The Straits Times, 30 May 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times MO. a.,143 SINGAPORE. SATURDAY. MAY 30. 1903. PRICE 15 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 704 1 NOTICES. ffh'f Straits iTinifs. ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. [per inch, column measure. 1 rim Insertion 91 cento Second and third im>ertioi)*encli cents Fourth, fifth, and nixtb 40 cents Seventh to eighteenth 84 cents Nineteenth xuWquent,, 16 cenU Her week of nix day», to be changed daily if reg aired
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    • 713 1 NOTICES. FEDERATED MALAY STATKS QOVBENMWT OF BBLAHOOB. TENDEKB INVITED FOR OIL KNOINE rpENDER* will be received at. the Office X of the Secretary to the Resident, Kuala l.nmpur, up to ooon of the lot June, MM. for the supply of a 9 b. H.P. oil engine for use ii the
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    • 335 1 NOTICES. MOTHERS SHOULD REMEMBER nhen >r/«.//irjr «a artificial F—d lor ihrlr Mln THREE DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF ruvw It Is easily digestible and vary mssintilabhi and nourishing. It Is readily solublo and Iroe fvon* starch. It does not thicken, and no sugar or boiling Is required. MELLINS FOOD IS UNTOUOHEO BY
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    • 212 1 NOTICES. Raffles Hotel. Criterion Dinner. Saturday, 3Gtd May, 1903. Band in attendance during and after dinner. SARKIES BROTHERS, Proprietors. no-.-, Hotel Bellevue. A TESTIMONIAL. Du'srs Hotel ist alien zu einplelilon d"a L-s MM ausgczoichißt. Kiiine uml sfhr sclii'iie Kainmern hier gieht. (Signed) StefTens. William Diack. tn. th. 4« GIANELLI MAJNO
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    • 379 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE Owing to the receipt by him, personally, of several business communications intended for Messrs. Riley rlargraves Co., and the consequent delay and inconvenience to all concerned, the undersigned begs to inform his friends and acqnaintances that he has resigned the Secretaryship of the above-named firm. G. M.
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  • 1291 2 Annual Report for 1902. This report will be read with more than ordinary interest by many who are in no way connected with the service of Government and is one of tiie most, if not (he most, important departnit aM report issued in the Straits Settlements. I'iider the
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  • 507 2 Any me who H within the inner i-irde in racing knows that owners Tiptrtan' a a lot of trouble from the fact that thtir an ,l':vih tO talking. TiM '-■hi.. \:i a late number to hand, itinent remarks on Mm mbjaet. That paper al '■There ;iff
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 39 2 NOTICES. I v i\ l 3 r>^! IS o 3 11 CO! w w 0 JZ I .1 i *S 1 n. Z 3 I 06 0 <y 9 z. B Xi! 1 f I 0:5 1 1 i
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    • 297 2 I NOTICES. TOB jyEGF.ECT OF T IFE^SSURANCE. ■\TEAB AFTER YEAR men are cut down I suddenly in the prime of life, whose families are left in extreme poverty from their neglect of Life Assurance. Many men who are assured for £500, ought to be assured for five or ten times
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    • 624 2 NOTICES. BAD COMPLEXIONS Dry Thin and Falling Hair and Red Rough Hands Prevented by CUTICURA SOAP MILLIONS use Ccticura Soap, assisted by (Xnmna OnmncHT, for presennng, purifying, and beautifying the skin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales, and dandruff, and the stopping of falling bair, for softening, whitening, and
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    • 76 2 Rheumatic Sufferers. VfTANY m(l»rer» from heuninlism h-m .tJ_ aeee mrprieed and 'leli^ritod nt tin 1 prompt relief obtained by applying Churn berlain'H i'ain Balm. In advising you to use CbnmberlainV rale Rnlm 'or Rheumatism, we know it uilttive you perfect tatisfnetion. as tb<> fit ßt applicuti-in will relieve t.h,- pain,
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  • 218 3 Mb. VV. Dei. Mak has written a book on "Around the World Through Japan, and provides some very interesting reading. From Singapore he was brought to Hongkong in a freight steamer, with seven cabin passengers and 52u Chinese deck passengers coolies returning with the fruits of
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  • 681 3 [t has baao dacided that prouotii n to the rank of Gtanaral in the Indian Army bhall ordinarily be by seniority, and this shall apply to the tew remaining < General Officers ot the old Indian Army. Lieutenant (.-enerals and Generals of the old Indian Army will,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 491 3 NOTICES. THE OF MULTITUDES who aata u«ed it or urn now naing it. we have aetar heard of any one who ha-* beea disappointed in Ik No claim* ansmade for it c.v..-.'|jt those which are amply ju»tifi.-d by experience. In commending it to the afflicted wenimply point to Us record.
