The Straits Times, 26 February 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 21,369 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 26. 1904 PRICE 15 CERTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 778 1 1* 1 1 v u n d t iifuioifv ULAilnUiiL Wnld IV I POWELL ROBINTON. Sol* Ar«nt«, Sliripm aW I *der«(«<- Malay StatH. GOVKUN MKNT N )TI H CATION SIV(iAPORK KRAN.II RAILWAY. rpBKDBBH will !•<• weattaa at thh ColoJ nial offli-e up to t: c Mb F«'l ruary, 1W)I. for
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    • 690 1 IANGLIN CLUB. NOTICE is hereby siven that tbe Annual General Meeting of the Members of the Tanglii Club will b held in the feutonia Club by kind permiitsion, 1 on Friday, ->th Fel>ruary 1904 at 9 pm. Bmuhbi To loceive the Committee's Report and tße M 1.. Treai-utei's Statement of
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    • 294 1 THE Shanghai- Hongkong Building Loan AND Investment Company, Limited. Paterson Simons Co., GENERAL AGENTS. Singapore and Pensng. Feb. 1U v c The UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER Before buying a typewriter Inspect the UNDERWOOD Mi most jt-nec-i l*i?'' i-> .-ii'-.:.'i.< vet wrested Guthrie Co., Ltd. Sop "f fits; CASH STORE, 95, ROBINSON ROAD.
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    • 252 1 NOTICES. -«wi "ORAND PRIX." PARIS, 1000. A OrßiKbettQaalitj: andluvineOrehte&i DaribiUtj.arc ti,. 1 Bbf 1 CHEAPEST. I hlfV Returned after a Successful Tour from America, China, Japan, Philippine Islands, Britrsh, cjerman, French, Portuguese Possessions. Chatrc's New Indian Circus. Daily at 9 p.m. for a week only. Afternoon Performance at 4 p.m.
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  • 1546 2 A Malay Boy's Experience. I nevkh bad a very atoae acquaintance (writes a veracious correspondent to a London contemporar) with, sharks at least, not the sea kind. Never, as you may say, a shaking-hands acquaintance, like a Malay ty>y I once knew, who was actually seized by a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 515 2 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL INSUKAMfc tin FLRE LJFK TOTAL IKVKBTKD FUNDS KXCfcl«.i £12,000,000. TNK LABfIUT PIKBO/mCX IRTHKVuh.) BOUP7PAI> A Oe, Agent*. ri'Hß LONDON AND LAftOAbHiltr 1 FIRE INBUBANGF. <X>MFAM Capital £:',IV!7,iM I Pwd np Capita: £3 lieeerv* Fand i..,073^:C Tbe uader«igr:ori, Agenta lor tbe Cum jx.oy, am prepared to accept ftr*
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  • 369 3 Por Singapore T>r &O. f> s. Mmigotim, MMMetl*fl with th» steamer Simli at Colombo, from I.ondo Feb 5. Hue «th Mmh -Cn->t Mrs. Minn Hone Mips oam Rr.iwn Mien K. Taylor Or and Mr Ki.-.r, Mr A Mo'r. Mr. Hirvin, Lieut.-'.ol. Penn»father Pir Percy nn-1 Lady Ounvnghamo*
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 122 3 Sore Muscles. I^HE correct of treatment sore niusrle* is very sinipte. First, lake a good wnrm bath bef ire griug to bed. »nd be »un> to rub yours-lf dry. This opens the pore* Then ruli Chamberlain's I'nin Bnlm into the pom, keepirg up a briHk ruliliin/ fo r ?cve-;il miuiiti
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    • 781 3 NOTICES J. MOTION ff CO. WATCHMAKERS, JEWELLERS, OPTICIANS. BBPAIBB PROMPTLY EXECUTED LIQUIDFUEL (Petroleum Residue) Large stocks always on hand. 32/6 (Thirty-two shillings and sixpence per ton f o. b. in bankers at FRESHWATER ISLAND (PULO BUXOM) opposite western entrance of Nnv» Harbour. The fuel it) delivered through a x pipe
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    • 617 3 NOTICES. the hewfrench remedy TRADE MARK Tail mraMftl aad hifhlr popular mrdv. oa*d to tka Caatiiuital Hm|>iUl> br Ricnrd. RoiUn. lol^rt. Wlpraii •md otaan. conb-.n.-i all tb, ,]..,,Jorata to '•■r mu K h- in a ■adicia* at ta. kind, aad au.paiiaa nri.'ii aj I. .to employed. THERAPION Np.U\^ T •kort
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    • 556 3 NOTICES. WAN-TED a smart Chinese shippinf clerk who is able to read ant speak English properly. Apply to ALBAGOFF A CO. Feb. 11 28-2 WANTED, by tbe Jobore Government, »n Apothecar«for tbe Johore Civil Hospital Apply stating qualification* to PRINCIPAL MEDICAL OFFICER. n.c Johore. WANTED A Chinese salesman f r
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    • 610 3 NOTICES. /COMFORTABLE room* to b« let at \J Eber Honin." Eher Road. v C HOU->K to be let, 83. < hnge Alloy, up%Uirs and d "-nKtairo Apply to WEE KAY POH. Feb 8 ;ff-2 10 BE LET entry at once compound houre No. 112 Bencoolen Street. Apply to Outhrie A
