The Straits Times, 1 February 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 9 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 21,348 SINGAPORE, MONDAY. FEBRUAKY 1, 1904 PRICE 15 CERTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 684 1 CLAYMORE WHISKY POWELL ROBINSON. go<« At«m», glafaper« and Federated Malaf States. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. TENDERS will be received at the Colonial Secretary's Office up to noon on the 6th February, IUO4, for the following works: (1) Ot neral repair*, painting and whitewashinc Lock Hospital, (2). Cementing floor of latrine, kitchen and
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    • 1392 1 Singapore and Kranji Railway. From January 4th, 1904,- and until further notice. Train Service for Week Days and Sundays. j3O"%*r:wfl\ A.M. A.M. AM. P.M. P.M P.M. P.M P.M SINGAPORE -/..6..-J0 TJM 10.00 12.30 2.17 5.23 4.4:* 5.40 M a 637 7.39 10 07 12.37 2.24 3.30 4.60 547 mewcon d
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    • 274 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. What is Ja vol m.w.s. I") -.-OS "Che Chicago Brief Size jj| IfiF' Ordinary Size $140. $110. "Tin- 4 IliciIKo" itllrrx lln- followinc ji«I» jiiil :i^<» Interchangeable Steel Type Special Type for all Languages (FRENCH,. GERMAN, RUSSIAN, SPANISH, PORTUGUESE.) Perfect Alignment Simplicity High Spee<! Portability (iood for Manifolding
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  • 883 2 The Tibet Mission. It u> reported tjjnt UN Thibetana with two itun« are in the hill- round Tuna, where Colonel Yomi|;liUHl>aml if> miw MMWi Uarjeeling report* Hate that. 3,400 TliilietaiiK are xaid to have collected forty miles beyond Phari, and that hexitilitien are not iiii|.«.--i in the
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  • 190 2 The Medical Press declares that, if statistics are to be believed, the average marriage ag« of members of tiie medical profession has, during the past few generations, grown Jatjr aud later. The usual explanation is that the conditions of existence render competent professional income every year more
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 408 2 NOTICES. GAftRETTS PORTABLE ENGINES.! WITH WOOD-BURNING FIREBOX. PARTICULARS FROM BORNEO Co, Ltd., SINGAPORE. FOR THE PRESERVATION OF IRON and STEEL. THERE IS NOTHING LIKE SIDEROSTHEN BRAIDS PAINT« *'C p In general use by Government and Municipal Bodies througkont tt»e World, also, at Collieries, Shipyards and Engineering shops, THE BEST PRESERVATIVE
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    • 357 2 NOTICES. MAINTAINS THE HTOHE-T REPUTATION EVERYWHERE. BUILD UP and PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH and Fortify the System against Disease itQi (fc*tAMl«lMd itnw It2t.) MIIMCIO^LUipiM^ m^^^MMMMMM^MMMMMmWMm! We oannot apeak I aTA "^^K^hT^^M^ ?^MTI WBrM WB too highly of it." I VJh^^B MS Cl Stt^B)\r iKy Ml .1-. 1 a^^^^^^BUQHPAflß^B HaB 'HMMHVJHM Pronounced
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    • 209 2 NOTICES. These CAPSULES cure j I recent and chronic discharges. I THEY NEVER FAIL I; sou fry****. TIT THEM m J J. MOtION~y~CO'. WATCHMAKERS, JEWELLERS. OPTICIANS. KffPAIRfl PHOMPTLYKXECUTK' Reasons' No. I 2. 11HE reasons why the sale of Singa Cigars is increasing by leaps and bounds are because they are
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    • 21 2 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailing etc. will be found on §age 7 General shipping news is printed on page 8.
