The Straits Times, 10 August 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times NO. ai, 202 SINGAPORE. MONDAY, AUGUST 10, 1903. PRICE 15 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 719 1 CUYMORE WHISKY. V>6e Straits V)imes. AMI Tslye Straits budget. ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. [per inch, column measure.] Fin-t Insertion $1 20 cent* Secoml and third insertions each tO cents Fourth, fifth, aud s>ixth 40 cent* Seventh to eighteenth 24 cent* Nineteenth subsequent,, 16 cents I'er week of six days,
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    • 1657 1 Supplied to the State Hospitals of the Federated Malay States I ASK TTOTJiR STCXRE KEEPER FOR E^p^J SLEDGE BRAND. WN^A y//+ STERILIZED MILK H'/I^^Bb&lP absolutely ftjre I Invaluable in the House, P!i ESE ALPfW*! iisr ICKNESS OR HEALTH. Doi It be put oft: See that you get what you ask
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    • 91 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. ID. O.A-1-iISTO French Hair- Dressing Saloon Just Received NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS. COMPRISING Hats, Shirts, Neck-tias, Mufflers, Perfumes, Stockings, Baden Powell Collars, and a large stock of AMERICAN BOOTS. White and brown sporting boots with rubber soles. Black Boots, etc., etc. ALL AT MODERATE PRICES. Inspection Invited. m.
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  • 834 2 Piccadilly, 17th July. \Vi have nearly got over our Loubeting," and have returned to our normal condition —and the use of our native tongue. It wad really terrible last week the way every one wu trying to speak French, whether they could or not. I heard one
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 431 2 NOTICES. Cement IN THE LONG TESTS MADE BY SARAWAK GOVERNMENT (For their own Satisfaction) has come out TOP 10 BRANDS WERE TESTED. V>fie Madras Municipal Engineer pronounced Eagle Cement as the best fye dad ever tested. PARTICULARS FROM BORNEO Co., Ltd. CROSSLEY'S OIL ENGINES USUAL SIZES IN STOCK PARTICULARS FROM
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    • 355 2 NOTICES. j .i— ifW MAINTAINS THE HIGHEST REPUTATION EYEBYWHERR the System against Disease wl\\ rUBt BT-000, "THE SEST SECU RIT i FOX HtALTH. ESSENCE OR FLUID KXTRAOT OF RED JAMAICA Cstd. aL^^VAaa '^av^kaVa^V^V^'H HAiD since 1829. svJ^JEJayi^O^MJmflSjblLaUßc FTisMI Pronourced by the MICMKST Mtn>i«.<u. AOTHOHITIEB lii* m. iSfiRssVS TORPID ..ER, DEBILITY,
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    • 310 2 NOTICES. SAVARESSE'S SANDAL CAPSULES Not iti^«l(- (if (ietatine, mo*t eflScariouk, because ahv>lutcly pure hnglh.h Oil. Full directions. A II Chemiss. Insist on BavareBse'BTHE NAME "SINGA Is a Guarantee of Excellence. "Kiiigu" CiffarM Are lanulurtiiml undrr Eurtpfai Sopfrrisiti TRY THEM. YEBISU "~Wk BEER ■I jbAtH^^ Most Excellent Japanese Beer, Spsolai Browod
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    • 106 2 He Found Kelief. pEORGK RUDKIIf, iow-i Clerk, Ij Kumara. New Satlapd, says: bavn very great piea«ur> in aUting thai, having unoii (Inamhf liln'l fain Halm in a very xevere ntt» k of teiatien, I fouo<i immediate relief. Ha licforc Uud in.i i\ other em brocatiuns for Hi.' -amn purpose, bnt
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  • 363 3 At Sourabaya on the 28th July the Alluvia Mining Company held a special meeting to hear Mr Toby, the late manager of it* mines, who had been discharged by the directors. Since the discharge the voice of rumour has been busy with the affairs of the Company. The
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  • 215 3 The other day, a Supreme Court bankruptcy case at Hongkong strikingly instanced one of the follies of youth, in giving securit v for a friend who, as is too often the case, left his guarantor to stand the consequences. The bankrupt was hardly 21 years old and
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  • 99 3 Mil. I.i\j>kvhai., United States Commissioner of Bridges, announces that to make the roadway of the Williarnßhurg Bridge, in New York, as noisel<if'S and as dry in wet weather as possible, rubber dust is to he placed under the creoresinate wooden paving blocks that are to constitute the
