The Straits Times, 2 March 1904

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. ai,373 SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2. 1901 PRICE 15 CENTS
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  • 486 1 WEDDING OF MR. F. D. MACTAGGART. Thp. we.ld.iß of Mr. F. D. Mactaggaxt an 1 M>- l> t. H>W| was celebrated at Kliham, Kent, on Tueed iy Fe.b. Sod. We 'take the followiug account of »lih cnrem mv from the Mtthnm narf Ttittritf Hrn i (if Fab otli*:— Tbe iimrri«ne
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  • 317 1 Incidents at Chemulpo. The Nagasaki correspondent of the South China Mooting I'ort sjives parti culaiHulthe Chemulpo tight from an ey«wi;ne-w It rime olf on tbe 9t!i instant. The J ipanese njuadn i: »\i\'f ir>'d ofl the port and callt-d upon the Rus»ian men-"f-war, Knreitf and Vnryng, then in
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  • 45 1 Thk Straits brunch of the ltoyal Asiatic Society has published its Journal for January 1904. The Journal contains an interesting readable article on the Sakais of the F M S. and Notes on a Cruise in the North China Sea by Mr. C. Boden Kloss.
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  • 396 1 HAMLET" IN MALAY. Thk Wayang Kas-im is nothing if not adventurous, and the versatility of the actors is beyond critieiem. From heavy drama to lid it burlesque they skip with the buoyarcy of young ram-*. One night they present a tragedy in the shape of pathetic love a'oiy dramatised; next
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  • 192 1 A (jentlkman well known in Australia in connection with South Sea trade has returned to Sydney after a visit to the Dutch East Indies He informs a press representative, says the Australian Mining Standird, that the mineral wealth of the island of Sumatra is very great, there
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  • 102 1 Thk Time* <f Ceylon has been authorised to ftate that an application has been received from tho High Cotnmisi ••ioner of tlie Federated Mai iv S aje,-; for tho dervices of Mr. J. C Wills, Direcor, Royal Botanic Gardens, Ceylon, to \<n lent ti t,he Governm«nt of the Fe.demte,d Malay
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  • 57 1 Vacuum Oil Co. Burnt Out. Mb W. Dowley, the representati»e in Singapore of the Vacuum Oil Company, has received a cable from the Rochester (N. V office to say that the Company's offices and all records were entirely destroyed in the recent preat fire, brie* which
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 36 1 It is stated that Mr. R G. Watsoa, tbe Senior Magistrate, Perak, who fe now acting as Commissioner of Lanrjfe and Mines, F.M.S., hat been confirmjjl in his present appointment vice Mr. D H. Wiee, deceased.
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  • 38 1 Thk fourth annual report of to* 1 Penang Hills Railway Company hatj been published. It says that th# construction of the line i» going on satisfactorily and that the line will be in working order in July next.
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  • 42 1 Thb S C.C. lawn bowline tournament ties for Thursday are>pionsbinw W. S. Goldie v. E. A Brown.- l-ingl* Handicap, B. Berry v. F K Jennings. Profession Pairs, J. P. Hallaway anrf C. R Williams v. O W. Pugh wd 9 Sowdon.
