The Straits Times, 26 May 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 21,139 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY. MAY 26. 1903. PRICE 15 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 839 1 NOTICES. NOTICK. »XIAKE notice that Mr. E. A. Jud»h I having left my service, on the L'lst instant is no loDjjer authorized to entpr Into any ent<agcn)ent on my behalf. Stnßapore, MUi March, 190 S. v.c. NOTICK OF REMOVAL. KMMKHSON S TIFFIH ROOMS. ON Monday, ihe 4th of Mny, Kmroer-on's
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    • 113 1 NOTICES. HIGHLAND BRAND EVAPORATED CREAM. ataVaV BJBBati «oeiits John Little Co., Ltd Singapore. G. OTOMUNE CO. Japanese Curio and General Store. WHOLESALE and RETAIL DEALERS. HAVE JUST RECEIVED A Large and Varied Assortment of High class Curios and Fancy Goods, such as SILVER WARE. CLOISONNE WARE SATSUMA WARE, BRONZE WARE
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    • 564 1 NOTICES. NOTICE. TO THK NEXT OF KIN OF E. J. FISHER hl.c I'ASED, LATE OF BRITISH NORTH BORNEO THR next of kin of the abovenamed E. J. Fisher, who died in April, IBU7. in l.aliimn hospitsl, are hereby notified that a li*laii of ;i--et» is iv the hnn la of
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    • 406 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. "WEST AUSTRALIAN sTKAM NAVIGATION C<», LTD FOR DERBY, ■BOOMS, PORT HEDLAND, COS.-.A) K. ONBLOW. CARNARVON. GKK VLDTdN, AM' FKKMANTI.E. 'PHK Company's steamer MINU.t'A, 1,"481 -',"48 tons. Capt Ri h nlsun, will be despatched for the above ports on Wednesday, the 3rd .June, at no ,n. >he has i
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  • 781 2 Midsummer Meeting Entries. First Day. I.— Thb Maidkn Plate. DrWD Williams— Dam Dum E Cropley— Sbaravogue L K Yz9lman— Oliver Lee Toon TocW— Senator J de Voottt Valkenoog F D Mclntyre— Lochiuvar "Bombastes" Kongsi Perfidy H Fort— Coat of Arms A Cumming— Wedlock 2 —The Plasters' Cvv.
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  • 418 2 Thk continental papers teem with character sketches of the Tsar, inspired by the publication of his reform manifesto. It seems to he generally accepted that, though nominally the iuighthiest. perhaps, i earthly monarch*, he ha* a personality that yields readily to pressure. The situation in Finland is generally
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  • 190 2 Cim.'in is going ;ilie:id with i MilMltH torattfaotipg [ndian lahour morn Fraaljp The suggestions pal forward hy the Labour Commiwioiwn, Messrs 'I urner ami Hill, who lately toorad in Boathtn India, are 1. That a reliable Agent should btappointed whose duty it would be to have a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 500 2 NOTICES. WHAT IS DYSPEPSIA iOr Indi^-sUon a* it is alno termed) from wfaMh manf peopU ihßeii The*ytnptom§ differ, uid well (bey might when we ooone to cauider that Djitpepiia v cot a single ailinnnt in itoelf, bat many merged into one. Aridity »uil aoreneoa after math, pain* in the rtomach,
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    • 356 2 NOTICES. CROSSLEY'S OIL ENGINES. USUAL PIZES ALWAYS IN BTOCK PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS ON APPLICATION TO THE BORNEO CO LD THE TAFF VALBRAILWAT CO. Have fitted up a plant for applying TO THEIR RAILWAY SLEEPERS. One application of Jodelite render* woodwork absolutely proof against white ants, dry rot. or decay. Particulars
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    • 283 2 FNOTICES. GLACIER ANTI-FRICTIOIf -METAL. The beat for all classes of Machinery bearings. Full particulars from THK BORNEO CO., LTD. Singapore SCOTT'S. EMliilON Or PUSE GOD LIVEE OIL With HypopiospLiifs of Lime Soda. PALATABLE AS IV! ILK. •I lip onlr Tiirinra |M t Oil lIMH 111 I. »t >•> > KVHIIM
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    • 73 2 Rheumatic Sufferers. MANY suftVrere from rhrumHti»m havibeen surprised nnd delighted at the prompt, relief obtained by applying Cham •>ii lain's ''am Bam. InarTvising you to use Chamberlain'-. Pain Halm for Bbeumatism we know it ■vill vive you perfect catin faction, hs the Arsl application will relieve th.- pain, and Its
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  • 127 8 Thb departure of the Pacific Mail steamship SHieria from San Francisco on her maiden trip across the Pacific was, to those who read in commercial development things worthy of serious thought, something spectacular, says the American Atiatic. Forty years ago not the barest promise of commerce, and only
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  • 83 8 .liiHiiNii by the latest betting the Derby looks like resolving itself into an international duel between Kccksand and Vinicius. The latter ran live times id France last season ami was twice successful, his second and most important victory beine obtained in the .£1,462 Grant! Criterium ftbe French Middle
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  • 42 8 Sisi-e her occupation of Manchuria Uiißsia has discovered there a number of rich coal mi ne6 and has been working them to the riisHdvantage of the .Japanese coal trade There is now less demand for Japanese coal at f>rt Arthur.
