The Straits Times, 21 December 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 21,315 SINGAPORE, MONDAY. DECEMBER 21, 1903. PRICE 15 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 752 1 .tj l liflu ft l if nlwi\ I POWELL ROBINSON. Sol* A»«nU, Slwppore and P«d«r»t«d iVUUf SUt«. 0 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. BY APPOINTMENT TO H. M. THE KING Bechstein Eoyal Pianos As supplied to Government House ROBINSON PIANO Co.. Ltd., SOLE AGENTS. A New Piano THE "China Model" The Robinson Piano
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  • 3480 2 Thk following letter from Mr. A B. Baxendale to tbe Federal Secretary appears in the November Agricultural Bulletin. Crop Question, I have the honour to address you on the subject of the Cultivation of Cotton in the Federated Malay Si ate*. 2.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 363 2 NOTICES. i "Eagle" Cement IN THE "long tests MADE BY SARAWAK GOVERNMENT (For their own Satisfaction) has come out TOP 10 BRANDS WERE TESTED. V>6e Madras Municipal Engineer pronounced Eagle Cement as the best 6e dad ever tested. PARTICULARS FROM BORNEO Co., Ltd. CROSSLEY'S OIL ENGINES USUAL SIZES IN STOCK
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    • 288 2 NOTICES. MAINTAINS THE HTGFfESI REPUTATION IiVI IiYWHERE. BUILD UP and PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH and Fortify the System against Disease with ,^s!s«^SS^^^^^KSB«Ca^l^LUlDEaS"*^^__^^_^*^^2^^^_^^_ "Wn cannot apeak K^^VA^al'^^K'^a^afi^l "tfltt^K^^B avA^ai too hifhlj of it." B^VAI aC^aVfiVCV m%9m^L\ ■Mai l^^3^^E^L^ai Pronounced by the HIGHEST MEDICAL AUTHORITIES Elt'&KTbll Torpid Liver, Debility, Eruptions, Lad -WONDERFUL PURIFIER
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 97 3 Baby 'B Cough Must Never' Linger. NOTHING m more distressing thin to see a helplrss little infant suffering with a cough and to be fearful of using a ron.eilv Wbich may contain s^me harmful ingredient The makers of Chamberlain's Coogh Reniodv positively gu-.rantee that this prep.'iritioa dot s not contain
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    • 595 3 BANKS. Noderlandsohe Handel Maatschappij. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOOIBrV EBTABLIBHXU 1824. Capital f. 60,000,000— (abt £6,000,000) lseuiD Capital f. 46,000,000 (abt. £8,760,000.) Risirvb Foho f. 6,000,000— (abt. 417,000.) Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Batavia. Bbavohu: Periling, Shanghai, Rangoon, Kedan (Deli), Semarang, Sourabaya, Fadang, Cheribon, Tegal, Pecalongan, P.uoeroean. Tjilatjap, Palembang, Olebleh,
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    • 648 3 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING OqBPORVnON. l'Ail> ny»piTAJ.... »ir).OOO.onr RKMtfiVK F'TND.Sleriing lU»se-ve..sHi.MM,tX«l\ m, KIM)l i M Silver R.-,erv......$ f. ikO.OOO I WloOl i REKfcIIVELIABILM'Y OF) .mtufinm fROPRIKTOItg j ..«I'V"aOM, Conn or Uikbctoks. A. J. Raymond, Ksq,— Ciiahuian. M. R. TdMKINS, Knii 1 rv I II AIRMAN. Hon. C. W. Dickson
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    • 794 3 NOTICES. WANTED AT ONCE. \hertl prp«f>man fo* Pirjgaporf. One who th roiwblv uuJim studs his I *'usim Gcoil salaiy. A. P. c/o Straits Times WANTED, by the Jobore Hove nment, ;in apothpci' v for the Johrn- <"^ivi| Hospi al. A| ply siatinK quaiifi.aiii ns to PRINCIPAL JIIEDICAI. OFFICER, uc Jobore.