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    • 649 3 SHIPPING lO&DDEUTSGHER LLOYD. FOB HONGKONG, SHANGHAI, AND JAPAN POBTB. THE Imperial German mail tteamer PRKt'^SEN, 6,. H> tons. Capt. Prehn, having left Colombo on rjaiurriay. the 'JOtta inst., at midnight, may i>« expected Co arrive here on Friday tbe -JHth inst. ai about noon en route for above ports. For
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  • 1868 4 The Straits Times. PRICK 15 CENTS FRIDAY, 26rH FEBRUARY. CoMOUi like ambassadors aresacro■MMSt parsonages in the ports or towns, and indeed throughout the entire dominions of the States to which they ate accredited, and «ny outrage upon a Consul is generally accepted by thfI' he represents as a blow at
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  • 7 4 To-day's 4/m bank rate is 1/1 \fg
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  • 5 4 Athletic Jottings win appear to-morrow.
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  • 11 4 The fourth test match at Sydney i* fixed to commence to-day.
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  • 15 4 Shark storieß will he found on patu 2, and Netherlands India news on page 6
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  • 15 4 The Saint Bede arrived from Xew V.irk this morning with 50,000 canes of kerosene oil.
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  • 17 4 The latest rumour about Mr. K W. Birch is 'that he has been appointed Resident of Perak.
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  • 18 4 Mr. and Mr* Kynnersley arrived f r om Penang in f he >'"/ Sfru- at 7 o'clock this m^rnine.
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  • 16 4 Thk strike troubles in Selan^or are confined to "Naichans" coolies, that is labourers imported under agreement.
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  • 22 4 The M. M. steamer Y.irra will lf.ive Saigon at 9 am. to-m<>rrow and maybe expected here on Monday at about 6 a.m.
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  • 26 4 The steamers Tni Lte and Tai Cheong, coolie emigrant liners plying between Swatow and Deli, are said to have been sold to the Mitsui Bustnn Kaisha.
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  • 24 4 H MS. Algerine Wh for Hongkofu at 730 this morning. Tlie fmtml itexpected to arrive here from Hongkong shortly to take the Algerine's place.
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  • 29 4 Mk J. Elton, Master of the Victoria Institution at Kutla I.umpor, has severed his connection with that School, to leave for Java where he has obtained a lucrative appointment.
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  • 35 4 Thk (ierman mail steamer I'reutten, having Jeft Penang on the 25th instant at noon, is expected to arrive here this afternoon at about 4 pm. »nd will leave for China and Japan Saturday at a.m.
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  • 480 4 This morning, Motif Pin N'um and Cheong Sum Kworrfr, C hinese doctors, of •J\ Smu'.li Bridge R-->ad and H Ni-.v Bridve Road respectively were before Mr. Michell in responap t.> summonses i-Mied at the instance of Chief Sanitary Insp. Mayhew to explain why they failed to report case
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  • Special Telegrams to the "Straits Times."
    • 2 4
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    • 39 4 Authorities Apologise. Other Consuls Indignant. Shanghai, '251h Feb. A Cossack at Newchwang horsewliipptd the Amt rii-.-in (.'oiisul at that port (Mr. Henry B Miller). The authorities arologif>ed but the other Consuls and all the foreign residents are highly indignant
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    • 76 4 No Japanese Warships Injured at Pott Arthur. The official Russian report of tbe Japanese repulse *at Port Arthur sets forth that on the Mtk inst. (23rd the Japanese attempted to block the entrance to Port Arthur, intending tv sink four old steamers in the fair-way. Tike steamers were,
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    • 47 4 Japanese Still Command the Quits, Tientsin, -Joth Fib. The Russian reports of severe losses to the Japanese fluet in an lUiack on Port Arthur on Tuesday night, are discredited here. The Japanese tleet continues to command the Gulf of Liaotung and the Bay of Korea.
