The Straits Times, 4 August 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 21,197 SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. AUGUST 4. 1903. PRICE 15 CERTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 549 1 LORNE WHISKY. NOTICE. In consequence of the rise in Exchange, a reduction of 1O off present prices will be made from this date. Powell Robinson. v.c. HOT* I MR Lm I'' 11 1 Bwm is aatboritrd V sign our firm pi:r procuration from this day. GHINO A. CO aingapore, 30th
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    • 666 1 SINGA CIGARS Are Blended with the Finest MANILA TOBACCO Crop 1901 of La I sab* la. FOR SALE. /"IHE9TNUT fielding 14 1. gcou polo \j pony (polo certificate), 6 years Excel-le-t hack, curries a Ivjy, capital jumper. Any reat-onibU tiial and examination allowed. Price $'!6f>. Apply to Col. Peonefather. :>i
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    • 127 1 Milkmaid BRAND flH*k sSdensedmi3l li/lillt' S^ Wi^jt? Guaranteed HfeSmSSi 9m- s*. this r^^ Full Cream. tride mark Largest Sale in the World. COLD STORAGE fo:r, Private Houses, Clubs, Hotels, Butchers and Fishmongers' Shops, &c. :o-o: -ARCTIC" SYSTE^^HI OF REFRIGERATING is UNEQUALLED FOR THIS PURPOSE IN TROPICAL CLIMATES, BY REASON OF
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    • 190 1 NOTICES. •DARTRING' 'Lanolin E' ft. Natural Toilet Preparations. (tff^VL 'DARTRING' TOILET 'LANOLINE' in small and CMjX^^flPiL coUa b e tubes Mikes roueh skins smooth >$igSSg^y *"d protects delicate complexions from the effects jV^ of wind ud sun. 1 Th« 'DARTRING' 'LANOLINE' TOILET SOAP is un 'Dartrinr" nw. equalled hi Jtansing
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  • 1845 2 TkefolUnrinf Utttr from Mr. S. V. Corey to the Chairman of the Cwylon Planttrt* Attocialion it puhlinhtd in the Ceylon pa/irn. Dear Sir, Although it in now many year* tinea I left Ceylon, I am privileged to still hare many valued friend* there, and
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  • 409 2 are MBf curious forms ot expression, old and qaahit Mqrii tad slang terms, man or |«M iv dsul) use, th.p derivatic>iiB of which tn v« ry little k;:.)wn. .Ii illy is a word to wiiiili one's elderly relaliven are w>nt to object as being modern
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  • 114 2 For Singapore Per P. 4 O. 8. 8. Himnlniia. MCMCtinf with the steamer Okmtmm at Col imi« with th>j steamer (.'hittan from l.ooilo July 111, due »tn AnirU— Mr. Allon Per M. M s CWtste 1 contMe*la4| at Colombo with the *t HMT I'umb a from Marseilles
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 164 2 THE AUCTION MART No. 2 D'Almeida Street (In rear of Tbe Mercantile Bank) H. L.COGHLAN&Co., in in.-- ii..'. Licensed Auctioneers. JAPAN COALS. THE MITSUI BUSSAN KiISHA (MITSUI &q>.) HEAD OFFICE: No. 1 Suruga-Cbo I okio. LONDON BRANCH S4, Lime Htreet.E.C SINGAPORE BRANCH i Finlayson iiieen. OTHER BRANCHES t >>••*• York,
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    • 289 2 NOTICES. MAINTAINS THE HIGHEST REPUTATION EVERYWHERE PortiiJ the System against Disease lit!) BlOOp. "THE 3EST SECURITY r-o« HtALTH." EBBENCE OR FLUID ¥xTR ACT OF PFO JAMAIOA iloce 1829. KblbM»»Sßb«i&cJ BbUU^XJsVSsUSb^I Prononrced by tie HIOHUT Mtu^AL AUTHbRIUU. lha ■»•>•■ iK £S i.*i.,"S TORPID I .VER, DEBILITY, ERUP.IU.ttB, WEAK and LANGUID FEtLiJ'GS,
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    • 101 2 Drivers and Firemen All Agree. 4 f A LX of my Customers," writat Will J\ St«phenson, of ii n-.iikon, X S.W 'are uuiiumiouo in their pmi-o of Ch unberlaio's remedies. The drivers and tiremen on the north m lino all attrue itiat uo duty box is complfte without a b<>
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  • 870 3 Dvbinu the debate in the House of Common* on tbe Foreign Office vote, Sir Charln Oilier and Mr. Gibson Bowie* condemned the •hiftineitn and uncertainty of the Government* attitude towards Germany Lord Oanborne denied that our relation* with Germany were k aucoemion of blander*. Uovernment rtesired lo be