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  • 38 1 M. Pki.lkta*, the French Naval Minister, has publicly announced that measures have been taken to ensure theie being always in French lndoChina stocks of coal enough to meet the requirements of the navy even in times of stresx
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  • 62 1 Tai't ih» M'tl'iytiaU: Are the new Straits dollars badly minted A comparison of a handful of these tokens will show that, the die is not stumped exactly in the middle in many cane?, the li: 1 of the plain outer ring varyinc. Iv many of the coins too there i-
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  • 63 1 The Courrier S iig>nn<iis of the 2-Uh February says that six Russian collier* are shortly expected at Saigon. They were bound for I'ort Arthur but could not proceed thither on account of the war, the outbreak of which they first heard of at Singapore. Their cargo would be discharged at
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  • 74 1 Thb Journal* <f Agriculture Tropi&ilt seeks to answer the question, why coconut oil is not exported from the Pnilippines instead of copra, the raw material of the article. Custom and the interest of traders go against the export of oil, but the main hindrances arise from tbe heavy expenses attending
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  • 86 1 Mr A. Hehhmanson announces tbat i' partnership which has existed for 40 years between himself and Messrs. R D. Warburg Co of 29 Jewin Crescent, London X.C has been dissolved and that he will henceforth carry on business at 60 Wilson Street, Finsbury EC. under the style of A Herrmanson
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  • 94 1 Thb Perak correspondent of the, Vinnvg Gazette says that much discontent is fit among the F M.S. officials by the appointment cf Mr. J. R. Innes to the Perak Secretariat. There are many there who think that they could worthily fill the place and it would hi re meant promotion
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 731 1 CLAYMORE WHISKY. POWELL ROBINSON. SoU Ayti, SUf«p»r. «nd P«d«r«tcd M»l«> St»t««, NO 111 1 -fcS>. ENGINEERS" ASSOCIATION. AN a- jcorned sp cnl •"•et>ti r g of »h« XV A-soiii.tion wII lie hld in the Marire Club on be cveDi' gof Wednesday •Jnd March, 1» 4. at 8 46 p.m. Business
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    • 282 1 NOTICES. Ideal Milt Enriched 20 per cent. »fe*~7 -^?*j&S witn Cream. Ke^l Sterilized-Not Sweetened. b£^~" ™"S»I A Perfect Substitute for Fresh Chatre's New Indian Circus. Daily 9 p.m. for this week only. Mi*» Aotonita, the famous I'hilipinu lady wire-walker, ride* liicvulr on wire. Mis* Awadn the mo«t during performer in
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  • 1062 2 Mr. Birch's Views. To a reprt'sont;itiv»' of Keuter's Agency Mr. E. W. Hinli, Governor of British Nortli ltnrnrn. wlii i. M our readers are MMIj suddenly rt-turned in conse■SeaM of iliii^rirnicnts witli the British North Boraeo Pniapaajr. said: Mv term of olhcc expires in April iii-xl.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 208 2 NOTICES. MOTOR CARS BENZINE. A'e are now supplying best quality (a oo cents per Imperial Oollon. SYME CO. Yeoman of the Guard" A Conundrum. What difference may be said to exist between the players at the recent l^rtormances and A well-known Local Industry riie merits of the form> r.cxcellent SINQA3
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    • 518 2 NOTICES. m^ mmm f° r Cultured Smokers. mmm^^ !An •nttrnly New Blend of Oriental Tobaccos free team ill ''.rues :uid aoontla m ttter. These CtpHrettes arc mpde in Bafltand fro:n &< li oted of tao very finest Tobacco, and will be found ol flavour- superior to Cigarettes imported from Egypt
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  • 542 3 Why it is so High. The Cntlrtl Servtet Mwjaunr contains iin interesting article, .-vicl.iit ly from the l»'ii of ;i naval officer, which <!• ml> very clearly with the reasons which tend to produce the great difference in the efficiency ol the Navy and that of the Army
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  • 111 3 Early ii) February, the O'Jf«f>a corre«ponil«'nt nf t It** London SHewetoni *rot»: Kite ffdward'* »bM to the Russ-im Cowl is nc definitively deei<K'<) on, and will take place about the end of Apr»| or in the t^ulv dayi o( May [i ia n.l'-.l thai bi
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  • 79 3 In Pogt's Uagammt Pr. Baifc i particular* of the ;iir-hij> which he ji const' uotinß f.-r the Wai Office M if expected that thi« iinhip will be I i"i f,.r a vnry extend*^ trial iwrly in U*o4, maiirn-.i by it» full crew < f tevtm,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 137 3 fcore Muscles, ri-il H correi t ifin.r men! lore m v. ry si' p'o. i>! 1 :ik.* R l od «srm i ath i"f ipo B"log Vi bed, am. b tare to rab yoori Ifdrj fhii no^ni the p,. M 1 ben rultdh .-ini»»orl:»in s l'«in Rain i it ibe
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    • 844 3 NOTICES. Singapore Sporting Cldb Programme' for the Spring Race Meeting, 1904. May 24th, 26th, 28th. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, fjtt May. 1. THE MAIDEN PLATE.— VaIue $GOO. A Race for Maiden Horses, and horses that have run »s Roadsters. Subscription Griffins and in Races confined to horses impor.ed as Subscription Griffins.
