The Straits Times, 11 December 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 21,307 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1903 PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1628 1 CLIYMIRE WHISKY. POWELL ROBINSON, Sol. Ag.nU, Smg.por. »nd Ftdef.ted Mrl«y Sl.lei NOTICE. LKONIE HOUSE," 14 Grange Road. I Ln.nir^nc 1^,7". vit Din u>AV \*RS. KERR has now remo»ed to the fe>i?lsi SIN(.AK)KK KKANJI KAILWA^. [VI above rentdence and will be pleased sRiK«L TENDERS an- invited and will l>e to henr
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    • 238 1 NOTICES. Joseph niLLons 1 -ORANI) PRIX,' PARIS, 1900. Bfe O% I Of HiKbMtQulitj; uid baling OreftUnt Durability, are tnerefiM- B^ 3^ CHEAPEST. ■■■«%r CENTRAL HOTEIT Fitted with fjret class accommodation, overlooking Fytche Square Garden, earn to the Banks, Offices, Market, and the Stations. All tKe catering is under European supervision.
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  • 1113 2 Batavia, Beoember jth. 1 Fob some time past, the moat daring* outrages have been committed near Batavia, particularly in the vicinity of Meester Cornelis by a band of robbers whose identity remained an absolute secret for some time. It has transpired however that the moving spirit of these
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 299 2 NOTICES. GARRETTS PORTABLE ENGINES. WITH WOOD-BURNING FIREBOX. PARTICULARS FROi^ BORNEO Co., Ltd., si:n gapore. FOR THE PRESERVATION OF IRON and STEEL. THERE IS NOTHING LtKe SIDEROSTHEN l a general use by Government and Municipal Bodies throughont the World a1 so at Collieries. Shipyards and Engineering shops. THE BEST PRESERVATIVE FOR
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    • 158 2 NOTICES. Nature's Choicest Material prepared by I Man's Best Method. This is the simplest 'and only adequate description of The beverage that not only build* up the body, but gives strengtk and energy for the day's work. Robinson Piano Co., Ltdi The AP 0 10 P iano P la Y
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    • 187 2 NOTICES. Sir Fancy Goods, I Jewellery, etc. A specially Selected lusmtmejit Presents Albums Art Trays Bags (Hand) Bags (Travelling) Blotting Books frush and Comb Sets Bronze Fancy Figures Cigar Cases Cigarette Cases Card Cases Calendars with blocks Despatch Boxes Date Cases Ijtiu Cases Engagement Tablets Fans F!ask« Fernpots (Metal) Kancy
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  • 265 3 For Singapore. Per P. 4 O. s. s. Himalaya connecting with the steamer Coromande.l at Colombo, from London Nov. 13, due 12th Dec Mr. and Mrs. A. Johnston, Mrs. and Miss Salzmann, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Wathen and children, Mr. A. G. Glover, Mr. F. Hog?,
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  • 11 3 Exchasge and share <juot aions will be found on page 8.
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  • 21 3 Shipping advertisf-mpiits. with dates of sailing etc., will be found on page 7 General shipping news is printed on page 8.
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  • 32 3 Swokd swallowe r Yes, John has quit accepting invitations to dinner at the Barleys." "He ImS f Why, what's the matter Ho says their knives are so sharp they cut his mouth."
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  • 30 3 I,oRi>SELBORNKsavs that the counties of Kfiit, Cornwall, Monmouth, Bedford, Hampshire, Devonshire, Argyll, Antrim, Carnarvon, and Lancashire are now, or will soon be. represented by a warship in his Majesty's fleet.
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  • 45 3 Italy is to be the centre of international wireless telegraphy, and mesnaprs, it is expected, will be sent from Italy to England at a rate of a penny per word to Canada and the United States the charge will be :fd. or 4d. per word.
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  • 40 3 It m carolpgs of me to say that I admired Bacon," remarked the young woman with glattei "DM you offend ■obm Shakespearean student?" "No. It was a Chicago pork-packer. He frigidly r< marked that he didn't care to talk shop."
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  • 46 3 Bliggiss's blunder Bliggins is very •unfortunate in Ms love affair?." Yes," said the girl with yellow hair; "you see, Mr. Kliggins makes the great mistake of trying converse intelligently, when he ought to be simply holding hands and looking M if he were stupefied with love."