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    • 84 4 Three Torpedo Boats Caught this Time. London, IMft Ftb St. Petersburg despatches state that Admiral Alexeit-ff telegraphs that the Japanese sent four torpedo boats with some old steamers against Pott Arthur on Tuesday night, with the intention of sinking them in the fair-way of the harbour. Tne
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    • 30 4 London, '2~*lh Feh. It i-i utficially announced from St. Petersburg that the Japanese igain attacki .1 Tort Arthur early on Thursday (>esterda>) uTorriiug, and were repul.v i
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    • 29 4 Japanese Squadron Sighted in the Offing:. Nine Japanese warships were sighted on tiiu hdVizon outxide VRtdivottock on Thursday morning. A fog fell la'er and concealed their movements.
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    • 29 4 Kmm, -i:>th Feb. A fire broke out in a coffee house in a passage-way netr St. Pauls. BtVM persons lost- their lives in the conflagratiSn.
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    • 46 4 Kuala Lumpur, \ihih beh The coolies at Towkay Luke Yew's mine at Ampani; l.aye r-uuck against the seven hours rule. All is quiet at R-twangR -twang ami Ri«a The detachments of Guides ttal iooeda ihoM places on Monday last are still on duty.
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  • 132 4 Mr. S. W. Cakiwmght, <if Kdward Lloyd Ltd arrived by tlie I'undua from I'enans thin sMnUMJ Aiming other items of news onawwillf lie big paper and newspaper BOMavn he represents Mr. Cartwright nilmuis us that the Daily Chronicle is to be m:.<ie a halfpenny paper from Monday
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  • 29 4 In the B.C 1. iwn Bowling Tournament, the following tie, in the single handicap, postponed from last night* will be played off to-morrow, B. Be,rry v. F. K Jennings.
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  • 28 4 Mk. Rudolf Lorintzin, the German vice-consul at Sandakan, has had to return to Germany on sick leave. His business there will be conducted by his son, Walter Lorentzeo.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 470 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Universal Investment HAS YOUR INCOME DIMINISHED? Refer to our Deposit System HAS YOUR CAPITA], SHRUNK IN 1903? Read our Deposit System HAVE YOU MONEY TO INVEST? Consult our Deposit System IK) YOl WANT TO KNOW WHAT PROVISIONS ARE CHEAPEST AND BEST? See our Price List, THOMPSON THOMAS CO.
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    • 302 4 no USES to bp let nt Confederate Estate. BELMOXT HOUSE two storicf. j cci si V com;>iptely furnished BEVI.ED: I facing sei-tHn also to b« let Latt> oecurMc, J. Bird Both can be occupied oi l?t Mnreh, 19J1. Apply to WEEVAY POH, 8 4 Change Alley. Feb. m^g AUCTION
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    • 65 4 G. R.LAMBERT CO. I PHOTOGRAPHERS. Tourists' P stes and Films carefully develop J. All kinds of Photographic MatcrUU kept In stock. Plstss snd films guaranteed Fresh and suitable to the climate. Photographic Hints to Tourists cheerfully il> tn. Splendid Assortment of faacru on han J. View, of Sinif.pore. Native Stale.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 142 5 THE ATTACK ON PORT ARTHUR. Russian Ufiicial -Account Says it was Repulsed and failed Entirely. 1.6u,1un, Ftb 2bth. .1 Aif jeiMVtrlctrapha officially thai the J ipHiiese re-attackrd Port Arthur »i '1 45 on the morning of the instant with torpedo boats. Tli-y endeavoured to block ihe harbour by
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    • 20 5 ov.don, 26r» Feb. Mr. Balfour, who has been indisposed, has reapp ared in the House of Commons.
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    • 53 5 1 Japan h v intimated her willingness to allow Iho Russian prisoners who were taken at Chemulpo, and who are now en RMitc t.> Ceylon for detention, to return to Rnasia on parole* lire it Biitain is now corresponding with Russia with a riew to such
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    • 22 5 The railway over the ice on Lake Baikal is- D m c wplatwi, .«iid Russian trains are crossing.
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    • 28 5 A Ruaatan official despatch says that the main alticked Port Arthur on I'mi'sUv (yesterday) morninp, bat wen repulsed all along tHe line.