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  • 95 3 The accounts of the Glasgow Corporation tramways for the year ended May 31 hliow a raa^nificßnt net surplus of £100,276. .The revenue ajnounted to lti- r iG,.")7^ the working expenses totalled £431,870. This leaves a gross balance of i'224,70L', all deductions from which leave the net sum
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 111 3 Dangerous. rpHR greatest danger from colds and 1 influenza is their tendency to resnlt in pneumonia. If ieat>onable care is used, and Chamlmrlsin's rough Remedy taken, all danger will be avoided It will cure a cold or an attack of influenza in less time than other treatment. Hoarseness in a
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    • 412 3 NOTICES t/^WTnr^V These tiny jft^i^U^^^f^L Capsules |BsnH superior ■r/sfflTsm^r t0 a a > I Cubebs, and 1 Injections cure < the same diseases as these drugs 1 lin forty -eight hours without 1 inconvenience. >— >^ 1 f Back Capa«l« awn tlw name MHDYJ I FOP DIBEABEB OF TNI CHEST
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    • 608 3 BASICS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-IW CAPITAL »UM»O,OOC RESERVE FUND.— Sterling Remrve.4lo,ooo,ooo Silver Reserve....! 6,600.000/ ISMX) 00a RESERVE LIABILITY OF m,A, mooa PROPRIETORS J.. $10.<Kn.OOO Court or D»bcto«s. A. J. Raymond, Esq.— Chairman. p H. Tomkins, Esq.— Dbputy Ohaibmam. W. H. Sladb, Esq. H. Schubabt, Esq. Hon. C. W.
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    • 524 3 Notices. WANTED— An Eurasian to act as nisbt +w»w on the Bnndi Tin minrv Apply to Golhrie 4 Co., Ltd., AganU. v c. WANTED. FOX a tank installntion near Pinfapore, a Eamsian clfk, quick at fieures. Good salary to competent man. Apply to P."c/o Stroi* Time*. v.c. WANTED. /"IHINEBE; salesman
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    • 605 3 NOTICES. I?OR SALE,— Saigon Lymph, guaranteed I1I 1 fresh, at the Ctowd Dispensary, M Selegie Road. a*. FOR BALE. ONE brown mare gelding with ««ddle complete. Price moderate. Apply to T. H. G. c/o Btraiti Tim**. 17-8 FOR BALE. HANDSOME bay geldingtwitb full size victoria just done up as new
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    • 417 3 SHIPPING INDOCHINA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED. FOR PENANG AND CALCUTTA. rpHE Company's steamer NAMSAXQ, 1 4,034 tons, Captain Payne, having left Hongkong on the Sth fust., may be expected to arrive here on or about the 1 lth idem, and will have prompt despatch for the above ports. For freight
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  • 21 4 In affectionate remembrance of Kli/.a, Datin Meldrum. who died at Iskander Hall, Joiiore, l'>th Auuunt, I**2. "Asleep in Jeans."
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  • 485 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. MONDAY, lorn AUGUST. Evkry day, almost, sees an increase in the dumber pf motors in Singapore, and though the place is not yet so proportionately crowded with them as are the streets of Kuala Lumpur, the increase is so steady that it is obviously
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  • 463 4 A fkw months, a party of Boer prisoners of war, who had refused to tak,e the oath of allegiance to the King, passed through Singapore from Ceylon on their way to Java where they intended to found a colony. Sympathisers at Batavia received them warmly, and funds to set them
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  • 378 4 Skrvia appears to be «rnbark ng upon a new career of trouble. By latest advices it is reported that, in a small Servian town near the Roumanian frontier, a lieutenant has been imprisoned for having uttered threats against Colonel Muhin, one of the ringleaders in the conspiracy against the late
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  • 237 4 Rbutkk's message to day t.elN us of another peril to the Sultan of Turkey in Macedonia. The Bulgarian revolt there has extorted reforms and concessions from the Sultan, which endanger the interests of the Albanian", a section of his subjects that border on Macedonia and have had the mastery in
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  • 44 4 To-day is a public holiday in commemoration of the Coronation of H.M. the King. The banks and public offices were closed. The llagstaffs on Fort Canning and Mount Faber were dressed as also were H.MS Rowrio and a number of vessels in the harbour. >
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  • 12 4 Play in the L. L. T. C. Tournament to-day will be optional.