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    • 600 3 AUCTION SALES. ESTATE OF G. EDGAR, DECEASED. Preliminary Notice. A UCTION SALE of VALUABLE t\- FRKKHOLD RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES and BUILDING BITEH beautifully situated at River Valley Road and St. Thomas Walk, Singapore, consisting of the following:— The three European residences known respectively ai Sunnyside St Thomas St. Helens FIVF RESIDENTIAL
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    • 654 3 AUCTION SALES. H. L. COGHLAN ff COY/jT FORTHCOMING AUCTION SALES. Saturday SOl!: May at No. 84 Institution Hill. Household furniture. 81-* JAVA TEAK Auction sale of ;.bout 30 tons of Java Teak in legs. At Tanjong Pagar, near the Dock entrance. Monday, Bth Jime, ul 2-30 p.m. To be sold
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    • 639 3 NOTICES. WANTED a practical miner. Must be accustomed to timbering. Apply at Box 276, Post Office, Singapore. v c WANTED. fl^O purchase At once, two strong ponies. 1 Paitii ulare to K. Y. 46 Adelphi Hotel. 80-6 wantedT A junior clerk— Good at figures and handwriting. One used to typewriting
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    • 606 3 NOTICES. Messrs. H. L. Coghlnn V Co. HAVE BEEN APPOINTED BUB-AGENTB OF THI Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BODBTEAD A CO., General Agents, O.C- Straits Settlements FOR SALE. A steam indicator by Bros., London. H. L. COO H LAN A- CO.. U.i 1 Auctioneers FR SALE,— Haitfon Lynn.b.
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  • 281 4 The Straits Times PRICE 15 CENTS. SATURDAY, 30TH MAY. As will be seen by the extended report of the meeting of the Legislative Council held yesterday which is published in adjoining columns, these Settlements have definitely accepted the recommendations made in the report of the Currency Commission, and we are
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  • 427 4 Mast people hereabouts will recall the golden visions of the wealth to be I acquired in the cultivation of ramie as they were deleted by the late Mr. Macdonald wisa meant to make the ti ire one of th» great staples of commerce and wiin enlisted much sympathy, if not
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  • 6 4 To-day's 4/ins. bank rate is l/gj.
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  • 13 4 Thnkd Abdolla bin Sultan Ali left for Penang to-day by the Pin Seng.
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  • 16 4 m H M.S. Phcenir left Hsngkong for Singapore via Borneo on Monday, the 18th instant. m
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  • 17 4 H M.S. Siriuf, afi-er taking in bunker coalc at Tanjong Pagar, left the wharf at noon yesterday.
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  • 15 4 Thk Rev. A. B. Cook will address the meeting to-morrow evening at the Temperance Institute.
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  • 16 4 Among the arrivals by the .Va.-«i7«i this morning were Mr. Wm. Kelly Smith and Mrs. Smith.
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  • 15 4 The Penang Hunt Club held a successful gymkhana meeting on Monday last, with eight events.
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  • 14 4 Mk A. L. lugall, Acting Senior Magibtrate, Perak, has been appointed Senior Magistrate, Selangor.
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  • 18 4 The Itzehoe, shortly due, brinfs a cargo ot coals from Australia. She left Sydney on the 'J-Jnd instant.
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  • 22 4 An articleon the Chinese Protectorate report for 1901' will be found on page 2, and an article on cricket on page 6.
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  • 21 4 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailing etc will be found on page 7. General shipping news is printed on page 8.
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  • 25 4 The P. and O. intermediate steamer Malacca left Hongkong at i p.m. on Friday and is expected to arrive here at 3 p.m. on Wednesday.
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  • 24 4 The monthly sewing meeting ot the Church Work Association will be held at the Rallies Girls' School on Wednesday, June 3rd at 4 p.m.
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  • 25 4 Two coolies werearrested this morning for dumping the dead body of a countryman of theirs at the junction of ■Sago Lane and South Bridge Road.
