The Straits Times, 23 June 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 31,162 SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. JUNE 28. 1908. PRICE 15 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 789 1 NOTICES. $hr ffiimw. ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. [per inch, column measure. 1 First Insertion $1 90 cenU Heeojid and third insertions each 40 cents Youth, fifth, and sixth 40 eenU Seventh to eighteenth S4 cents nineteenth subseqnent,, 16 cbdU Per week of six days, to be changed daily If
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    • 486 1 LATEST AD> t-RTISEMENTS. dtatz ZBrotfters, Jsimited. *5& GENUINE CLEARANCE SALE. NOTICK. pAKK notice that Mr. K. A. Judah I having left my service on the •>'.»• nitarit in no longer authorized to enter nto any engagement on n»7 behalf. N. N. ADIB. tMngapore, 26th March, 1908. uc. INGINEBB8 1 ASSOCIATION.
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    • 230 1 FRONTIER MIXTURE Jin Unrivalled Qool 3 eet Smoking Wobacco. Price 85 Cents—: lb. Tin. Robinson Co., Retail Agents. ASK FOR THE FAMOUS "ARIMA TAN-SAN" A Natural Water, Clear Sparkling AND Effervescent Mineral Water. Price $4.75 per case of 4doz. Pints. SOLE IMPORTERS Y. SHIBUYA Co. to.tb 1.9 9 Charges Moderate,
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    • 585 1 NOTICES. Milkmaidf ipNDENSED Mill |1/| I I T £i 1 wi^««*«t> way llf I I I L| |$2: i Guaranteed Full Cream. TRIDE Largest Sale in the World. "iT I AUCTION MART 2 DAlmeida Street. r of The Mercantile Bank) L. COGHLAN A Co., Licensed Auctioneers ITS TOBACCO FACTOBT GAH
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    • 132 1 lACNIVEN CAMEBONS PENS. They come as a boon and a blessing to men, The Pickwick, the Owl, andftthe Waverley Pen." THE WAVERLEY PEN. 8«W kj all SUtimn ttrtngbtat tkr Wwid. Every Pen made by Mac ni ven A Came ron, Ltd., it ■eparate'y examined by experienced band*, and any found
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  • 946 2 Country and People. The London Olohe holds forth tbui upon the advantages of British North Borneo, upon the authority of a correspondent One may ascribe the ultimate acquisition of the territory to the expense' 1 gained regarding its potentialities in the early seventies, when certain venturesome young
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  • 518 2 {Via Ceylon.) Lord Ucßcheii in the House ot Lord* rained a debate >n Mr. Chamberlain* policy. He dwelt upoi, the danger of tyinff oar bandit by anagreeiMßt willi the ('olonitw involving a tax on food and he said that Mr. Chamberlain* retaliatory ]>olicy would land us in
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  • 309 2 Mr (iBOKGK Cullen Pearson has a good deal that is interesting to say about rubber-growing in Mexico and the protit to be made therefrom. This is noteworthy inasmuch as the rubber he grows is the Castillua elw<tica. Mr. Pearson's rubber was valued in London at :ts. 9d.
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  • 106 2 On Sunday night Dut. Sergt. Gaboon was going his rounds in B.tmla BunMt after 10 o'clock when he saw a Sikh entering No. 29, which is a spirit shop. The door was then closed. Seigt (Jahoon made enquiries and in*iroated that be would summons the licensee. An hour or so
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 327 2 NOTICES. "CROSSLEY'S OIL FNGIMES. SAS A L cSS A L WW n AY QBu!|XQ 8 u!|XK K 8 ON APPLICATION tO THE BORNEO CO., LD. TBTAIfVAU RAILWAY OOHave fitted up a plant for applying TO THKIR RAILWAY SLEEPERS. One application of Jodelite readers woodwork attaolutely proof against white ante, dry
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    • 364 2 NOTICES. UARRfTT? PORTApLE ENGINES flitli Wood-Burning Fire box. All sizee from 4 H P to 14 H P always in stock. Oold Medal b« been awarded to tffeMK. (HPMtt Sons *t the Pvii Exhibition tor the Excellence of their Steam Engines. Unsolicited testimonials received from fliers of (tanett c Engines.