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  • 17 4 OrR Ljndon Letter appear* on page 2, and an article on Philippine coal fields on page 6
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  • 20 4 Major E. L. R Thackwell A. P. D. has been granted the substantive rank of Lieut. -Colonel in the Army.
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  • 20 4 Thk Ist King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment) is to be moved from Malta to India during the coming trooping season.
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  • 21 4 The German mail steamer Baytrn left Colombo on the *th instant at 10 am" and is due here on Thursday evening.
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  • 22 4 'Owing to the smoker at the Tanglin Club to-morrow evening, the Conversazione at the Drill Hall has been postponed until Saturday next.
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  • 26 4 A small fire broke out in one of the machine rooms at Tanjong Pagar on Saturday night, but was extinguished before any serious damage was done.
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  • 27 4 An announcement appears in to-day's paper to the effect that Dr. J. J. de tMf tias established himself an an advocate and solicutc i at Medan, Deli.
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  • 32 4 The Young Mens' Society of the Presbyterian Church will meet tomorrow (instead of to-night) at 8 30 p.m. A piper on Modern Philanthropy" will be read by Mr. J W. A. Russell.
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  • 50 4 With reference to a paragraph published on Saturday stating that the German mail steamer Print Ileinrich will arrive here later than was expected, Behn Meyer Co. write to say that this is incorrect. The steamer left Hongkong last Thursday at noon and will arrive here between to-night and to-morrow morning.
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  • 60 4 The two twin daughters of Mr. Jacob, I r iiln- Superintendent of the Eastern Bengal State Railway, met their death a few days ago, by opium poisoning. It seems the father was an habitual opium eater and left the pot open and exposed within the reach of the children, who
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  • 81 4 Mr. Comi'ekk, the Western Australian (I )vernment Entomologist, is shortly to visit Malaya and India in search of a parasite which will kill what, is known as the fruit fly, an insect which works the direst of havoc amongst gardens in Australia. Me has already visited China, the United States
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  • 91 4 The Kedah correspondent of the St,-(iil,< Kafca says that the Sultan of that place, since his return from Bangkok, is looking better in health and nearly every afternoon is to be seen at the Marine Jetty enjoying the cool breeze. He has a small launch, a model of the Siamese
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  • 99 4 Rbcbn ily a Malay was bitten by a snake, supposed to he a hamadryad, at Kampong Nyor in Kuala Selangor, and died within two hours. The snake was chasing an iguana and the latter crossed a path. The Malay, not suspecting any danger, continued his course and parsed by the
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 20 4 London, *ih August. Three of the Boers who served in Somaliland have received the Distinguished Conduct Medal.
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    • 18 4 Four battalions of Turkish troops, supported by artillery, routed 1,700 Bulgarians at Sorovitch on Thursday.
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    • 50 4 The Governor of Nicolaieff received a scalp wound and a police officer was mortally wounded during rioting .there on the 4th instant, when twenty rioters were killed and LOO were wounded Thursdays rioting at KietT continued yesterday The troops again fired upon the rioters, killing apd wounding several.
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    • 43 4 The Irish Land Bill has passed through Committee in the House of Lords. The Irish peers carried a number of amendments to the Bill against the Government. It is expected that the House of Commons will disagree with these amendments
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    • 24 4 Captains W. G. Walker and S. M. Rolland have received the Victoria Cross for assisting Captain Gough in action in Somaliland.
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    • 34 4 The Bulgarian revolt having aroused a counter-insurrection among the Albanians a number of Turkish troops have been called out. Rushdi Pasha is hastening through Albania to .Monastir with 30,000 regulars.
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    • 12 4 The trial of the Humberts has begun at Paris.
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    • 45 4 By Turkish Gendarme. 9(/i August. M Nostkowsky, the Russian Consul at Monastir, on returning to town from the plains, was shot 'lea by a Turkish gendarme with whom, it was stated, he bad an altercation anent the gendarme's omission to salutg him.
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    • 12 4 The coronation of the Pope was a brilliant ceremony.
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    • 25 4 M. Combes, the French Minister of the Interior, has been fired at twice with a revolver at Marseilles. He was unhurt.