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  • 432 3 The Rutski Pnvalid states during the last eighty years the Korean Army has hppn.undar the guidance respectively of Chinese, Japanese, American, and Russian instructors, and the effects of the various systems of training are still to be traced. The Korean .Army !:a« neither gavalry nor artillery, hut
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  • 417 3 Fifty years ago every town in Cornwall whs a-bugy and prosperous centre of mining industry. From Guncislake to Cam borne the rich copper and tin mines give employment to -thousands, and were payinp AVer £i'O,COO per monlli in wuges. In (tie pmall district of Lelant alone no
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 80 3 Triumph ol Modern Surgery. BY applying Chnmberlain's Pain :<aln. wbieh is antiseptic, to wounds, bruises, and liira injuries before infhmmntion :-ct- in, they may be healed without maturation in one-third of the time rrquired by the old treatment. It also allays the pain and oreness. Keep a bottle of CharnlM>r)aiti's
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    • 591 3 BANKS. Nodarlandaohe Handol Kaatschappij. NETUERLANDH TRADING SOCIKT^ KefAnLiKHKD 1824. iAPITAL f. «fJ,OOO,OOO— (abt £6,000,000 IsaußD Capital f. 45,000,000(abt. £8,760,300.) KKBBKVI f UHD* f. 5,000,000— (abt. 417,000.' Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Batavia. Bbakohbb:' renang, Hhangbai, Bangoon, Mudan (Deli), Semarang, Sourabaya, radang, Uheribon, Tegal, Pecalongan, Pasoeroean. Tjilatjap, Palembaug, Olehleh,
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    • 314 3 BANKS. HONOK ON G AND- SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. I'AjnVP (^ifTAl. .SIO.OOH.OOf REBEKVE FUNL\— Sterling !tei?»vve..tlc.(f *)f*)o\ rt nfu,n«, PROPRIETORS COOBT or UIRBCTORS. A. J. RaYMOKD, Esq.— CHAIRMAN. H. B. Tomkihs, Ksq Dkputy Chairman Hon. C. W. Dickson N. A. Sikur, E«q. E. I'.dK-i z, K-.H. \V. H. si.adk, Eeq. O.
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    • 653 3 NOTICES. WANTED, au English nurse to Uk charge of a child of four. 'Apply t Me c/o stmitx Tim. 2-1 WANTED, by the Johore Government, an apothecary for the* Johore Civil Hospi al. Apply elating qualm* Mions to PRINCIPAL M KDIOAL OFFICER, v.c. Jobore WAi*TED.~~ YOUNG Chinese copying clerk with
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    • 600 3 NOTICES. SAVARESSE'S SANDAL CAPSULES Hot nude of Gclitine, m.i-l effirariou., became I absolutely pare English Oil. I Full direct ions. A II Chemists. I Insist on gavaresse's. IOMFOBT*BI.E rooms to be let at V_> "Eber Houhh." Eljpr Roa'i. v.c. 'IX) BK LET— No IMBIkH limahßoad I Immediate entry. Apply at
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    • 493 3 SHIPPING "AMSAK" LINE Of STEAMERS. FOR HONGKONG. MEBBRB. Apcar A Oo's steamer HATHKKfSK APCAR, (Captain Stevran) having left Calcutta on the 23rd, is due herein the let proximo en route for the above po-t. For freight and passage, apply to tATERSON, SIMONS A CO 1-2 Agent*. ••APCAR" LINK 09
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  • 1493 5 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS MONDAY, lST FEBRUARY. Chiekgmai, as many people in this part of the world are aware, is a remote town in a remote district of north western .Si tin, to the south of those wild S'lan States on our Burma bordtrs that are unrestful but
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  • 561 5 Reutrr's portentous announcement from St. Petersburg, to the effect that the ordinary traffic over the Siberian Railway *s to be stopped from to-morrow, in order to leave the line open for military purposes, ltfnds peculiar interest to an account of a recent trip over the line, which appears in the
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  • 30 5 Mr. Arnold Forster, Secretar yof €tate for War, said in a recently delivered speech that great changes in the British Army are necessary. They will be radical, but not revolutionary.
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  • 7 5 To day's 4/ms bank rate is 1/104
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  • 9 5 Advance mail news will be found on page 2.
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  • 10 5 Exchange and share quotations will be found on page 8.
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  • 11 5 Mr. J. Burkinbhaw is returning to Singapore from home this month.
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  • 20 5 The Deli Race Club have altered life date of their meeting to the 28th and :<Oth March and Ist April.
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  • 15 5 A packru audience witnessed the performance of "Cinderella" at the Wayang Kassim on Saturday night.
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  • 22 5 The s. s. Inalia Mara, Capt. Bainhridge, left Colombo on Friday at and is due here at 6 p.m. on Wednesday.
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  • 24 5 The P. and O. homeward mail steamer Bengal left Hongkong at 4 pit. on Saturday and is due here oat 6 a.m on Thursday.
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  • 22 5 The new sfjeamer Sri Muar went on a steam trial trip to-day. We understand that she leaves for Muar and Malacca to-morro^L
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  • 22 5 The tiea Men- arrived from I'enang at 7 p.m. yesterday with H. E. the Officer Administering the Government and suite on board.
