The Straits Times, 27 May 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times NO. ai,i 40.4 o. SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. MAY 27, 1908. PRICE 15 cents
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 678 1 NOTICES. NOTICE. •^FFIK under igoed have tS ia day. eatahlihlici m agency at No. 65, South BrJire Road, Singapore, for tht sa of tlu-ii Chinese pr ptieta-y medioniei ladaimted waters. A, S. WATSON Co.. Ltd., HONGKONG •ifi-H NOTICI TAKE notice that Mr. E. A. Juilah having ■ef' niy service on
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    • 512 1 NOTICES. Afisnts for LEA PERBI4S' WOR6ESTERSHIBE SAUCLT Bj Special Warrant ,£^ISB*3&L His a i esl *>!* Pinenfs ti i The King. CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORED. Supplied to the State Hospitals of the Federated Malay States as:ec YOTJIv^ STORE KEEPER FOR I/^^^^j "SLEDGE" BRAND. I *sS^ I STERILIZED MILK [L^^S^^ s^ Invaluable
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    • 129 1 HIGHLAND BRAND EVAPORATED CREAM. abehts John Little Co., Ltd sineapore. Egyptian Cigarettes Fresh Shipment just to hand. ANNBIS in airtight tins of 100 $2.00 per tin. 50 1.20 MENA 100 2.25 50 1.25 ATUM 100 2.75 50 1.50 NECHO 100 3.00 50 1.75 ASMA 100 3.25 (Cork tipped) 50 2.00
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    • 518 1 NOTICES. NOTICE. AS 1 am about to proceed to India I request all my creditor* who may hnve any claim against m«t to send in their claim* to me at o. 3? Market Street Singapore, before th« 16th une n<-xt. KAVENA MAN* RAVKNA MAN BHEDUMBKI M UHITTT. Singapore this I4'h
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    • 502 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED a building overseer Kurasian, Chinese or Tamil. Apply to 29-6 BWAN k MA^LARBN. Ml NICIPAL NOTICE. T CE is hereby given that, in termI of Section 34 of the Municipal Ordinance No. XVof IH9H, an election of one Commissioner for the lawjowf *agar (No I) Ward of
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  • Correspondence.
    • 943 2 To the Mbr Ma fjpaiwi KwM." Sir, -We are aware that you published, in your weekly issue of the 2.~>th February last, a short note to the effect that the British Admiralty has definitely discontinued the use of the Belleville boilers. Allow us to mention that the above
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  • 1804 2 The King. I.nui'on, <,th May. m I Ia I. li<>!i>lay »a- i>i>*erveii on the lad :il I'.-iri-. Ilk Mrrft- with rrowilml 9a. nl.i j.-r.-.-t Kins; K<l«»ril wlipti driving to 4li-n-\i.« it ViiK-enne*. The fr<w>p» weie reviewe-l in saaaaaigaiag order. The march |>a*t w»- oin Imlpil In aAm
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 215 2 NOTICES. The Red Hand Brand Water Line Paint Our New Anti-fouling for spatially fouling waters such as are found locally. Longer freedom from fouling, maintanance of speed and less frequent dockings effect considerable economies. Hartmanns Rahtjen's Improved Composition (THE RED HAND BRAND.) HARTMANN'S QREY PAINT (ANTI-CORROSIVE). Specially prepared for the
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    • 318 2 NOTICES. "DRTASaUST" Boiler Covering. PARTICULARS FROM BORNEO CO. LTD. w 8 Singapore 13 TlT'TJ'l/'T? IFV'C! Mil 4 I' lirjl EDINBURGH A B P ecial > light brew for thi X tropics. Highly reeomme ndec Of all dealer*. 4 BORNEO CO., LTD., Hole Agent*. BRITISH LAGER BEER. BRKWttD BY INDCOOPEff CO.