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  • 20 4 A LAMB tongkaug sank in the mouth of the Singapore River yesterday f afternoon and was still there this morning.
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  • 41 4 The date of the Autumn race meeting has been altered from October to November 17th, 19th and 21st the reason being that the griffins cannot be expected here before September Ist The course will be open for training on September Ist.
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  • 34 4 The children attending the St. And re w'sSuuday School had tbeir annual treat at Tai jong Katong on Saturday and spent a very enjoyable day, eatables and drinkables being provided at the Grove Hotel.
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  • 44 4 Cards are out for the wedding of Miss Elsie Louisa Gordon— daughter of Mr. and Mrs. \V. Henry Sutton, of Kota Tinggi, Jofiore, and Mr. T. H. Bath, which is to occur at the Cathedral of the (I jod ShephpH on the 23th inst.
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  • 37 4 Mk. Tan Hap Leomj has been granted a Foreign Oltice passport to travel abroad without l<-t or hindrance and with every assurance of British protection. He is the first Straits-born Chinaman who has obtained such a privilege.
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  • 51 4 Yesterday afternoon Me«srs. G. SThompson, Maw and Owen went in search of game at Chu Chu Kang, near the loth milestone, Bukit Tima Road. They sighted Master Stripes who crossed the road a few feet ahead of one of them. Messrs. Thompson and Owen are out looking for him hotfoot
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  • 106 4 Diking the sharp iqaaU that burnt over the harbour ye? arday just after noon, a sarnpin uontninini; Mr V. Heulies, proceeding from lvitoag to Singapore WdH capiized. A number of young fellows Htayins at Villa Marine were bathing at the tiuie and noticing signals of distress swam out to the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 417 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. PREFERENTIAf TRADE Yes, that's the Game, So long as were PREFERRED. The Australian Stores Work to be PREFERRED. THOMPSON, THOMAS CO. 'Phone* Call No. 39. WASSIAMULL, ASSOMULL CO., Indian Store. No. 1, 2, 3, &4, High Street. JUST RECEIVED, FRESH GOODS FROM OBXCTA JAPAHT. Grasscloth Embroidered Goods, and
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    • 124 4 ESTABLISHED AT MEDAN. DELI (EAST COAST OF SUMATRA). DR.J.J. DEHEER, LL.D., advocate and solicitor to the High Court of Justice in Netherlands India at 11 itavi.i. Office Kessawan, Medan, Deli. 9-9 A NEW PIANO. ROBINSON PIANO COMPANY, LIMITED. Have Just Received a Shipment of THK SEW" CHINA MODEL PIANO nsiiim
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    • 153 4 O. R. LAMBERT 9 CO.. Photographers. opbh: (Arasham House, (Battery Road.) On Weekdays only, Ba.rn.M6p.rn. Orchard Road. On Weekdays, 8 a. n>. to 5 p. ra. On Sundays, 8 a. no. to noon. Appointments for sittings should be made if possible beforehand. We beg to inform that by qrery P.
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    • 55 4 My wife has had another attack of Lung trouble. She coughed incessantly and raised enormously. We nearly despaired of her recovery. Dr. D. Jayne's Expectorant, by the blessing of God, restored her. She is now well.— (Rev) Jos. Hopkins, West Berlin, N. J., Feb. 18, 1594 The Singapore Dispensary. ■Sole
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    • 41 4 YOUR DIGESTION IMPROVES. Stbarns \Y\sta is pleasant to take. It aids digestion It agrees with the raoi-t delicme stomach. It increases weight and c'.rftng^h. Now is the time to reap the full benefit of this valuable tonic. Sold by all cbeiuiati.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 498 5 To the 'Editor of the Strait* Times." Sir, -As there is certainly much want of information existing as to the position of the Singapore Sporting Club, a few details may be interesting to some of your readers who are members thereof. Racing on the present
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    • 119 5 ft lite Wito vf the Strait* Time?' Dear Sir, I am sorry that in my short letter to the M'tlay Mail, whic'i you have done me the honour to notice, you should think that I have allowed my indignation get the better of" my Knglish, but
