The Straits Times, 5 August 1903

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 21,198 •SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 5. 1908. PRICE 15 CERTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 761 1 CUYMORE WHISKY. Xsfje Straits V)imes. AM" TBde Straits budget ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLK IN ADVANCE. [per Inch, column measure. 1 Kmt insertion f 1 10 n;nt» Secoml and third inneruonteaeh iO cents Koin Hi, fifth, aiidxixth 40 cent» Seveiith to eighteenth 84 oents Nineteenth subsequent,, 16 eentr Per veek of six
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    • 441 1 Supplied to the State Hospitals of the Federated Malay States '^gTjTTTg.^^SjSm ABE YOUR STORE KEEPER FOR K^^l«T| "SLEDGE" BRAND. Nlv^^ *//jM sterilized milk IP /^^rw4\^l A:BSOXjT::r :i!?:E3i: V **XJJFLtt nV^^SP^^l Invaluable in the House, I C K IN t o o UR H l. A L T n. Don't "be
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    • 209 1 NOTICES. Ideal Milk Enriched 20 per cent. with Cream. f^E^l Sterilized -Not Sweetened. H?^"' wn "°%J Perfect Substitute for Fresh John Little Co., Ltd. OUT-DOOR GAMES, BADMINGTON. LAWN BOWLS. CROQUET. CRICKET BATS B CRICKET BAGS W CRICKET MATCH BALL» CRICKET PRACTICE BALLS S BATTING GLOVES T WICKET KEEPING GAUNTLETS j
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  • 1346 2 Piccadilly, I(MA July. The visit of President Lou bet is a thing of the past I Saver ha* London looked more tranquilly gay than during the last few days There was certainly no wild excitement, but there was a good deal of quiet enthusiasm over the President
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  • 531 2 In the HouHe of Commons, Mr. Kitchie moved the aeoind reading of the South Af ican Loan Kill and the War Contribuliuu dehite followed, wliicli lately turned on ibe Labom l^uestion. Mr. Cliamiierlain ilecUitxl that ao arrangement mixlit l>e reached between the Trarixvaal aril rulati\e tv tbe
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 755 2 NOTICES. MARYIW*B LI«UID_FUKL (Petroleum Residue) Lar^ stocks always on hand. 82/6 (Thirty-two shillings and sixpence) per ton f o. b. in bunkers at" FRESHWATER ISLAND (PULO BUKOUj opposite western entrance of New Harbour. The fuel is delivered through a v pipe capable of discharging 200 toi. per hour. The fuel
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    • 750 2 A POPULAR COMEDIENNE DISCUSSES STAOE PERILS. Blanche Har court, the popular magicball favourite, has lieen talking to a London paper ibout Stage PeriU. "fl»ars" of the t licit rioul world itre envied for their big s*lhries but (<ayn Mm Harcourt), "people little know the smuggles which their favoiniM artiste* have
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    • 94 2 Drivers and Firemen All Agree. 'i A LI. of my Customers," writes Will XX Stepheuson, of Hamilton, N.8.W., ''are unanimous in their prai««t of Cbamberiain's remedies. The drivers and firemen on tbe north <m line all agree that uo duty bos is complete wittfout a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera,
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  • 238 3 In Australia and South Africa. On. Sartbrday evening la»t, at the rooms of the Arab Club, the president .Sayid* Omar Alsagoff— the vice president Saith Abdul Kadir— and the members of the executive committee met Mr. Charles F. Sievwright, of Melbourne, Australia, for the purpose of bearing
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  • 572 3 Onkol the latest proclamations issued by the new Viceroy of the Kwang Provinces, says a Hongkong paper, is made with a view to preventing the export of water-buffaloes from Kwangsi. When the owner of one of these animals is short of ready money, and his only available asset
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  • 657 3 England m a long way off apd lift} three yuan is rather far in the pMt »tifl there are a few people among an abfe to recall whnt the old country wi> like in 18£0, the year of the incident to be related. At that time tb«re