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  • 252 8 P. O. Hay tL— Pei fo Lintia Mem*, 11. s. NewniHiiii. w. M. Rabattaea, C. t. Irriag, PUsmiag, Osmmi Browa, Tunyku lte>ar ■mil i li-rk. Taagk* I'uau nnd maiil, Mr-. Hail till sir! m tvm PttaawtoL Inn < ill. l. liary de Hhiih'l. June I-.'.— lV>. \'ml*tU
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  • 213 8 For Singapore. l'er P.* O.i ft. OPMM connecting at Colombo with the steamer jfisfn'a from London April 80 ilue 80th May Hon. .1. K. »r.d Mrs. Bi-ch, Mr. 11. HellW. Mr. .me! Mrs. N. H. Smith, Mrs. Flaber, Mi. F. O. K Brown. Pet N. I) 1..
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  • 21 8 BmPPIRU advertisements, with dates of Bailing etc will tie found on page 7. General shipping news is printed on page 8.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 101 8 What is a Cough A SPASMODIC eflort to expel the mucuti from tbe bronchial tubes. A mlv niu-eH a more abundant secretion of mucus, and wbeu the luDgs and bronchial tubes are lnl'ainrci. they are extremely xensitive to ibe irritation. I'nless care is taken, the cold may result in pneumonia,
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    • 554 8 NOTICES. IT IS DIFFERENT NOW. Dace upon a time students of medicine In id the notion that there were as m my ditfvruiii diseases »>- <ti" body has organs and parts every one of these ailment* requiring a different treatment. So stupid a mixtnke could lead only to miserable IsJlaraa.
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    • 650 8 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,001 RESERVE FUND.— Sterling Reserve^,ooo l .ifirnottßl Silver Reserve....! 6,500,000 1 16 500^ na BEBEKVE LIABILITY OF 11O 0(»ODt PROPRIETORS. 810,0C0.0W Court op Dibsctobs. A. J. Raymond, Ksq,— Chairman. K. H. Tomuns. Esq.— Deputy Chairman. W. H. sla hk, Esq. H. BCHUBART,
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    • 616 8 NOTICES. WANTED a practical miner. Must be accustomed to timbering. Apply at Box 27ft, Poet Office, Singapore. tt.c WANTED at once a Chinese sawyer for *a« mills in Perak, wa^es StO a month. Apply to H. J. M. ELLIB., g»-g (Veil Street Singapore. WANTED Fv-K LAHAT DATU, British North Borneo,
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    • 643 8 NOTICES. Messrs H. L. Coghlan V Co. HAVE BEEN APPOINTED BUB-AGENTB OF THB Sun Life Assurance Co. 'of Canada. BOUSTEAD 4 00* General Agents. njt. Straits Settlements. FOR BALE. A steam indicator by Elliott Bros., London. H. L. COGHLAN CO., ux. Auctioneers. ljH>K SALE,— Saigon Lymph, guaranteed .1" fresh, at
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    • 630 8 SHIPPING NAVIGAZIONE GKNKKALE ITaLIaNA. FOR HONGKONG. rpHE lUlian s. s. VAl'Rl,i^oo tons, 1 Capt. Belsito, having left Bombay on the 16th inst., may he expected to arrive here on Wednesday, tbe 2?th inst., and will bare prompt, despatch for the above poit. For freight and passage apply to 87-6 BKHN
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  • 549 1 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. TUESDAY, 26TH MAY. Nobody can read the ghastly details of the motor race from Paris to Madrid as narrated by Renter to-day without feeling that people who run to such lengths must hecome possessed of a species of intoxication or madness induced by the
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  • 405 1 ShvKKAi. letters have already reached this office concerning alleged faultiuess in the btarting at the Race Meeting just cloned. One of these, which is published in another column, is about the mildest of the lot in regard to it* tone of criticism. Whatever may be the actual facts in the
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  • 477 1 Opinions seem to n§w M to the wisdom or otherwise of tt)e recent dcciiionto increase the rate of pjy of the Indian coolie iiumigrant to the >;rnit,s. "An Employer of Free Labor' who aired his views and those of sorne of his colleagues on the sutje-t in ooru r issue
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  • 7 1 To-day's 4 .ns bank rate is 1
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  • 10 1 H.M S. Spanwie is expected to leave for Portsmouth to-day.