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    • 335 2 UEW UFE fO TH| Bl#OD NEf YtCOj T» TjE B0Wf!-P> VOGE LE R S c«"t>« COMPOUND DYSPEPSIA KIBNEY TROUBLES CONSTIPATION SKIN DISEASES and ail LIVES HIS STOMACH DISORDERS Made from tho •formula and under th« lrrnn«dl»tt* supervision of one of London's most not»d PhysiciansPrice I/14 and 2/6 per bottle. Of
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    • 92 2 Dysentery. 18 a dangerous disease, but can b eared There is h remedy thit nev-ar fail*. It has been used in inn 3 epidemics of dysen ten with perfect mouses It it called OrJ.\.MBKRL\INS COLIC. CHOLEKv. AND DltrlßrlCEV REMEDY. It is equally valuable for ihililren, aad warn reduced with water
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  • 726 3 i Toe Kow York oorretpondent of the rail Mall Q<izette writes thus as regards th« Mafia:— ln unravelling a murder mystery tbe Now York Secret Service has come upon a gigantic find. For months the detective department hat been keeping close scrutiny upon
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  • 140 3 P. O. June •->«. Per "kusati For London ".iinii.-r- I. t'larkc, I. Searle, W. Farrant, O. .lohn-on. Mm. Hall .tin l infant. Mrs. ihiM and infant. For London via Marseilles— Hon. W. .1. Napier. For Melbourne— Mr. Woods. Fmiii lVunuj; to l.i.ndnn Mr. K. < !rey.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 661 3 NOTICES. it it mmmtKT how. Once upon a time stndehrs Of medicine held the notion that there were as many different diseases as thu body has organ* and parts every one of these ailments requiring ft different treatment. So stupid mistake could lead only to miserable failures. For the fact
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    • 628 3 BANEIKG TORPOKATION. PAlft-ni* 01PITA1 $lO,dW.oir RBSKKVB FUND.Sterling,ooo BUv\nUserva..^| 6,600;000 $lssnftl 5snft 000 RRBEBVS LIABILITY OF 1 n(mftf PBOfHIETOBa )-|10^0(U»« Cockt or Directors. A. J. Ratmoso, ifisq,— CuAitMAK. I*. B. Tomkiks. Kaq DSH7TY CIAIBMUI. W. H. BLADK, Esq. ,U. BCHUBABT, Esq. Hon. C. W. DtcxsoN Hon. R. Shkwah. K. Gorn,
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    • 650 3 NOTICES. RAFALES fTJJfTITI! TtOlT WANTSD Two Junior Masters (salary fflO a month). Or« Junior Master for Standard I (sarary 146 a month). Apply to the Acting Principal. k. W. HULLETT, Ag. Director of Public Instruction. 27-6 fl. 8. WANTED. AN European Assistant wbo has good commercial training. Mnst be smart
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    • 681 3 FOR SALE. Printing Machine W. Conisbee, London. SIZE OF KB 35 by 4T Can be ten at thit office. FOR SALE. 1 Q (\Of\ »ere* fine robber grounds in ±O»\J\J\J Sumatra on lease for 76 years. Apply to CObTER VAN VOORHODT A CO., 1-7 Sourabaya, Java. FOR BALK OR HIRE.
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    • 604 3 SHIPPINQ NAVIGAZIONE GENERALE ITAUANA Fok Hongkong. TU ItaU^s. s. ISIbJA,i,'JOO torts, Cant Magaozmi, having left Bombay oa the 17th inst., may be expected to arrive here on Saturday, tbe 28th inst, and will have prompt despatch for the above pott. For freight and- paraar e apprf to 88-6 BBHN MKYEB
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  • 20 4 Moss.— On the Oth Jane, at Yokohama, Chari.Kk D. Moss, aged 60, of Yokohama and Kraiupton Jane Manuel], Gloucexterahire.