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 80 3 Croupy Children. IF your children are oahject to croap, watch for the first >■_ in torn of the direase hoarsenefe. If Chamherlam's Oocgh Kemedy is piveu a» soon as the child becomes boHrse, the attack can be averted Even after the croapy ough has appeared, the attack can always be
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    • 123 3 HABAWAK Coal in g- od »upply at "SrooTretotr aadtafcasar"*'*" P">"» lef patch for bunk> ror cargo. For terms ipp y to John Hardic, Sarawak Govern ment Ageut, Labuan. nc. MOTOR CARS WE ARK MOW PREPARED TC SUPPLY BENZINE SYME CO. a f aftV I aR? 1 •^■Stit3Eaßflaflfl( i^aV I ?^F
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    • 875 3 NOTICES. Singapore Sporting ClubProgramme for the Autumn Race Meeting. 1903. October, 2Oth, 22nd, 24th. FIR8T~DAY. Tuetday, 20th October. THE MAIDEN PLATE.- Value «400. A Race (or Maiden Horses. Weight 9st. Entntoce flu. Distnnce. K THE FIRST GRIFFIN RACE.— Value |900, and $60 to the Second Horse, provided there are five
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    • 544 3 NOTICE?? noon on Haturday, 1Mb October, and $10 if declared after noon on the !Oth jtober, and bv 4.16 p.m. on the day of tbe Bacfi. Distance, 6 furlongs and 14* yards Note.— A penalty of 71b. it incurred by the winner of any race ran subsequent to the publication
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    • 614 3 NOTICE*. TIT ANTED a bookkeeper with know- 1 ▼V- Mg» of rtotfkaetylstf preWre*;. Apply B. Z. C/o-Wru/ff'WWß*. WANTED— Ad Eurasian to net as tight overseer on theßandiTin mines. Apply to Gntbrie A Co., Ltd, Agents. uc. I WANTED. FOX tank installation near Binp*pore, s Eurasian clerk, quick at n«ures. I
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    • 532 3 SHIPPWO iNDO-CHtNA BTBAM NA.VIGATIQB COMPANY, LIMITED. FOB HONGKONG. rpHK Company's steamer LAIBANO, M. 8.469 tons, Capt Courtney having left Calcutta on the Ist io*t., may be expected to arrive here on or about the Bth idem, %nd will have prompt despatch for the abore port. For freight or passage apply
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  • 90 4 DEATHS. (liikmvs. On tli- 16th Inly, at Kohe, llknkv .1 A MRS l!nK« \N, .'I I ■<! *on of the late Hknbv Jamks ii«R« v.N, YukohaiDa, a^ed 22 yean. MrMi'HHW <ii tip' ':trl July, at Nagasaki, David McMurray, l.tte Thief Sn^ineer, Imlci CliiiiH S N. Co., u,ImD a^ed 4o years.
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  • 1175 4 The Straits Times. PRICK 15 CEN TS. WEDNESDAY 5TH AUGUST. Cardinal S«rto— or, to give him hip proper title Pirn X, wa< born at Pies* near Treviso on June 2nd, 1838. He \f> Dot a man renowned in the history of to-day Cardinal Pecci was equally unknown to the world
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  • 7 4 m To-day'" 4/ips bank rats is 1/1(CV
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  • 8 4 The Strait* Budget will be published to-morrow morning.
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  • 8 4 The Americm cruisers left for Ma.iila this afternoon.
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  • 12 4 Thr homeward miil by the Okvtnp ulosee at 6 am on Friday.
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  • 12 4 The Russian authorities have now prohibited the export of cereals from Manchuria.
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  • 19 4 The Rev. W. Murray, MA. will hold a service at the Boustead Institute on Surday next at 7.45 p.m.
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  • 20 4 m Our London Letter will be found on page 2. Particulars about the tin market are contained in page 6.
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  • 21 4 Thi American stoker who deserted from one of the United State, cruisers on Monday nigbt has been arrested by the polios.
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  • 22 4 It is proposed to reduce the U. S. army of occupation in the Philippines from between 22,000 and 25,000 to 12,000 men.
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  • 23 4 Th« Tanjona Pagar Dock Co. recreation Club will hold it* first anniversary smoker at the Town Hall at 9 p.m. on Saturday nszt.
