The Straits Times, 11 November 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. •NO. ar,2Bi SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 11^1903. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 759 1 CLAYMORE WHISKY. POWBLL ROBINSON, Sole Agcnu, Stmmvrt am* F»d«r»ted M -iy state.. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. rpENDERB will be received at the ColpJL Dial Secretary's Office, np to noon of tbe proximo, for the remoral of night soil* from tbo Singapore Prisons for period of one year from Ist January, 1904.
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    • 484 1 Power /SombSßk. .J° BotWe. Bovril is a nutritious Xwd stimulating bevcr;i;. r e in a handy and highly concentrated form. A cup ol Bovril when feeling fatigued, run down, or, out-of- sorts, proves an ideal reviver. As a food h^ing a quickly recuperative action m the System there is nothing
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    • 120 1 HARTWIG CO. Have unpacked a fresh supply of IN ft Lll SHADES. II.SII Gold, Silver and Copper Paint, Walnut Mahogany and Oak. FLOOR STAIN FRENCH POLISH flQessrs. f?arfwig 6° Co. have been appointed Agents, Straits Settlements, by the Ripolin Patent Paint Co." Of which paint a varied stock is always
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    • 373 1 K. NOTICES. RaffteSvHotel. Pass Beer Fass BeerSyFass Beer. RACES! RACES!! OUR USUAL* RACE DINNEPS NEEO NOT REMEMBER DATES .PTBR R^RS "To Raffles to Forget Losses and to Raffle* to Celebrate Gainis THE P/ffS Ml Tiiesilmi. 17th Xnrrnibei Hare Ist day, Mn.sintl Dinner. .Thur.iihiif. Will Race 'inddaij, Critirion Dinner. Race 3rd
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    • 321 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. LOST. ON Sunday afternoon in Tnnglin Koad, n!>riadled Bull-Wrrierdoij, retfi-Uered number on co Ur or 2*85 aotuvera to mmc of it-k Fimler ploiuf communicate with Dr. Mul.lletoa, Inv<y?." Tinglin Hill, or to Municipal Health Office. 1:1 II NOTIfK In the roods of Arthur An aruther Lutyens, Deceased. PURSUANT
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  • 1541 2 An elaborate re^^Kf over 50 pages on the foreign traaKf China for 1902, by Mr. J. \V Ja^ieson, Commercial Attache 1 to our Legation at Peking, has been issued byUhe Foreign Office. Mr. Jamieson says t\at tfee apprehensions that heavy additional taxation and the etl'ect cf declining exchange on
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 452 2 NOTICES. SCOTT'S EMULSION. E afK^aTsrC^V F R STANDARD m/Hf WKAKREMEDY iil^ LUNGS. Of alijfliemists, Druggists and General Dealers. THERE IS The most palatable and wholesome natural mineral water known. Sole Proprietor. J. CLIFFORD WILKINSON. Kobe, Japan. Beware of Imitations. rpHE CTAtfDARD J^IFE QFFICE. Says upwards of Half-a-Million Pounds terling pfcr
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    • 639 2 NOTICES. I MARTIN'S 1 fnroll lumli bl ill IMMMItI lih I' I If HOTEI/DER «EDERLAND«N BATAVIA (JAVA.) FIRST Class Hotel. Known for ita excellent food. V. ry frequently vim•id liy British people. English speaking servant*. Every accommodation. Messen ger on board of all the steamer*. m. <♦ th n.c. Proprietor.