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    • 313 3 NOTICES. for either of the following series of Race*, Ml Serif No. 1:—1 Fir«t Day- Race No. 7 Second Day— Kace No. 7 Third Da> —Race No. 6 Servi No. v First Day— Knee No. is Seeoivl Day- Race No. 1 Third Day— Kace No. t> Any owner -wishing to
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    • 544 3 NOTICES. WANTED, by the Johore Government, an apothecary for the Johore Civil Hospi al. Apply statiDg qualification* to PKINCI PAL MEDICAL OFFICER. o.f. jonore. TAMBIEB. VIfANTFO, three smart tarabies who Vt understand offl<-e work. Apply to th- Manager, Sirat* -)fflce. CHINESE CLKRKI YJLJ ANTED, fiD«rt junior for office VV
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    • 602 3 NOTICES. r OBE LET: entry at once, compound I hou«e No. 11l Bencoolen Street. Apply to Guthrie Co. Ltd Agents. Feb 4 P-e- I rBK LET: offices on the second floor No. 7 Battery Road. Immediate entry Apply to Guthrin A Co. Ltd., Agente. c. pO BE LET, small first
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    • 664 3 SHIPPINO^ INDOCHINA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMI'IKI). KOR PENANU AND CALCUTTA. '|IHK Company's steamer HASd SANQ, •1 8.U.1 tone, having left Hongkong on he 26th inwt may be expected to arrive bere on or about the 'Jnd proz. and will have prompt ue*(>at<'h for the abve ports For freight or passage
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  • 802 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, 2ND MARCH. I'ukt AitTHUR is plainly in desperate straits and, judging from the tenour of today's despatches, its gallant commandant recognises the hopelessness ot his defence and only asks his garrison to Ifht it out to the death. That io truly a ghastly
    Reuter  -  802 words
  • 675 4 Singapjrb enjoys a reputation in regard to local tiger hunts which is absolutely unique among the greater ports and more important towns of the civilised world. Indeed scarcely a month has elapsed since we chronicled one among the cathedrals, shops and chapels of the Rochore District, while the previous tiger
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  • 108 4 Thi appoint mem uf Mr. K. W Birch ag'Hesident of Perak is not unexpected, but is nevertheless most welcome. We assume tbat this prompt recognition of his merits by the authorities at home may ba taken as a hint to tiie British North Borneo Company's Directors that they were ill
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  • 7 4 To-day's 4/ua bank rate is 1/1 1J
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  • 10 4 O.s page 1 to-day is printed a quantity of news.
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  • 12 4 Ai) 1 AY b mail news will be found on page 6.
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  • 16 4 The homeward mail closes at a.m. on Friday. THE Hongkong K'K.-es begun on the 23rd February.
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  • 8 4 Ths Straits Biulytt will be published o-morrow morning.
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  • 10 4 Kx«HAN(iK and shard (juotatiois will be found on page 8.
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  • 9 4 The Dallas Company are eucceesr ully performing at Hongkong*
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  • 15 4 "I hk Selaneor raining strike is almost over. Most of the strikers have resumed work.
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  • 16 4 Thk Town and Volunteer Bund will play on the Esplanade to-night from 9 o'clock (weather permitting).
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  • 22 4 It is reported tha- Lord Kitchener has almost regained bit health and is able to take ihoft rides on his favourite charper.
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  • 35 4 The Raub crushing returns for the four weeks ending on the 26th February last, show 2,(500 tons of stone for v yield of 1,100 ounces of gold an average of 8j pennyweights to the ton.
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  • 28 4 Argument in the "Tansan" appeal cape closed yesterday afternoon. The Court reserved judgment. The Appeal Court wis engaged to-day hearing the appeal of two chitties v. A. Annamalai.
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  • 29 4 On Saturday afternoon, Mr. James Alexander Murray, of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, was married to Miss Lucie Maxton Barber, of Adelaide, South Australia, at St. 'George's Church, Penang.
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  • Special Telegrams to the "Straits Times."