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  • 30 5 Thekk is to be a cricket match between the S. S and the F. M. S. during Chinese New Year but the place of meeting has not yet been fixed.
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  • 26 5 The German cruiser Bustard arrived from Batavia yesterday afternoon and anchored in the roads. She is en route for T*ingtau,but her date of departure is uncertain.*
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  • 51 5 Miss Taylor is At Home at Government House to-morrow afternoon. On the occasion, the Singapore Art Club will hold its annual exhibition at Government House, by kind permission of H. E. the Acting Governor, at 5 o'clock. There are a larger number of exhibits this year than on any previous
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  • 59 5 The Kokumin of Jan 17th reports that Russia has communicated to the Powers, including Japan, a Note pledging the respect by her of treaty rights in Mancjfiuria It also states that, in reply to a petition from Japanese residents in Port Arthur, V'ceroy Alexeieff has definitely promised that perfect protection
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  • 83 5 Early this morning Mr. B. N. Sammy of the Marine Department was walking* along the road near the entrance to the. Tanglin barracks when he notfced a young crocodile about eighteen inches long swimming in the swollen stream at the side of the road. Mr. Sammy managed to capture the
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 44 5 Graphic Sticks to Its Statement. LyuJton, :iOth Jan*. The Graphic adheres to its statements (published in Saturday's issue) regarding the Russian reply to Japan's last Note,. despite numerous statements, emanating from St. Petersburg, to the effect that au early settlement is expected.
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    • 53 5 IjOndon .Inn The Liberal Candidate has been elected for the Ayr Burghs [The »«i-ancy occurred through the death «f Mr. C. L. Orr Kwing, conservative. Mr. Joaeph Dokbie ia the. newly-elected member. The last election was in 190U when the late ConservatiTe member wm elected by a majority
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    • 24 5 There is unusual activity at Simonstown. The British warships, at that station are taking in large quantities of coal and ammunition.
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    • 44 5 Reserved for Troops and Stores. It is stated! at St. Petersburg that the traffic of merchandise over the TransSiberian railway will be provisionally suspended from Feb. 2nd, in order to leave the line open for the conveyance of troops and military 6tores.
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    • 89 5 London, Feb. lsi. The Vickers-Mttxim and Armstrong Companies received orders on Saturday to proceed with the construction and complete equipment of two new Japanese warships in the speediest possible time. These ships are of 16,400 tons and 19 knots, and are more heavily armed than the
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    • 85 5 ARMY COUNCIL APPOINTED. Commander-in-Chief Abolished. Acting on the recommendation of the War Office, a oemmittee of the Government, with the King's approval,* has decided to appoint an Army Council framed on the model of the Board of Admiralty. Tlie office of Commander-in-Chief of the British arm v
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  • 33 5 Kino Edward will' open Parliament in person to-tnorrow. It will be a full State ceremony, and the new Procession Road down the Mall will be used for the first time.
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  • 108 5 This morning Mr. Peacock fined a Chinaman S2/> for exposing for sale some pork which was extremely high." Another Chinaman was fined $L."> for bringing thi(ty-six unstamped letters into the Colony from Klang. They were addressed to places in China. Mutusami has been sent to prison for two
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  • 119 5 About noon on Saturday, smoke was noticed Po be issuing from No. 16' Arab Street. The premises are died as a shop by some Jewish insidenjts and had been closed since Friday evening, Saturday being the Jewish holiday. Tha neighbours, Mahoinmedans, were the first to discover the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 456 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. flustralian (Peats LUNCHEON BEEF 1 lb. tins each 45 oents do 2., 8O CORNED BBEP 1 45 do 2 75 SANDWICH BBEP 1 SO ROAST BEEP 1 *O do 2 7O SPICED BEEF 1 45 CORNED MUTTON 1 4© do 2.. 7O ROAST MUTTON 1 4O do 2