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  • 1090 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS TUESDAY, 23r D JUNE. Mr. Trrachbr's Annual Report, a Resident General of the Federate< Malay States, is 60 pregnant with facts 6gures and statements anent such at extensive variety of subjects, that i would be impossible to review it compre hensively within the narrow
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  • 585 4 A couple of weeks ago we explained, for the benefit of a correspondent in Pahang, that the heading. Untaught by Experience," which appeared over an article in the London Morning Leader, was, in the circumstances, a literary solecism. It waa in response to a prayer from him for advice on
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  • 299 4 On the 16th inst. the tenders for the supply of 33,806 tons of railway material were opened at Bangkok. Amongst those present were the British ViceConsul, the Belgian Charge* d' Affairs and the Commercial Attache 1 of th« French Legation. Tendon came from all parts of Europe; Britain, Russia, Germany,
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  • 269 4 Onk may not impeach an administration for mere callousness in regard to the superfluous luxuries of civilisation that are craved by one section of the populace at the same time the Euro, peans in Singapore have a right to to feel aggrieved at the attitude of the authorities in regard
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  • 152 4 In the Australasian to hand by the last mail there is an interesting proce sswork reproduction of a photograph, beneath which we read the inscription .-ml tan a of Johore, Sultan of Johore, and Mr. S. Jacobs (Chairman of Tattersals) The titled lady is fair for to see" and very
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  • 101 4 Trr Government Uazette notifies the following additional rule under the Savings Bank Ordinance When any money belonging to a depositor had been fraudulently obtained from the •Savings Bank by any. person fraudulently representing himself to be the depositor, and producing the depositor's book, it shall be lawful for the Manager
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  • 74 4 Thk XIII Madras Infantry will shortly cease to exist under that title, and will thenceforward be known as the 73rd Indian Infantry. The 111 M. L. I. which left here in April last, will be the 83rd (Palmacotta) IHght Infantry. The Indian Presidential Annie* are to be abolished in effect.,
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  • 73 4 The annual report on the F M.S. for 1802 is signed by Mr. Hood Treachar as Resident-General. It nay* that the tin and tin ore exported from there during the year was 780,872 piculs, a decrease of 4,375 piculs compared with 1901. The resulting export duty yield stood at $8,438,770.
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  • 7 4 To-day's 4/trt. bank rate is 1/9 ,V
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  • 9 4 Trr next assize!) are fixed for the 7th July.
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  • 13 4 Thk Singapore Golf Club Spring Cup will be played for on Saturday next.
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  • 16 4 In Bangkok they intend to introduce place belting on the totalizator at the next race meeting.
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  • 21 4 Lots of people in Singapore will remember Miss Annie May Abbott, the Georgia M*gnet." She died last month in San Francisco.
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  • 27 4 According to The Queenslandvr, a Mr. Harold Carr is booked for a tour through India, China, Japan, and America as "leading character" actor with Pollard's Comedy Company.
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  • 36 4 Dr. Anthonisz, a retired Colonial Surgeon in Ceylon, died there on the 12th instant, at the age of HI years He was an eminent surgeon in his time and a popular member of the burgher community.
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  • 12 4 To celebrate the third anniversary of he Singapore Catholic Club, the mem-
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  • 21 4 bers are having a Garden Party next Friday. The Town and Volunteer Band will give selections of music during the evening.
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  • 36 4 Yesterday four Chinese tongkang men were charged with obstruction with tonjzkangs at the entrance of the Tanjong Rhoo River. This morning the case was proved and the coolies were fined SlO each. The fines were paid.
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  • 37 4 Osu Kirn Seng, the fourth roan alleged to be connected with the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank caoe, was before Mr. Wilkinson this morning, and remanded till Thursday. He was arrested at Johore. Bail of $10,000 was allowed.
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  • 51 4 Yap Tong Hin, formerly in the employ of Lim Ec Keng, Chop Kin Bee", 24 Malacca Street, who was alleged to have committed criminal breach of trust oi $2,500 the property of his employer, has h#n discharged by Mr. Wilkinson. Mr. Khory prosecuted, aud Mr. R. Braddell was for the
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 35 4 London, June 22nd. President Loubet has also telegraphed to King Edward his sympathy with the families of the victims who suffered in the explosion of Lyddite shell at Woolwich Arsenal.