    • 237 4 BRITISH EXPELLED FROM VLAUIVOSTOCK. Tienttin, Ut Marth. The British Vice Consul and some other British subjects have been from Vladivostock, and have arrived at expelled Tientsin. [The Vice-Consul, no-called, referred to in the foregoing despatch, in prohnMy Mr. Edgar W. Salis .Schwaliv, tbe head of the turn of
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    • 32 4 Yokohama, 29!k Feb. Tlie Japanese ar^d Russians have exchanged shots to tha north ot Ping\ang. [This telegram, tinted at Yokohama un Modday, uoly uninl at Singapore t:n« murning. J
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    • 34 4 Sh'tngliai 1.-' March Private advices slate tbat two Jipaneae torpedo boats were sunk, und jne Uuitsian destrjy^r wa* damaged in the attack on P trt Arthur on the morning of Feb. Mlh,
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 167 4 (Extrm Surrire PORT ARTHUR FURIOUSLY BOMBARDED. Russian Ships Damaged, Beaten and Forced to Retire. M March. It istelegraphud. from Yingkow, that the Japanese squadron made a furious bombardment of Port Arthur on the morning of 29th Feb. for two hours. The* Russian warships \orik, Hayan, and Arkold went
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  • 250 4 Ignition, ht Match. The Ruc'-ians detained the captured C illiers for ten days htfnre releabing tlnm. "SADO MARU" LEAVES CARDIFF. The Japanese coal-laden «t earner Sudo sailed from Cardiff yesterday. .She probably goes via the Cape route. THE JAPANESE AND PORT ARTHUR. Russian Commander Says it
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 513 4 I-ATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WASSIAMULL, ASSOMULL CO., Indian Store, No. 1,2, 3, 4, High Street. Hare opened a Fine Stock of Good*. Silverware, Washing; Silks, Embroidered Goods. Canton and Swatow drawn {roods, Ceylon and Maltese Silks ant Cottons, Lace Blouses. Handkerchiefs, Tics, Cuffs, Collars and Laces, Sandalwood and Ivory Fans and Japanese
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    • 491 4 TOWN HALL TONIGHT! TONIGHT!! GASPARD NEVA The Famous DuettisU. From tbe Aml>a<-adf iirs,' Paris, tbe Allianilirn, l...iii|,,n, and nrincipal Muhir ll.ill-, Kurupe. MILE RENEE FLORE, Chanteuse et Danseuse. BYRD DOUGHERTY, Pianist. Dhh tftn at Ml p in. Ptrftrauirr at 9 pa. Popular Prices. PL. and Hooklnf al RoMnxn Piano Co.
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    • 58 4 SMOKE FRONTIER. MIXTURE *cii -7 Murray- Barker. On tbe '27th February, at St. (.ieorge'n hureh, I'enang, Jamks Ai.kxkndkr, 4tk Hon uf Uie liif I'R I. Ivuk Murray, fopinerly H Mb Colinial IaqBMB, lini^koii),', to Lucy Maxton, younger daughter <>f the late Colonel WW I L IAM Karbkb, :Urd Maitrax Infantry,
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    • 44 4 A fluid called Westrumite h being used on the roadway in the BqWM and Battery Road with a view to lay the dust more effectively than can be done with water. Success is hoped for, but it is early yet to form an opinion.
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  • dorrespoitocncc.
    • 228 5 MERITS OF OUR CRICKE TERS. li, liv E-tUtr tf tkt Btrmits limet." Sir. 'Colonial" OB "Sinews" will not go down I I poet) lily M an authority. lv criticising, it i. v well to Mick to the point at i -lie wliich. in t ln- preWMl inst.tnir. i^ liic merit
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  • 212 5 A China boy who escaped from the rma'ory and then ft pair <->f ear-ringi hai get two months' v nrnent for etc ping and ten cuts for Ibe Xi" of $K in catea of cifeul ttii r Sarawak copper .-^in. For )'o«-t'-siiin of a whiw.iy Ic'tery n unan
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  • 194 5 Y. M. C. A. SOCIAL." Tlif Direct< rs at the V.M.C.A. enter-taim-d the meraben and their friends in the Anoci&tton'l new n sidence. IffttrlllMJ II <>v Armenian St. last night. Tho drawing room, whirh is \crv mafiimi apartment, wai iraily bedaggea and ■I, and |>n .nt. 'it .i very pretty
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  • 135 5 WILHELM'S TIAL-SHAFT BROKEN. Tow oil to by the Charterhouse." fAiT Richtib i>f Uifl br tisli steamer Wilhtlm, wliioh arrived from Aapmu in i.a of the a Chartgrhotut yesterd.i\. report* t i i -it on Jan. 27th whnn ali a< i.v.n <\ mile* from Aropenan tlie kail-shafi broke Tlw (SiWf Olliccr