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  • 18 1 An Association fjotball match will b<* played on the E«ola!ia.le tliie. afternoon between the S.C.C. and It. A.
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  • 21 1 Statistics of the Japanese rice crop for 1902 show a decrease of per cent. in the yield, due to climatic condition.
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  • 21 1 The Selangor race entries will be found on page 2, and observations on coconut-growing in the F.M S. on page b
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  • 24 1 A sailoh and a stoker desert m\ !rora H. M. -S. Uli'iJifim in -lipan and had not been arrested when tlie warship left Kobe.
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  • 25 1 IxfP Ha kt, just returned from leave, has assumed charge of Mm dtiT.ies of inspector of "C division. Insp. Kirk leaves for Kurope next Friday
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  • 24 1 Tub Strati* AV/josays that fo'ir clerks of the I'enang f'ost Office ive been dismissed from the Governiiidn'. service for carelessness and losing ri-ei«tered letterb.
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  • 22 1 Thk High Commissioner has approved the appointment of Mr. Archibald Van Tooren as Wharfinger, Port Swettenham, with effect from Ist May, 1903.
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  • 36 1 The homeward F. O. mail steamer Bengal left Hongkong at 1 p in. on thn 23rd instant, and is due here on ThurK- 1 day morning. The mails by ber close on Friday at 6 a.m.
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  • 31 1 It is believed in Manila that the native oyster is to soma extent responsible for the spread of cholera there and the demand for that succulent bivalve is on the wane.
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  • 25 1 It is understood that Colonel Thorneycroft, of Spion Kop fame, may possibly succeed General Creagh in command of the Indian Contingent which remains in China.
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  • 32 1 Mr. R. A. Law is reported to have accepted the post of Director of Posts and Telegraphs for the Federated Malay States. Mr. Law has had a large experience of postal work.
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  • 35 1 An electrical adviser to the G n-^rn-ment of Ceylon and the City Council of Colombo lias been appointed. His salary is Rs. 10,000 per annum rising to Rs. 12,000 by annual increments of Rs. 500.
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  • 40 1 The export of tin and tin ore from the F. M. 8. in the first four months of this year was 256,4' i.i piculx against 249,9:21 piculs in the corresponding period of last year. Th« duty collected was*{,4L'.i,il9 against $>;.m.S9i.
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  • 40 1 At the Hongkong Police Court on the l.>th instant, R. I. Mollit, secretary to the D ury Farm Company there, plaadad guilty to embezzling over SI 1,000, the property of the Company. The case was then adjourned to Friday last.
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  • 38 1 The (ioveriunent of Selangor is reported to have prohibited the importation of petrol in the tins hitherto used. There is then-tore a petrol famine in the land, says tin; MawM Matt. In I.T.ik there is no luch prohibition
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  • 37 1 Thk population of Hongkong in 1902 is estimated at SI 1,894 (British and foreign community, IH,'>-J4; Chinese, 8(8,900). Aucordin(t to the census taken by the police in IMI, the population oi the New Territory there was 102,254.
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  • 43 1 Mr. Qanaaa Raeasu met with a nasty accident at Kw iU Lumpur, a few days ago, by spraining his right wrist very severely when attempting to start a motor car. This makes the second accident there of a similar character within a week.
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  • 49 1 Ox Saturday, Sergt. King of the Gambling Suppression Department made raid on a house in Nankin Street. He succeeded in arresting six men, but a seventh, in endeavouring to evado the officers, jumped out of a first li ior window, and broke his leg. H<j is now in hospital.
