The Straits Times, 7 September 1903

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 31,226 SINGAPORE, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER '7, 1903. PRICE 15 CERTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 599 1 Cl YMII D \A/ Ul 1/ V L I 111 II It i If nly H I. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. THE services of a Steam Tog are wan i i the Til' lie v. one months Hoppi river refuse fr. I the di< barging «rt 01 from the Suparlntendent cf \w
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    • 174 1 Rigeld, Bergmann Co. SOLE IMPORTERS»OF THE FOLLOWING WELL-KNOWIV Ait^TRODUOED BRANDS. "Crown" Eoer. SOLE IMPORTERS Rigold, Bergmann C^ SINGAPORE. Guiiiii ss's renowned Stout. /££s& SOLE IMPORTERS: RIfiOLD, BERGMANN Go Singapore. All applications for prices and particulars will receive prompt attention. c. in. 7-9 NOTICE. In consequence of the rise in Exchange,
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    • 210 1 The very well-known dry V>AA .■■>.- osOjsL, JLJ t? Henkell]; Trockcn Sole importers Rl£old, Bergmann <&C" Si4t£apore. J A Fine Whisky. Qi arantccd •>> .'?tsol<l <»f Excei'cnt Flavour. D.6JM?CALLUM'S PeRFeCTION Whisky /Sole Importers (^TCOLD. BERGMAN N 6(5 Singapore. NOTICE. I.i r XT I >. l> ;.-> t-tsto infoimthe public -tt
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    • 235 1 First Quality Milk. Imported for the last 12 ygar?. I 3 RAND Condensed milk SOLE IMPORTERS RIGOLD. BERGMANN&C? SINGAPORE. Well -Introduced. Imported for many year*;. j Duncan Stewart's HIGHLANDVIteLCOME j f INESf Old 8 Blended Scotch q whisky I' iiiiP Sole Imporrers PIOOLD, BEROMAHN (5 JSINGAPORC I I MUNICIPAL NOTICE.
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    • 312 1 NOTICES. Milkmaid^ brand 7 CONDENSED MJLj I\/| 1 1 I JT 1 JlillXL Guaranteed Full Cream. trade mark Largest Sale in the World. STRAND HOTEL, R A N GOO rv UNDER HK DISTINGUISHED PATRONAGE 01 HIS HONOUR SIR HUGH BAR NI:S, X.C.5.1., K. C. V. O. LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR OF BURMA. OTMi
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  • 1273 2 The War Commission. The report of the War 'ommission mtH I ti i«Kiieß. It condemns the al»e-ee of a plan of i'ftin|iiiij.'n, resulting in a plentiful Top uf mix understandings. It condemn* the gTaw deficiencies in stores, and arkrwwU'il^c* tinprompt ami rriVi ircatmcn' of the situs tion
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 266 2 NOTICES. GARRETT'S PORTABLE ENGINES. WITH WOOD-BURNING FIREBOX. PARTICULARS, FROM BORNEO Co., Ltd., SINGAPORE. FOR THE PRESERVATION OF I RON. and STEEL. THERE IS NOTHING LIKE SIDEROSTHEN In general use by Government and Municipal Bodies throughont the World, also, at Collieries, Shipyards and Engineering shops, THE BEST PRESERVATIVE FOR Pontoons, Bridges,
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    • 66 2 J. SMITH, TRAINER AND JOCKEY. IS prepared to undertake the training of racehorses and griffins. He lias good stables. For terms apply at 99 ORCHARD ROAD. G. Otomune Co., RAFFLES PLACE. Japanese Curio and General Stores. Wholesale and Retail Dealer.. Always in stock a large assortment OF High Class Curios
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    • 468 2 NOTICES. ~JOHORE~HOT^L. Malay Curries. INTENDING visitors to this Hotel are 1 informed that arrangements have been made to have Malay carries every Sunday morning. Tiffin 12.30 p.m. to 2 p.m. The Johore Band plays opposite the hotel from 4.30 p.m. to 6 p.m. every Sunday. f.£s. v.c. HOTEL CECIL Corner
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    • 248 2 NOTICES. Robinson Co., SIINTCa-.A-FO-Fl.-E:. Antimaca>-vai» Art Mii-lin- _/_^^L|\ B«p, Ladit-K- Jlai..l Books RooU and slim-, UenU' Roots and Shoes I.adieo Boys' Mk Braces Boy*' Break fant Mi A mtWJmm J-L^^ Collars and S.-ai ye«, LadieCotton I)r<-» Materials Crockery Curtain' Net nrnl ll.ilderCtuhionn Cutlery V Dancing Puinpx I Dinner Sen V
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  • 778 3 Tmi S.C.C. autumn tennis tournameiit commences on Kept, ltuli and an inspection of the entry sheets goes to .-how that the event is as popular as ever. One feature is the increased number of names down for the championship, but of these some cannot possibly get beyoud the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 21 3 Shipping advertisements, with dates of railing etc will be found on page 7. General shipping news is printed on page 8.
