The Straits Times, 12 January 1904

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times. NO. ai, 33 1 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1901 x PRICE 15 CERTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 715 1 I 0R N E WHISKY. POWELL ROBINSON. Sol» AgcnU. Sl.t.pore .nd Fedcr.ttd V1.1.y Stuei. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. rpHE meeting of tho Licensing Justices for tho quarter comnaencine Ist January, 1904, will lie held in the First Maiii«tr>ite.'-< Court at 3 p.m. on Wednesday the 13th January, 1904. Applicants for removals, transfers
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    • 414 1 NOTICE. TH" power of attorney given by me to Tcp Teck fewee of McCallum Street has I. >en absolutely cancelled and revoked from this date WEE BUAN NEO, Kirn Yam Road. Singapore, 4th Jan.. 1904. 12-1 ~~NOTICK~ VI.L persons are requested to send in their claims against the Opium and
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    • 979 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. List ok Applicants for renewal of Liquor Shop Licences, and of Public-hou-es for the ye»r 1904. RtHtu l.u/uor sht.p Licence*. No. Name of Applicant. &o and Name of street. Application. 1 W. Hntton 41, Rafflas Dace For renewal of licence. 2 A. Camming 17 and 19, Batiery
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    • 246 1 NOTICES. Ideal Milk Enriched 20 per cent. ff^^^^p^J with Cream. j^et^j Sterilized-Not Sweetened. ■^^Twjs^Jj A Perfect Substitute for Fresh RAFTHsES HOTEL SINGAPORE. I'NIIKR THK. DISTWnUISHBD PAf«O\ MIX OK Hia Excellency Sir Frank Athelstane Swettenham. K. C. M. 6. QOVERNOR AND COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF. STRAITS si:m I Ml M > MUiH COMMISSIONER. FEDERATE!*
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  • 719 2 Pen Sketch of the Great Russian Viceroy. A writer in the London Daily Mail gives the following pen sketch of the Russian Viceroy at Port Arthur, Admiral Alexeieff:— A pleasing personality, with nothing, in his appearance to strike terror to the world, is the man who holds the
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  • 65 2 Mk. William Stead, formerly of Ml Mall Qazelte, an .l latterly of Revieir of hsitsM fame is about to start a halfpenny evening journal in London on social lines that are entirely new. The name of his venture is to b<3 The Daily Paper. It will be delivered to London
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  • 81 2 A Parbek arrived on Sunday from Bombay. He had an unopeped bottle of brandy in his box. He produced it when asked if he had any liquor with him. He was, however, arrested for bringing liquor into the port. Yesterday he was before Mr. Seth, Mr. K^^ appearing for him.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 167 2 PHtKXIX ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED, LONDON. (ESTABLISHED A.I). 1782,) THE undersigned Agents for the above Company, are prepared to accept (ire risks in ningapore at carrot rates. BTIVE.V&CO. SCOTTISH UNION AND NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Subscribed Capital £0,*****0 Invested Funds 6,192,878 THE undersigned Agents of the above Company are prepared to accept
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    • 431 2 NOTICES. COMMOKSENSE-*NUTBHEU »iw 3i«lk*l work on th* aaM u»1 mo* ■i.nUlit „nl rffntiaJ m««n.of i»M cur»»»<-i dlMOvand foramrow kiii; luiKdooal dtbllilj, »v» of illllky, il«trw*»i> L. naiOTlllK reruln dlM^Mn.rin.l IkM .1- il liMtnmi T 1 1 1 'if i intumuiaann «c anrl no <u(terf r •houM >lM to tnfl
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    • 728 2 NOTICES. STRANGE MENTAL "POWERS. HOW PEOPLE ARE INFLUEfICED. Startling: words from the Committee appointed to Investigate Hyonotism for the benefit of the public. Q. S. LINCOLN, M.D. P. H. STOUFER, Secy. Treas. I'll. rnitohßeld St, Dalla« IVx. 04 Kailwuy Conductor!., rSsMs, Oat BBBBBBBBBBBBBwV -S^BBBBBBBBi Jb^^T L ¥ii 1 LWT\ JLDOE
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    • 81 2 Triumph of Modern Surgery. BY applying Chamberlain's lain Palm which is antiseptic, to wounds, braises, and like injuries before inflammation sets in, they may be healed without maturation in one-third of the time required by the old treatment. It also allays the pain and soreness. Keep a bottle of Chamlierlaib'n
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  • 426 3 {From Exchanges.) The Englishmen Win. Melbourne, Jan 2. Thk second test match in connection with the English cricketers' tour was commenced yesterday on the Cricket Ground, East Melbourne. The weather was very unpropitious, rain falling and interrupting play, as well as rendering the wicket bad. The
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  • 282 3 Thk Johannesburg correspondent of tin* MtNMf Journal says The Transvaal tin mines, about whifh I wrote some weeks since, are prove a splendid undertaking. As I predicted, Sir George Karrar hrfß in his powerful influence and int< rest with the syndicate. Tin hrrai Qroop have an bptiool on
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 21 3 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on page 7 Genera) shipping news is printed on page 8.