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  • 18 4 Thr Mexican and American Commission to discuss the Silver question will have conferences in Berlin, London and Amsterdam.
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  • 18 4 The American Conxul visited the United States cruiser Albany this morning and received the customary salute on Isaving.
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  • 21 4 Mb. Allan Hamilton, late of the Brough Company, is now managing J. C. Williamson's "Ah you like it company in Melbourne.
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  • 24 4 Two hundred an<i seventy-nine deaths were registered at Singapore during the week ending on the 25'h July. The ratio per thousand was 59 95.
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  • 24 4 The ne* currency was not issued in the Philippine on July 4th, because the fractional mintage had not been received from the Uuited States.
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  • 26 4 Thb next Volunteer Conversazione is set down for Tuesday, the llth instant. The arrangements ad to admission will be the same as upon previous occ<isio ns.
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  • 25 4 A special telegram from Constantinople to tne L melon rimes says that a plot to murder Ferdinand, the ruling Priuce of Bulgaria, has been discovered.
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  • 31 4 The British steamer Betty of Penaug, registered tonnage 113, was sold by auction at Powell and Co 'g saleroom yesterday for (10,000, the purchaser being Mr. Tan Chee Kong of Khio
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  • 30 4 Yesterday, Cnua Pou was prosecuted by the Post Office lor bringing two unstamped letters into the Colony trom tSamarang. He was fined by Mr. Peacock $50, in default two months
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  • 41 4 A Sydmkt paper says it is likely that a Hongkong company of ship-owners will run a line of fast steamers between Port Darwin and Port Arthur. A perfectly isolated port with a line of fast steamers running to it is noteworthy.
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  • 43 4 The death of Mr. D*«il Jackson, the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank manager at Yokohama, was from aneurism. He was a brother of Sir Thomas Jackson, the late Chief Manager, and leaves a widow. Mr. Jackson was only about 49 ■years "61 agsT ~~-~j
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  • 36 4 On Saturday, a postman named Abdullah was before Mr. Peacock for attempting to cheat the Japanese Consul by surcharging two letters to the extent of 12 cents. The defendant was sentenced to six months' rigorous imprisonment.
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  • 43 4 A telkoram from Kobe dated the 14th ult. says that Count Ito has accepted the Pre-idency of the Privy Council. This compels him to sever tne connections with all political parties. It is believed here that Viscount K ttaura will consequently remain Premier.
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  • 50 4 We are asked to state that the seating plans for the recitals of Koineo and Juliet on the 7th inst. and The T.uiiii>g of the Shrew on the I.oth mat. are now open at the Robinson Piano Co.'s premises, where patrons uaii exchange cards of admission for reserved seat tickets.
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  • 54 4 The race between the QUnshiel and the CuLchu from thina, resulted in the tiienihiet arriving at L m<lon at daylight on the 15th July, the Calch-u oeing then in tue English Channel. Tins gives the (ilens 1 an unbroken record of having delivered in L melon the first Foochow teas
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  • 113 4 On Monday, the A E. Sunday School children had their annual outing The Tanjong Pagar D.»ck Coy. with their uxutl generosity placed their launch Suiulu at the disposal of the party. About a hundred and twenty, all told, got on board early and a start wan made
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  • 122 4 THE STRANDED PALLS OF ET TRICK." As briefly staled in yesterday's issue, the Brit i»li four- masted barque Fall* of Mttrick, Captain W.lliains, la seriously ashore on Mia Windsor Rjck, near Anjer. I; seems she left Panarukan, Java, on July I6ib, bound for Del ware Biy with a cargo
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  • ■Renter's gelegraniß.
    • 39 4 London, 3rd Avgurt. A large party of members of the House of Commons will return the visit of the French Deputies, on the 25th November. Seventy M.P's have already accepted the invitation to do so.
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    • 16 4 The Hou«e of Lords has read the Irish Land Bill ihe second time.
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    • 26 4 Mr. Brodrick said in the House of Commons that ammunition poftseßning; greater stopping power than service ammunition has been sent to Somaliland.
