The Straits Times, 21 August 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 21,212 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 1903. PRICE 15 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 667 1 CLAYMORE WHISKY. NOTICE. In consequence of the rise In Exchange, a reduction of IO off present prices will be made from this date. Powell Robinson. Singapore, "22nd July, 1903. tt.c. NOTICE. THE Opium, Spirit and Pepper Farms of the Residency of Riouw and Dependencies, excepting the group of islands called
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    • 279 1 NOTICE. ALBOT L. A. Daley begs to inform tbe I uhlij tliat, he has now in stock oik polished cMcfflns. fitted with best electro pi tod r.ic'Jfti.oamir\fis of the best quality ChiMgo wlte rale Christian iiearoi < supplied to SL( 'unenils, which will be conducted quietly and with economy. Albert
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    • 199 1 Ideal Milk iggSSSR^ Enriched 20 per cent. fJ'^'^BjjJK with Cream. Stcrilizcd-Not Sweetened. B&^w^>*J A Perfect Substitute for Fresh STRAND HOTEL, RANGOON. UNDER THE DISTINGUISHED PATRONAGE OF HIS HONOUR SIR HUGH BARNES, K. C.5.1., K. C. V. O. LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR OF BURMA. OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS. Raffles Hotel, Singapore Raffles Tiffin Rooms. Singapore Eastern
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    • 556 1 NOTICES. JOSEPH ftILLOTT'S -«v VI a^^— fc. '■GRAND f'^lX." PARIS, 1000. Nj OB B 1 |A OfßighaatQwUtj: •nrttiaTlnnOTei.UsiDnribiUty.are therefmr WP^T I I«^ OHFAPESr. ■■■VW HIGHLAND BRAND EVAPORATED CREAM. mm Little CO-, Ltd. SINGAPORE RANEE6UNGE FIRE-CLAY AND POTTERY WORKS. f AiS UKACTURERS of every desenpill tion of GLAZED STONEWARE DRAINAGE PIPES,
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  • 555 2 The above letters are tolerably wellknown in these parts to signify tbe great British India Steam Navigation Company whose fleet of boats in Eastern waters form so great a rival to the charms of the P and O. In 1815 the founder of this
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  • 251 2 Mi; T A W'atkks, formerly assistant manager at Itaub, and now manager of tlie Queen Cross Reef gold mines, Charters Towers, ((Queensland; sends us some details of the excellent results recently obtained at Charters Towers. lie says that in the last twelve month*, Cross Reef mines have
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 198 2 NOTICES Kelly Walsh,TtdT NEW BOOKS, i Winter India by Miss Scidmure... S.-vuO j! Spurting Yarns, by Andrew Haggard 2 ~~> Epitome of the Dictionary of TW P I \hl U I IM P National Biography 20.00 L Wff Ml I I Iff U Elements of Political Economy, by J. Bonar
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    • 610 2 NOTICES. "Singa Panjang" The finest Cigar of the East CAN NOW BE HAD PROM Whiteaway. Laidlaw Co., Moon Keat Co., Hee Mcc Co., Chen? Co., and all Dealers. J. MOTION CO. WATCHMAKERS, JEWELLERS, OPTI Cl ANS. RKTAIRB PROMPTLY KXECUTKi) MOTOR CARS WE ARE NOW PREPARED It SUPPLY BENZINE SYME CO.
