The Straits Times, 27 November 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. ai,295 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27. 1903. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 540 1 CLAYMORE WTHSKT LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. FRASER AND NEAVE. LIMITED. MEMBERS of the above Company are reminded of the Extraordinary General Meeting to be held oc Monday 30th November at noon. Holders of Share Warrants to Bearer wishing to attend the meeting should deposit their Share Warrants pursuant to the conditions endorsed
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    • 630 1 NOTICE. j I have from to-Hay established myself us I I merchant, trading in opium, yarn etc I and as commission agent at No. 6 Malac a Street under tbe style of "Ebrahimbhoy Pabaney," and Mr. Esmalbhoy Chandoobhoy is autborised to sign for the firm EBRAHIMBHOY PABANEY Singapore, 21st Nov..
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    • 256 1 KUWELL.ROBINSON, Sl«r«por« «nd Fed.r.t.d Mm, sutci. HAFTLES HOTEL SINGAPORE. mioh COMMBSUJNBR. FSDERaTED MALAY STATES. STRAND HOTEL RANGOON. UNDER TMK I)ISTIN(iLISHEI) MHMMM W Hl* Honour tip Hugh Barnes. 1C.C.«.1., K. C. V O LIEUTENANT-aOVERNOR OF BURMA. Other Establishments: Raffle-. Tiffin Rooms Singapore E«««ern and Oriental HotrP. Pi-nanc Sarkies Brothers, Proprietors. HOTEL
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    • 95 1 NOTICES. Joseph niLLoff r^j GRAND PRIX," PARIS, looo. m* ma 4* j Of Highert Quality; aod baring Orc«U«t Diirtbility. are ttaerefoic IvBl HI 5 look 1 I OUT! j I THE h K. B M Ltd. I Salej j WILL > I Commence h |K. B M Ltd. s Tuesday
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  • 389 2 London, Ath Novenumr At a meeting of the Council of the* Central Associated Chambers of Agriculture in London, Mr Rider Haggard, the novelist, and author of Rural Kngland," moved—" That in the opinion of this Council, the time has come for a reform of our fiscal system..
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  • 342 2 It is sad to reflect that total abstainers are seldom taken seriously. If a man becomes an abstainer it is for forae deep dastardly* object if he remains one, he has a guilty conscience, or perhaps lie is a skiDiHnt, or he has some little
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  • 60 2 The vicissitudes of top- hats in the Far East are strange. Recently a very grimy coal -coolie might have been seen strolling down Ja.dine's Bazaar, feast Point, Hongkong, with a rather-battered "topper." Doubtless in the past this hat had been its owner's pride at a leve"e at Government House, or
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 130 2 NOTICES. John little Co., Ltd.! Christmas C^*c\\y ft JL 111 1 j3Z33IP DOLLS DOLLS DOLLS till a i i\|,v ALL SIZES. I ADflB VARIETY ALL Mi^ira. Dressed and Undressed. Speaking, amd Musical Dolls. TOYS I TOYS TOYS s^ IS"" TST I Bell Engines Cornets .^,3^ Rubber Ball* S and Spades
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    • 279 2 NOTICES. MARTIN'S THE "MNGA" CIGAR. This Cigar is about the name shap and size as a Londire 100 Cigars packed in wood box. Siw tff box 6} x 5| x 5i inches. Gross weight I Ibe. MR. T. SENG KIANG OURES all kind of lever oaftl l^/ stomach-ache, headache, >heumatisr
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    • 82 2 Chamberlain*. Cough Remedy. IS* cure for severe colds/ persistent coughs and a preventive of pneumonia. It is the mothers' favourite for whooping cough. Will cure your cod quicker than any*other medicine in tl c market and leave the .system in a natural and healthy Edition. Is an ideal medicine for
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  • 263 3 Kuala I Apis, mh Nov. Recent heavy] rains have caused some dsmage to the dams at the Kechau and Tekkat mines, and have impeded river traffic. Both the Lipis and the Jelai have been very high, and the crops in several low-lying padi fields have been spoiled. The
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  • 221 3 •Therk te a very unsettling paragraph in the latest number of the Jtuoldfe, says a writer in the Morning Herald, •vhicli teaches that l'rincem Louis ol Bavarin is descended from the son of James VI. ofScotland and I of England (Cliarks 1), whereas Edward, VII is
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  • 153 3 A sKKiocs landslip occuireil at a mine at Surmei Puteh, near Ampang, a few days Bgo. Eight Chinamen were buried, and it m not until two days afterwards that the bodjes were recovered. It is said that Mr. E^erton leaves for England on the, 26th inst. preparatory to