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    • 897 3 NOTICES. Singapore Sporting ClubProgramme for the Autumn Race Meeting, 1903. November, 17th, 19th, Sist. firsTday. Tuesday, 17th November. 1. THE MAIDEN PLATE.— VaIue $400. A Race for Maiden Horses, Weight 9st Entrance $10. Distance, R. C. 2. IHE FIRST GRIFFIN RACE.— Value $800, and $60 to the Second Horse, provided
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    • 442 3 t NOTICES. rses that hare started at thii seting. Entrance $6 if declared by on on Saturday, 7th November, and D if declared after noon on the 7tb iTember. and by 4.16 p.m. on the day the Race. Distance, 5 furlongs and _J yards. Note.— A penalty of 71b. is
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    • 557 3 NOTICES. WANTED— An Eurasian to act ac night overseer on the Bundi Tin mines. Apply to Guthrie A Co., Ltd., Agents. a c. ANTED for the British North Borneo Government. Two Compositors. Salary f 3"> p r month and ffi house ai.owanii-. For further particulars apply to GUTHRIE A CO.,
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    • 708 3 NOTICES^ FR BALE,— Seigon Lymph, guaranteed froih, at the Crown Dispensary, 96 Selegie Road. ox. TO GOLFKRB. FOR SALE. A COMPLETE set of Qolf Clubs. Apply to Z Z., c/o Straus Time*. 7/« 17H)K immediate disposal a* a going concern: Well-fitted PHARM ACy in the Federated Malay State*. Huit a
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    • 673 3 SHIPPING IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. FOR EUROPE. rpHE Imperial German mail steamer I KIAUTSCHOV, Captain Behrens, of the Hamburg-Aroerika Linie, left Hongkong on Wednesday, the 2nd inst., at noon, and may bn expected to arrive here on Sunday afternoon, tbe tith inst. Hhe will probably be despatched for Europe on
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  • 35 4 Stone.— On the 2lHt Auguiit, at Nagasaki, Fkkdkrk-k Gkokce Shillito Stone, aged 08 yearn. Lamii. On the -'Snl August, at Shnnghai, (iEOrge W.m.i.kk Lamb, native ol (ilangow, Scotland, late chief mate of g.a. Kieangler..
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  • 1388 4 The Straits Times. PRICE IS CENTS. MONDAY, 7th SEPTEMBER. Utopia, as a place of resident, labored under the material disadvantage having no concrete existence so that human life, under circumstances |yen approaching perfection, has never been more than a dream among peoples of comparatively high intellectuality. It is unlikely that
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  • 685 4 Thk Reliance has won the America Cup, and for tjje third time, and vftth the third Shamrock of that ilk, Sir Thomas Lipton retires discomfited. No sportsman, however, on either side of the Atlantic, thinks one whit the less of the genial baronet for his lack of success in this
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  • 6 4 To-day's 4/ms. bank rate is l/ll
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  • 11 4 The homevrard mail by the Efaswrhou closes at 6 p.m. to-day.
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  • 14 4 Thk installation of H. II the Sultan of Selangor takes place on October 4th.
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  • 15 4 Mr. J. Brown, of Kuala Lumpur, has been elected chief of the Fire Brigade there.
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  • 13 4 The S.C.C. tennis* tournament commences on Thursday next. Handicaps will be out to-morrow.
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  • 18 4 Mr. Grove, the Chief Police Officer, and Mrs. Grove left for England this afternoon by the German mail.
