The Straits Times, 27 August 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 31,217 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1903. PRICE 15* CERTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 329 1 LDRNE WHISKY. THKATKICAL AND UMILAB ADVERTISEMENTS. $1 per inch per day. The eltective settinK' ot wlvertueuieuts rsceivet. »cry careful attentiou. AdvertixemeniK intended for insertion in the -Straits Timtt should be sent to the ofliee, addressed to the Manuser, at the earliest I'iwki ilc moment. Displayed advertisements rannot •><■ nvcepted after
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    • 452 1 NOTICE, In Consequence of the rise; In Exchange, a reduction of 1O off present prices will be made from this date. Powell Robinson. Singapore, 22nd July, lflOS. n.c. NOTICE. WE have this day been appointed Managing Agents of the t-TKAITS TOBACCO FACTORY, and all cornmnni- j cations connected with the
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    • 276 1 JOHN LITTLE CO., (LIMITED) Harness Saddlery. WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF •BEST ENGLISH HARNESS DOUBLE or PAIR HARNESS. Superior Black Double or Fair harness, Stitched i rows complete, with Pole Chains, Bearing Reins and Trace Carriers, SnaiHe or Liverpool bits, Piped, Creased and finished in best style. Horse Bize
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    • 454 1 NOTICES. REWARD MESSRS. G. OTOMUNE Herewith offer a reward of $200 for the recovery of the Lady's Handbag. Jewellery, and Money taken from their a rehouse on Monday forenoon. Where to Celebrate a Coming ROYAL BIRTHDAY IB n Special' CRITERION DINNER will be served at the RAFFLES HOTEL ON Monday
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    • 497 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR SALK7 ENGLISH CONCRIINA-genuine WheatleyV. in cue and in go ><1 condition. Can be seen at Mestir*. Powell <t Co.V JB-8 FOR DISPOSAL. A complete turnout comprising a hooded eip, cob 14.2 hands, and harness. Gig and harness in perfect order, been in u<w only two months. Cob
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 263 1 V)6e Straits Thirties. I AMI X5de Straits S&udget. ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. [per inch, column men«ure. Fin* Insertion f 1 A) cent* Secuml and third inKerlionh each 80 cento Koiirtli, fifth, and sixth 4(1 cents Seventh to eighteenth 24 cents Nineteenth subsequent,, 16 cents IVr week of six days,
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  • 850 2 Is a communication entitled "The Original Home of the Tiger," published in the last i«eue of the I'roeetding* of the Zoological Society of London; Colonel C. K. Stewart, c.b, c. i. b., di«cueeee the migration of the tiger and i the probable date of it*
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 152 2 "Sing* Panjang" The finest Cigar of the East CAN NOW BE HAD FROM Whiteaway, Laidlaw Co., Hoon Keat Co., Mcc Mcc Co., Cheng: Co., and all Dealers. JAPAN COALS. THE. MITSUI BTJSSAN KAISHA (MITSUI km.) x HEABv. OFFICE: No. 1 Suruga-Cho, I Toft*. LONDON BRANCH 34, Lime Btreet,B.C. SINGAPORE BRANCH:
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    • 240 2 NOTICES. J. &H. GWYNNE, LTD., "fiS*tSmSm'tx MAKERS of thk LARGEST, MOST ECONOMICAL and MOST SUCCESSFUL CatnirvoAh PUMPING MACHINERY m thi WoßfcD For Irrlgatpaß, a^isiitaga, r~*- Vtbjtap^. •clamation, Dockt, At). *o JBB' *flAassuis^\ Invincible Centrifugal <v^"-«^»*pt* iSt^ 1 BMI stationer y 'yP"). lar«eor small. Bte I I^B made for Sewage or
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    • 350 2 NOTICES. MOTdR CARS WY ARK NOW PREPARED TC SUPPLY BENZINE 6YME GO. n. c. M.C.B. Mohamad Co. Diamond Merchants, Manufacturing Jeweller., sad dealer* in precious stones, No. 8 High Btreet, Singapore Ar« showing a splendid .took at High Ola.. Diamond* And gem-set Fewellery with extensirt rarieties of soli 1 Gold