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    • 354 5 BOARD LODGING. "l/'ACANT room (with verandah) to be T let in private family's maideace, near town. Tennis court. Apply to B. W. c/o Stmitt Time*. 8-2 THE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND QLOBE INSURANCE CO. I.NBTITUTICD 183 d HAVING been appointed Aleuts for the abovementioned Company, we are now prepared to
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    • 47 5 G. R. LAMBERT GO. PHOTOCRAPHERS (iroups and Photographs OF THB "YEOMEN of the GUARD" Are now exhibited in our Showrooms Gresham House, Battery Road, Wbtrt orden lor Copl.j arc Hocoi.od Kiu.iv- At Kn>l»leigh, on the 3oth January, the wife of K. K. H., ef a xon.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 183 6 MAIL SIGNALS AT FORT CANNING. To the Editor of the "Strait* 'Times." Dear Sib,— Can you tell me what is the precise meaning of the mail signal which, when flyiDg from the fl^g staff on the top rf Furt Canning, seems to announce that a mail is coming in This
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    • 237 6 To the Kditorofthe "Straits Times." Sik" I have no desire to be drawn into the Tiger Hunt dispute. Mr Darco Arianna's bravatura 'letter, however, calls for a few remarks from me. To<nie it appears that his words are braver than his deeds. If he was convinced of
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    • 193 6 I'u the Editor of the Straits Titnen" Sik,— l have been enthralled witl interest in your own account of the recent Tiger Hunt in Singapore, as well .is the autobiographical experiences oi those gentlemen who could refer to the episodes of the chase as nutters quorum
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    • 149 6 To the Kiitor of the Strait* Times. Sir, May 1 request you not to insert any more articles in the Straitu Times, (if a nature similar to the problem in Bridge which your correspondent "The Pagan .sent you under date of the 24th ult. lt is
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  • 1291 6 Some Notes on the Personnel of the Russian nd Japanese Forces. It liae been asserted by superficial critics that, although the Japanese warrior fought successfully against China, the tables would be turnedj if he were called upon to face an European antagonist such as Russia. i Without
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  • 499 6 The Fastest Local Boat. The trial trip of the Stephan, belonging to Towkay Loke Yew, took place on Saturday afternoon and proved extremely, enjoyable The vessel formerly belonged to the Governor of German New Guinea and was used for yachting excursions. Recently it was purchased by
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  • 1179 6 {From Exchange*). The Tzar and Peace. Viceroy Alexeieff has declared that it ia the Tzar's willtfhtt be exert every possible and honorable effort to preserve peace in the Far KaM. Advices from St. Petersburg are that the Powers urge Japan to maintain the name policy it insisted on
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  • 141 6 In celebration of the chingay festival, the* various Chinese clans marched in procession through the streets of Singapore to-day. A great deal of bustle and hubbub was caused by the^arade but considering tbe numbers engaged in the festival tbe noise was comparatively slight. There were no fireworks,
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  • 225 6 Arrivkh ye*terd»y by La Stynr, from Batavia Mrs. Tillier, Mr. de Knoblok, Mr. J. Condurier, Mr. and Mrs. Diez, Mrs. Ijiroche, Mr Real, Mr. Thio-TjeeGiok, Mr«. E. Judah, Mr. J. L. M. SarWiea, Mr. and Mine \V Bedier de Prair», Mr V. Durand. Arrived to-day by the
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  • 89 6 Ordkri.v Officer for the ensuing week i Lt. Flower. Orderly K. C. O. Sgt. I'ullar. Parades Thursday, 4th at 5.15 p.m. Eng. drill (Drill Hall). Sunday, 7th at 7.15 a.m. (Erin Lodge). Promotions -Sgt. A. M. Thompson to be Coy. Sgt. Major. 2nd Corpl. L M.
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  • 70 6 OwiNd to the fall of a bridge eleven and a half miles from Singapore traffic on tllfe railway has been temporarily suspended. The bridge fell at 1 o'clock this afternoon, the collapse being due it is thought to the heavy rains of -the past week. Passengers are
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  • 82 6 The January monthly medal race (100 yards) was swum off at Tanjong Katong yesterday morning. As there was no launch available the competitors jumped off from a sampan. Only five competed, viz: Henderson (scr), J. Lloyd (4), Jensen (5), W A. Mackie (9) and C Darke (14).
