The Straits Times, 7 August 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. ai.aoo SINGAPORE, FRIDAY. AUGUST 7, 1903. PRICE 15 CENT*
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 676 1 CLAYMORE WHISKY. NOTICE. In consequence of the rise In Exchange, a reduction of 1O offpresent prices will be made from this date. Powell Robinson. a.c. NOTICE. ALBERT L. A. Daley begs to infoim the public tbat he has now in stock oak polished elm c< ffln«, fitted with best electro
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    • 651 1 Supplied to the State Hospitals of the Federated Malay States _j- f o J^^^ScSSSSl^S^^^Sm ASK YOUR STORE KEEPER' FOR K%« sweete«»"3j5 weete«» "3j "SLEDGE" BRAND. ■BKV V^l 1 STERILIZED MILK ■K^SSl^^t Invaluable in the House, ICKNESS OR HEALTH. Don't be put ofil See that you get what you ask ior
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    • 560 1 NOTICES. '•(i RAIN!) r-'KIX," PARIS, iqoo. BB A| rffe i or Hiifbett Qnaßtj awl hi»in« OnuOW. Durability, are therein: v W0 chfapfst. Vkm II U CENTRAL HOTEL, Fitted with firet class accommodation, overlooking Fytche Square Garden, near to the Banks, Offices, Market, and the Stations. All the catering is under
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  • 1612 2 A Glimpse at the State of Kelantan Most men engaged in bueinasd at Hingapore, buying and Belling eummodities that are gathered from every nook and corner of the Peninsula and neighbouring islands, would feel slightly nettled if a stranger were to suggest that their knowledge of the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 508 2 NOTICES. Humber Cycles THE Standard of Excellence. Latest Catalogue, on appplication to BORNEO Co., Ltd. BRITISH LAGER BEER BREWED AND BOTTLED BY IND COOPE Co., Burton-on-Trent. THIS BEER IS BREWED FROM PURE MALT HOPS 6 doz. pints or tdoz. qonirta $l£j> per case. OF ALL DEALERS. IMPORTED BY BORNEO Co.,
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    • 251 2 NOVICES. Powell Robinson's Annual Cash Clearance Sale 10 DAYS ONLY. COMMENCED 3rd J^ugust. A Genuine Sale A Genuine Sale A Genuine Sale All Goods Reduced 33^3 per cent. Special Bargains Special Bargains STRAW HATS at $1.40 each USUAL PRICE $2 50 each. STRAW HATS at £2.20 each USUAL PRICE $3.25
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    • 346 2 NOTICES. CHAMPAGNE "LOUIS ROEDERER Extra Dry and C«rte Blanche The old, well-known brand. BRINKMANN 6" CO.. Importer*. Rstail at Mnsu. CHBNQ A Co., HIGH BTRBKT. LIQUID^ FUEL (Petroleum Residue) Lar^re stocks always on hand. 82/6 (Thirty-two shillings and sixpence) per ton f o. b. in bankers at FRESHWATER ISLAND (PULO
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  • 231 3 The British Consul :it Copenhagen, in bie> report on the trade of Denmark tor \W2, remark* that the business i-srried on by the enterprising Bast Asiatic Company during 1002 was most daiislactory, and iv spite of low freight*, which appear to have been universal, the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 90 3 Croupy Children. IF your ehiloien nre tiubject to cronp, watch lor the 'iret sj m (.torn of the disease— lioarertiers. If Chamberlain's CVi.kli Jitmeny it given as soon as the ih.ld ij.<'< ni*s hearse, the attack can be averted Even after the croupy caugb lias api mrtd. the attack can
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    • 369 3 NOTICE^ GRIMAULT* C° Medicinal Skin Soap nr^x T^n 1 Orimault c- 149% MEDICINAL BKIN^SOAP ;■s?. Recommended by eminent Dermatologists and adopted in the Paris Hospital* In the treatment of Ringworm, Acne, Psoriasis, Eczema and Skin diseases generally. RUE VIVIENNE, 8 Pa«vx>le» MOTOR CARS WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO BU PPLY
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    • 607 3 BANKS. HONGKONG AND BHANGUAJ BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-OP CAPITAL $10,000.0 ix REBEKVE FUND.Sterling Resei-ve_slo,i)i)o,Uoo «iAf«, Siiver &e»erve....s 6,600,000/ IoWOOW RESERVE LIABILITY OF\ ..nnnnnrr PROPBIETOBB. j..aiu.i««M"», Court or Dikkctoks. A. J. Batmond, Ksq,— Chairman. ■<!. H. i .imkins. E»q Dkputv Chairmah. W, H. Slade, Esq. H. Schcb^kt, Esq. Hon. C. W. Dicuon