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  • 34 5 In ii oaaa of Mr. Naina Marikar agaii^t tba "Ceylon Standard" Press Co i li- plaintiff said that for thr.-e v.v.l-known lawyer" he retaiiu-d he imljr paid Rs. 125, so cheap are counsel tiicrH.
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  • 44 5 A x.niiE circolatad by the Master Atti ii>iaii t notifies that all vessete THjininc into the port wirti petroleum as Ciimu iini>t give notice of their arriv il ar.d Hie oil must be inspected and taatcd whether it Is to fee landed or not
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  • 29 5 A me. diaooverj has been made oi terfeil r. v in M faiten took fright and die»i an accomplice hH>- ->'i '.iimdreriß of dollan wortk ntai felti \v hi-
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  • 37 5 Thk British North Ho, mo Herald hears that a Brusaeli firm with branches at Singapore and Manila will shortly open businci-' at Bnndakaa. It will run a steam bout, from that port under the American 11 ijt.
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  • 43 5 Thk danger <■! lumJlessly handling cum-iit c iii hai just been exemplified •by the death ol Mi J Chrke, a medical ollicet in ln'ii... from hlood poisoning which arOM bom his counting out a niinil., r of rapeei while* suffering from ;i cvi Sugar
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  • 40 5 With a view toth^ sanitary improvement ul tlif neighbourhood, the Kling villaM lyiTig betwewn Mackenzie and Bukii Timah Ro 1- is hr\i,-j demolished. The tramway power elation will be erected on part of the block. The iiiiprovciiii i'.t wts needed.
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  • 43 5 Amur 10 o'clock (Ml morning Police Sergt. Kellaber was proceeding along Orchard Boad when he heard shouts for '"in;it^" Bfl captorad a Chinaman who was akios i ft" with two silver candli clicks which he had stolen from aChim.- bottas in 'he vicinity.
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  • 50 5 We hear that it is proposed to start a Malay paper in Singapore. It will be printed in Arabic charters and will be iatued ooea a week. The paper will be oaltcd the Toman I'engtahitan or "Source of Information". It will be prjntcd by Alwee Bros, at 77, Arab Street.
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  • 61 5 Sankkdan, the Malay arrested for the robbery of jewellery and property from the n r-id» in i- of Mr. A. K. Olarovsky, the Russian Minister, and from the British Vice-Consul, Bangkok, has pleaded guilty to receiving stolen property. The other five have been sentenced to four years' hard labour, to
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  • 1527 5 Detaii.kd accounts of the action at Chemulpo the first engagement reported are still lacking, h seems, however, according to a newspaper correspondent that on the 7th Instant, the British eraiMf Tu'l'ut, the American cruisei Vidc$b\ the French cruiser l'a*cal, the Italian cruder Ellwand two Rus|jan warships w.rn in
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  • 212 5 Play on Saturday Championship Pairs. Mrs Somerville and Mr. Hose v Mr*. Wad.lell and Mr. .Fred. Salzmann. Mixkd Doubles U. Class. M M. Abrams aid Mr. Cunliffe Her. v Mn. BoweH and Mr. M. OibboD. Members of the Club are asked to remember tbat Mr.
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  • 417 5 APPEAL COURT. The Tansan'' Casa, The appeal by Messrs. McAlister and Co. from the judgment of *he Chief Justice in the action by Mr. Clifford Wilkinson, of Tansan" fame, against Messrs. McAlister it Co. came on for argument yesterday afternoon. It may be remembered tbat Mr. Wilkinson brought an action
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  • 436 5 Madame Blanche Arral Seldom are the lovers of music in Singapore treated to so rich a feast of song as they enjoyed 'at the Teutonia Club last night, when Madame Blanche Arral, a distinguished French artist, at the desire and expressed wish of many residents,
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  • 518 5 A Successful Opening Performance Chatkks Indian Circus gave their opening performance in Singapore in their large tent at the Raffles reclamation ground last night. The audience was not very large for a first night's show, but those who were present seemed delighted with what they saw and evinced
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  • 184 5 The Franco-Siamese Convention Thk Bangkok correspondent of the Straits Echo says that the FrancoSiamese Convention provides that Siam renounces the suzerainty of Luang Prabang, anfl the FrancoSiaraese frontier is to follow the line of the partial of the waters between the valleys of the Mekong and Menam
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  • 472 5 Hv Major K. (J. Broaurk k, AS. ('OMMAKI)ANT. Sin,j,,/,,rr, 2S,lk Fel,. s. v. O, Siimlay 28th, .it 7 a. m ("lurch I' hi S. V. (Prexbyterian Chun-!i>. I'ar.ule il respective headquarters, t uifurm with mdc armi<. M.mday, -J9tli at 8-30 p.m. Koute ni.inh lor the S.