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    • 575 3 BANKS. Noderlandsche Handel Maatsohappij. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY KBTABI.IBHKD 1834. Cat-ital f. 80,000,000--(abt. £6,000,000' IsBtj«d Capital t. 46^00,000--(»bt. £8,760,000.) Bk«18V« Fohd f. 6,000.000— (abt. 417,000.) Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Batavia. Bbahchh: Penang, Shanghai, Bannoon, Medan (Deli), Bemarang, Sourabaya, PadftDK, Cberibon, Tegal, Pecalongan, Pa»oeroe»n, Tjilatjap.Palembanß, Olehleh, (Atjeb), Bandjermassin, Telok
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    • 555 3 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION.* PAID-UP CAPItAL HCOOO.OOf RESERVE FUND.— Sterling,ooo «i«000 000 Silver &OTerv«....| 6 000,000 REK2RVB LIABILITY OF .intKioOOC PROPRIETORS J J>W t COURT OF DIUCTOBS. A. J. Raymond, Esq.— Chairman. Tom kins, Esq.— Deputy. Chairman. C. W. DICMON N. A. *****. K»q. E. Gobtx, Esq.
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    • 583 3 NOTICES. CIOOD Chinese and Eurasian copying T clerks wanted in solicitor's office at once. Excellent chance for good man.; Apply to B. 8. c/o Btnuts Times. n.c. AfITED, by the Jobore GorernmenL an apothecnrv for the Jobore Civil Hospi al. Apply stating qualifications to PBINCIPAL MEDICAL OFFICER, v.c. Jobore. REFORMATORY.
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    • 620 3 NOTICES. I^Sbittg^^SlDr.PteMl KUctricT**u Itm WE^^^W\» Mvrcl. MoUilnf Ilk. RiV^^ It BertactaliMronwrth E'/Dpv ""I CflHn'M Can tar Raptor* WotWrenowMd. X? tapuna v. 1 1> 1 II ruptund, lend map. (uur lort), foe oar "Bnciw Ho I MUKTK t.TIfSS Cfc. 10 City Ro*4, Loatai&a TO BE LET With immediate entry, tbe large
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    • 644 3 SHIPPINO raDO^CmNiTsfEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED. FOR BOURABAYA &«SAMARANG. 'pflE Company's steamer FAX] SANG, 1 3,251 tons, Captain Mitchell, baring left Hongkong on the 6th inst. may be expected t3 urrive here on or about the 12th inst and will have prompt despatch for the above ports. For freight or passage
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  • 934 4 The Straits Times. PRICK 15 CENTS. TUESDAY, 12th JANUARY. Fkom Peking comes the report that the Russian Minister there has lodged a protest against the signing by China of commercial treaties with the United States and Japan in regard to the opening up of.Manchuria. In this protest the Minister complains\liat
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  • 734 4 In the shadow of the impending trouble on the north-eastern shores of Asia, the world is overlooking the conduct of affairs with regard to Colonel Vounghusband's mission to Thibet, which in the long run may be fraught with consequences of as serious political importance as would a war d out
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  • 595 4 We feel that an apology is due to the telegraph system of the F.MS, for the insinuation we made in our issue of the 4th inst., when we stated that the despatch correcting Reuter'u error anent the Chicago Ere had not reached Kuala Lumpur twenty-four hours after it had been
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  • 201 4 Today, to the deep regret of the whole community, Sir Frank Swettenham, severs his official connection with the Colony of the Straits Settlements, and the Federated Malay States, this being the date of his retirement as previously announced. It is of interest to recall that Sir Frank was originally
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  • 253 4 Ons by one youth's fondest dreams depart, and now we learn that there are really snakes in Ireland. This does not refer to the venomous rattlesnakes that some American with a morally putrid soul let loose in the Groves of Blarney some months ago, and then wrote about to the
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  • 136 4 It is with the greatest pleasure we learn that the resignation of Mr. Justice Leacb has been officially suspended, and that it is quite possible that he may return to the Straits at an early date. His health, it is stated, is so far improved that he is practically cured,
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 40 4 TRIPLE ALLIANCE NEUTRAL. London, Jan. 11 th. Germany, together with the other Powers constituting the Triple Alliance (Austria and Italy), has determined to observe an attitude of strict neutrality in the event of hostilities between Russia and Japan
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    • 48 4 The present uncertainty is having a disturbing effect on public opiniou in Russia, which is becoming more and more pessimistic. Still Hopes of Peace. But the Russian press, while warning Japan that Russia has reached the limit of her concessions, still professes hopes of peace.
