Match b> one goal to nothini;.
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  • 22 4 At Pirt Arthur imw weeks aeo tha price of one ege wis Ml cents and a pound of meat cr>f>t a dollar.
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  • 21 4 The Selangor Volunteers will go into camp on the Pt>taling Hills from the I9ih to the 28 h of 'flis month.
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  • 24 4 As account of the Bakaii in P>-rak will he found on rrap? p A description of Lake Bukal will he Mud on pue 6
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  • 17 4 The Japanese have removed the coal belonging to Messrs Uinsburj; anri i'o, Ru-sian naval coniraciur-, at Chemulpo.
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  • 20 4 Mr D. D Mackik. jun., consulting engineer, has appoin'.e.j Mr. Th^oilotc We.irne, oxtr.i Nt class certificated engineer, as hi* ftaeietaat.
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  • 29 4 A fire at D^9 Voh'ix Ro id. West, h' Hontkong on the 25th hVb. caught cevtn houses before it coiil.l be checked. One house was iaeiunrl for Sl2 500.
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  • 29 4 A kirk at Canton on the 24 'h Feb consumed over five hundred hi' Uses. The damage done comes tn nearly one millon of dollars. Mmv lives were lost.
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  • 28 4 It i« advertised that Mr.,C. B. Bucklev h« been mKdly nimin.itcd <• inili .iai.« for the KilUnz ward of the Municipality. Tb« tlection is fixed for the 8:h instant
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  • 34 4 Ovkr 71.4J7 pii-uls of tin were pxported from trie F M 8. in J innary las', ncainst 71 972 piruU in the, correspi'dint mon-h of 1903. The dnt\ collected was *815 tH ifainst 1190,888
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  • 42 4 The NederlarH t'nmnanv's mail steamer Jioniny Wtllem II left Snbang on the 3rd at 3 a. in and is expected to arrive here on the r > h inst. at dayli«lit. She will sail for Butavia the sum; day at II a in.
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  • 39 4 It is expwted ttmt Mr. J R. Innpa, Deputy Puhlic Propeou'or, will shor'lv U'.wq for Kuala Lumpor 10 take up ili< appointna*at of Ffieml Secretary an<i that Mr F H V Gottlieb will succeed him as Deputy Public Prosecutor.
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  • 41 4 The German mail steamer Seydlitz having left Hongkong on the 2nd instant at noon may be expected t<> arrive here on the 6th instant at about 5 p.m. and will probjhly be despatched for Europe on Monday afternoon the 7th instant.
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  • Special (Telegrams to tbe '♦Stralte gtmee." THE WAR.
    • 91 4 HORRORS OF WXR. Starvation In Manchuria. Shanghai, '2nd March It is reporU'il from Tientsin that the blockade of the RankM ports by the J tpanese is eaaalag terrible, shortage of provisions in Manchuria and at Vladivootoek. Faliulous prices are rteing offered for provisions delivered at the Russian Railway.
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    • 185 4 SUPPRESSED DETAILS. Two Japanese Battleships ami Ihree Cruisers injured at Port Arthur. Sh'inghti, M ir tad. Dans l'attaque de Port Arthur le neuf Fovriar, le tir precis ties Russes mil en de"«ordre l'eccadre Japoaaatat Celkt-ei craignant BM attiique heureuse des torpilleurs Rushes se retira. Le cuiranpij Iwnte tk;\\* dix projectiles.
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  • 48 4 Th». o her Ud) we noie>i .1 muliuy amoii r Ibe Filipino constabulary at Vnran when they hoisted tl il f of ret elli >n Their day was souii over. A aar) "i 1 aVdlry m;ide short work of the amUaeen and dispersed them. Many j'li-o'irtrs w.'r^ takes.
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  • 45 4 Thb B. C. 0. lawn bowling tournameni ties for Friday are:—Champion■hipG. W. I'n 'h v s s.iwddn ingle Haadieap, W. B Gh*He v F K. Je.nnines or H Berry. Double Handi•)ip. Win. McD »nald «n.i \l Thoatpeoa v L M. Mhs an.) J. T. Ni^wall.
