The Straits Times, 29 May 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times NO. ai,i 42 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY. MAY 29. 1908. PUCE 15 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 771 1 NOTICES. ffihe £traits ffimes. ADVERTISING RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. [per inch, column nieasnre.l Vint lii-i'; i it.n 1 1 20 rent* Second and il.inl iatertioni- em li centa fonrtli, tifth, and »ixth *>) cent* Serenth to in lit rent h 24 cents NlneteeDth&Hubeequent,, 16 ceDt* Pnr week of bix days,
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    • 652 1 NOTICES. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. will be received at the Colonial Secretary's Office, up to noon of the sot h May, l»03, for the following works: 1. Construction of Forest Rnngfr'!qaartan at Bukit Timah. I'aintingand whitewashing Government Analyst's Office 3. nil"! in lion of a new building hi the Botanic Gardens. •4.
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    • 218 1 NOTICES. "Ideal Milk" Enriched 20 per cent. ■FJ^HjEsSI with Cream. |3^jßt|ra Sterilized-Not Sweetened. t^^T^^J A Perfect Substitute for Fresh KELLY WALSH, LTD. NEW BOOKS. *We have now added '-tiinf ffihhi.' to our present by Sir Bob«rl Hart, fjecop'l I Kiin with additional chapter 4.-V) OU SI I\€ SS, a 'l'he
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    • 141 1 NOTICES jB^OILLgTTS -ORAND PRIX." PARIS. 1000. Hb£f' r I Of Highest Quality *nH having Orf«t«H, Diiriblitv. B^ B^* MwJ M?ft CHFAPesT. m Baß Pi nr* Special 9^f ,H» Selection Old Vatted Highland Whisky GLASGOW IMPORTED BY HARTWIG Co. ASK YOUR RETAIL DEALER FOR IT. m A f l-H-"l KNGINEKK^' ASSOCIATION.
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    • 302 1 PIANO TUNING F. G. BARR FROM Messrs. John Brinsmead Sons. London TUNES AND REPAIRS PIANOS AND ORGANS ■IKGU TUNING (PIANO) I."* Estimates for organ taring repairs Letters nay be care of POWEI L ROUINSON. m m t l»-« GOVBRKMENI N- »T1 FICATION. rpXBDEB£ fef the muni .itui Liquor W K\ri>e
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  • 1092 2 Report for iooa, A <x>pv of the Navy League report for 1002 reached us by the last mail. It whs to be submitted to the members at the eighth annual general meeting at liic Royal United Service Institution, on the 13th inst. The report states that during
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  • 237 2 Ihk results of the husinesH of this Company (of which Houstead it Co are the local agents) for the year ending :11st December las 1 as srt forth in the dsneton 1 rapott, ars fin Depart me.nt, net arsiutums, C I. -'i ".'.">!>, net
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  • 260 2 The Colonial Ollice ha* just issuad a Blue-book relating tcthe advance matin in iue NMtUament and administration of the TnmmwmA and Oraom liiver Colony All of thfl forum burgfaan have ueni i> orad to tbmr immes excepting about a soon 10 pn fwrad to go
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  • 166 2 I'm: Pmaag Tori Club net on Friday last with Mr. A. ('<. Stephen in the chair. Mr. Wrefoni waaelected PiwßlmM of the Club in ■Bcoemioa to Mr. Yeats who had left, the >. til -nient. The, programme for the tntumn meeting wm then taken in hand [l a■«
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 224 2 NOTICES. The Red Hand Brand Water Line Paint Our New Anti-touling for specially foulinp waters sueti as arc found locally. Longet freedom from fouling, maintenance of ppeed and less frequent dockings efloct considerable economies. Hartmann's Rahtjen's Improved Composition (THE RED HAND BRAND.) HARTMANN'S GREY PAINT (ANTI-CORROSIVE). Specially ptftfMKd tor tbe
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    • 392 2 NOTICES. CROSSLEY'S OIL ENGINES. UBUAL HIZES ALWAYS IN STOCK i PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS ON APPLICATION TO THE BORNEO CO., LD. THE TAFF VALE RAILWAY CO. Have fitted up a plant for applying JODBLITfI TO rII KIR RAILWAY SLEEPERS. One application of Jorielito renders woodwork absolutely proof against white ante, dry