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  • 70 5 At the meatiagol Le^.tLitive Council on Friday next, two new measures will be brought up for Qrst reading— one to amend the Indian Immigration Ordinance 1899,' the other to amend and consolidate the law relating to Postal matters in the Colony. The Prince of Wales's Island Tramways (Loan) Bill and
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 81 5 NOTICES. Wayang Kassim. THE The Indra Zanibar Royal Theatrical Company of Singapore WILLSTAOE J3t the Horth Bridge Road theatre fyall. To-Night, Friday 26th. Feb.. 1904 WILL STAUE FOR THE FIRST TIME That Well Known and Tragical Drama "The Merchant of Venice," (SHAKESPERE) Traniilated from Dickx Standard I'lay. By the Sole
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 159 5 (JAY BY DAY Friday, ?*th February. Hi«h Wat*- ♦•<« 6.51 j.m Fourth TestB*»teh, at Sydney B.V.A. Gun DYJI. 5.15. Football. Police t. Rover*. Tanglin Club Meetfog- Wayang K&Mim. NoSth Bridge Koari. 9. Saturday, 37th February. Hi^h Water. 6. 4. a.m. S.'i}- F-" Mahommedan Festival (Hari« a y*' Council of .Indues.
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  • 396 6 Now that Sabang is more resorted to than ever before, malaria is found to be rife there. Mosquitoes are said to be the prime movers in spreading the disegse, and measures have been taken to curtail their powers for mischief. The medical authorities also give a small dose
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  • 626 6 P. O. Her Clinnan 4th March Mr. i. L. Hope, Mr. .1. H. RabMtaoo, Mr. A. bight, Mr. K. C. Wrffunl, Dr. Dune, Mr. Dan«ter, Mr. and Mrs. (JarWn.l. Mr». ('anefield, Mr. A. L. Inpill. Mr. K. M. I'rx-er, lOrn Snnicrville. Per liallnarat ISth Mireh Mj. H.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 259 6 NOTICES. C. A. R I B EIROa" CO. India s^^^ er Stamp Jalanufasivcrers. Orders executed with the utmost despatch in all Styles Sizes at Moderate Prices Also In Stock Rubber Types in boxen complete, Haters, Numbering Machines, Acme Presses, Tyuoholders, Stamp Hacks, Endorsing Pads Iron or Tin, Slock Boxes with
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    • 250 6 NOTICES. MOTOR CARS. RILBT HAEOBBATES CO.. LTD. JW&Z'Z. tiff y/^SEy*"^Maaaataa^BßHL,J^__._y /^SEy*"^Maaaataa^BBHL,J^__._— I 1^ Have Specially Selected Mm^mNL*. Wm^E^^^W r -CARS ;^^iHHg i?- :t j^ Steam and Patrol .'sBj '?W^; J Hr Invite inspection at their Works. > *"^^S'£k£x -jg&itt Trials given to Intending V- 4 V r .^J^^fcy^^ Purchasers. P6IX.E"ST
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 651 7 BUCHANAN'S WHISKY Sold everywhere. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION, CO. •For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lnding issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf. Continental, and American Ports. Mail Line. Outward*. Simla Mar. rt Bengal Mar. MalU Apl. 3
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    • 885 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Konlnklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij. (jnaer contract with the JNetbtrlauds India Government. u'»f* of Smcapore: Phip AciacY, Lin J. luibiilb A Co., 2-3 Ccllybb yi at. :'be undermentioned dates are pnl v appropriate. Hteamer From Vpeetod Will be Dispatched for v.dtrLhn Soerabaya Feb 16 Bandjarmassin, Kota Baroe, Paseir Moeara Djawa,
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    • 599 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N. D. L NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial German Mall Line. The fast and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen-Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, Port .Said, Suez Anen, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, f'-^saki, &nd Kobe to Yokohama and back. They are
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    • 766 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES Straits Steamship Co. (Ltd.) Sailings from Singapore. At 4 p.m. dally etiam-launch Pulo Besar" (com Johnston's Pier at 3.46 p.m. MONDAYS 6.8. Peoang (or Malacca. Port Dicksoa, Port Swetteniam and Tel ok Anson. TDESDAYB S. 8. Ganymede for Malacca, Port Dickson and Port Swettenham. WEDNESDAYS: 8. 8. "Selangor"
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    • 715 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Austrian Lloyd's Steam Navigation Company. Unpick Mail Contract with thb aoBtrus govbbnmkht. The following are the dates on which the Company's steamers may be expected to errive and sail from here: OUTWAKD. HOMBWABD. I^o4. Arrives. 1904 Sails. STrieite Mar 7 "ditela Mar 1 IE- F t Silesia Apl
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    • 1443 8 Under this heading the following abbreviations arc used i str.— steamer sh. ship bq. barque sen.— schooner; Yet.— Yacht; Cru.— Cruiser; Gbt. Gunboat; Tor. —Torpedo; H.o.— Horsepower; Brit.—British U. H.— United BUtoi; Fch. -French Qer.--German; Dut.-- Dutch; (J c. Generallargo- d p.— <leck pHMnger; I' Uncertain; T.