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  • 104 3 A Tientsin wire of November 11 says Tlie Russian troops are leaving Korea. It would seem that Russia i? following out a policy of apparent abandonn ent of her advantages in, Korea* First she dismantled her fortress at Yongampho now she withdraws her soldiers. According t j
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 120 3 Prepare for Emergency. WfJAT would >cv do if tak.n with a scveie attack of Colic or Diarrhoea, and your physician could not bi> readily summoned Provide yourself with a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhrva Remedy, and will then be prepared for such an emergency. During the summer mor
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    • 1042 3 I NOTICES. SELANGOR TURF CLUB. 'PROGRAMME FOR DECEMBER MEETING. December 29th, 31st, 1903, and January and, 1904. Race No. 1,— Thk M#ii>en Plate— Value $S0li and $(0 to second horse provided there ate five starters the properly of different owners. A Race (or Maiden Horses. Ex 8. H. A. Griffins
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    • 836 3 NOTICES. do so on payment of $10 entrance fee for each extra Race provided, the other conditions of the race are complied with. Entries close at. ll noon on Saturday, 12th December. Entry formt may be had at the Selangor Club or on application to the Secretaries of any of
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    • 625 3 NOTICES. WANTR> AT ONpB. N English-speaking Chinese clerk, t\. Most be quick at figures and bave a good knowledge of offlce work. Security required. 'Apply to the Manager, Btrait* Time* offlce. WANTED AT -ONCE. head pressman (or Singapore. One t\. who thoroughly understands his business. Good salary. A. P. c/o
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    • 549 3 NOTICES. GRIMAULT C° Medicinal Skis Soap MEDICINAL SKIN SOAP j*A ti »T»!T7» J II F4.ii ''^pF ''l Recommended by eminent Dermatologists and adopted in the Paris HospHals in the treatment of Ringworm, Acne, PsoYlasis, Eczema and Skin diseases generally. 8, RUE VIVIENNE, 8 VACANT. TWO largi rooms in Tangl>n district.
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    • 612 3 SHIPPINO IN DO-CHINA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED FOR HONGKONG. r pHE Company's steamer AT \f .s.i V',. 1 S,'.'S6 ton*, Captain Bullor, having left Calcutta on the 21 It intt., may- be expected to arrive bere on or about the 28th idem, and will have prompt despatch (or the above
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  • 600 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. FRIDAY, 27th NOVEMBER. Mr. Godfkkv ilhvCErr, the British Consul for British North Borneo, Brunei and Sarawak, has compiled his Report for the past year, and it has just been published at home. Judging from a very condensed precis of its contents tftat appears in
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  • 409 4 A short time ago. the local authorities experienced great difficulty in shipping off a lunatic police constable from Singapore to Europe. This mas owing to tha unwillingness of masters and agents to take such a passenger. The same difficulty as regards alien lunatics besets the Hongkong Government, which proposes to
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  • 376 4 Apropos of the London despatch**published on Tuesday and Wednesday, this week, aDnouncirfg tbe rescue of Dr. Ottc NordenskjoH and his p'rty in the south polar regions after their ship Antarctic* had been crushed in the ic<>, it is interesting to read in .he Timrn o> tbe 2nd inst. a Stockholm
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  • 211 4 We are indebted to the .courtesy or Messrs. Daendels and Co., the Agents o'< the Dutch Mail Company, for copies of the Times of the 2nd and 3rd November which arrived by the Klning Willem this morning. The Times of tbe 2nd instant contains particulars furnished by a Berlin correspondent
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  • 244 4 From pfague, pestilence, and famine," etc. The following alarmist despatch from Melbourne that appears in the Daily Mail of Oct. 26th will make the eyes of our local shipping men, our health authorities, and our more enthusiastic tem^«r.tnce advocates, simply bulge in silent wonder i'r;i trip from Penang to Singapore
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  • 178 4 In vim-,- of the abject cowering of tbe Turkish Government before the Russia :tnd Austria, and its acceptance of the Macedonian reform scheme under th'eais from Russia, it is amusing to read in the > imet of the 3rd November, that the Su'tan of TurLey meant to turn upon these
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  • 8 4 TV day's 4/m bank rate is 1/10 J.