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    • 14 4 Several officers who were conspicuous in the Belgrade assassinations have been promoted.
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    • 70 4 A Battle Expected. Major-General Manning and Colonel Cobbe with 1,200 men are making their way to Bohotle. They are now approaching Damot, the garrison of which is unable to move owing to the strength and proximity of the Mullah. An engagement is expected. (leneral Egerton to Command. General EgertoD,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 938 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. CALD3ECK, MACGREGOR CO. (ESTABLISHED 1864.) WINE SPIRIT MERCHANTS. LONDON, GLASGOW, SHANGHAI, HONG-KONG. AND SINGAPORE, (thrice Jsist on Jlpplication.) tv th. s. WANTED. A CHINESE Salesman, who must be well acquainted with th-s bat tar. Apply to G. A. C. tu th. 96-6 c/o Strait* Times. FJSDERATKD MALAY STATEtT
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    • 167 4 O. R. LAMBERT 9 CO., Photographers. oprn: Gresaam flouae, (BttViry Risd.) On Weekday* only, *.m. is 5 p. m. Orchard Road. On Weekdays, 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Oa Sundays, Uralo noon. Appointments for s'ttian should bs made if possible beforehand. Jast arrived, all size) of Ilford's plates,
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    • 31 4 GENERAL DEBILITY AND BRAIN FAG. Thk Ekjtects ok Steams' Wink is remarkable in the following complaints and functional disorders Phthisis, Dyspepsia, Influenza, General Debility, Brain Fag, Aniemia.— Sold by all chimests.
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  • <lorrc6pon6ence.
    • 157 5 S. K. RAILWAY HINTS. To the Editor of the Straits Times." f»i— Everybody's business is some'•ody s. I write not so much in the way of complaint as of suggestion. For we live in a world where we can do more by way of hints than by fault-finding, and the
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  • 289 5 io command in Somaliland. Major-Gbnjbral Charles Comyn Eger- ton, C.8., D.5.0., who is to have charge of the future operations in Somaliland has been up to the present in command oi a first-Class District in the Punjab He is nearly fifty- five years of age faring been born
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  • 135 5 rms morning a number of Malays who live in Market Bquare, Campong .Malacca, m a cluster of huts which are considered by the sanitary officials to be in a condition inimical to the health not only of the occupants, but also to the residents of the immediate neighbourhood,
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  • 77 5 THE DIRECTORY MAN." Among the arrivals by the N V K Mr.^*?f? Maru thiB ra &lt;&gt;raing was Mr. G. b. Witton, "the Directory Man whow accompanied by Mrs. Witton He procewds to Manila, via Hongkong to-morrow. Since leaving here last November Mr. Witton has been through Manchuria, Siberia, Russia, Poland
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  • 89 5 Yesterday's Play. CHAMI-lONtflllr. Soh Peng Mm beat E. Ann Hup 9 7 6 1 Song Ong Siang v Li.n Kee Check 5.7,' 6 1 j.3, untin. A. IiOL-lll.K- SEMI-FINAL. T&lt; V K^ eeW ,5 hand Kon K Ti Siongrec 18 l«at Tan Kiat
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  • 1059 5 R Piccadilly, 20tk June. •erby week will always be the reek. Heaps of people who &gt; near Epsom, or never even far famed salts, come to for the Derby week. It is not »t we have a week of such gloriously fine summer weather, as we have
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  • 187 5 American Tournament. Play for A Class in the American Tournament commences to-morrow afternoon. The following are the hanA. CLASS. M r». (lanaloaer and Mr. F. Salzmann to Mr*. Saunters and Mr. Bradbery and Mini Ounn and Mr. E. F. Salzmann —15.3. Mr». Peiroe and Mr. Beatty,
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  • 154 5 iHi members of the Chinese Company of the 8. V. I. are getting up a shoot some time this week for three Cups subscribed for by the men themselves, one being given by the N.C.0.8. of the Company. It is understood that the N. C. O.s are trying
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  • 146 5 IHE ttajah arrived on Saturday with a cargo of coals from Kuchiootzu. The fl™W^»Atirbroughtacargoof phosphate from Christmas Island on Saturday. T ne Hong Bee brought down 1487 Chinese immigrants on Saturday from Annoy and Bwatow. Borne are for Penang. The Wimland also arrived on Saturday with immigrants from
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  • 100 5 Captai* A. H. Achbu.v of the B I. mail staamer Zamumia, was married at the Car' edral of the Good Shepherd yj»terday afternoon to Mrs. Anne Margaret Hambley, wi Jow cf the late c\t **ambley, Esq., Superintendent of the Ooreeum Mine, South India, and daughter of J. E.