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    • 492 2 NOTICES. ■BTDEROBTHW PAINT. an absolutely anti-conrowve paint for IRON AND STEEL. Guaranteed to be the best RUST-PREVENTIVE «tant. Invaluable for Ships Machinery Bridge, etc.. etc. One gallon will cover 540 square feet. Prici $3() per drum of 1 cwt. A splendid report just received from the Secretary of the Trinity
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    • 74 2 Rheumatic Sufferers. \f ANY suffprers from rlifumntism have a»I been surprise! ami delighted at the prompt relief obtained by applying ("limn li.Mlains Pain Balm. In advising you to u~>' OhasalMrWsra lain Halm for Rbeuniatism, know it will Live you perfect satisfaction. a« the ■rsl applii-ation will relieve the pain, ami
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  • 528 3 Apropos of yesterday's telegram, tbe following particulars from the "Heientific American of the Cup Defender llelianc* are of interest The new boat has more beam and considerably less dead rise than the Constitution, a harder bilge and longer end*, particularly in the forward overhang. Her extreme beam
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  • 227 3 P. O. .inn.- IS.— Pet,, Foi 1. lvii— Mr. V. Hill .*****. ■-'!>.— Per Chl'xn,, I.; M l) H ri,> Prow Penang to London M 1; < Qny, July i I.-i Canton Km Lond M--f'oiiil'in and 3 children nd amah. N. D. L. Jnne I. PerXiMM
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  • 5 3 For Singapore.
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  • 168 3 I'er I."* O. a. s. Oceana connecting at Colombo with the steamer Mnmil'n from Lomlon April 30 due MOth May— Hon. .1. K. an. l Mih. Birch, Mr. M. Hellier. Mr. anr Mi>. N H. Smith. Mrs Fisher, Mr. F. K Brown. PnrN. I) L 8. c. Prruxsen from Bremen
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  • 21 3 Smi-i'iNo advertisements, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on page 7. General shipping news is printed on page I.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 390 3 NOTICES. GRIMAULT. C° Medicinal Skin Soap MEDICINAL SKIN SOAP gft 1 Recommended by eminent Dermatologists and adopted in the Paris Hospitals in the treatment of Ringworm, Acne, Psoriasis, Eczema and Skin diseases generally. 8, RUE VIVIENNE, 8 F»» r 1 M M.C.S. Mohamad Co. Diamond Merchants, Manufacturing Jewellers, and dealer?
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    • 153 3 NOTICES. ABRAMS' Horse Repository A N I) VETERINARY ESTABLISHMENT. HORSES, COBS AND PONIES 71 JUST LANDED 71 Ex. s.s. Seolda and Argus. Spleudid pairs, high stt-pping Buggy Horses, handsome pairs of Cobs and Ponies and Several Polu Ponies guaranteed height and manners. Also a large consigMLti.t Australian Fodder. Harness and
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    • 749 3 NOTICES. WANTED a practical miner. Must be accustomed to timbering. Apply at Box 876. Post Office, Singapore. «c__ WANTED a building overse>r. Eurasian, Chinese. orTainil. Apply by letter. Mating qualification* ani salary required, to 29-6 aWANiMAtt.iIiUN. WANTED at once a Chinese sawyer for sawmills in Perak, wages $60 a month.
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    • 604 3 NOTICES. Messrs. H. L. Coghlan V Co. HAVE BEEN APPOINTKD SUB-AOENTB OP THK Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BOCSTEAD CO., General Agents, a.C. StrniU Kettlem«nt«. POB SALK A steam indicator by Klliott UrnLondon. H. L COGHLAN <(>., v.c. Auctioneers. FB SALE,— Saigon Lymph, guaranteed frtsh, at the CrowD Dispensary,
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  • 19 4 Smaut.— At Shanghai, M tlie Imli Miiy. Briix.KT Smakt, late matron Military Female Hospital, HonKkonx; !•'<-'' l lis years.