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  • 22 4 The P. and O. extra steamer Tientsin left Hongkong at 3 p.m. Saturday and is due here at 4 p.m. on Friday.
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  • 22 4 The funeral of the late Pte. Tan Choon Kiat of tbe S.V I. took place yesterday morning with full military hor jurs.
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  • 30 4 Two hundred and sixteen deaths were registered at Singapore during the week ending on tha 29 th August. The ratio per thousand was 46.41 (including 1.72 at St. John's Island).
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  • 33 4 The German transport Vain is 5 pected here shortly from Europe.* She will bring about 97 naval officers and 710 men to relieve the time expired hands of the German squadron in China.
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  • 38 4 Col. Schiel the German Boer officer who, we believe, was captured by the Ist Manchester at Elandslaagte, where he was wounded, has died at Reichenhall. He spent nearly two years as a prisoner of war at St. Helena.
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  • 30 4 Whisky drinkers wil^ be interested to hear that Messrs. Powell Robinson and Co., of Singapore and Kuala Lumpur, have been appointed agents for Messrs. Greenlees Brothers. Claymore and Lome whiskies.
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  • 35 4 The St. Leger will he run at Doncaster on Wednesday. Vinicias, the animal Reuter reports as having been scratched, is a three-year-old by MasqueWandora. He is owned by M. B. Blanc, the well-known French sportsman.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 49 4 liondon, 4th Beptemf»r. According to details received at Salonika, five hundred Bulgarians were killed during the fighting- at Lake Rape ha between Klissura and Kastoria 2,500 troops are reported to be surrounding the remnants of the band. 15,000 Bulgarian villagers have takes refuge in the mountains.
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    • 17 4 othSept. The American cruisers Brooklyn and San Franeinco have arrived at fleyrout.
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    • 10 4 Vbrntim has been scratched for the St. Leger.
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    • 11 4 The cricket match Surrey Sussex was drawn. Hanjitsinghji scored 204.
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    • 16 4 Brown, the promoter of the cotton corner, netred seven millions of dollars (gold).
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    • 96 4 Foreign Embassies Threatened. 6th September. Armed sailors from foreign guardsliips are guarding the interior of several embassies at Constantinople. This measure is understood to be due to warning of projected outrages at the embassies. Although in high Turkish circle* at Constantinople, the opinion is decidedly opposed to
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  • 99 4 At the next meeting of the Municipal Board, Dr. Murray Robertson will ask: Will the President request the Government to furnish the Board with a return of the number of immigrants stationed at St. John's during June, July and August of this year, for what they were
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  • 355 4 Founder of the Mandalay Leper Asylum dead. A Private telegram to hand this morning, announces the death > ettierday, at Mundalay, of the Rev. P. WehiDger, the Founder and Superintendent of the Leper Asylum at Manaalay. Nearly three years have elapsed since the Straits Times published
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  • 24 4 Thk German mail steamer Seydlit; having left Colomhp on the sth inst. at 4 p m. is due here on Friday at 7 a.m.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 435 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TMTGH. SATDH! IF YOU DEAL WITH THE Hustralian stores YOU HAVE THE BEST CHEAPEST PROVISIONS THOMPSON THOMAS CO. WASSIAMULL, ASSOMULL CO., Indian Store. No. 1, 2, 3, &4, High Street. Indian, Chinese and Japanese Silks, and Embroidered goods of all kin^is and descriptions, Silverware and Chinese Embroidered costumes,
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    • 77 4 G. R. LAMBERT 9 CO.. Photographers. OP«r Greiham House, (Battery Koad), 8 a. m. to A p. n>. Orchard Road, Ba. m. to 6 p. m. Sunday g, btkm. to noon. Appointments or sittings should b« made if possible beforehand. In Stork Views of Singapore, Johore, Native States. Siam, Sumatra,