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    • 109 2 Dangerous. 'pHE greatest Hunger from colJs #d I influeiza is their temlency to ra*' l in pneumonia. If leasoniible fare is u»d. and ("hamlierl.iin'B < ounh K-raefiy t»«", all danger will be avoided. It will cf* cold or an attack ol inlluenza in lessime than other treatment. Hoarsenest»o a child
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  • 383 3 I'ope Pta* X wft- taken snddenly ill while attending uihhh (in the 1-th AugiiHt He sank in Ihihi bsluw tbone near him re.ili/.nl what had heeeeaed. l»hyiiiciiiu» were quickly .tiiuinoiii-il nii'l it was found that Hi* Hulinem tm.l resehfei an uttack of the heart. He wu i|niekly removed
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  • 389 3 .1 a< k is a man of inlinite resource, hut 1 nevt r km w him to score off a biahop (aajra writer in the Western Weekly Mercury Yet, according to a yarn winch was tulii me the other day by a gentleman oi unimpeachable veracity,
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  • 190 3 For Singapore IVr P. 10.1 Burnt connecting vitii the Hti-amer Sfatla at Co.ombo, from I.ondo- A"g 7. dneriih Spi t— Messrs. M. G. JohnKon, Mi Dermott anil A. Brown. Per P. A O s. s. Arc din concecti .g with the sic .int-r Ctirnmiui't i>l Cclombo, from
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 116 3 He Found Relief. BO* I1 1 KIN, 'jcwn Clerk. I Kin.iurt, Zealand, says: "I hsv. -\ei> final pleatnn in stating that, haviif; utnl hjin.lierliiin's Pain Balm it h veiy s< ten ntia k of fciatica. I found iiniiierint.- relief Hai "Intore trifd many other i n l.rieittioLS tor tbe same
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    • 574 3 NOTICES. YOU WILL NOT BE DECEIVED. Thiit there are cheats and frauds in jili nty everybody knows; but it is seldom or never that any lnrgo business tioui-e is guilt> of them, no matter what litx- of trade it follows. There can be no permanent success of any kind based
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    • 610 3 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BAKKISU CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000.WK RESERVE FUND.— Sterling Re*erre_»,ooo) ...f^ooo, Silver R«*erve....s 6,600,000/ lB w RESERVB LIABILITY OF PROPRIETORS 10 lin<)0 COUBT Or DfMCTORS. A. J. Raymond, Esq.— Chairman. K. H. Tomkihs, Kaq.— Deputy Cuaibmam. W. U. Sladk, Esq. H. Schouakt, Esq. Hon. C. W. Dickson
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    • 687 3 NOTICES^^ WANTED: a Chinese assistant boo It keeper with testimonial. Apply to H. tt. c/o Str«it» Time*. 27-8 WANTED— An Eurasian to act a* Dight overfoer on the Bundi Tin mines. Apply to Guthrie A Co., Ltd, Agents. v c. WA.VVfcI). at ouce. a young man as clerk for a
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    • 542 3 NOTICES. IX)R KALE,— Saigon Lymph, goarantee< 1 fresh, at tbe Crown Dispensary. 96 Selegie Koad. n.c. FOR SALET 1. Housemaid," u i>r <l polo pony, $460. 9. D. \V M. Lassie," 19.3, perfect in saddle or harness. Any reasonable offer accepted for tbe sake of a good home. 3. Light
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    • 520 3 SHIPPING OCEAN STKAM SHIP CO., LTD FOR BROOME, PORT HEDLAND; COBSACK, AHHBURTON, CARNARVON, fIERALDTON, AND FREMANTLE. THK Company's steamer SALADIN, 1,874 ions register, is intended ID sail for the above ports on Saturday, 29th August. For freight and passive, apply to W. MANSFKLI) 4 CO., LTD., Agent* O. S 8.
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  • 43 4 <i.kvkl\m>. AtSemiai, Miyagi -Wen, Japan, after a short illn.s~, {ho Key. Dr. J. B. I'i.kvki.and, a^'wt 47 yean. BIAOIOM. At Yokohama, on 10th Aiii.'iiii, FKANVBM'd kiMQB, DoRAL.— At Taiping, on J4ih August, A. C t)oi: Ai late Chief Clerk, Municipal Office, I'enang.