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 147 3 Croupy Children. If your children are. «ul>ject to cronp.! watch for the first sj m tom of the diseflfci'— licmr?t in ts«. If Chamberlain's <'oi>gh Hi in. Is nvcn ss soon as tbe chiM broom** boaraa, the attack can be MVtrtcd BfM «fter the croupy cough liao ai (u'ni-.-ii the
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    • 720 3 NOTICES. WHOSE FAULT It IT The world is full of disease and pain. Who**- fault is it Everybody's therefore often tho fault of the su Hirers tht-mselvt-s. But the pressing <|uee'ion ib -what to do, how to relieve, how to cure. What would become of us if means were not
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    • 613 3 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING OLRPORATION. PAID-nP OAPITAI $10,000.00( RESERVE FUND.Sterling Reserve_|lo,ooo,ooo\ MMm Bilr«rlUserve....| S.SOolooO/" 1 5 50 000 RESERVE LIABILITY OF) m, nmn PROPRIEIORB ll f 0 COUET OF DIRKCTORS. A. J. Raymond, Esq.— Chairman. K. H. Tomkins. Esq.— Deputy Chairman. W. H. Slade, Esq. H. Scuubabt, Esq. Hon.
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    • 745 3 NOTICES. WANTED for Kelantan, smart Chin se typewriting clerk. Good salary to suitable man. Apply to Paterson Simons A 00. n c. ANTED a b"ok keeper with knowledge of shop-keeping. Eurasian preferred. Apply to B. Z. c/o Stnitt Timn. U.C. ANTED— An Eurasian to act as night overseer on the
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    • 313 3 NOTICES. ■^■LJ^si Uui_Ds»BC"!_*"* rikai-m-R J***!*^-' T >•• NAhAWAK Coal ir. go d upply at Brooketon and Labuan, with prom t despatch for bunker or cargo. For terms apply to John Hardie, Sarawak Governnrnt '8«"-t. laboan nc. "APENTA" The Best Natural Aperient Water. For continuous use by the Bilious, Dyspeptic, Constipated,
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    • 562 3 SHIPPING CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED TOR VICTOFIA (B C.V HEATTLB, AND TACOMA Taking cargo for all Pacific Ports and Inland Points. THE Company*, steamer MNGCHOW 8,100 tons, is due here about the 2nd Aogt. and will have prompr despatch for the above ports. For freight, Ac, apply to
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  • 23 4 GAOOINO. At Genoa, Italy, on the 9th July, 1903, Captain Franco Gagoino, partner of Uaggioo Co., Singapore, age<l 48 year*. Deeply regretted.
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  • 477 4 The Straits Times. PRICK 15 CENTS. TUESDAY, 4th AUGUST. Cardinal De Herrera y de la Iglesia, who is reported as dying in the Conclave at Rome is practically unknown outside of the Latin world. He was born in 1835 at Aldevila near Salamanca, and in 1875 was appointed bishop of
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  • 62 4 Mr. E. V Cakky has been getting angry in type, and—what is very unusual with Mr. Carey—he has allowed his indignation get the better of his English. In the Malay Mail to hand we read: Dear Sir, Agriculturist's" letter in tbe Strait* Time* has been followed by a farther effusion
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  • 133 4 that "the Kaaident-GenaralV official atUrancea and aetc are oompleterv at variance." Will either or both of tome malcontent* proof that there U something Britinh left about them, instead of asking na to accept their claim on faith, and tell ns who they are, or else stick behind their coolies in
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  • 57 4 Thb London Standard is no more infallible than the London Timei. At the same time, when it refers to Messrs. N Annandale and H. C. Robertson's recunt bo^k as being published under the needlessly repellant title of Fasciculi MalayeMes,' it was pretty nearly right. The title ia pedantic and pedagogic,
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  • 6 4 To-day's 4/ip«. bank rate is 1/10^
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  • 11 4 The American cruisers now in port leave for Manila to-morrow. a>
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  • 13 4 Bi"H<>p Hosg has accepted the office of first patron ol the Bingnpore V.MC.A.