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  • 74 3 Thk Agricultural Hulletin for November which is just out contains a letter from Mr A S Bnxendale, to the F.MS. Federal Secretary, on the subject of cotton cultivation, lie favour" the growing of Java cotton in the F.M.S. and urges the Government to enquire whether the cultivation of that staple
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 97 3 Baby's Cough Must Never Linger. V'lirHlN'U is more distressing than to 1 i see. a helpless little infant suffering with a coui{b and to bo frnrful of using a remedy wnich may contain snme harmful ingredient The makers of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy positively guarantee that this preparation do< s not
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    • 1024 3 NOTICES. SELANGOR TURF CLUB. PROGRAMME, FOR DECEMBER MEETING. December 39th, 31st, 1903, and January and, 1904. FIRST DAY. Race No. I,— The Maiden Platb— Valoe SSI* 1 ami $fO to second horse provided tbera are five starters the property of different owners. A Race for Maiden Horses. Ex S. R.
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    • 585 3 NOTICES. do bo on payment of $10 entrance fee for each extra Rac« provided the other conditions of the r»c* are complied with. Entries close at l'Jnooa on Saturdiy. 12th December. Entry formi may be bad at the Selangor Club or on application to the Secretaries of acv of the
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    • 526 3 NOTICES. WANTED AT ONCE A head pressman for Singapore. One c\. who thoroughly understands bis business. Good salary. A. P. c/o Strait* fime*. CASK 1 88 ana Collector wauted at once. Young man. Mpt be neat writer, active, and able tn give security. Apply with references to K. Y. c/o
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    • 538 3 NOTICES. GRIMAULT* C° Medicinal Skin Soap H MEDICINAL SKIN SOAP ffl **mmmmf*W*yUß&mm*r*?m*/&' Recommended by eminent Dermatologists and adopted in the Paris Hospitals in the treatment of Ringworm, Acne, Psoriasis, Eczema and Skin diseases generally. 8, RUE VIVIENNE, 8 i^iOMFORTABLE rooms to b« let at \j Eber House.' Eber Road. n.c
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    • 639 3 SHIPPINO "APCAR" LINE OF, STEAMERS FOR PENANG AND CALCUTTA. MEBSRB Apcnr 4 Co.'s 'steamer LIGHTNING, (Captain Spence). having left Hongkong on the Bth inst., is due here on Monday morning, the 14th fdem, en route for the above port*. For freight and passage, apply to PATBRttON, SIMONS 4 Co., 14
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  • 488 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. FRIDAY, 11TH DECEMBER. From time to lime the question craps up whether the Sin-apore markets should be worked for Municipal revenue purposes or in the direction of securing cheaper living, and, so far, the unfailing result of the discussions arising from that question has
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  • 347 4 On the first of January, we understand, a new time schedule will be introduced on the SingaporeJohore Railway, and thenceforth there will be eight through trains per day, on week days and Sundays alike, instead of nine trains as at present. All the new trains however will go through to
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  • 243 4 There seems little doubt but that the Penang merchants engaged in Acheen pepper and kindred trades are put in a tight place by the new import and export of coinage law, and the petition to Government of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce at the sister port places the authorities on
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  • 7 4 To-day's 4 in bank rate is in,'.
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  • 12 4 An article on Mr. J. Ginnell will be tumid in to-day's issue.
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  • 12 4 The homeward mail by the Zamama closes at 4 p.m. on Wednesday.
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  • 15 4 SwiMMixii Club launches will leave Johnston's Pier on Sunday at 6 30 and 730 a.m.
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  • 15 4 The Xtnv European Hospital at Kuala Lumpur is to be opened on the Ist January.
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  • 18 4 W'k hear that H.M S. Blenheim has a good soccer team and intends challenging the S C.C. shortly
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  • 17 4 It is proposed to change the Calcutta Turf Club Rules to include the recent English racing legislation.
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  • 16 4 Mk Wagner, Chief Police Officer, •Selangor, h»s returned from leave, much benetitted by the run home.
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  • 14 4 M Pacl Doumer, formerly GovernorQeneral of French Indo-China, 'a engaged in editing his memoirs.
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  • 21 4 Wl hear that Mr. F. K. Jennings is about to resign the. appointment of Agent to the Opium and Spirit Farms.
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  • 20 4 A Rugby football match between the S.C C and the Garrison will be played this afternoon, beginning at 5 o'clock.