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  • 646 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. THURSDAY, 27 TH AUGUST. Singapore «ifers few attractions to beach-comers, and it is more usual for a man who is down on his lujk to endeavour to smuggle himself out of the place, than it is for a man in similar circumstances to attempt,
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  • 569 4 b'rowAWAYs and beach combers apart, however, aud despite the fact that no Murray or Raedecker sings its praises, there are a great many places in the East which is East of Suez that have far fewer attractions and advantases to protier to the stranger within the gates, than has this
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  • 484 4 The Rangoon Trades Association has taken up the vexed .question of the registration of domestic servants with commendable energy and, as a result of its agitation, the Lieutenant Governor of Burma has discussed the matter with the President of the Association. The Lieutenant (ijvernor said that there appeared to be
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  • 181 4 The laws of Selangor now include an Automobile Enactment. Tbe most important clause runs as follows "No automobile thai travel at a greater speed than is reasonable or proper having regard to the other rratlic on the thoroughfare, or so as to endanger any of the pubtic«r any-public or private
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  • 164 4 Rki'tek to-day states that Mr. Root, the United States Secretary for War, has resigned, and has been succeeded by Mr. Taft, the Governor of the Philippine Islands Mr K jot is a native of New York State and practised as a lawyer before he took up the post of War
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  • 95 4 The Congress of Chambers of Commerce at Montreal has adopted resolutions urging the extension of commercial treaty rights, and the re-organisa-tion of the Consular Service, with a view to the better promotion of the trade of the British Empire. One resolution urges the adoption of a commercial policy based upon
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  • 90 4 We are informed by the local brand) of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank that tbe Honhle R. Shewan ha* resigned from the Board of Directors, his place being tilled by Mr. C. A Tomes. Both the retiring Director and the new one are partners in the wellknown Hongkong firm of
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 52 4 Lomhin, 2nth Angutti. In a wire of the i' Hh inst. it was announced from Bucharest that the Bulgarians and Greeks in Roumania had been ordered to return to their homes for the purpose of mobilization. It now transpires that there has been no Bulgarian or Greek announcement
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    • 29 4 Lord Lamington (formerly Uovtirnor of (Queensland) has bebn appointed Governor of Bombay. Mr. Root, the American Secretary for War, has resigned He is succeeded by Mr. Taft.
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    • 19 4 Skaamel whs I minutes :<6 ttccoudit late in starting, ot which seconds were disallowed according to rule.
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    • 20 4 The total number of Turkish troops called out on a war footiag in Macedonia is :f-"iU liattalions.
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  • 66 4 l.itcel. It appears that Turkey, realising the danger of delay, i as decided to crush the Macedonian insurgents with an overwhelming force. Continuous heavy ruins in England hive caused widespread damage to the harvest Prospects are of tlie gloomiest. The Army MUMe ivres are postponed because of the state of
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  • 8 4 To-day's 4/ms bank rate is 1/1 1 jj
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  • 12 4 The Austrian cruiser Kmmt Karl V! left tor Colombo early this morning.
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  • 21 4 Shjppisi; advertisements, with dates of mailing etc will be found on page 7. General shipping news is printed on page 8.
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  • 21 4 Mn. Law, the Director of Posts and Telegraphs, F.M.S has gone home owing to ill-!ieallh. He is accompanied by Mrs. Law.
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  • 21 4 The Hongkong Amateur DramaticClub con temp lates patting on Lord and Lady Algy atid Tht Iwfmitmm of lining Eriitft this autumn.
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  • 22 4 The fallowing passengers have arrived here from Hongkong by the P. O. h.s. I'ala,r,tn I)r M. Crags, and Mr. E C. Taylor.
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  • 25 4 Sik Lionel Cox, the Chief Justice, arrived at i enang by the mail on Saturday afternoon He sat in the Supreme Court there on Monday.