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    • 717 3 NQTUffg. WAN TED- An Eurasian to act m night oversew on the Bundi Tin minps. Apply to Oathrie 4 Co., Ltd, Agents. a c. ~WANTED. FOX n tank intt*Untion near Singapore, a Eurasian clerk, quick at figures. Good ealary to competent man. Apply to P."c/O Strati Timet. WANTED. /CHINESE; salesman
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    • 581 3 I NOTICES. TTOB SALE,— Saigon Lymph, gurutMil IP tr-»h, at the OrowD Dispensary, W Htligle Rotd. ox. FOR HALE. 4"INE i rown mare gelding with saddle \J complete. Price moderate. Apply to T. H. G. c/o BtraU* Time*. 17-9 FOR SALE. TT ANIWOME bay gelding with full aiws II victoria
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    • 607 3 SHIPPING INDOCHINA BTKAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED. FOR HONGKONG. kpHE Company's steamer LA I BANG, M. 3,469 toot, Capt Courtney, having left Calcutta on the Ist inst., may b# expected to arrive here on or about the Bth idem, vni will have prompt despatch for the above port. For freight or
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  • 607 4 The Straits Times PRICK 15 CENTS. FRIDAY, 7th AUGUST. Naval manoruvree upon an unprecedented scale" in waters so crowded with shipping of all kinds as those lying between Berehaven, County Cork, and Madeira, are expensive things to the British taxpayer as well as somewhat perilous ones. But the utility of
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  • 240 4 Visitors to the late Federal Conference nil appreciate tbe following announcement that appears in tbe Malay Mail Auction Sals In connection with the Federal Conference. To be sold by Auction on Saturday, Anßuat 8, at 2 p.m.. In the Conference Hall, All that very desirable messuage known as The Coates'
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  • 194 4 A crying evil here in connection with servants that arising from outsiders frequenting their quarters at night— has proved to be so unbearable at Hongkong that it has had to be dealt with by law. The other day, the Attorney-General of that Colony moved in the Legislative Council the first
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  • 6 4 To-day's 4/ms bank rate is 1/10.1.
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  • 18 4 Mr. W. E. U. Urovk', tbe popular Chief Police Officer, is going to Malacca on a short, holiday.
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  • 19 4 The shipping and the import and export offices will be open from 10 to 11 a. m. on Monday.
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  • 20 4 A picket from the Manchester Regiment has beeu doing sentry duty at the Criminal Prison during the last few days.
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  • 26 4 An arrangeniei.'. lihs been made been by which the B. V. I. can drill at Tanglin with the Manchester Regiment if they choose to do so
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  • 25 4 A ciaARETTk Smoker will be given in the TanglinClub on Tuesday 11th inst. at 9 p m. Members may obtain tickets from the Honorary Secretary.
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  • 26 4 Tbi Emperor of Japan has contributed 1,000 yen to the Welcome Society which is staled to have rendered valuable services to 10,000 foreign visitors to Japan.
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  • 26 4 'A Japanese has been arrested in Shanghai for changing one-rouble notes which were counterfeit. Altogether the police have obtained posoessi on oi 164 of these notes.
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  • 25 4 It is reported that a Belgian Company has recently applied to the Chinese Government for sanction to construct an electric tramway between Peking and Tientsin.