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    • 37 4 THE MULLAH DEFEATED. British Officers Killed a«d Wounded l.',i'doh, VlthJan. A successful engagement has been fought in Somaliland. One thousand of the enemy were killed. Two British officers were killed and eizht were wounded.
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  • 6 4 To-day's 4/ms bank rate is l/IOjJ.
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  • 8 4 The StraiU Budget will be published to-morrow morning
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  • 10 4 Exchange and share <ii\otations will be found on page 8.
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  • 11 4 The homeward mail by the Zumania closes at 4 p.m. to-morrow.
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  • 13 4 The trial in London of Mr. Whitaker Wright was to have commenced yesterday.
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  • 18 4 At Kuala Lumpur, rikisnas may now be seen with not on'y pullers but also pushers at the back.
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  • 19 4 Thk Town and Volunteer Band will play on the High Level Bmrroit this afternoon irom "> to 6 (weather permitting).
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  • 21 4 Thb 'German mail steamer Seydlitz left Port Said yesterday afternoon outward bound. She is due here on Saturday the :iOth instant.
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  • 33 4 This morning Mr. Seth convicted a gunner of the R. G. A. of stealing a bottle of brandy from a liquor shop in Sago Street and fined him SlO. The fine was paid.
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  • 32 4 The New York World, on Dec 18th, published a rumour that Messrs. John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie have agreed to drive Mr. J. Pierponi Morgan out ofthe V. S. Steel Trust.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 351 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. CLUB WHISKY 18 ALL MALT AND SUPPLIED REGULARLY TO THK PRINCIPAL CLUBS Ail jh e in the Has the largest Naval and Military STRAITS SETTLEMENTS consumption amongst v.-..- and Europeans in this Market. messes F M S. tRICE 10.50 PER DOZEN, NETT. DUTY KXTEA. Sole Agents for tile
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    • 409 4 TOWN HALL, Saturday, Jan. 16th, at 9 p.m. MISS WARJORIE TEMPEST wishes to announce a CONCERT on tba above date. Assisted by leading aiiiteur of Singapore. Details later. Admission 2 to all seats. Plan of Ui« hall is at the Robinson Piano Co. WANTED a cood typißt, with a knowledge
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    • 60 4 G. R. LAMBERT CO. PHOTOGRAPHERS Studio, Orchard Road. offices anal Studio, Battery Road. Builiim. hour* from Ba.m. to sp.m. on W«k 4aya H a-m. to Noon on Sunday (»t Orolimnt Bond only.) PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS Alwajri frash la atocfc at Moderate Pricaa. KVtltV POSSIBLE ASSISTANCE irivi-n to Amateur*. IAROt STOCK of
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    • 31 4 GENERAL DEBILITY AND BRAIN FAG. The Effects of Stbakns' Wine is remarkable in the following complaints and functional disorders Phthisis, Dyspepsia, Influenza, General Debility, Brain Fag, Ancemia. Sold by all chimests.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 99 5 Information Wanted. To the VAilnrof the Strait* Tunes" <Sik. I should be «lad if any of your readers intonated in the great fiscal problem of am Ivnpire would furnish me with any particulars regarding the eetimated ftfleet which a Preferential tariff would hay« apoa the
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    • 1033 5 Protectionists are not all Fools." Sir,— l noticed the other day a letter address! to the Press by a politician, and from it I gathered that, whilst not uniti unit' it oi t lie p:iin publicity might inflict, the writer felt it his duty to indicate the
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  • 119 5 In the case of Shaik Daud, who was charged at the Singapore Assizes yesterday with stealing goods to the value of $21 from a house in Java-road on 24th Oct., the jury returned a verdict cf guilty, and the prisoner, who had several convictions for theft against him,
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  • 118 5 On Saturday, two Englishmen, strangers passing through, were arrested for taking a snap-shot at the surroundings from Mount Faber. When taken to the Chief Police Officer and matters have been explained they were discharged. A short time ago the First Magistrate commented on the fact that too
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  • 139 5 Prisoner Seriously Wounded. About 11 o'clock yesterday morning, a long sentence Chinese prisoner at the Criminal Prison, Sepoy Lines, attacked a fallow prisoner, also a long sentence man, with a hammer weighing six pounds. He felled him to the ground with a severe blow on the
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  • 187 5 The following passengers arrived l.y the Urriiiiin mail Htoamer Kiuutarltou on Sunday. n-niii NaaMaki Mr. Matsno Sigeuo. Form Shanghai— Mr. Hofeld. From Hongkong Mr. anil Mm. A. Sands, Messrs. Victor S. Clnrk, Hovell, 11. Knox, .1. Manye Campbell, .1 (J.H.Miiann, C. <>. Miimtt, Baring, It. Miu'ller.