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  • 11 4 The (ierman Government yacht Smtini loft this morning for Xew Guinea.
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  • 13 4 Thk Islander arrived from Christmas IMaud this morning and went to t'ulo Bukom.
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  • 14 4 Thk Malay Btates Guides return to the Peninsula to-day in the s.s. Lady Mitchell.
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  • 18 4 The Hon. A., Mrs, and tbe Misses Murray were expected to leave Ceylon for Singapore on Saturday last.
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  • 16 4 Thk Russian Volunteer Fleet steamer A'i/hi Novgorod arrived this morning from Vladivostoi-k en route for Odessa.
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  • 25 4 U ikk news will be found on page 3. A comparison between the M. M. and P. .v O. Companies is drawn on page 8.
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  • 19 4 In the competition for the Kolhapur Cup at Bisley, Australia scored 771, England 760, Canada 753 and Natal 740.
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  • 21 4 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on page 7. General shipping news is printed on page 8.
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  • 21 4 Thk American Derby was won by The Picket. Mr. Clark Jungbluth, one of its owners, is now travelling in the FarJ^ast.
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  • 20 4 Mr. Wilkinson bao, it is said, been appointed Inspector of Schools, X.M.S., and will take up his appointment almost immediately.
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  • 24 4 U.K. the Governor held an ''At Home' at the Residency, I*ft)aiig, on the 30th ult. Mr. Dorasaini, the musician, played the violin and piano.
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  • 26 4 On Saturday, one Lim Yong Lee was fined $100, in default three weeks, by Mr. Wilkinson for killing a pig at a house in Victoria Street.
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  • 27 4 The P. and O. homeward mail steamer (Joromandel left Hongkong at 1 p.m. on Saturday and U due here at 6 a.m. on Thursday the o".h instant.
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  • 26 4 A ul ue American cruiser Italeigh, wiio wad a prisoner awaiting court-martial, jumped overboard last nigut. Up to this morning he had not been set'ii.
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  • 27 4 A MaRRiAQB has been arranged and will shortly take place between Mr K. A. Kosenburg, of Rosenburg and Co., Singapore, and Mrs. D. Cochrane, also of Singapore.
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  • 27 4 On Sunday morning an American bluejacket, who had died in port, was buried at tbe Bukit Tiuiah Road cemetery. A firing party from his vessel attended. a)
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  • 26 4 Thb CouLcil of King's College, London, has appointed Mr. J. H. Longford ba, barristnr-at-law, late of the British Consular service in Japan, as Professor of Japanese.
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  • 31 4 The following is the result of work for July at the Bersawah mine: Stone crushed 402 tons, smelted gold obtained 36b ounces 10 dwts, average per ton, 18 dwts 8 grains.
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  • 36 4 The British barque Fall* of Mttnek is reported stranded on the Windsor K juk. Her whole after part is submerged from the taffrail to her mizen mast, whilst her bows are high out of tbe water.
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  • 32 4 Tan Hok was on Saturday arraigned before Mr. Peacock for fran inlent pusspßsion of two dollars' worth of cigars, the property of Gosling and Coy. The man got three months' rigorous imprisonment.
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  • 46 4 It was reported last that a tire had broken out in Albert Btreet. U appears that about 730 p.m a canJlc net lire to some property in a bouse at M Albort Street, but the flames were soon extinguished with the assistance of the neighbours.
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  • 48 4 a> Ir is with deep regret that we announce the death, at Genoa, Italy, on the Bth July last, of Capt. Franco Gaggino, partner in the firm of Gaggino and Co., Singapore. Capt. Qaggino was 48 years old. He was a resident of Singapore for some 17 years.
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  • 31 4 A FATAL ENDINO. (SpeeM Telegram to the "SWaitt Times") Kuala Lipis, August 3rd, 10 p.m. Mons. Juppeaux, the French miner who was attacked by gang robbers, it dead.