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    • 595 3 NOTICES. {/WTXFaT^k These tiny A^^^^^aFA Capsules B*lH BVjH superior li^M^aMsW to Copaiba, t^Um^^^^ Cubebs, and cure the same diseases as these drags in forty-eight boars without inconvenience. E«ch Chol. ban tb. mom (MIDY) FOR MKMES OF THE WEST. SRIMAULTS SYRUI (MHTPO-rNOSPHITE Of LJME. Prsscribed U Franc* for th* last 30
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    • 646 3 SHIPPINQ "APCAR-.LINE OF STEAMF** FOR HONGKONG. V|KBBRB. Apoar 4 CoY Usft e n r iIL QREQbRY APCAB (gapf™? Olifent), bavin; left Oalcutl on he U iU,isduehereon Monday alornin 1 the 21st idem., en route lor thf 400 P° rt U-ll Agents. JNDO-OHINA STF^M NAVIGATION COMPANT, LIMITED. FOR PMJAN4 AND
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  • 555 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS MONDAY, 21st DECEMBER. War botween Japan and Russia now seems bo imminent that «yen as we go to t>rees it msy h« declared. Of Ci urfe, until the Iflt shot is actunlly fired there is still reason to hope for peace The outlook, however,
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  • 265 4 Apropos of the crisis, it would be interesting to read the comments of the Japanese papers of yesterday and to-day regarding rtie cabled announcement that Baron Hayashi was receiving offers of service from fighting men all over the country at home. Such volunteering is no doubt most reprehensible from a
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  • 492 4 Th,k losh that Singapore sustains by the departure of Mr W. Evans frn.-n the Ooiony, arid hi* MMW(|tratt rMign:iuon of the p >ht nf President of the Municipal Coiumisbion, watt »v ,Kiimi> illustrated at the meeting held on Friday. It was the last over which h" will preside, but the
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  • 368 4 An important proposal was submitted to the Municipal Commission on Friday in connection with the Singapore Fire Brigade. On account of the resignation of Mr. Owen, the post of Superintendent becomes vacant and the opportunity is provided of reorganising the system on which the Brigade is at present established. There
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  • 361 4 It is announced by the Odessa Pre*» that the committee of management of the so-called Russian Volunteer* Fleet proposes at an early data to give orders for four new ocean-going steamers to replace those sold lately to the Ministry, of Marine. These new steamers are to be of the same
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  • 100 4 UEclu> de Chine publishes an interesting table showing the relative importance of the principal ports of the world. This table, which it describes as having been prepared by some Bureau of Universal Statistics* at Antwerp, makes no mention of Cardiff which is the fifth largest port in the world, nor
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  • 6 4 To-daY's 4/m bank rate is 1/9}.
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  • 16 4 ti. M. 3. Ajgerine went to the wharf this morning to coal. She then left westward.
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  • 16 4 It is reported that the Sultan of Johore intends to establish at Johore a museum on.modernlines.
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  • 17 4 The revenue of Negri Sembilan for 1904 is estimated at 42,187,143. The outlay is put at 12,278,848.
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  • 24 4 A IENSi 8 just completed in the Philippines, puts the total number of natives at 6,976,574, of whom t>50,000 belong to the wild tribes.
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  • 30 4 Owing to pressure on space, the handicaps for the first day's racing at Kuala Lumpur, and some other news of local interest, have to be held over until to-morrow's issue.
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  • 23 4 The Russian transport Kostroma, Commander Prince Mavzocordato, arrived from Vladivostock and Shanghai yesterday en route for Odessa. She is expected to leave to-morrow.
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  • 32 4 Burglars at Penang broke into the criminal prison the other day. Now comes news that a burglar has been caught in the detective station Itself. Sixty detectives were asleep at the time.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 334 4 Ixtvdon, Dee. 20th. A telegram from Bizerta (Tunis) states that the Russian battleship Osslinhya, the cruisers Aurora and Dmitri Dorukoi, and five torpedo boat destroyers under Admiral Wirenius, will be reinforced by nix more destroyers within a few days and will then sail for
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    • 31 4 SAID TO REJECT JAPANS MAIN PRINCIPLES. The Standard's representative at Tokyo wires that it is believed Russia's reply to Japan virtually rejects the cardinal principle underlying the Japanese claims.
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    • 16 4 It this be so, unless Russia reconsiders her position, hostilities are almost inevitable.
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    • 18 4 Ratified at Washington. The Senate at Washington has ratified America's commercial treaty with China.
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  • 71 4 Japan firm— Russia Defiant. Ijondon, 21«< Dec. Considerable anxiety is expressed in the best informed' circles in London concerning the possible outcome of the present situation in the Far East. It is quite certain that Japan will not accept the principles laid down in the last Russian Note,
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  • 18 4 The British Legation in Peking has received a telegram stating that war is possible.