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    • 33 4 FOR WEAK LUNGS. Take Stkarns' Wins. It soothes. It heals. It builds up health and strength. It staqds out as the one treat advance in modern treatment of disease Sold by all chemists.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 514 5 T» the Kiitor vf the Strait*' Times." Dkak Sir,—Ot Friday night I found it necessary to go along the Esplanade to go to the Drill Hall to learn to defend .Singapore and its inhabitants. Not being Chinese or Kling or Arab or anything so luxurious
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    • 223 5 To the Editor 0/ the Straitt Time--' Sir,— l am instructed by my Committee to inform you that they regret, they have not had an earlier opportunity of considering the reference in your paper of the f<th August to the staring at thalast Penang Meeting. They entirely repudiate
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  • 116 5 At the Assizes on Friday Ng A Lam was found guilty on a charge of murdering a mandore at Kallang Pudding. The jury returned a unanimous verdict of guilty, but recommended the prisoner to mercy owing to the illtreatment he had been subjected to by the mandore. His
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  • 52 5 At Penang on the 4th insiant, Chief Justice Sir Lionel Cox sentenced Li Put to death for the murder of another Chinaman. An ear-ring snatcher who was sentenced to six years' imprisonment, on pleading that he bad an aged mother dependant on him for support, had two years of the
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  • 352 5 H. H. the Sultan of Johore returned from his Australian trip on Saturday last, looking the very picture of health. He was met of) the P. and O. mail by s large number of his friends on landing. It appears that when stopping at
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  • 387 5 On Saturday last the Stoomvaart Maatschappy Nederland, of which Messrs. J Daendels and Co., Ltd are the local agents, inaugurated its line from this port to Europe by the arrival of the s.s. Honing in Willielmina. In honour of the occasion an informal reception was held on
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  • 46 5 There were two cricket matches on the Esplanade on Saturday. The S.C.C. met the S.R.C. and made 147, and the S.R.C. replied with 80 for ."> wickets. The S.C.C. second eleven played the Manchester second, the scores being, respectively, 10 all out, and 14 for 2 wickets.
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  • 511 5 S.C.C. v. Manchester Regt. These two old rivals in the football field met on Saturday afternoon at the Barracks Ground in a friendly match. Great interest was taken in the game as up till now the Club have always been able to register a win against the Manchesters and
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  • 111 5 The September monthly medal of the Singapore Golf Club was played for on, Saturday- with the following results: Retired -Gen. Sir A. Dorward, Martin, Goodrich, Hewan, Vade, piU, More, Southam and Begg. OJ 3 W >DUD ieid, R. T. 'erguson... lone*, J. 11 D. iobertson,'.l. B. logg
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  • 195 5 We regret to bear that up to the time of our going to press no intelligence had been rr eived of the British India s.s. Ujina (Captain Boon), which left Singapore bound for Manila on August -'Ist and has not since been heard of. She arrived
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  • 78 5 Shortly after one o'clock yesterday morning, Sim Ah Keng was found trespassing the compound of Mr. Justice Hyndman Jones's residence in Paterson Road. He had in his possession a large knife and two opium pipes. This mornirjg he was charged before Mr. Wilkinson. The defendant denied entering
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  • 71 5 Thf German steamer Stettin arrived from New Guin%a on Saturday afternoon flying the police flag. Insp. Branagan went on board and was handed over a Malay seaman of the German ship Tanglin who is alleged to have stabbed the Chief Officer of that vessel at Macassar,
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  • 49 5 The firing for the Warren Shield has resulted in a win by the Gunner Co. of the Malay States Guides (last year's winners) with 514 points. D Co., 13th M.I. are second with 509. The B.V.R. are eleventh with 479, and the S.V.A. next with 478.