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  • 26 4 The monthly sewing meeting of the Church Work Association will be held at the Raffles Girls' School on Wednesday next, September L'nrl at, 4 p. m
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  • 31 4 The P. A O. s Homeo brought the follow tiii; passengers here from Penang: Mr. E. F Mauldon, Mr and Mrs. W. Palliser, Mr. W. Finnic and Mr. C. It. Laurauce
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  • 37 4 Theke waa a false alarm of tire last night. The alarm was telephoned to the various Btations that a house was on fire in Victoria Street. It turned out, however, th at someone was only burning rubbish
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  • 41 4 H. R. H. Prince filUHitnM ot Siam and suite arrived this morning by the German Mail steamer Zielen. On arrival H. R. H. was greeted with a salute by the y vht Muln (Makkri which afterwards left with him tor Bangkok.
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  • 46 4 Trnc European named .1 Ifanester, who was arrested at I'enacg tor '.■heating oue J. D. Robertson of Singapore, left that port on Saturday last tor Singapore, in charge of a buropeau i'olice sergeant and escort who had been sent to fetch him to face his charge.
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  • 44 4 An advertisement appears in the Time* regarding the formation of a syndicate with a capital of I'.'iO.OOO to plant Herea and other rubbers in BunnH. The advertiserftays he has had twelve years' experience, and that a handsome return may be expected after seven years.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 405 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO. (ESTABLISHED 1864.) WINE SPIRIT MERCHANTS. LONDON, GLASGOW, SHANGHAI. HONG-KONG. AND SINGAPORE, (*Price Jbist on Jipplication.) tU.1,1).H WASSIAMULL, ASSOMULL CO., Indian Store. No. 1, 2, 3, &4, High Street. -A.H.-W\A-TTS IKT STOCK. Indian, Chinese and Japanese Silks, and Embroidered goods of all kinds and descriptions, Silverware
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    • 202 4 VKKJAARIMU VAN H M. DE KONINGIN. DE Coasul-G)ner<uU der Ned^rlaaden zal Maaadag 31 tugustug del namiildag* 6 uur gaarae oalraagei le ziiaen taiM, Mableion, Mount Elizabeth. 31-8 Het Consulaat dei Nederlandeo t*\ MaiDdag, SI Auj-mus. geiloien njn. 'PHE Consulate-General for tbe NeiherX lands will hi closed oa Monday, August 31M.
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    • 143 4 O. R. LAMBERT 9 CO., Photorraphen. opin Ormham Boom, (Battery Road.) On Weekdays only, 8 m." to 6 p. m. Orchard Boad. On Weekdays, 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. On Sundays, 8 a. m. to noon. Appointment* for sittings should be made if possible beforehand. We beg to
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    • 29 4 ARE YOU LOSING PLK8H! Strarns' Wink improves digestion. Increases weight. Renews strength and builds up your body. Stearns Wine never disturbs the most delicate stomach.— Sold by all chemists.
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  • 97 5 The Tanglin*burglars are apparently getting bolder at tbe success they have met with in their attempsj,o re-start the burglaries in that district. Last night a visit was paii to the servants' tjuarters of Mr. Drysdale's residence in Grange Road. While the occupants of the holise were at
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  • 91 5 A i;ask of arson is reported from the Reformatory Road. Last night Uulm Malay hut was burnt, to tiie ground. It was thehomeof a VI day and biswife.and they were apparently on bad terms with some Chinese coolies Ixilonuing to a pineapple plantation in tiie vicinity.
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  • 86 5 The tollowing properties were dis.lobbd of by auction it Powell and Cos. saleroom yesterday nfiernoon. Freehold land an<! shop house thefton known as No. South Bridge lload area 766 s.j feo.t. Bought by M. S Hoosemsah Maricaa for $15,500. hYeehold land and duelling house ihereon known a<< No
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  • 67 5 London wire totlie liuii.iit FisUL, dated the, gives the tollowiiic result of the, above race. Mr. Muskor'ts eh c H illiam Hv/ut. by Melton— Simena 1 Lord Londonderry's 1) f Imdf Hrfa, by I .aline Serfdom i Srnri 3 Won by two lengths a length
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  • 137 5 The tollow in;; passengers arrived thin nun mi' by the Imperial WWI Mail steamer '/.'uttn. Krotn Bremen Mr. Krenattenk.-iiitaiii Dnnbar, Mr. K. Bioeniie-.., Mr. Au« Lind. Krom Antwerp— Mr. <'arl S.hoene, Mr. F. Harm. From Soiitliaiiiptoii— Mr. Roh. Aitken, Mr. .1. Leumsarar. Knim •.•■im:i 11. K.