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  • 61 4 11. Ms. Pineal, Commend >f ftaart Ht. J., arrived froai Hoopkonn his ni'iruicig and aaohotad in the roads. She is a KIM -.loop of 980 '0118 and has a Brew ol I |l r > Shu carries «ix £ii>. s aad ii ol l t 4>*o horse-power, The IV.
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  • 65 4 Tmi II' v W V Rutledaa, peetec of the M E. Church, Uol«OM» S'rcet, •i« b^t-n tnuwiarrad to Ploriooe W.llrs'cy 1(1 open U|i ll)ir*-i- in work. The Bar. J. Am rv raooeeda to 'lie paktor ie here. Mi 1 Heatiaftray who hap had chi.rce of the Uhineea (iirls 1 School
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  • 106 4 Uickwt t VI > > 1 BeatioM ctate that llie lt-Hve (>f •b*et:M er.'ti'di fo Mr. R D. A'"on, n*n«';int neci-tiiv to th- Renident, of P«-rnk, hv extended, with half s^-lan, from tie H h M i>, umil the *rrivmJ of the NordI). v'<. Ikt Llovil at P> Miifl on
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 774 4 LATEST ADVKRTISBMENTS. CLUB WHISKY IS ALL MALT AND SUPPLIED REOULARLY TO THE I'RINCIPVL CLUBS All the in the Has the largest Naval and Military STRAITS SETTLEMENTS consumption amongst Messes. AND Europeans in this Market. P. M S. PRICE $10.50 PER DOZEN, NETT. DUTY EXTRA. Sole Agents for the Straits Settlements.
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    • 43 4 SMOKE FRONTIER. MIXTURE Stubhh —On the 26th Feb. ftt Brick field Ro id, Kuala Lirnpur, the win- of U. I*. STUBBg Esq of a Mil, Vkim am, -On the Btk Ket.rnary. at Kuala Lmi. pur, the wife of S. YkomaNS, of a iaapHer.
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    • 131 4 Sick Babies in Summer. ll' w 'lurin the W rm moMlii of snmmrr tliHt in tin r< riM.' t.. m >t cn.ful f the r Ii lie o iea, nad at t tirsi imu-iml Of theit liuvN klioiil i triv Ihi) little Ultf rer H ilo.e of (hi' l I
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  • ffrtttcffl (Telegrams THE WAR.
    • 15 5 UENHKAI. KUROPATKIN. Km patk n start! for Maach'int ---i 'ii'- 1- ii inst
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    • 35 5 K'v.' Kr--i:in torpedo boati have left Port Hani (or Algii n It is reported thai they are directed to w;nliy and search vessel* in the Mediterranean Cor contraband of war.
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    • 68 5 Justifies Her Prompt Action. Japan h;is issue 1 reply to the Rossi .n Nat« la'oitlie Mtfa February. Tiie reply justilee the rap Mare wkh i, .r>- 1 ipeeially on the ground th it a was owing to Russia's ever increasing military preparations. Japan aay« that her
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    • 23 5 London, M-ir. 3rd. The Rnt*ian oraiaar Dmitri hon koi has bten itraatod h"ve dayv in which to repair al Baex.
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    • 27 5 Twenty live Japanese officers who left Er\£l:md fr>r Japan, were warmly sheered by the crowd assembled at Eueton Station to pee tliem off.
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    • 42 5 159 Sherwood Foresters and a drift of ih» Army Service Corps for Honekonp, and SMfi men from the 2nJ and 4fh Mtnchesters to reinforce the l"t Manehesjtm -it Singapore, embark on the A- 0 M'nilti on Saturday.
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    • 25 5 <>r",it Britain and America are con-ffr-ipcr v\th B view to concerted action to faf'-eu .ni their respective interests regardii'-j oootrabaad of war.