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    • 336 2 NOTICES. rpHE CTANDARD J^IFE QFFICE. pay* upwards of Half-a-Million Pound* Starling per Annum in Death Claims. IU Funds, yearly increasing, exceed Eight Millions and a Half Sterling, and have increased over 40 per cent, in the last 15 years. The Business is conducted with Economy, the premiums are moderate, and
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  • 306 3 P. O. Muj -J9— ler ii ■••Mil: Koi I .li,m— Mr. I. I. Irving, Mr«. Bsirtlrtl kih! rliilcl. Qmmm IJrown, OMNI Taylor. Tiin^kn BoMT, I'lincku I'nan. Mr. Kleinin^, Mi-. Mm Millan, Ta-igk:. ItexAr'n dark .mii lerraat Kor l.uniion rfa ManeUki Mean. II 8. Newiiiart-Ji. W. M. Robaftaos
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 114 3 What is a Cough A .^PAhM DIG fifort to expel the A mjcu~> (rum in.- broDchinl tubes. A i-010 cave»u e» a mori' abundant secretion of ir vi us. 3tid »t en Ihp lurg9 and bronchial tub-s are ir-Hmed. they are extremely fen>itiv- to tbe irritation. I'nless care i*s taini
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    • 319 3 NOTICES. end s^Lr^/ CHAPOTEAUTS PHOSPHO CLYCERATE OP LIMB It increatet vital energy and nerve force, cures Niunntti*mk 0/nnptla, Imtiunic, and nirotui d/inm io adults and children. M CAKUin, 111 WINE. AM in SVIUr The UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER Before buying a typewriter inspect the UNDERWOOD tV- ujot-t pcrtt.u high class maduije yet
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    • 618 3 NOTI .KS. \%T ANTED a practical miner. Must be TT accustomed to timbering. Apply at 80£f76, Post O«ce, *tn^Pf> nj TJtTANTED at onei (trinese *«|frer Tf iot sawmills in Pemlt, *a*> Stib a month. Apply to H. J. M. ELI. I*.. 2J»-fi S Cecil Street Hintapore. WANTED. HPO purchase at
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    • 620 3 NOTICRS. Meurs. H. L. Cog hl*a 9 Co. RAVF BEEN APFpJNTED SUB-AOENTS Sun* B^e Jbauhince Co. BOUBTEAD 4 CO., General Agents. %x. fltniit* Settlements. FOR SALE. A •Mam indicator by Klliott Bro«. CX London. H. L. COGHLAN 4 CO., nx. Auctioneers. pX)R HALE,— Saigon Lymph, guaranteed P fresh, at the
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  • 624 4 The Straits Times PRICE 15 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, 27TH MAY. The British system of slow but sure plodding along and eventually attaining the long desired object -has been so frequently proven a success that it were a risky matter to cavil at its wisiona. Meanwhile critical junctures occasionally arise when faultfinder*
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  • 202 4 Under the heading of Truth stranger than Fiction," a correspondent in another column sets forth the following calm statement ot fact Twenty years ago I was in receipt of 4100 per mensem the sterling value of the dollar being four shillings and two pence. I am now drawing 5250 a
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  • 159 4 Lirut -Commander High R>dman IJ.S N., has been appointed Governor of the Midway Islands, though at the time of bis appointment they were without an inhabitant. The islands, two in number, are desolate bits of land about half way between Honolulu and <Jnam and their sole importance lies in the
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  • 14 4 To-day's 4, ins, bank rate is 1/8^ Dengue fever has at last reached Japan.
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  • 19 4 Thr Str lit* Budget will be published to-morrow morning. The homeward mail closes on Friday morning at 6 o'clock.
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  • 18 4 Advance mail news will be found on page 2, and particulars of the Transvaal bail on page 6.
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  • 16 4 i'uk Hon \V. T Taylor, Colonial Secretary, is expected by the Sappho this afternoon from Malacca.
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  • 21 4 The s. s. Tamlm Ma which arrived from Colombo yesterday morning will sail tor Hongkong and Japan at 4 p.m. to-day.
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  • 23 4 Mb. 11 B. Nkwmakch, the Engineer of th»- Singapore- Kranji Railway, leaves for home by the P. and O. mail on Friday morning.