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  • 176 4 THIRD DAY. (Special Telegram toth"" Straits Timet") henang, \st August. Thb racing on all three days took place in excellent weather. There were big field* and a large attendance. The following were the results 1 The Larrikin Cup. Beatrice 1 ABC. 2 Won by half a length. Totalizator
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  • 47 4 Expkkiment* at Marseilles have shown the advantages of Kapok," a Straits product, in life-saving gear at sea, owing to its lierhtness and high floating powers when specially prepared for the purpose Ims discovery is expected to give a push to the trade in Kapok" 1 1 1
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  • 74 4 A meeting of the Singapore Catholic Club will be held at the Club at 8 p.m. on the 14th inst. The business is to amend Rule 3 of Constitution, which reads That no spirituous liruors shall be sold in the Club by the addition of the word* except on special
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  • 61 4 A Havas telegram of July 2oth says that at the banquet offered to the French Senators and Deputies, Mews. d'Estouraelle», Balfour and Chai"berlain (in speeches) showed the advantages of an understanding between Prance and England. Mr. Chamberlain added that diplomacy or arbitration could settle all the questions and that treaties
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  • 70 4 According to latest advices from India, it would appear that experiments in connection with extracting fibre. from indigenous plants and weaving therefrom are proceeding apace in Travancore. In addition to the very successful experiments made with plantain fibre, further experiments are now being tried with pine-apple fibre The pineapple is
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  • 198 4 Thb Directors' report on the Sipiau Tin Company, for the half-year ending 30th June last, states; -Heavy rains, and damage caused thereby to the ditch," have retarded work somewhat operations have, however, been continuous throughout the half-year. I1I 1 our monitors have been installed since March last,
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  • 28 4 Is for sale by all Chemists. Be sure and get the genuine. Steams' is the original and genuine, and give* instant relief. Of all chemists.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 30 4 London, 31 it July. Mr. Chamberlain has denied that he has ever proposed a tax on foreign raw cotton while exempting cotton grown in the British Empire.
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    • 62 4 A series of imposing ceremonies lantiny for live hours marked the inauguration of the conclave. They began with the solemn entry and taking the oath by conclavist functionaries ending with a minute inspection of the precincts with the o'^jfct of Pxcluding stranger*. After a formal locking
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    • 150 4 Enthusiastic Scenes at Cork. Ist August. Their Mnjesties were accorded an enthusiastic reception at Cork, the Lord Mayor and Corporation of the city participating. The King presented colours to two Iri«h regiment*, and was the recipient of a felicitous address. The ceremony w<ts witnessed by a
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    • 28 4 2nd Augutl. The Emperor of Austria will issue on Tuesday (to-day) an Imperial Ordinance abrogating the sugar legislation of that Kmpire, conflicting with the Brussels Sugar Convention.
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    • 51 4 Sad Accident at a Cricket Match. I>iiring a cricket match at Perth, a stand on which were 1,500 spectators collapsed. There wa« a terrible scene. One person wl* killed; ISO persons were injured. Fifty of the latter are in ho«pital. Tee King and the (jueen have arrivn.i at
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    • 17 4 Lord Iveagh has given the King .faiVHii) sterling for distribution among the Dublin hospuals.
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    • 113 4 The King has issued an Address to the Irish people. His Majesty status that he has been deeply touched by the kindness and g >o'l will the people hive shown towards the Queen .ml himself and which exceeded their expectations H M. will eagerly|await the
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    • 26 4 Not so Bad as Stated. ird August. No one was killed in the accident at Perth. Only fourteen [iprhons were detained in hospital.
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    • 41 4 Illness of a .ordinal. An indecisive attempt has been discovered to communicate between the Conclave and a neighbouring bouse by means of mirror flashes. Cardinal Hen-em, who fell ill while entering the Conclave, is reported to be dying.