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  • 30 4 The annual review of the trade of India shows China to be India's second best customer. The export distribution figures show China's percentage to be 12.6 J apan's was 4.6
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  • 32 4 On Monday next, the Ravings Bank, Money Order, and Parcel Post Branches of the Past Office will be closed The General Post Office and the sub-post offices will close at 1 p.m.
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  • 28 4 At Hongkong, on the 25th July, General Gascoigne, the Officer Commanding the Troops presented South African war medals to the Ist Battalion rinerwood foresters, now in garrison there.
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  • 33 4 No A Pong was yesterday tery disagreeably surprised when Mr. Wilkinson ordered him to pay a fine of SlO fur trying his athletic skill by (retting off a railway train while in motion.
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  • 33 4 The German mail steamer Print Btinrieh, having left Hongkong on the 6th instant at noon is due here on Tuesday at 7 am, and will probably be despatched for Europe the same afternoon.
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  • 39 4 The Shire line steamer Pembrokeshire was floated out from the Internal "«1 Dock at Shanghai at two o'clock on the 2oth July. The temporary repairs were held to be sufficient to enable her to risk the voyage to Hongkong.
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  • 42 4 A new paper is to be established in Hongkong in January next, to known as the Morning Post of South China. The Kobe Chronicle understands it is to b« edited by a journalist at present engaged on one of the Yokohama journals.
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  • 48 4 On the 2.5 th ult., one Pakiri managed to effect the theft of a watch and chain, the property of Lee. Cor pi F. Watson nt Tanglin Barracks. It was traced to him, prosecution followed and ao interview with Mr. Wilkinson resulted in his incarceration for two months.
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  • 46 4 A big land deal is reported from Hongkong. The warehouse property in occupation of Messrs. Shewan. Tomes A Co., and other offices changed hands to a Chinese purchaser at $200,000 He, four days after, completed tbe re-sale of the same property at a profit of 920,000.
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  • 65 4 In honor of the Coronation of the Pope, it has been arranged that the Te Uevm be sung in all the Roman Catholic Churches of the diocese either in the morning or in tbe afternoon. In the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd, the special service will be at 5 o'clock
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  • 52 4 It will be seen from a notice appearing elsewhefto in to-day's issue thatftne N.C.O/8 and men of the Singapore Volunteer Infantry unit of the Coronation Contingent will give a dinner to their officers at the Hotel Den Indes on Saturday next. The function is in celebration of the anniversary of
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  • 73 4 This morning, a purchaser asked a vegetable seller at one of tbe markets for two catties of cucumber and, so be says, received about a catty and a quarter. He objected and wished to hand the seller over to the police. The market Inspector interfered to prevent this. The aggrieved
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  • 77 4 The Singapore Polo Club is holding a Gymkhana meeting at Raffles Reclamation Ground on Saturday 15th August, when eight events in all will take place, and we are asked to h.die that all events are open to members of the Sporting Club. Entries for these should be made to the
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  • 76 4 The following passengers arrived yesterday per s.s. Coromaniel. From Shanghai -Miss F Adelaide, Miss A. Adelaide. From Yokohama— Mr. Hawley*. From Hongkong— Mr. K. Hughes, Mr. H. Hirsehler, Mr. S. Hirsehler, Mr. Ray. The following passengers were booked to leave by the <'oromandel this morning For London Mrs. Siddons. For
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  • 146 4 Great excitment has been raging among the sikhs at Blakan Mati since the arrival of the Malay States Guides, who had been formally challenged to a tug-of-war by No. 2 Company of the Hongkong, and Singapore Artillery. Feeling is said to have been high in
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  • 151 4 Ruddock-Sellars. Thkrk was a pretty wadding at St. Andrew's Cathedral yesterday afternoon, when Mr. M. C. Ruddock, the Superintendent of the E. E. A. and C. Telegraph Company was married to Miss Sellars, a young lady who arrived from home a few days since. The ceremony was conducted by
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  • Reuter's Telegrams .