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  • 128 6 The chetty community in Singapore celebrated their festival of Taipusam yesterday with great rejoicings. The festival is one of the notable events in the religious calendar of the chetties, for upon this occasion many years ago the god *Siva appeared to his devotees in human form. In celebrating this
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 105 6 Sick Babies in Sufnmer. IT is during the warm months of summer that mothers have most careful of their little oTies, and at the first unusual looseness of their bevels should givd tbe little sufferer a (lose of Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrlnei Remedy. This Remedy has been in coustant
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    • 334 6 JSOTICES Wayang Kassim. THE Indra Zanibar Royal Theatrical Co. of Singapore Will ST»O t fit the Horth- Bridge X?oad oheatre f?all To- Might, Monday. Ist February. THAT INTERESTING FAIRY PLAY CALLED "Jahar Jahanshah," A Splendid Piece. Don't miss this Opportunity. Curtain at 9 p. m. Sharp. Come Early to Secure
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 250 6 UAY BY UAY. Monday* Ist February. Hi({h Water. 11.2 p.m. Full Moon. 11.29 p.m. S.C.C. Ladies' Medal Play. S.V.I. Squad and Co. Drill. Buli. Cherfa Club Ch'ship. Entries <-l- 7. Tai ***** 1 11- n« (Hindu Peßtival.) Mission Mgeting. Prinnep St. Church. 8. Wayang Kaeaim. North Blidge Uoad. 9. Tuesday,
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  • 340 7 A Period of Depression. The earnings of cargo steamers during the past year or two hp ve, as is well known, been far from g»od. The depression is illustrated very clearly in the current issue of Fair play by an analysis of the last annual
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  • 523 7 P. O. IVr Mulu 10th February Mr. and Mrs.' T. E. Eaile, Mr. Minuitt to London, Mr. an.l Mrs. Mess and ekild, Mr. Fry. Per Ch*JRM »tli March Mr. J. L. Hope, Dr. l>nne to London via Marseilles. Mr. J. H. Kobertson, Mr. A. Knitflit, Mr. F.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 117 7 Sore Muscles. ff'HE correct of trout ment sorp muscl«B 1 is very alntpls. First tuke a good mm l.ath before n"i n to bed, and be iiure to rub yourswlf dry. This npcr.s the porf- Then rubChjtmborlain's Pain Balm into the porre, keeping up brisk rubbing for several minutes.. If
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    • 316 7 NOTICES. > HOWARTH ERSKINE, LTD. Cable Address: "ERSKINE." Telephone No. 23. Mechanical, Civil, Electrical Kngineers, Ship Builders, I Contractors. iniiiioiNil Work* in STEEL, IRON, and MASONRY A SPECIALITY. ■""^^^^^^^^^^^^jßSJrflß V'- ■~I»i J «P BRIDGES Consultation Invited RUILDINC^S Ornamental Cas^ Iron Columns RAILINGS, Etc.,. Etc., Etc. Most Extensive and up-to-date Yards
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 668 8 BUCHANAN'S WHISKY Sold everywhere. st¥amship companies. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. PW China, Japan, IVnaiiß. Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and I ondon. Through Bills of Lading is*ied for China Coast, Persian Galf" Continental, tod American Ports. Mall Line. OulnanU. Ballaarat Fell 7 Hensfal Mar. 20 Ooromandel
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    • 1052 8 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Konlnklljke Paketvaart Maatschappij. I'nder contract with the Netherlands India Goveinirent. bingcferr: Sbit AoiacT, 11TE J. Daindils A Co., 2-3 Cciliib Quay. •he nndermentloned dates are only appron'iiate. StMim^r From- .B*pected Will be l>«spatched tor Van Itiebrck Soerabaya Jan 27 3ooraba\% Roelelf-ng, Ampenan. Macassar. Donggala, Toli-Toli Bwool, Palehleb, Soemalata,
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    • 598 8 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N D. L. I NORODEUTSCHER LLQYD. Imperial German Mail Line. The fast sad well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen-Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, Port riaid, Bnez, Aden, Colombo, Pen jhg, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagataki, aQtl Kobe to Yokohama and They
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    • 749 8 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES Straits Steamship C«. (Ltd.) Sailings from Singapore. At 4 p.m. daily; Rt am-launch Pulo Besftr irom Johnston's Pier at 345 p.m. M OX DAYS 8.8. Penang lor Malacca, Port Dickson, Port Swnttßnaam and Teluk Anton.TUEBDAYB: 8. 8. "Bentong 1 for Malacca, Port Dickson and Port Swettenham. WEDNESDAYS: 8.
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    • 516 8 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. TAN KIM TIAN. Lines of Steamers For Batavia, Cherjbon, SarriaranK Every Wednesday and Saturday. Giini; Bee, -J.3<ni ton-^^'upt. I>unl<>|> ».s. (JiniiH Sen;;, I I SJ lUulio^oi «.s. <iian(! Ann, »7'J Follett ■A Zwpena, 1,47n RwHM For Kuala Pahang, Pekan, kwantan and Kem»ninn n.'v... -i.j taw, c.ipi. "Klectric Li^ht
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    • 1298 9 Under this heading the following abbreviations aro used i—Btri 8tr. steamer j sh. Ship bq. barque Bch. schooner; Yet.-»-Yacht; Cru. —Cruiser; Obt.— (iunboat; Tor. Torpedo; H.p. Horse-power; Brit. British ;U. B.— United States Fell.— French Ger.- -German; Dut.— Dutch; G.c.--General-cargo; d.p. deck passenger; U Uncertain; T. P.