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  • 8 4 Advance iup'l news will be loi'id ou P»Re2
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  • 10 4 Exchange and share reports will be ound on pa;e S.
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  • 13 4 The homeward anil by the Znili closes at 4 p m. on Wednesday.
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  • 14 4 Si.N<3AP.>iiK is commonly known at Shanpltai as tbe laud of Chinese, chits, and Chittieg.
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  • 15 4 The annual Prize Distribution at Raffles Girls School will be held on Saturday Dec. sth.
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  • 22 4 SHiPr.NG advertisements, with dates of bailing etc., will be found on page 7 General shipping, news is printed on P 3%e 8.
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  • 27 4 Tug monthly sewing meeting of the Church Woik Association will be held ;u the U.- flies Girls' School on Wednesday next, Dec. 2nd at 4 p m.
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  • 24 4 BKFORk the Marine Court yesterday morniig, two Cinghalese stowaways from the Japane- 3 steamer Sanvki Mam were sentenced 10 28 days' rigorous imprisonment each.
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  • 27 4 H.M.S. Algeriii-i (Commander R. Nugent) arrived from Hongkong tin* 'oorning and anchored in the roads. She will probably stay here some time as senior naval officer's ship.
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  • 25 4 Ok the7thinst.theEinpress-Do wager invited the wives of tbe different Ministers at Peking to a tea party and exhibition of chrysanthemums, -but none accepted tbe invitation.
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  • 32 4 It will be satisfactory to the residents along Serangoon Road to know that ten gardeners were summoned this morning for using night soil within the prohibited limits. They were each fined $5.
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  • 30 4 One hundred and ninety-eight deaths were registered at Singapore during the week ending on the 21st November. The ratio per thousand was 42 54 (including 1.24 at St. John's Island).
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  • 32 4 Letters despatched by the homeward German mail steamer Hamburg, to leave on Monday afternoon, are due to be delivered in Germany on the 'evening of the B4th December, or ou Christmas Day.
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  • 30 4 The Italian Minister who killed himself to escape' from fierce Socialist attacks is Bignor Rosana, the head of theJUnancfc department, and not Signor Luzzati, the Treasurer, as was wrongly reported.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 89 4 M. P's., Peers. Colonials, and Ladies Heartily Received. landon, 26<A Sovembqr. Ninety members of tbe House of Commons, several peers, and some Colonial Agents-General, accompanied by eighty ladies, have, under tbe auspices of the Commercial Committee of the House of Commons, gone to Paris as guests
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    • 28 4 The rebel Hottentot Chiefs are awaiting the arrival of the Governor Jof German West Africa!'] at Keetmanskcep. A satisfactory settlement of the troubles is anticipated.
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    • 60 4 Modification Absolutely Refused. Before assenting to th«_ RussoAuatrian reform scheme in Macedonia, the Turkish Government begged Austria and Russia to modify the scheme. The application met with an absolute refusal from the two Towers. The Russian Ambassador at Constantinople yesterday repeated the refus.'l in a strong Note.
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    • 77 4 We still have left a few copies of the portrait of Sir Frank Swettenham, issued as a supplement to the Straits Times on October sth. The demand for these souvenirs of His Excellency has been very t;rea*, and we wish to point out tha- ss the
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    • 125 4 LIEUT.-COL. I'K.VNfcFATHER, InspectorGeneral of Police, left for England to-day un three months' leave. Among those at the wharf to see him off were Mr. Gardiner, Mr. Whitehcad, and Inspectors Branagan and Dooley. His duties ai'3 pt-rformed .'>y Mr. Gardiner, the present hardworking Chief Police Officpi, n addition
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    • 24 4 The S. R. E. (V.) montuly handicap shoot arranged tor t j-morrow afternoon ''i;iH been postponed until Sunday morning, 6th Dec, at 7 a.m.