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  • 617 4 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. FRIDAY, 29TH MAY. In an article anent the recent race meeting that appeared in this column a few days ago, it was suggested that the racing associations of Singapore and the Peninsula should join issues and secure the services of a paid starter and
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  • 250 4 In the opinion of the Perak Pioneer, the F. M. 8. Government, in order to settle the question once for all, should ko further than putting a prohibitive tin ore export duty. It points out that no company can afford to export ore from the F. M. S. after paying
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  • 178 4 Mr R. I) Pringle, General Secretary of the local V.M.C.A.. is desirous of starting a first-class boarding house in which European young men—assistants who come out to the big local firms etc. may have the best possible substitute tor a home and be kept surrounded by moral influences The aim
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  • 6 4 To-day's i'mn. bank raid is l/i,«
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  • 14 4 The homeward mail by the s. s Mmmmm closes at 4 p.m. on Wednesday
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  • 16 4 A Popular Orchestral Concert will be given at the Town Hall on Saturday, June i.ttu.
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  • 19 4 An article on the Navy League appears on page 2, and one on Penang Municipal affairs on page 6.
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  • 19 4 The annual general meeting of the Singapore Philharmonic Society is called tor Friday, June sth, at the Town Hail
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  • 23 4 Lan P. A .nail steamer M<issiUa Jell Peucthg at S p. m. on Thursday, ana is expected here at a. m. to- morrow.
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  • 17 4 Mk. Übokge Kithvk.s Le Hl.nte, Governor of British New Guinea, utta been appointed Governor of boutli Australia.
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  • 18 4 Abchoeacon Sharpe and Messrs. Cox, Ireland, Dougias and I'humsoii arrived oy ihe Hajnii of (tanMMft yesterday iroiu Kuching.
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  • 21 4 An Association looiu.ili match will be played on me Esplanade this alternooii between the Ei.tJ.u. and a team troin H.M.b. Siring.
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  • 22 4 Thk big Brush cruiser Europa left for Kuguud ec ily this mormug. The £firt«« went alougaide the wharf this morning to coal.
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  • 24 4 The monthly sewing meeting of the Chuich Worn Association will be held at tue Hatllea Curia' ocuool ou Wednesday, June 3rd al -I y.m.
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  • 25 4 The Dutch steamer Sink arrived this morning troui Hainan Paudjaug wnh 6,00U tius ot kerosene oil lor uno port. 0,000 tins were lauded at Malacca.
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  • 28 4 Pboplk in the Fdderated Malay States setin to be particularly fond of Ceylon crows, for a request has come to Colombo for a secoua cousignmeui ot these birds.
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  • 24 4 Thk new Japanese Naval Extension Bill provides for the expenditure of 125,0u0,0U0 yen (about 13,000,000 sterling) within the next eleven years upon new vessels.
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  • 29 4 At Honolulu, so it is said, the habit of smoking opium is making rapid strides among the native Hawaiians, and thousands of tiawauana have become addicted to the habit.
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  • 37 4 Mk. F. 0. Birr, of Messrs. John Brinamead and Sons, announces that he is ready to tune and repair pianos and organs. Mr. Barr, it may be noted, has just completed the organ at the Masonic Club.
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  • 31 4 On Monday next— Whit Mondaythere will be no issue of tbe Strait* Times. The Banks close on that day, also on the following Wednesday, the birthday of the Prince of Wales.
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  • 33 4 Thk wedding of Captain J. B. Arbuthnot, m.v.0., (A. D. C. to Sir Henry Blake, the Governor of Hongkong) and Miss Blake will take place in St. John's Cathedral thereon the Bth June.
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  • 37 4 The Analinti and (^kohuiuj are in drydock at Keppel Harbour and the Benlung and Will. O'the Wisp at Tanjong Pagar. The Amara has left Hongkong with Chinese coolies. She in due here about Ist or 2nd June.
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  • 35 4 YESTERDAY afternoon Mr. Broadrick assumed charge of the duties of First Magistrate and occupied the bench in the First Court. Mr. Brockman, whom he has releived, left for Europe this morning on twelve months' leave.
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  • 45 4 Mr. J. P. Rodger, CM G., the Resident of Perak, has left by German mail for Hongkong on his way to Manila Mrs. J. P. Rodger is now staying in the hills of Tosari, Java, and may remain there till about the middle of June.
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  • 37 4 Restriction of Asiatic immigration has gone to such lengths in Australia that Hindus resident in Melbourne for instance are unable to import cooks of their own nationality and caste in order to comply with their national customs.