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  • 682 5 Thk only effect of the silence which is being preserved regarding the opera'ii ins on Russia's eastern^A board in to stimulate the rumour jAn^er to still greater 'lights of xXiy imagination .-'urely there must be some genius it> this fine resident in Singapore for never a day passes
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  • 56 5 THE HOT EL DE L'EUROPE. Mb. C Cliaytor, formerly of BlMci Hotel, has been appointed Manager of the new Hotel de l'Europe v.l.icli is -to he hnilt en th«-.-i'n of the present Hotel The present building will remain parii.illy occupies while tie work of re<:oi etruc'.ion is procefdinp. It will
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  • 170 5 The Assizes continued before Sir Lionel Cox the Chief Justice in the Supreme Court yesterday, liong llai Gin got three years' rigorous for theft and fr.idulently altering characters in an account book. A young Chinese woman named Tan Kein Neo who pleaded guilty to a charge of concealment
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  • 576 5 The First Match. The opening game under the auspices of the Singapore Association Football League was played yesterday afternoon between teams representine ihe Tanjong Pagar Football Club and he YM.C.A. on the ground of the former. Tint a great amount of of interest was taken in
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  • 185 5 The fire on the tUe.niurrtt was extinguished at two o'clock this morning, having been burning for nearly 20 hours. The firemen managed to keep the outbreak confined to the main hold, but they had to fill that section up to '.he hatches with water before the tire
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  • 112 5 Play on Tuesday. Championship Singles. Mik. liannloser w. o. v Mis* J. Gunn. Championship Pairs. Mm Gann and Mi Hr.ul.lell v Mr*. Waddell ami Mr. F. Snlzmann, nnlin. Mixed Doubles— A. Class. Mrs. Somerville and Mr. W. Darbiabire beat Mr». Feirce and Mr. Mosley, 6
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  • 1224 5 SThe Chemulpo Naval Action. ore detailed news is being received of brief naval fight off Chemulpo. The Japanese ships engaged were iKe prelected cruiser Xaiiina, flagship cf Admiral Uriu, the protected cruisers Sumii. and Tnkarhihn, the armoured cruiser Chimed*, and the gunboat Ckikmgm, with, it is
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  • 263 5 Cracker Firing: Last Night. Last nicbt was the loth day of the Chinese New Year or Chup Go Mcc and was celebrated with much craoker tiring by the Chinese community. Th* wfcota of the town was given up to them for the occasion and pandemonium reigned
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  • 46 5 A Universal and International Exhibition will be held at Lii-gc in IMS. It takes in almost the wbota field ol industry, art and applied si-ienee. April will see the opening. Particulars of the scope and reach of the Exhibition may be had at the Belgian Consulate.
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  • 78 5 The new reservoir at Pearl's Hill is now practically finished, but it has yet to be tested. It will be slowly tilled in the course of this month, that is if water can be spared, for the daily consumption is now between five and six million gallons. The testing process
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  • 269 5 AnorT B 4"> Ifi3t night the native police constables on duty in North Bridge Itoad discovered that a lire had broken out at Haut Hin <fc Co., a general store and spirit shop at 567 North Bridge Road, at the corner of Malay Street. E.
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  • 138 5 About 10 o'clock this morning a nasty accident occurred in Stamford Road near the junction with Beiicoolen Street. A number of Chinese coolies were iau!ing a couple of tramway linf s in a hand cart and when eomg dflwn an incline near tba l.riiiue, t!ip cart gut
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  • 70 5 A i >kki> iNiiwr complaint that f.>r the bMt fm days a rope hat—ad to a Minki'n toogfcang b •ied to a tr<'i' on t^e seaftoat of the fcplanih Tl>>: r.'|>e is suspended acn 88 the pr inei.ade at the water's else and ;ifter d:is-k is a daagaf to pedestrians.
