The Straits Times, 19 June 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 21,159 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY. JUNE 19. 1903. PRICE 15 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 745 1 NOTICES. NOTICE. I ben to inform my customer* and the general public that I removed my b«BineBB ou the Ist of June to IA, and 18, Orchard Road. (opposite my former premises). H. v. WYK, Cnißinier. First clats establishment for Tiffins and Dinners; IM IMPORTANT NOTICE. MR TEO GEOK PENG,
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    • 243 1 NOTICES. Supplied to the State Hospitals of the Federated Malay States ***T" <-^^LHL^'^j jjj} "STOTJIR/ STORE KEEPER FOR K^^^^ SLEDGE BRAND. W'^W A «<cJk STERILIZED MILK 1 >52 I Invaluable in the House, ICKNtbi) UK rILALI n. Don't be put ofi: See that you get what you ask for "Sledge'
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    • 146 1 SOMETHING NEW I Messrs. Katz Brothers, Ltd., are now in a position to supply the Real Original Pilsener Beer "URQUELL," in 5 litre casks, handsomely got up in polished Oak FASS BEER at HOME Each of these casks being aerated, no tapping is required, the liquid can be drawn off
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    • 472 1 NOTICES. jOSEPinpLOTTS "ORANn PRIX. PARIS. 1900. Sk.l tf^ 1 AAn I Ofli K he«tQu»Uty; a.!.l>':iviuß(srPHtf<iDiir«ba:lv it. |V Fi OHFAPCST. h|V •\ff KELLY WALSH, LIMITED. JUST RECEIVED Max O Rells New Book. Rambles in Woman-Land $2.75 ALSO, BY BAMB AITHOK Her Royal Highness Woman. Between Ourselves. PMLIi 42.75 Each. Dooley Books.
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    • 540 1 Royal Academy 1903. Academy Notes M ell Pictures of 190;< "Black and White" Academy Pictures Royal Academy Pictures, parts 1 and 2, each M Illustrated Catalogue, Paris Salon $2 .'>o Brassey's Naval Annual 1903. Price $12.50. w. i. i"iOMFORT*BMC roonis to be let at \J Bargannv House." Apply to Mrs.
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  • 1186 2 Dr. Young, a Wteriol«ni«t of Merlin, ha< died of iilaonc in hospital. Tbe attendant on him Ht Berlin han alxo l«en railed with plague- Hone. This following is the result of the rm« lor he Manchester Cup, ran at the Manilie-ic. iVlnt-nntide Meeting Lord Howard de Walden's ZinjmtHil,
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  • 289 2 Recently it may be remembered European P. C. Dunne of the Singapore force was sent home insane on II M.S Spartiate. He had been in South Africa and on arriving here was apparently quite correct mentally, but symptoms of insanity showed themselves before be had been here
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  • 41 2 A kkmahkablk development of the tramway traffic of Sydney lias attended th" conversion of the steam tiain MtviM into an electric system. The increase of passengers in the March quarter wag 8,51h.:i91, as compared with the March quarter of last year.
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  • 110 2 The other day a very destructive tire occurred in the Tro/.o district of Manila After it was over the authorities cleared up the debris, and amongst it found the charred remains of the followiug annual horses 7, dogs 88, pigs 91, goats 6. cats :C>6, monkeys 4, ducks 47, chickens
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  • 68 2 The Key. V. Darnmaloka, the Irish Buddhist priest who recently passed through Singapore and accompanied the Sawbwa of Kieng Tung to Bangkok, ha 3 relini|iiii>hed his intention of proceeding to Lhastsa and has started a free school in the Siamese capital. Its object is to give free education in English
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  • 79 2 (Jommkmim. on the fact that Mr. A T. 1) Berringttm has been granted twelve months' leave and was presented with an illuminated address by the Kuala Lumpur ehettieß, the P*rak ffmrrr remarks that "Werrinton Doray is very popular with this community who are never tired of singing the praises of