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  • 38 4 According to the N'mi/« /■>/«>, the Tronoh Company has beate-i all its previous records during April, and extracted 1,900 piculs of tin, or nearly 112 tons in that month. This will give an approximate profit of i' 5,000 sterling
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  • 35 4 ■■MM .W R. O Hhkev, Manager, Kamuning Estate; K. Philips, Proprietor, Plang Estate; .1. Symes and W. Dell, Manager and Assistant, Bagan Datoh Estate have been elected members of the I'nited Planters' Association, F. MS.
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  • 42 4 A. QMMM to Baugkok papers HUH Prince Benya is expected to leave Sinm for Java shortly. He is going upon a mission to study the systems of irrigation and agriculture practised in Java, with a view of considering their adaptability to Siain.
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  • 40 4 The local secretary of '.he Raub Australian Gold Mining Company has received the following telegram Iroin Raub: Crushing results for four weeks ending 23rd May are stone crushed 3,000 tons, smelted gold obtaind 750 ounces, average per ton S dwts.
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  • 49 4 Mr. Chamberlain has indicated that the British Postal Department could not adopt the Australian Commonwealth policy of exclusion when calling for tenders to renew t!-e mail contract. Mr. Chamberlain left it to be inferred that the Commonwealth would have to provide its own service from Australasia to Great Britain.
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  • 61 4 There are now a hundred and seventy different electtic tramways in the I'nited Kingdom. Four of these use the thiid rail. Wolverhampton has a surface contact system. Bournemcu'h has a combined conduit and trolley system, which was constructed ana equipped for just about one-quarter the cost per mile of that
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  • 66 4 Swatow, says a recent consular report, has two German firms with considerable means, about $24,000 of which are invested in a factory producing Sumatra oil. Two German steamers ply between Hongkong, Swatow and Deli, and one between Swatow and Hankow. Eighteen steamers of the North German Lloyd's Orient Line, on
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  • 103 4 A peculiar accident, attended with fatal consequences, befell a party of three soldiers of the Bedford Reciment while on a hunting trip near Jalgoa, India, on the 7th inst. The first shot made on the trip was at a tine buck, but it missed him and killed a native who
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  • 99 4 Thky are making big preparations for the approaching races at Kuala Lumpur. The Malay Mail states that a ri' 'v totalizator is coming from Calcutta and will be in charge of Mr iiacharias whilst another tote," for the ladies, will be found upstairs in the Grand Stand. This, our contemporary
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  • 103 4 The body of the Japanese girl wl.o threw herself overboard from the s. s. 0. Q. Meyer on Wednesday night was recovered yesterday afternoon about half a mile out. Two buoys, which were thrown to her assistance, were picked up yesterday afternoon by the American barque E. li Suttcm, which
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 29 4 fjondon, 28th May. The T'Hip* says that President Loubet will visit King Edward in July, after the King of Italy's visit to the latter.
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    • 29 4 The deaths from plague in the Punjab from the Ist Januiry last to the 2nd instant were 141,789 out of a population of 224 millions.
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    • 10 4 Tliere were only seven starters at the Derby
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    • 128 4 Discussion in Parliament <>n the motion to adjourn Parliament for the Whitsuntide recess, Sir Charles Dilke i.iitsad a discussion on Mr Chamberlain* preferential duties policy Mr. A Baltour advocated the recasting of British commercial policy in the direction of reciprocity. Mr Chamberlain justified the policy
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  • 152 4 P. O. PASSENGERS. PIMMIfWI .uriwl liy ill' 1 lU-tfhil lln■wili|, Prni Hoagkoag If ka Boaltoo, M n 1.10y.l «v.! infant, Mi W I ward. Mr. HuU'it. Mr. .laik-im. (apt. lrtkuoa,('ui Tatehell From SlmiiKtmi-M.. K. A. htm, Kr Yokohama Mi. M. K.-ster. The Mtowiag paaMMgMI are liookeil kf Urn Hemml tosrtag
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  • 88 4 Thk following properties were di«poweii ot liy auction at Powell tfc Co s saleroom yesterday afternoon Land and seventeen shop houses, Nos. 24 to l'h Albert Street, Hoe. 18 to 2.i-l Rochore Canal Road, and 28-1 to 23-11 l.oront; Silat, held under lease for 99 years dated Ist
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  • 99 4 A khkoi i employed at Chatre's Circus was charged at Shanghai, the other day, wiln fraud In appeared from the evidence that the shroff' had charge of the sale ot the gallery tickets. The price of admission to the galle-y was 50 cents, but the prisoner had been
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  • 93 4 S.C.C. v. Navy. Tv S.C.C. engaged in a friendly gan:e last Bight i>n the Ksplanade against the Navy. The game was 100 one sided for description, the Cluh winning a run away game by 8 goals to I try— :K> points to .'<. It was a great pity
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  • 97 4 The tin-tields of I.arut,, which have been derived from the coast-range of the Perak hills, are says the straits AMU, remark übi- tor their wultj extent, their ranges ot depth from t»e surface, and their deficiency in thickness. The mines recently opened and now being worked near Kamunting,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 112 4 G. R. Lambert Co. Photographer* ofbh Qreahain House (Battery Road.) —on Weekdays only 8 a.m. 6 p.m. Orchard on w kd *y» 8"»-* P* t>a<^ on Sundays. 8 a.m.— noon. Large Stock of Photographic materials. Monthly supplies from Europe, reliable printing papers, chemical mounts, Eastman films, Wratten-Wrain wright's Ilford and
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    • 31 4 ■***** TEAM ANY BMUL9ION. StkaxnV Wist produceD no irritation as dv Kmulsions, and its use, even when prolonged, is not followed by yon disturbance of ihe stamach. .Sold by all chemists.