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  • 52 1 Joseph Wii.mot, an Englishman who lias taken to living and attirini; himself after the manner of a fthir, was taken up on the L'lth inst. on the allegation of being a wandering lunatic in Cilstead R»ad. He was brought hafbn Mr. Wilkinson this morning, and was committed to the asylum
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  • 48 1 A mkm of native merchants in Calcutta who have been experimenting in the manufactun if banana flour have met with such success that (according to the Attfh-Iw&ma Bwiw) they have ordered a complete plant for large production. There seemtt every prospect of a good trade in the industry.
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  • 52 1 The Krian Irrigation m>hsme i-ontinues to drag along, and none can -ay when it will be completed. As ro the advantages—the less said the better, =ays Li'lina Engineering. The number of acres to be irrigated and the cost at which this is to be effected is the real test of
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  • 46 1 Thk growing (ieruian community at Colombo have been gradually perfecting arrangements leading up to the establishment of a club for that section of the community. It is expected that the club will be organised and set in working order within three months from the present time.
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  • 55 1 111 1 is announced that the Inter IV im Golf Trophy will be played for at Kuala Lumpur at Whitsuntide, during the visit of the Perak athleteb there. Penang, Singapore and Negri Sembilan will probably all send contingents of three each. The trophy has once before been played for at
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  • 70 1 With reference to the prohibitive tin ore export duty in the X.M.S., it is interesting to note that the quantity of tin ore exported from the States during 1902 amounted to 44. r >,268 piculs reduced to tt per cent, from gross, as against !.'!.">, 'in. piculs of metallic tin.
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  • 59 1 On the 4th inst., two European engineers belonging to a Japanese steamer and three seamen of the British cruiser Argunwit were attacked by five Japanese in Yokohama. The foreigners were riding in rikishas when they were set upon by the Japs armed with clubs and wooden sandals. The two engineers
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  • 73 1 It is reported that. Mr. Hutlinand his young son Jack are doing well at Adelaide. The latter says the I'it.ang Gazette, has had several mounts in races and won the Ciawler Cup the other day. He has also several engagements tor the two big meetings to be held in Adelaide
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 143 1 DEATH AND DESTRUCTION IN THE PARIS-MADRID RACE France and Spain Forbid Further Racing. I.ini'l'iu, Jtillt Mny. Between I'aris and Bordeaux, yesterday, in the first day's run of the raptor race from Paris to Madrid, one French and one Knglish competitor and three chault'eurs were killed. Two French competitors
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    • 44 1 Mr Balfour lias announced the with drawal of clause two of the Ivlueation Bill, thus Iwmag executive control entirely to the County Councils and local management to Borough Councils. This is regarded as having weakened the ministerial poriHon
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  • 70 1 Ax ill day B.C.C intor-Club cricket iu:it'-li waa played on the Esplanade yesterday between elevens captained by Mest-rs Harkr.hire and Broadrick respectively. The day was a suitable one for enckat althoujjh ra'.her hot Harkshir.- iwj rcsnntatives batted first and knocked up ltd runs, O. C <'l.irke beinc liicliest
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  • 167 1 HuHimii'i circus this morning arrived from l'enang and will open tomono* in^lit with an attractive programme In the list of the C rcu« animals written in the arrival rook at the shipping otlice, we notice that aaatdaj aWrnhanli. tigers, etc.. are included *ix oaaa. of mixed aaiatals The
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  • 229 1 Tin- m, >inin^, a Tamil ilairjman aamad Kafaliaaam ra* summoned for ■applying watered milk to Sanitary [napwCtoc Kelly >>i> the 27' h alt. and lor h.ivini; placed w£o in hantTnotai in \ii< lisiul to induc-i" him to withdraw the Huniocm wliii-h had basM mtvml upon him and
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  • 114 1 Tv Sonata Commissionaria d'Espoi tazione, n large Italian business with liea<liiuarterß ut Milan, is opening a bran b in Singapore. The firm already has bnaebaa at Batavia, SainaraiiK, and Sourabaya, and conducts an extensive business in Java generally. It will import goods of Italian manufacture for which there is a