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    • 112 2 Dangerous. THE greatest rlmicer from colds and inftue iza is their tendency to result in pneumonia. If rensunuble care is used, and Chnnilierlfiitj's ough Remedy takeo, all danger will be ;ivowle<l It will cure a cold or an attack uf influenza in less time than other treatment. Hoarse Loss in
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  • 229 3 Norway Alarmed. CopenlMgen, Hlh July. Thr latest details as to the trouble in northern Norway arising from a pro- Russian movement among the fishermen show that what has been going on is really of a serious nature. It has been an open secret for some time that the
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  • 180 3 A correspondent says that shipmasters trading to Fort Swettenham are getting curious to know when quarantine will be taken nil from Malacca and Penang for thfe last, three months ships have been subjected to inspection without, so far as he is aware, any case of smallpox, etc., being
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  • 170 3 Uaron uk BrsH, accompanied by the Baroness, left Euston Railway Station by the S 13 train on the night of July •_"Jrd for Scotland. Just after passing Bletchley the Baroness Ml the Baron BmokiDg in a first -class corridor ompartnient On the train nearing Rugby, she returned,
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  • 171 3 For Singapore. Per P. A O. R. 8. India, conuoctiiiK with the steamer Hallanral at Colombo, from London July M, due 22nd Augt— RpbtA«i iral the Hon. Ashton G. Cnrzo 0.v.0.. cr., c M <; Mr. W. Hum, Mr. E St.. l. l.mvson, Me3srß. J. H. (Shields,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 107 3 He Found Relief. (IEOBGI I.II'KIN, lown Clerk, I Kuniara, M\v Zi-aiand, says:- "I hay veiy >.r>Ht pU'Hsure in stating that hawing u»< 1! Chamberlain 1 Pain 1 aim in a va>y stvere atta k of rciatica, I found mime(.iHte relief. Hai. before tritd many oi lut < 11 hrtcntions for
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    • 391 3 NOTICES. GRIMAULT* C° Medicinal Skin Soap ORlllAUL^li^''^ l^^Mf 1 MEDICINAL SKIN SOAP \*K j C\.« KVC'.C-.V,i'.^i/'.'>' r ■.■.■y.'.-Ur Recommended by eminent Dermatologists and adopted in the Paris Hospitals in the treatment of Ringworm, Acne, Psoriasis, Eczema and Skin diseases generally. 8, RUE VIVIENHE, 8 Paris LIQUID FUEL (Petroleum Eesidne) Large
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    • 607 3 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-nP CAPITAL $10.000.00 C RESERVE FTJND.Bter!ingße*erve..»lo,ooo,oool Silver JWv«....| e.oOOIoOO/-* 15 ***** BJEBEBVE LIABILITY OF 11()OOOOO n PROPRIETORS IIJ OOOOOO Court or Directors. A.. J. Raymond, E*q,— Chairmam. K. 11. TOMKIVS, Esq.— Deputy Chairman W. H. SLAOE, Bag. H. Schubart, Esq. Hon. C. W. Diokson
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    • 659 3 NOTICES. WANTED— An Eurasian to act a* night overseer on the Bundi Tin mines. Apply to Guthrie A Co., Ltd, Agents. n c. WANTED, at once, a yonng man as clerk for a mercantile office. Must be quick at figures and a good writer Apply to K. B. c/o Strait*
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    • 621 3 NOTICE^ IX) R MALE,— Saigon Lymph, guaranteed r fn-sh, at the Crown Dispensary, 06 Selagie Road. v.c. FOR SALE. AtjKOND hand ricktha nearly new in got d order, complete. Apply to LIM KYE KEAT, 24-8 Iti7, Teluk Ayer Street FOR IMMEDIATE SALE, Owner leaving the Colony BAY Australian mare,
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    • 661 3 SHIPPING IN DO-CHINA BTEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED. FOR HONGKONG. rpHE Company's steamer KUMSANO, A S.23ri tons, Captain Buller, having left Calcutta on the l.Mh inst.. may b« expected to arrive here on or about the 22nd idem, and will haye prompt despatch for tbe above port. For freight or passage
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  • 88 4 VIANXA.— On 3<H.h .luly, at Shanghai, A. M. Vianna, aged 19 years. Ouval. On 3lxt July, at Chefoo, Marie ('lotilde, widow of the late Vic'u>r L. Dvval, •ii_"-ii 48 year*. Russell. On 4th Angina, at Ihe Genera! Hospital, Shanghai, Ernest William Kussell, aged 24 years. OLSEN. At the Wayside
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  • 2018 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. FRIDAY, 21st AUGUST. It is very gratifying to learn that Turkey has accepted all the demands of Russia, and has requested that Power to withdraw her forces afloat from Turkish waters. At the same time it may be permitted to express the view that
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 18 4 SHAMROCK'S M ALLOWANCE. London, \9th Auguit. Shamrock HI ha* been remeasured. She receives an allowance of IIT seconds.
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    • 52 4 Italian Fleet Ready. It is announced from Rome that the Italian Government has resolved to act in accord with the Powers in Macedonia. The Italian fleet has been ordered to concentrate in Sicily in order to be nearer Turkish waters it the Powers should decide to send
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    • 25 4 201 h August. The first ra^e for the America Cup has been abandoned (owing 1 to lack of wind), Reliance leading.
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    • 26 4 Asks that Russian Ships May Be Withdrawn. Turkey haa accepted all the Russian demands, and has requested the withdrawal of the Russian squadron.