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    • 49 4 Mr. Barton, the Commonwealth Premier,reply ing to an influential deputation iTging the repeal of the bill to prohibit coloured labour, said it was useless to ask for repeal till prohibition had been tried. Mr. Barton said he preferred even foreign white labour to coloured labour.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 232 4 TOWN HALL. Patrtu t« the wries «f reeitah «l SHAKESPEARE'S PLAYS TO BK OIVBN BY Mr. arid Mrt. Hannihal A. Williams Are informed that Mrs. William" will interpret the superb tragedy Romeo and Juliet** On Friday, August 7th, at 9 o'clock precisely And the Charming Comedy t The Taming of
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    • 247 4 G. R. LAMBERT 9 CO.. Photofraphers. opkn: Ureehan, Hoase, 'Battery Road.) On Weekday t only, 8 a. tn. to fi p. m. Orchard Boad. On Weekdays, 8 a. m. to fi p. m. On Sundays, 8 n. id. to noon. Appointments for sittings should be made if possible beforehand. We
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  • Correspomdence.
    • 885 5 To the Editor of ll* Strait* Timeg.' Sir,— Reverting to my earlier letter, and to my sugefstion that the Appeal Court of the Federated Malay States should be that, of the Straits SettlemenlH, I hear it said that the lawyers in the Nttiw St-iteg
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  • 15 5 Doming, a Wellington gelding, has been purchased by the Sultan of Johore for 100 guineas.
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  • 491 5 Three Days of tyar. The general garrison manoeuvres commenced on Saturday morning and up to yesterday afternoon Singapore w<is practicslly in a state of war. The difleieut units went under canvas and everything was done to make the manoeuvres as realistic as possible. On Saturday night the enemy's
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  • 113 5 Imbi, a Malay, and Ramsamy, a Tamil, sub-warders employed at the local prison, were before Mr. Wilkinson for further remand. These men are alleged to he connected with the death of Dollab, a Malay sub-warder, on the 26ih ult. The body was found stabbed with a sharp weapon
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  • 201 5 A pecdliah and pathetic interest attaches now to the following poem, written in Latin, by the late Pope Leo XIII a few months ago. A copy of the pu.'in was presented to every Cardinal of the Sacred College who went to Rome to offer congratulations on
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  • 83 5 Lkk Ah Joo, who had been employed by the Rev. J. A. B. Cook at No. 1 Uilstead Road, and had been discharged, pleaded guilty this morning to having stolen a ring and pencil case valued at $50, tbe property of Mr. Shalcrass at his house on the 22ud ult.
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  • 372 5 Iv chronicling the attack upon the late Mr. Juppeaux, the Pinang Gazette says that gang robberies have been very frequent of late in the Kampar district and that the mortal wounding of a European should certainly serve to turn the attention of the authorities to the
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  • 201 5 Took place in the Prison. During tbe forenoon of Saturday last a tragic circumstance took place within the precincis of the criminal prison. In March last, four Chinamen were prosecuted and convicted for burglary in Havelock Road. One of them, Heng Ah Tong, gave such information as
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  • 172 5 Mb. W. H. Frizkll asks us to acknowledge the following donations to this Fund. Amount previously acknowledged $8,201.60 Sir Lionel Cox 26 Hon. Huph Fort 'it Mr. W. 11. Shelford 26 Mr. A. Y. (iahagan 25 Mrs Kahlcke 35 Mr. E Tessensohn 35 Mr. J C.
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  • 421 5 On Saturday tbe Presbyterian Church was the scene of a very pretty wedding, the contracting parties being Mr. William Middleton Sime, of Messrs. Syme A O and Miss Anabella Waldie Pringle. The. bride, who is an M A. of Edinburgh University, is the daughter of Mr. David Pringle of
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  • 260 5 I We have already referred to the Tories of recitals of Shakespeare's plays to be given in the Town Hall by Mr. and Mrs. Hannibal Williams. The two plays chosen for representation are totally dissimilar, and in their interpretation of the varied and various characters, Mr.