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  • 188 5 On Thursday next, Jan. 14th, the new first claae jinrickishas that have been brought out* here by a local syndicate, will commence plying for hire in Singapore. The new rickishas are very smart-looking, rubber-tired vehicles, and are single seated. They will not hold two persons like the
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  • 671 5 The Bldor-Tapah Affair. Further particulars of the gang robbery in Perak (already telegraphically reported in this paper) appear in the strait* Echo from that journal's correspondent at Tapah. The report says On his way to Bunkai (six miles from Tapah) to-day (Jan r>th) a syce with a
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  • 57 5 Mr. Justice Buckley has intimated to the Master of the Merchant Taylors' Company his desire, in grateful recognition of tHe education he received at Merchant Taylors' School, to found in connection with the school a scholarship of £50 a year at Cambridge University, preferably in political economy. The company has
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  • 76 5 The British twin-screw first-class torpedo gunboat Karrakalta arrived this morning from Sydney via Sourabaya. She is homeward bound and is expected to leave on Thursday. The Karrakatta is commanded by Lieut, and Commander Godfrey E. Corbett and is one of the vessels constructed for the protection
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  • 101 5 .The January Medal was played for on 9th and 10th inst. Results C. V. Miles Bfi— 2=BB Lieut. Buchan 110—24=86 J. M. Allinson 95— 6=89 F. T. Longtnuir 89+ I=9o J.U. D. Jonen .101—8=93 Lieut. Clark US— 24 =94 The following players did not return cards
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  • 218 5 The Third Quarter of 1003. Import Increase. The trade returns of the Colony for the third quarter of 1903 have just been issued. The import figures, exclusive of treasure, show thus on comparison with the corresponding quarter of 1902 3rd qr. of 1903 $89,073,337-- £8,350,625 3rd
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  • 291 5 Disaster in a Marseilles Dock. Am explosion took place at seven o' clock at Marseilles on the 16th Dec. on the Italian three-master San Leonardo, laden with 5,731 barrels of petroleum and benzine. She was lying at the time in the Juliette Basin, which is reserved for
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  • 29 5 On enquiry at Messrs. Boustead and Co.'s offices this morning, we were informed that there was no news so far of the overdue 8.1 steamer Okhla.
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  • 374 5 The Bidder's Liability. A rather interesting case, affecting the liability of bidders at public auction sales to complete their purchases, was heard in the Supreme Court to-day— before Mr. Justice Hyndman Jones. Some time ago, it appears, the executors of a deceased Chinaman resolved to sell
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  • 41 5 On Wednesday last a counterfeit dollar was tendered at the Penang Police Court in payment of a fine. The offender wait let off with a caution, the Magistrate being of opinion that the man did not know the coin was spurious
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  • 623 5 A Hint from the Recent War If Russia fights Japan, as at present seems extremely likely, both sides should profit by the object-lessons taught during the recent Anglo-Boer War. A valuable hint, for instance, was recently given by Nicholas Potgieter, n Tranßvaal burger, who served through
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 24 5 Jayne's Expectorant, has become famous under this name because it cures everywhere following its use. Tbe Singapore Dispensary. Sole agents for the Straits Settlements.