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  • 71 5 About MO men if he Ist Manchester Regiment arrivi d it Singapore yesterday from Africa. They looked a fine, stalwart, hardy set of men, and it seems that a good many of them were through the Boer war. The draft travelled to Singapore by the Sutra, Captain Wright being
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 125 5 Sick Kabies in Summer. IT l« rlarin t t mrm noaUlf of Rnmmnr thai hi tlv r» lihvh to li» m «st cnieful uf ilii 1 r liile o ■<■«. und att etirgt unusu:il' 1 of their bowel* should civ t the lltt i- mtl rer 'i do-fi of
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    • 65 5 NOTICES. Wayang Kassim. The Into Zaiflbar Royal fneatrical Company of Singapore WILL STAGE J3I Ihe Horth Bridge I?oad Chcatrc i?all To-Night, Wednesday, 2nd March, 1904 Special Request Special Request The Splendid Kairy Tale "BUNGA GHAHYA WARNA". The Beautiful Flower Fairies Lovely Fairies Ihnt'l inisx Ibis Opftitriunily. Curtain at 9 p.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 155 5 DAY HY UA\ Wednesday 2nd March. Bkrh Wnter. lO.Sla.aL 11.17 n.». Full Mom IM p in. C.W.A. RaOai Qith School. 4. s.\ A. Batta*7 Dull. 5.16. mr n m lilii i»iii; Tawn H ill '.>. W.-iymi- K -im. Notta Bridge Baad 'J. Caativi Clrcm. Thursday, 3rd March Hi«h Wat.-r. 11...1.
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  • 623 6 Lona*n, 'Hh fail if 111 Die HflM <•< ComiBOBS y.-|.r<lay Ml. loini Morkt meved hit uasadiaeaj t» the Aidlre-^ in l':.-|iiy. Mr. Horle) Raid it was limi' iheetiintry learned irbetbat the Mini-try iteetioniM or mt t-protesttnaist The Mn i-ir> oaifbi to ibow U then was any nr_'-ii.y
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  • 385 6 THE WORLD'S GOLD- MINING. Thi> Kn^!i-.h Mining Journal in reviewing the world's yHmining, »ays Turning to gold-mining, we find COH-•idi-ral>l.> increase* ahuwn in tin- produc tion of gold. The world's output for lOo:? will probably exceed £80,000,000 in value The niu^t productive gold ■me* at the present time are the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 274 6 NOTICES Kelly Walsh, Limited. New Books. .1 ijMii, by Anna Hartshorne, in 2 volumes, illustrated $16.50 Queer things about Japan, by Douglas Slaiien 16.50 Korea, by Angus Hamilton, with reap and illustrations 1.'f.00 History of Modern England, by Herbert Paul, volumes 1 and t, eaih 7.50 The Wonderful Century, by
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    • 489 6 t NOTICES. Agents for LEA PERRIIS' f| f1 #t WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. «I Special W:r?aiy^j»]E||k HI W^. CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORED. Bovril the world's premier concentrated food gives strength and energy, tones up the whole system, making it disease-proof Bovril is a most scientifically perfect food-beverage, instantaneous iL in its effects, and
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 593 7 BUCHANAN'S WHISKY Sold everywhere. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Pt-nang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of todiag Issued or China Coast, Persian Gall Ooatinastal, mxl American Port! Mail Line. Oafw mh. Simla M»r. 8 ''husan Apl. 17 Bensal
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    • 937 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, Koninklijke Paketvaart MaatschapplJ. I r.utr .cDtiacl frith tie £>etL»rlsxc;B luois, C-ioverDrrent. at f-\r^o}.vrr: tHir Acisct, laii J. run-rue A Co., M Cam Qt at. ;ho undermentioned dates »re only «pproj't>ate. :ii!i r From Br^rTibe Tn«rat' <> i'»d for: Bed !>nnng Fob wlPonaag, Bafaang, ()l(;h-leh, Poeloe l»aja Meal kbob,
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    • 638 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N. D. L. NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial (ierman Mail Line. I The fast and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen-Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, Port Said, Suez, A ien, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to Yokohama and They
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    • 768 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES Straits Steamship Co. (Ltd.) Sailings from Singapore. At 4 p.m. daily; Bt;am-launch Pulo Besar" from Johnston's Pier at 3.46 p.m. MONDAYS 8.8. Penang for Malacca, Port Dickson, Port Swot tan 'lam and T'luk Ansnn. TOEBDAYB: S. 8. "Ganymede" for Malacca, Port Dickson and Port Swettenbam. WEDNESDAYS: 8. 8.