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  • 26 4 A Foochow interpreter has been appointed to the Jiuriki*ha Department. Such an official has been much needed as numbers of the pullers ypeak the Foochow dialect.
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  • 29 4 An election of a .Municipal Commissioner for the Tanjong Ptgar word is advertised for the 16'»h June. The vacancy arises from the resignation of M r. F. E. Jago.
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  • 40 4 Mr. B. P. M .Silva, the well-known jeweller and diamond merchant of High Street, leaves next week for Ceylon on a brief vacation. During his absence the business will be looked after by his son, Mr. H. V. de Silva.
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  • 30 4 The Hongkong Government has appointed Dr. W. M V. Koch, lately Senior Assistant Surgeon of the Colonial Hospital, Trinidad, to the position ot Assistant Surgeon in the Medical Department there.
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  • 36 4 Hongkong, says the China Mail, will watch with interest the action of the Straits Government. Should it adopt the gold standard, it will be one more argument in favour of a change to gold in HoLgkong
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  • 38 4 The annual general meeting of the Singapore Philharmonic Society has been fixed to be held at the Town Hall on Friday, June sth. There will be a Popular Orchestral Concert probabl) about the second week «f next mouth.
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  • 46 4 The Rev A. J. Aiuery, b. d., formerly of the M.E. Mission here and in Penang, is expected to arrive t'r «m England on Saturday by the P. and O. in nl steamer. He will have charge of the Fifth .Standard in the Anglo-Chinese School here.
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  • 38 4 The big British cruiser Spirtiote left for Portsmouth yesterday afternoon. The Europa arrived from Hongkong this morning and anchored in the roads She is expected to leave for England on Friday. She is coaling in the Roads to-day.
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  • 39 4 Etkoi'kan Constable Junne, a South African warrior, who came out for the local Police Foice last June, left yesterday for home in charge of LanceSergeant Sullivan. Dunne had suffered from mental aberration almost from the time of his arrival
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  • 38 4 Invitations are out announcing the marriage of Miss Gertrude Yzelman with Mr. Reginald A. Oddie, of ttie Eastern Extension Australasia and China Telegraph Co., Singapore Station, which is to take place at Si. Andrew's Cathedral on Tuesday next.
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  • 21 4 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on page 7. Genefal shipping news is printed on page 8.
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  • 38 4 We notice from Australian papers that Mr. H. Abrams' recent purchase Blunderer has not been long in getting him some return for his money a^ '"> recently carried off a good mile race in Melbourne, beating several good performers.
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  • 44 4 A Japanese engineer on board the Tnmha ilwru committed suicide by hanging himself two days before the vessel reached Singapore On the arrival of the Tamba Maru yesterda>, the police were informed and a pout mortem examination was held The funeral took place yesterday.
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  • 57 4 Colonkl H. Lawson, s. c. who has commanded the Kith Madras Infantry since its arrival in Singapore, and now retires from that command, leaves the Colony this afternoon by the N Y.K. liner Tamlia-maru, en rmite for the Far East. He will be succeeded in the command by Lieut. Col
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  • 53 4 Sydney sporting papers are complaining that Great Scot, a trier for next Viceroy's Cup, should be allowed to leave the country. He is said to be a magnificent animal. It is interesting to note that. Trahan has just purchased two well-known Australian horses, Idler and Find Out, for the Koor
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  • 57 4 The other day before Chief Justice Stawell, of Victoria, a woman was charged with a certain offence and before the Crown prosecutor commenced his opening the Chief Justice asked the prisoner if anybody was looking after her interests. Yes, your Honour," she replied, the foreman of the jury told me
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  • 49 4 The Bangkok Times understands that Mr. \V. A. Graham has been appointed Resident at Kelantan. Mr. (irabam was formerly Director of the Siamese Laud Record Office. Our contemporary remarks that the duties may be expected to be somewhat onerous, but the selection is one that should give overy satisfaction.