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    • 107 5 Sick Babies in Summer. IT is during the warm months of summer that mothers have to be most careful of their litlle ones, and at tbe first unusual looseness of their bowels should give tbe little sufferer a dose of Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrho-a Remedy. This Remedy has been in
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    • 123 5 NOTICES. jlHo A REMARKABLE ENTERTAINMENT. WAYANG KASSIM TO-NIGHT! TONIGHT!! The India' Zanibar Royal Theatrical Company of Singapore For the First Time in Singapore, will Stage To-Mght Tueaday, 12th January, 1901 The Novel Play entitled Bunga Mawar AND A Laughable Farce Fairies don't appear often Now a days. Curtain at 9
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 172 5 DAY BY DAY. Tuesday, 12th January. High Water. 11. lit a.m. S.V.I. SkirmishiiiK. KM F'ball V.M.C.A. v. Police. Rhffles Keelimi. Town Band. H. S. Reservoir. sto 6. Wayang Kasnim. North Bridge Koail. 9. Wednesday, 13th January. Hifrh Water. .V2:i a.m. ti.33 p.m. Old Stores Sale. Kepi>el Hlkmu. IW.-11. i C.W.A.
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  • 437 6 Adventure in the Transvaal. A graphic story of a lion which was killed with a sheath-knife by one of the rangers of the Transvaal Government game reserves, is told by Major J. Stutnson Hamilton, of the 6th Inniskilling Dragoons, and warden of the Government gaim enclosures.
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  • 285 6 This Season's Programme. The annual meeting of county secretaries to arrange fixtures for the summer of 1904 was held, in the pavilion at Lord's, «on Dec. 8. Mr. F. E. Lacey, secretary to the Marylebone Club, occupied the chair. At the start of the gathering Mr. Lacey
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  • 43 6 A You ntkkk" writes to the North China Dmtf New complaining tli^tin Shanghai, a minister, in his own pulpit, should think fit to publicly express his sorrow and repret that a portion of the Volunteers were engaged in field operations on a Sunday.
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  • 47 6 Cardinal Grom, on Dec. 18tb, handed over to the Pope a sum of 34,000,000 lire in foreign securities. The sum is a legacy to the Pope from the lat.) Pope Leo XIII., who ordered the spi'urities to he handed to his biicpp^it four mnnt.ri* nfu-r his death.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 118 6 Sore Muscle?. THK correct trra'mont of sore mupclfi" ll very simple. First ta-o a k oo^ wnrnT l>ath befnre R^ictf to bed, and be sure to rub yourself dry. Tbiß op^ns the pores Tb«>n rnl.Cliiniberlaip's Pain Balm into the por 8, keeping up <i br:sk rubbing fc mm nl minut>-8
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    • 176 6 NOTICES. ivo«vi)»ur. L.i -jf*^ Jfe > vi'j'i.i health. incli.Tsi ion make* fP^^dSsr >I > H h. linked \>y ?4 ysari' un r I ■in cci.! ii H) cnuntrie 1 I «fs*ssS*-f??fV^ "1 vsirN I w.i-i i rnartvr lufl^^^^^^^H^^B&;.^i' t-" l '<' nc e." JL7WH^^^^HB^H^MMV(Ki^^ V*i u>... ilvr S-jiu'L-l's Syrup nßSnnßM^^BlßH^lUrj
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    • 780 6 NOTICES. naina mohamed Brothers Co. S H.^nFTLEJS PLACE, Wholesale aiid Retail DealersIn Prorlslons. (consignmenU by every mall) High clans Perfumrryr Toilet ReqiilslteM. Superior Itr.imls orcixars antl Clcarettes, Patent Mediclnex, Boots and ghee*. Stationery. &<■ Ac.. Ac. Beg to inform the Public and our Numerous Customers and Patrons especially THAT WI
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 684 7 BUCHANAN'S WHISKY Sold everywhere. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penang. Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf. Continent, and American Ports. Mail Line. Outicard.i. Chusan Jan. 24 Simla Mar. 6 Hallaarat Feb
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    • 1212 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Kon in klijke Paketvaart Maatschapplj. Onder contract witb the Rrtberlatd* India Govrrcn tti. .«i» at Bi*iOf.orr: bHIP A( ISCT, HIT 3- DiIKJ lIS A Co.. if CcilV)ij> Qr>T. ihe undermentioned date* aie only approiitiate. Stenmer Frcm Fvi*cted Will be Despatched for De Kock Deli Jan Batavia Jan 13