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  • 43 4 UNSUCCESSFUL NEGOTIATIONS. Representatives of the Japanese Government have conferred with New York bankers relative to a loan which it is admitted might be used for war purposes. These conferences have been without result. Russia has also made a similar fruitless attempt.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 499 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Ptmonds and Jiiits. Standard Almonds per Ib. 40 cts. ?aper Shell Almonds 40 Jordan n SO Batcelpna Nuts 30 Wakiuts 40 ORANGES Arrived this morning at the Australian Stores. m f.^ WASSIAMULL, ASSOMULL CO., Indian Store, No. 1, 2, 3, 4, High Street. Ghrisimas and Ifzw Year Presents.
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    • 152 4 An Amateur Performance j "YEOMEN OF THE GUARD." (iII. BERT SULLIVAN'S Well-known and Popular Opera Wll.l. UK (JIVKN IN THK TOWN HALL, SINGAPORE T O-N I O H T. Monday, December 2 1st and Subsequent Nights. Doors open at 8-30 p.m. Performance to commence at 9 p.m. SeaU aujr now
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    • 40 4 G. R. LAMBERT CO. Jnt racatvW M ColUctloni ol ART PICTURES. And a Shlpm.nt of LatMt Modern BIOULDINB6. For framing tame. TbaM ar« ottered rnmt suitable tat X'MAS PRESENTS AT VERY LOWEST PRICES. Vienc, Type*, Illustrated Pwt Cards, I'au urds.
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    • 29 4 Mb. Baxendalb's letter on cotton cultivation in Malaya, and Mt Stanley Arden's comments on it, referred to in our editorial columns on Saturday, will be found on page 2.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 117 5 To the Editor of the Straits Time*." Bir,— ln spite of the lengthy repairß which have been effected to the Fort Canning time-ball it does not seem to work much better than before. On the 16th, 17th and 18th December, tbe ball did not drop at
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  • 472 5 Autumn Cup Compettion. A kair number of members turned out to play for the Autumn Cup presented by the Club, on Saturday, and taking into consideration that there were nlso competitions taking place at the other Golf Clubs, it is satisfactory to note that competitors are taking
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  • 202 5 Scholars Entertained on Saturday. An entertainment was generously provided by Mrs. W. P. Waddell at ber residence, Abbotsfcrd," on Saturday afternoon, at wbich there was quite a larfie gathering of juveniles belonging to the Sunday School and congregation of the Presbyterian Church. Apart from the spread
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  • 567 5 THE ACTING GOVERNOR'S DEPARTURE. Although the portents of war are serious enough in all conscience in the telegrams, they hardly justify the plethora of rumours that were current yesterday and on Saturday in Singapore. There was a general impression abroad yesterday that war bad been declared
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  • 18 5 Thk homeward mail by the Armand Behic closes at 5.30 p.m. to-day. The steamer sails at 9 p.m.
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  • 36 5 From the Ist January cext, the F.M S. Railway Department will run a night train from Prai to Kuala Lumpur, thus enabling travellers '.o avoid the heat of the day while greatly accelerating the mail service.
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  • 44 5 At Penang on Thursday lasi John Roberts conceded 650 points in •,<X'O game of billiards to Dr. Mugliston. The latter won by 652 points, a phenomenal occurrence and one which, according to the IHiiang Gazette, it has not been Roberts' fate to experience before.
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  • 48 5 'I'FtK armiul prize distribution of the Anglo-Chinese School will occur to-morrow at 4 p.m. The Hon. C. W. S. Kynnersley will preside, and Mrs. Kynnersley will present the prizes. Farm's of the boys and all friends are cordially invited to the present. No other invitations have been issued.
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  • 51 5 The B. C. C. cricket and football teams are due in Kuala Lumpur next Thursday morning, and cricket starts the same afternoon, continuing on Christmas day and Saturday. The football match will be played on Saturday afternoon, and in the evening there is a smoking concert from 9 30 p.m.