    • 25 4 A Big Scheme. London oth AugvM The naval manoeuvres will begin on an unprecedented ncale and will extend from Berehaven to Madeira.
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    • 27 4 The House of Lords has read the London Education Bill the third time Tbe Sugsr Convention Bill has passed through Committee in tbe House of Commons
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    • 58 4 Attitude of the Italian Government The Coronation of the Pope is fixed for Sunday. The Pope not having < ommnnicated the news of his election to the Italian Government, Signor /anardelli, the Premier has instructed the Italian State officials not to take part in the festivities to
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    • 34 4 6th Augutt. The Turkish Government, in a Not* to the Powers, declares that it .is impossible to withdraw the troops from Macedonia, and describes the situation there as very serious.
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    • 53 4 A Three Hours' Fight. Serious strike riots have broken oat at Lorient in France. The mob stoned and then stormed the Court where a striker was being tried. Upon this, the mob attacked the cavalry and gendarmes, who had to be reinforced with artillery. The lighting lasted
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  • 60 4 Thi band of the Ist Manchester Repiment will perform in the Botanical Gardens from 9 to 10 o'clock this evening. The following is the programme 1. March Kigarita Italians Trencher. 2. Waltz Naturoanger Ziehlar. S. Beleetion Toreador Ivan Caryll. 4. Cake Walk..Kunnin Kaffira Rubens. 5. Morceau
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  • 207 4 Ties for To-day. UMSt MOUBLIIfi. Urn. Waddell sad Mm. Somerville v. Mr* Ssander* and Mrx. Kutiertion. MIXED DOUBLK-; (UK Mi> ('hrintie and Mr Tsyleur Mr. and Mn. L&nghani-Carter. MIXED DOUBLE* 'fl CLASS. Mis* Abrarao and Mr. Brown Mr*. Wreford and Mr. Ollifle. Mim Newton and
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  • 103 4 Mr. W. H. Friz. cli. asks us to acknowledge the following contributions to this Fund. At ount previously acknowledged $9,7H1.W> Messrs. Kelly <k Walsu Ltd 10 T.HeM.B. 10 A R. .10 W. H. 8. 10 AD. 10 A. B. 10 Messrs. G. Otomunn <t Co. .10
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 599 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. V)rade Yes, that's the Game, So long as were PREFERRED. The Australian Stores Work to be PREFERRED. Thompson Thomas Co. 'Phone Call No. 39. WASSIAMULL, ASSOMULL CO., Indian Store. No. 1, 2, 3, &4, High Street. JUST RECEIVED, FREBH GOODS FROM OHIXA A JAPAN. Grasscloth Embroidered Goods, and
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    • 139 4 O. R LAMBERT 9 CO., Photographers. opn: OrMham Boom, (Battery Road.) On Weekdays only, 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Orchard Road. On Weekday*, 8 a. m. to 6 p. ra. Oa Sunday*, 8 a. m. to noon. Appointments (or sitting* should be made if possible beforehand. We beg
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    • 27 4 CHILDRRN BEG FOR IT. Stkakns' Wins makes them bright, and rosy-cheeked, and at this season oi the year it is the ideal Nutrient Tonic for the young.
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    • 65 4 I have been using JayneV Expectorant for the past thirty years.' During that time I have cured myself as well as the member* of my family, of some very severe Cold*. I consider it the very best and safest rernedv made for the relief of all pulmonary troubles.— P M.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 1415 5 To th* Editor of the Strait* Time*." Sir, Still harping on one frayed string a string that, seemingly, can emit no melody I turn to the discussion of law, the handmaid of justice, in the Native States. Have not the States been in conference
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    • 140 5 To the Editor of the Straits Times." Dear Sir,— With reference to your paragraph in yesterday's paper regarding space booked in the s s. Inaba Maru for Japan we beg to inform you that the rice is still in Singapore, that the shippers received instructions rot
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    • 261 5 Fob some time past Pilot J. Thompson, residing at 287, Campong Bahru Road, has been missing small sum*- of money from his Chubbs' safe. On Wednesday,- he had $130 arranged in thirteen piles of ten each. He marked thirteen Mexican dollars and placed one on each
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    • 1332 5 There has been quite a slump in local cricket during the past week no match being played on the Esplanade either on Saturday or Monday. Mr Dunman, however, did not allow the game to be quite lost sight of and by taking a team to Seremban afforded a
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  • 195 5 T^as first of the series of recitals of Shakespeare's plays to be given by Mr. and Mrs. Hannibal Williams will take place this evening in the upper room of tbe Town Hall at nine o'clock. The gnat love-tragedy Romeo and Juliet" will be interpreted by Mrs.