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    • 386 2 S NOTICES. t P""^" For Discriminating Smokers. Cigarettes Absolutely Unique In Quality. Hand-made from selected parcels of the finest Virginia Tobaccos. To the cjiltured and discriminating smoker, there are no other Cigarettes that will give such keen satisfaction and enjoyment. No. 555. No. 999. Astorias. Ordinary Sla*. Ordinary Slaa. Billiard
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  • 173 3 Thk Slumghai Tim's says that two mails were received in that port on. the 23rri ultimo, for the very first time l>y the Siberian route from Europe, and the time of transit being only 2Ji days it established a record, inasmuch as this is the first
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 83 3 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. 18 a cure for severe cold*, perni'tent (■ourfh* and a preventive of pneumonia It in iln- mothers' fav< urite for whooptpg ioukli. Will cure your cold quicker than any other medicine in the mnrket. and leavo the system in a natural and healthy condition. Is an ideal
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    • 487 3 NOTICES. CDTICURA SOAP The World's Greatest Skin Soap. The World's SvnAtest Toilet Soap. Sale Greater Than the World's ProdncT of Other Skin Soaps. Sold Wherever Civilization Has Penetrated. Million* of the world's beat people use Cutlcura Somp, assisted by Cutlcura Ointment, the great skin care, for preserving, purifying and beautifying
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    • 947 3 NOTICES. selangortoSk CLUB. PROGRAMME FOR DECEMBER MEETING. December 39th. 31st, ***** and January and, 1904. FIRST DAY. Hack No. I,— Th« Maid«h Plvt«— Value $ioi'iimls.'oiosecond horse profited there are five starters the property of different owners. A Race for Miiden Horses. Ex S. R. A. Griffins allowed 7 lbs. Weight
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    • 723 3 NOTICES. do to on payment of 910 entrance fee for each extra Race provided the other conditions of the race are complied with. Entries 'o*e at 1* noon on Saturday. l-.'th fSicember. Entry forms may be had at the Setansor Club or on application to the Secretaries of acy of
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    • 768 3 NOTICES. ICHAPOT£AUT'S PBOSPHQ CLYCERA7L OP Lill It increases vital energy and nerve force, cares Mturatthtnta Oylftpits, liuomnla, and ntrtout distant in adult* and children. II CAPSULES, II Wilt All II SYIW IT/" n liav.> thi« <lay entaWtshed ourselves H n- ■■••mii-i Rim u^t t>\ Hf.' I Malacca Stieet iii lit-
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    • 647 3 SHIPPING OCEAN BTEAM SHIP CO., LTD. FOR BROOM E, PORT HKDLAND, COSSACK, ASHBURTON, CARNARVON, GERALDTON, AND FREMANTLE. THE Company's steamer CHARON, 2,681 tot* register, Capt. Bell, n intended to tail for the above ports on Thursday, 18th mat. For freight or passage, apply to W. MANSFIELD 4 CO, LTD., 12-1
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  • 15 4 K mil—At Yokohama, on I7tb OjtobA, II i.ivim ii Koch, ased r >J Team!
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  • 513 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, 11th NOVEMBER. Mk Bai.four's Guildhall Speech conveys the impression that tly? Manchurian difficulty is by no means ended just yet and there can be little ■I. ii)>' but that the political entanjzl meat is oue that will require much unravelling. Pessimists opine that
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  • 306 4 The Armenians who, asVto-cUy's win sayc, are in a rape with Ru&ria arc Iw Rifn subjects, -jlupsia havinjrviesiu*! their forefathers from 'Amkisli nnJ Persian oppression. These RJLsskui Armenians number over 800,00ofgouls Iw-llinc in tlie provinces of Mrivan, HMiz.ibetlipol, and Till 3. Russili llg never hitherto been ha d upon Ithem,
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  • 291 4 Over the signature of E^jnoinist," a correspondent complains in the Malay Mail that be had to pay $37.20 in charges on a case of cartridges shipped from Singapore to Kuala Lumpur, whereas all the charges on the same case, from London to Singipore, only amounted to $21.40. As a matter
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  • 254 4 It is worthy of .more than parsing note that the funeral of the late CnnsulGeneral for Turkey, fehich took place at the Sukan of Johore's private cemetery, Telok Blangab, this morning, wan attended by a larger following than any similar sad cortege which lias accompanied the body of a deceased
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  • 91 4 Ijis of local intajre9t as bearing aspiration?, expressed directly interested, of tlie Hh^ive Council the al^ Legislative Council. Mr. Chamberlain's answer bat just been published. It is to the effect {hat it could never materially assist the Governor of the Island to have a couple of Unofficial members appointed to
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  • 161 4 •Yn another Royal liirthday has to bo added to the lengthy list just lately celebrated. To-day is the thirty-fourth anniversary of the birth of King Victor Emmanuel of Italy, who succeeded to the Italian* throne in July, 1900. Among the other royal persons who have lataly celebrated the date of
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  • 6 4 To-day's 4/m bank rate is 1/10-&.