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  • 51 4 Mr William R Hearst, proprietor of the three leading yellow journals of America and a Democratic candidate for the Presidency, has married a charming American actress who is very beautiful, but has so far only had the opportunity of appearing in thinking parts. He is now in Kurope enjoying his
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  • 67 4 A fatality occurred at sea, near Suez, on April ISth, when a fourth cla*s passenger, a German, committed suicide by throwing himnelf into the sea from the Messageries Maritiraes steamer Ernest Simon*. An alarm was raised, an<i two lite-boats were immediately lowered and a li e-belt was thrown into the
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  • 69 4 The stage caricature of the Irishman, hitherto so popular in America, bids fair to be entirely eliminated from the theatres there owing to concerted attacks against its presentation by the better classes of Irish-Americans. In New York and Philadelphia players have recently been rotten-egged by large bodies of Irishmen who
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  • 77 4 A committee of leading Filipino ladies has presented a petit ion to the Apostolic Delegate in the Philippines asking that the si eady ou> H> w of the Spanish pries' 8 be checked The ladies claim that their withdrawal under the serious charges which have been made against them reilects
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  • 33 4 A Ri'obv football much will be played on the H. C C. t>nd of the Esplanadp to-morrow afternoon between theS.C.C and a team from H.M.S. Sinn*. The •Jlub will be represented as follows
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  • 41 4 B<ck, A. M. Gibbon; three-quarters, E. Bndbery, E S Nathan, D. Y. Perkins, G W. Buckley; haiv s, L M Kllis, Paddy forwards, J R >hertson, J de Courcey, Lieut* Cardew and Crowdy, if. A. **artin. Bishop, Dr. Kinlayson and another.
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  • 82 4 The rich, unconscious humour of the printer is again to the fore in a story 'old in Law and Land." A writer in a colonial journal, who was comparing Mr. Rider Haggard with another author, was made to *ay There need be demand no longer for Jules Verne's and other
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  • 108 4 The numerous friends of Captain Vincent, of Chnstmis Island, will be interested to learn that upon arrival in London he con* Dr. Kripp, the partner of Sir Frederick Treveß. An examination under the X rays showed that the Captain's arm was not broken but that bis elbow was dislocated.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 120 4 CHAMBERLAIN'S DECLARATION OF FISCAL POLICY. May be Discussed in Parliament. London, lUt h May. The Opposition intend to call the attention of the House of Commons to Mr. Chamberlain's declaration on fiscal policy at Birmingham, and are pressing Mr. A. J. Bilfour to say whether he and his colleague share
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    • 58 4 The Premier's Censure. Replying to questions urging the Government to attaint in relieving the I '7, now icebound in the ft ill MB tic, Mr. Balfour Raid the ('<< rnment was prepared to contribute; but he strongly censured the loyal Geographical Society and the Society for not
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    • 11 4 The Albanians have released the Sultan'" mission party.
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  • 269 4 DEATH OF MR. G. H. LAWS. We learn with great regret thai Mr Geo. H. Liws, the well-known mining expert, succumbed to dysentery near Jasin while en route thither from the K ad ana Mines on Mmid.iy. It was only about three weeks ago that we announced his appointment as
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  • 135 4 The Legislative Council meets on Friday next. Two motions stand to be proposed by the Colonial Secretary They ar« That I sum not m linu *7.!W0 be |im\ idi'il ami I'liar^'i-il to tin- |iul>lir MVSSIM i«l tin- <'i.l. my mi aiT.iiinl ..I .-..n-i run inn nf tbtSiiii>:i|m>iv