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  • 84 5 alm .M. M Medal WM P layed f or on baturday last when the following cards were returned. (U holes) i layed, but returned no cards Anderson, Dick L. M. Ellis, Forster, and Newall. Members are reminded that the annual general meeting takes place on Saturday next.
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  • 11 5 Thi Tetartos arrived from Penang yesterday with a cargo of rice.
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  • 19 5 \wTBBDAYaMaIay police constable was arraigned before the Bench Court for desertion. He was sentenced to three months rigorous imprisonment
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  • 30 5 Wirk news will be found on page 2 and an account of the Mafia Secret Society on page 3. The question: When can we fly is answered on page 6.
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  • 43 5 It is satisfactory to observe that the rigorous enforcement of the Municipal bye-law against keeping swine on unlicensed premises is having good results. Piggeries are now, as a rule, only to be found well away from the public roads and from dwelling houses.
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  • 40 5 A chinaman who had already been fined seventeen times and against whom two mandatory orders had been obtained for obstructing a verandah with a stall, was again before Mr. Brodrick, this morning, for obstructing the verandah He was fined 110.
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  • 40 5 Bbfobb Mr. Justice Hyndman-Jones to-day the action Lichauco v. Riley Hargreaves and Co. was further heard. The case for the old firm has closed and Mr. Fort has proceeded to cali evidence for the firm as a limited liability company.
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  • 39 5 Thbbb are six bills for consideration at the meeting of Legislative Council on Friday next, four of them in the third reading stage. The Morphine Ordinance and the Bill for granting licenses to hawkers are down for second reading.
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  • 48 5 The heavy rain storm this morning which was very welcome, inasmuch as it cooled down the atmosphere a good deal, flooded several of the streets in the low-lying parts of the town and 'rikishas were at a premium. So far as could be ascertained no damage was doae.
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  • 54 5 A football match was played on the old jail site yesterday afternoon between the first and second teams of the Police Football Club. The second team, who were two men short, were eventually beaten by one goal to nil. The second eleven, with a little more practice, will make the
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  • 47 5 Two Courts were occupied this morning in dealing with Municipal cases. The number on the file was abnormally large. This was due not to any extraordinary activity on the part of the Health Department, but to procrastination in the Municipal Secretariat which allowed the cases to accumulate.
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  • 63 5 Thb numerous mends of Mr. D. de Brandt, the popula Consul-General for Austria-Hungary, will be glad to know that he is in great measure recovered from his recent illness and is expected to be out and about very shortly. Madame de Brandt leaves on a holiday trip on Sunday next
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  • 213 5 Lbs li k Orchard was recently released rora e local prison where he had worked out a sentence of eighteen months for cheating. He went to live at the Grove Hotel under the name of Carson. He paid a month's board and then intimated to the proprietress, Mrs. Foster, that
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  • 563 5 Braaxpou, i3rd June, ltos. PRODUCE. Gambler buyers f IS &gt;»&gt; do Pontianak Pepper, Black l&gt;nyei* n.») 8ago Floor Sarawak I do Brunei No. 1 m 3^70 IS a 5 w 'J^? &gt; 18 %b— &gt;» Z IH.tO Coffee, Palembang, basi«._ 27.00 Coffee, Liberian Wo. 1 17 50 Tapioca, imaU
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 14 5 Cures Children's Coughs— .Jayne's Expectorant. The Singatwre Dispensary. Bole Agents for the Btraits SettJemeDte.