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  • 123 5 During Wednesday night, the godown No 34, Robinson Road, now being occupied by Messrs. Gosling Co. was burglariously entered and about 50 boxes of cigars. 13 pipes and some matches taken. Yesterday, Ug Chwee, an itinerant cigar vendor was seen smoking a pipe which raised suspicion, and on
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  • 44 5 A school for teaching the English language to native and Chinese children at Ratavia, under Mr. Woodford, has juat passed a Government inspection creditably. It has 170 pupils, and has made such progress that the Netherlands language has been added to the teaching course.
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  • 29 5 THE P. O. MAIL. Thk P. 6. 0. mail steamer Clihslleft Penang at 6 p. m. yesterday and if expected to arrive here at 6 o'clock to-morrow (Saturday morning.)
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  • 267 5 By Majox E. G. Bboadrick, Acting Commandant, s. v. c. Singapore, 7th Amjust. V. C. Captain H. K. Baker 13th M. I. Adjutant 8. V. C, haa been granted leave of absence from 27th July 1903 to 27th September, 1903. S. V. A. Orderly Officer for
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  • 612 5 SuraArou, 7th Auqcst, ltos. PRODUCE. Qwabier 18 Copra B»ll 7.0H do Pontiana* 8 274 Pepper, Black buyer* 83 SO do White, (8%) 61.00 Sago Floor Sarawak 3.70 do Brunei No. 1 4.U0 Pearl Sairo 8 »> Coffee, Ball, 15% batto 16 SO Coffee, Palem bang, !»*<baiite_ 27.00 Coffee, Liberian
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 114 5 A Strong Statement. pHAHBERLAIN'S COLIC AND niARKIKEA REMEDY has been the means of saving more human lives and relieving more pain and suffei ing than any other medicine in the wold There are thousands of homes that always keep a bottle in their medicine chests, for there is no telling
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    • 281 5 A Startling Revelation. People who have battled for years against the tortures of Rheumatism, and have spent fortunes in a vain effort to find relief may be glad to hear that a remedy has been introduced which has effected thousands of wonderful cures in long standing cases of this dire
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    • 231 5 PRICES OP NEW PROVISIONS AT IfALISTER ud (Vi SISfiAPORE, eta. Best Family Silt Beef p<r Ib. 40 Prime C-U foruUn Salt Beof per Ib. 90 B<*t Salt Po k p-r Ib. 40 Finest Midlothian Hams per Ib. ftO Small Hams spe'ially imported, weighing from Alba, uptotflbe... per Ib. 66 Beat
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 178 5 DAY BY DAY. Friday. 7th August High Water. 10.0 p m. S.C.C. Football. 8.V.A. Lecture. 6.15. 8.V.R..8.V.E. Recruit* Drill. 5.16. Induction Service. Prinsep Church I I". L.L.T.C. Tournament. 8.C.C. Bowling. Shakespearian Recital. Town Hall. 9 Town Band Esplanade. 9. Manchester's Band at Gardens. 9. Saturday, 8th August. High Water. 11.8
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  • 658 6 KrRTHER Reminiscences of Interport Cricket appear in the China Mail from the pen of .1. A. L." After touchink; upon the necessity of practice before all matches (but not before members of other teams) the writer proceeds In the matter of fielding, Hongkong, in my time, was always
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  • 146 6 spkcial dispatch from the LonUon mi to tlie New York Tribune dated 19th ult. pays that a deeplaid and powerful plot to dethrone the King of* Portugal lias been discovered. The heads of the designed usurvalion are high political leaders olaac lo the throne and prominent officers of
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  • 19 6 BnPflM advertisements, with dates •«f bailing etc will be found on page 7. Omen) shipping news is printed on
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 90 6 Drivers and Firemen All Agree. A LI. of my Customers," writes Will J\_ StepheiiKon, of Hamilton, N.9.W., UUIIBMU in their praise of ChnmIterlikin'n romedieH. The drivers and firemen on the northern line all agree that no duty box is complete without bottle of Chamberlain'" Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhiea Kerne ly."