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    • 33 5 It is considered^ Her Sin that,Uus»ia oannoi maintain the fiction of the in'! neu!rali;y of Korea ilicatkM of the alliance b»-' m I i> iii -in.i K ma
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  • 51 5 An i ■•> iu »ha laying ol ilie war«-i BDRin theqjuoction of Orchard and Tank R >:Hs some time azo was thrNiiM f nil lln<Mt <v>nfinuo»8 leak Tbii i- dow l'» ir.K mended by Mr 3ash, Mm Bup^rintendsnl of in tiaa, A month ■to, similar pieMOf work was tu put
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  • 73 5 We in ir thai :t Hnag at the Raffles LighthoUM met with ;i nasty accident yesterday lie was opening a bottle of acid when it rani and tin 1 contents of it i ito hi.- eye*, Imrning him severely. The load steamer Sm§ happened to be paafing at tin; time
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  • 80 5 A > i i Krr matcb Vitween the T I'. I) ick un and lh« I 1 >.!i whs coneludi ri yen er I ly and rwaltod in a dr iw. I'll- l'u:/...,li M!Ol*-d 138 runs for 7 wick**ta ainnl tie Dock icam's etrt»re oi lui; 1 1 i r-
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  • 85 5 THsfxllowini p geri bava anivad hy t in* ii '.< 'ii 1 di.ite P. udO. steamer Mnltn-n Pn in LondOD to PinnpoK. M Bloat, Mr. A V. Cuttein Pei itng to Singapore, Mr S\ k. i; <■ following ■irrivtil hy the lav X"M 11. Dskoas;, Mrs.. V, 1( v. Mr
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  • 82 5 i n.\v ..fifri.doii friendly gann of Atwintifin f<xvl;fll wits played at tl>>- I'tiiiW I'ark liHwefii the Xii i i i l tin' li'ivtTH,' 1 both of vbicb teams me playing in the Lcacuc competition. Tlio tame molted in win li r Ibe Rovtn" hy four poals to oik- Pcotl foored
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  • CorresponDence
    • 311 5 MERITS OF O UR CRICKETERS. Tt On Editor <>j the "MtrttiU Sir, I jk) not know if "Ex-Culonial" r. insiders himself an authority who will M down to posterity, but if he does bo I venture to doubt it. As regards the mints of certain cricketers now, considering the good
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  • 113 5 I'Hk appeal by Christarifco Lichauco from the judgment of Mr Justice Hynd man-Jones in the action of Lichauco xuainst Rley Harcrcaves Co., Ltd J teksou Miller, Robert Allan, and Gforco Murray Preston, came before the Chief Justice, Sir Lionel Cox, ami Mr. Justice Lax in the Singapore Appeal
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  • 147 5 At the Assize Court yesterday Chau Tung, a Chinese prisoner at the Criminal Prison, who recently attacked a fellowprisoner and struck him on the head with a heavy hammer, was brought up for trial. It was believed to be a case of revenge as the injured man had
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  • 191 5 POLICE NEWS. y—tBBBAT, a Chinaman was before tlu Bench Court on a charge of giving fata information to lnsp. Hickey. Mr Rime who defended th<? accused said 1 ho fluirpe could not stand un!esn two ■tateoHwta were made, one of which contradicted the other. The accused was convified and santfici'd
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  • 51 5 PLAQUE IN SINOAPORE. V. mult r.-t,iml that a case of lU*iectPd plegM las riet-n rliscovernl at 144 Queen Street, a 'rikislia coolie <i»-p>it. A nuirl-er if Chinexo coolie livir.y in tbfl dt-pot haw ln'i'ii leiiinvvil to the quarantine station at St. JohnV l-l;n ii and the premises have been thoroughly
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  • 1103 5 Official news regarding t he operation? in the North is still lacking. The J ipanese Consul General, Mr. Tanaka, has had no felt-grams from his Government for several days. It is buaontotlj Miggesled hyurorting uiPn that Russia and Japan have mutually agreed to call u halt until the
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  • 361 5 1 From Exchange*) The War. Capt. J. F. Lea, k.n., and Capt. Hugh H. Poynter, rtn., who commanded, respectively the new Japanese cruisers JftUWa and K<i*tit/<t, while on their voyage from Genoa to Japan, have been decorated hy«the Emperor of Japan with the Fourth Order of the Rising