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  • 93 2 A COUOCI discovery was made at Sydney <>n the SOtfa May while the Norwegian barque 'Ae.lnteur (then in dock) was being surveyed. On the voyage tv Sydney a leak occurred. It was thought that, a piece of coral had penetrated the ship's bottom when she grounded a little while before,
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  • 88 2 A c.kkat saving ot time and temper no doubt, says tlie HotwHli OsKfriMM. would result if shipping firms would exhibit a notice th;tt those who called might read as to the day and hour their buyers would *cc travellers There are some cxc-ellen- notices to such effect to ba found
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 382 2 NOTICES. CROSSLETS OIL ENGINES. USUAL MIZES ALWAYS IN STOCK PARTICULAR AND QUOTATIONS ON APPLICATION TO THE BORNEO CO., LP. THETAFFYILUMLWim Have fitted up a plant for applying JODBLITB TO THEIR RAILWAY SLEEPERS. One application of Jodelite n< woodwork absolutely proof against wmw anta, dry rot. or decay. Particulars from the
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    • 361 2 NOTICES. BTDEROSTHEN an absolutely anti-eommvt paint for P'derosdJß Guaranteed to be the Vm< RUST-P K E VENTI VE Invaluable for Bhips Machinery RruJce etc., etc. One gallon will cover 54() »qaare feet Pkicb $30— P° r drum of I cwt. A splendid report ju»t received from tbe Secretary of the
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    • 226 2 NOTICES. Charges Moderate, Neat Execution, Prompt Attention, EMPEROR OF INDIA PRESS, 191 CECIL STREET. Printers, Publishers, Bookbinders, Machine rulers, Account Book makers, India Rubber Stamp Manufacturers, and Stereotype founders. Has latest appliances and experienced hands. The Hindoo mercantile Coy., 1-8 HIGHLAND BRAND EVAPORATED CREAM. M lS?t Jo hn Little Co
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    • 94 2 Dysentery. IS h danaaroM diaaate, bui can b in I Tnerr i<> h remedy tli At never fails. It baa baaa n^*d in n'm-t apidemiea of dy^i^n iciv with perfect aacceat It i^ called OriAMHEKLAJNS QOLIC, CHOLERv. AND DUKRHiKV KKMEDY. It ik <v|imlly valuable foi -children, and when reduced with
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  • 358 3 Speech by Mr. Chamberlain. In the House of Commons on tbe •.".'lid May, Bill providing for tbe payment of old age pensions wan read a second tune. Tbe measure propones that the pensioners must have reached the age of 66 years The pensions will be 6*. per
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  • 263 3 members oi the l oroiiation Contingent will be interested in the following which a correspondent has sent to the J'iiiavg Gazette. After stating how the Karl of Crawford was taking Admiral Keppel home, he says One bright summer morning in the Channel of Old Kngland,
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  • 110 3 Naval vessels of the I niled States Philippine Squadron have reported to the Navy Department at Washington tlie discovery of several valuable islands in the southern Dart of the archipelago. They do not appear on the charts now in existence and are as tar as known not claimed
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  • 124 3 P. O. June ■Jii.-IVr From Penan- to L-.iiilcin -Mr. K. C. Grey. July I. IVr Cnntun: For London— MnI .uiiliiiMiii ,111,1 children and amah. July -J4. I'er lUdlttarat For London— Mr iii-ii.i-ii Darby. N. D. L. June is. VvvStuttqart: Dr. KotkenburL-er Mewrw. A Wextenholit ami llunsen. June.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 97 3 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailing etc will be found on page 7. General shipping news is printed on page 8. Chamberlain's Pain Balm. IS fninou-. for its cures of Rheumatism. 1 Une Mpplication relieves the pain and «N continued use fora Bhort Una ensures a cure Pain Halm is
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    • 497 3 NOTICES. THE SIALINfr CONSORTIUM, DJOENGKOE BANJERMASSIN, S. E. BORNEO. Is prepared to supply plants of Palaquium Oblonmrfolium, For Particulars, apply to BEHN, MEYER Co., I AGENTS. 0. W. f. U.C. INDIAN ENGINEERING. AX Ii i !-ktrat«u WUUT JoUIIAL THE RECOGNIZED ORGAN OFIHK PROFESSION IN INDIA. With guaranteed bona fidt circulation.