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  • 878 5 J. Little ft Co. v. E. Wallace Yesterday the case of E. Wallace appellant) v. J. Little and Co. Ltd. (respondents) came before the Chief Justice and Mr. Justice Law, Wallace appealing against a decision of Mr. Justice Hynrlman-.lones who granted the plaintiffs (res|H>ndents) an injunction to
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  • 259 5 Cook Suspected of Attempted Poisoning. Capt. Charles Born of the British barque John Dacie, which arrived yesterday afternoon from Port Louis, Mauritius, reports that at 4.45 p.m. on the 19th inst. he picked up a Chinaman floating on a bamboo in the sea. The <
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  • 184 5 A schooner, the Herman, was at Port Jackson at the date of last mail advices in search of hidden treasure. She is equipped by an American Syndicate. The treasure is an accumulation of bullion which on several previous occasions has been sought for in vain. Some
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  • 148 5 Last evening, in spite of the rain, tbe final of the four oared race for Mr. Scott- Russell's cups was rowed off. Owing to some members of the crews being late, tbe start was delayed till nearly six o'clock and Mr. Fargie not turning up, his place
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  • 90 5 1 n spite of the general damp following yesterday s> rainstorm there was a good attendance, especially of Europeans, at Harmston's Circus last evening when the opening night's performance was repeated. All the various turns went well, particularly those of the Boral Bros., John WelbyCook "Saving the Colours."
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  • 139 5 'I'm. rents asked by houseowuers at Manila have become so extortionate that many of the tenant class have combined to build houses of their own. A large number of American Government employees and clerks have set the example. One house so built only cost eighteen months' rent in the city.
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  • 494 5 Mas A Firm Foothold. I Flag uk is now endemic at Hongkong Since 1898 no two consecutive months have been free from plague, and there is a yearly return of the disease in the spring, gradually increasing in force till it reaches its climax in June or
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  • 139 5 The German steamer Foomoong while on a voyage from Chefooto.\raoy,struck a rock ou the north side of Fisherman's Island on the night of the 12th inst. The Captain and crew went ashore in the boats, but the next morning, seeing that the steamer was still intact, they decided to go
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  • 128 5 Axokdini. to the British railwa\ companies' own returns to the Board of Trade, loU.OX) of their employes are killed or injured every ten years. Every day 42 employe* »re killed or injured, or nearly two an hour. One brakesman out of every thirteen employed is killed or injured each year;
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  • 127 5 ALLEGED ATTEMPT TO CHEAT THE H. S. BANK. Tax Lew Chwke who has been arrested under the allegation of using as genuine a forged document for $5,000, knowing the same to be forged, and for delivering it at tbe Hongkong and Shan^aai Bank on the 2»ith inst. was this morning
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  • 118 5 Yesterday afternoon, Sikimura Masataro was before Mr. Wilkinson for preliminary enquiry into allegations of the murder of Okan-va Yukuwo, and attempt to murder Mutushika on the 14th inst. in a house in Malabar .Street. Dr. l.cask gave evidence to the effect that he held a post-mortem examination on the body
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  • 121 5 An interesting if not remarkable opinion was recently pronounced by the Melbourne Bench. A man was prosecuted by the Orient Company for travelling to that port from Kreemantle on a through ticket from London, which it was alleged had been issued to another man. The defendant not unnaturally held that
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  • 612 5 Simapobb, J9th M vv, 1901. PRODUCE Gambler -I 14.70 Copra Ball B.Ki do Pontlanab 7.*>U Pepper, Black do White, (5%) 87.5<> Sago Floor Sarawak 425 do Brunei No. 1 Mi Pearl 8»<ro 6.15 Coffee, Rail, 15% back 19.00 Coffee, Palembang, 20% baaß- -'7.00 Coffee, Llberian No. 1 IT M
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 50 5 (Ray.) Joseph Hopkins, West Berlin, N. J., writes My wife luis had an attack of lunc trouble. .She coughed incessantly and raised enormously. We nearly despaired of her recovery. Jayne's Expectorant, by the blessing of (>od, restored her. is now well." The Singapore Dispensary. Sole Agents for the Straits Settlements.