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    • 621 8 SfNOAPORK, MTH FKHRUARV, 1904. PRODUCE. Uarabler 10 25 do (Cube No. 1) nnpickeii 16.50 Copra Bali 800 do 7. fin Pepper, Black „29.371 do White, (sT{i 47.50 Sago Floor Sarawak 4.12] do Bronei Be. i 400 Pearl Sago 550 Coffee, Ball, 15% 24 50 Coffee, Palembang, ifi'X
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    • 100 8 MAILS CLOSE I'ur ferilramir ftmt To-Morrow. Sew (juinea PrimWoldrmar 7a m Indragiri Aing Himj \oon P.Swet'ham A Penang Pirn Srng 1 p.m. Muar and Malacca Far/alia 2 p.m Amoy and S.vatow Prntakula 3 p.m I^at>uan and Manila Singoru 3 p.m I*. Swm'ham via ports Sappho 3 pm. Bangkok Singiporf 3
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    • 141 8 From Europe— By toe N. D. L 5.9. Preutten due on the l'7th Feb. with dates to the •Jnd February. From China— By the M. M. s. s. Yarra due on Monday. TIME TAIiLE OF MAILS DI'K [..eft Singapore Due in London Arrived fan 11th N. D.
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    • 200 8 m I lEm 5 Vkrsel'* Namk. A los*. ('attain a Rig. Feb s«5 Sea Mew Col »tr 31*0 Murphy 2"> Eroile l>ut *tr. *U Xacodah 2n Kecord«r Kril «r. rt7B Hrt-reton '2'i I'm S«ui! Btr STh l>;ivul»on i»i Zwoena »tr »I 6 N.^l.itt M Hreiil Nor >tr. «45 Folk
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    • 222 8 Dm Vusil'i Nami. PtM A Rio Feb 25 Rhipeus Dm Mr. -'fi Taming i-n »tr. Sfi f'litus gtr. il'i Troeas H Mr egavia t jtr. :>« Betsy m !,tr. Wi Ainherot it, jt ..ti 3ri Brouwer |> ,t -i r A; Keitel tv, 26 Hye Leong Brit sir. 16
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 99 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS AND SILK MERCHANTS, No. 51 52, High Street. 11. i unp.rkeil a frrsh ••ml Him- sl«tck «>l noods. Indian, Chinese, and Japanese Washing Silks, Silverware, Old Chinese Embroidery, Chinese Qrass Cloth from Swatow, Hand Drawn-thread Work, Indian Carpets, Assam Silks. Maltese Silk lace in
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    • 236 8 fiaberdashery in Qrreat Variety. WOVh-N DOUBLE or SINGLE INITII^IETTERS THi skahoi: k ion 1:1 ii.ns K%«ry -iu-le, I r -L-nhlo oinl.ination **i initial letter- always in ISW.I steel. bMali hi W l.ii< M Bterfl Mm DmiMe LiMm 20c. pmgmm, riice single Letter* 4Oc. parpMi ti or 7 iu> lonj. Price
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 62 8 WEATHEH REPORT. Kandanq Kerbau Hoipital, S.~>'h Frb., 1901, |Wa.m. »|).m. 9p.m. Kemakk 'far J».U72 l 'J9.B4tli Moroine femp 81.0 8«4 j cloudy dit iVß'lbTher 74.6 759 clear, rain DirofWind v.X as. w. at 6 00 p.m., 8«4 Uin :4 0 Sun 117.' Terr red 70.9 Rainfall .28 The stA-idard
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