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    • 364 3 QRIMAULT* C° I I Medicinal Skin Soap GRIIIj^JLTI^P^^^^^SMo MEDICINAL SKIN SOAP iff* I Recommended by eminent Der I matologists and adopted in the! Paris Hospitals in the treatment I of Ringworm, Acne, Psoriasis, I Eczema and Skin diseases ge- I 8, RUE VIVIENNE, 8 Paris I GIANELLI MAJNO'S NATURAL MILK
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    • 694 3 NOTICES. TIT ANTED— Lesson* in Spanish. Apply W to Pupilio c/o Strait* Time*. WANTED 7 A '-<>*«t clerk, immediately, for salary C\. and particular* apply to VACL UM OIL OOMPAK V, a, Finlayson Green. WANTED. A Chinese assistant in the Tailoring! ■ii. Department— one used to the routine preferred. Apply
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    • 476 3 1 NOTICES. Messrs. H. L. Cogh!— 6* Co. HATE BUN APPOINTS D BUB- AGENTS 07 T.i* Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BOUBTEAD 4 CO.. General Agent*. BtemlU Settlements. FOB SALS. A (team indicator by Elliott Bros., A London. H. L. COOBLAN 4 CO.. Auctioneer*. T7OB BALE,— Saigon Lymph, guaranteed
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    • 638 3 SHIPPING NAVIGAZIONE GKNBbIaIViTALJAN FOB PENANcTaKD BOMBAY. rpHE Italian g CAPRI, 2.71 b tons m Captain Belsito, having left Hon kong on the 11th inst., may be expected I arrive here on Wedne»day, the lfrtb insl and will be despatched for the aboi ports on 1 uesdsy, the 23rd instant. For
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  • 28 4 Pulsford. At Perak Estate, Province Welle»ley, on the 13th .Inne, Francis Pulsfobd, J. P. Hecond son of the late Rev. John I'Ul.skoßl), !>.!)., of Edinburgh, aged .">1 year*
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  • 1237 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. FRIDAY, 19th JUNE. One cannot make omelettes without jreaking eggs, and therefore no astonish, nent will be caused by the slightly pessimistic tone of the Report just issued by Colonel I 'en net at her, as Inspector-General of Police, concerning the working of his
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  • 217 4 I Mb. Bul'm signs the Kducation Report for 190:.', as Director of Public Instruction Progress is notcl in almost I every brand) of instruction except in I vernacular girU' schools. < ):i that point, Malay prejudices are hard to overcome Compulsion toincreasetheauendaiice at Malay boys' schools has pr jved to
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  • 165 4 ing school for girls has not yet been commenced. There is no room to spare in the Raffles Girls' School, and it probably be necessary to wait until an additional building has been erected before this can be started. Mr. Elcum states that the Commercial Class" at St. Joseph's Institution,
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  • 263 4 It would seem that the opinions expressed in this column yesterday anent the compliance with which Russia accepted the election of King Peter Karageorgevitch as successor to the murdered Alexander, will bear qualification. An official communique has been received at Belgrade from St. Petersburg declaring it incumbent upon King Peter
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  • 271 4 Among the trials and tribulations to which owners ot automobiles in these parts are subject is the doubt as to their being able to acquire and maintain a regular supply of petrol or gasoline. Here, in Singapore this difficulty is not so acute, because it is always to be obtained
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  • 6 4 To-day's 4/ms. bank rate is l/Bj{.
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  • 11 4 Thk Allxjiit arrived from I'enang with a cargo of coal yesterday.
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  • 20 4 Thr homeward M. M. packet tk- anien will probably leave Singapore on Monday, the 22nd instant, at about 4 p.m.
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  • 15 4 The Bank of England discount rate has dropped from 3! per cent, to .< per cent.
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  • 40 4 This morning at the Marine Court a Greek wag charged by the Captain of the as. S'entor with stowing away on board that vessel from Port Said to Singapore. He pleaded guilty and was sent to jail for fourteen days.
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  • Renter's Telegrams.
    • 27 4 Ixmdon, \slh June. Apart from the large Socialist gains from the Radicals, the balance of parties in the new Reichstag will be little changed.
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    • 116 4 Attitude of Britain. Mr. Balfour said the British Government has considered whether- it should mark its reprobation of the disgraceful crime at Belgrade by withdrawing the British representative. It has been decided that tbe Minister shall remain for the present to watch the course of events But he
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    • 43 4 British Troops Ordered. The situation in Somaliland is causing uneasiness. Difficulties of transport are increasing, and the communications with Berbera and Bohotle are threatened. Three companies of the Ist Hampsbires and :i'HJ native troops at Aden have been ordered to Homaliland.
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    • 21 4 An explosion of Lyddite shells has occurred at Woolwich Arsenal. Sixteen were killed and seventeen injured.
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    • 10 4 sir K. Satow has sailed for China
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    • 13 4 Thk totalizator cleared nearly 54,000 during the recent race meeting at Kuala Lumpur.