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    • 36 4 The annual sale of fancy articles, in aid of the Chinese Girls' School, Mount Sophia, takes place from 4 to 7 p.m to-day in the Town Hall. Tomorrow morning, the remaining goods will be uiepotsed of.
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    • 36 4 Sik Hknkv and Lady Blake continued the'r voyage to Colombo by the Multn this morning. ELK. the Acting Governor and Miss Taylor, and several prominent European residents were down at the wharf to bid them farewell.
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    • 42 4 A Klinu who kopt his eating house in a filthy condition lias had to pay a fine of 13, and a p'inilar fine was imposed in a similar case. It is satisfactory to know tha^ these eating housed are under efficient inspection.
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    • 43 4 Fivb vessels! have been driven ashore and completely wrecked in Algoa Bay, on the south-east coast of Cape Colony, South Africa. The bhips were the famous old South American and Cuban filibuster Two BfotUers, the Arranmore, County of I'emliroke, Wayfarer and San Antonio.
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    • 54 4 An expedition has left London for Egypt, en route for the western oases in the Lybian Uesert. These oases cover an enormous tract of country, and are said to contain much evidence of ancient workings for gold and precious stores, and to have supplied the whole ancient world with alum,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 313 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. r,AKEST~f>KES! Cake imported in Urge Blocks SOLD BY THE POUND AND HA*LF POUND also Cakes in I lb. tins, Plain, Seed, Fruit, Sultana, Cherry Ripe, AND XMAS CAKES From 70 cents per tin at The Australian Stores. m f. WASSIAMULL, ASSOMULL CO., Indian* Store, No. 1, 2, 3,
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    • 167 4 TOWN HALL Friday 27th, Saturday 28th. Foi* li more Nights only. HICKS! HICKS! HICKS! i OMPAXY Han played with "-access at The Alhan.bra. London The Grnnd Casino, Paris Tho Wintergardan, Berlin AUu in S,,uth Africa, Imtia, <'eylon Burma. ('harming l)i«;<!ay (in English.) NOVELTY FOR SINQAPORE. A Great Success, Last Night.
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    • 43 4 G. R, LAMBERT CO. Jart m.m Coltoc'loa of ART PICTURE*. And Sblpmei.t of I »te«t Motfarn mOULDINGb. For framin'; Mime. rh.« art ollc Ml v vo*< MIUbU Ijr XWAS PRESENTS AT VERY LOWEST PRICES. Vimi, Tf k«, lllHtntef rVt Cariv I'mu larii.
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    • 41 4 YOUR DIGESTION IMPROVES. Stbarns' Wink is pleasant to take. It aids digestion. It agrees, with tbe moat delicate stomach. It increases weight and strength. Now is the time to reap the full benefit of this valuable tonict Sold by all chemists.