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    • 89 5 Useful Hoosehold Medicine. in VMBKRLAIN'S Colic, Cholera and \j Diarrhea Remedy is recommended for the speedy and permanent cure of Dyoentery, Diarrhea, Chronic Diarrho-a, Pain in Stomach. Colic, Summer Complaint, Dillous Colic, and Cholera Infantum It has been in the market Sf years, and its wonderful sale has been effected
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    • 150 5 Pain in the Back! How can you keep up your work wben you have a weak, aching back f Dull, exhnustins and constant pain. No comfort by day. JJo rest at night. Thousands upon thousands suffer from weak and lame back, and do not know that there is a remedy
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    • 200 5 TO BE LET 1 y Almeida iload. Apply at SW. Brass lO Baasa Roai', 28-ri TO BE LET. With Imm. liate Entry. A N exonllent ground floor offio>- near i\. S,juMre Rent Apply to A B.C. c/o Strain Time*. v.c PRELIMINARY XOTICB. A UCTION Saleofth.' \'iilu;ii.l.- Freehold i\. 1.111 .11
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    • 161 5 NEW BILLIARD TABLES. WE are importing new English Billiard Tables of first class quality, at most reasonable prices. One recently supplied to a local hotel gives great satisfaction and may be it>Bpected by arrangement with the undersigned. H. L. COGHLAN Co., U.C. Auetvonet uiui Land Agent*. STRAITS PARCELS \\H MWTIM,
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    • 735 5 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION BALI OF HOUBKHOLD FURNITURE, A BRILLIANT TONED COTTAGE PIANO, HANMSOME DINNEk SERVrCK, Ac INCLUDING A STIU)N«. AUHTRALUIGILDQW, PHABrON.Ac. To be held at B.^lmont Villa, No. l'k Cavenagh Road Saturday, ?Qtk May, 190.1, at 2 pm. A brilliant toned cottage piano by M K. Rtchals A Co., in
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 203 5 DAY BY DAY. Friday, 39th May. High Water. 11.41 a.m. S.V.A. 2.5 Di-. ami Ini. Drill. .VI.V Retft. Band, (..u.1.-n-. :> to !i *i. Town Band. Old Jail Site. 5 to I. llarmston'R Circu-. Kea< h Road. 9. Hyanj: Kaolin. North Bridge Koad. 9. Wnyanjr Puai. North Bridge Roml. 9.