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    • 89 4 Takes the Titls si Pius K. 4th A'igv«t. Cardinal Snrto has been elected Pops The Pope has assumed the name of Pius the Tenth. The scene at the announcement of the election wan moot impreftnive. The Pope blessed the people from the balcony of St. Peter's Cathedral.
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  • 96 4 THE H. AND S. BANK. The Hongkone Bank in the half year ending on the 3uth June made a net profit of 81,435.172. The amount f»r division was over inillidns. The directors recommend the raising ot the silver reserve fund to 96,000,000, and a ri tine off bank premise*
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  • 174 4 Ties for To-day. LAMCS* siNiil.lB. Mm. J D. Saund«i» v. Mr- G. M. PreetoD. MIXKU IHtL'BLRS. 'A CLABB. Mi— Salzmtiin iiuiV Mr. Hose v. Mr. and Mr* 'HraAiien.-^' Mr. and Mr.. K.-1..-n-..i, v. Mix I',,»t;« t«t (apt Sharpe. Mi> W.ul.lell and Mr. MacDougall v. Mr.
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  • 199 4 Wednesday. sth August. Hiiih Water. S 24 p.... S.V I. Munketrv. 5 15. Bible Society Meeting at Burntide. C.W.A. Kattie^ WirlV Srhool. 4. L. L.T.C Tournament. Town Band Eaplantule. H. Thursday, 6th \ugust High Water. 9.5 Ha.m 917 p.m. P. O. homeward mail due. Pledge Sale. Powell. 10. Prilling Machine
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  • 32 4 A RELIABLE REMED Y. Btkarns' Hbai.ache Core— has been used the world over for years. Always reliable— widely imitated, and aubstigutes offered. Alt Chemists supply the tenuine, when Steams' is asked for.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 895 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WASSIAMULL, ASSOMULL CO., Merchants, Si 'gapore. TeltpboM No. 146. TOttchonM, Blffh Street, No. 1, 3, 3 -i. Importers of •Ilk from India, China, and Japan. ALBO Bilverwar« and Curios from different parts of the WorM. W, lavlta Ihe attantlon ol tha public In general and laform them that
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    • 231 4 O. R. LAMBERT 9 CO., Photojfraphers. Mi! Oresbara Aonsc, (Batt«rv Road.) On WeKkdavs only, Ba. ro. to 6 p.m. Orcbarr) Roari. On Weekday s, H a. m to 8 p. m. On Hontia; s. n." to noon. Appointments for s 'tings shuald Umade if possible beforehand. We b«« to at
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  • 1516 5 THE SPORTING CLUB MEETING. The special general meeting of the Siugapore Sporting Club calif 1 at the requisition nf fifteen member* .took plane in the Kicliange yesterday afierDoon, I here ht inu a cinuilti] attendance. The Bmratary luvioß reud the notioa convening this inentinp[, announced tiiar the tirnt ilul> <•!