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  • 8 4 Wii;e News will be found on page fi
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  • 10 4 Exchange and* share reports will be found on page H.
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  • 16 4 The B.s. Siak is expected from L.ingkat to-morrow with 6,000 tins of kerosene oil on board.
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  • 19 4 Ml Rkifield »ho arrived atTaiping on the 2nd instant, took charge ot the Residentship of P>:rtk ilie next day.
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  • 24 4 Thk Tin' Comp*any'B mine returns for October are 111.81 piculs tin ore Bold for $4517.69 and 9.00 piculs tin ore unsold, value $370.
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  • 28 4 The names of Mr. A. Clouet, Mr. L. Sohapiro, and Mr and Mrs. Landau were omitted from the list of gue«U at the Government House ball, published yesterday.
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  • 30 4 We understand <lvit Mr. E<schke, tin: Consul General for Germany, has taken overcharge of the Turkish Consulate. Tlfe decorations of the late Consul are bliortly to be sent to Turkey.
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  • 29 4 The French ir.iSjJbTC" v Amimi tmkmum arrived lam yppterflay and left at nApn for Sc^ •-i There were 90 civilians iitid 297 officere and toldiers from Toulon on board.
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  • 31 4 The King oi' Siarn^s "Jubilee"' celebrations began on the Ist inut and have Apparently proved a great MkeesM. 'Fifty thousand silver medals were distributed to children under ten years of age.
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  • 32 4 It is announcea in our ■dvwtlMment columns to-day that the property of the Kechau Geld Mfning Co., in liquidation, has been Hcquired by the Kechau Syndjcate Limited, and work has been commerced.
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  • 35 4 Amonc the passengers who arrived on the Tamba-mttrit to-day were Major Wilson, who coint'« to relieve Major Cardew, D.S.O as D.A.A.G. here, and Mrs. Wilson. Major Cardew leaves for home in a couple of w«*l«e.
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  • 43 4 At .the Marine Ci urt this morning three European firemen of the f.s. Kunliditn pleatded fiiilty to the 1:021tinual wilful disobeiiienoa of UwfaJ ordurs. These three men h;id detained the vessel from sailing this mornini.'. I'he men were sentenced^to ten weuks' (vigorous' imprisonment.
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  • 55 4 S.h J. H. WnUAM. of the X.M.S. Rnilttsys, arrived hsre on Saturday last to nrifai a survey of the Johore Straits, on behdf pf Government., with a view to dcteMining the feasibility ol makiqg a bridKe'^mss them, and estimating the approximate cost of tba wrae. He will comuKßce the work
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  • 57 4 This many friends of Mr. J I' Joa<iuim, in Sigapore and tlie N'ativ.; States, will be ,Ud to leirn that his eldf st son Llo^s who is only sixteen years of age, has)a«Bad hi' prelimin'iry law examination and will in due time follow in his xther'a footsteps by joining the
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  • 54 4 Commander \«aehan Lewes of H. M. 8. Fearlcxs reports having personally surveyed nd sounded the dangerous shoal at Eat^rn entrance to Singapore main stratt »uth channel, known as Carter shoal. U consists of coral and lies in onu agree sixteen minutes sevnn seconds n«th latitude, and one hundred and f«jr
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 24 4 TREATY NEGOTIATIONS. Jjo tuion, Nov. 11 th. The newly established Panama Republic has appointed a,Comm^pion to negotiate a Cannl treaty with America.