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    • 245 5 KWhy will you Suffer ith Rheumatism when relief and cur* within your reach f Many who have cripped for weeks, months, ana oven i nave found relief from pain and ring through the instrumentality of Little's Oriental Balm Mr. A. 8. Colly of Lewis, lowa, expVesses nig opinion ia the
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 198 5 IMY BY DAY. Tuesday, 23rd June. High Water. 8.39 p.m. Town Band H. S. ReHervoir. 5 to 6. b.V.A. Signalling. 5.15. Cup Tie. 8.C.C. Manchester*, fcngineer*' Ann. Marine Club. 8 46 Wayang Kassim. North Bridge Koad. 9 Wednesday, 24th June. High Water. 9.6S a.m. 9.26 p.m. L.L.T.C. American Tournament A
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  • 630 6 .MB TIM*-C»IIT4IK, BUT H»T Y«T. Thb Edinburgh Biview for April contains an article dn Human Flight, which in very interesting although not very much calculated to encourage our expectations of the conquest of the air. .-xuenca. says the reviewer, authoritatively pronounces the problem to be eoluble.
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  • 183 6 Owing to the various annual meetings taking place more foreigners have (tathered in Peking than usual writes the Peking correspondent of the M C. i'aily Nei'-son May 21. One of the most pieasant events of their visit has been the dedication of the lectern
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  • 21 6 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on page 7 (General shipping news is printed on pa?" 8.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 88 6 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. T OT only cares coldß amldinflneoza, but I couDt'eracts any tenency towards a iineumonla. CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH REMEDY cuts out the phlegm andßurm- infested mucous, and let- the life-Kmnu oxygen iti :ch and vitalise the blood, heals the inflamed couch-worn throat and lungs. CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH REMEDY will soothe
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    • 267 6 NOTICES. CRUBfctD *OOD. T*T IT *HD tO» WILL B* SATIS*! «D I. R. BELIU08b«{» toinform thepmblii that hit Factory far preparing OmW Food, at No. 1, Bellllo* BtaLl* now M«n*d Tint Olmc Freth Crushed F.ood p. c. per bag wg. f-10 %iM Cleaned Oats do w£ 0-90 HIST Ho. 1
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    • 461 6 Singapore and Kranji Railway. The Passenger Train Service will be as under from Bth May, 1903, and until further notice. WEEKDAYS. SUNDAYS. DOWN. DOWN AM. A.M. A.M. A.M. P. U. P.M. P. P- A^M^ AM. A.M. AJ. J«j JJj JJ M wto f? s is:}? hsiajs s ts I \s
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    • 190 6 W. TEARLE, Manager. MOTOR CARS WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY BENZINE SYME C O. ue. Modern European Dentistry, Messrs. CHEONG BROS.. sons of the late Mr. Ch*ono Chbs Tw, in order to meet the requirements of Euro pean ladies and gentlemen who have for so many years supported their
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 779 7 TIM Borneo Company, Ltd. fpHßStandacf MiMinii I Norwich Union Kirn Imhjm SooUty. fin Aismaos Company (Fu»). rWEqnltaWe Life AMoranOS Society. Tha China Mutual Steam Navigation Company The Tottenham Lagw Bs«r Company. for ptrtioulan of tkaaa Companies, Urn •ull adrertiaemeot of THK BORNEO COMPAWT. LTMITRD. Arents^ STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. PBP B Steam
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    • 725 7 JT^U^ShIP COMPANIES. KoninUf^jke Pafcetvaart Maatsohapplj. Under o|nt*UJt wlUrttM Metherlandi India BoTetnm.av. n^ntt at Singapore: flvrr AuiSTUI, latb J. Daiwdilb ft Co.. 2-8. Ooi.lti* 0"«» i"he undermentioned date, are only appro j"nsv« Steamer From Kipectad Will be Tta.po^btd (or Van der Ujn Booraeaia lima 22 Bawean, Boertbaia, BandiermtMin, Kota Baroe, Ma