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  • 171 5 Mr. W H. Frizkll atks us to acknowledge the following donations to thiiFund Amquntprevioiwly acknowledged 18,941 60 Messrs. Brinkmam A Co. 25 Bar) >w Co. .26 Ctdonau A Co. -'■■> Dalraan A Co. 36 Hoor I and A Co. -'"> Hoiia A Co. Ltd. M Jaeger
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  • 592 5 LICHAUCO V. RILEY HARGREAVES CO. Jummknt was given this morning by Mr. Justice Hyndman Jones in the action brought by Mr Lichauco of Manila against Riley Hargreaves and Co. to recover damages for breach of contract to deliver certain steam launch machinery in Manila B»y The defen dants were the
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  • 129 5 OFFICERS IN TROUBLE. Calcutta, 17th July Telegraphic intelligence was received by the Calcutta police on Wednesday U»t 'mm tbe Superintendent of Police, Bangalore, directing the arrest nf Lieutenants Rickford and Plant of the EbSflx Regiment, stationed there, on a charge of cheating a local bank in respect of rs 500
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  • 42 5 KEPPEL GOLF CLUB. An eighteen hole match against Bogey was decided on Monday last. Ten members played, the first four being:— H. B. Salmond 8 Hep. 5 down. AX. Martin 14 6 J. M. Butt 14 7 J. H. D. Jones > 8
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  • 442 5 SHIPPING NEWS. Thk Tamba Maru on arrival from Yokohama on tbe Ist inst. discharged a portion of her cargo into lighten in the roads, as did the Nvmbtrg from Hongkong a day or too before. The cargo then discharged was sent to be warehoused at tb Borneo wharf section. The
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  • 133 5 TELEPHONE SHARES Fifty thousand t> per cent, new cumulative proference snares are ■'tiered by the Oriental Telephone and Electric Company (Limited). The company was originally formed in 1881 to work the telephone patents of T. A Edison and A. G. Bell in the E tst, and now undertakes electric lighting
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  • 149 5 A oorkeBP'in -knt maintains that some of tbe brands of ro -itches made in Japan are dangerous. Thus he writes Last Friday evening, I struck a match in order to light a lamp, and dropped the box on a marble-topped table. The concussion caused the matches to catch
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  • 611 5 BUNAPOKB, STH AUOPST, 190$. SHARES. R'nawnhfJoM Mint !17.5tpd)«15.00. Rnueh Tin Mine 18.28. •PrMM-r Nmwi fIOH, bnyerl HHcodk ft Shanghf i Bank 9680. Howartb Emkine t Co. Lt. $190 •Jelebnn $1.00. Kadana, (fnlly paid) $10.00, nominal do ($7 paid) $7.00, nominal. •Keehan Qold Mien ft 00, nominal. Malar S»at«n Salt
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 43 5 Jayne's Bipectorant is the most palatable and effectual Oroup remedy I have used with my children. I keep it on hand connanth -(Rev.) D. H. Conann, franklin. N. C, Nov., 1 J, 1801 The Singapore Dispensary. Sole agents for tbe Straits Bettlemer is.
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    • 116 5 A Strong Statement. nHAMBKKI.AIVS COLIC AND V; DIAHKH(K\ RKMEUY has been tbe means. *f saving .more h 'man ii esaod relieving more pain and snffeiing than any other medicine in tbe wo-ld There are thouta 'ds of homes that always keep a bottle in their medicine chests for there is
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    • 153 5 Little's Oriental Balm For any pain. The pains of neuralgia, the pains of rheumatism, the puns, of lumbago, the pains of slifl joiuU, the pains nf tbe neck, throat, back, chest, arms, It'gsand feet— all these go away wheu you rub on plenty of Little's OkitvT.ii. Balm. This is the
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    • 158 5 AUCTION SALB OF UNREDEEMED PLEDGES. On Wednesday sth Augt. 1903, at 10 a.m. On Friday 7th From the following Pawnshops NO. 178 South Bridge Road, No. 20 New bridge Road, No. 316 Rochore Road, No 2 Nankin Street, No. 399 North Bridge Road, No. 81 Cross Street, No. HI North