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  • 213 5 A match played last Saturday at Tanjong Pagar between the Dock Co.'s team and H.M.S. Blenheim (lower deck team) resulted in a win for the former. The scores being 179 runs for 4 wickets against 61 runs. For the winners Tongue scored 70 runs, Forster 51, and Park 50
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  • 88 5 Another very successful performance of the Yeomen of the Guard was given at the Town Hall on Saturday to a very crowded and appreciative audience. This was generally considered to be the best performance yet given, and as encores were frequent and brooked no denial, it
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  • 76 5 This morning in the Summons Court, before Mr. Michell, G. R. Oehlers was called upon to explain why on the 29th November he assaulted back gharry syce No. 543. The syce was, it scAns, engaged by Lieut. Evans, Aide-de-Camp to the Acting Governor and was waiting for him
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  • 57 5 At the Swimming Club yesterday the 440 yards' race for the December medal was won by Mackie whose allowance was 90 sees. Henderson was second sciatch, aod Penny third 30 sees. Winner's time 6.40; won by a yard. The final result of the points for the annual cup
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  • 60 5 Thk following cards were returned for the December medal i Martin T. A. :h.-|-j 84 Reid K. T. 92— 7 86 Darbiahire Ho-# 7 88 Jones" 10O— 6 94 Padday 104—10 94 Ellis L. M. 109—14 95 Benton 118—23 98 Dick 114—18 96 Also played but returned
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  • 24 5 Oh Saturday night, a gold bracelet was lost between Grange Road and the Town Hall. Further particulars are contained in an advertisement published to-uay.
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  • 34 5 Capt. Bakritt, at present Wing Officer of the Guides, succeeds Lieut, Hincks as Adjutant of the Corps. The latter is proceeding to the Gold Coast as A.D.C. to the Governor (Mr. J. P. Rodger).
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  • 35 5 The Norwegian s.s. (iaew has been chartered Bangkok at a veiy low rate— $3,700 per month. This is a striking change from the state of things last year, whom $7,000 and SB.OOO was being paid.
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  • 35 5 Rikisha pullers at Penang are scared by reports of about fifteen heads being required to ensure the completion of the electric lighting scheme there. The disappearance of certain pullers is accounted for in this way.
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  • 38 5 It ia reported that beef has been very scarce of late in the Kuala Lumpur market, and the prohibition on the importation of cattle from Singapore will, in the opinion of the Malay Mail, probably not mend matters.
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  • 50 5 European Police constable Baxter at Penang has been fined $25 on each of two charges of threatening to harm Mr. Newland, the C. P. 0., and of assaulting Chief Inspector Black by kicking him. He was under the influence of liquor at the time, and before the magistrate pleaded guilty.
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  • 52 5 Mrs. I)ai,lan sends us a calendar for 1904. It is unique in that it gives a picture of Essington, winner of the Singapore Derby in May last, together with Mr. Jackson the owner, and Mr. G. Elphick the trainer. The calendar also has a couple of views of tbe Singapore
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  • 54 5 Am International Industrial Exhibition is to be held at Capetown in November and December 1904, and January 1905. It is to be held on Green Point Common, and promises to be a very big affair, and a means of largely promoting and fostering business in South Africa. Already spaces are
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  • 52 5 According to Darmstadt despatches, (22nd Nov.) Princess Friedrich Ernst von Schoenburg-Waldenburg, who has been missing for fourteen days, has eloped with her coachman. She is twenty-eight years old and was Princess Alice, youngest daughter of Prince Carlos of Bourbon. She was married in 1897 to Prince Schoenburg-Waldenburg. Last year a
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  • 64 5 Thk Indra Zanibar TheatricaWCo. performed to packed houses on Saturday and Sunday nights. At the close of tbe performance last night, the proprietor, Mr. S. Kassim, entertained tbe leading actors and actresses to a champagne mpper. Music was provided and was kept up merrily until the early hours of this