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  • 436 5 pEFENDANTS' CASE CONTINUED. On the resumption of the action concerning Tanaan yesterday afternoon, in the Supreme Cjurt, Mr. Napier said he had just received a call from a gentleman who had been in Japan, and whose evidence might be of importance for the plaintiff. Mr. Napier asked
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  • 125 5 Only One Rich Man. JuMUM from the large number of people, especially Chinese, anxious to mortgage their house property, the Chinese new year is, says the M alay Mail, likely to be an anxious time among the miDiog fraternity. Weare told that them is an absolute
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  • 157 5 Yehtekdav before Mr. Colman, Qua Ch'J Km:, a Chinese woman, charged Khoo Jee Siong with voluntarily causing hurt to her. The evidence for the prosecution shewed that the prosecutrix ami the wife of the accused were quarrelling over a question of rents which were alleged to
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  • 35 5 The Members of the S. V. 1. are Reminded that class tiring will take place on the Balestier range to-morrow It 3 p.m. and on Sunday, 29th at 7 a.m
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  • 993 5 It is hard to imagine the ordinary Singapore "office" tiffin sufficiently stimulating to lure its partakers on to feats of strength and endurance Such, however, was the case last week when the Viscount," after a feast of this description, made several wagers with his co-tiffiners that he would
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  • 612 5 Alleged Danger to the Oil Tanks. If the Supremo Court, of Singapore, to-day, the Chief Justice, Sir Lionel Cox, on the bench the of TanEwe Chye against J. Berry, manager of the oil tanks at Puloh tukum* came on for hearing. The plaintiff claimed $400 damages for
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  • 131 5 In his validictory address to the Hongkong l.e(,idi".tive Council, Sir Henry Blake referred to tt.e rap'd growth of the Colony and of its shipping trade. In 1898, he said, the Colony of Hongkung contained 254,400 inhabitants, its assessed value was $4,511,947, and the total shipping entered and
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  • 109 5 Pan Singh, the driver of a bullock part, the alleged o-vner of which is Mr. Landau, was this morning brought before Mr. Peacock for cruelty in overloading his cart with firewood.Inspector Pestana stated that the cart was loaded with 500 pieces of firewood, total weight one ton,
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  • 36 5 It is announced from Copenhagen that the Nobel prizes this year will be awarded as "follows Literature Dra. 'Ibsen and Bjornsen; Physics: Signor Marconi Chemistry Professor Arrbenius (Sweden) Medicine Professor Fineen. Each prize is worth £5,000.
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  • 37 5 Yestfi day, Sister St. Eugenic of the French Convent appeared before Mr.' Peacock to prosecute a Chinaman for theft of sundry articles which the lady had purchased at the market. The thief got three months' rigorous imprisonment.
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  • 44 5 Ms. F. H. Giles, Director of the Royal Revenue Department, Bangkok, has arrived and is staying at present in Penang having just returned from Europe. He that previous to going on to Bangkok intends from there to visit Tongkah and the Siamese Western States.
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  • 48 5 Thk f'inang Gazette understands a news issue of unified stamps has been received in Penang, and will be issued to the public as soon as the old ones have been sold out. Applications have already been received from stamp collectors in England for copies of the new issue.
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  • 54 5 It is reported at Penang that the Hon. W. J. Napier will visit that town towards the end of next month when he will, as District Grand Master of the Eastern Archipelago, perform the ceremony at the installation of tbe new Master of Royal Prince of Wales' Lodge of Freemasons,
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  • 66 5 The death is announced, on Oct. 30tb, of the Countess Spencer. Lady Spencer.who was born in 1835 and married the Earl shortly after his acoessioti to the title in 1858 was one of tbe most beautiful women of her time, and to the end was remarkable for her social distinction.