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  • 57 5 Yesterday's Play. now, i.oldi.- beat Winter I DOOHJCa, 111- an.l Keid 1 beat White an.l Uv« 1 Ties for To-day. OKAMPIOKMIF I'ntchar.l t>, Urown. mmiiW 11.-am lerk -it. ft, White X paonMMoa pjum. C.ildwell and Lowe r. Thomson an.l U nilei. Ties for To-morrow. aumnamanr l)is«
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  • 166 5 Results Yesterday. i.umks infm.m in m.. Mr- Waddell Wat Mis« Al.ninip., li ii -V MIXKI) IMHTIMII CLAM. Mn. Snunclers au<l Mr. Bndbary beat Mr. .ml Mr-, Hrad.lell, 4 6 I I. Ii 4. ill UiFMMWIUf mniii.Ks. tin. MinwlWl ami Mr. Hra.lli.-ry v. Mi vi.l Mr*.
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  • 258 5 Bkkork Captain Boldero at the Marine Court yesterday morning, a Russian named Rerman Hansen was cliarged by Capt. Fey of the >i. Arrntoon Apcar with being a stowaway on board that vessel from Hongkong to this port. J. Walker, punter, of the Arraloon stated that the
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  • 28 5 Loki> I'.hasskv, speaking at the City Liberal Club in London last month, spoke of Japan as a tropical country Vet Lord Braoeey's name is generally associated with travelling.
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  • 44 5 The constructor as well as the oavuer of a building which collapsed recently in Bombay, killing three European soldiers and some Parsees, have been committed fur trial at the sessions, the coroner's jury having returned a verdict of "i-ulpable homicide not amounting to murder."
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  • 44 5 Concerning Lord Northcote's elevation to the Governor-Generalship of Australia, it may be mentioned, remarks the Pitmmr, that it. bad been settled at Home that Lord Northcote was t9 act as Governor-General of India next Spring, in the interregnum between Lord Curzon's departure and return.
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  • 56 5 YIRSBDAY afternoon a lively, if •soiiimvha" "wild and woolly football match took place on theTanjong Pagar Uecreation Cluh Ground between the Tanjong I'iigar Recreation Club and the Gaol Warders The home team did what they liked with their opponents, who set up a very poor defence, and ultimately linished as
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  • 51 5 Thk M'll'Uj Mail recently stated that advances on coffee had been stopped by the Singapore agents. Our contemporary now explains that they have not been stopped but that, owing to the unsettled state of the market, the agents here prefer to advance on receipt of the eoli'ie instead of against
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  • 68 5 Aoc NHKira to a report of the Siamese Paper Currency Department recently issued, there were at the end of March last ticals 3,479.106 worth of the notes in circulation. In the six months which had then expired a total of ticals •").l(i:',7 s 5 iiad been issued of which tioals
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  • 68 5 The Press of India has lost an old-time journalist in Mr. E. Goodall, the tiditor of the Bangalore Ammnj Mml. Mr. (ioodall was a well known tigure in Bangalore, where he fettled down as Editor of the late Biwjalnn Speetalw, in the year 1874, up to wiiicu year he had
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  • 76 5 Os the 2M instant Mr. Kang Yu Wei was entertained at dinner by some of his nationals at Kuala Lumpur. Before sitting down, says the Malty A/.ii/, he addressed the assembled company at some length. His main line of argument was a plea for an united patriotism of the Chiuese
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  • 78 5 It is stated from Tientsin that Viceroy Yuan Shih-k'a^ sent up to I'tiking by train recently twenty pots of jnwniin blossoms and a similar number of pots of orchids for the special delectation of the Kmpress-Dowager. H. K. also sent up at the same time three thousand pieces of various
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  • 119 5 Kaui.v in July there died at Moscow Professor Philipofl", the editor of the S'-ie-ntiiic l!ecie»; who was poisoned by prussic acid while making experiments in his laboratory. On the day before his death he had addressed a letter to Moscow paper stating that for yeais he had been experimenting with
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  • 1153 5 Home. The King* Speech »ay» that. il. M. tru-t« that hi* visit to Portugal, Italy, amf France has produced good results. "Nothing could exceed," says His Majesty, the cordiality of my reception." The recent visit of President Loubet to England,' continue* Hit Majesty, "has given rise to a
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  • 20 5 On August 17th, steamers at. Rangoon were loading 17,800 tons of rice for Japan and some 4,000 foe the Straits.