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  • 71 5 Rear-Admiral R. B. Bradford, Chief of the Bureau of Equipment of the Navy Department at Washington, says that with the exception of ports in the Philippine Archipelago which have been surveyed since its occupation by the United States, there is scarcely a mile of water expanse in the islands so
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  • 81 5 Operations towards the construction of the trolley railway up the Periang Hill are going on apace, says the Pinang Gazette, and the contractor, Mr. C. Patereon, expects that the work will be finished easily before the nine months contract time. As proof of his belief in the early success of
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  • 89 5 Coloured labour played an active part in causing a small strike on board the steamer Glitus which left Port Melbourne on the 23rd Nov. w ith a large shipment of horsts for Singapore. A number of Melbourne carpenters were in waiting to erect the fittings of the horse-stalls upon the
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  • 131 5 A Corrispondknt writers:— The finishing touches are being put to the water connections with tbe Pearl's Hill Reservoir, and the new engines intended to pump up the water are now being put in position at the pumping station, Mackenzie Road. There are practically two reservoirs, or chambers
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  • 143 5 The master of the steamer Sultan (Captain W- H. Torrible) was proceeded against, at the Fremantle Police Court, (West Australia) on the 26th Nov. on a charge of having committed a breach of the Immigration Restriction Act by allowing two Chinese to land at Fremantle. The defendant
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 55 5 DELICATE WOMEN AND NERVOUS MEN. Stkahns' Wink is peculiarly fitted to the requirements of delicate women, nervous men, and all others who cannot take Cod Liver Oil or its Emulsion and those whose nervous systems are highly Rtmng. In Steams' Wine they will find a sustainer of life by the
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    • 73 5 Dysentery. O!' inflammation of the bowel or large intestine is of more frequent occurrence during tbe summer months. It can be checked and cured if Chamberlain's Colic, and Diarrhoea Remedy is taken according to tbe printed directions with each bottle. Chamberlain's Colic, and Diarrhua Remedy ia invaluable to all medicine
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    • 189 5 A Helpless Cripple! N. Bengert of Norborne, says For nineteen months I lay a helpless oriple from Rheumatism. The weight of my body was reduced from 170 lbs. to 130 lbs. a proof of the terrible pain I bad to endure. Daring all this time, I sought a cure, but
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    • 526 5 NOTICES. A Remarkable Entertainment GREAT SUCCESS! GREAT SUCCESS!! It 1/ Request THE Indra Zanibar Royal Theatrical Co# of Singapore AT TNE North Bridge Road Theatre Hall TO-NIGHT 1 TO-NIGHT Monday, 91st December, 1903 The wAI-known dramatic and comic play Hasnul Jamal Badrul Muneer" Tkat Mver fails t« kriig i ertwM
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 176 5 DAY »V DAY. Monday, 21st December. Hij;h Water. 0.9 and 11.27 a.m. M.M. mail to Enrope closes. MB. Kug. Aiwocn. Marine ("lab. 8.45. Yeomen of the Guard Town Hall. 9. Wayang Kaaaim. North Bridge Koaal. 9. Tuesday, aand December. High Water. U. 41 11.111. VI p.m. M.M. mail from Europe
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 215 6 NOTICES. I Head Workers and Hand Workers alike find that they can accomplish more when they use /an||outen\ I Pure il^^am am I Soluble' WOCO3 I ll I !l It not only builds up the body, but supplies strength, energy and vigour for the day's work. John Little Co., Ltd.
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    • 1011 6 NOTICES. I Singapore and Kranji RailwaYFrom October ist, 1903, and until further notice. WEEK DAYS. SUNDAYS. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. I'M F.M. Singapore rf..7.00 7.60 10.00 12.30 1.57 300 4.2i> 520 6.60 ..6.45 8.07' 8.35 10.58 12.22 2.30
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 692 7 BUCHANAN'S. WHISKY Sold everywhere. steamship" companies! P b Steam Navigation O. Goy. lOK lIIN\. l\l'\> PENA*«. <-KYI.OV AUSTRALIA. ISDI4. J»B>« ««iYI»T. MEIHTERIUSEAX PORTS. PLYM»ITH IiOXDOX. I'hrouah Bill* of l!viinc issued for Cliini Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental, Md American Portß Mnll Line. Outward. Hombwar 1 Penjral Dec 17 Ballaarat Dec 25