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    • 149 4 PEACEFUL PROSPESS IN THE FAR EAStI Mr. Balfour, the Premie^Mpeaking at the King's birthday banc^^ in the Guildhall, said that in the^^East, as in the Near East, there ai^Hbjects giving food for thought, i^^ftt f° r profound anxiety. Bat with regard to the' siti^^R in the Far East
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    • 29 4 Mr F. St. G. Caulfeild, the Director of Public Works in the F. M. S has been appointed to be Companion of the Imperial Service Order.
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    • 59 4 Alleged Outrage by Russian Troops. The agitation in .the Armenian provinces of Kii'-jia owing .to the Hussian Government having confiscated Armenian efcamh property, is intensifying. Russian sol'iiers surrounded the Kii'lence of tl>*-JaiholieoB"[PHli i.iruli at Ercßfßladzin, fuiced cntrunce into it, .l-iii Mind the entire treasury valued at halfa-million
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  • 61 4 Many friends in Singapore of Capt. Biishe, R. A., who was formerly at Blakan Mati sad il now stationed* at Hongkong, will regret to learn that Mrs. Bus-lie anil lar i-'ahy, who vcre coming out from home to join her husband, were übliged to leave the ship and go to
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  • 75 4 Says the Madrat Mail s The new Vonice Steamer Co., vvhote v*>6t.t ls will call monthly at Madray, it 6uflkient. inducement offen. has just issutU its prospeciuH, from winch we note that its CURWH freiglft rales are considerably bOM of r hfi Conference liners. fV I: il ktbet tins will
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  • 76 4 Ths Secretary of MM Pnajoa Mining Co., Ld., states that tlio reni.!t of the crushing during October is 700 tons, yielding 51 ounces smelted gold Milmated value $2,000. The small result wa* due to collapM ot milU^j power, and the worn-out machinery is now being vapidly replaced. Information isjuhtto hiiiid
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  • 97 4 At a meeting of leading men of the Chinese community in Hongkong, it was decided, with reference to the departure of 11. E. Sii Henry Blake for Coylon, that the Chinese community should join with tlie European residents in presenting an address to His Excellency. A presentation js to be
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 533 4 LATt^T ADVERTISEMENTS. WASSIAMULL, ASSOMULL CO., Indian Store, No. 1, 2, 3, 4, High Street. We have opened a Branch at No. 66 Hieh Street, and we have a stock of fresh goods just arrived afrom India, China and Japan, useful for CHRISTMAS A NEW YEAR PRESENTS. VIZ I A Collection
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    • 499 4 MINK KNCUNEKR. WANTED an AsMßtaot fiwfneur for one or two monthn.^Must have k ii li-ili;i> of flziDg miohur pumps, and general fitters' wor-^ Apply to J. S. M Rennie. Secr«tary. >Kadaaa Oold Mine, Qreabam Hou«ey6atter- Road. v.c. OOVEIJtffaENT OF PAHANG. A P^rjCATIOHS are invited for the -f\ following vacant clerkships
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    • 85 4 O. R. LAMBERT 9 CO.. Photographers. OPO: (JrOHh4m Hooiie, (Battery Ro«d), 8^tf Orchard Road, 8 to 5 p.m. Hnudayii, 8 ».m. to hoon. Ai>|i<>iutmentt or sittingi sha|(3 be mxle.'if possible, beforehand. CuHtoraera who inteafTto send portraits Imiim for Xma», xhapn make their appointment* fc HittingudV yMtWB and TrPßs
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    • 31 4 BG. W. Lord, Silver Lake. Maine, i4ve used Jayne's Expectant for f years, and am sure thaft saved c in one or two instance?' Singapore Dispensary, wents for the StraitsSeUlwjt ts
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    • 45 4 YOUR CHILD WILL IMPROVE. ST2ABXS' Wink is eagerly taken by Children an 4 Invalids instead ol beinf? repugnant to th9m. It is a wonderful heulth restorative and Nerve Tonic. Children derive especial benefit from its usei it is to happily taken.— Sold by ail chemist*.