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  • 598 5 By Lr. i'di.. the Hon. A. Murray, V.D. Commandant, s. v. c. Singapore, '7th Angiwt. s. v. A. Orderly Ofh r for the ensuing week I Lieut. Makepeace. Orderly N. O. lor the aaariag week:— Bombr. Lowe. Parades.— Monday, 3Ut at %M p.m. Signalling. Wednesday, '2nd
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  • 83 5 IT will not <lo to fool with l)»'i cold. No one can tell whit th<) end will t>e. Pneumonia, catarrh, chronic bronchi tug and codau option iovdriably result U^fl a negli'.-leil cold. As a nui'lh-'iin foJ^H cure of tolls, cotwhs, and nothing can compare with Ob^^H
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  • 592 5 BIHGAPOU. 27TM AI7OCBT, 190t. PRODUCE. Gambler buyer* f l-\67} Copra Ball 7.15 do Pontlanak 6.40 Pepper, Black buyers 29 .75 do White, (5%) Bago Floor Sarawak SHS do Bmnei No. 1 1.8" Pewl Sago V6l Coffee, Ball, 15% baaif 17.25 Coffee, Palembang, 30% ba*i«._ '-'3.00 Coffee, Liberian No. 1
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 40 5 Mr David Barker, Deputy, Ind writes: "A Severe Cold, contracted during February, caused me to cough almost continuously. Jayne's Expectorant gave me instant relief and soon effected a complete cure." The Singapore Dispensary. S >le agent, for the Straits Settlements.
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    • 64 5 THE MART." 2, D'Almbiim Street. A UCTION Sale of tJ cases R-.issian ProA. visions including La-npreys. (-irey Grou Maarheu, Woodcock, Partridges, and Verison. Also 150 oases Scotch Wiisky etc.. on account of i.-oncerned, on Monday, 24tb August, l«03, and follow- 1 ing days, commencing at 10..W a m. H. L.
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    • 472 5 AUCTION SALES. Preliminary Notice. AUCTION SALE OF 16 VALUABLE FREEHOLD BUILDING ALLOTMENTS FRONTING M%cken/.ie Road nnd Bukit Timah Ro%d, adjacent to Un Muni cipal Pump n^ Statiou and tie Sing kpore Oil Mills. TOBK HKLD AT POWKLL A (O.s SALB-ROOII On Wodwday, 1«./i Septemhvr, W-i, At l' .(0 p m.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 148 5 OAV BY U/KY. Thursday, 27th August. High Water, 1.10 p.m. S.V.A. Signalling, s. m. Philharmonic Orchestra. S.SU. Friday. 21th August. High Water. LM •>«. l.">> pm. < ement Sale. Powell 11. Municipal Commission. '2.30. Football. S.C.C v. K.K. S.V.A. Recruit- and S.|iiad IHII. 5.15. S.V.K. Klevtric Li^'ht at Pulo Brani.
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  • 386 6 In the technical pages of a Blue-book mst issued by the British Government I is told the story of how a terrible naval disaster was recently averted. As is well known, a great deal of controversy has raged rou«d the respective merits of
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  • 293 6 Uichaui" Wai. nek was not known as practical joker, but an American paper j re. ills bo* the great composer once played an amusing trick on a news- I and the public as well It was in the fifties. Wagner, then htill climbing the ladder
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 47 6 NOTICES. B Toilet Powder Q HIGHLAND BRAND EVAPORATED CREAM. ianiira JO^n Little CO., Ltd SINGAPORE. IND. COOPE CO. Burton on Trent x\JL£ Stout In Hogsheads of 54 Gallons Casks of 36 Gallons. Borneo Co.. Ltd.. 13-» ABRAMS Repository AND ■L ESTABLISHMENT. AND PONIES of Cobs and addles.