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  • 22 4 There -was a big ball at Hongkong on St. Andrew's night. It was a braw Scots nieht "—according to the China Mail.
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  • 19 4 Weather permitting the bind of the Manchester Regiment with play in the gardens on Sunday afternoon atr five o'clock.
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  • 21 4 Before the Marine Court yesterday a Bengali fireman of the *.8. Tanglin was sentenced to 21 days R. I. for deserting.
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  • 20 4 Thk outbreak of bubonic plague at' Kuala Kubu pelangor) has been got under, and no- fresh cases have since occurred.
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  • 24 4 Thk directors of the Perak Sugar Cultivation Co., Ltd., will recommend the payment of a dividend of 6 per cent, for the pant year.
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  • 27 4 Penang is to be shortly visited by the Pollard Comedy Company, which has arranged to run for a short season from the 23rd to the 29th instant.
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  • 28 4 Thk Pinang Gazette hears that Mr. \V. Mordey, a warder at the Criminal Prison there, han received news that he is the heir to a fortune of £27,000.
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  • 23 4 Owing trr the spread of bubonic plague in Yokohama the authorities there have isolated 120 houses comprising the area infected with the disease.
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  • 34 4 Thk result of the November crushing at tin- Punjom mines is as follows 900 tons of Swab, ore yielded 72 ounces of smelted gold, estimated value being £3,000. Mill working again, plenty of water.
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  • 45 4 Dr. Middleton and Mr. Innes, thr Commissioners appointed by the Government to enquire into the alleged irregularities in the administration of St. John's Island and the conditions which obtain or obtained in connection with coolies quarantined, left to-day for Penanq where they commence their inquiries.
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  • 25 4 Yestmday a Chinese employe of the Tanjong Pagar Dock Co who was suffering from heri-beri, died ax he was being removed to the General Hospua!.
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  • 34 4 Thk total amount of duty on tin collected in Perak during the Grnt ten months <>f th*) year was 14,250,857 which shown an increase of 16^5,444 over that of the corresponding* period last year.
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  • 36 4 Capt. F. S. B. Johnson, who was in Singaporo with the King'n Own," acted as bentman to Capt Hir W. 8. Dick-Cunyngham Hut, whose marriage with Miss Evelyn Kraser wap celebrated in London on Nov. 7th.
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  • 36 4 Three wretched looking Ciiinpse were before Mr. Peacock this morning for begging. Insp. Ambrose <*aid they were a great MaMMt and thut he no option but to send" them before the Court. Sentence was reserved.
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  • 44 4 The Nederland Company's mailsteamer Koning WilUm II left Batavi.i on the 10th inst. at 8 p.m. and is expected to arrive here'on the 12th inst. at 11 a.m. She will sail for Sabane, Suez, Genoa it Amsterdam on the 12th inst. at 3 p.m.
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  • 53 4 Among thu good Rtorins told of the late Lord Russell of Killowen by his biographer is the following A prisoner was addressing th% court in his defence. Russell did not at one point quite catch what tie man said. What was your last sentence," he asked. Six months, my lord,"
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  • 51 4 Capt. Boldero, Master Attendant, left this morning in the P. and U. Chiuan for England on nine months' leave. The duties of Master Attendant have been taken over by Lieut. Radclilfe. Mr. Maddock arrived from Malacca on Wednesday and haft taken up the acting appointment of Deputy M A. from
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  • 49 4 From latest advices the Pinaiig Gazette believes that Dr. Catto, Deputy Health Officer and Superintendent of St. John's Quarantine Island, Singapore, will resign his appointment next month. Two surgeons are expected out from home early in January, one for Singapore and the other for the new appointment in Penane.