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 70 1 G. R. Lambert Co. Photographers opkh O. ret ham House (Battery Road.) —on Weekday* only 8 a.m.— 6 p.m Orchard on Weekday i 8 a.n>.-6 p.m. on Sunday*. Ba.m.— no jd. Large Stock of Photographic materials. Monthly supplies from Europe, reliable printing papers, chemical mounts, Eastman fUmti, Wratten-Wrainwright's Ilford andQermao
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    • 31 1 ARE YOU LOSING FLESH Strarns' Wink improves digestion. Increases wmght Renews strength and I builds up your body. Steams' Wine I never disturb, the most delicate 'stomach.— Sold by all chemist*.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 279 5 To the Elitor of the Strait* Time*." Sir,— At an enthusiastic public meeting held in Glasgow on Bth inst., in inlluential Committee representative of the Hialil md, County, Clan and Kindred Societies in the City was forged for the purpose of raising funds towards tin; auction
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    • 182 5 /'<( the Editor (as titmit* 7%Mt, Si n, 1 have just n>ad > our account it the last day's racing. If you had concluded it by savin.: tiiat the judge mil haiuliiap|ier did work to the entire satisfaction of Urn public instead of writing a
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  • 232 5 Thk Cbiaf Jastios (Sir Lionel Cox) ,md Mr Jastics Liw opajned the Court n( Appeal this morning There are altogether sixtoen cases to be heard. The appeal aajiinst jndgnsants of Mr. Justice Hyndmatk-JoneKarK to be taken tirst. Before tli« tirst appeal was taken, the Chief Justice staled
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  • 113 5 Mi, A i. hi. IlKti), the lion, treasurer it the ulkjvl' meeting?, raporta that the donations and contributions received at i.he meeting recently held in the Town Hall amounted to RSI .OS. The total expenditure w:is *:1<)9.-J:>, this unount being made up as follows Hymn sheets, posters
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  • 946 5 Special to </k» Strait* Time,.-") Piccadilly, SOth April. A week ago Mr. Ritchie was not bo popular a person, as he is to-day. And why t Because nobody expected that more than three pence would be taken olf the income tax, and Mr. Ritchie sees his way
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  • 66 5 A practice game will be held on Wednesday next at 0 pm. on the Esplanade, between Whites and Colours when the following are expected to turn out White*— Withers, Perkins, Cleaver, Hannaford, E. A. Abrams, E. p. Salzmanu, Jensen, Martin, I). Robertson, Moeley and Penny. OWssn Stevens, Miles,
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  • 45 5 Shooting in the monthly handicap competition will take place on Saturday next at Balestier Kange at 3 o'clock. As the prize tankards have now arrived, they will he presented to those competitors who have won the monthly prize* up to date
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  • 249 5 Ofcayfcr VIII. 1 Now it came to pass that a certain foolish man built a house of sundried bricks made without straw. 2. And between the bricks he caused to be placed mortar made of the ashes of two small sea shells to every sixteen ounces of sand.
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  • 193 5 E. E. A C. TELEGRAPH CO. Thk report ol the Knstern Kxtension Australasia and China Telegraph Company (Limited) for the half-year ended December :U, 1902, states that the gros6 receipts amounted 'a i'.'«;,jj:;, against £:i24,209. The workinp expenses, including .£24,67- for maintenance of cables, absorb A. 1 121,* 70, against
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  • 46 5 News hae been received that the Bbtra line steamship PastaVafcavatrv has pot c ashore on the -Saddles at the ni( nth of the Y.ingis/.e and sustained in l.iuiai/f to her stum. The vessel wa-< on a run from BwMfjbsJ to New York, via the Suez (^anal.
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  • 49 5 Thk Ji.iini of the Ist Manchester* will play in the Hotanie (iardenn every Kr:dny afternooa from 6to tJ9O. The fir^t perform in. 'c will hu hold un Friday the nth inst. At lull moon a performance will be held at night the date of winch will be notified later
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  • 121 5 The .lap in papers report the suicide of ;i British tubjaet named A. S. Boyle, at Yokohama. Thft deceased was a school teacher, an Oxford grxdiiLite of considerable attainments. He came on' to J.ip. in in 1888 and joined the teaching stall' of the Winton House School at Yokohama. After
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  • 889 5 U NCLAIMED TREASUR ES. TiiF.ltK i» no lack of trea-nre* in the worM i ln- U'liiliL' w tln'v an 'ill <laim>-d or it iiul< ed tlifie lie any imrlainiol (ami -urelv than inii-t U' mm saea than in te ds Saw tv Itml that tor tl»- rank ;i'i.l il«
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  • 30 5 Great enthusiasm ia said to prevail in Klang over the coming pony races and the course is being rapidly got into order. The meeting will proMbly take place in August.