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  • 2435 5 SCRNnfI HRRriJARY The Body Lying in State. 1 A larqc Dtnaker "f Mahommr^'^ —chiefly native* of I .-ar »^j Arabs and Maleji, n-^»Kned odtf l"l i the mur nary at rh« «;«-ueral HospVii. yesterday atinrnoon to obtain a glimpEc of the body of the late Attaoull.ih Bey, Consul General
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  • 54 5 Somk of the horses, «ays the Indianwhich are expected to play an 'important part in the approaching cold weather meeting, have arrived in Calcutta, among them Cretonne, ('<*» guard, Vatto, Presbyterian, and Friar TWfr. Lact year's Cirp winner has summered well at Darjeehng, and Friar '***** quite comes up to
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  • 184 5 Thk Legislative Council meets next Friday afterac n. Mr. Napier will ask Under what Ordinance or authority do the Government propose to grant the leases #f Crown land at Teluk Ayer reclamation for Which they are inviting tenders by notification No. 418, and if there are an£ instructions
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  • 137 5 We rP£r«t Jto anno J"u the death of Captain H. Stra|kv^vie.B.B. BanPoh Guan, which wal^Jfctted fro* Java this morning. Captars J3trat who was over seventy years of h?e has I■• over forty years in the East, and it if only six or seven weeks when he
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  • 152 5 I.lovd's Register shipbuilding return for the quarter endipg on the 30th September shows that, excluding warships, there were 890 vessels of 906,608 tons gross under construction in the United Kingdom a» theclose of the quarter. The present retiftn shows a decrease in the tonnage under construction of about
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  • 119 5 L.TM SCC. footbafjf eleven facod a GarTiso.'i Jo&Tf^^iC^te E«planade yesterday afternoon, and after a spirited match beat the military men by two goah to nothing. The Club seem to be having it all thgir own way of late. There used to he teams here that could always run the
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  • 68 5 H.M.S. Amyhitrite left early thif moraine. It is presumed that she is bound for Hongkong. The Fearless returned from Port Swettenham this morning at daylight and anchored in the roads. H.M.S. Peyche arrived from Colombo at riuf light and went to the wharf to coal. Shu is en
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  • 62 5 Mll Campbell arrives to-day, says the Malay Mail of the 7th instant, to act as fctsidunt of Selangor. Thiff is the first time in the history of the State that v gentleman has worked his way up from junior District Officer to Resident. Mr. Campbell's new appointment, besides
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  • 271 5 One of the Oldest Residents of Singapore. Thk announcement in yesterday s isbue of the Straits Times regarding tbe death of Mr. W. A. Crane, at Kobe, Japan, was the first news that M¥. H. A. Crane, of Singapore, had about his brother's death.
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  • 137 5 The entries tor the coming Races shoV a .alight increase on the number of hdtaes engaged at this meeting in compa^on with the !>s.t|Jay meeting. The Buden Plate has seven engaged this m^K, as against eight in May The "^fe n races are about the same. Vhe Autumn
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  • 121 5 Tuiping and Kuala Kangsar have defeated Krian and Trans-Knan at Association footbalLfcy four goals to nil a f'JJ'6"WTn l l*^ariiev?a^U<sron3f y^i^Pr's excellent performance in goal pot the winners. It seems that even a Guide is sometimes left in charge of the rear. The general meeting of the Malay
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  • 166 5 The N. Y. K. Liner Tmmbm-Mmru, which arrived this morning, carried a full load of nearly 60 cabin passengers, among whom 'were no less than live brides-elect Including one f>ach for Colombo aud Singapore and three for North China. It is stated that this most felicitous combination of
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  • 48 5 It is interest ing, says the I'eral; Pioneer, to note in connection with the progress made by the Federated Malay States that the Negri Sembilan output of tin has increased 19 per cent, and that quite recently an estate of 400 acres of rubber there sold (or $300,000.