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  • 56 4 Inpi\ Watcham, of the detective department, left for home this morning by the P. and O. Chusan. By the same vessel Sergt. Stapley, who has retired from the police after six years' service, also went home. Insp Branagan took over charge of the Detective Station from to-day, and Sergt. Wilson
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  • 68 4 Much energy is being manifested by the S. P. U. A. and, very properly, prosecutions take place. A glance at Jalan Besar Road in the neighbourhood of the dumping ground will bliow that any attempt to drive a loaded care over it is obviously cruel. Observant individuals who stray in
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  • 74 4 Baonan Singh, a watchman in the employ of Mr. M. Meyer, was this morning prosecuted by his master for the theft of an iron stove on the Bth inst. Evidence of the sale at Tanjong Katoni; was produced. The stove was sold for sixty cents. The principal witness for the
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  • 71 4 It will be remembered that a few weeks ago Mr. Ali Cohen's residence in Grange* Road was burgled and jewellery valued at $2,000 was stolen. Yesterday the police discovered one of the stolen rings in a pawn-shop in North Bridge Road. It was a diamond ring valued at $200, but
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  • 77 4 On the 24th September a case of criminal breach of trust was in the police court Ng Kng Chew was the defendant. Mr. Niblett defended. A month later the case was hoard and two documents highly favourable to the accused were produced. The case was however committed and the defendant
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  • 178 4 Singapore Ladies Save a Chinese Frog Catcher. About 5.15 yesterday afternoon Mrs. Komenij, who resides at Balaclava," Dalvey Road, and a lady friend of hers noticed that a Chinese coolie was in difficulties* in a swamp adjoining Dalvey Road. The two ladies very pluckily went to
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  • 119 4 Special Telegram to the Straits Times." PENANG SHIPPINO CASE. A COUNTER-ACTION FOR DAMAGES. Capt. Busk the Defendant. I'ennvg, Dec. 10th. Messrs. Koe Guan it Co. as owners, and Captain Morier as captain, of the Avogyee, are each cuing Captain 6usk, of the Merchant Service Guild, for SI, OOO damages cpiece,
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  • "Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 68 4 INTERVIEW WITH THE KOREAN EMPEROR. A Protest Lodged. London, 10th Dec. The correspondent of the Time* at Tokyo says that after the arrival of the Russian squadron at Chemulpo, M. Pavloff, the Russian Minister at Seoul, accompanied by the Russian Admiral, had an audience of the
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    • 30 4 It is declared that Japan is resolved not to yield one inch from her praeent moderate standpoint. Lord Roberts denies the rumours of his impending retirement
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    • 60 4 lUUARDED REFERENCE TO THE SITUATION. Says Japan is Doing Everything for Peace. London, Dec. lOr/t. The Mikado, in opening the Japanese Diet, referred to the political situation. H. I. M. only said that his ministers were now conductine,withprudenceand circumspection, important international negotiations for the preservation of peace in
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    • 41 4 P. O. MAIL. The P. A O. mail steamer OwmmmW left Penang at 8 p.m. yesterday and is expected here at daylight to-morrow. Among the passengers booked by this mail for Singapore are Mrs. Salzmunn, Miss. N. Sitlzniann and Mr. Buckley.
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    • 66 4 In a circular to the members of the Queen Victoria Memorial Committee, Mr. Evuna, who has acted as Honorary Secretary since the Fund was started, announces his resignation of the post, in consequence of his expected departure from the Colony on the Loth inst. The circular further
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    • 151 4 YEOMEN OF THE GUARD." The full dress and final rehearsal of the Yeomen of the Guard took place in the Town Hall last night, and, as is customary on these occasions, there was an audience of military men and their families and oi children, all of whom appeared to take
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 735 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Our Qdristmas $oods HAVE BEEN CAREFULLY SELECTED AND IT IS NO BOAST TO SAY WE GIVE BEST VALUE IN SINGAPORE. THOMPSON, THOMAS CO., SI N G A PORE. WASSIAMULL, ASSOMULL CO., Indian Store, No. 1, 2, 3, 4, High Street. Shristraas and Itfzw Year Presents. .lust opened a
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    • 98 4 G. R. LAMBERT GO. Jiut received a hw Collectloa|iol ART PICTURES. And c Shipment ol Lateet Modern MOULDINGS. For framing same. These ere offered es most suitable I >r X'MAS PRESENTS AT VERY LOWEST PRICES. Views, Typts, Illistnfed Pnt Cards, X'nu < arils. Watkrs. At Swatow, on the l.'itli Nov.,
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    • 8 4 Corkkpondkuce .from Netherlands India appears on page 2.
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    • 31 4 A RELIABLE REMEDY. Steaknb' Hkai>a(-hk Cure has been used the world over for years. Always reliable widely imitated, and substigutes offered. All Chemists supply the tenuine, when Stearns' is asked for.