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  • 39 5 Ser<;t. -Major Haddoon of the Manchesterg appeared before Mr. Wilkinson, this morning, to prosecute three Bensalis for trespass at Tangliu Barracks. They admitted the offence and were dealt with leniently, a fine of S2 in each case being imposed.
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  • 518 5 3INOAPOM. Mn \\\y, 19<iS. produce: ■mmMi u. s:^ Copra Ball H1I io Pontiuiak 7.70 Pepper, Black 35. Ij; do -White, (5%) 57..->" Sato Flonr Sarawak 4.-_>5 do Brunei No. I I.M Pearl Sago 6.15 Coffee, Rail, 15% ba«ts lft.iK) Coffee, PaIembanfr,20*JbasK_ •-'S.oo Coffee, Siberian No. 1 17 M Tapioca,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 50 5 Mr. .1. N. French, Evangelist, Palestine, Texas, writes A brother of mine contracted pm umonia. No physician being within rea -h, he was treated with Jayne's Expectorant and has the best reason tor believing that this medicine saved his life" The Singapore Dispensary. Sole Agents for the Straits Settl eraents.
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    • 92 5 Household Medicine. piHAMBFRLAINS Colic, Cholera and \j Diirrh<fH Keoiedv is recommended for 1 in- sp~ee Iv* ■mi permanent cure of Dysentery, Diarrhce*. Chronic Diarrbii'a, Pain in Stom*ch. Colic. Summer Complaint, IMllous Grlii- and Cholera f ufaatum. It hns been in the nurket .V ve«r« and its woadarlul g»le bas
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    • 146 5 THE SEREMBAN GYMKHANA CLUB. Midsummer Meeting. NOTICE. The Races advertised as the SereinImn Stakes and the Seremban Stakes Handicap in tha l'roaxamme for the Midsummer Meetine, not having filled in accordance with the terms advertised, ihe Committee have substituted the following event* First Day. RACE NO. 4The Seremban Stakes. A
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    • 662 5 I AUCTION SALES. ESTATE OF G. EDCA T, DECEASED. Preliminary Notice. 4 UOTIOM BALI of VAi.ruu.E TA. FRKKHOU) KK-1 DFVTI IX PROPERTIEs xn-l ■UILDUra BITES iieautifully »ituateii .v River Valley Road and St. ThomiM Walk, Biagaawiiß, uonHisting of the loUawiagi The three Emopcan residences known res|>e> lively BS Sunnyside St
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 187 5 DAY BY DAY. Tuesday, a6th May. Hi(jh Water. UM p.m S.V.A. 2 Din. and Inf. Drill S.U WayaoK Kansim. North Bridge Koad. 9. Wayang Puni. North Kridtte Hmul. 9. Wednesday. 37th May. High Water. Hl. "in a.m. Ih.'JT p.m. New Moon. -„4.-, a. 1,, Derby Day. S V. A. -.'.."1
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  • 816 6 Inspector's Annual Report. Mb. L. C. Brown, Inspector of Coconut Trees, F. M. S., writes in his annual report for 1905J I assumed my duties as Federal ■Officer under the Coconut Preservation Enactment on the Ist October, MM, the period therefore under review is only
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  • 98 6 Serious Loss of Life. HUanOOl collision, involving heavy lows of life, occurred off NobutMina Island in the Inland tSea of Japan 00 the night of the Ist in«t The Ili'yami Munt, a small steamer of 1.l tuns running between (Jjina and Mit sugauaraa, Sbikoku, was run down by
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 442 6 NOTICES. I Singapore and Kranji Railway. The Passenger Train Service will be as under from Bth May, 1903, and until further notice. WEEK DAYS. SUNDAYS. down i>O"\*rifl". A. M. A. M. A. M. AM. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. t. M. Singapore i .7.00 7.45 10.00 11.30