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    • 251 6 NOTICES J Restaurant. M. van VOijk. ORCHARD ROAD. TELEPHONE NO. 726. OPPOSITE FORMER BUILDINGS. RE-OPENED. Roomy, airy saloons for Tiffins and Dinners. The whole day dishes a la carte," all kinds of Beverages Ice-creams, Boda-creams, Cocktails. Tiffin $1. Dinners $1 .50. Arrangements per month at very moderate rates. The undersigned
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    • 642 6 NOTICES. Singapore and Kranji -Railway. From July i6th, 1903, and until further notice. •WEEK DAYS. SUNDAYS. JDOXVie DOWN A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M AM. AM A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. Singapore d. 700 7.46 10.00 11.30 12.30 IJOi' 4.10 5.15 6.40 ..6.30 7 .f0
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 744 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. rE Btandar? Awamae*. Norwich Union Vo9 Inaonoo* Bounty. Atlas Aimtranoe Company (Fire), rhe E.iui>»V.« Life AwuraJJOn Society. The Chin* Mutual Steam Navigation Company The Tottenham Lajrer Boer Company. PANT, LIMITKD Ag«nt». STEAMSmP_jCOM^N l ES. p a Steam Navigation 0. Coy. FOR ClllVi. J VPIN, PEY4*«. t'EYLOV
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    • 709 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijke Paketvaart Ma»t«chappij. Under uuntract with tne Netherlands India fe»u*srna?ent. <■«•• at SUujavnrtt: BBIP AOB9OT, LATB J. DasWDBIA A 00.. 3-ft, CottTM* Qhat. i he undermentioned dates are only approximate. >J«B»m»' From Expected Will be IMsp^'ched for:— Maha Vajirunhit Penang Augt 7 Palembang Augt 8 O. O. Daendsls
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    • 686 7 Austrian Lloyd's Steam Navigation Company. Dhdbr Mail Contract with thb acbtriam gotbbnmbmt. The following are the dates on which the Company's steamers may be expectec to arrive and sail from here: Odtwakd. Homkwabj). 1903. Arrives. 1903 Sails. IKrth Frant i "Marquis Ferdinand Sept. 6 Baoquehtm Sept 1 I Via Hongkong
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    • 606 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Sorddeutscner Lloyd, Bremen Coast Lines. 1/ BTEAMEKB OP THE OOAST FLKET. loss Keg. Tom Beg. SUttin -J47H i'hra Nang 1603 PtteKabun 2191 Maehew 1600 HantUikan 2111 Phru C. Kino 1668 Borneo 2100 P.ChulaC.K. 1668 KohncKano 2040 Deli 1394 PiUanulo* 2019 TatcWow 1860 Paibiam JOO4 ATo^ Bwy 1360 Tanglin
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    • 561 7 I INSURANCE CO.'f -CANTON INBUBANOE OFFICE V> LIMITED. Coital Subscribed. 13,800,™ Amount paid up 11)0^00. Head Oitoi, Hohgioks. rh« nntlarifned. having been appointed I Aganta of the aboro Company, an prvparad to I aooept Marine RUki at currant rate*. BOU3TEAD Co., Ageats. ROYAL INSTANCE COY. FIRE LIFE TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS
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    • 785 7 INSURANCE COMPANIES. Two Great Necessities. VIZ. 1. FAMILY PROVISION. 3. PROVISION FOR OLD AGE. I Easily and Economically nv-t by Policy ia THE BRlllSll BMPIKK MUTUAL Established 1847. Chairman The Right Hon'ble Sir John Gorst, M. P. Funds— Ra. 420,00,000 Claims Paid— Rs. 450,00,000 LAME MUSES LJBEUAL NBMB LOW PREIII'IB.