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  • 150 5 Thkre was a good attendance at the smoking concert given at the Polios Bharu on Saturday night last and everybody appeared to enjoy themselves to the utmost. Appended is *h« programme Piano Solo Mr. Whitefield Hong .Slap Dub E.P.C. Dnnston Song Mary of Argyll Mr. J. McMurray Song
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  • 570 5 entries. CHAMPIONSHIP. lira. Saunden, MiM Salziuann, Mr». Robertson, Him J. Good, Mra. Gansloser. ladies' sixoi.ks. Mrs. Waddell owe* 30 Mm. Sannders 15.2 Mn. A. Kobertaon .4 Mn. Sonifrvillr J .rfiaa Salimann J Mra. I'reston scratch Miss Abram* receive* .i Miaa Newton IS Miss M. Abrams
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  • 502 5 BIMAPORB, *TR AtroPHT, IMS. PHOnUCE. Oambter buyers 18. 7fi Copra Ball 7.7. do Ponttanak 6.274 Pepp*r, Bluk II 87* do Whtta, (5%) «l 80 Sago Floor Sarawak 39n do Brunei No. 1 4 N Pearl Ba<ro m 9» Coffee, Ball, 15% basis „16 90 Coffee, Palem bang, 2U%baslt._ L'
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 114 5 A Strong Statement. CHAMBERLAIN'S COLIC AND DIARRHCKA RKMEDY has been the means of saving more hiimao lives and relieving more pain and Buffet iug than any other medicine in the wo"ld There are thousands of homes that always keep a bottle in their medicine chests, for there is no telling
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    • 206 5 Several years ago my brother contracted a severe Cold, whi<>h resulted in Pneumonia. Being far removed from any physician, he purchased a bottle of Jay en Expectorant, and after taking a few doses began to improve and was encouraged to keep on with the medicine until he had osed two
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    • 316 5 AUCTION SALK OF VALUABLE LAND SOUS! PROPERTY AT CHINA STRKKT AN'DPLUB BTRKIT, SINGAPORE. TO BS HELD AT NMHsU <fe CO '8 BALR-ROOM (PrRB».A>T TO AN OKDEK OF COURT DATFD 2J.\l< Join, 19(M.) On W»inesday, r,ih duytai 1903, ul I JO p.m. 1. All that v tiiriiilt> |i<;i»>-iiold land at China
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 140 5 DAY BV HAY. Tuesday, 4th August. High \Vat*r. 7.23 p.m. Sporting Club Meeting- •>• 8.C.C. Bowling. Wednesday. 5th Auifust. Hifth Water. 0 12 a.m. (J.24 p.m. I'l.-.l^i- S H le. Coghlan. 10. Land .Sale. Powell. -2.S0 p.m. S.V 1. Musketry. 5 15. Bible Sin-ii.|y Meeting at BurnHide. C.WjL Katneu (iirls'
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  • 735 6 THE P. O. AND M. M. Comparison*. Axx is not couleur de rose with the great French shipping companies. We have before us the reports of the annual meetings of the shareholders of the Messageries Maritiroes and of the Transatlantique Company, and what strikes one, after the wretched figures dealt
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  • 142 6 VJh I'ierpont Morgan's promised coup US in tha dtthroiiement of Mr. Bchwab from the activo presidency of the 1 Trust on the same day tbatthe Hln i)>ihirlmK Trust was put intoreceiverMii|>. Mr. Morgun has bfen looking for B hwi 1 m toalp evi-r pincc the Monte I
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 118 6 NOTICES. V^n^ll^V These tiny J^^^^^UffA Capsules BHJI iVll superior IVr/lsfAmV t0 aiba < T^Mj\*BW Cubebs, and I cure 1 the same diseases as these drugs 1 ;in forty -eight hours without inconvenience. 1 B«ck C«»Ml« Win Ut bum nUDYJ I FOU MKMtt Of TIE MOT. GRIMAULT'S SYRUP Of Hyw-Phospiite of
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    • 780 6 t Nonces. LETTERS FROM SINGAPORE. •lam a leading: Stoker in H. M. S. Espiegle on the China Station and at present stationed at Singapore. I am running our steamboat daily from early morning till sometimes very late at night, and in general when I have finished my work I have
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 756 7 Th* Borneo Company, Ltd. rjwg Stendarr 1 Asrannes. JL Norwiob Union lrtr« loramnes SoOMty. A.tlai Ijssiiisji* Company (Tin). Fha Bquit«i>l» Life Aeaunuio* Society. rh* China Mutual Steam Navigation Company Hi" Tottenham Lager Beer Company. /or particaUn of these Companies, sse ths ran advertiMm«nt of THE HORNEO COMPANY. LIMTTKD Airenta. STEAMSHIP