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  • 80 5 Here is a stoty told by a Chinaman of Changi to the Chief of Police to-day He sold coconuts yVsterday. He then came in to the Court of Requests where he was defendant in some case. He went home. He was met at the Oth mile Changi Road by the
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  • 71 5 Thbbe were several cases in the Eunuaons Cqu't this mowing in which tha Building Inspectors appeared. Generally thuir complaints were to the effect that the building materials were not properly fenced in. It appears to he the fact that a belter of material is now used in the structure of"
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  • 77 5 A rumour is current at Km'a Lumpur, says a Pinnng Qo' tile correspondent, that Mr. Hare c m.o. the Secretary for Chinese Affairs who is at present away in connection with the introduction of Chinese agriculturists into the States, has been or will be offaml the Secretaryship in the Foreign
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  • 75 5 A wire from Cai r o dated 16th instant states that hitherto unknown teachings and sayings of Jesus Christ, addressed to one of the Twelve, the apostle Thomas, have been discovered by recent investigators. Such is tbe sensational «nnotincemcnt, but it should be noted that the Go. pel of Thomas
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  • 79 5 Mr. F. K. Jennings, as agent of the Ouium Farmer, has concluded a postponed case in which a Chinaman was charged with possession of chandu. The case had been set down in order that the defendant might call witnesses as to his innoceL.ce. Tbe first man called stated that he
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  • 107 5 The Pinnng Gazette understands that H. the Officer Administering the Government has refused the long leave due to several officers of the Civil Service 4n Penang and Province Wellesley, but in some instances has offered to permit them to take their vacation leave. Officers when they join the service are
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  • 110 5 Yestebday morning Dr. Catto give evidence in a caee connected with St. John's Island, in which it was alleged that a Chinese woman had been grossly assaulted by a Sikh policeman. Mr. Innes examined severely, but elicited no evidence to corroborate the charge. Dr. Catto was positive
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  • 392 5 By Mai. Broadrick, Ao. Commamdt., s.v.c Singapore, IMA November. S. V. CORPS H. E. the Officer Adminis tering tbe Government has Ween pleased to accept the resignation of 2nd I.ient. J. Lornie Malacca Company S. V. C. (15.11.1!i.j:t.) S. V. Artillery: Orderly Officer for the enituing week,
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  • 78 5 The November medal play resulted as under T. E. Earle ftS— l»« 82 (.'apt. Hunt 106—24= 8-.' K. Ferguson 84 1= 85 Lieat. Browne 90—*= 85 Col. Maxwell 109—24=85 Lient. Walker 90— 4= 86 F. H. Pearce 93— 5= 88 I. H. D.Jones 95— 6= 89 Capt.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 120 5 I Remember the Name. Bl'" 1 lllll .v hove ,-in attack of diarrhn'a, HI dysentery, or pain in the stomacb Hbe of these days, and it will lie well to the name of a nedieine that will cure you. Say it glow Cbamberlsin'8 1 Colift, Cbolora, and Diarrhcua Remedy. A8K
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    • 17 5 Brings strength to tbe weak— Jaync*B Tonic Vermifuge. The Singapore Dispensary. Sole agents for tbe Straits Settlements.
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    • 138 5 A Startling: Revelation. People who have battled for years against tbe tortures of Rheumatism, and have spent fortunes in a vain effort to tioil relief may be glad' to hear that a remedy has been introduced which has effected thousands of wonderful cures in long standing cases of this dire
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    • 704 5 AUCTION SALES. BXCELLENTIIbuSBHOLD FURNITURE, FOR SALE BY AUCTION, AT 18 SOPHIA ROAD. (THE PROPERTY OF MRS. M. L. RORINBOK.) Saturday, 28th Noreml>er, at 2pm. TEAK bedroom furniture, Teak dining table, iron bedsteads, almeirahs, cots, rattan fancy furn^nre, etc., dinner services, good table glassware), some excellent lamps, a collection of very
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 221 5 OAY HY DAY Friday, 37th November. High Water. 3.45 a.ra. 3.13 a.m Moon. First Quarter. 0.32 p.m. Fancy Sale. Town Hall. 4to 7 p.iu. Legislative Council. 2.30. S.V.K. Electric Light. 5.15. S.C.C. Football. Cordelier Hicks Co. Town Hall. fl. Wayang Kassini. North Bridge Koad. Saturday, November. High Water. 4.40 a.m.