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    • 467 6 AM. AM A.M. a M. v < v >«■ f> M 6 00> 9.19 HO4 12.49 KM 4.14 •> 50 6 09 7 48 Ml 1113 12.5.^ •>A:>, 4.^:: 6.59 6.10 7.49 9.28 H UJI 2.44 4 24 7.00 6.17 7.56 9.;tti 1121 1.06 -_'.5l 4HI 7.07 6.1>- 767
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    • 334 6 NOTICES. COMMON SENSE -NUTSHELL Mt« m^dii al «>wk on th* rau*at ami m<*t «r--^i|. in.| rlMml m«n<i vlf cir. r\-r d»»Tr --d 1 -„-t anil fnn.-ti.inal deblhty. wa^f^ of Titaliij, ■M% .witb iiravtii a; o'xTYaUonsin mirru' >n I fill! dirn'twu l"f rtmoring r.ra;n dl>i)Malint «ii.m. nr 4m iro;lhrka l >pilMMo(>Mldrdl.f>'.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 716 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. •-pi t E Sttnda: Life Assurance. 1. Norwich Union ire Insnimnos Soeiety. Atlaa Assnnnoe Company (Fire). !"he Kqoiuble Life AManmoe Society. he China MntuaJ Steam Navigation Company >„■ T.itteßham l4*m Beer Company. for particular* of theoe Companies, see^ tt* ull advertisement of THE BORNEO COMV ANT,
      716 words
    • 1223 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij. Under contract with the Netherlands India Governmeni. o-vti at Singapore: Ship Aokscy, late J. Dabndbls A Co., 2-S, Collteb Qoat. ihe undermentioned dates are only approximate steamer From Expected Will be l»»mrtchad tor NUnhum Pontianak May 29 Pontianak May 28 Swaerdecroon Djambie 2» Ma. Bab»,
      1,223 words
    • 621 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES nTTX JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD A regular FORTNIGHTLY »er»ice is maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW PTEAMERB, Under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European BerTice, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation tor First
      621 words
    • 625 7 STEAM SHIP COMPANIES. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mall Steamship Line. THB FABT ROUTE BETWEEN CHIN/ JAPAN, AND EUROPE, VIA CANADA AND THE UNITED BTATZS. ROUTE VIA SHANGHAI, NAGASAKI KOBE YOKOHAMA, VICTORIA, ANE VANCOUVER, B. C. Twin Screw Empress Steamship* ff,OOC Ton*— Speed 19 knots. Proposed Sailinop from Hohgkosg. RMS.
      625 words
    • 389 7 INSURANCE CO. 'B mHB PHdVIX ASSUHANCa J. COMPANT OF LONDON. ( 17*;' The ondaniffDad, kge^ta (or the alx>r» Q 1 pan J, «r« prepared to aoce pt Fire Ri»>ti »< t• oomnt rmtet in Singapore, r.M \!.o in Joto>»and tb« other Statae in the il.ita/ r.jnintulA. BTI^ B If C"
      389 words

    • 1444 8 Uiuier this heading the following abbreviation* are ukuJ -str. steamer ah.— *aip. Iwr harnnn soh.— schooner; Yet.— Tv;tii. Cfu. Cruiser. Obt.— Gunboat; Tor. -Torpedo, H.\>. -Horse-powar; Brit.—Bri<uc I. X.— United ststts'-. Feb.— French; Dut.— Dutch Joh.— J ohore qL«.— G»'icrai urgo: d.p.- dock passenger; o,_ P. W.—
      1,444 words
    • 591 8 VESSE LS EXPECTED. f/ar** port, probable daU of am ft and name n) agent* Hbuohl Al'ioin. Bomliny, June: Borneo Coy. AJeiaooa, China, .lune :M; Munetieiri. Aii)l)ri:i llrwiil'iiru Juno ft: Behn Me; ;r. Annam Colombo. Mar 24 M Minium's. Antrnor. (,'hir.a, July 19; Mnnslield Arratoon Ap-Mr, Calcutta, June; 1' Simons Knt.,\
      591 words
    • 111 8 From Europe— By the P.ito 1 1. MattWa due on the 31st, May. with dat.'s to ttio Htb May. from China— Ry the P. 4'i IA Hoignl due ou Tlmrsd.iy. Timi Tablk of M<'ls I)'!- l^eft Singapore. Due in London \rrive Apl 17th F.AO. Mi> llth M-
      111 words
    • 96 8 /■'(.r /^r uttn.n- r To-Morkow. rali'iiilui'ik' M uar and Malacca FmfaUa .> p.m. Teluk Anson via ports Mniaccn S p.m. l'enaiiK »nJ Calcutta Lai Sanri :s p m. Muotok A Halembanj 0. 0. Iff] r :i p.m. Cbm.nmlSamamnii tmmma 4 p.m. I Anson via port* Lady HiteKi tp^m.