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    • 733 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, Konlnklljke Paketvaart MaatschapplJ. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. 1 ntws at Singapore: BsiF Aoßacr, latb J. Dabhdsls A Co., S-S. OotxY*.a Qn »v i Jim undermentioned dates are only approximate. Steamer From Expected Will be Uwspo'-ched for Nienhuyt Pontianak JulyS 6 Pontianak Augt~s Van d 'CaptlUn
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    • 595 7 Sorddeutsctier Lloyd, Bremen Coast Lines. \m j dTEAMERS OF THE QUASI FLEET. Tom Reg. Tobi Reg. Stettin 3478 Pkra Nang IHOB Petchaburt 2191 Machev 1600 Sandakan 2111 Pnra C. Klao 1668 Borneo 2100 P.ChulaC.K. 1«68 Kohnchang 20i0 Deli 1394 Hittanulok 90IU Taichiow 136J Paknam 3004 Kong Bena 1369 Tanglin 1994
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    • 783 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Austrian UoyfV* •town Navigation Company. DvDßi> Mail Contract with th« AUSTRIA* GOVERNMENT. The following are the date* on which the Company's steamer* may be expected to arrive and Mil from here Outward. Homeward. 1908. Arrives. IMS Sails. I Marquis J I'indobona July 7 Bacqaehem July 6 Triette July
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    • 534 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP 00 LTD. A regular FORTNIGHTLY servtee to maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS, Under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation for Pint and
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    • 443 7 INSURANCE COMPANIES. i^IAHTON INSURANCE OFFIO* V/ LIMITED. Okfital Subscribed $3,000,000. Aawant paid op MOIOOU Bitti ftmd UMAX Hbad Omoi, Homoco^s. rha mMerngned, hiring bestr appour.«*J Afißti of the abnrc Compmy, are pr*par>xl to I aoospt Marine Kiiti at currant rate*. BOUBTBAD A Op., Agw.B. ROYAL I^URANCfT COY. FIRE LIFR TOTAL
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    • 1979 8 I --in -r this lu\-n!int! tin' following abbreviations arp used str.— etnann'r th. ■hip l"i. barque. sell. schooner; Yet. Xacbt;Orn.— CrniMr; Oht flnnhnat; Tor. Torpedo; 11. 'v 'I •••<". Brit Bri"tisl' U. B.— United Btel a Pen.— French; Oei Qarman; Dut -l>uU:li; Gc.-Oeneral-sMfgo; p 'I' k |WHl>ll>|l<ll
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    • 71 8 p'm I'er $t*avu>r Ti>ne. To-Mobkow. P. S»'h:im V fVnang Kutna J p.m. Teluk An-son via ports Malacca 8 p.m. R Swet'ham via ports B. Hin Guan 3 p.m. I'HJ'KXDAY. Ijiluinanrl Manila Chtmg Mai 11a.m. Rirgoraand Bangkok 11 a.m. Malacca* H WekSM Huny I.urn I p.m. I. Swet'ham via
      71 words
  • 552 8 Flag 5 Vessel's Name. a Tons Captain From Sailid Cohsigbks. Jtio. —I a lt«n Urit str. 10J "niz Malao- 1 luly 3OGaggino and Co. HHo sir. 206t< p,.terg I'enang July 2* Wee Bin and Co. I I rum Wan Brit str. 11H Huxton Malw-i-n July SI Wee Bin and
    552 words
  • 332 8 I Datb. Vessel's Name. Flag A Rio. Tons. Urttimatiok. AIK 2 3 3 2 S 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 S 1 1 S s 3 4 S 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
    332 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 47 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co. JEWELLERS and SILS MERCHANTS, 51-62, HIGH STREET. On account of Exchange rising, we have reduced the prices of all our goods. Silk goods, Silver ware, all kinds of Indian, Chinese, Japanese goods, Japanese makings, Carpets, &c. K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL ff Co.
      47 words
    • 597 8 SALE NOW ON, WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW CO. WE WILL OFFER SOME WONDERFUL VALUES. jfc THE "KINO" s aJca J c FOUNTAIN PEN. p riC c 2.50 WITH 14-CARAT REAL GOLD IRIDIUM TIPPED NIB. The King i* tin' m«.!-t nmrvvlloiu tslu« in Fountuiu IVn Kvi-ii M tan a««f imj^.i-t.-il and it in
      597 words