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  • 589 6 A Bishop's Experience. The Rev. M. I. Btone-\Vigg, the Anglican Bishop of New Guinea, gives his own M. A. P. He thus describes his experiences of Cannibalism Speaking generally, the life of the New Guinea missionary is full of danger and responsibility. Only two years
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  • 197 6 THE XMAS GRAPHIC." An excellent portrait olHis Majesty the King, from the picture by Emil Kuc'ns. is one of the supplements to this fear*! i liristmas Number of The Graphic. The portrait, wfaicfa is a beautiful specimen of colour work, was painted from life for presentation to the Ist Dragoons
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  • 65 6 Thk foundation stone of the Hongkong law courts has just been laid by the Governor of the Colony. The style that.has been adopted for the buildings is pun ly classic in feeling, following the Knglish school and with details of a G/eek charaoter. The pile is expected to form aot
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  • 72 6 Building operations on the new Railway Hotel at Penang are to be taken in hand as soon as the contract is figned. Mr. J. Mackenzie from Sungkai will supervise the. work which is expected to be completed in two yea re and is to cost something like *300,000. A dome-shaped
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 327 6 NOTICES. LEONIE HOUSE," 14 Grange Road. MRS. KERB hat now removed to the above residence and will be pleased to hear from gentlemen desiring first class accommodation. Apply at the above address. 12-12 NOTICE. Albert L. A. Daley UNDERTAKER TOMB-BUILDER 148 MIDDLE ROAD. Funerals conducted quietly and with economy. Rubber-tyred
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    • 219 6 NOTICES. |NDIAN ENGINEERING. AB iLLDBTKATtI) WIIKLV JoDHHIL THE RECOGNIZED OROAN OF THK PROFEBBION IN INDIA. With guaranteed bona fide etrcit/oiion. LIST OPEN TO INSPECTION. PAT. DOLYE c.c., Calcutta. *A f Charles Ibcftsicch's ttlbitc Scat (Ebamraflnc. SOI.K Ad«!»T*. BEHN, MEYER Co., /JJRI Singapore and Penang. itHMTT VilS v Singapore wW^ Metin.JoHß
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    • 295 6 NOTICES. NAINA MOHAMED BROTHERS Co. 'Wholesale, and ißetail DealersIn Provisions, (congignnents by every mall) High class Perfnaiery, Toilet Requisite)*, Superior Kramls or Cigari and Cigarettes, Patent Medicine*, Boots and Bnoen, Stationery &<• AcBeg to inforjn the Public and our Numerous Customers and Patrons especially THAT WB HAVE OPENED .£3^ m
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 695 7 1 BUCHANAN'S WHISKY Sold everywhere. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P B Steam A Navigation O. Coy. I OK HIW. I Vl'iV PENANG. CEYLON', AISTR VLIL, INDIA. IIIK V. E«;vrr mmhtkrrwe in ports. PLYMOUTH «c LONDON. Through Hill* of Lading i«suad for Chin 1 Coast, Persian Qnlf, Continental, mi I vmerican Ports Mail
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    • 725 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Kon i nklijke Paketvaart MaatschappiJ. Under contract with the Netherlands India Uoveinrren*. ■>"" fJingaport: Ship Acwct, htb J. Diirdiu 4 Co.. 2-8 Cornn Qv at -he undermentioned dates an only approximate. steiunAr From Expected Will be Despatched for Van Outhoorn Penang Nov 28 Penang, Sabang, Olehleh, Poeloe Raja,
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    • 600 7 NorddeuHer Lloyd, Bremen Coast Lines, l*y RBAMUM OF THEOOASI tLBWT. I UN? Reg. Tone lieg. l*rint Loo Sok 1604 Waldenair 3500 Phra Nang 1603 Print Machew 1000 Sigitmund 3T)00 Phra C. K'uw 1668 Petchaburt «191 P.ChuiaC.K. 1668 Borneo '.lOO Deli 1394 Kohtichumj 3040 Tiichiow 1369 PiUanu<ok 2019 Kane Btng 1569