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  • 649 5 I The Result of a Wet Season. Kngland the heavy-rainfalls of the pre jretr have caused dismay among house m generally, for damp ban penetrated alls of living and sleeping rooms to a Jerable extent, and tbe effect has been noticeable in the jrreat increase of complaints following
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  • 123 5 Ma H <; H^^^ act as Paymaster, M .I^k teer Hides, Selane >r DivisiiHt^, v Voules to be R.y: trar of Com F.Ms Mr. W. I. Thorpe to act as Reveme Auditor, Bthagor. Mr. T. W. Rowley to act a<> .District Treasurer, Kmla Lnnpor. Mr. C B. Mill
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  • 61 5 Race for the Chtengmai Cup. Thkke wi'.lj maiChalli starting at 5.15 i' r 1^ jl Parseo \4IAO throe qu-mers of a mile i:: Following are the crews liffmtli. ijinlh.i' P. 11. Gil.X. (few] P. J. Batgwa (tow) w. a Panic A B. Hurray C. W. DarbUhira I).
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 7 5 Medical Evidence. Dr. Barrack, house-surgeon at the
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    • 112 5 Remember the Name. \'OI may Jmvp ;m attack o( diarrhea, dysentery, or pain ia the stomach one of tlie^e days, and it will be well to, rtmerabr the name of a nedioine that will care you. Say it slow— Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and .TMarrhcpa Remedy. ABK ANYONE Who has bad
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    • 154 5 Story jot a Slave. To be bound hand and foot for years by the chains of disease is the worst form of slavery. Mr. W. Knowles, Tragant Street, Bath, Eng says About fivu years ago I was prostrated with Sciatica. From my right thigh to the bottom of mv foot
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 129 5 OAY BY UA'i Wednesday, nth November. High Water. itß l.t>4p.n. New Year Baortl limiting Kxilrui'j s.\ a. Oaa Drill, s.l.v V M.C A. -lecture. I.4ft. Thursday, 1 Jt-i November High Water. "aa. m. t, l p.m Inti-rport Killc Hatafc. ii.4">. Moon. IjMt Quarter. 8.41 a.m. CUsagjatai Rowisg >'")' Rare, s.l.v
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  • 715 6 Ol» of the worst, riots in the history of Paris, barring thos« historic street battles of revolutionary days, took place on the 29th Oct. The police undertook to stop a demonstration by labour unions which had become disorderly. The workmen refused to disperse, and the polico charged the
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  • 51 6 The laying of the electric tramway lines at Hongkong are now well in band, Leing about half completed, and another six months ought to see the finishing touches. Car-shed and carhouse buildings arc nearly finished in fact all remaining to be done in the car-shed is the laying of the
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  • 128 6 Thelk is nothing like a good cockfight to arouse popular enthusiasm in Bangkok. It appears that the spoft i% warranted even to draw a crowd at midnight. A Bangkok paper says A main was fought in the, middle of the New-road, near the United Club, at two o'clock this morning
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 121 6 Prepare for Emergency. «THAT would ycu do if takoi with > V a severe attack of Colic or Diarrhea, and your pbj«toUa could not be readily mmmoned t Provide youraelf with a bottle of Chamberlain* Colic. Cholera* and Diarrhoea Remedy, and will then he prepared for such au emergency. During
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    • 224 6 NOTICES Y. SHIBUYA CO.. HAVE JUST UNPACKED HIGH CLASS Japanese Curios SUITABLE FOX Christmas Presents. Bronze Vases, CJoisonns' Vases, Bilver Cigarette Cases, Silk or Silk Arape (Kimonos), Satin Embroidery Cushions, and Covers. Y. SHIBUYA a nn.^^ THE Robinson Piano Co., Ltd. The Apollo JPiano Player. THE APOLLO PIANO PLAYER In