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  • 86 4 At the lant Interstate Golf Contest held at Kua.a Lumpur last Christmas, it was decided to hold a further one at Whitsuntide, a.'il this takes plaM on Saturday, Mimlay, and Monday next Singapore will r>e repremMttcd by Ferguson, Loncmuir, and A. A (Junti In addition to tin-
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  • 60 4 To-morkuw at B wind and water permitting, a race will he rowpd from Parsee Lodge to Johnnton'R I'ier r etWMS boats stroked by Messrs. A. RuhrrtMUi and A. J. White, recpectively. The following are the crews:— (bow.) Curtis, (bow.) P. QMt W.G. Fargie. -2 C. Kn.rr-.on. W.M.Stewart.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 318 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. KELLY WALSH, LTD. NEW BOOKS. These from the Land of Sinim," by Sir Robert Hart, Second S Edn. with additional chanter 4.50 The Qreat Siberian Railway, by M. M. Shoemaker (Illust 7:25 The Hand of the Boxtr, by Capt. Gordnn easterly, Indian Army 9.00 (iermany, the wpldinß of
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    • 259 4 We have now added to our present business, a Typewriting Departmsnt and are able to undertake work of every description at moderate rates. w. f. BSSJ GRAND CIRCUS AND Royal Menagerie of Wild Animals. &*g* AT 9 SHARP. f££)gt j AT 9 SHARP. NEW COMPANY LOCATION, BEACK ROAD. f IIHE
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    • 71 4 G. R. Lambert Co. Photographers opzh: Ureaham House (Battery Road.) —on Weekdays only 8 B-m.— 6 p.m Orchard on Wetlfayt 8 a.m-6 p.m. Road on Sundays. Ba.m.— noon. Large Stock of Photographic material*. Monthly •applies from Europe, reliable printing papers, chemical mounts, Eastman films, W ratten- Wrain wright's Ilford and
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    • 42 4 YOUR DIGBSTION 1M I'RoVhS. Steams' Wine is pleasant to take. It aids digestion. It agrees with the most delicate stomach. It increase* weight and strength. Now in the time to reap the full benefit of this valuable tonic. Sold by all chemists.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 396 5 To Uie Editor of the Strait* Time* Sir, Twenty years ago, I was in receipt of $100 per mensem; the sterling value of the dollar being four shillings and two pence. I am now drawing $250 a month, with the dollar v a sterling value of
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    • 219 5 To the Etlltor of Ike Strait.-: Times.'' Sir, In your issue of yesterday there tpp^ars a letter from a member of the 9. S Club M the starting at the recent Meeting. One point I think the member has overlooked, and that should be explained in
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  • 267 5 S. C. C. v.A Military Team. Thk 8 C C. npenH'l their new season last night by a. friendly game against a military twun, composed principally of the pick of the R A. and R E Considering it is niim wettks since the 'Jlub played their last gam", they
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  • 548 5 Is the matter of the Prinz Ale/siiitilerliin //in Quan collision, in which an action was lately brought by the owners of the former and was decided in their favour by the Chief Justice, an appeal by Lim Holi Puah, owner of the Ban Hin Guan, is pending. This
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  • 108 5 The British steamer Suhaa, Capt. Allan Jonas, arrived yesterday from Arnoy and Swatow with immigrants. From Amoy she brought 386 men, 15 omen and 23 children and from Swatow 276 men, 15 women and 13 children. For Penang there are H men 2 women and 5 children. The
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  • 102 5 This morning v dhobie named Suku-liN.-iin was arraigned before Mr. Wilkinson for the iheft of certain articles of jewellery, studs, sleeve-links. Ac, worth Sm6, the property of Mr. A A«imont. The dhobie called at Mr Asimont's house for the soiled linen, and in the temporary absence of
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  • 37 5 It is announced that Kudyard Kipling's new volume of verse will be published next autumn. Besides a number of new poems, the volume will contain all the author's important work since the publication of "The Seven Seas."