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  • 31 4 Thk total amount of tin ore exported by 'he trihutors on the I mds of the Royal Johore Tin Mining Coy. Ltd., during May was ."iOO bags, equal to :«7"> piculs.
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  • 39 4 The P. O. s s. Mnmlia which arrived here this morning, is on her last trip but one. Ore ot the old-ast vessels in the «v O. C )-'s Mrrio*, she is In b»t sold after her next voyage.
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  • 29 4 It is reported that Mr. Warren Barnes, Assistant Protector of Chinese in Penang, will 6honly be leaving that Settlement to take up the appointment of Commissioner of Lands, F.M.9.
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  • 38 4 The half yearly communication of District Grand Lodge was held last evening at Freerrasons' Hall the D. G. Master, R. W Bro. Napier, being in the chair. The D. G M. tppotatM his officers for the coming year.
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  • 42 4 The Protestant missionaries in >.he I Philippines are fighting the opium 1 concession bill. They say that laej business of the sale of opium is an! immoral one and they are determined j to prevent the passage of the bill it possible.
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  • 40 4 THK K P. M. Van 'le,i Hwh in expected to -uru-e from Batavia on Monday inoL..ii._, in connection with the homeward German mail. After landing the mails and discharging some cargo at Tanjonp l'.i_- v, she goes to the roads.
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  • 45 4 On Monday next (Whit Monday) there will be no issue of the Siraitu Times. The money order, savings hank and parcel post branched of the Post Office will be closod. The General Post, Office and the suh-post offices will close at 2 30 p. 111
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  • 41 4 Evbky Sunday evening at .">.-« 1 There is a service at the Church at l'aagiia Barracks, in which the Manchester Band and a choir of boys take part. This service is open to the general public, whose attendance will be cordially welcomed.
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  • 42 4 Not overheard at Harmston's Grandpa— Don't get scared, Willie the tiger is about to be fed that's what makes .iim jump and roar so" Willie (easily) Oh, I ain't afraid of him, grandpa papa's the same \v:iy lien his meals ain't ready."
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  • 41 4 The Wayang Kassim shortly takes its departure for Kuala Lumpur some European patrous of what is really a very excellent show have determined to give Mr. Kassim, the proprietor, a little souvenir of his visit, rule advertisement in another column.
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  • 54 4 The specification of Mr. E.H.Mathieu, of Singapore, of his invention for the preparation of India-rubber from the milk of rubber trees, has been accepted by the Perak Government, and the petition for a grant of exclusive privilege of this invention will be considered by His Highness the Sultan in Council
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  • 55 4 Si'ikitiai ism is now the rage at 1 Manila. Americans, Filipinos, and Spaniards, alike, are readily taking to I it. Among the spirits which have been 1 most successfully called up are those of Cromwell, Henry VIII (without his 1 wives), Christopher Columbus, Philip I. of Spain, and Dr. Rizal,
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  • 66 4 Indian Field publishes a special telegram on the Newmarket Stake*, for which only eight ran, the field not including the Derby favourite, Roeksand. In his absence Flottnm won by a length from Rabelain, who was two lengths in front of Gay Gordon, the other runners being Countermark (winner of the
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  • 83 4 The newest invention is a hat which salutes ladies automatically. By means of clock work, the "poor man "ho is too fatigued to raise his hat to a lady friend is able to escape an imputation of impoliteness. He has simply slightly to incline his head and the hat raises
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  • 91 4 The administration report on the Convict Department for 190^ has been issued. It shows that the total numbei of pauper invalid convicts, who were quartered at the Convict Lines, Balestier Plain, and to whom rations were issued at the expense of the Indian Government, on the order of the Colonial
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  • 97 4 The golf teams to play at the Whitsunside festivities at Kuala Lumpur are due there to-day. The golf contest for the interteam trophy begins to-morrow at 9 ;H) a.m. to be competed for by teams of three from Singapore, Penang, Perak, Efagri Serabilan, and Selangor. The Shield will be won
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  • 114 4 The capital of Cochin-China is a very disconcerting town, writes M. Robert de Caix in the Ikhats. It has not the brutal activity of Singopore, nor the prodigious spontaneity, but improper life, of Bangkok. Saigon is a town of evident leisure, an administrative centre where developments are directed according to
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  • 114 4 This is from the L'ylon (Jbseruer The Sultan of Johore on board the Ophir was classed as a restricted immigrant on arrival at Fremantle, and the purser was informed that special permission would be required tit him to laud. Captain Kersaw, however, advised His Highness to go a bore— which
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  • 73 4 At the next Conversazione of the S.Y.A., S.V.E., and SYR, to be held at the Drill Hall on Tuesday, June 9th, H. E the Governor his signified his intention of being present, and of making the presentation of the silver tea set, subscribed tor by the members, to
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  • 176 4 Two Chinese Coolies Hurt. Aboit 10 o'clock this morning two Chinese coolies who were working on the scaffolding of new house in course of construction in China Street met with a rather nasty accident. The plank they were standing on suddenly slipped and they fell into the
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 144 4 London, 29th May. Mr. Chamberlain further said, in the preferential duties debate, that, although he did not suggest the total reversal of British fiscal policy, the application of his suggestions would require a new mandate from the electorate. This would involve consideration of the general
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    • 17 4 The report of the visit of the Prince of Wales to India lacks foundation.