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    • 658 6 Aflcnts for LEA PERRIMS' W. m WOR J| v By Special Warrant^^H^^^ His Maj^to \*> J PurVepors tD «^i^9HP^§s "fhe Kinp. CELEBRATED (Qj^JAN'S STORES. "G.OTOMUNECO Handsome Presents I|J llvW I vALi -^^MAGNIFICENT SHOW ROOM— In which will be found the most Charming and Complete Selection OF fiiSh Glass Hrt OJork
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 699 7 BUCHANAN'S WHISKY Sold everywhere. STEAMSHIP COMPANTEST p a Steam Navigation 0. Coy. FOR CHINA. JAPAN, I"K\AN«.. CBYLOX, AUSTRALIA, INDIA. ADE\. EGYPT. MEDITERRANEAN PORTS. PLYMOUTH A LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued for Chin* Ooast, Persian Gulf, Continental, and American Ports Mail Line. OlfrWAIII). HOMKWARI. Ballaarat Nov 15 Bengal Nov IS
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    • 751 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklljke Paketvaart Maatschappij. L'nder contract with the Netherlands India Goveinirent. i it at ,>n gaport: Pmr Acifcr, i *j« J. Daikceis A Co., 2-3 Coii.v>b Qvtr. he undermentioned dates are only approx"nate. Steamer From Kipected Will be Despatched for Hnnta%i l'enang Nov 9 Penaoc, Sabaig, Olehieh, P. Raja,
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    • 454 7 HorddßUtsclier Lloyd, Bremen Coast Lines, •IS) 6TKAMEKB OF THE COAST FLEET. Tohs Reg. Ton Reg. Prinx Loo Sok 10D4 Waldtmnr 3500 Phra Nang 1008 Print Machfic 1600 Sigitmund 3.500 Phra C. Klao 1568 Petchabun 21»l P.ChulaC.K. 1668 Borneo l'loo Deli 1394 Kohtichang JO4O Taichiow 1369 Pittanulek 2019 Konp Btng 1369
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    • 720 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, Norddeutsoher L-loyd Braman. Hambupg-Amarlkt Llnio, Hamburg. IMPERIAL GBRMA-N MAIL The fact and well-known mall-«teamers of these lines will leave Singapore oa or tbout the undermentioned dates Outward Homeward* P. Hrinrich Nov 5 Preussen Nov 17 K6nig\l*ert Nov 21 Hamburg Nov 80 Kiautichou Dec 5 P. Hrinrieh Dec 14
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    • 646 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES* Gsitfctftftn PaoHlo Rallwaiy~ Company's Royal Mall Steamship Line. [•HE FAST ROUTE BETWEEN CHINA JAPAN. AND EUROPE, VIA CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES. ROUTE VIA SHANGHAI, NAGASAKI KOBE YOKOHAMA, VICTORIA, AND VANCOUVER, B. O. Twin Screw Empress Steamships— 6,oCo Toot— Speed 19 knot*. Proposed Sailiwg* from Hoboeobo. R.M.R. Empreu
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    • 155 7 NOTICES. GUARDIAN ABBC7BANCI CO. LIMIT! D LONDON. Subscribed Capital £8,000,000. To|al Invested Funds „4,618,000. Annual Income 911,000. The undersigned, agents tor the abois Company, are prepared to accept fire risks tor snort periods of ten days or longci periods at current rates to be named on application to PATERSON. SIMONS
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  • 595 8 SmoAroEi, 11 in November, IMS. PRODUCE. Uambier !•_> 50 Copra Ball f.ay do Pontlafnk ffi.7» Popper, Black buyer* „*3 75 do Wh1t0,(5%) „fj2 of> Sago Floor Sarawak 4.30 do Btnnei No. 1 4. 10 Pwwl S»ro 5 17 Coffee, Bali, 15% baals 18.50 Coffee, Palembanf;, 20% h»« M.oi. Coffee,
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    • 1523 8 Under this headinc the following abbreviations are used I—str1 str. utoamer sh. ■hip J l>n. bnrque sch. schooner; Yet. Yacht; Cru.— Cruiser; Gbt.— Gunboat; Tor. —Torpedo; H.p.— Horsepower; Brit.—British U. B.— United Btatfls Fch.— French Ger.--German; Dut.-- Dutch; Gc—Generalcargo- d p. deck passenger; U Uncertain; T. P.