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    • 140 4 A Town Stormed. Heavy Losses. A force consisting of .')<) whites and 500 blacks lias stormed Burmi, Northern Nigeria, killing 700 including the Emir and most of his chiefs. Major Marsh and four men were killed, and three officers and 62 men wounded. [Brevet Major K. C,
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    • 23 4 Tff P O mail steamer lialtaar'it left Penang at H p.m yesterday, and is expected here at 6 a m. to-morrow.
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  • 55 4 Thk lluiig mm, on beintr undocked a* Tanj'ng I'a^ar on Wednesday evening, left for the road*. The Ascol brings rj,ooo tons Japan coal from Muroran for Paterson Simons and Co. The Imcl'i with coals from Japan is discharging at l'ulo Hrani The Medan is due io-day, instead of
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  • 115 4 Mi h sympathy is felt not only at Rlak;in Mati, but also in the town of siii?;)liore for Staff Serceant Beadswoi' 1 in the loss of his wife, to whom he married only on the Ist of April last. She had been but a year and
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  • 217 4 Results Yesterday. LAMM 1 BirBMI Mr- ITeaiefl beet Mm. ■aeertMa, 6-4, «r>. Mrs. ttmmimt i»-hi Mk BmmtvM* '6, til. 6 4. I.\l>lK> DOOTUB. Mm Hum ami Mr-. Lnfbaa Carter l>em Mrs. ChfMk anil Mirk lini.ldell, 6 4, (i 4. CIIAMrIciNSHII' IMiUIII.KS. Mine (iunn anil Mr.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 447 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TO EVERY MAN IT IS EVIDENT A CAREFUL WIFE ADDS to his happiness SUBSTRACTS from his cares MULTIPLIES his joys DIVIDES his sorrows REDUCES his expenses and in PRACTICE. buys her provisions at The Australian Stores CHEAPEST AND BEST. WASSIAMULL, ASSOMULL CO., Indian Store. No. 1, 2, 3,
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    • 194 4 JpORKIGN geiilemaa wishing to 1 improve bis English requires board and lodging in well-appointed English family. No other boarders State terms. Apply to H. H. c/o Straits Time* iv th.s. 27-8 NOTICE. 18 hereby given that the interest and responsibility of Tay Chee Lock iv Chop Guan Beng Hong. .t8
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    • 221 4 G. R. LAMBERT CO., Photographers. *>pzh: Grecham House, (Battery Road.) On WseWdbyo only, h a. m. to 6 p. m. Orchard Road. On Weekdays, b a. m. to fi p. m. On Sundays, 8 a. m. to noon. Appointment* for sittings should be made if possible beforehand. We beg to
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    • 58 4 YOUR ENTIRE BODY BTBENGTHINKD. Weak Lungs are benefited immediately, and tbe entire body strengthened, and invigorated by the u*e of Steams' Wine. Unlike Cud Liver Oil Emulsions, it is pleasant to take and agrees with the most delicate stomach, aiding digestion instead of disturbing it, with the happy result of
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  • Correepondence.
    • 596 5 A Protest. To tlif Editor of tlus Strait* Times." Dear Sir,— My attention has just been drawn to the insertion in the programme for the Autumn Meeting 19();t of the Singapore Sporting Club, of three races for polo ponies. As a member of the Sporting Club,
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    • 480 5 To the Editor of the Straits Times.'' Sib,— The following paragraph from I'ruth of the 16th July may interest our feather-bed soldiers "The Royal Review at Aldershot was not a brilliant success. The Infantry of the line made a miserably poor show. Many battalions were deplorably weak,
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    • 179 5 To the Editor of the Straits Times." Sir,— ln these days when rumours of war are cropping up now and again, especially in the Far East, I think it is time some of our Legislators found out from the authorities when the Ist Battalion Manchester Regiment, now
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  • 476 5 ARRIVAL OF H. M. S. LEVIATHAN." A Formidable Addition to the China Squadron. Tub new armoured British cruiser Leviathan, Captain Stopford, arrived yesterday afternoon from Portsmouth en route for Hongkong where she will join the China squadron, replacing the Argonaut. The Leviathan was commissioned at Portsmouth on June 16th for
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  • 380 5 The local contingent of jockeys and trainers have returned from Faiping. They all report the course to bo very bad and positively dangerous to ride on. In the big race on the first day three horses out of a field of five fell. Most of the arrangements were
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  • 73 5 Some time during last night or in the early hours of this morning burglars paid a visit to The Mansion," River Valley Road. It appears that they went through all the rooms without awakening the occupants and made a sweep of all the jewellery they could find.