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  • 98 5 A Pathetic Appeal to Mr. Pierpont Morgan. II Might} magnate, km me afaak, My voice i* mild, my temper meek, I want m> (MM, I only *eek My lllrlllßll You |,ii,[i]i~,..l M lli.u if »<■ lei Von MM tlie money ynncl np-t'l Old RaghM't tWpa luit I iiin'i hoi
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  • 641 5 The day spent at the Swimming Club yesterday will long be remembered by i hose present. The occasion was a special tiffin to commemorate the commencement of the building of the new Club house, which is about to be erected on the site of the present one,
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  • 105 5 When the dredging of Manila harbour is completed 350 acres of accrued soil will have been added to the limits of the city, one hundred and forty acrds ot which will be in the limits of breakwaters now constructing, and will forniaa list base fur the ereat<on of
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  • 507 5 Thp Taojong Pagar Dock Co Recreation Club spread itself pretty well on Saturday last when it gave its first anniversary smoker at the Town Hall. Mr. W. P. waddell occupied the chair. There was a big attendance and matters from first to 'last went splendidly. In
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  • 266 5 AN INTIKEBTING I'AI'KK. Simla, July 22.- A striking paper by Major Q. Burton appears in the July number of the Journal of the United Service Institution published here to-day. It describes tUe wave upon wave of invasion which has swept over India from the West, beginning
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  • 147 5 For Singapore. Per P. A h. s. India, eonutv iiiK with the steamer Billaarat at Colombo, from London July '.'4, due 2.Srd Augt RearAd irsl the Hon Asbton U Curio C.V.0., CB CM Q., Mr. W. Bain, Mr. E Bt. I. Lnwson. Per VI. M. g.g. Awitralirn
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  • 62 5 Rbar-Admikal Curzon-Howe is a very fortunate officer. He only vacaled the second command of the Channel Fleet in the middle of June, and he has already been provided with another post, that of second in command on the China Station, in which he succeeds Rear Admiral Grenfell. Rear-Admiral Curzon-Howe completed
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 141 5 Something Worth Reading. Mr. B, SA-if'. Ftl-fTf llllli Road, l.ivton, ataMßi mttM "My wife was troublod for a long time with pain in the tide; mndtnal avtsistonce «ns employed in \.iin. After using only half the contents of a bottle ef Little's Ohikntai. Balm, this mated} *m removed in few
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    • 155 5 Mr. O. O. Johnson, Loomis, Neb., January 12, 1899, writes: ''1 have used Jayne's Expectorant for the last thirty years, and believe it to he the best cough remedy known." The Singapore Dispensary. Sole agentsfortheStraitu Settlements Don't Fool With It. IT will not do to fool with a bad cold.
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    • 472 5 Volunteer Conversazione S. V. A., S. R. E. (v), and S. V. R. WILL UK HUH AT THE DRILL HALL By Bfraissiw tf thf Ofirtr OraaaM'iiis, 111 Saturday, August 15th, 1903, at 9 p.m ADMISSION Volunteer* 1 member- of tbe above) may introduce Ladies as gueate. Ladies' Ticket" may be
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    • 228 5 NOTICES. KEYSTONE-ELGIN! WATCHEB Durahla ar>U Aeeurata l /'^V < The Keystone Wttcb Case Co. a*t»Mi.h*4 ISM f~ t r aUaoelfMa. U.S. A. AMERICA'S OLDEST AND i gICUw- i\ LARBEST WATCH FACTORY W? £/jt*'M Th Principal W»t«h Daslara In MtraiU Srttlrmont HOTEL CECIL Corner of Anson Road and Bernam Street, No.
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    • 501 5 AUCTION SALES. TO BUILDERB. AUCTION SALE OF 50 SQUARED HARDWOOD LOGS (suitable for building purposes) 49 TEAK SLEEPERS 6' 6 x 9 x6' At the Reclamation Ground near Fort Palmer. On Tuemiay, Uth August, at >:Mpm. To be sold for account of concerned. H. L. COOHLAN A CO., 10-8 Auctioneers
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 157 5 DAY BY DAY. Monday, 10th August. High Water. 11.36 p.m. Coronatio- Day Kept. Puhlio Holiday. Rowing Club Regatta. 8.V.R., S.V.E. Co. Drill. .V15. 8.V.A. Signalling. 8.30. L.L.T.C. Tournament. Optional Play. Shakespearian Recital. Town Hall. 9. Tuesday, nth August. Hi>th Water. 7i.i4 p.m. Sipiau Company Meeting. 18. International Football. I'erak Races.