      1,523 words
    • 556 8 Nam; port, vrobablr date of arrt*al and name of agenis. Stiamir.". AmbrU, Hamburg. Nov 24 Bebu Meyer. Annum. Colombo, Dec 7; M. Maritime A par i ma. Calcutta. Dec; Boustead Aupiralicn. Hongkong, Nov 23; M. M'timas Ballaarnt. Colombo, Nov 15; P. A O. Bengal. Hongkong, Nov 12; P.
      556 words
    • 147 8 hot Per ttfAimr.r Tlnu To- Morrow. Singoraaod Bangkok Chakrabliongi 11 a.m. Padanfi via ports Bantam 1 p.m. Malacca and Linyni Helen* 1 p.m. P. DickßOn A S -pang B'mtang Timor i p.m. P. Sham 4 T. Anscn AbhoU/ord i p.m. BilW >n4 Pontianak U.Whntl Soon 2 p.m. Ma™'
      147 words
    • 118 8 From Europe— fy the P.dO sb. Bollaarat due on Sat urduv. with dates to the 23rd Oct. From Chin*— By the P. 40. ».s. Bengnl duo on fbursdny. eft Bingap ct SDtli let lit ll ict 7th ict IJth ct itith at -.>mh ct 21 ft ct
      118 words
    • 243 8 jVmml's Nami Tom Captain From faiUD Coakmm. KIG. Nov' KiuCriig 3rit str. 2405 (Jibb l-1.-idolpbiaa.-pt n m u.dar.i Oil Coy J? dl "Mr I9l Hmw Bombay Oet 80 Bbrager Brothers 0 .Brouwer Dut *tr 824 'ireicer Dell Nov' ft !,...-.,<le!s ud Co 10 (Jiniikt Ann Brit itr 567F011e1t J
      243 words
    • 135 8 Dat«. Vessel'^ Namk. Flao 4 kio. Tons Dbsthutjon. Nov JO MAM Britrtr. ~loT Mihwi'jpi n BinH.nGuan *tr: 199 Port Wwettenhom via porte 0 Daphne Her »tr. 14i6 Penang OmneSenK Rrit str. fM s»mamn K vis porU 2 P^' r 1>a Blr W 6 P*leml«inc S ul> y Brit»tr. 14'J
      135 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 65 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS AND SILK MEECHAUTS. X'ma s and New Year Presents Have Just Opened a Fine Collection of Chinese, Japanese, and Indian Silver Goods, suitable for Christmas Presents, Fancy Embroidered Goods, Table Covers, Centre Pieces, Doyleys, Silk Shawls, also a Spend id Stock of High Class
      65 words
    • 536 8 Christmas N6w Year Cards. SWEET THOUGHTS BOX OT 12 exquicite card Hand envelope? to match. Size of box 5 by-7J ins. Price SI.SO per pox PRIVATE AUTOGRAPH CARDS In a v«ry artistic box size 4± by '>j inches. Containing 10 really pretty cards 3nd envelnptf. Price 75c. per box THE
      536 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 32 8 WEATHER T£LEBH»TI. (M. B. A. A C. Telegraph Oompuny. j 10th N'otbmbib HONGKONG.— Barometer 80.03. Direction of Wind North. Force of Wind 2. Max.Temp in Shade. 74. MANILA :-7iB W.B.W. a 86.
      32 words
    • 63 8 WEATHER REPOHf. Kandang Eerbau Uotpital, 7" 'A So\ 190.1. |oa.m.|3p.m. Hp.m. Kkmakj(B. Kar 89.967 29.860 29 962 Mornins Temp I 84.1 78.2 75.6 clear, day WB'lbTher; 79.0 76.8 74.0 overcast, DirofWind n.V. B.W. Oalmjnigbt clear. Max.Temp 86./ Mm 73.6 Sun 14 (.8 Terr, rad 7(».l Rainfall Nil The standard
      63 words