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  • 133 5 The Scratch Fours heat rowed yesterday afternoon between crews stroked by H G. White and A. Cavendish proved a ding-dong race throughout Up to about half distance both were pretty level. Then White quickened his stroke and Cavendish followed suit. The hitter's crew were rowing somewhat raggedly
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  • 318 5 THE M. M. s.s. "TONKIN. Burned and Scuttled. When, as we announced at the time, the fire broke out on the French mail steamer Tonkin on the 7th inst. at Kobe, she had just arrived from the south. The flames spread with .apidity, this being due to the nature of
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  • 53 5 The Warren Bhield Shooting competition will be fired on Saturday, 29th inst. on the Bilestier Range. Shooting will commence at 2-30 p.m. "harp. A representative of each team must be on the ground before this hour. Any team not fully represented by 2-30 p.m. will not be
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  • 1324 5 A Nuisance. Asco.v, tbe cases on the file of the Chief Magistrate, this morning, was one in which the driver of a night soil cart was required to explain why he did not properly protect the cart and so prevent a nuisance, which Chief Sanitary Insp. Mayhew said
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    • 91 5 Gambler Copra Rail do Pontianak Pepper, Black do White, (5%) Sago Floor Sarawak do Brunei No. I Pearl Sago Coffee, Rail, IS% baoli Coffee, Palemhang, «r% bvK_ Coffee, Ldberlan No. 1 Tapioca, (mall Plaice do mcd flake m do »tnall pearl do mcd do Tin Opinm RenarM Rice, Rangoon
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    • 120 5 LM<l».-Ktnli i nn m Demand 1/114 Private S m'H 111 do 3 m/« 2/1 lft On Gtrmanv— Hunk <i/d LffH Private 3 ra/n 2.nojj do m.'i J.'"* On Fra»«»— Rank d/d 2.44 Private Snh 2.47 do B ni/« 2.49 Oh /-wiw-Bank T. T. Private So l/« 148 On Uongker-
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    • 306 5 B'liawahOoM Mine !$7.5 pdi>lS.OO. ftrnaeh Tin Mine $8.25. •Fraaer Neare $IMJ, nales. FTkone ShanghM Bank M7">. Bowartb Eraklne, Lt. f 190. 'Jelebua .0", teller*. Kadana (tally paid) $10X0, nominal do ($7 paid) «7. 'Hi, nominal. 'Kechan Gold Mio« I 00, nominal. Malay State* Salt 51. 6" Maynard Co ftSUJO,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 43 5 Mr. Edward W. Parkinson, Jefferson, I'a, May 13, 1899, writes: Five years ago I had a severe attack of asthma. I tried various remedies, without relief. Three bottles of Jayne's Expectorant completely cured me." The Singapore Dispensary. Hole agents for the Straits Settlements
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    • 125 5 Don't Fool With It. IT will not do to fool wuh a bad cnld. No one can tell what tin end will be. Pneumonia, catarrh, ehrouio bronchitis. and uunsu'.nption invariably result from a neglected cold. A« medicine for the cure of colds, coiuh.. a. id influenza, nothing can compare witb
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 184 5 DAY BY DAY. Friday, 21st August. High Water. 9.1 p.m. Cricket ('lab Meeting, Town Hall. ">. Football. S.C.C. v. Polite. S.V.K. Electric I.ijtht at Pulo Brani. S.V.R., S.V.I. Company Drill. .Vl5. Town Band. H. S. Reservoir. sto 6. Kngineerx Assoc. Marine Club. Ml Saturday, 22nd August. High Water. 10.23 a.m.