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  • 204 6 1 hkkk in a good deal now said of a lulianin to fit up the British India a:nt other steatnert) trading between Calcutta and Rnngoon and the AncJamHnx Islands with wireless telegraphic, installations. The Mad re* Mail say* Were this done and stations to correspond established on
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  • 218 6 Thk ctißtoin of roasting pigs whole l::tn hroueht the Municipality at Penanp into difficulty, li seeou that, in some caaas, the roasting process burns out the Municipal slaughter house mark. This came out in a police court case. In short it has been proved that the mark
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  • 147 6 S'bv York, April I.— A cable to the HaraUl from London says: News that the British Admiralty has suppressed is lusl reaching the Knglisfa pei'i>ie to the r tint diirini; iiii; rcr.-nf D|| of the Mediterranean Beet a repetition liaastei I y which »iif \'n-toria i
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  • 149 6 111 1 is rarely that the three first favourites of the Derby come in in the order of their published oddl a- lias occurred thii fear. Rock imi, the wiuner, is a brown colt by SanfoinRoaoabnUM and it* owned by Sir J. Miller, an owner who m credited
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  • 47 6 Tut island of Jtindoro of the Philippine RToap i< luffering from a famine, ighl having oansed a scarcity of il l i li .a food, particularly of rice. Tbe Government ai Manila has despatched a cargo of ice to the island for t!..- lir-i ol the Hliam.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 103 6 What i>. a Couv-h ASI'ASM. Dill effort to expel the mucus fiun. Urn bronchial tubep. A cold i .in M a ii)or- .ibumljint tocretion of nuii'us iknd UnU 'n the laaasand broaeblal tab an irii -uih'.i, ilioy hvc txtraawlj seiiMiiv.- to Urn Irrltatloa. iniebg enre it> lakcii the I'olU may
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    • 543 6 NOTICES. Singapore and Kranji Railway. The Passenger Train Service will be as under from Bth May, 1903, and until further notice. WEEK DAYS SUNDAYS. r>o^OT"iia\ do-wx. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. AM. AM AM A.M. t >' > %l p M Singapore '/..7.00 745 10.00 11.30
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    • 303 6 NOTICES. J. MOTION CO WATCHMAKERS. JEWELLERS. OPTICIANS. RKI AI'.!> PROMPT I.V KXKCUTKD BAGNALL HILLES. 06 Robinson Road. BC-A.XTEJ OJW JEL.A.SffJ=> BlaaMe F.m^. '.'eilinit and Table. 40, 80, P. 0,80, 100, 110 and ISO Volts. Designed to operate from iDcandescent 1 Q uit«. Aay Voltatfe to or.lcr < Direct .11 Mtowiwtlna
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 696 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. |*UIE stanrt* Lit* Assnranoe. 1 Norwich Union iin las«*no» Boei«*jVtlM Asauranrc Comjuuiy fFire). :'ho K^uitAt.lo Life AhbUinnoo Society. 1 hs China Mutual Stmm Navi)r»tion Company be ..ttonham Lai^r Heor Company. /or particulars of tb..«e Companies, ull adv»rti«ement of THE bOBNBO COMi'ANT, LIMITED. Amenta. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. p
      696 words
    • 1258 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. KoninklijUe Paketvaart Maatschappij. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government <;.n/« ar Singapore: Ship Aoisct, lati J. Dabhdblb A Co., !i-S, Oollybb Qo*T. i be undermentioned dates are only approximate stenmer From Expected Will be Despatched for \'on d.'r Cap'llen Soerabaia May 21 Bnwean. Soer»baia, Bandjermassin, Kota Baroe.
      1,258 words
    • 693 7 STEAM SHIP COMPANIES. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mall Steamship Line. I'HE FABT ROUTE BETWEEN CHINA JAPAN. AND EUROPE. VIA CANADA AND THE UNITED BTATEB. ROUTE Vf\ SHAN'OIHI. NAGASAKI K.JBE VOKOKA.MV VICTORIA, AND VANCOUVER, B. O. Twin Pcrow Empress Steamships— 6,ooo Ton*— Spnerl knots. PxopoftED Sailings from Horokorg. R\l.s.A>h',iian, 27th