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  • 1687 5 On* fancies that swimming would be one of the very first things most men Tn search of exercise in wet weather would turn their attention to Such however appears not to be the case, as only three competitors turned out on Sunday in th. 800 yards race for
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  • 442 5 On a cramped stage, and under anything hut theatrical conditions, the Diez company of Parisian artistes gave an entertainment at the Hotel des Indes last night. That they succeeded in keeping an unusually cosmopolitan audience* in the gayest humour, with badinage and repartee, flitting from stage
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  • 227 5 This morning, Lim Chay Tee was charged before Mr. Peacock with stealing a hat on the premises of Messrs. Boustead and Co. It seems that there is now a number of men who make it their work to hang about places of business and lift hats, umbrellas and other
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  • 127 5 Sikh Fires at the Fugitive but Misses About 12.50 yesterday afternoon one of the Chinese prisoners at the Criminal Prison at Sepoy Lines scaled the high wall round the jail and was in the act of making off when he was spotted" by one of the
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  • 497 5 The Federal Leader's Views. Two members of tbe Philippine Opium Commission are at present in Singapore, the Right Rev. H. Brent, Bishop of Manila, and Dr. J. Albert, leader of the Federal Party, in tbe Philippines. Another member, Surgeon Major C. Corter, who has been
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  • 137 5 Arrival of the Blenheim."* The first-class twin-screw British cruiser Blenheim, Capt. Fred. G. Stopford, arrived from Hongkong this morning and anchored in the roads. She will probibly stay here about two months and rill act as Senior Naval Officer's ship during that time. The' Blenlteim will coal at
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  • 182 5 London, hecrmbtr. 1 ii j German ••-tun'itr- include n sum of MOT 000 «*Mtl.j for War Oltice expenditure in China. It i- explained that the political situation in China, an repjrted at preitent, doe* not permit of a reduction of the army of ocrupation. The (Jerninn army of
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  • 191 5 By Maj. Broadrick, Ao. Commandt., s.v.c. Singapore, 11th Ptrrmbrr. S. V. ltiii notified for information that it is proposed to have field tiring for the S. V C. at Stapiiomit Camp about CMsfeMM. Details will be ixnued later. S. V. A:— Orderly Officer for enaning week
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 172 5 KADANA GOLD MINING CO. An extraordinary general meeting of the Kadana Gold Mining Company Ltd was held on Wednesday at the offices of the company at which were present Messrs. A Gumming, H. P. Bagley, and A. Straessle (directors), F. \V. Barker, E. F. H. Edlin representing a deceased's state,
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    • 73 5 Dysentery. OR inflammation of the bowel or large intestine is of mere frequent occurrence during the summer months. It can be checked and cured if Chamberlain's Colic, and Diarrhea Remedy is taken according to the printed directions witb each bottle. Chamberlain's Colic, and Piarrbn-a Remedy is invaluable to all medicine
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    • 14 5 Stops irritating coughs— Jayne's Expectorant. The Singapore Dispensary. Bole agents for tbe Straits Settlements.
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    • 397 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. EUROPEAN CLKRKT WANTED man witb knowledge of general office work. Apply sharp, enclosing copies of testimonial* ami salary reg aired to Act we c/o StraiU Tune*. 14-13 WANTED. JUNIOR .Salesman for Furniture Department Apply, stating ago, experience and salary expected, to 14-19 Messrs. JOHN LITTLE A CO., Ltd.
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    • 577 5 AUCTION SALES. TO BUYERS OF GOOD TEAK FURNITURE. AUCTION SALK" Saturday, 12th DecemUr, at 2-30 p. m. THE undersigned are instructed by Mack. S irkic-i. E<(i., to sell l>y puhlic nu.-tion, at No. 4 Waterloo Street, on the 12th inst., at'J o'clock, the valuable household furniture, etc., consisting of teak
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 136 5 DAY BY DAY. Friday, i ith December. High Water, --'.-lit p.m. S.V.A. Maxim Drill VI.. Rugby Football. S.C.C. v. (iairioon. Saturday, ialh December. High Water. 4.9 a.m. 4.3 p.m. K'ture Sale. Waterloo St. Cogblan. J M. P. O. outward mail due. Dnyh^hi S.C.C. Cricket. S.V.I. Musketry. Hastier, t. S.V.K. Skirniinhin);.