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    • 44 4 The Time* correspondent at St. Peter* burg has been expelled from Russia owing, it is supposed, to his criticising the internal affairs of the Empire. THE OAKS. The following in the result of tha Oaks: l ur l.asn' 1 tlammerkoi) 'J Skytcraper ."<
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    • 26 4 Admiral Drury hat? been appointed 11 Lord of the Admiralty. Rear-Admiral Atkinson Willes will be his successor on the East Indies Station.
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  • 64 4 A special meeting of tlif Taiijone Pagar Dock Co. Recreation Club was held at Blair Lodge last evening for the purpose of electing officers. The election resulted as follows —President, Mr Win. King; Vice President, V. Niblock Hon. Sec, .1. L. Ewing; lion. Drake, <i
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  • 85 4 Yestkriuv's (Jovernment Gnzettr contains Ihe following Mr. Talma becomes acting third magistrate, Penang. Mr. Bell becomes acting assistant Postmaster General, Penang. Mr. Wilson becomes acting Supt. Money Order l>rn.H<_li and Savings Bank, Singapore. Mr. Cavendish becoiuet> acting fourth magistrate, Singapore. The Governor lias appointed Capt H. R. Baker,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 84 4 G.R. Lambert Co. Photographers OPBM Oretham House Road.) —on Weekdays only 8 ajn. 6 pjn. Orchard on We kd «y» I 8 J «»-5 P«nHo a on riandays. Ba.m.- -noun. Large Stock of Photographic materials. Monthly sapplies from Europe, reliable printing papers, chemical mounts, Eastman films, Wratten-Wrain wright's Ilford and
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    • 55 4 Mrs. Anna K. Pennick.Oakford, Bucks Co., Pa., writes Dr. John Schrack, our family doctor, highly recommends Jayne's Rxpectorant. It is a wonderful medicine. Forty-four years ago I had hemorrhage of the lungs. I took Jayne's Expectorant and inhaled tar, and the two cured me." The Singapore Dispensary. Sole Agents for
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    • 48 4 YOI'R <;KNKRAL HEALTH BECOMES QOOO. 1 NI)KK THE BKNKHCIAI, ACTION O> Stkakns' Wink, tbe chief (unctions of tbe body m regulated. The appetite is sharpened. Digestion becomes more active. Nutrition and assimilation are more complete Sleep is induced. And the natural forces are stimulated. Sold by all chemists.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 181 4 UAY BY DAY. Saturday, 30th May. Iliirh Water. 1.1 p.m. si .1 Cricket. >.V.A. In-i»-< 1 i.Hi Criterion Dinner. Itaflfol Hold. Hwmi'i Cfaww. BsaehKosd !4ft WafMg Kh-miii. Nortli Md|S Koad. 9. Wayann J'usi North Hri.l^'e Komi. 9. Sunday, 31st May. High Water, n.j:, :l in. I vi p.m. \Vliiimm..lm\. Qmsa
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  • 6128 5 Friday, May aqth. I-RKSENT. IU i \i v.i.i.KMV Sir Frank Athblrtaxf. BWMTTWAM, X. ('.«.<-.., (GOVKKNOB). Hon. W.T.Taylor.c.M.i.., (Colonial Secretary) Hun W. K. Collyer (Attorney-General). Hon. F. G Penney (Colonial Treasurer). Hon. Dr. Galloway. Hon. W. .1. Napier. Hon. T. K. F.arle. Hon. Tan Jiak Kirn. Hon. G S.