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    • 607 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N. D. L. NORDDEUTSCNER LLOYD. Imperial (ierman Mail Line. The fast and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen-Hamburg via Rotterdam; Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki) aad Kobe to Yokohama ana back. They are
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    • 665 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES JAPANMAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. A regular FORTNIGHTLY service is maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW PTEAMEBS, Under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, rvided with excellent accommodation First and Second Class
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    • 592 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Straits Steamship Co. (Ltd.) Sailings from Singapore. At 4 p.m. daily steam-launch Pul° Besar" from Johnston's Pier at 3.46 p.m.' MONDAYS U.S. Penang (or Malacca, Port DicksoD, Port Swettenham and Teluk Anson. TUESDAYS: B. 8. 'Bentong" for Malacca, Port Dickson and Port Swettenham. WEDNESDAYS: 8. 8. "Selangor" for
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    • 1634 8 Under this heading tho following nbbreTlations are used str.— steamer sh.— ship bq. barque sch. schooner; Vet. Yacht ;Cru.— Cruiser; Gbt. Uunboat,; Tor. —Torpedo; H.p.— Horsepower; Brit.—British U. B.— United States Fch.— French Ger.-- German; Dut.— Dutch; G.c—Generalcargo; d.p. deck passenger; U Uncertain; I 1- w.— Tanjong
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    • 139 8 From Europe— By the N. D. L. at. Gera due on 10th January, with dates to the 22nd December. From China— By the AL M. s. s. Annam due on Monday. Left Singa Nov :ii it h Dec 2nd Dec it; li Dec 11th I > 14th
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    • 616 8 SINOAPORE, I2TH JA.VUARV, I<M»4. ftHARES. Relat Tin Mine f 10.00, buyer*. B'sawahGold Mine ($7.50pd)|15 00, buyers, Bnuteh Tin Mine JSrJ.v •Fraser A Neave $102 J. H'kong Sbangh»i Bank W7O. Howarth Krskinf, Lt. Iliij.jii. huy*>- •Jelebnefin liquidation) 20 eta, buyers Kadana (rally paid) jt. 110.00, nominal do ($7 paid) 97.00,
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    • 132 8 h'» For tteamer Time. To-Mokrow. Bangkok CkakrabKongg 11 a.m. Batavia De Kock 11a.m. P.S'tenham <k I'enang Onapere 11 ».m. J'ontianak W. ffthe Witp 1 p.m. moy and Swatow Hong Bee 3 p.m.' Billi ton 1'ontianak H. W'hntt Snort 2 p.m. Muar and Mmlacca Sullan 2 p.m. Penanjj Glen/allo'-h
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    • 195 8 Flag Vkssbi/8 N vm«. A Ton*. Captair Fkom Sailkd Goxgiavur. Kia. .Inn 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 li 11 11 11 12 v 12 v jKistna Brit str 6:?4 Fletcher 'Ponang fin SVBoustoaJ and Co. Ban Whatt Soon str 199 Primrose J'ontiannk Jail f Ban Seng
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    • 129 8 Iliii. Vessel's Nami. Flag 4 Rio. Toss. DISTINATIOB. Jan 11 12 12 12 IL> 12 13 12 IS IS 13 13 13 IS IS mm Haliotist Apenrade Ruby Albenga Calypso Lightning Binai Emile Queen Eleanort Ban Hin Gu»n Farfalia Bentong Q. Q. Meyer Omapere Sambas Penong tfaMat Put str.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 49 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co.,| JEWELLERS AND SZLZ MERCHANTS, No. 51 52, High Street. lln\c |ti-l opened II Iliii- < "llrrlion <>l New and unique designs in the Choicest Style of bold Gem-set Jewellery, Silverware, Silks Curios, Chinese, Japanese, Indian Embroidered Goods Curios, etc., INSPECTION KINDLY SOLICITED Telephone No. 254.
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    • 650 8 ft€W LINiS &T WHfTEAW^Y'S SALT CELLARS WITH NICKEL nickel i-lateo iiohtard pot PLATED STAND With a Ola6BTumblerii:>i.k v.!.i, taken out for washing. Exact to sketch. Price 35 cts. each Price 5O cts. each t'WL /*~7^Jf^ La^am^, I TheAcmeSiren Htj^ aal K -*-p?s(km? THE ACME SIREN whistle a w Vb# <^y
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