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    • 628 6 Singapore and Kranji Railway. From July 1 6th, 1903, and until further notice. WEEKDAYS. SUNDAYS. DOWN. DO-WHT. AM. A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M AM. AM A.M. A.M. I'll. P.M. I'M I'M Singapore ''..700 7.45 10.00 11.30 12.30 3.0:.' 4.10 5.15 6.40 ..«.:w 7 e 0 MO 10.46
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    • 63 6 CHAMPAGNE "LOUIS ROEDERER' Extra Dry and Carte Blanch* Tho old, mB-kaowa BRINKMANN 6' CO.. lwfiirrtfrt Retaii at mm. OHXNG A Co., HI.HSTKKET GIANELLI MAJNO'S NATURAt ..MILK.. SOLO BY The Dispensary, British Dispensary, AND, ALL PROVISION STORES v.c. PILBKNKK BEEB KKY BRAN] 1MJ"OBTK" Hl\">: |K7H I bKW 11 AlioNb. i Nok«
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 749 7 The Borneo Company, Lt«J. rB Stands: Aaniuot. Norwich Union V m luwum Society. Ulaa AsMimnoe Company (Fir«). th» K<iui*blo Lifn fcni-umncs Society. rh» China Mutual Stwun Navigation Oompiuiy llif ■'■otU.nham Lager He«r Company. tot particular, of tL«» Compan*», M* tht -uU adTMtiMtmont of THK BORNEO COMPANT, LIMITKD A*«nt*. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES.
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    • 735 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklfjke Paketvaart Maatschappij. Under contract wild Iba SeKiarlau Is India Uov«tna?du». w't nt Singapore.: Ship Aouot, lat» J. Dabhdbls 4 Co.. 5-S. noT,r.»^« Qn4T .he undermentioned dates are only approximate. Steamer From Expected Will be f>«sp>'?bed for Van Ritbrrck Soerabiia Augk 17 Sourabaia, |Boeleleng, Ampanan, Macassar, Banda, Amboina,
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    • 451 7 Eforddentsciier Lloyd, Bremen Coast Lines. miMIM OF THE COAST FLEET. Tone Reg. To*B Reg. Print Loo Sok 1004 Waldema, 3500 Pkra Hang 1808 Prim Hachev 1600 Sigum»,id 3500 Pkra C. Klao 1568 SUtttn P.ChuiaC.K. 1568 PetcKaburt -'1-.1 Deli 1394 Horneo 2100 Taickiov 1369 tCohtichana -JOlO Kong Btng 1359 /'iua..u. 201»
      451 words
    • 682 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Nor^deuttrbnr Lloyd Bremen. Hamburg-Amerlka Llnle, Hamburg. ■i\ f4 I i W.'V.'W OKRUVN M\l I The fa*t and well-known mHil-KtxaruTi! jf tnese lines will leave Singapore on 01 I toont the undermentioned date*: Outward Homeward y.i'trn Au<t '.'7 I Kiatitsehon Sept 7 S'vdlit: Sept 1 1 j Hnytrn Sept
      682 words
    • 519 7 PAMSHIP COMPANIES mr AIL STEAMSHIP CO.. LTP. A regular FORTNIGHTLY service is maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW ?TEAMEBB, Under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation for First and
      519 words
    • 406 7 I INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL INSURANCE COY. FlllK UFE )TAL INVESTED FUNDH KXCC«D X12.000.000 LA.BBBST FIRB OFTirit INI f*WOBLr> BOI7BTEAD A Oc. IABIOSISSUJIASI'f i»»KItJIC LIMITBU. Coital PtbseritW |2,K* «w. Amonct paid ap f. Baasrre f«nd 1.160.M10. Hiad Orrioi, Hovmnt, rhe ODdetfi^nnd, h»Tini? bm app<>int*d ApinU of the atmv<- I ..rowinj, iv»