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  • 61 5 The tenders for the Hongkong Opium Farm were opened on the 31st August The present farmer offered $2,220,000 a year. The farm when previously put up only fetched $750,000 a year The present farmers tender was passed over owing to his failing to attach the required guarantee to the tender.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 119 5 Don't Fool With It. IT will not do to Jool with a bad cold. No one can tell what the end will be. Pneumonia, catarrh, chronic bronchitis, and consumption invariably result from a neglected cold. As a medicine for the cure of colds, coughs, and influenza, nothing can compare with
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    • 19 5 It root out the germs of disease Jayne's Tonic vermifuge. The Singapore Dispensary. Sole agents for the Straits Settlements
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    • 345 5 SINGAPORE PHILHARMONIC 1 SOCIETY. POPULAR ORCHESTRAL CONCERT. Saturday, September la, 9 R.m. Plan at Robinson Piano Company Admisslon, 2 and 1 Members of the Society free on presentation of Season Ticket*. 12-9 SALE OF HORSES CARRIAGE*. To be held at Mr. Abramss Horse Repository, Orchard Road, On Moiulay, tite 7th
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    • 669 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR SALE THE WELL-KNOWN COCONUT PLANTATION FELLANI ESTATE 5 miles Southwards of Port Dickson, containing' 619 acres, 0 roods, 2:) poles with a sea-front of over a mile. Splendid* situation Please apply to owner rob. engler; 26 9 PORT DICKSON. POSITION WANTED. BY a young man who lias
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    • 705 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Jbondon, Ist Mug., 1 903. We have this day appointed Messrs. Powell Robinson of Singapore and Kuala Lumpur, our Sole Agents for the sale of our celebrated Brands Lome Whisky and Claymore Whisky, in Singapore and the Federated Malay States. Greenlees Bros., ac Ar^yleshire London. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 217 5 OAY BY DAY. Monday, 7th September. High Water. 10.46 p.m. Full Moon. T.13 a.m. Morse Sole at Al>rain-'~. Powell, 5. 15. S.V.R..S.V.E. RecrnitH Drill. 5.15. L.L.T.C. 'At Home". Ch'ship Play. German homeward mail cIorcs. 6. Missionary Meeting. Prinsep St. 'hur.-h ■>. 8.V.A. Signalling. Mfc 11, mil. Gardens. 9.15. Tuesday, sth
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  • 359 6 I.ipif, 31»< Augvul. A Chinese coolie in Kompin hanged himself th% other day, because, it is said, he could not Ret enough vegetables to eat he must have been a very strict vegetarian. A prisoner escaped last week while out at work near the Lipis gaol, and is
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  • 191 6 t'RANt is Kkrr, aged 17, was charged a; Windsor recently wjth travelling without a ticket— ln a long statement Le told the magistrates he was first c onvicted at Aldershot and afterwards :».t Whitchurch for travelling withoutpaying his fare. The Whitchureh magistrates paid his fare to Winchester,
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  • 115 6 M,, 1 jlinriitin says that a g ;antio scheme to flood the market with counterfeit silver currency has DM to light. The coins, part of which are on the way to Manila are tae Mexican, Spanish, aud United >'r!tes dollars. Shipments have left the I irta <>i
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  • 84 6 A SOCTB London tradesman, wfto has it success as a canary fancier, i Mkad for and obtained permission to make the King a present which is 1 li. vrji to he uni(|ue. ILivin,; heard of M ijesty's love of canaries and his recent purchase of a
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 108 6 He Found Relief. GKORC.F KUDKIN, Towa Cleric, Kunara, Niw /ea'nnd. says I 1 .:ive very tnnt pleasure in etntiDg that, having DMd Chnmberlain'R Pain •Balm in a very severe attack of iciatica. I found ininieriint* relief. Hai before tried many other pn brtcations for the same purpose, lut found thin
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    • 424 6 NOTICES. •MAINTAINS THE HIGHEST REPUTATION EVERYWHERE, Fortify the System against Disease with PURE BLOOQ. "THE 3EST SECURITY FOR HEALTH." EBOCNOE OR FLUID EXTRACT OF RED JAMAICA Estdi C¥nP^s¥lB3Fnff*Jft; h ?:^B tince 1829. fctfiß^UE^fflfflw P Bji Fi™ wTMmI Pronounced by the MIQM*«T MEDICAL AUTHOHITHa thr m"*' WffSJMZ TORPID ,VER, DEBILITY, ERUPTIONS.