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  • 332 6 Sir Alexander Swittinham does not seem to be encountering a career of untramelled peace in British Guiana Truth notea that a large number of the inhabitants of that colony have forwarded a memorial to Mr. Chamberlain protesting against their being taxed to provide coolies for sugar planters.
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  • 384 6 The fact that the quartermaster department of the Army in the Philippines is compel led to purchase coal to the amount of $1,000,1)00, gold, a yearshould emphasize, id the opinion of the Monila lnnen, the importance of prospecting and exploiting the coal lands of those lands. The
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  • 173 6 It is a notorious fact that in certain part.B' of the United States no very weighty reasons need be offered when asking tho law to separate those whom God hatli pined together," and we have in time to time given in this column sM't-rimen ca«es in which
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 22 6 8 i.rPTNG advertisements, with dates of 'ailing etc., will be found on page 7. General shipping news is printed on jpage 8.
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    • 210 6 NOTICES E N O'^^ HEALTH GIVING. COOLING, ITT REFRESHING. AM) INVIGORATING. j^ A I SOLD BY CHBMISTS. *c EVERYWHERE. eOLEMAN'S A delicious beverage and tonic made from choice wines, Liebig's Extract of Meat, and Extract of Malt. Over 6,000 Testimonials reoeivad from the Modioal Profession of the United Kingdom. WINCARNIB
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    • 693 6 NOTICES. Singapore and Kranji Railway. From July' 16th, 1903, and until further notice.' WEEK DAYS. SUNDAYS. DOWK :DO-*rtr3ST. AM. A.M. A.M. A.M. PM. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M AM. AM. A.M. A.M. PH. P.M. P.M P.M. P.M Singapore rf..700 7.45 10.00 11.30 12.80 30:? 4.10 6.15 8.40 ..ti.'iO 7 .*0 9.20
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 745 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. rrniE Staadar.' Assannoß. J. Norwich Union Kue Insurmos Boci»tj. A.tlas Annnuioe Company (Fire). ITie E<iui'Abie Life Aaranuuw Society. Hie China Mutual Steam Navigation Comp»n/ Hie Tottenham Lager Beer Company. /or wuticuUrt of tLeoe Companies tee ths all a£ert£ement of THE B&RKKO COMPANY.LIMITED. A Rent* STEAMSHIP COMPANIES.
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    • 1260 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, Koninklijka Paketvaapt Maatschappij. Under contract witb tbe Netherlands India liovern j?isoi. ■><• at Singapore- SHIP AOBXCT, LATB J. DABNDBLS 00., t-*. OOT.f,T«* Qw«» -he undermentioned dates are only appro* "naw. Steamer From Expected Will be Untpf-cried for Maha Vajimnhis Penang Augt 7 Palembang Augt 8 G. O. Daendels
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    • 680 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. HorddentoCtißr Lloyd, Bremen Coast Lines, STEAMERS OF THE OOABT FLEET. Tons Reg. Tors Reg. Stettin 2478 Phra Nang IrJOS Petchaburi 2l»l Machev 1600 tSandakan 'Jill PhraC. Klao 1668 Borneo L'loo P.ChulaC.IC. 1668 KohHchnng 4)40 Deli 1394 PiUanulok sJoli< Taichiaw l.V.n Pahnan 2001 Kong Beng 1369 Tanglin 1994 Mnngkut
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    • 601 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIPS Compagnl* Ou M«mg«pi«i Maritimea De Franue. Tblmeapbio Aodbbm: Mbmagbsii. Sibgapobb. Ibe mail steamers will leave Singapore an or aooat tbe undermentioned dates. OUTWABD. HOHBWABD. Dates. Dates 1908 IWS Salatie Augt 17 Yarra Augt 17 A**tralien Augt 81 CaUdonienkMJS 31 Annam Sept 14 SaUuie Hept 14 E. B\mons Sept