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    • 738 5 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE A SECOND HAND Printing Machine P.V W. Conisbee, London. SIZE OF BED 35" by 47 To he el\ at the off c <.f the Straits Times iVw, oa Thursdny the 6th Ausju t, at :.'.:}<) p, m. Now on view. Powell Co., fcwtioneera. AUCTION SALK OF
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  • 265 6 Whbn we coDsider the fact, says «ie Mining Journal, that only a few years ago the price of Straits tin stood between X«0 and .£7O per ton and Vs-day (Bth July, it stands over £125, the price might be considered abnora*lly high but it must be borne in
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 171 6 SAMPLES FREE OF "SINGA" CIGARS ON Al'I'LK ATION TO THE Straits Tobacco Factory, 72 Tanjon? Pagar Road. W. D. FISHER, Assoc. M. Inst. C.8., ••■SHIM NOMSI ••TTIKT PoaadattoM. Uulldlnf., Root. Kallway. .ad R.llway Stroct.r... Wltmrv—. J»»di and BrtdfM. irdr.ollc Mlalat SctaMßW ■•aMtt.a *mi T.itlng o! MaUriate. n.c fISDIAH [PATEHT
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    • 280 6 NOTICES. ff,,m,n irmm §r 3r Cultured SmoKurm. *mwmm~ As MttnVy New Blend of Oriental Tobaccos free from all drujfs and tag matter. These Cigarettes are made in England from selected >f :h° very finest Tobacoo, and will be found of beautiful mellow superior to Cigarettes Imported from Egypt and other
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    • 688 6 -rr NOTICES. Singapore and Kranji Railway. From July 16th, 1903, and until further notice. WEEK DAYS. SUNDAYS. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M r.X. P.M. P.M AM. AM A.M. A.M. KM. PM. PM. P.M. P.M Singapore d..7.00 7/46 10.00 11.30 12.30 3 o:.' 4.1u 5.16 «.40 .AM W0 »J0 10.4J
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 752 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. fTUS Btaada: Aasniaam. M. Nonrtch Union rire laiuranc« 8od«t/. Atlas Ajunraooe Company (Fire). He Equi'»hln US A«.«iranc« S.>ci«tiy. rhe China Mutual Btwun Navigation Comp<Mij The T ottonhnm lager Beer Company. *or narticnUkni of tLe«« Companiaa, sob the •nil Jv»rti«m«it ot IHE I>OKNEO COM PANY. LIMITBD. AirenU
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    • 741 7 sTEfrjymp owTnies, Konlnkffijke f^aketvaatt: MaatschapplJ. Under ooafcrtot with tne Hetnertdds India dovornaMot at Ri%qav»* "f tp Aqbscy. latb J. Dabrdbls 00., Onwrn* Qntv *he undermentioned date* ar* only approi'mate. steamer r"rom Expected Willbe n^pe'ehed for Sienhuu* Pontianak uly2 6 Pontianak Augt 6 Tun d Capellm Bandjermaiein 81 Bandjarmassin, Kota Baroe,
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    • 604 7 STOOM VA ART MAATSC HAPPY NEDERLAND." STEAMSHIP COMPANY, NEDERLAND." Portnifhtly Mail Service between Amsterdam, Batavia, via Genoa. Sabanf and Singapore. Homeward departures from Singapore Names of *teamarB— Koning Willem I 6 Sept. Prinsee Sophie 19 Sept Koningin Wilh«lmina S Oct. Koningin Kegeotes 17 Oct. Koning Willem 111 81 Oct Prins
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    • 681 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. UorddeuMer Lloyd. Bremen Coast Lines, to STEAMERS OF THE COAST FLEET. Tors Reg. Ton Rag. iUttto 2478 P\raNang 1608 P'tchabun 3191 Hacheie 16U0 i-nOiUetm 2111 Phru C. Klao 1668 Borneo 2100 P.ChulaO.K. 1668 IfoKnckang 2040 Deli 1894 PiUantUot 3019 Taiehiov 1869 Paknam 2004 Kong Seng 1869 Tanglin 1994
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    • 543 7 INSURANCE COMPANIES nAitruNiNHUßAflOi OFPioa \J LI MITBD. Capiad SobMrOMd. ttyQDjJtti Aaoont pud op «XV»C. fend 1,1K,00G. Hmu> Omom, Houston a. IT* mwn(wd, luring Imm appofarted Afaasi of the above Ciiuipawy. are prepared to aaoept Marine Riiki at current r»tet. BOUBTBAD A Co., Ageata. ROYAL INSURANCE COY. FIRE LIFE TOTAL INVESTED
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    • 445 7 I INSURANCE CO. '3 THE ROYAL EXCHANGE"" I (ESTABLISHED A.I). 1730) TPHE undersigned. «g»nts tor th« Abo*a M. company, are prep*r».l to :-.ccept Fir# Risks at current rate*. w.As. Sl/12 BEHN HKTKRJ Oj (ESTABLISHED A.D. 1844) fIIHK undersigned, iujent.l for the abOTe 1 company, are prppared to accept Firt) Risk?