      406 words

    • 1034 8 I'nder tliix beading the following abbret uioms ure Übed str. steamer sh.— •nip bij.— barque sell.— schooner; Vet. Yvht;Cru. -Cruiser. Gbt.— tiunboat; Tor. Torpedo: H.p. Horse-power; Brit. Briti«n U. S.— United Stnt«ss Fch. French ••i-inati; Dai -Dutch; Gc.-Cieneral-ti.-zo U.p.— deck passenger, U— Uncertain; I p \v._ Tanjong
      1,034 words
    • 617 8 tiamt, Ji rt vrntablf datr of nrr-.y and name oj agent*. Htxambks. A. Exelrufcs. Marseilles, Aug M. (.'orate. Agamemnon, Liverpool. Auk 81 Mansfield Andalusia, Hongkong. Sept 21: B. Meyer. Annam. Colombo. Sept 14 M. Maritimee. Ami"-. Hongkong, Sept I Behp. Meyer Aiutralien, Colombo. Aug 31 M. M'titnes. A»a
      617 words
    • 87 8 K,r fer tleairu-r Ttm To- Morrow. Bangkok Tai Ckm 11a.m. MalaccaA P. Dickson Amhrrt' 3 p.m. P. B'ham 4 T. Anson Hye lawmi 3 p.m. T. Ansonand Penang .4 uttrnliurl 3 p.m. Fremantle via ort« Saladiu 4 p.m. tJandjermassin Mtinn 4 p.m. RatrasMT. Sandakan via ports Keduli 8a
      87 words
    • 144 8 From Europe— Australian due on the 3oth August, with sVatSS to the 7th August. From China—Ry the M.M.s.s. CaMtmien due on the 31st August. «n Buau uly 10th uly 14th uly Ifith ul'j- 20th uly 24th uly 27th uly 29th Lug 3rd Lug 7ih Lug lhh Lug
      144 words
  • 23 8 ic; Rig. Ton.-. Uk«tik4TI0.n. Ibttr. 101 MalfK-ci H^ 86'.' Bangkok via ports 7SS Macassar vin poitBrtlHVIH Bangkok Sbangbai and Japan and Amoy
    23 words
  • 266 8 Flag V«88«l"s Namk. A Tos». Captaix Rlfi. Aug 36 Sinai Fch str »7>-4 UKftriere 2H 8. Tan LinggH Dui ttr 1". \.vji»Ihii 2l> 8ri Tringg.uui *tr »1 .Ninodali 2B Mena »tr M Xatodnb 2t> Emile -tr K) N;u-odih 2« Sri Wongsee »i. M XhiocIhIi M T«i Chow Get st
    266 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 69 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co. JEWELLERS and SILK MERCHANTS, 51-52, HIGH STREET. Silks ol fill Colours ar 35 cents a yard. JUST ARRIVED Chinese and Japanese Silks, and Crape Silks, suitable for ladies' dresses. Best quality silks of the small flower pattern, useful for dresses, at $*l a yard. Maltese
      69 words
    • 369 8 SfKCili OFFER FOR GKVTLR.\IK\.- IDRESS SHIRTS WITH ONE STUD HOLE. TKES^I SHIRTS A.RE WA'SHT D OIsTLY Remarkable Value. men Front and CufK Rne i-ongxioth B<»di es 1 1 Are Worth S3O PEr DOZEN- We Offer i doz. for $7.50 for 6 shIIII. fli* \l K\ 5 -li S THE FOLLOWING
      369 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 74 8 WEATHER HtPJHT. Kandanp Kerbau Hotpital, !Cth Au<i. 1903. "a-m 3 pm. p.m. Kkmasks. Bar '29.91 1 K» 490 BOT Moraine Temp 80 3 Si.O 77 7 cloudy rain WB'lbTher 75.0 7tV.J 7M at 5.80 a. m., DirofWind -outh s s. k. *.s. dsy cloudy, Max. Temp Sl9 night clear. Mm
      74 words