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  • 581 5 At a meeting held yesterday afternoon. the Singapore Young Men's Christian Association was formally organized. Those present were the General Secretary, Mr. R. D. Pringle, Revs. A. H. Thoburn, W. Murray, J. A B. Cook, B. F. West, and \V. P. Rutledge, and
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  • 114 5 Amongst other festivities in connection with the recent Race Week the "Derby Dinner" given by the owners of Essingtou ai.d L >chaher at Zetland House deserves mention. The Town and Volunteer Band was in attendance. Altogether some thirty-live covers were laid and a right royal evening was
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  • 408 5 Mr. Bbodrick, in the House ol Commons, said that owing to transport difficulties Government had directed General Manning to concentrate on Bohotle, which is moreover a more favourable base for co-operation with the Abyssinians. There was, he said, no ques'.on of withdrawal or change of policy in Somaliland
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  • 184 5 Hakmstgn's Circus has erected its "mammoth tent" or tents in Beach Road and early this morning everything was in readiness for to-night's performance. To speak well of Harmston's would be to gild refined gold," to say not lung of painting the lily," and the circus is such
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  • 503 5 Sivgafoh, .Tth May, 1903. PRODUCE. Gambler f 14. HO Copr» Ball Ill do Ponttanak 7.70 Pepper, Black 35.i;:. Jo White, (5%) 57.50 Sago Floor Sarawak m, do Brunei No. 1 S.M Pearl Sago 6 15 Coffee, Ball, 15% haul" 19.00 Coffee, Palembamr, 90% haul... JS.on Coffee, Liberian No. 1
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 94 5 Useful Household Medicine. ill \M HKIU.AIN s Colic, Cholera and Vv Diarrhea Remedy i* recommended for the spec ly and permanent cure of Dysentery, Dian-twi, Chronic Diarrhoea, Pain in Stomtch. Colic, Summer Complaint, Bilious Colic, aod Cholera Infant urn It ha* been in the market 3f years, and its wonderful
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    • 156 5 Story of a Slave. To be bound hand and foot for years by the cliiiins of disenxe is the worst form of slavery. Mr. W. Knowles, Tragant Street, Bath, Eug says About five yearn ago I wits prostrated with S iatica. From my right thigh to the bottom of mv
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    • 51 5 (Rev.) J. N. Williams, Tarentum Alleghany Co Pa writes Thirty years ago a physician told me I would soon die of consumption- I commenced to use Jayne's Expectorant whenever troubled with colds or hoarseness, and it has never failed to bring relief." The Singapore Dispensary Sole AgenU for the Straits
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    • 222 5 IN THE GOODS OF ROSE CONSTANCE FRIPP -Deceased. A LL persons having claims or demand* against the estate of Rose C instance Fripp, late of Singapore, in the Straits .Settlements (who died on the 18th day of March, 1903) are required to send particulars of sacb. claims or demands to
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    • 613 5 AUCTION SALES. ESTATE OF G. EDGAR, DECtASED. Preliminary Notice. A UCTION SALE of VAI.IABLE A- FREEHOLD RE-IDENTIAL PROPERTIES .ml BUILDING SITES beautifully situated at River Valley Koad and Bt. Thomas Walk, Singapore, consisting of the following:— The three European residences known respectively at Sunnyside St Thomas St. Helens FIVK liK-UDKNTIAL
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 167 5 DAY BY DAY. Wednesday, 27th May. High Water. Nkfl D.m. New Moon. 5. +.5 a.m. Derby Day. S.V.A. -.'.5 Di«. and Inf. Drill. ...IV s »\r. Hockey. Wayang Kaitsim. North Bridge Road. 9 Wayang Pn»i. North Bridge Road. 9. Hamilton* 1 irruii. 1 h Koad. 9. Thursday, 38th May High