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  • 52 5 ()[•'< Lassie, the winner ot the < >»ks M the property ot Mr. .1. B .loml and is a hiy three year old by Ayrshire-Ours. Hammerkop belongs to Major Loato, is by (xallinule-Concussionand .Skyscraper belongs to Mr. W. Riphael. The third named U from Chelandry, her sire being
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  • 62 5 CoMIDOUH the deluge of rain in the early part of the evening there was a good attendance at llannston's Circus Lint evening. The programme w«;nt throughout with a good swing and was mucli appreciated. It will be repeated to-night for the lift time, a thorough change takine place
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  • 246 5 Whitsunday. ST. AMIKtWS IATIIKMFAI.. 7 a.m. Matins and Litany. 7 4.~> Holy (iiiiiiiiiiniiin with hnm 111 ■> Holy I'nwnnt— 4 p.m. CMMfwn' Hwrltm .'i ■:>!• |p.iii. K»«"ii -miih; ami BOHMM. cadiki>r\l or m i.. miii ~n K.rn ki:i>. MUM B4MJ tOUt. fl l.') H. in. Lav Mmm.
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  • 597 5 sinoapork, Hn Mat, is** PRODUCE. Gambler buyers f 14* Copra Ball «.*> do Pontianak 7.50 Pepper, Black buyers SS.ltn do White, <«%) WIM Sago Floor Sarawak do Brunei No. 1 .:.9." Pearl 8a(to «.15 Coffee, Ra.ll, 15% basis 19.00 Coffee, Palerohanjr, 30% basU.- -'7.00 Coffee, Liherian No. 1 17
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 230 5 WHICH IS THE BEST CLUB Mr. Libouchere Hilly«r, a Ceyion resident who is now touring in Japan, writes to the Tim'r of CeyUm that tha best club in the East is the United Club of Yokohama. Thi», *ay* that journal, raises the often discussed question which is the best club
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  • 950 6 No Wideninjr of the Stumps. Thd ilisposition to tinker with the{ Laws of Cricket has grown greatly of recent years, but no proposal everi e-iii-pd so much discussion in and out i <>l Kngland as the one to widen the wickets. It awnkened public opinion to one or
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 648 6 NOTICES. Singapore and Kranji Railway. The Passenger Train Service will be as under from Bth May, 1903, and until further notice. WEEK DAYS. SUNDAYS. Dowixr. down. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. AM. AM A.M. AM f. KM I U PM Singapore <i..7.00 7.45 10.00 11.30 12.32
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    • 198 6 NOTICES. FOR LADIES" d JORET t HOMOLLES APIOL 1$ tht most tur* rtmedy tqtintt th* Sicknett. tnd othtr ilTtctt etuted bp tht delay of th* regultr ptriodt. BtoniW.C>»iM',ies,Rn«B'-Honor»,P)Wlt J. MOTION WATC H MAKERS, JEWELLERS, OPTICIANS. RKI'AIRS PROMPTLY KXKCUTEI) HIRANO' The Best Japanese Mineral Water Case of 4-* quarts Case of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 692 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. rpilE Bt»ndt: Life ANonnoe. 1. Noiwich Union kixe Inmracc* Soeietj. itlat Aacnmnoe Company (Fire). The Equitable Life AnauniEOe Society. The Chin* Mutual Stwun Navigation Company -he Tottenham Lager Boer Company. /or particulars of these Companies, see toe roll advertisement cf THE bOKNEO COMPANY, LIMITED. Agenta. STEAMSHIP
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    • 1242 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, KoninUlijke Paketvaart Maatschappij. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. 11/* at Singapore: Ship Aoiscy, latb J. Damdbls A Co., 9-8, Colltbk Quay. ihe undermentioned dates are only approximate. Steamer From Expected Will be IXwp^tched for Van d'r C'ir fltf Soerabaia May :»1 Bawean, Soerabaia, Bandjermassin. Kota Baroe,