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  • 326 6 The Bordeaux Municipal Council has resolved to set up a training ship for the Mercantile Marine to trade with H:§tant ports and carry a number of prentices. Government aid will be i ted towards her maintenance. A tuilar project is under consideration at J>unkirk, and it is anticipated
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  • 139 6 The Admiralty are reported to be y much excited over the results of the recent trials with new forms of K rew propellers. The ideal now is a blade shaped like a Japanese fan. It i» an amazing fact that very little was known about the untried
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  • 134 6 A few years ago there was a swimD ing match for a championship among i rt'M-ntatives of the Sydney press The competitors narrowed down to two. v ho were head and shoulders above all t-.^ir fellows. When they went into ;uininjj, betting commenced, and. I the day of
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  • 98 6 Mk. Donald Mackay, a planter on I in, writing from Perak fo the Tin>e.< uf Ceylon says I am not much inclined al [nv.-fiit to go further than Cnylon and I don't expect to be there before t end of next month. We are very
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  • 94 6 North China Daih Ntwt reports thai the uilinji vessel JirillUmt, which lift Shanghai some time ago for Bourabaya, has, after a long struggle to thraufta the various straits which i. :>e to be passed to get to that plaoe, rfMinwd to .Shanghai. The Captain *ud that it was
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  • 98 6 Mb Arnold-Foreter, replying to a i, -tiop by Sir Thomas Dewar, stated ti t 1 1 Irs Maj.'6ty's battleships and a »ry liiigt' Dnmwr of cruisers are fitted <• -her with rh»- Marconi system of wireI m telegraphy or with modifications at s>^ttll>. The present average 1
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 217 6 NOTICES CENTRAL HOTEL, Fitted with first class accommodation, overlooking Fytche Square Garden, near to the Bank*, Office*, Market, and the Stations. All the catering is under European supervision. Liquor and Cuisine, best qual.ty. A. CHIESA. FYTCHE SQUARE. RANGOON. The only hotel in Rangoon in the continental style c f. v
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    • 614 6 NOTICES. Singapore and Kranji Railway. From July i6th, 1903, and until further notice. WEEKDAYS. SUNDAYS. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M A.M. AM A.M. AM. PM. P.M. f M P.M CM Singapore rf..7.00 7.45 10.00 11.30 12.30 :i.QJ 4.10 5.15 6.40 ..»>.:so JM 9.20 \OAi \j.\o -j:m
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 740 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. «TUIE Sisadar' Assarsnoa. 1 Norwich Union Y\n Insoruio* Societj. Atlaa Aacnnnoe Company (Fire). l"oe Kciuit»blo Life Awnrsnoe Society. l"he Chins Mutual Stenn Nsvijrstion Comp«uiy The Lager Beer OompMiy. fot B*rticnl»r» of laM* Compsnies, see the •JO adWti-em»nt of THE bSeNEO COMPANY. LIMITED. Agents. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. p
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    • 679 7 STEAMSH IP COMPANIES. Koninklljtce Paketvaart Maatschappij. Under cootract with tbe Netherlands India Uovernocena. o.t Sinoavore: Ship Aonct, latb J. Daimdils A Co.. %Jt. <W,r.r«« Qntv .be undermentioned dates are only appro* "nam Steamer From Expected Will be i)Mi» k «hed tor Mnuel Bativia Augt 17 Billiton, Batavia, Cheribon, T. gal.
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    • 666 7 i Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mall Steamship Line. THE FAST ROUTE BETWEEN CHINA JAPAN, AND EUROPE, VIA CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES. ROUTE VIA SHANGHAI, NAGASAKI KOBE YOKOHAMA, VICTORIA, AND VANCOUVER, B. O. Twin screw Empress Steamships 0,000 Tons— Speed IH knots. Proposed Sailinor from Hongkong. R.M.S. F.mpreM* of
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    • 679 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. lorddentsclier Lloyd, Bremen Coast Lines, STEAMERS OF THE COAST FLEET. Tour Reg. Tows Reg. It'ltin 2478 Phra Nang 1603 Petchabun 21U1 Maf.hew 1600 Sandakan 2111 PhruO.Klao 1668 Borneo -'100 IP. Chula C.K. 1/568 ITohtichang 2040 I Deli 1394 Pit»a,\ulv't 3019 Taichiow 1369 Paknam 2004 I Kong Bong 1359
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    • 510 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES Compagnle Dei Messagerlea Maritime* Da France. IILtOEAPHIO ASDRBM: MBMAOIXII. SIHQAPOEI. The mail steamers will leave Singapore an or aoout the undermentioned dates. DUTWAKD. HOMBWABO. Dates. Dates 1903 1908 Salaxi, Augt 17 I Farm Augt 17 Auttralun Augt 31 I Calrdonisn Augt 81 Annam Sept 14 I Solatif Kept
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    • 866 7 INSURANCE COMPANIES. HE IMPERIAL FIRE OFFICE. (united with the Alliance Assurance Company Ltd. i 2 Bartholomew Lane, London. Established iBoj Capital iUH Total Fun-Is exceed £iO,OQOOCj. General Manager, Robert I/ewis Bag. BARLOW <v CO.. vents. LANCASHIRE INST7KAINCB COMPANY. NOW MERGED IN The Royal Insurance Coy. riRB AND Lirß. INVESTED FUNDS
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    • 1681 8 I'mler this heading the following abbreviations are used str. steamer sh. •bip bq.— barque sch. schooner; Yet. ■ru. -Cruiser; Gbt.-Uunboat; Tor. —Torpedo; H.p.— Horse-pownr; Brit. Bris._United States Kh.— French Ger (ii-rmfin; Dut. Dutch; (i.e. -Generalcargo; d.p. d«ck passengor; U Uncertain; K. p Tnnjong I'.igar Wharf; T. P.