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    • 21 4 mi** Stone has written a letter to tbe Stale department at Washington, demanding damages from Turkey for her capture by brigands.
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    • 25 4 I'exam. is doing right. It is giving a Volunteer dance to-night. The advertisements of it announce that "no volunteer will be admitted in plain clothes."
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    • 28 4 The I'ai-00, which has been undergoing repairs at Tanjong Pagar Dock since the 27th ult., is expected to be able to resume her run to Western Australia to-morrow.
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    • 28 4 Dksi-itk efforts made by certain interested parties to prevent it, the Government of French Indo-China is continuing ifs subsidy of $1,500 per annum to the Siam Free Prest.
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    • 32 4 Thk Ymrmlmi arrived from Han How on Wednesday, laden with tea, and left at 6 o'clock yesterday morning after replenishing her bunkers. She is the tirst tea boat of the Volunteer Fleet.
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    • 41 4 Thk new line of Dutch steamers to run between Java and Japan, calling at Araoy, is expacted to carry coolies. In that case coolies from Amoy can be taken direct to Java instead of being conveyed thither t>y way of Singapore.
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    • 42 4 Mr. C. R. Hanson of the IVrak Railway Service has returned from home, and resumi d duty. It is reported that he will be transferred to Selangor, and later on will act for the General Manager when that officer proceeds on leave.
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    • 39 4 From Messrs. Shibuya and Co., of High Street, we have received some sample bottles of Arima Tansan, a very excellent brand of that well-known natural mineral water. It is reasonable in price and should command a ready sale here.
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    • 38 4 Thr master of the Sultan, Captain D'Cruz, was charged yesterday before the Marine Magistrate for having no light whilst his vessel was leaving the Singapore Roads on the night of the 12th inst. He was fined $.'> and costs.
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    • 46 4 A corrbspondknt writes complaining of the smells emanating from the fish daily spread out to dry the compound around the Telok Ayer market, which, he alleges, are intolerable and which, now that the town isso rapidly spreading in that direction, constitute a serious menace to health.
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    • 41 4 The cable ship Anglia reached Guam from Manila early this month, and fastened the link between the two places. The Guam-Honolulu section is expected to he completed by this time, thereby putting Manila in communication with the 1 ni ted States.
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    • 70 4 Whin His Majesty the King opened the new bridge at Kew on May 20th. a guard-of-honour wns supplied by the Cadet Company of the 2nd South Middlesex R. V. Corps. Among those woo had the honour of being chosen for this duty was Victor Landau (son of Mr. A. Landau
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 594 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. .WHAT'S IN A NAME In a literal sense nothing in point of practical value— everything. HY>r instance the name THE AUSTRALIAN STORES enables you to distinguish the VtiKY BlfiST in provisions. THOMPSON THOMAS CO. are famous everywhere for quality and cheapness. Send to them for a price list
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    • 120 4 O. R. LAMBERT 9 CO., Photographers. opbu: Urwhiun House, (Battery Boad.) On Weekdays only, t> a. m. to 6 p. m. 'Orcbara Road. On Weekdft) s, 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. On Sunday*, 8 a. m to noon. Appointments for sitting* should he made if possible beforehand. Just
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  • 72 5 The following are the handicaps for races at Serernban, on Tuesday next: Race 1. Bngler 10.12, Chin Chai 10.2, Joan 10 2, Pride of the Bast 9-8. Risby 9 0, Hope 8 2, Durbar 7 It, Dreadnought 7.10, Monitor 7.0, Badroulbadour 10.7, Alcohol 10 7, Damsel 10
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  • 138 5 The following naHiteugers left by thu Imperial (icrruan Mail atari Stuttgart thio morning. For Penang Mr. K. A.J. Bidwell, Misx Klveria Weit, Mr. O. Suhmidt. For < 'olombo— Mew™. G. U. Kirh, J. S. O'Donnel, Charles Forrester, F. H. Bird, W. Hay. For Naplen— Mr. .1.