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  • 247 5 Hai.k of the large iirnt class carriages used i>n tt'»- F M S Railway, are now ar>e!l»-d F >r Caiaaaa," Mie other half *ie\ntt re«»-rved caielly r or European pHM|M Bishop Hosi- ami his -mily arc in l'ai|iing and intend making short stay on ilic bill. Some hitch
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  • 101 5 This clever French combination gave an entertainment to a thin house in the Town Hall last night. They deserved better at the hands of the public, for their performance was excellent. It should be noted that the Company will perform again on Friday and Saturday nights. They
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  • 177 5 Lv Sam wan arrested on the Ist inst. for preparing chandu dross. When the man was hrtyight before Mr. Seth, the Magistrate could not reconcile the cage with hi* interpretation of the Opium Ordinance. The case was postponed in order that the Government analyst might give bis
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  • 217 5 Captain A. McD Graham who has recently been given the new appointment of Assistant Commissioner of Police Selangor and Adjutant of the Police Depot* will take up the appointment as soon as he is relieved by Captain Adam who is at present on leave in Ceylon. The
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  • 130 5 SLEEPING SICKNESS. The Ceylon branch of the British Medical Association met at Colombo on the 19th February to hear a paper on sleeping sickness read by I)r Castellani, who bad conducted researches into the subject in Uganda, as member of a commission of investigation dent out thither from London in
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  • 117 5 L L T. C. TOURNAMENT. Yesterday's Play. I.uuks' DoiTiir.Ks UiMM M. nn.l B. AbnUH heal Mr«. I an, mine ami \li*-< Btriuor, li I, 61. JusstaOeaa boat Mu. iefamaai and Mr*. Due, I ft CBMmmraup Paim Mm iluiiii :iti.| Mr HrmliMl lieut Mr«. Wn.lMI anil Mi. K fill— aa. .".<!,
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  • 126 5 S. A. F. C. LEAGUE. The Mtowinx league fixtures for this month have liwn arranced Mitn/i. CtmU. ttmmd, Tl' i>. ¥MC. ranioiu Pagai 4 liL'Co. \l A r. 9 V I. S K. ."1 U.K. KaafStl !'-'o llrani a A. T.A.c. N 1.-mti|.i- Ti I T P I) BUkanMatl Tan
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 339 5 ."ore Muscles. THE lorrert of iinr Meat K <>re inu-i-IcK is very sin pie. First take s good warm l>atli bef"rp K~ini; to bed, (md be sure to rub yourß If dry This on^ns the pores. Then ruli Chamberlain t< lain Balm into tho porr-8, kecpirif; up a br sk
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 156 5 OAY BY DAY Thursday, 3rd March. Hiizb Water II!) a.m. 11.49 p.m. S.V.A. Laying anil Setting. Lit. I'liilliarnionic Orjiestra. s.S'i. Priday, 4th March Hi;-h Water. 11..VJ a in. I' 10l homewanl mail clo«e«. ii .im -i- Sale. I'owell. Hi. l.iviKlative Council. -J.3<l. Singapore Nurain/ Assocn. Town Bail w ...Yang K«Mi™.
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  • 220 6 A VADE MECUM. Neai.iy everybody is at times Uoored by asui!d«ii question regarding the number of minims in a dram, the pints in a gallon or tlio possihilitips of the gramme i: i generally difficult to by hands on the particular volume which Rive- the noci>-"-:iry information. v which has
    220 words
  • 468 6 LAKE BAIKAL. wttidi Siberian Railway H in Central W and nil round ke, Urn d be lake itself; i railway round t lie corner j Mil tomßfiOO riiniiclti and j k less, and a* :!ie rallnt i wuik can only be j carrii D moatba, the. iltiM are apparent.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 23 6 Sum 1 im. dilvfriiSHiuenis,, with dates of tailing tic, viil be fuun J on page 7 (JfiicMl bhipping ne*s is printed on pageS.
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    • 180 6 NOTICES GRAND HOTEL, Ltd., Nos. 18, 19 A 20, BUND, YOKOHAMA. Situated in the FINEST POSITION on the BUND, commands an unbroken View of the Harbour and Tokyo Bay. Caters to First Class Travel Only. A Strain launch under supervision of a competent Agent attends all incoming and outgoing steamers.