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    • 155 6 NOTICES. r These CAPSULES cure 1 I recent and chronic discharges. I I THEY NEVER FAIL j itodara^V. THY THEM J YEBISU llßfljflß BEER Most Excellent Japanese Beer, Special Brtwed for the Tropics. Can be Wad at all the principal Hotels, Tittiti roonm, Burs, and wine and spirit ilealen. SOLE
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    • 295 6 NOTICES; •la^^a^L^«^hw^«e^»H^^«W^|l»^^»'^ t^jw»^¥^^m Tnebc tiny Ml^iA^^^UfjA Capsules Ajifl|| RPH i- superior Vry^^S^k^F t0 Copaiba, < Cubebs, and i cure the same diseases as these drugs in forty-eight hours without inconvenience. >*— >. K«ch Capaolc btara tbt name (VIDYJ FOR OIBEA3ES OF THE CHEBT JRIMAULTS SYRUI Of Hrpo Phosphite of Lime.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 713 7 BUCHANAN'S WHISKY Sold everywhere. STBAMSH I P COMPANI ES. p a Steam Navigation O. Coy. |OK( HIM. .1 \f 1 N IM.\\\«.. CEYLON, .iI'STRILIA, IXDIi, ADEX, MTPT. MEDITERRANEi* PORTS. PLYMOUTH I.OMMIV Tliroueh Bills of Lading issued for Cliini Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental, mil American Ports. Mail Line. OUTWAUI). HOMSW\KI> Coromnndel
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    • 705 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANH&. 'Koninklijke- Pakelvaart Maatschappij. Under contract with ths Netherlands India (ioveratpeob. ..1 Slinnnpnre: Rhip Agsjct, latb J. Dabhdbls A Co.. 2-5 OIXTS*. Qa*v be undermentioned dates are only approximate. Mp«m«r From Expected Will be n««p* '.ched lor l'on <'ti)»ll"i BHOiljermasein Augt 28 Bandjermassin, Kota Baroe, Ma Djawa, Koetei, Donggala,
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    • 502 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANY, NEDERLAND." FOR SABANG, PORT SAID, GENOA AND AMSTERDAM. THE Hutch mail steamer KO.XINd WILLEM I, Captain Kotting, is expected to arrive here from Batavia on Saturday, the 6th insL, at 10 a. m. and will be despatched the same day at 4 p.m. For froieht. and passage apply
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    • 725 7 PHIP COMPANIES, autsohar Lloyd Bremen. i-Amerika Linle, lamburg. m IYIPERUL GERMAN MAIL The fast and well-known mail-steanieri at these lines will leave Singapore o.i 01 »bout the undermentioned dates Outward Homeward S<-'i<'litz Sept 1 1 I Kiaultchou Sept 7 Ro'on .Sept 26 Baytrn Sept 21 Preutten Oct 9 Zieten Oct
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    • 569 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES Canadian Pacifto Railway Company's Royal Mall Steamship Line. THE FAST ROOTE BETWEEN CHINA JAPAN, AND EUROPE, VIA CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES. ROUTE JTIA SHANGHAI, NAGASAKI KOBE YOKOHA.MA, VICTORIA, AND VANCOUVER, B. C. Screw Empress Bteamship«— K,OOC Tons— Bpeed 19 knoti. pood Siiliios from Hohqkobg. Empress of Japan,
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    • 443 7 INSURANCE COMPANIES. If INSURANCE OFFICB, LONDOM EBTABLIBHBD 1710. Insurances effected opon albinst erery description of property at the oarrect rates 1 of premium. Total nun Insured in 1 of::.', £487,f100,000 do 1891, £873,7.X,00C BBINKMANN A Co. General AgeaU, Singapore and the Native State*. THE IMPERIAL FIRE OFFICE. (united with the
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    • 1509 8 Under this h fading tht following ab)>reiriations nrr usi."l i str. stoamer sh. ship I"; I' •choonar; Yet.— —Torpedo; H.p.-HW> powi r; lirit—British I I'r.-r, h; Ger. -German; i;ui atcb;G.c. General- 1 cargo <• D— Uncertain; l T. 1- s\ .-f;T. I.D I I B Men ot-W«r,
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    • 317 8 8INQAP0B1, Till SKI'TKMHKIt, 1903. PRODUCE. (temblor buyer- 12 7i Copra Ball 7.00 do PontinT* Ma Pepper, Black bnyer* :u do whit.', Mm Sago Float Sarawak 3.90 do Brunei No. I Ml| Pearl Si.-' 5.00 C .-I basla U M Coffee, Palembaiig, 20% bv.; 3.<.« J Coffee, Liberian No. 1