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  • 108 5 Two Chinamen have been arrested lor conveying forty-five ducks in five small baskets. At the police station the birds were relieved from captivity. Yesterday morning they were restored to their baskets to be conveyed to the Police Court. On the way two died. This was explained
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  • 135 5 Yesterday's Play. iißf 11— sail S.nif! Odd Sianjt beat Yeo Kenj; We* 7.H. S.J, 6.1. TH Bm Kin l«.-at Tan Kw.-e Wall 6.1. tt.'J. Onj! T«;k heat Scow I'oh I.eng 6 2, 8.6. A. IIIIUHI.KS. Tan Tiam Kiut and S«ah <'lii»ng .too owe
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  • 144 5 Mb \V H. Blackmorfc, inspector, ways and works, Perak Railways, to be Inspector, Ways and Works, F. M. S. Railways, with effect from Ist January. Mr. F. Bel field, district officer, Kuala Lipis, Pabaag, to act as Legal Adviser, until lmtlier notice, rice Mr. A. T
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  • 47 5 Uni>«k th« Uknkkh-iai, Action ok Steabns' Wink, the chief functions of the body are regulated. The appetite is sharpened. Digestion becomes more active. Nutrition and assimilation are more complete. Sleep is induced. And the natural forces are stimulated.— Sold by all chemists.
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  • 103 5 Tub Japaueae mail steamer Sado Mam (Captain Parsons) will tail for Marseilles and London vid the usual ports of call at noon to-morrow, the 20th inst., from the roads. The Coy.'s steamlaunch Nippon will convey passengers to the steamer leaving Johnston's Pier at 1 1 a.m. sharp.
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  • 166 5 The friends of the late Manuel Beins will learn with regret of his death which took place at Selegie Road, yesterday afternoon, in his sixtieth year, after a painful illness of over two months which terminated in an apoplectic fit. Deceased retired about ten years
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  • 192 5 The Holland-Johnstone coal hoist has been tried at Rangoon on board the 8.1. s.B Sntara, with satisfactory results. Ten men were employed, and the machine discharged 500 tons in five and a half hours. The rate for four machines at four hatches is 3,600 torjs in aworkingday
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  • 238 5 O\v Moh Be*, Tan Lew Chwee, and Chwa Sun Lee were again before Mr. Wilkinson, yesterday morning the first on the allegation of having obtained by means of a forged document the sum of $1 2,000 from the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank on the
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  • 56 5 Thk Tanjong Pagar Recreation Club loses one of its most prominent members, and Singapore one of its best Association backs in the person of Mr. R. McLaren, who goes home to-morrow in the N. Y. K. ss. Sado Maru. He afterwards proceeds to Canada, where he takes the best wishes
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  • 61 5 The application made yesterday to Mr. Justice Hyndman-Jones by the Official Assignee to commit Tan Eng Song (Chop Chuan Song) to prison for offences under the Bankruptcy Ordinance was granted, the order being for three months. His Lordship, however, granted a stay, the effect of which is that after completing
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  • 93 5 Last night a Chinaman who was carrying a bag containing $.'303 was attacked at the junction of Fraser Street and Beach Road by three other Chinese. They attempted to take away his bag, but were unable to get it. Some of the dollars fell on the road and they snatched
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  • 65 5 Thk semi-final ties in this competition were played off last night on the Esplanade. In the first tie Goldie's team beat Jackson's by 1 goal 3 touchesto nil. In the second tie, Buckley's team beat Kerr's by 2 goals 1 touch to 1 goal. The final tie, which
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  • 104 5 The Daily Mail learns from Paris that trials of the guns of the new French battleship Henri IV. have given satisfactory results. In order to discover what the effect on a vessel would be when the fore turret gun was fired, sheep were placed at
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  • 110 5 A Big Programme. The Spanish naval authorities (says the United Service Gazette) have now definitely fixed upon a programme which includes twelve battleships of 14,000 tons displacement, and 19 knots speed, so that they will equal our vessels of the Duncan class, six "scouts" to have a
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  • 244 5 A Lady's Experience. In the Autocar a lady describes her sensations while accompanying Mr. Mark May hew the other day on one of the Napier racers which took part in the Gordon Cup eliminating trials 1 took my seat by Mr Mayhew's side, and we were off. The
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  • 45 5 Mb. E. A. Watson, of the Kechau mines, must find life really worth living. The other day he was visited by a troop of wild elephants, and now his compound is said to be invested by a tiger which evades all attempts instituted against it.
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  • 47 5 The Norwegian steamer Haiti it arrived from Aniuy and Swatow this morning with Chinese immigrants. From Amoy she brought for Singapore 337 men, 12 women and 0 children and from Swatow 158 men, 4 women and 1 child. There are about 150 from both ports for Penang.