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    • 636 7 Nonddeutscher Lloyd Bremen. Hamburg-Amerika Llnle, Hamburg. IMPERIAL GEBMAN MAIL The fast and well-known mail-steamers of these tinea will leave Singapore on or *bout the undermentioned date* Outward Homeward P. Hcinrich July 3 Roon Jnne SO Bachten July 17 Preutsen July 14 Kiaultchou July 81 Hamburg July 28 Ftayern Ang 14
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    • 620 7 BT^yH||HIP COMPANIfip N V If JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP 00 LTD. A regular FORTNIGHTLY terries li maintained between Japan and Europe bj HEW TWIN SCREW PTEAMERS, Under Mail Contract with the Imperial '■pan— c Government, specially designed lor the Company's European Service, ighted throughout by Electricity, )roTtded with excellent accommodation 'or
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    • 468 7 I msuitAHCß 00,'t f»A!ITON INBUJtA«C* UCKIOI V/ LIMITED. '"Srrtal Subscribed 13,600,000. iMtßU «p...:r...'.. f*a4. I,'K^oo. Huo Omcs, Homion. Fha VBdavngiied, baring bMn swu'liifcn Af**** of Mm ab«Tc Company, are p&gt;«y». -«1 U •oospt Marias Bisks at current rataa. BOUSTBAfr* Co., Aynt.. FIRS l&gt;lr E TOTAL INVEBTBD FUNDS EXCEED 41
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    • 401 7 I INSURANCE CO.'g FIRE AND MARINK Insurance Coriipiany. FIRE Insurance effected on evsry letcription of property. MARIN* Risks aoceptod to all part. tbe World. UX3AL 30ARD. D. W. Xovkix, Esq., Chairman. A. W. Stitxx, Etq., Q. A. KisTina, Ksq. UhHo PniH. Esq., UiOeooi Qcai, Bag. Wu. MoKERROW A Co., Qtntral
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    • 1399 8 1 nder this heading the following abbreviations are used str.— oteamer sh.— ■•hip bo. barque sch.— schooner; Yet. Yai;ht Cru.— Cruiser; Gbl.— Gunboat; Tor. Torpedo; H. p. —Horse-power; Brit. British IT. S— United States Feb. -French Ger.--German; Dut -Dutch; Gc--General-cargo; d.p. deck passenger U Uncertain; T. r
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    • 625 8 Nam',, port, probable date of arrival. ami name oj agenii. Htiambm. Adana, Barry, June 89. Alcinous, China, July 12; Mansfield. Alesia. Hamburg, July 6; Behn Meyer. Annam. Hongkong, July 6; M. Marititnes. Anterior, China, June 28; Mansfield. Aparinva, Newcastle, June 28; Boustead Awa M-ru, Colombo, July 8 P.
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    • 69 8 For Per iteamer Time. To-Morkow. Djambie Hong Ho 1 p.m. P. Dickson A Sepang Hintang Tinwr 1 p.m. Penang I niiv 1 p.m. P. Swet'bam via ports B. Hi a Guan 2 p.m. T. Anson via ports Malacca 3 p.m. C'bon and Samarang Giang Bee 4 p.m. Koaotan
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    • 187 8 jVbssil's Name J'ne 22 Tetartos 22 Lady Mitchell 22 Mena M Kinile II I abella 22 Ban Toh Guan 21 I Hong Ho 22 Gaea 22 De Kock 22 Waibora 28 Moseel 23 Uakata Maru 23 Van Riebeeck 23 Ganymede A Toks Oaptaih Fbom Sailed Cojmghub. KIG. v Ger
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    • 140 8 Datb. Vmsil's Name. Fl.m, A Bi A Bio Tons. Destination. uoe 23 S3 88 22 28 28 33 24 23 23 S3 28 28 28 84 88 88 Windsor* Brit -tr. Ailing Dut ttr. Ophir str. SulUn Brit str. Emile Dut str. Mena str. Tydeua Brit str. Hfaknta Maru
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 87 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co. JEWELLERS and SILK MERCHANTS, 51-52, HIGH STREET. JU9T .4IXIXI.X~VSI:D •A splendid stock of high class real Diamond U Table Covers of Swatow work, Khu^kus fans, and Gem-set Jewellei«y In extensive fine Indian Muslins, Washing Silk of Lace Variety. work, Silk Lace, Oriental Embroidered Diamond, white
      87 words
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