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    • 842 7 INSURANCE COMPANIES. IT H t PHdNIX AlillijJtANCJt J. COMPANY OF LONDON. {EiTinuu id a. D 178*.) Ths undeni^rned. Agouti for tb* sbova Oos*> panj, are preparnd to aooept Fire Huk§ at tat) current rate* in Singnpont, and also in Joocre sad the other Statm in th» HkJar TwinroU BTI EN
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    • 1431 8 Under this heading the following abbreviation* are used str.— steamer sh.— •hip bq. barque sch. schooner; Yet. Yacht:Cru. Cruiser; Obi.— (lunboat; Tor. Torpedo; H.p. Horse-power; Brit. British U. B.— United States Feb.— French Ger.- -German; Dut. -Dutch; Oc.--Oeneral-cargo; d.p. deck passenger; U Uncertain; I, f W— Tanjong
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    • 577 8 Name, port, probable date of arrival and namf of ageni*. Stbamkrs. m A. Exelmuns. Marseilles, Aug M. Couite. Agamemnon, Liverpool. Aug 81; Mansfield Alboin, Bombay, Aug; Borneo Coy. Alting, Souratiaya. Aug 24 Daendels. Annam, Colombo. Sept 14 M. Maritimes. Aparima. Calcutta, Aug 12: Boustead Arabia. Hongkong. Aug 22;
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    • 101 8 M AILS CLOSE. For Per iteamer Time. To-Morrow. Zamboangs, etc., Pntavi 9 am Sarawak Apenrad* Noon. Ku^ntan4 K'>lnntan H. Whn'l Hin 2 p.m. Penang and Deli Hebe 3 p.m. Rangoon 4 Calcutta Taroba 3 p.m. Bangkok Tolv 4 p.m. Bangkok B. Seng Ottan 4 p.m. Pulo Laut and Cot ie
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    • 134 8 M AILS TO ARRIVE. From Europe—By the N'.D.L. s.s. Bayrn due on the 14th August, T.ith dates to the 21st July. From China—By the N. D. L. s. s. fVi»u Heinrich due on the lith August. Left Singa( July 1st July 1st July wti July^Oth Jul/14tb JuJrV 16th July 20th
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    • 297 8 M H.Ai. 5 VssBßL's Name. Tons. Captain From Sailbd Coisiassss. Q Rio. Aug 8 Emile Dut str 80 Nacodah Rhio \uu h (Juan Hoe Bee 8 Eridan Fch str 926 Queirolo Saieon Vug 6M. Maritime* 8 Hop Bang Brit str. 1359 Hay Hon^ong Aug 1 Boustead and Co. 8
      297 words
    • 148 8 Date. Vessel's Name. Flag A Rio. Tons. I>I3TI NATION. Aug 9 J. B. Adr Kessler 8 Pin Sen* 8 Hook Ho 8 I'outiAQak 8 Medan 8 Ban Whatt s, on 8 Giang Bee 11 Pataoi 10 Poh Ann 11 Apenrade 10 Mathihte 10 > Maba Vajirunhis 10 Penang 10
      148 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 53 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co. JEWELLERS and SILK MERCHANTS, 51-52, HIGH STREET. Have just received fresh goods* such as Grass Linen for Dresses and Blouses. Chinese embroidered Costumes, Chinese Coats and Petticoats, Silk Lace Colors, Insertions, Silk Lace Jackets, and Silver-ware, useful for Wedding and Birthday presents. iisrsFECTioisr kindly solicited.
      53 words
    • 222 8 New Stock Offered at Sale Prices SUNSHADES and UMBRELLA DEPT. CONTAINS AN IMMENSE ASSORTMENT KRO M THE LEAST EXPENSIVE TO THE MOST ELABORATE. LADIES' SUNSHADES ALL COLOURS IX STOCK $2.00, 2.25, 2.50, 2.75, 3.00, 3.25, 3.50, 3 75, 4.25, 4.50, 5.00, $5.50, 6.25, 6.50, 7.25, 8.50, 9.50 10 50, 11.50,
      222 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 75 8 WEATHER REPORT. Knndanp Kerbau Honpital, 10th Aug, 1903. Spm.yp.m. Rs masks. Bar ..29.933 29.8 i6:29.9i5! Morning Temp 80.0 78.0 78.5 in WB'fbTher 77.0 76.S 77 0 at 8 o'clock, DirofWindj east east Oalm.iand at interMax. Temp, b 6.0 vals during Mm 70.2 the after Max. in Sun 143.4
      75 words
    • 33 8 WEATHER TELEPRftir. (K. E. A. A C. Teirgraph Compuny.) 10th Av<:r8T BONiiKONO.Barometer 29.94. Direction of Wind 8.8 W. Fore* of Wind 1. Mai. Temp in Shade 72. MANILA 761 W. 1. 29. 2«.
      33 words