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  • 690 6 AN IMMENSE SUCCESS Covered Thirty- Fold. il, Mag. In ihr Hdiihc <» Con ii- y-tiiil:iy, Mi. «'lißiiilnrliiiii. in ■■peech wbiefa elkitad later in tin- 'lay witrm i'oiiiiiieiid»tii>ii» tion both -i.i.-- t<\ i lie Il'iune, w^lafaMAtha iwoluttoa bj Miiiili tins lu'i'i'iiol riiHiawl «i- wked to •i.iiiniitfv to dif
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  • 170 6 LIST OF PASSENGERS For Singapore. P♦O. a. I 0 corneotiDß nt 'oiombo with tlif Kt-anier Mmmtlia from Lor.don April SO due 80th M»y— Hon. .1 :<. and Mn, Ii eh Mr H EMH< r, Mr. w Mi-. N. H. Smith, Mn faker, Mr. l F. O.K Prowo. K. I) L
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  • 114 6 TmfIMMNM poisoned darts, used with i ■>ueli H-iidly eilnt bj thfl aborigine* ol Sarawak, are steeped in a preparation i of boiled enp of the upas tret, says the' KmtMf Leader. The sap, whirh b first collected in bamboM, is boiled until it assumes a darker color and a more
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 78 6 Rheumatic SuffeJbrs. M«TNY suff-'rers fioni i lit- u^atisni have hMM surprised ami ijpliun||e>l ;it Ihe proniplyeli.-f ol.Uined by apHyirM Cliam l<erlain'-«v am Ma ra. X^ In ar vis. iiitf you to use Chambpflajn'x Tain I hIiA for hheuinuti>-ni knoV it will live y«u jwrfect hati»faction. at tße Bni applieajH n
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    • 503 6 NOTICES. Singapore and Kranji Railway. The Passenger Train Service will be as under from Bth May, 1903, and until further notice. SUNDAYS. A. M A M. A. M M. M. I' M I »l P. M«UC 7.;j« '.i.i!. no 4 \M.m -':i. 4. 1t «'5O 6 ott 7 4>< 9
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    • 289 6 NOTICES. BAGNALL HILLCS. 96 Robinson Road HAVB ON HA.ND Elect n._- Fan«. Ceiling in.' Table. 40, 60. «0,80, im, 110 and I'JO Volts. Dasigneil to operrtte from Incandescent Otrearita. Any Volt me to order Direct or Altern(iUn(j <'unent Fans For Table Use. 104 Voltf Inspection invited from all peopl« mb
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 705 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. '|-»U K Staadfi: Life Am D i«oos. I. Norwich Union >1M Imotuios 8o»»t». 4tla« AMtorance Company (Fire). ihe lvjuitaUe Life Auraranoe Society. The China Mutual Steam Navigation Company IV 7 '<ttenham Lager Beer Company. /or partionlan of these Compaiiies, seel^ 'ull advertisement of Tflß BOENEO COM
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    • 741 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij. Under contract with the Netherlands India Governmeni. «>»i) at Singapore: Ship Agkscy, latb J. Diirdiu A Co., 3-8, Ooutii Qdat. i he undermentioned dates are only approximate. Hteamer From Expected Will be T)«WBMtC<>atl tor >— De Kook Sambas >fay 26 Bambas,~Bingkawang, Pemangkat, and Pontianak May
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    • 459 7 Compagnie Oes Messagerles Maritimes De France. iILIG&APHIC Ar<l'HKBfl: MIB6AGBBIBB, BIHGAPORI. Tue "nail steamers will lesve Singapore an or about the an^^rm^ationed dates.— OCrWAEI). 40JIIWABD. lIVI IV- Dates 1903 1903 Ahvmiii May M Vattdtiiifn May 25 E. Simviti .lun'c 7 Jane 8 Sydney June 22 I Ootanim June 22 The
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    • 661 7 fTBAM SHtPCOMPANIBt. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mall Steamship Line. THE PABT ROUTE BETWEEN CHIN J-PAN, AND EUROPE, VIA CANADA AND THE UNITED 3TATEB. ROUTE VIA SHANGHAI. NAGABAK KJBE YOKOHAMA, VICTORIA, AY! VANCOUVER, B. 0. Twin Kcrew Empress Steamships— «,GC Toot— Bpe«d 19 knots. Propomd Sailihos from Hobgkobg. R M.S.