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    • 1426 8 I the following nlibreViMtons ii' used i str— t-toamer sh.— •hi| Ikj, -<• irqufl sch. Kk 'oner; Yet. ft i ,i I ra<S i-; (tin. (iiinboilt; Tor. i -Horse power; ttrit British 1 I n t.- i stm s;K,-h. -French: Gor German; Put Mitch; (i c. -General-
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    • 601 8 VESSELS EXPECTED. Name, port, probable date of nrWri. and name of agent*. BTUMBBS. A. K'elmans. Marseilles, Aug M. Comte. Abessinia, Hamburg, Aue lv Bebn Meyer Agamemnon, Liverpool Aug 31; Mansfield Ali'Oin, Kombiy, Aug; Borneo Cor. Andalusia. Hamburg. Ang 6; B. Meyer. Annum, Colombo, Sept 14 M Maritime*. A par i
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    • 117 8 MAILS CLOSE. For Her tteamrr To- Morrow. Labuan and Manila Ch'tig Mat Si gora and Bangkok Br< /•>«</ Sourabaya Abasia, NatunasU Hnnka Malacca and Li nggi Helms Malacca A P Dickson Hong Lion P. Swet'hnni via ports Hnk Tj'o* P.Swet'bam via ports Ganymede Baadjermassin Sarie Borneo Friday. Europe via port*
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    • 143 8 M AILS TO ARRIVE. From Europe— By the P.AO. ss. Chwtan d\xi on the 9th August, with dates to the 17th July. From China— Ry the P. AO. s.s. Coremaiidel due on the 7th August. jtlt Singapore Doe in London Arrive* une i»ih N 0 L. July IBtb July 18th
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    • 243 8 V«88«l'h Name. i Ply i SI Ma/fujon Au^' 1 Shantung 2 L»na S K. nnebec S IHaldis 3 Catherine April 4 Kinsbiu Mam j 4 I naba Mnru 4 Saint Irene 4 Dfirdanus 4 K nigsberg 4 Emile 4 Stun van l,ingK« 5 Wilhelm 6 Persia ft Hyf LeonK
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    • 182 8 Dats. Vksskl'» Name. Vksskl'» Name. Flac. A Rio. Ton.-. Flag A Rio. Ton-. DUTINATIOM. \i.: 6 Shimosa 5 K>iint Irenn 0 In aba Ma v 6 Kin«hiu Maru A Brouwer 6 Nifi Imv--6 Kintuek 5 Ruby U. U. Meyei 6 Arratoon A pear 6 Meua 5 Emile 6 Kotoruß
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 116 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co. JEWELLERS and SILS MERCHANTS, 51-52, HIGH STEEZT. On account of Fxchange rising, we have reduced the prices of all our goods. Silk goods, Silver ware, all kinds of Indian, Chinese, Japanese goods, Japanese makings, Carpets, &c. K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co. Thirty years ago a
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    • 317 8 ON THURSDAY. AND DURING THR FOLLOWING DAYS OF OUR ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE Plenty of Really Cheap Lines will be Thrown Out. GIRLS' COLLARS PEARL NECKLACES LADIES' STOCKINGS Girls' Swiss Kiabroidery Collars, in I Very charming in t»o nnd thrnc row*, [a v hi b Lii Mi f.itthioneri White Trimmed Feather
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 93 8 WEATHER HEPOHT. Kandamg Kerbm* U-pital. 4>k Aug, UO3. »|Spm.|9pm. Rbmabks. Bar 29.88*29 794*> 8601 Moraine Temp" «8.» 8»8 840 day and WR'lbTher 79 i 77.0 77.8 nifht clear. f»mjrWind si. SS. Max. temp] »04 Mm 769 Max. in Ban 114.3 Terr. rad.. 73.6 Rainfall Nil I The standard time ball
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  • 466 9 PAHANG NEWS. Kuala Lipii, 21th July Tbi Chandu shops enactment which was recently passed in Pahang is a very opportune measure. The opium dent, which were hitherto under no control, are now registered and placed under the supervision of the Sanitary Board authorities In a little place like Kuala Lipis