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    • 1201 8 I Jer this heading the following abbreviations are used str.— steamer sh.— •hip bq. barque sen. schooner; Yet. Yaebt;Cru.— Cruiser; Gbt.— Gunboat; Tor. Torpedo; H.p. Horse-power; Brit. British U. B.— United States Fch.— French Oer. -German; Out. -Dutch; U c. -Ocneralcvk > d.p. deck passenger: U Uncertain;
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    • 569 8 Name, port, probable date of arrival and name 0/ agenU. Stbamibs. A. Exelmans. Marseilles, Aug M. Comte. Abessinia, Hamburg, Aag 10; Behn Meyer Agamemnon, Liverpool, Aug 31; Mansfield Alboin, Bombay, Auk; Borneo Coy. Alicante, Manila, Aug 9; Barlow. Annum, Colombo, Sept 14 M. Maritime^. Aparima, Calcutta, Aug 10
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    • 107 8 For Per tteamer Time. To-Mobrow. Bangkok Korat 9 a.m. Kuantau A Tringganu Airui Hiiui 10 vm, P. Sham A Penang Pin Seng Noon. Indragiri Aing Ann Noon. Billilon A Pontianak B. Whatt Soon Noon. Bangkok Qata 1 p.m. Malacca Johore 2 p.m. Muar Far/alia 2 p.m. Rangoon A
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    • 152 8 FrotnJEurope— By the I'.AO. s. s. Ckwan due on the Bth -August, with date* to the 17th July From China— By the N. D. L. s. s. Print Heinrick doe on the 11th August. une I Mid N. 0. L. July 18th une 32nd M. M. July
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    • 150 8 Ang 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 VaesiL's Nami Flac; 4 Tons. Captain Rio. From Saihd Co«siqhuB. From I i t Ning Chow* Korana TarobH Andalusia' Venetia Coromandel Emile Mena Sultan Siak Pin Si-tic Brit str. 4894 Riley Aus str.' 2887 Colajio Brit «tr.
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    • 107 8 Dati. VkBBbl'i Name. Flag A Rio. Tons. Dmtinatioh. Ang Andalusia Qer atr. 5477 Paknam »vr. 1283 Van Imhefl Dot str. I*BB Emile itr. 80 Meaa »tr. 7« Sri Trinsganu «tr. gl 7 Ban F» Soon itr. an 7 Sarie Borneo «tr. > MA 7 Chow Phya n itr. 370
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 46 8 K. A. J CHOTIRMALL Co. JEWELLERS and SILE MERCHANTS, 51-62, HIGH STREET. On account of Exchange rising, we have reduced the prices of all our goods. Silk goods, Silver ware, all kinds of Indian, Chinese, Japanese goods, Japanese ma**ings, Carpets, &c. K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co.
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    • 324 8 ON FRIDAY. AND DURING THE FOLLOWING DAYS OF OUR ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE Plenty of Really Cheap Lines will be Thrown Out. GIRLS' COLLARS PEARL NECKLACES LADIES' STOCKINGS Girls' Swiss Embroidery Collars, in Very (harming in two and three row«, In White Lii>le Thread full fashioned White Trimmed Feather stitch to
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 93 8 WEATHER REPORT. Kmndang Rerbau Hotpttal. eth Aug, 1903. 9 a.m |3 p m.|9 p.m.|~B«MABO. Bar 29.9H)129.797|29.892! Moraine Temp 87.2 82.3 78.8 and day WB'lbTher HO.O 79.0 76.0 cloudy, rain DirofWind ak. east r.B. at noon, Max. Temp 67.6 nightcloudv Mm 74.6 Snn 146.4 Terr, rad 75.4 Rainfall .44 The
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