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  • 52 5 This morning Mr. Bea tty committed foi trial five Chinese boatmen for the alleged murder of another boatman last Saturday morning on a Chinese boat off Tarjjocg Rhu. During a row, the deceased was beaten with pieces of timber by three men, but the other two were not seen to
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  • 44 5 Fines ranging from $20 to $50 were imposed by Mr. Broadrick, this marning, in the Suminon'H Court on tour Chinese building contractors who were prosecuted by Building Inspectors Lammers and Scott for obstructing the public thoroughfares, Robinson Road and Cecil Street, with building materials.
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  • 51 5 Onb of the greatest scandals of the administration of justice is the length of time that cases take," said the Chief Justice of Queensland, as he sharply pulled up a counsel who was crossexamining a wimeas "We are not trying the witness's character," he added let us get to the
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  • 52 5 Says the Jndinn Planters' Gaze tie In the matter of crimping coolies, it is India that has set Ceylon the bad example. There are a certain class of employers who have an unfortunate kink in their nature, which allures them on to taking a positive delight in enticing labourers from
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  • 55 5 Sir Edmund Barton, the Australian Premier, has written to the PostmasterGeneral of Canada to the effect that Canadian letters will now be received in Australia at the penny rate. He regrets that he is not yet able to make the rate reciprocal. This is all that was required to maka
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  • 607 5 Kisoapori, 19th June, ISO). PRODUCE. Gambler f IS 67} Copra Ball 8.00 do PoDtlanak 7.10 Pepper, Black buyer* 34 25 do White, 63.00 S»ro Flonr Synwuk 85 do Rrnnet No. 1 3.70 Pearl Sago 6.(0 Coffee, Ball, lS%baM» H.50 Coffee, Palembang, 2U% bast*.- 27.00 Coffee, Uberian No. 1 17
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 199 5 The Best Advice To give to a person suffering from Headac* 1 or Neuralgia is to use a remedy that will give instant relief. Like a touch of the wizard's wand, Little's Oriental Balm acts on these painful disorders. The effects are simply marvellous. One application and the pain subsides
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    • 668 5 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD BUILDING ALLOTMENTS AND HOUSE PROPERTY FRONTING RACE COURSe ROAD AND KERBAU LANE, SJNOAPORE. TO BK HELD AT POWELL CO.'S BALE-ROOM Wednesday, 24th June, 1903, fit 2 30 p.m T UTS 1 to 7. H«vea freehold building Xi allotments fronting Race Course Road, containing
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    • 695 5 AUCTION SALES. Important Government Sale OF BUILDING LAND SITUATE AT ROBINSON ROAD, Singapore Town, TO HB HELD AT POWELL Co.'s Sale Boon ON Wednesday, the Bth July, 1903 -A.T S-3O P. AdC. LI All that large valuable corner OT 1 block of building lan.i suit able for commercial purposes and
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 176 5 OAY BY DAY. Friday. 19th June High Water. 4.MS p. in Mmin. M| TjMrtM I. SH 11.111. Btkad S|iorls. RagbMMtal Kami. (in.U'ii-. 5 S.V.A., I). U.K. Claw. Forl I'almer. Lift, Wiiymij: Khkmiii. North Kridf;e Koad. 9. Saturday, 20th June. High Water. .'>. .V."> 7 p.m. K'ture Amiion. I'ihtcoh Kd.