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  • 281 9 PHILIP PINE LIGHTHOUSES. 1 1 is |ir,»|.->MCiI to establish lour new lighthoimee in the Philippiucn hpH to change the character of moMt jf the othur lights. The first uew one is to be placed on Apo Island to light up the Mindoro Straits and for the special use of all
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 215 9 NOT ICES. Powell Robinson's Annual Cash Clearance Sale 10 DAYS ONLY. COMMENCED Monday, 3rd Jiugust. A Genuine Sale A Genuine Sale A Genuine Sale All Goods Reduced 33 3 per cent. Special Bargains Special Bargains STRAW HATS at $1.40 each USUAL PRICE $2.50 each. STRAW HATS at £2.20 each USUAL
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    • 326 9 NOTICES. BAGNALL ff HILLES. 96 Robinson Road. HAVE! ON tft Alffn Electric Fans, Ceiling and Table, 40, 61), 60, 80, 101), 110 and 120 Volts. Oesifined to operate from Incandesced CircaiU. Any Voltage to order Direct or Alternating i orreot Fans. For Tabje Use. 104 VolU. Inspection invited from all
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    • 234 9 NOTICES. THE SIAUNb CONSORTIUM, DJOENGKOE BANJERMASSIN, S. E. BORNEO. la prepared to supply plants of Falapum OMonaufuliam, For Particulars: apply to BEHN, MEREY Co., AOENTS. m.w.&f. n.c. t lONG LEE SENG Co. TOWN BRANCH, 27 Kling Street. GENERAL MERCHANTS Provisions and Sundries of every description kept in Stock. luiiett knn
      234 words
    • 619 9 bank s. II O~N(fKI7.N G TNir"BHANu3AI 11 BASKINU CORPORATION. PAID-OP CAPITAL $10,000 000 SESERVK FUNI).Silver Reserve.... 6,600,000/ •••'MOO.OOO REHERVE LIABILITY 07 nonnn PRoraiaTORS j..|!0,0n0.000 Court or Diikctoks. A. J. Raymond, K«q,— Chairman. H. TOMKIN*. Fag DkpCTY ChaIBMAM. W. H. Slads, Eaq. H. Schubart, Eaq. Hon. C. W. Diciuon Hon. K.
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  • 723 10 (Alla/iibmi Pioneer.) On a spur of the hill "Jakko," at Simla and ovur-shadowed by the -<arne, hut opeu 1101 thward to a view of mountain ranges wiiich Uk«s to the Mashobra peaks and suggests infinite distance* ht-yond, lies a rambling old house called "Snowdon." You
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  • 184 10 Tub esaot SMthodi of the Standard Oil Cdmpany in the United States are shown dearly by two incidents which just happened. The legislature of South Dakota recently passed a law compelling tile Oil Trust to make tests of oil, and to tell only oil of a certain
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 290 10 NOTICES. JAMES WATSON CO.'S SCOTCH WHISKIES ARE THE BEST VALUE IN THE MARKET FLAG BRAND. 10 YEARS OLD 1 $12-50 per case. Duty extra V.V.O. SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED |8-S0 per case. Duty extra ■>ri.WN.«HI.E nOM BRAIL DeULUa\OI McALISTER Co sole agents Gharp Moderate, Neat Execution. Prompt Attention, EMPEROR OF INDIA PRESS,
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    • 593 10 NOTICES. Modern European Dentistry, Messrs CHEONG BROS.. •od« of the late Mr. CH>ona Chub Tim, id order to meet tbe requirements of Snropean ladies nnii Kentlernnn v. ho have for so many years snpporte 1 their establishment, have no a opened premises at Ko. 226 feoath Bridge Road, where only
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    • 123 10 NOTICES DARIN'S MEAT JUICE A liquid preparation of the (Blyoieest SBeef, Containing the Nutritive Albuminous Principles in an unaltered soluble form. ISP Of great value after Fevers etc. Maynard Co., LIMITED.] HIGHLAND BRAND EVAPORATED CREAM. »o S e°h L ts John Little Co., Ltd. Singapore. ASK FOR THE FAMOUS "ARIMA
      123 words