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    • 617 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES m; y. kT JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD A regular FORTNIGHTLY service is maintained between Japan and Europe by ;he fol'owinc; NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS, Under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation
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    • 645 7 SHIPPING "APCAK" LINK OF STKAMEK FOR H()NGK()N«. M- US. Apvar AOo's !ino n.-u I OREOORY APOJR, (Capwin OlifentV havsr.g left Calcutta en tbe 24th inst. is due here on tiie HMroiag of tba 31st in*t. nn ruute for the above port. For freight and passage, apply to PATERSON SIMONS A
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    • 1097 8 I ndtf this heading the following abbreviation- are used str. steamer sh. ship bq. banjue sell.— schooner Yi-t Yacht Cru. —Cruiser; (Jbl.— Cunbuat: Tor. -Torpedo; H.p.— Horse-power; Brit.—BrititL I s_lnited States; Fch.— French: Ocr <iernian. Dut -Dutch: O.c. -Ocneral- eanro: I v deck p»->.enger; U— Uncertain; T
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    • 577 8 Nain*, port, probable date of nrrirai nnd name nl agrn'.*. BTBAMIRB. Alboin. Bombay .June; Borneo Coy. Aleinous. China. July 19; Mansfield. Amara, Hongkong. June 3; Boustead. Aml>ria. Hamlmrg, June h. Behn Mpjcr. Antenor, China. June •> Mansfield. Argus, Australia, left May It; Arratoon Apcar, Calcutta, June P Simons
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    • 178 8 For Prr tttamrr Time. To-Day. Penanu (ifrmanin S p.m. Dell Mnlan 3 p.m. Colombo AfMMOMM s p.m. Honifkoni<A Sh»ni<h:ii Maxfilin H pin Bamljermagsin T.4fO*p*Mtn I |).m. P. Swet'ham via pnrla $nvj>ho I p.m. Monday. Mala^'r:> Ungji H'U'i- 1 p.m. I. Swim ham viaports Pnh Ann 1 p.m. Rangoon
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    • 121 8 From K'.iropc —By fh<> M. M. 8. g. trmmt Simon- iliif» on th<? 7:h June, with dates to I the 15th M*T. From Cninu— Ky the N. D. L s.s. /.ietto due on Sunday. Time Tabli of Mails Dor. Left Sin S 'aporo. Due in London Apl
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    • 227 8 5 VtMBL'l N'amp. MV 2» K. Sibirt Baroe 29 (iiane Bee 'JH Baokii 2» Cbarente •JJt 'Mena 30 I-iilic •Jtt Loo-ok •<>P Cbin>» Ligbtnujt: SO G'osmont SO r'.-insi, 30 PenaDK 80 Poh Ann SO Pentakota SO Quorra :<0 Ophii 30 Hong Wan 30 Ki.-in Ann Pla<. A l'oxs CAnAis
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    • 85 8 Datk. Vessel's Name. Flag A Rio. Tons. Destination. May 31 SO SO an 30 90 si 31 une 1 lay 30 Vnn der Oapellen Out Mr. 771 Sourabaya 'via ports Karfnlla lUI str. 147 Muar aDd Malacca Sappho Brit str. 829 Port Swettenbam via ports Medan O«r str. 476
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 85 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co. JEWELLERS and SILK MERCHANTS, 51-52, HIGH STEEST. JTJST ARRIVBC A splendid stock of high class real Diamond Table Covers of Swatow work, Khuskusfans, and Gem-set Jewellery in extensive fine Indian Muslins, Washing Silk of Lace Variety. work, Silk Lace, Oriental Embroidered Diamond, white lapphlre. op«l.
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    • 589 8 T*WO BIG- BAIRG-AIITiS aBBBBBBB aMa^ Na^ M riaW SPECIAL CHEAP LINE $BW^ NIGHT DRESSES ■l ill I 565 Ladies' White Nainsook Night i Dresses prettier than illustration, trimmed Sp b tucks, lace and insertion, for softness, lightness, mMO wff^w l^«£^ anc cnea P ness > tnis l' ne cannot be
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 55 8 WEATHER REPORT. Kanrtang Krrbau Hnnoilnl, ,'9'h Hay, 190X. ■"a-m 3p.m. dp.m. Uemarks. Bar 894 Temp IM WJ 7«.0 WB'lbThnr 79.9 7».0 7H.4 DirofWinH west uEgt Cti\m. Max. Temp. 08.0 Mm 75.2 Sun 141.0 Terr, rad 74 0 Rainfall O.SCin The *'hrn i-■-!■■i > time bull at Fort Canniai; fell
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