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    • 695 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijke Paketvaart MaaUchappiJ. Onder contract with the Netherlands ladia Govern ■realt* at Singapore: huiP Aciatnr, Lat« J.Dabwls A Co., 2-3 Oollvib Qp»». i be undermentioned dates ara only approi'snate. steam*r From Expected Will be Despatched for Van Riemidyk Batavia Dec 13 Batavia, flheribon, Tegal. Pee»longan, Samarang, Soerabaya, Maca«sar,
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    • 608 7 Norddeutscner Lloyd, Brmnmi Coast Lines, i -iIKAMBKK OF THB COAST FLEKI. Tons Reg. Tohb Reg. l'rint I Sok IHO4 Waldeinar 3500 Pkra Nang 1008 Print Machete 1000 Sigitmund 3501 Phra C. Klao 1568 Petehabun -Jim P.ChulaC.K. 1668 Borneo -'100 Deli 1394 Kohnchang '20J0 Taichiow 1369 PiUanulnk '2019 Km* Btng 1569
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    • 608 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Norddeutacher Lloyd Braman, Hamburg-AmeHka Llnle, Hamburg. IMPERIAL OSBMAN MAIL The fast aad well-known mail-steam jrs of these lines) will leave Singapore 0 1 01 tbout the undermentioned dates Outward Homeward 1904 KZnig Albert Dec 28 Sachten Jan i 19C4 Oera Jan 16 Kiautschou Jan 11 Seydlil: Jan 30
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    • 877 7 NOTICES. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION TENDERB will bo received up to noon on Monday, the 21st December, 1903, at the Colonial Secretary's Office, Singapore, from persons desirous of contracting for supply- of Clothing for Hospitals for a periofl of one year comiaencing from ist January, 1904. Forms of tender may be obtained
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    • 1629 8 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used I—str1 str. steamer sh. •hip bq. barque sch. schooner; Yet. YachtjCru.— Cruiser; Obt.— Gunboat; Tor. —Torpedo; H.p.— Horse-power; Brit. British U. B.— United States Fch.-jFrench Ger.--German; Dut.— Dutch; G.c—Generalcargo; d.p. deck passenger U Uncertain; K. P. W.— Tanjong Pagar
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    • 37 8 From Europe—By the M. M s.a. Polunetien due on 22nd December, with dates io the 97th November. From China—By th» P. AO. s.s J dlaarat iue on L'Jth December. Tm Tabli of Main Da«.
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    • 2 8
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    • 375 8 Singapobi, -'Ist December. ItOS. •HARKS. Belat Tin Mine 811.50, sellers. B'sawahUoldMtne (f7.V.pd)»ls 00, bnyer>, BniMh Tin Mine $8.2*, sellers. •Fraser Neave il"2'. H'kont; Shanghai Bank 9670. Howarth EniklnF, U. |Jo«i, Rales* buyers 'Jelebas (in liquidation) 20 cts, buyers. Kadana (fully paid) f 10.00, nominal do ($7 paid) 97-00, nominal.
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    • 70 8 PABBED BUNDA HTRAITB OR ARBIVED FOR ORDKKH Kio. Ship's Nami I I^ATB OK DMVINOaitaix. Saii.ibg. From where ation. m i Aujbury .Vov v Hongkong I'nltimore K»y Mmila New York Youn* Mass* July 2tM ßotterdam BaUvia ie Boer Rotterdam .BataTia I'honison London JJ2 Batatia From where DMT IN ATION. XXM\K»B
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    • 337 8 m I Flag I 5 V^a'sNiM'.' I Ton Captaih From Sailid ConßrewiM. Q Bio. n^ I r 26 Rose+ Biits^il 776 Pow jHongkong Nov 9Guthrie and Co. Dec l'J Ruby Brit gtr. 149 -=mitb 1. m bang Dec 173eang Soon Ghee |I.» Botsev Dut atr. 107 Vncodah Rhio Dec
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    • 160 8 Datx. Vimil's Name. fThxa A. llio. Tosb. Hwmiwi, 'Dec 19 M.m-i 1 Out str. 7fl Rliio 20 Amiial Hamelin I'ch 8012 Saico i 1» Pin Sen* i Brit »tr. s:h Port <wftt«nh«m and Pcnang •JO lt*tavier »t. r ai« Muntok and Palenit>.-»nu •0 (Jlouce«!«rCity+ >t.- UOrt Oaleutt.i |j»Beyn« Fcb
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 68 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS AND SILK MERCHANTS, No. 51 52, High Street. New and Seasonable Novelties, Christmas Novelties, New Year Gifts, Marriage Presents. K. A. J. Chotirmall Co., Manufacturing Jeweller Dealer in Precious Stones, HAVE JUST OPENED A VAST COLLECTION OF New and Unique Designs in the Choicest
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    • 574 8 Christmas Bargain Days WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW CO.'S TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY.' 22nd, 23rd, 24th Dec. i Come in your hundreds and secure some of the Xmas Gifts* You will Save Money by Buying. TOUR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS AM) CHRLSTAIAS CLOTHES DURING XMAS BARGAIN DAYS, WHITEAWAY,LAIDLAW&CO.'S TIME IS THE TEST OF ALL THINGS AND
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