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    • 627 9 Si NT. A PORE, IST FEBRUARY, 1904. PRODUCE (j»mblei I 1 1 .75 do (Cul* No. 1) uD|iii-ke.i 16.75 Copra Ball 8.40 do Pontlanak 7. tin Pepper, Black buyers 31.00 do White, (5%) 48.87J Sago Floor Barawak 4.30. do Brunei \o. 1 4.20 Pearl Sago 5.4.'i Coffse, Ball, 15%
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    • 82 9 *i r rer ileamer T.m> To-Mokrow. Palembang&Djambie Vandsr Parra a.m. Bgtavia LaSeyne 9 a.m. PenanK Hong Moh 2 p.m. Bangkok Dagmar 3 p.m. Billiton Pontian&k Sambat 3 p.m. Sarawak R.o^Saraioak 3p.m. Malacca A P. Dickson Bo^n./ 3 p.m. Bangkok Tanglin 4 p.m. Muntok A Palembang (I. G. Meurr
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    • 128 9 From Europe—By tbe P.AO. ss. Hallaarat due on the 7th February, with dates to the 16th January. From China—Ry the P. 40.5. s. htngul due on 4th February. Left Singapore. Due in London A.rri<"< Dec 24th P. *O. Jan IPth Jan lath Dec 28th N.D.L Jan 22nd
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    • 161 9 PAB3ED BUNDA STRAITS OB ARRIVED FOR OBOERS FL4GAI IDaTBOJ DBBTIM- Bio Ship's Nam*, j Captain. Sailiku. From whkrb atioh. m I Ship's Nam*. I Uatb or Captain. Hailing. From whsrb L)B8TI«-^ ATIOH. •|fc-" MABII Kb iABII Jan 14, Brit i.e. Urlana Allen Not 27 Lotidon Batavia 14 Dot ss.Malang
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    • 263 9 tLAO Vb.'Wkl'sNamk. A Tons Rio. i ~rz r ft Captain From Sailed Ccmskikkbs. I I I I Backhouse Natunas Is. Jan 26Teo Hoe Lye N'acodpli Bagan Jan 28 Kirn Hook Hoe |Scott PSwet'ham Jan SH Wee Bin and Vo Turner* PSwet'ham Jhii 39 3. S'ship Coy. Ltd. Meson "angkok
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    • 131 9 Datb. Vwml's Nam. Flao A Rio.J Toss. Dbstisatiok. Jan 3i Giang Bee Brit str. MM Rangoon Feb 1 Emile Out str. 80 Bhio 1 I Reynoldft Brit str. 20f8 Smti, i 2 Ambria Qer str. 3288 Hamburg via port* 1 Lombard Brit str. 1668 Chittagong 1» I Hebe »tr
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 236 9 X..-A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS AND SILK MERCHANTS, No. 51 52, High Street. Iliivc j•• 1 <i|M'ii<il it Him* collection ol New and unique designs in the Choicest Style of Gold Gem-set Jewellery. Silverware, Silks Curios, Uhineft, Japanese, Indian Embrtiidered Goods Cupios, etc., INSPECTION KINDLY SOLICITED. Telephone No. 254. M.C.S.
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    • 819 9 faking Jjale. CLEARING LINES AT SPECIAL PRICES to (Blear GENTS' DRESS SHIRTS WITH LINEN FRONTS AND p. HH nn ri Qnilo l CUFFS. VERY SPECIAL VALUE. OOjIOII T IdHHtS A SI'KCIAL OFFER FOR THE BALI Sale price 52-5O each <ln 'y or n Grounds -l^^^_^_^^_^^.^__ < Sale price c. 33
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 71 9 WEATHER' REPORT. Kandang Krrbau Hospital. .'lst Jan., 190!, U.m S|im ip.m Remakk-. Bar 2f1.948 29.820 29.9.»« Mornine Temp 75 0 77 0 73.4 overcaot, WBMbTher 74 0 78 9 71.9 drizzle DirofWind >JI W. n.n.k. •aim. in the Max. Temp 77.6 forenoon, Mm 71.8 I day and Maxin Sun 92.0
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