      693 words
    • 798 7 NOTICES. MARTIN'S a^lfcrLadies.f rK Hm3 A Pr«neh R*m*tfv for all lrr«tfularltl«a n 1 .ailir* k««p I boi of Murlir. Pill* In lh« hun-* M< th*t on th. Br.t tin o(«nf lrr«iul>r I, .1 |ka »>Mna IM «•>«• m»» t BOUTHVMPTo5rr«li r fLi'Sn.*" LIQUID^ FUEL. (Petroleum Residue) L&rge HtxK.4-s always on
      798 words
    • 631 7 SHIPPINQ "APCAK 1 LINE OF BTIAIMRB FOR PINAWa AND CALCUTTA. MKSSKS Apc»r A Cos utearaer U'iHl \l\(l. iCMptnin Hponee), kl due here from Hongkon/ o> fie -.'Hth inst. and will recrive prompt deaaatak for the above ports. For freight and pa»Fac«, apply to PA 1 KKSON SI MONB A Co.,
      631 words

    • 968 8 I t. ier tliis lieiidinn t!i<> following abbreviation* are used i —str. —HteamiT ah.— ship bo. —bar<|iie *ch.—«chnoner; xeJ Yavht :('ru.— Cruiser; (ibl. —< inn boat. T"r _T irpedo; H. p.—Horse-power: Brit.—Brit.- i B.—United states; Full.-French (.tMiiiiiii. l'ut Dutch; Gc. U.mraldp, deck p«->enKer. U—Uncertain: 1 TMJoa« IVHr
      968 words
    • 601 8 A«"<-, port, probable date ol amvat and namr of agent*. STBAMIBB. Alboin, Bombay, June; Borneo Coy. Alcinous. China. July 12; Mansfield. Amara, Hongkong. June 3; Boustesd. Ambria, Hamburg. June 5: Behn Meyer. Antenor, China, June 28 Mansfield. Argus, Australia, left May 12: Arratoon Apcar. Calcutta". June: P. Simons
      601 words
    • 146 8 For Her tteamer Time. To-Morrow. Penang Pin Sena 10 a.m. S°l>ayaand Boelelcng Edrudoh- 11a.m. Imlrngiri Amp Ann Noon. Muar and Malacca Fnrfalln 2 p.m. Deli Medan 3 p.m. Bandjermas«in V.dtrCojiflleni p.m. P. Swet'liam via ports Sappho 4 pm. Swatow and Amoy Id no Wan I I p.m. C'bon
      146 words
    • 120 8 From Europe— By the F.ifrO. s.s. Mottitiu due on the SOtli May. with dates to the Bth May. From China By the N. D. L. s.s. Ziete>> due on Sunday. Tim Table of Mails Dnc. I.eit Singapore. Dae in London Arrived Apl 20th N. D. L. May
      120 words
    • 92 8 5 Vmmlli Namk. Toxb Capiain From Bailed Consignees*. S Ri... M.v L'f John Davie Brit uq 5»72 Born Port Louis Mai :'SA. G. Ho*sen M Pin Seng str 378 Davidson Penaaft Ma> Bens Chin H Kmile Dut sir HO Nacodah Rhio M«'» 2> (iuan Hoe B<w 18 <". Hotk
      92 words
    • 63 8 Km k.-.-e! 8 Name. Flag Rio. Tons. Destination". <K iv M Hong Wan Brit »tr. IIK Muar and Malacca SO Siak Put str. IMO Langktit 29 Emile str. 80 Rhio 29 Tolr Nor str. 740 B»n«kok -V I Calypso Brit itr. 339 Penang And Deli Sri Tringgami Dat str.
      63 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 150 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co. JEWELLERS and SILK MERCHANTS, 51-52, HIGH STREET. JTJBT A^IRIVBI3 I A splendid stock of high class real Diamond Table Covers of Swatow work, Khuskus fans, and Gem-set Jewellery in extensive fine Indian Muslins, Washing Silk of Lace Variety. work, Silk Lace, Oriental Embroidered Diamond, white
      150 words
    • 554 8 four TUDCC Cheap Lines Exceptionally n v r a n Pearl Necklaces „!>, I- r^ £1 W~ Kxact to ahove illustration in three ran ai I small white penrlt graduating into larger ones at centre Clasped at back with one large penrl. PEARL LINES Price 7S conts each< NECKLETS u«iunL/rDPUirrc
      554 words
    • 320 8 DAMSON'S SOOTS FOR ALL CLASSES. Unequalled for STYLE. COMFC PT. and DURABILITY. none mm*i wnrnn i pm h t« serf. TO tJEI fI«J Vf <•■ «.t EH» 23 LONDON WALL, LONDON, E.G. inui. RAFFLES STORE ARMS TAN-SW* 34 North Bridge Road. nilllTlrt 1 Mil U'"5H Wo luto jurt opopai aaranil
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 49 8 WEATHER REPORT. Kandanp \Ke bau Horpital, Wk Ma«, /.'•■<.'. Ua.m 3 p.m. p.m. Remarks. Bar 20.P20 i9.7H2 2!> Hl« Temp 88.0 ec.O 78.0 WBMbTher 80.2 7t> 4 7n l' DirofWinJ k. s. k. «.e. Calm. May. Temp !> Mm 76.4 Sun 143.0 Terr, red 73 8 Rainfall .69 in.
      49 words