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    • 435 6 NOTICES. MOTOR CARS. RILEY HARGREAYES &c CO., LTD jan-".*> 7•/ /Tj^Mala Z*r* Mavc s rcciaWy Selected Steam and Petrol Invite inspection at ifo'.r Works. ':'VJOg- ii Ti iali. given to Intending Purchasers. RILEY ZK^IRC^IE^EA.r^IE^ Co., Ltdi K-b i 3 Singapore and Kranji Railway. From January 4th, 1904, and until further
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 585 8 BUCHANAN'S V/HiSKY Sold everywhere. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penanjt, Ceylon, Australia, India. Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Thr-Muh Mil s of l.ul.'iif i«i"i for OblM out. I'.-r-iiti Gkill OratlMatal, and A ami— "orts. Mail Line. Olll\r Mb tfiinJa f! rk*Mß Apl.
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    • 953 8 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij. l r ■> i t.tract with Oe N<ubt rlande India Uovermrent. U I f«(T, 1.4T1 J. DilVMIg A CO., 2-8 f CILTBK Qt AT. be i"irrmeption*<! dates are only approymate. s« "rora !*.'pec*ed! Will b* Hosratched for:— Pt-nnng Feb T t'enang, Sabang, Uleb-leh, Poeloc Raja.
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    • 629 8 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial Herman Mail Line. The fa-t and veil known mail Ftea-ners of this Compaay tail fortmgb'.ly from;iiiii«u R via Rjtfr'rdam. Antwiti>, B v i jr. itoo, QUxal ar, Genoa. Ni 1.0, I'oit -i l -iii'-x V en, ■'olom>o, P*n»ne. Hogapo-e Hongkong, P banghni, Nagasaki, and
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    • 757 8 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES Straits Steamship Co. (Ltd.) Sailings from Singapore. At 4pm daily ctcam-laun-h Pulo Beear" from Johnston's Pier at 3.45 p m. MONDAYS sS.S." Fenang" for Malacca, Port Dickson, Port Swetten 'lam and LVluk \niinn. TUESDAYS: 8. S. Ganymede r for Mnlacci, Port Dickson and Port Sw.-t-WKDNESDAYS: 8. 8. Selangor"
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    • 513 8 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. •N, Y. K. JAI'A.VMAIL STK.\ MTD A regular FORTNIGHT) V maintained liotw I *>y the following NEW IWIH Under Mail Contr.iot with ihe Japanose Government, specially for the Com, lighted throughout by Eli provided with oxoellonr, accomo for First and Second -Cla'3 Pa fitted with ul I Urn
      513 words

    • 63 9 Undpr thi h li.'v linn ill fn'l ivi I nations v in ah. »hij>; l»i -Vi-i -Torpe lo: H.o .it —Bri- lißh 11. S Unite i 8« Krench Gter.—Germdn; Dal—Oatoh; Ge. -liiTi.ri!enrro- d I rt?.in; t. P W :.l' I) ranjonc Hagar l>oclr; I! W.- Koraeo Wharf;
      63 words
    • 127 9 11. M. tniis. lone, 4Mi crow II uuna,9«oJ ff.p. Rolmml M Honekoni: SUt Jan Beniw Waral o>yr. Urn certnin —H-is. l,\i,n-r. iin ligbl bonte tender, ISO tern M own -id Fel> From H.-itivin, Uih Feb. Dutol Consul. For IVli, U —Dock. Muttra, Brit u.i 4,044 ton*, crew,
      127 words