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  • 812 6 Local Superstitions that are Older than Mahommedanlsm. Many people*in Singapore are more or less interested just now in the thirty-days fast, yearly undertaken by all followers of the Islam faith. In these days of modern luxuries and good living, it would seem an anomaly to reside
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  • 57 6 Colonel Villiers Hatton, c b late Grenadier Cuards, left Aldershot on tlie L'-tli Ncv. for Hongkong, where he will act, with the local rank of Major (ieneral, as General Officer Commanding the Troops in South China, in succession to Major General Sir VV. J. Uascoigne,'u. Lieut. E. S. Ward,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 75 6 Imaginary Ailments. r IMiERE are many who hive piinsin the X back and imagiue that their kidueys are affected, while the only trouble is rheumatism of the muscles, or at worst, lumbago, that c«n be cured by a few applications of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, or by dam pins apiece of
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    • 592 6 BANKS. Nederlandsohe Handel Maatsohappij. NETHERLANDS TRADING BOOIEn ESTABLISHID 1984. CAriTAi. f. rTO.OOO.OOO— (abt £6,000,000; Issdid Capital f. A.OOO.OOO(abt. £3,760,000.) RmIBVB FOHS I. 6,000,000— (abt. 417,000.) Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Batavia. Bbakohbs: Pecang, Shanghai, Rangoon, Medan (Deli), Semarang, Sourabaya, Padang, Cheribon, Tesal,* Pecalongan. Pasoeroean. Tjilatjap, Palembani?, Olehleh (Atjeh),
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    • 569 6 BANKS. TJONQ K NO AND SHANGHAI EL BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000 000 REBKRVE FUND.- Sterling Bewjnre..*lo,ooo,oo0 1 anftn -Bilwer Reserre....! 6,000,000 f'^'' 000 REBERVB LIABILITY OF t]nmnnno PROPRIKTORB ..•10.000.000 Codkt or Dimctom. A. J. Raymond, Ksq,— Chairman. H. E. TONKIMB, Esq.— Deputy Chairman. Hon. C. W. DICKBON N. A.
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    • 326 6 NOTICES. NAINA MOHAMED BROTHERS Co.. ■5 RAFFLES PLACE. aud Retail DealersIn Pro*' .lons. <roii*i|niuieiita by every mail) High claM Perfumery, Toli. Requisite*, Superior Brands »i ri-;ir» and Cigarette*, Patent Medicines, Bool* and Shoe*, Htattonery. &<• K. \r Beg to inform the Public and our Numerous Customers and Patrons especially THAT
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 671 7 BUCHANAN'S WHISKY Sold everywhere. STEAMSH I pTcOMPANIES. p a Steam Navigation O. Coy. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, \'V.\ Wi.. .CEYLON, IS Tlt ILIA. INDIA, ADEN. K«JYFT. MEDITERRANEAN PORTS. PLYMOUTH LONDON. Throußh Mill- of Lading issued for Ciiin 1 Const, Persian Oalf, Oontinentii!. tad American Ports Mail Line. Outward. MaiUWIU <'oromandel Woo
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    • 717 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. oninklljke Paketvaart MaatschapplJ. Under contract frith the Netherlands India Government. oev't »t Singapore: Pbip Aobsct. latb J. Dabhdbu A Co.. 9-8 Cqilth Quat. Marktu Sambas Dec 7 Sambas, Pemangkat, Singkawang. Mempawa, ani Pontianak Dec. 11 De Klerk Battvia 7 Billiton, Batavia, Cheribon, Te«al, Pecalongan, Samarang, A Soerabaya 11
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    • 635 7 NorddeuMer Lloyd, Bremen Coast Lines, OBkMMM OF THK OO AST FLEET. Tons Reg. 1 ohs Keg. Print Loo Sok LVUi Waldeinar 3600 i'hra Nans 1008 /Vine Machfv 1000 Sigivnund 3500 Phru C. K!ao 1568 Pttchabun -Jl9l P.ChulaCK. 1668 Borneo 2100 Deli 1394 Kohtichang 'JO4O ,Taichiov> 1369 Pittanulok •JOIH Kong Btng