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    • 98 8 Penangand Bombay Capri p.m. Billiton A Pontianak Samba* S p.m. Swet'ham via ports Sappho 4 p.m. Jb'bon and Sauiaiani; Giang Seng 4 p.m. Monday. taigOD F.ridan 11 a.m. fi»n<?oon A Calcutta Hmtakotn 8 p.m, Bangkok Paknain S p.m M.ica-sar etc. Van Ruberek 4 p m Td««diy. Bangkok Natuv.a
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    • 136 8 M AILS TO ARRIVE. rrom Kurope— By the l'.*u. 89. Hiillanrat due on the 22nd Aug., with dates to the SUt July. From China— By the N. I). L. s.s. Bach*en due on the 24th August. Tina Tabu or Mails Dds. l-oft Singapore. Dae in London A' rived July 10th
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    • 174 8 B| Flag Vmsel's Nam». A Ton*. Captaiii Q Rio. Aug 30 Sambas Qer str 243 Winne 20 Apenrade gtr fill Jessen 20 Van Outboorn Dut str 1648 Khee JO OheangChew Brit str IUIS Frampton 30 Emile Dut str 80 JJacodah 20 Mena gtr 76 Nacodah 20 Pin Seng Rrit
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    • 112 8 Date. VKBBEI/S NAME. Flao 4 Rio. Tors. I OFBTINATIOS. Aug 21 Sambia 21 Mofwl 21 Sri Tringganu 21 Kmile 31 M.-ua 22 (iura -M Salaha.iji SI CheangCbew SI Hrouwer JTI Lady Mitchell 31 Hye LeoDg 21 Am hers t SI Farfalla Ocr str. 3628 Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan I
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 170 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL C 6. JEWELLERS and SILK MERCHANTS, 51-52, SIGH STREET. Have just received iresli goods, such as Grass Linen for Dresses and Blouses. Chinese embroidered Costumes. Chinese Coats and Petticoats, Silk Lace Colors, Insertions. Silk Lace Jackets, and Silver-ware, useful for Wedding and Birthday presents. Telephone No.
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    • 305 8 Ready Made Suits.^ tTHE "BERTIE" BOYS WHITE SAILOR SUITS Suits, beautiful light Made of a good stronp I i§TK weight. Lan yard, washable Drill, wit 1, Sw'jl^S, •Whistle and Breast- lanyard and Whistle, Piece complete. Ribbon Bow t0 Tie at j *W Front, Badge on aim 7^ m 4.50, '4/75,'
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    • 105 8 MWSOWS 500TS FOR ALL CLASSES. Unequalled for STYLE, COMFORT, and DURABILITY. NONE GENUINE WITHOUT OUR WMt ,TAMKI CN THE SOLES. TO BE WAD Of AL! nEALrfI? 23 LOMDON WALL, LONDON, E.C. r f^ *1 A. M PATENT MEDICINES tt VI I I PRESCRIPTIONS Requisites, Drugs, &c. Atkinson's, Rijraud's.and Pinaud's Perfumery.
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    • 25 8 The UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER Before buying a typewriter Inspuct the UNDERWOOD tae most perfect high class tuadiii.e yet instated Guthrie Co., Ltd. Sole Agents 11. C.
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 71 8 WEATHER REPORT. Kandaig Ktrbau. Hotpital, ?m!i A wi, 190.1. 3 pm. Ksmakks. Bar 29.9:20 2H.859 iMi W Moraine Temp ..84 3 81.0 60.0 cloudy, WB'lbTher 78.8 77.0 76.R smll shower DirofWind south east s. c j at noon, Max. Temp 86.4 day cloudy, Mm HJ l night clear. Max in
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