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    • 64 8 T: ■<■ LKOW. Sarawak Apenr ,d- 1 1 i;i UtiiHoon A (Me itU I'" am,, ,t < :i p.m. Honijltoiip' v '.r p.n mM*in .S'iriV Hunt ■> 4 p.m. L'lii'l I.IIU 811-i Coti.l I. rf-T Cap'tlnt 1 j).m r, M>i..:.i i I 11-'"I 1 Felnk Anson rl» portl
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    • 126 8 PASSED SUNDA STRAITS (»K AKIiIVKi) KOK OKDKKS. Klao <k Due of DrstinDaVe. Rio. Ship's Namb. Caftais. Sailing. From wherk aim.n. Kkmn. Aug. 26 1 Brit bq. Pass of Melfort Houston Cape Town Anjeifo. 26Uut s.s I.awoe Meiier Aug J6 Batavia Kottprdsm li!*Dut s.s.Goentoer Le Clercq Rotterdam Batavia 28'Qcr b<|.|Marie
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    • 219 8 Dai Oats. TV. Vessel's Nam*. Flag A Rio. Toss. IfllßilllMi. Bept 6 6 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 :l 6 7 7 8 7 7 7 Mena Kin in' I.l'iinox Marie Jebsen Calypso Gianc Seng Pin Seng Lady Mitcfcell Kian Ann Kecng Wai Medan Sultan i Olenfallocli
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    • 336 8 rl.v > B'pt ••> •"> Cooing Willem Put rtr. Hfil K'lttim: B Brl Mi itr. Wfl Q leirolo aita ■'< Mensi Tii Nacodah -mm WpOflM «ti W N;i 5 Utitttl Brit s-.i i:.-- ifcDoo 1 r > Nankin -ti -JoS" Roberta 5 Lennox sU •.'>•'■ I HcMair 8 Chnkrtibhoni;-
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 68 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co. JEWELLERS and SILZ MERCHANTS, 61-52, HIGH STREET. Silks of all Colours at. 35 cents a yard. JUST ARRIVED Chinese and Japanese Silks, and Crape Silks, suitable for ladies' dresses. Best tuality silks of the small flower pattern, useful for dresses, at $1 a yard. Maltese
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    • 95 8 I "~|b cf: <? I j THE "SANITARY MATTRESS" THE ONLY Perfectly Ventilated, Resilent and Sanitavy Mattress. s This Ma rew contains more than 1,000 coppered Steel Springs, Points of Excellence in the Sanitary Mattress. IMfk. Perfectly Ventilated B I Perfectly Resilent "ife v i Absolutely Noiseless More durable than
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    • 21 8 IND. COOPE &.CO. Burton on Trent /&lv Stout In Hogsheads of 54 Gallons Casks of 36 Gallons. Borneo Co., Ltd., Jigents.
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 51 8 WSVTHSfI BgPJHT. I fo*pita>, 6th S i» |j m. -i kEMAKics. 29.499 Mornina MO -i" »l.<> etoar, <iay IbTbw T9.0 7*4 77.0 c-lou'iv. DirofWlnd s. k *s. s. c Calm. «niall sh"\ver mp 88.7 at l p ra., i. 7)5 ulood; i Sun U4.0 IV: r. r.-..l :::2 K.-.irifiill
      51 words

  • 658 9 THE TAN JONG PAGAK DOCK COMPANY, LTD. jlljl WRIGHTS, ENGINEERS, IRON AND BRAFI FOI'NHERB, WkARFIHORRO, *C. This Company execute Ship and Mar id Engine Repairs of all descriptions in th> most efficient manner under the. superio tendence of experienced European Bhip wrights and Engineers. Graving Docks up to 600 feet
    658 words
  • 523 9 Sloping Ship and no Whisky The following letters prove the truth of the old adage that there are black sheep in very Hock,'' and shew that even the fine fleet of the Imperial ierman Mail Line is no exception. The letters are quite interesting from a
    523 words
  • 150 9 Tin: Sue/. Canal Company have been carrying on a regular campaign against the mosquito, which haf> been almost exterminated .tlong that waterway. The difficulty was to attack the breeding places of the insect, a piu/.ling task in a town like Ismailia, with sewage cisterns under many of the
    150 words
  • 118 9 The important ci' Rising work of exploring the wild Laos .States bordering on Siam, of which so little is known has just been completed on behalf of the i French Government. The credit of this achievement belongs to M. Ajalbert who has spent three years in these