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    • 616 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Nopdd«utaoh«p Lloyd Bremen. Hambupg-Amerlka Llnle, Hamburg. IMPEBIA.L GERMAN MAIL The fact and mail-*tf>am ra of these line* will leave Singapore oj or ibout the undermentioned dates Outward Homeward Bayern Dec 19 P. Heinrich Dec 14 1904 Kdnig Albert Dec 38 Sachien Jan jj 1904 Qera Jan 16 I
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    • 759 7 NOTICES. SULPHURIC ACID FOR SUPPLIES, APPLY TO SYME&CO. m.w.f. u.c. LIQUID/FUEL? (Petroleum Residue) Large stocks always on hand. 32/8 (Thirty-two shillings and sixpence) per ton f o. b. in bankers at FRESHWATER ISLAND (PULO BUKOM) opposite western entrance of New Harbour. The fuel is delivered through a. t ic pipe
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    • 1403 8 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used str. steamer sh. ■hip bq. bnr<|ue sch. schooner; Yet. Yacht ;Cru.— Cruiser; Gbt.— (Junboat; Tor. Torpedo; H.p.— Horse -p.iwpr; lirit.—British U. B.— United States Feb.— Frehch Ger.--GermHn; Dut. -Dutch; (i.c.-General-eargo; d p. deck passenger, U Uncertain; K. p. W.—
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    • 658 8 Ffame, port, probable date of nrriril and nam*. of age.nit. BTIAMRRB. Achilla*, Cfiina, Dec 25; Mansfield. Alboin, Bangkok, Jan Borneo Coy. AlJernoy. Cardiff, goon; Paterson Simons. Alf-i l. Hongkong, Dec 22; Behn Meyer. Alting, Sourabaya, Dec 23 Daendels. AmbrU. Honglcon^, Jan 12; Behn Mever. Aragonia, Hongkong, Dec 22
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    • 441 8 HAKES. Belat Tin Mine 811.50 B'sawah Gold Mine (57.50pd)|15.00, buyers, Brn»eh Tin MiDe $8.25, sellers. •Franer Neave $1110, sales. B'kong Shanghai Bank $650. Howarth Erakine. Lt. |-JOO, sales. •Jelebas (in liquidation) '.JO cts, buyers. Kadana (tally paid) $10.00, nominal do ($7 paid) $7.00, nominal. N'lial Bank of Chir a
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    • 130 8 From Furnpfl— Bv ».he P. A <). ss. Corowtamdtl due on i :'i h Daea mbei with i!atei> to the JOih Novoiubdr. From Cliini— Kv t!i MD. L Prin: ftintvUm in rtth Daetrnktr. Left Sia-ai Oct 30th Nov Srrt Nov 4th Nov 9th Nov MM Nov 17tt.
      130 words
    • 100 8 tir Per $tram*r Time. I'n-MOKIIOW. Labuau and Hollo Aatuna 8 a.m. Bangkok Singapore 11 a.m. Padang via ports Tax man Noon. Indragiri Aing Ann Noon. PalcmlKin Ophir 1 p.m. Deli and Asahan Medan 2 p.m. P.Swet'ham A Penang Pin Seng 2 p.m. Bangkok jCorat 3 p.m. l Cbonand
      100 words
    • 151 8 S I Vessel's Namk. r 1 ai, A Toss Captain Bml KKOM f A It If CVMOMIHi Dec 10 ,Brouwer 1(1 Km>l.--10 Mednn 10 Fievo 10 ,Ban ioh Ouau 10 jHermitton •11 \Dhui 11 Blent. .■im 11 DagmAr 11 SultHll II Alboin Put str 3fJ Srrßer str 80 Nm-odah
      151 words
    • 119 8 ]>A ML Vksskl's Naxk. Flag A Rio Tohr. Dkstinatiox. IC 10 11 11 II 11 11 11 II 11 11 11 11 11 12 Mfdmi Put Mr. 4SB Herkus «tr. 347 Amberst Brit ttr. I.e. FarfalU lul str. 147 Granf van Bylaudtt Dut str. tin; De Klerk sir. 1367
      119 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 73 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS AND SILK MERCHANTS, No. 51 52, High Street. Handsome Presents for Christmas New Year. Just arrived a splendid collection of Chinese, Japanese, and Indian Silver Goods, Fancy Silk Embroidered Goods Indian, Chinese, and Japanese Silks and Curios. Photograph Views of Singapore. Christmas and New
      73 words
    • 941 8 CADBURY'S CHOCOLATES. In a Great Variety of Artistic Boies for Presents, Every Boi Qnaranteed New Fresh. Just Opened Prices 35, 65c. $1.00, 1.65, 2.25, 2.55, 3.00 per box. NO LADY WILL REFUSE A BOX OF CHOCOLATES AS A GIFT. Cadbury's Chocolates Cadbury's Fancy Boxes The Unique Presental ii h handsome
      941 words