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  • 454 6 lie ambition of Sir A. Conan Doyle in to «cc •vary Knglinhman np in the age of «i ty capable -.'(iriiiK forty eight out of a powuble titty hi .i -itie range. The author himxelf, two yenrru; founaetl a Civilian Hitle Club at Inder ■•iriw, the delightful little
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  • 134 6 i n llaily Mail states that the sale of' infeetod blankets was due to some \Var| >rhce ollicial in Cape Town committing u<-told breach of the regulations,) on» of which prescribed the destruction oi eiirling likely to be infectious. The PTai otlice has cabled to Cape Town oniering
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  • 139 6 1 mkiiim! to a telegram from I'liilai I'rof. .Arthur Goodspeed, of tbt) nivt-rsity of Pennsylvania, has discovered, a hitherto unknown ray, which, en.unating from the human body, is strong enough to m&ke a photograph. I'.ontßen Ray photographs, which ordinarily require an exposure of half an hour, can
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  • 194 6 For Singapore. P A O. g. s. Japan from London May ir> dun 2r)th Juno— Mrs. Donald. i'^r P. O. s s. connecting at O> ombo with the stenmer Ccmmumd*! from London May KB, due Mth June— Mr. Hwirtlw r <* O I. s. China from
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 90 6 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. NO i ■> i\ cure* colds anddinfloeua, but ooanteracti any teneccy towards a pneomoii h. 'H. MHKKI-AIN'SCOfQH REMEDY CllU out the |>lilt'i;m and gi'ini-infoßted mmnu». and let< the lilo-^ivini; oxygen enr:nli and vitnliiie tbe blood, heals the iiifl'in.c il cough-Morn throAt and lungs. OHAMHKKLAINS COUGH REMEDY will
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    • 265 6 NOTICES. ISOTOR" CYCLES ASP MOTOR CARS ON ORDER. Straits Cycle Motor Co. DRINK t AI^AN BUT SEE THAT YOU GET THE Genuine Article BOTTLED BY J. CLIFFORD WILKINSON, KOBE, JAPAN. Of all Dealers BOTTLES FREE!. Wilkinson'* Taman doea not lower the system bat Invigorate* it ride repon on this Water
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    • 773 6 NOTICES. Singapore and Kranji Railway. The Passenger Train Service will be as under from Bth May, 1903, and until further notice. week cJays. Sundays. AM. A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. AM. A. M. AM A.M. Singapore d..7.00 7.45 10.00 11.30 12.32 244 3.A0 5.15 6.40 6.00 7.:*
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    • 216 6 Manager. SARAWAK Coal in good supply at Brooketon and Laboan, with prom] t despatch for bunker or cargo. For terms apply to John Hardie, Sarawak Goverc tnnnt Asent. Labnan. n.c. Charles Ibetosfcck's THUbite Seal Cbampaonc. 6OLB Ar.SSI.-i, BKHN, MEYER &C< IXtL Singapore ami I'fvimj. \sJt*Tr Singapore f^r Measrs. Johh Little
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 780 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. Onus Standar.' Assonnee. Norwich Union Fire Imnnoo* Soeiatv. •Vtlas Auuranoe Company (Fire). The Kqaitable Life AjMuranoe Society. I he China Mutual Steam Navigation Companj fiM Tottenham Lager Beer Company. .-'or puticnlan of Uuwe Compaaias, see the ■uU advertiMment of THE BORNEO COMPANT. LIMITBD. Agents. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES.
      780 words
    • 744 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijke PaUetvaart Maatschapplj. Under contract with the Netherlands India Uovernmem. Ui S **W >Or BHIP AOISOT, LATB J. DaWDILI A Oo M »-S. OotLT«« Qu «T .he undermentioned dates are only appro* "nave. Steamer From F.ipected Will be IMipp'cbed for Pan OuthoorH Padang June 17 Penang^ Olehleh, Poeloe
      744 words
    • 656 7 Norddeutscher Lloyd Bremen. Hamburg-Amerika Llnle, Hamburg. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL. The fast and well-known mail-steamers of these lines will leave Singapore on cr ibout tbe undermentioned dates: Outward 1 Homeward Hamburg June 19 Stuttgart June 19 P. Heinrich July 8 Jtoon June 30 Saehsen Inly 17 Preussen July 14 KiauUchou July
      656 words
    • 570 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIBS OCEAU STEAM SHIP Co,, Ltd, AND China Mutual Steam Nay. Co., Ltd. The Companies' steamer* are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China .mil Japan every week, and from Japan homewards for London every fortnight and for Liverpool monthly. One outward steamer each month extends to Vancouver
      570 words
    • 583 7 INSURANCE CO.'S /SaNTON INSURANCE OFFIO V^ UKIIID. Capital Subscribed J2.60C,g00. Amount paid up 500,000. Kmtrn fund .....1,160,000. Hbad Omci, Hcmskors. Tbm andacngned, having been appoint* I Agents of the aborc Company, are prepared t Moept Marine Bidra at current rate*. BOUBTHAD Co., Agaat*. ROYAL INSURANCE COY. FIRE LIFE total invkBted
      583 words
    • 758 7 NOTICES. MARTIN'S *APlOL &st eei« LIQUID^ FUEL(Petroleum Residue Large stocks always on Land. 32/6 (Thirty-two shillings and sixpence) per ton f. o. b. in bunkers at FRESHWATER LSLAXD (PULO BUXOM) opposite western entrance of Net Harbour. The fuel is delivered through a i ih. pipe capable of discharging 200 ton*
      758 words

    • 1337 8 1 rider this heading the following abbreviations aro used str.— steamer aft.— l»hi[> bq.— barque sell.- schooner; Yet.— Yacht Cru -Cruifer; Gbt.— (iunboat; Tor. l_T'.ip'odo:H.p-Horf.' power. Brit— Bri- I U^h-ft S -I'nited States Fch. -French: •Uur Herman: Dut. -Dutch: (it. -(ieneralVcarco, d p -deck pansenger; U-Uneertajn: fT
      1,337 words
    • 660 8 Ham', port, probable date of arrion. and name of agent*. 8TIAM1&8. Alcinous. China, July IS; Mansfield. Al«sia Hamburg, July 5; Behn Meyer. Annara, HoDgkong, July 6; M. Maritime*. Antenor, China, June 28; Mansfield. Aparimia, Newcastle, June 28 Boustead Awa Maru. Colombo. July 9 P. Simon*. Badenia, Hongkong, Aug.