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    • 678 7 SHIPPING NAVIGAZIONE GENERALE I TA I A I A FOR HOHOKONG. kpHE Italian g. s. CAPSI,i,-200 tons JL Capt. Belsito, having lefl Bom lay on the Idtu inst., may be expected it arrive here on Wednesday, the 27th inst., and will I havejirompt despatch for the al> '»v.- put. For
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    • 744 7 INSURANCE CO.'S THE ROYAL F.XCHANGE ASSURANCE. (ESTABLISHED A.D. 1720) *pHK undersigned, agent* for th« at>ov« L <-'orapany, are prepar.'l to tucept Fire I Rinks at current rate", w M/VJ BKHN MEYER* Co MAGDEBURG FIliE INSURANCE COMPANY. (ISTABIJOHKD A.D. 1844) MTIHE undersigned, agents for the above I X company, an prepared
      744 words

    • 1316 8 t a jer this heading the following abi>revUOont are nsod :—»tr.— steamer »h.— on —barque; Bch.—«chooner; Yet.— tf«oli'« Cru.— Cruiser, Gbt.— Gunboat; Tor. j lorp«rto; H.p.— Horne-powvr; Brit.—Mtt«n V. H.— United mate* K,-h. -French a« r (4«rm%n; Dal— Dutcli Joh.-- .lohore; Oonernl-carc;o; il p. daek paaaanißar; C.-Un2rtrtsin
      1,316 words
    • 115 8 VMM Po-Mosbow. fkoft r.'.a. 11 a.m A../* 11 a.m //.71V 1 p.m Malacca and Muar Hung Wan Ip.m. Malacca and Linggi He.iene Ip.m. Batu Pnhat M*g Hong 1 p.m Malacca A P. Ditkson Hmig Lian 2 p.m. P. Swet'ham via ports Hue Leong 8 p.m T. Aneon via
      115 words
    • 121 8 MA ILS TO ARRIVE. From Europe— By the V.AO.B.t. Mtuiilia due on the 80th May. with dates to the 8th Mav. From China— By the P. A O. s.s. lir,tgal due on Thursday. ]jett Singapore. Due in London Arrived Apt 17th P.AO. May 11th May Uth Apl 20th N. D.
      121 words
    • 231 8 Vkhsil* Ni'e. A Tons Caitais 2. Fkom BAllia Co.<BiO!tKE*. My 86 l'aroo Hr.t str »>OO Beevor ■.c. Xiirani ?tr. '-'p7O Tbemaoo •JH .lap gtr 3«0O Wale ipu; Br.t str. 3« 6 Bullock -nan I Btr. 848 Jones owrie str. 315^ Pomell .pv: Itr.l str 2718 'ielMto i ,i. Nor
      231 words
    • 170 8 Datk. V r —n> WAMM. Fla<; A Kh;. Tos>. 1 1KFTI NATION. May -Jf< Ban Fo Soon Dut str 12-! •-<■ Cbeug Hock Ki«n+ str. BM '.'7 Siaru Dap at i. 2-JKt •27 H. Brit str. 18fl •-'7 Meoar. Dut str. 27 Paknani Ger str. lt?8S •27 Swaerde- roon
      170 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 233 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co. JEWELLERS aad SILK MERCHANTS, 51-52, HIGH STREET. JXJBT -A-Hn-IV:© 33 Table Covers of Swatow work, Khusk us fans, fine Indian Muslins, Washing Silk of Lace work, Silk Lace, Oriental Embroidered Goods, and several other things useful for Wedding and Birth-day presents. Terms very ModerateInapectlon Kindly
      233 words
    • 265 8 SA LE REMNANTS SALE ODDMENTS SALE SAMPLES FOR FOUR DAYS ONLY W6e 27t&, 2St6. 29t6, 30t6 May BIG BARGAINS Oddments in Shoes Oddments in Purses Oddments in Combs Oddments in Hats Oddments in Brushes Etc. Etc. Etc. Sample Towels Sample Stockings Sample Vests Sample Umbrellas Sample Linens Etc. Etc. Etc.
      265 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 50 8 WEATHER REPORT. j K'rlmu Ho»V)t"l, t6th Mm 190. »a.m 3 p.m. 0 p.m. Remamh. H«r H».870 28.*****9.8* T.-mp »8 0 W>.o W5.0 19.4 79u0 DirofWind 1.8. ->■ Mas-Temp 90.4 Miii T.i.O Sun 142.8 Terr, rad T:i B Rainfall Nil Mandar i time ball at Fort Canning thai at Palo
      50 words
    • 33 8 WEATHER TELEGRAM. 'h. E. A. i C. Telegraph Vompuny. •J7th May. BOSUROKG.Barometer 2W.9H. Direction of Win. i East. Force of Wind 4. Max. Temp in Shade I* MANILA t— TiO 1. »0. 25.
      33 words