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    • 609 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Austrian Lloyd's Steam Navigation Company. Übpkk Mail Contract with thi Acstk:a!» Qovbbnmsmt. The following are the dates on which the Company's Htwiiu -iv may bo o> peeled lo arrire and Mil from here: Udtwaud. Homiwabd. MM. \rrfv-*. j 1904 Sails. fTWMi Mat 7 Mar I \E fH&uia Api
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  • 332 8 Sixoapoke, -"in March, 1904.' PRODUCE. Uarabtet buyers I U7s* do (Cube No. I) unpicked 16.50 Copra B»n 800 do Pontlaim- ".fin Pepper, Black liuyer- is i_>^ do White, (5%) 4fiO«) Sago Flour Sara v.kk 4.10 do Brunei No. i 400 Pearl Sago 550 Coffee, Ball, 15% tiasl? 23.00 Coffee,
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    • 1415 8 Under th'.s heading tho following abbreviations an- used str. steamer airship barque >-i-h. aulwoner. Yet. Yacht; Cru.—Cru's-r; Gbl.— Gunboat; Tor. —Torpedo; ll.c. -Horse-power; Brit. British U. H.- United States Foh.-French Ger.-Qerman; l)ut. -Dutch; Gc.-Gener»l-«argo; dp. deck pn?sftnger, U Uncertain; T. P. w.— Tiiiijniiu Finn wharf; T. P.
      1,415 words
    • 747 8 ffn«M, port, probable date of arrival and name o) agent*. HTIiMIES. Achille-, Liverpool, Mar at: Mansfield. Ajax, Chirm. Mar '25; M>in'firlcl. Albengi H'xonjj, mid. Mar; Bebn Meyer. Alhoin, Bangkok. Mar; Borneo Coy. Altinc Ratavia, Mar 17; Da°ndels. Annam. Colombo, Mar M: M. Maritime* Antenor. Liverpool. Mar 16; Mansfield.
      747 words
    • 147 8 I I'ats. I ViBBKL'i Name. Flao 4 Kki Towg. Pksti.nation \iar 2 I Murcx* Hri> Mr. I 2 PnlcmlMins GjshU Aus an. 2 ■■!•> T'irtsti; via (>«rt-< I Sultan van Lingga* Put >t l<* RMo j A I in.' str. IN RiiMvia Chakralihongs Sia str. 3.V2 Rancknk via port*
      147 words
    • 222 8 A RRIVALS. KLAO I A To». Ri... r.--KL's Nam*. I Captaim From Bailkd i Co/isioiikm. Hat 1 H-:nt;H -:nt; Sang 1 'Telfmncbua i .1 ut t r:i 1 Kullmoutht 1 Palermo 1 Sambas I I-tai>ei:.t 1 Cbnnerhouso 1 V.lhclm 1 1 inn Scnu '1 !>>• Eereas •> i.'t'ey l(v l^eong
      222 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 66 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS AND SILK MERCHANTS, No. $1 52, High Street. II it if imparked a fresh mill lint' stock ol good*. Indian, Chinese, and Japanese Washiig Silks, Silverware, Old Chinese Embroidery, Chinese Orass Cloth from Swatow, (land Drawn-Thread Work, Indian Carpets, Assam Silks, Maltese Silk lace
      66 words
    • 1125 8 GENTS BOOTS GREAT VARIETY I "The Hide JIIMIP "The MBtf "The KitGordon" jHT Smooth" ohe nep mi iii *afi The Smooth 1 V.t- The Hide G. r- E llr 11 i V \S\ made of fine tan t\ ij HGd i don suvnor tin- h/^ $1 tr 3 made ol
      1,125 words

  • 174 9 Under the Official Secrets Bill, now before the Legislative Council of India, any editor of a newspaper, or othtr perxon, will be liable to prosecution if be publishes any information whatever regarding civil atfairn the publication of which is, in the opinion of the Government, opposed to' the
    174 words
  • 643 9 P. O. I'er f huhan 4th Mnrrh -Mr. .r. L riop«, Mr. J. H. Kol*rt«on, Mr. A. KnieM M H. Wrefonl, Dr. Dane, Mr. 1 Mr mid Mr«. (iHrlnn.l M CanaC -l I. Ingmll, Mr. I marvUla, Ser«t. May, Mr- \1 l'«r itHlUurns 18l tfveh Mr H
    643 words
  • 256 9 For Singapore. Per P. AO. s 8. Monqolin, connecting with the steamer Simla at Colombo, from Londo Feb. 6, due nth M trcb— Cai>t., Mrs. Miss Hope, Mies Gxge llmwn, Miss K. Taylor. Dr. and Mr». Freer, Mr A Mo'r, Mr. Hit vin, Lieut. -t 01. Pennefather,