    • 1128 9 Mrtvata since Noon ct Ycs'terJay. Amk'rtt, Rrit. str l.v. tooa, Oapt Hunter tad Mnr. Praia T vn^on, sxh F.:b. Gc., and ll* d.p. Weo Uin Co. Fur T. Anson D-R'ls. Hrttjj, Dut. 3tr. 107 tons, Naiolah, 2nd Mar. From Bagan,'Jt'lh Fd> (i.e.. and d.p T«n Mi eh
      1,128 words
    • 752 9 Nam?, port, probnb'e date of arri.n and name o) agenti. 8TIAMIB3. Acbilles. Liverpool. Mir ->9: MansiiolJ. Ajrx Oiiina. Mar •>; Mm field Albenifi H'xong, mid. Mar; Behn Meyer. \l>oin. Bangkok Mar; Borneo Coy. Altitis Ratiwia, Mar 17; Da"ndeK \nmtin, Colombo, Mar M; M. Mir, times Antenor, Liverpool Mar
      752 words
    • 607 9 SIXUAPORK, :lRl» MIKCH. I<KM PRODUCE. *»i»Ki i baren '.S> *n do (C'nbe No. 1) unpicked „16 5" "cp.-a 8 U do I'uQ'lauh 7.W) Pepper, Bl:«-W l.nytr- MS7J do Whiu 1 4B <(■•" ■iago Flonr Sarawak 410 do Ernooi N«. 4no Pearl 8»2O .-> Coffee, Bait, 15% be. U OM
      607 words
    • 100 9 MAILS C LOSE. ¥*>■ tr t*--,,,,,r. Inne. To-Mourow Knropc wa port* Clwanv 8 a.m. I'.-i-ij. .i» Pnknam II a.rn. P«ntat{ ami 'Vii //^/>»- S p.m. P S'fium T. 1Bmm~Bf> Vot,; 3 p.m. TpIuV Ansnn via porti i< ./i/i<t»» p m C'bon and Samarang OttmfUmf 4 pm. -ai—kiky Lit>unii an<l Hollo
      100 words
    • 123 9 MAILS TO ARRIVE. Fr^iu F,irope-)U t c PiOl.l Simfm due on Mm 6th M-ireh with dates to the l-'tli Febrnarv From China By the K. D.L. M due on Sunday. TIMK TAKI.k'OF miL< DfK Left Singapore Das iil. > i Un ii i P O Fel) W;h lan 2Sth N.
      123 words
  • 172 9 i-i.'.., Vhsbl'i Nat A 3 Ri«i. lon. Uaptaih From iV>«Blosbm. •i r irol.-i Brit str I te ledi- gt> tlalwucik* >>tr I ikliona i str Ihi Chiou- 4t-r 9li Mithsilal"' int st •J Vmheret I '•ti •J Kmile Dut rti 1 Flevo ;«rit str a -<appho i sir
    172 words
  • 162 9 lUtk. Vessel* Name. Mar S Satahadji 2 I -til..:, 3 Malacca 3 TelcmacliU" S Will Otbe Wisp Mi '-u■i Both 3 li-ntill:u 3 Kci'inun 8 Sabite Rickmertt Emile 4 Cnusnn Nnlisdale 3 Islander 3 Sri Wonfsea 8 I Sambas 3 Betsy 3 Hon K Wan 3 Hont; Ho 3
    162 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 62 9 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JXWSXaU&I AND SII.-S MERCHANTS, No. 51 52, High Street. lln\«- nn|t:H-ki-il n (roll :iii«l lint- Ktock ol kooilk. Indian, Chlntaa, ml Japanese Washing Silks, Silverware, Old Chinese Embroidery, Chinese flrass Cloth from Swatuw, Hand IJrawn-Tliread vVork, Indian Carpets, Assam Silks, Maltese Silk lace in Colors,
      62 words
    • 360 9 Ji_ Xj^.JE^GCE! <Sc CHOICE SELEC'riOJST The^'Motor" b'atin <^ K^ r^J^k-0/7r^ f m ltfMr m Doubli' faco nnrl rich /Sjrj -1 I :l vf-ry Bnivb. In all colours. w/\\, 2, a inches .4^. Price. 15. 25, 35, <U~ \"^^T y Price. 15, 20. 30, Su eta. per yard v \"J"
      360 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 34 9 s \T.ii\ r UtJ I S. R. A. &C. Tei'.')f< r... 3bi> Mahcii 'iOXdKOXG.rtarometer 20 95 Directiou of Wind East. Korce of Wind H. M<tx.Temp i.i Shade. 68. X\NII.A:- 760. \V. 0. 27. ?3.
      34 words
    • 38 9 MTaAfalCal rttPJrt*. Ki,,iln-iin Krrhnii If.- '..</ )f.irr"^ n Kkmaik Bnr .-.'HJKC -"7<> K3S 7^.'i ."-'V 1 I DirofWl i n east Calm.! Max. Temp i mi Wo ..71 n Ban i Terr. rn:i SAJ K'oof.ill The sU corrwtl>
      38 words