    118 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 236 9 NOTICES JAMES WATSON CO.'S SCOTCH WHISKIES ARE TH£ BEST VALUE IN THE MARKET FLAG BRAND, 10 YEARS OLD i $12-50 per case. Duty extra. V. V.O. SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED $8-50 per case. Duty extra. OPTAINABLB FROM RETAIL DEALEBB, OR McALISTER Co sole agents. ID- CALISTO French Hair-Dressing Saloon Just Received NBW
      236 words
    • 179 9 NOTICES. T GREER'S Special Q t y,iii Selection Old Vatted Highland Whisky IMPORTED BY HARTWIG Co. ASK YOUR RETAIL DEALER FOR IT. m. A f. 1-3-04 HIGHLAND BRAND EVAPORATED CREAM. »g S e°ii L ts John Little Co., Ltd. sihgapore. ABRAMS Horse Repository A N I) VETERINARY ESTABLISHMENT. HORSES, COBS
      179 words
    • 117 9 NOTICES. J. MOTION CO. WATCHMAKERS, JEWELLERS. OPTICIANS. REPAIRS PROMPTLY EXECUTED LIQUID^ FUEL (Petroleum Residue) Large stocks always on hand. 32/6 (Thirty-two shillings and sixpence; per ton f o. b. in bunkers at FRESHWATER ISLAND (PULO BUXOM) opposite western entrance of New Harbour. The fuel is delivered through a 6 ii
      117 words

  • 238 10 WONDERFUL RAILWAY FI GURES. At the recent half-yearly meeting in London of the Metropolitan Railway Company, it was stated that from the opening of the railway in I*6:s until June 30 last, they had carried the astounding total of 2,002,000,00*) passengers, and not .a single one bad lost his life
    238 words
  • 188 10 A Birmingham manufacturtr who evidently regards Mr. Chamberlain with the wannest appreciation as a countryman of my n'.vn' writes to the Daily Express as follcrVve Much is being said and a lot of political capital is trying to be made out of the poor man's
    188 words
  • 139 10 (Jokkek, as is well known, is an antidote to alcohol, but 77. CmmL w'nch has been discussing the habit of taking coffee after dinner, declares that, unlike alcohol, coffee diminishes organic waste and rouses the muscular energy without the collapse which follows alcoholic imbibition. Excessive coffee drinking is condemned
    139 words
  • 125 10 In .Scotland they know ■OflMfchißg about whisky. That goes without saying. But brandy, according to the Mall (hi rile, evidently is beyond the Scotcii comprehension, it the evidence ju- given in an adulteration case is indicative of northern knowledge of the foreign spirit. The evidence brought out
    125 words
  • 112 10 AcoouUta to the British Consulgeneral, Marseilles is bent on increasing her trade in soap with the Far East, but the competition will not, he says, be very dangerous to us, as the qualities produced by Marseilles difler so greatly from soaps of British make that
    112 words
  • 29 10 Jenki.n?, 1 believe you have some or i lie elements of success itbout you.'' Not >i dollar, old man. Honor bright. You'd bo welcome to it if 1 had."
    29 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 625 10 NOTICES. Singapore and Kranji Railway. From July 16th, 1903, and until further notice. WEEK DAYS. SUNDAYS. A.M. A.M. A.M. AM. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. AM. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M P.M Singapore d..~.00 7.45 10.00 11.30 12.30 3.0:? 4.10 5.15 6.40 .6.30 750 9.20 10.45 12.10 2.30
      625 words
    • 330 10 NOTICE^ cUaTmpagne "LOUIS ROEDERER. Extra Dry and Cart- Blanche The old, well-known brand. BRINKM ANN t¥ CO., Importer/. Hetail at Memrb. CHENG Co., HLJH STREET YONG LEE SENG Co. TOWN BRANCH, 27 Kling Street. GENERAL MERCHANTS Provisions and Sundries of every description kept in StockBminm ■•unf— ft ;lih. I* 9
      330 words
    • 611 10 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION I'AID-OP CAPITAI $10,000.(«r KEBERVE FUND.— sterling Re*erTe..slo,ooo,ooo mnnnnftn Silver tU*ervo....s H. 000.000/" 116 000 000 RBBBRVE LIABILITY OF lloooomn PROPRIETORS.?? 1 0.«».«» Courr or Dixbctors/ A. J. Raymond, E*q,— Chajkman. H. E. Tonkins, E»q.— Deputy Chairman. Hon. C. W. DICKSON N. A. Sikdb, Eaq.
      611 words