      660 words
    • 151 8 From Europe—By the M M.s.s Po///fif«>K line on the 2'Jnd June, with (WtM to thr i»th May. From China —Ry the MM. s. s. OMSMMi due on the 22nd June. Left Singapore. Dae in London Arrived May 2nd M. M. May 26th May Htk May 4th V.
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    • 109 8 for Per tteamer Tm\t. To-Morkow. Kandakan via ports Trinptmnu 7 a.m. AmboangaAllollo Fatani 9 a.m. Fremnntle via ports Pnroo 10 a.m. Penaiiß and Colombo SadoMnm 10 a.m. TrinßuanuAKi'lantßn^mAfr*^ 11am. Indragiri Aing Ana Noon. Penang via Padang Van Oulhooni 1 p.m. Banakpk Tmiglin '2 p.m. IViinni; Pin Xenp '2
      109 words
    • 206 8 Flag H VKBBILS NAMB A TOK« CAPTAIN FROM RAILSD COA-810NKKi«. Bioi 18 Arabia Ger 8(r. 2800 Bable Hamburg May 14 Behn Meyer A Co. 18 Pin Sent: Brit str 878 'DaviiNon Pennnfi June 1« Bang Chin 18 Bado Maru Jap Btr 8868 Parsons Yokohama May 30 P. Simons and
      206 words
    • 84 8 AN J R PASBKD BUNDA BTKAITS OK ARRIVED FUR OKDEKn. Flag a Dak. Kio. Ship's Nam. lUkTh V* Captain. 'Saimsg. Fkom where DKBTINATION. KKMAKK. urn- Dut 8 8 Rhipeug Williams 3 Dut ti.g. Moentoer Le Clerc(| 6|Dut »B.iKiDf[in HegentesOuwihund 9G«r b.q tfomia Rowelil i> Brit Samaiitan DexWr U Brit Eclipse
      84 words
    • 121 8 Date. Vessel's Name. Flak A Rig. j Tons. Destination. une 20 P.vJo Mani Jnp ttr. 19 Trigonia l>u». str. 19 Arabia Ger btr. 1» Htentor Brit *tr. ]9 Van Dieraen Dut str. 10 Mena str. 19 I Emile «tr. yO Hamburg Ger rtr. Amiral Exelmans Fch »tr. •JO Bombay
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 64 8 .K.A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co. JEWELLERS and SILK MERCHANTS, 51-62, HIGH STREET. JTJBT ARR.I x/ Jtail> A splendid stock of High class real Diamond j Table Covers of Swatow work, Khuskus fans, and Gem-set Jewellery In extensive fine Indian Muslins, Washing Silk of Lace Variety. work, Silk Lace, Oriental Embroidered ooid
      64 words
    • 224 8 WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW CO. 9 GENTS' TAN LEATHER TENNIS SHOES LADIES' TAN KID COURT a nice di Kr*\£ rnnoTBUABi Best selected Tan Calf Leather lined SHOES L^^..??! J e T ,S" I* well hand finish. ,<,.:,,„ jj^Jj. !r^,.ir aPj PHce Sg.sO a^sVr^K^^',,':: P^>3 50 «S& /^T\ GENTS> AMMUNITION BOOTS L o
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 28 8 WEATHER TSLEOHAa (E. E. A. A C. Telegraph Compunu./ Hth f«SI BOXUROXG.— Barometar 29 W. Direction of Wind W.3.W. Force of W'iiH 'iI Max. Temp in 8har!e Mk
      28 words