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    • 630 7 steamship Companies. Nonddeutschar Lloyd Bremen. Hambupg-Amerlka Llnle, Hamburg. IMPERIAL GBRMAN-M\l). The fast and well-known mail-steam^ rs of these lines will leave Singapore on r about the undermentioned dates Outward HonftwaH fCiauttchou Dec 5 Hamburg Nov SO Sachien Dec 19 IP. Heinrieh Dec 14 1904 Konig Albert Dec 28 Bayern Jan
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    • 593 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Canadian Paolflo Railway Company's Royal Mall Steamship Line. THE FABT ROUTE BETWEEN CHINA JAPAN, AND EUROPE, VIA CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES. ROUTE VIA SHANGHAI. NAGASAKI KOBE YOKOHAMA, VICTORIA, AND VANCOUVER, B. O. Twin Screw Empress Steamships 0,000 Tons Speed 19 knots. Pbopoud Sailings from Horokoho. R.M.S. Empreu
      593 words
    • 993 7 E.ANCE COMPANIES. i INSURANCE OFFICE UMITED. Sobwsribod. V.fiiO.OiHi. Amount up 300,000. Ewtb fund 1,160,000. U«ad On)rt, Houskoio. rh» ondem^ned, hsrinij '.xcn kppoisUd Agentt of the above Company, ate prepared to aooept Marine Riak* at current rate*. BOTJBTEAD* Co.. A^tt. rIB LONDON AND LANOABHIBi .FIRE INBDBANOE CX)MPA«Y. CapitAl £2,127/00 Paid
      993 words

    • 1446 8 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used str.— steamer sh.— ■hip bq.— barque sen.— schooner; Yet.— Yacht- Cru —Cruiser; Gbt.— Gunboat; Tor. —Tornado; H.p.— Horsepower; Brit.—Bnlitb •U. 8.-United States Fch.-Freach Ger.-German; Dut. -Dutch; G.c.--Gensral-■arco- d.p.— deck passenger; U— Uncertain; El W.-Tanjong Pagar Wharf T. P D.Taniona
      1,446 words
    • 577 8 SHARES. Belat Tin Miae $11.50, buyers. rTsawah Gold Mint ($7.60pd)»15.00, buyer*, Bruseh Tin Mine r $8.25, sellers •Frwer Neare $100. H*kong Shanghai Bank $637.60. Howart h Ersklne, Lt. 1190, buyers •Jelehus 20 ct», buyers. Kadana (fully paid) $10.00, nomine do ($7 paid) $700, nominal Maynard&Cq, 120.00* buyer. JTnal Bank
      577 words
    • 33 8 From Europe— By tne P. 4 O ss. S'mla due on Sunday, with data* to the Qtb Nqv. From Chi. a By the N.D L. s.s Hamburg due on Sunday.
      33 words
    • 103 8 Left Singapore. Dae in Londoo \rrive 1 Oct Ifith P. *O. Nov Bth Nov 9th Oet 19th N. D. L. Nov 18th Nov 14th Oct 21»t B. I. Nov 16th Nov 16th Oct 26th 11. M. Nov Xnh Soy 18th Oct 80th P. *O. Nov
      103 words
    • 54 8 MAILS CLOSE tor Per Mteamer Time. To-Morrow. Indragiri Aing Ann Noon. Bagan C. Hock ATi/i>i Noon. P.Swet'harn 4 Penang Pin Seng 2 p.m. Bangkok Singnporr 2 p.m. Muar and Mftlacca Far/alia 2 p.m. Malacca A P. Pickgon Beatontj 3 p.m Pulo I.aut and Cotie Ban lAong 3 p.m. Penang and
      54 words
    • 221 8 5 VIMSL'g Name Q Nov!' 26 Banka '26 [Ban Liong 26 'Fun Wot 26 Batavier 26 Ban FoSoon 26 Swaerdecroon 26 JEmile 26 Sultan 26 Antenor 26 Australin.i 27 Giang Bee. n Hebe •27 Hong Moh 27 Moresby 27 Dardanus 27 KoningWillem 1 27 Algeria.Flag k Tons. Uaptaih Bio.
      221 words
    • 146 8 Vessel's Name. Flag A Rio. Toss. DWTIHATJOW. Oatb. Soy 37 36 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 37 87 ■f 87 87 38 «8 38 87 87- Trocast Sanuki Maru (Carolina Van Riamsdijk Van der Parra Will O'the Wisp Borneo Amherst Emile Mena Luciat Sultan Peluset Hye Leong
      146 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 74 8 X, A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS AND SILK MERCHANTS, No. 61 52, High Street: Handsome Presents for Christmas New Year, Just arrived: a splendid collection of Chinese, Japanese, and Indian Silver Goods, Fancy Silk Embroidered Goods Indian, Chinese, and Japanese Silks and Curios. Photograph Views of Singapore. Christmas and New
      74 words
    • 785 8 Christmas New Year Cards. F^ If 1 Orient 1 "|ll|Sel! 1 1 «(BwirM«s the c° urt box O Cards Contains nine bflautiful Christmas and )»3f New tfear Cards with envelop**. This col J^Bl 1 lection of Christmas and New ¥ear Card* are HWIMIIJ, UUQI4W aW. SWEET THOUGHTS BOX extremely charming
      785 words