      96 words
    • 570 8 Fkway. Europe via port* Hmirit t> S"l>;iytt find fHmiiranß I >e /Cirri, •-'p.m. Pcnang and Deli Valypt- 3 p.m. Saturday. BandjerniasMii V.dr, Cn^lltn I p.m a IH.M- >- Vmai Namk. A Tons Oaitus FBON Bail 10 COjCNSVEB*. Mv W <*-ii \or str BKE Pedenen Bamji-ok May IStHeoy Lee
      570 words
    • 97 8 AN JER. PASSED BUND4 BTRAITS OR ARBIVEH K( i; "KDKHs. FLA' I'M I (II IIKSTINDitk. Rio. Ship's Name. Cai-tun Sui i\i. Im.wm w MUM. Kk MAI. May 9l!ii: •.•.Islander Robinjton May t'Chri«tniailB!fliiu(*pore IOF.h t"i .le:m Bapt:»te Gobori NoortM lOFch l>'| Xotri" I ijiiiic 1'vo: th..- Baal I' l)u< Goentoer La
      97 words
    • 266 8 Datk. Vk.--h If IMB. tua Ki<>. Toxii l>KS'l ISA I iOS. May IS Sftppl o •J(i I m Hi ■Jl Bn I u ..i' -.'ft H.: ■_S Ki:u' 94 Mana >■ W< i'M U-iU-ll;. SB X-us :>»; Kbao Tung •_'■"> I :.'."> Bun v. M I'oli kat M lial.lis
      266 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 87 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co. JEWELLERS and SII-K MERCHANTS, 51-52, HIGH STREET. JTJST .A.H.HLI-VEII3 A splendid stock of high class real Diamond and Gem-set Jewellery in extensive Variety. Diamond, white sapphire, opal, emerald. Ruby, and other precious stone Jewellery, Real Pearl Necklaces. Hold Buckles mounted with precious stones, Rings, &c,
      87 words
    • 88 8 SHE REMNANTS 1k L E ODDMENTS j L E SAMPLES FOR 5 DAYS ONLY 26t6, 27t6, 28t6, 29t6, 30t& May BIG BARGAINS Dress Remnants Lace Remnants Muslin Remnants Print Remnants Ribbon Remnants Etc. Etc. Etc. XVditeawat/, Jbaidhw Qo. STftAITS CYCLE MOlOR CO^ JUST RECEIVED A Consignment of high class CHILDREN'S
      88 words
    • 36 8 Sample Towels Sample Stockings Sample Vests Sample Umbrellas Sample Linens Etc. Etc. Etc. CHAMPAGNE "LOUIS ROEDERER." Extra Dry and Carte Blanche The old. '.veil kaom, brand. BRINKMANN CO.. Import*, n M£Mi:s. IVHS 1.11T1.K v C >„ Ltd
      36 words
    • 146 8 Oddments in Shoes Oddments in Purses Oddments in Combs Oddments in Hats Oddments in Brushes Etc. Etc. Etc. Modern European Dentistry. Messrs. CHEONG BROS.. sons of the liiti> Mr. CaUMM Chtn Tin. la order id m.'.'t the reijuirtTiienls of Kuro aeaa IneHee ad uho have for (ii muni JrOar* supportel
      146 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 54 8 WEATHER REPORT. Ktmdann Krrbau Ho*pit'it. tStk Jfay, 7.0/-;. :-ia.!M 3)in.. p.m. Kkvakkw. Bar •2P.»101'P.7<-ol > :'9Ol T.mi) W< tM «3.0 WB'lbTher 7H.4 7H :I 7U DirofWlnd s. mlb, Max. Temp BM Mm >•-' Ifax-inSan k Terr, rad 76 0 Rainfall Nil Ttie standard lime ball »i K<jit <'.i y fell
      54 words
    • 32 8 WtATHEH T£LEGBA iK. I: A. C. Trlegraph N) tan mk\ BOITVMOXU. Barometer W Direotion of Wiu I Intt, For. r of Wiad Max. Temp in Shan.- 7i\ MAIL*..—7M <.E 1 n. M
      32 words