    256 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 569 9 INSURANCE COMPANIES. U«i>i.L i:\MJJiAj\U-. kX)\ FIRE UFE TOTAL INVKBTKDFDNDB BXCEKi £12,000,000. THK LA BOUT FIBK OiTICK IX TBB WOHI I BOURTEAD A Cc Agents. I~^HB~LONDON AND LANOAr^UIBI FIRK INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital £3,137,1100 Paid dp Capital £'J\ 2,760 Rewrve Fund I .078.V0 The ondenigned, Agents for the Com pany, are prepared
      569 words
    • 223 9 NOTICES. MOTOR CARS. :r,i:l,:e"2" hargreaves co.. x/tto >/v? V i r^'^2* '-<ts aa p Maye ss P ecimU V Selected CARS I Steam and Petrol fmQ&bd**'* i am) i f /vj j Invite inspection at their Wopks. W Trials given to Intending Purchasers. RILEY HARQBEAYES Co., Ltdi K. l> i»
      223 words
    • 774 9 NOTICES J. MOTION CO. WATCHMAKERS, JEWELLERS, OPTICIANS. REPAIRS PROMPTLY EXECUTE!; LIQUID FUEL (Petroleum Residue) lArge stocks always on hand. 82/6 (Thirty-two shillings and sixpence per ton f. o. b. in bunkers at FRESHWATER ISLAND (PULO BUKOU) ippoeite western entrance of New Harbour. The fuel U delivered through a 6 v
      774 words

  • 691 10 Another Dwarf Race. The Acting Administrator of British New Quinea continues to furnish the Prime Minister with most interesting accounts of his exploration of that territory. Writing in his latest report, Mr. Robinson said that he had just visited the north-eastern *nd northern divisions of
    691 words
  • 179 10 Lord Carzon's Strictures. SIMANM is not the only country whose railways prove more expensive n.m ,hf estimate. The following telegram tells of a worse instance in ludia: Calcutta, February 17th.— H. E the Viceroy yesterday formally opened the Ass. tin-Bengal Railway at Chittagong uul made v speech
    179 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 575 10 BANKS. Nederlandsohe Handel Maatschappij. NETHEBLANDH TRADING SOCIETY ESTABLIBHBD 1824. UaKTAX f. 80,000,000(abt £6,000,000, Itacio Capital 46*000,000 (abt. £8,760,000./ RkmbviFuhd f. 6,000,000- (abt. 417,000 Head Offico in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Bataria, Bbajiobbs: Fenang, Shanghai, Rangoon, Medan (Deli), Bemarang, Sour»bny». Padang, Oherjbon, legal, Fecaloa^an, Pa<o4roean. Tjilatjap, Palembans. Olehieb, (Atjeb), Banujermasein, Telok
      575 words
    • 369 10 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP (IAPITAL $10,000,00' UESERVE FUND.— Bterlite Reserv9..s!o,ooo,ooo •,««*>,*/, Silver Reserve....! 6 600,000 1 ml 6 KKHERVK LIABILITY OF llnlMlm PBOPHIBIOBB J..aiu,uju,uui Coubt or Dibbctors. A. J. Raymond, Ksq,— Chairman. H. I'". Tomeinr, Esq DsruTT Chairman lion. C. W. Dickson N. A. Sikhs, Esq. K.
      369 words
    • 264 10 NOTICES. 1200 FEET T> ■m«im Pavilion system First Glass Hotel van Horck, OAROET (JAVA) Medical Attendance and Medicines Gratis. 16-12-04 w. GRAND HOTEL, Ltd., No*. 18, 19 «ft 20, BUND, YOKOHAMA. Situated in the FINEST POSITION on the BUND, commands an unbroken View or the Harbour and Tokyo Bay. Caters
      264 words
    • 485 10 NOTICES. CHAMPAGNE "LOUIS ROEDERER." Extra Dry and Carte Blanch* The old, well-known brand BRINKMANN 9 CO.. Irrtportert Retail at Mwsw. CHENG A Co., HIvJH BTEIT f60D7~ Tby it abtd too will bi batis* i«i>. I. R. BELJLlOHbfgstoinformthf pnihat bis Wmtmn la I 'i"' Food, at No. ],Belilic= Kaa I i
      485 words
    • 22 10 Si iri-i.No a ivertisemeiitB,, with dates ul tailing etc will be found on page 7 (ieneral shipping news ia printed on aajal
      22 words